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The time has not yet passed when, pro-' vided there is a fairly favourable) rivor, tho Otago fleet of river dredges oau scoop up tho -guiden metal in quantities as largo as at any other time since the inception! of the dredging industry. This is forcibly, exemplifi.\l by the yields for the first two weeks of the t.ri-\voekly period which has elapsed since the issue of our last summary,, when some of tho returns were exceptionally large. At tho beginning of the third week, however, tho Molyneux River rose somewhat suddenly, with the result that) quite a number of dredges engaged thereon, wore compelled to operations;' and the present height of tho river is sucli 1 that. it. will probably not permit of these dredges resuming before the beginning oE next season. The largeness of some of tho returns 'lifting- won has assisted materially to kef]) tho interest in mining matters more alive fhati it would otherwise be. The Electric' No. 1 dredge, which is not unknown as a winner of largo retains, during the week ended 'November 7 established a record for any known dredge, obtaining tlin handsome return of 12730z for five days'- dredging. The same company's No. E dredge previously held tho rceord, her y>ld being 12650z. which was won in February of this year. Next to this cainc that of i?s4oi'„ which was obtained by the first-named dredgo in July, lflOO. The Electric Company, therefore, holds tho proud position ot having obtained three record veturns, ail of them of a very handsome nature. A rccord for a paddock dredge has been established by the Lady Annie dredge, at Waikaia, which last week obtained 2040z. .-V large number of dredgos are at picsiiit. working on this field, which has, comparatively .speaking, been only newly opened up. Most of the dredges thc'i'o ai's privately owned, and some oD them have obtained large rot urus, which, however, aro-not usually made known. A. company has beon formed with a capital of £2090 for the purposb of acquiring soino ground as Louburn known as the Punt' claim, being portion of the C'lutha River, also the wining rights over 130 acres of freehold land adjoining the same. Tho company is to be called the Punt Gold Dredging Company. For some little time past a party or nrospectors has been engaged testing a new line of quartz reefs at! Conroys Gully, with, it is said, very satisfactory results. The locality of the find! is distant about three miles from Alexandra, and was at. one time noted for its rich deposits of alluvial gold, tho gullies being all more or less auriferous. Some iO or 40 years back a quails reef was worked in the same neighbourhood with indifferent results, oil ing lo lac!: of capital to carry on liccessaiy developments. The latest find is on a. fi]iur directly across the gully from. tho sito of tho old workings, and prospecting has revealed tho fact that the lodo is highly payable at this point. The outcrop shows an admixture- of highly-oxidised country rock, therefore the gold does nob show freely in the stone, although crushing tests give splendid re-suits. There is also a good deaf of free gold where tho stono is at all rubb'v. The results of tests made from solid sto:io showed from 3oz to 2Gc7, to the ton. The country formation is a friablo schist, such as would favour tho existence of a dec ; i and permanent lode. There is an abum'i.'sui supply of water at hand, which the pi-riy intends utilising aa motive power for fee battery and pumping, and, Iho sito of intended operations beinvj .Tcry. accessible,, ..thaw. should not be much expenso incurred in conveying the ucccjsary machinery to the locality. Since the. beginning of the present year up to November 4 Now Zealand has exported 441,3600z of gold, valued at £1,634,003, or 6C52->?., of the value o£ £24,264, moro thai) for tho corresponding 10 months of last year.

'file gold returns for the Auckland district for. tlio three w« ; is ended November 2 readied a total of £<-2,057. During October the Talisman Coiv.Vlidatcd Gold Mining Company treated 3 , '? i toils of ore for bullion valued at £61c?. Tho Tairun Broken: Hills Gold Mining Company crushed 100 tons of ore and ir r *d 200 tons of slimes for bullion valued afc £1040. During tha four weeks ended November 5 the Waihi Gold Mining Company treated 21,410 tons of ore for bullion \::.':ued at £55,040. This constitutes a record During tho montli ended November 5 f;:o Komata Reefs Gold 1 Mining Company Uw.ted 1240 tons of oro for bullion valued ui £2303. The New Moanataiari Company crushed 150 loads of! (|iiart r i for gold valii' d at £500, exclusivo o£ tailings. The Progress Mines of New Zealand (Limited) report on tiio operations for the' month of October: £L«ping has been carried out iu levels Nos. 3 10 inclusive, and 4873 tons of stone mined and transported by aerial tramway to the 65-stamp mill, where 5375 tons wore cn.s':ed, producing 19040k 4dwt llgr, for bullion valued at £7834 Oa sd; 90 tons of eon«;:i; rates were chlorinated, yielding bullion of ihe value of £9'58 13.S 9d; and 3160 tuns cf tailings were cyanided, yielding bullion of value of £813 7s lldl The development wo,-!; for the month consists of 350 ft of driving and cross-cutting, .and 51ft of raising .'Jid Binking. Golden Fleece MUio: Stoping has beeiii carried out on levels Nos. 3, 5, 6, 11, and 13. Tho development work for tho month consists of tho folliTtving foolages: —No. 13 level north driven S'iTfc; No. 13 level winzo sunk 19fttotal, 46:t. The operations ore development work v.vio stopped on the 15tU and shaft repairing nvmmencccl on the 17tlu inst. Six hundred a'.;;: seventy ions of stono were crushed at lh<> 30-stamp mill for a. return of 2570/. 4-:L-.vt bullion valued :ifc £1047 0s 4d; 11 ton.-; of conwiitrates wera produced, and 600 tons of coarse sands eyanided, the latter yielding bullion of the value of £216 12s ICO.

' Wealth of Nation?; Sloping'has been carried out on levels Nos. 2, 4, and 6. During the month 1067 tons of quartz were crushed, giving 220ra Bdwt lOgr bullion valued at £946 7s 2d. Ten tons of concentrates were produced and 780 tons of coarso sand cyanided, the i&tier yielding bullion, to ■the value of £451 10s 3d.

At the Energetic ii;:uc No. 7 south drive lias been extended £6ft and raised 12ft. A contract ha? been let for further sinking the shaft a distance of 125 ft, 10ft of which has been completed to date. The diamond drill has bored No. 3 borehole 80ft and ! No. 5 borehole 132 ft, Sovcrity-threo tons of quartz coming from development liavo been sent through to the Wealth of Nations to be treated.

Greymouth advises state that tho Republics Sluicing Company, Healey's Gully, Mashed up on Friday, November 11, for the month for a. return of 70oz. Tho gold would havo been at least 30oz moro but for a long stoppage through shortage of water. The Montgomery Terrace sluicing claim washed up on November 15 for 530z. Tho outlook in connection with these two claims is now. much more than was tho caso some time backs. Nothing further has been done in regard to prospecting the Paparoa, Range, although several partie3 are now ou() there. There is some talk of a reef having been dissovered near Ten-mile; about whica more will probably be heard later on. Sluicing, akd Htdeaulic Elevating Hr-.rimo

i Rising Sun, Upper Clutha, 141br,s 5G 0 0 La3y Roxburgh, Roxburgh, week 53 15 0 Electric No. 2, Cromwell, week .. 53 10 0 Masterton, Waikaia, 115hrs 61 5 0 Dunstan Lead, Alexandra, week '51 0 0 ' Riso and Shine Ko. 1, Upper Clutha, week 50 17 0 . Central Charlton, near Gore, 192hr3 48 0 0 New Roxburgh Jubilee, Box- , burgh, two woolts 47 8 0 Golden Bed, Miller's Flat, . 12Bhrs 4B 4 0 Unity, Clyde, week 40 5 0 . New Perseverance No. 2, Alexandra, 12Xhra 32 12 0 , Rovol AVairoumu, Heir Mataura, 132hrs 31 l o . Ettriek, Roxburgh, 170hra .. .. 31 0 0 Waikaka United No. 1, Waikaka, week 30 G 0 Enterprise No. 1, Alexandra, wit 29 12 9 Hessey's, Waikaia, 21?hrs .. .. 28 G 0 Waikaka United Xo. 2, Waikaka, week 2G 11 0 .Chicago, Alexandra, 323hrs .. 2G G 0 Muddy Creek, Waikaia, 132Jlirs 26 0.0 .Majestic, Miller's Flat, Whrs .. 23 10 0 Waikaka Syndicate, Waikaka, wk 2-1 0 0 Enfield, Waipori, 131Jhrs .. 22 11 0 Pnterson's Freehold No. 1, Waikaka, 131hrs 22 10 0 Upper Waipori. Waipori, 115hrs.. 22 9 0 Hartley and Riley, Cromweil, 136hrs 22 ? 0 Waimumu, near Mataura, lllhrs 22-0 0 Waikaka Queen, Waikaka, 125hrs 21 0 0 .Waikaka, Waikaka, 135hra .. 20 1G 0 Taniwhii, Tuapeka River, week.. 19 10 12 Waimumu Queen, near llataura, 145hrs 19 G 0 Risn and Shine Xo. 2, Upper Clutha, !20hrs 18 5 0 Nugent Wood, Waikaia, week .. 17 8 0 Looh Lomond, Eraser River, wk 10 0 0 Junction Electric No. 1, Crom- • well 15 17 0 -Junction Waikaka, Waikaka, wk 15 3 0 Paterson's Freehold No. 2, Waikaka. 131brs 14 ID 0 New Golden Beach, Alexandra, . 2J days 14 9 0 llolyneux Hydraulic, Alexandra, week 14 0 0 Gabriel No. 1, Tuapeka Flat, wk 13 13 0 Charlton Creek, near Gore, week 13 5 0 ItacCborlton, near Gore, 334hrs 12 8 0 .Golden Gate, Miller's Fla't, wk 11 17 0 Junction Electric No, 2, Cromwell n 12 0 Olrig, Manuherikia, lCßhra ... 11 5 0 Total * .. 2400 8 21 The Coast. New Feddersen, 127hrs .... 50 7 0 .Jamieson's Reward, woek .. 41 0 0 Bignell's No Town, 127hrs .. 41 4 o Blackwater River, 156hrs .... 40 5 0 Pactolus No. 2, 134hrs .. ... 37 3 0 Mokoia, IStlirs 34 0 0 No Town Creek, 126hrs .. ~ 32 0 0 Nelson Creek, 127hrs .. ... .. 30 0 0 Mosquito, 130hrs .. .. 30 0 0 Itockjasds Beach, week .. 29 2 0 Callaghan's Creek, 127ta;s .-, 25 0 0 Three-mile (Greenstone Creek), ISOhra 23 3 0 Greenstone Junction, week.. .. 22 0 0 Aldinga, 121hrs 2() 2 0 Pactolus No. 1, UGhrs .. 19 15 0 North Beach, lOlhrs .. .. 15 IS 0 New Woodstock, 118hrs .. .. 14 0 0 Stafford Waimea, 120hrs .. .. 11 14 o Stony and Mo3qitilo Leads, sdys 9 17 0 Moonlight, llOlirs 8 IS 0 Total 538 8 0 During the week ended Monday, November 7, returns were reported from the following 51 'dredges, the total yield being 29770z 9dwt, or an average of sßoz per dredge:— Qz. dwt, gr. Electric No. 1, Cromwell, 5 days 1273 3 0 Otago No. 2, Island Block, 128hrs 335 0 0 Manuherikia, Alexandra, 130hrs 102 0 0 Electric No. 2, Cromwell, week.. 52 D 0 Dunstan Lead, Alexandra, 5 days 61 0 0 Rising Sun, Up. Clutha, 125hrs 50 1 0 Lady Roxburgh, Roxburgh, week 50 0 0 uohlcn Bed, Miller's Flat, 130hvs 43 13 0 New Roxburgh Jubilee, Roxburgh, 137hrs 42 10 12 Golden Treasure, Miller's Flat, _133hrs 42 0 0 ffugent Wood, Waikaia, week .. 41 2 0 Rise and ,Shine, Uppir Clutha, ISShrs 38 0 0 Vaikaka United No. 1, Waikaka, Mlllirs 33 7 0 (Inity, Clyde. 1261irs 35 0 0 Ettriok, Roxburgh, 1371 m .. 31 10 II Muddy Creek, Waikaia, 133hrs .. 33 8 0 Majestic, Miller's Flat, lOSliTs 33 0 0 Masterten, Waikaia, 121lirs .. 31 8 0 New Perseverance No. 1, Alexandra, 112hrs 28 10 0 Waikaka Syndicate, Waikaka, wk 28 0 0 Waimumu, near Mataura, 1-28 Ill's 23 0 0 Royal Wiiimtiniti, near Mniaura, . llOiirs 27 13 0 Enfield, Waipori, Kl3hrs .. .. 2G 17 12 Mystery Fiat, Waikaia, lllhrs.. 2G 5 0 Chicago, Alexandra, llfihrs .. 26 0 9 Golden Run, Miller's Flat, 7ohrs .. 26 0 0 Enterprise No. 1, Alexandra, " 12-lhrs ' 25 13 3 New Golden Beach, Alexandra, 1201ns 25 0 0 Matau, Clyde 24 0 0 Central Charlton, near Gore, 76hrs 2.1 ID 0 Upper Waipori. Waipori, 1 lllhrs 23 M 0 Entcrpriso No. 2, Alexandra, 9 days 22 18 21 Waikaka Quern, Waikaka, 12Ghrs 21 8 0 ' Rise and Shine No. 2, Upper Clutlia, 128hrs 20 11 0 New Perseverance Ko. !>, Alexandra, Snlirs 20 0 0 Clyde, Alexandra, 43hrs .. .. 20 0 0 Waikaka United No. 2, Waikaka, lOGhrs 19 0 0 Pnterson's Freehold No. 1. Waikalia, 118hrs 18 0 0 Loeli Lomond, Fraser River, 112hrs 17 10 0 Charlton Creek, near ("lore, week 17 0 0 Patercon's Frephold Xo. 2, Wai- • kaka, 132brs 17 o 0 Waikaka. Waikaka, I23lirs .. 15 ft Gabriel No. 1, Tuapeka Flat, wk 15 0 0 Junction Waikaka, Waikaka, 130hra -.. .. 11 4 0 Taniwha, Tuapeka ltiver, wee!;.. 13 Hi 0 Hossey's, Wniltaia, ISilirs .... 13 G 0 Hartley and Riley, Cromwell, 134hrs 13 0 0 MacCharlSon, nr Gore. 133hrs .. It 0 0 Olrig, Manuherikia, 12-llir.i .. 9 17 0 Golden ' Gate, Miller's 'Flat, five days 9 12 0 ilolvnenx Kohinoor, Roxburgh 6 11 15 ' Total 2977 9 0 Tnr. Coast. fifaw Feddersen, 1201ns .. .. 51 Ho Jamieson's Iteward, week .... 44 0 0 llokoia, lauhrs 41 4 0 Bignell's No Town, 127hrs .. .. 35 15 0 No Town Creek, 122hrs ~ 31 |) 0 Pactolus No. 2, 113hrs .. ~ '~ 23 1(1 0 Aldinga, llnhrs 28 1 II Nelson CTeek, ]2Giirs .. ~ 2t 0 0 Blackwater River, lllhrs .. 20 G 0 Three-mile (Greenstone Creek), HOhrs 15 r, 0 Pactolus No. 1, 1331 in: 14 2 0 North Beach, 129hrs 13 0 0 Reeves's Proprietary No. 1, lllhrs 11 12 0 New Woodstock. 130hrs .. .. 11 n n Stafford Waimea, 2i days ~ .. 10 18 0 Moonlight, OOhrs 9 a 0 .Reeves's Proprietary No. 2, BShrs 5 a o . Total 394 1 5 0 . During tho week ended Monday, November 14, returns weie reported Irom the following Sfl dredges, the total yield being 1031o:<. sdwt 2)gr, or an average of 2Goz per dredge: — Oz. dwt. gr. Gtago No. 2, Island llloek, 137hrs 79 10 0 New Roxburgh Jubilee, Roxburgh, 134!irs 5G 12 0 Golden Run, Miller's Flat, 123hrs .. .. .. 53 10 0 Rise and Shine No. 1, I'pnc-r Clutha, week .. 44 G 0 Waikaka United No, 1, Waikaka, 128hrs 42 8 0 Lady Roxburgh, Roxburgh, week 41 1G 0 Rising Sun, Up. Clutha, 127hrs 40 12 0 Golden Treasure, Miller's Flat, 135hrs 37 0 0 Ointral Charlton, near Gore, ' 'IJShrs 35 15 0 Enfield, Waipori, 132hrs .. 31 2 12 Golden ' JJed, Miller's Flat, : 120hra 33 14 0 Majestic, Miller's Flat, lOlhrs .. 33 0 0 Muddy Creek, Waikaia, 132hrs .. 82 10 0 Ivnterpriso No, 2, Alexandra. \yk 31 15 9 'IJppcr Wajpori, Waipori. 140hrs 28 5 0 Waikaka Syndicate, Waikaka, . weok 23 0 0 Ijoch Lomond, Fraser River, wk 27 10 0 Waimumu, near Madura, 117hrs 21 12 0 Mastertdn, Waikaia, liflirs., .. 23 0 0 r Waikaia Queen, Waikaka, 125hra 21 14 1 0 ' Rise and Shine No. 2, Upper .Clutha, 132hrs 21 G 0 Charlton Creek, new Gore, wk -21 0 0 Paterson's Freehold No. 1, Wiikaka, 130hra 20 10 0 Nugent AVopd, Waikaia, SShrs .. 10 13 0 Waikaka United No,-2, Waikaka, 130hrs 19 13 0 Tanitvha. Tuapekg River, week.. 19 5 0 Now Qoldep Beach, Alexandra, gOlira .. .. j, ~ „ „ 18 12 0 Peterson's Freehold,No, 2,,Wpikiika, 130lirs .. 18 5 0 Enterprise No, 1, Alexapdra, '114hrs .. 17 G 0 Gabriel No. 1, Tuapeka Flat, wk 16 3 0 > Eltiick', Roxburgh, ]3j>hTS • • ~ 15 0 0 Hfsjey's, Waikaia, 139hrs .. .. 14 4 0 Junction Eleptrjp Np, ?, 4dya ~ 10 3 0 Waikaka, Waikaka, 117j|rs .. ~ 10 3 0 Oljig, Manuherikia, li2hrs ~ 10 0 0 MacChfrlton, near Gore, JPOhrs lfl 0 0 Electric No. 3, Cremwoll. week.. 9 10 Otago No. 1. Miller's Fljlt, 3<lys G 10 0 Eheddah's Freehold, Waikaka, days . ~ .. .. .. .. .. 5 0 0 Tots-1 xo •« .•< ... 53 >• 1031 6 21

DiviUKxns. The following dividends have been declared since tho issue of our la-t Summary:—New Fourteen-mile Beach. -Is: Elcclric, os; Waikaka United, le; -M«sterk,n, 2s; Manuherikia, la; Upper Waipori Is; Bignell's No Town, Is; New Rex burgh Jubilee, Is; Deep Stream, Gd; Otago, 2s Gd.

lfci.tss. ,0z. dwt. gr« Nokomai -.-,• ,. .. „. .„ ■„ 1C9 10 0 Vinegar Hill, 5 wcika „ .. ,. 1G0 0 ,0 Last Chance, 12 days ., :,., ., 43 0 0 Undaunted, month >, ,.. ,.. .. 33 0 0 Golden Crescent ., ... ,* >.] 30 0 0 Local Industry, 8 wet-ks .. .. 18 0 0 QuiKia -Mining. Barewood, 222 tons .. .,, ,,((10 Shotover Quartz, 190 tons „ „ 32 12 0 Tipperary, 53 tons m 20 18 12 Deiooiko. During the week ended Monday, October 31, returns wero reported from the following 51 dredges, the total yie'd.being 2400oz 8dwt 21gr, or an average of 47oz iser dredge:— Oz dwt. gr. Electric No. 1, Cromwell, 133hr3 COfi 10 0 Xew Fourteen-mile Beach, below Alexandra, 19Shrs 172 0 O Otago No. 2, Island Block, 125hrs 128 0 0 Manuherikia, Alexandra, IGOhra,. '97 0 0 Clyde, Alexandra, weak 73 Oft Golden Treasure, Miller's'Hat, 136hrs .,. .V .V ..' .'.• .:■ 61 Q, 0

The West Coast. Pnclolus No. 2, 135h'rs .... 47 6 0 Blaekwater 1'iver, 120lirs .... 45 0 0 Culiaghan's Creek,'.'iiOhrs .. 36 o 0 No Town Creole, 121hrs .. .. 30 0 0 Jamieson's Reward, week .. \. 25 0 0 Bignell's Mo Town, 7G!irs .... 2-1 5 0 Nelson Crock, 130hrs 24 0 0 Aldinga, llOhra 2:i G 0 Belle Vue, 123hrs 22 10 0 North Bcfloli, lHlirs 22 1 0 Mokoia, llOnrs .. 21 17 0 New Feddersen, Gllirs 21 0 0 Reeves's Proprietary No. 2, 103hrs .. .. .. 17 2 0 Now Woodstock, llGhrs .. .. 13 9 0 'Xnrce-milc (Creenstone Creek), 120hrs 13 0 0 Total " 385 16 0 COMPARATIVE DREDfllXG RETURNS. ■ The following table shows tlie weekly returns reported from the Otngo and Southland dredges . for the present year, together with Hie figures for the corresponding periods of 1903, 1902, and 1901. Pennyweights and grains are omitted in each instance:— 1904. 1903. 1902. 1901. No. Oz. No. Oz. No. Oz. No. Or.. 41 894 4 133 14 311 14 293 53 1282 39 910 42 1034 22 532 57 1390 00 1202 52 1330 29 017 63 2017 53 1310 51 1207 31 722 61 2932 59 14C0 52 1318 39 823 'GO 2191 61 1039 53 1317 31 829 67 2457 57 1181 52 1337 42 1027 CI 2135 55 1357 50 1326 43 S94 51 1431 03 1420 00 1799 42 1153 51 1236 Gl 1415 03 1S51 43 1604 55 1263 59 1451 59 1840 41 1417 59 1419 02 1391 55 1573 40 1347 52 1630 04 1426 02 168.5 44 1008 59 1084 00 1593 55 140G 47 1G14 57 1730 63 155)9 51 1G17 49 1713 53 15G9 66 1663 05 2211 43 1011 54 1728 09 1803 71 2210 39 823 59 1590 63 2000 09 210 i 49 1103 Gl 205G 04 2032 74 2345 53 1409 58 1989 07 1851 70 2301 39 768 60 1918 71 1957 OS 1943 42 861 53 1412 67 1878 0G 214G 43 72G 58 HSl 02 1091 Gl 2082 3) 597 50 11G2 -73 2459 08 22GG 31 G42 55 1449 77 2345 GG 2319 35 774 55 1399 69 2063 07 2)80 35 759 50 1626 '2 2017 72 26S0 45 1022 57 1655 Gl 1552 75 26S5 50 1132 G3 2021 31 714 70 2G93 55 17G2 Gl 19S0 32 811 73 2G39 Gl 2079 57 2035 49 1917 71 3315 07 2360 62 1891 01 2039 71 2555 05 2175 59 1778 03 2470 70 2390 63 2611 58 2035 49 10G2 71 291G G4 2453 58 245G G7 2171 75 3213 G2 2298 58 1743 09 2237 77 3372 59 1599 Gl 1720 70 2228 74 2591 07 2049 62 2190 64 3010 77 2903 G5 17U9 5G 103.! G5 233G 04 2130 55 1492 52 1832 08 2580 77 2740 57 1774 52 1030 72 2710 76 2781 59 1461 50 2060 71 3152 78 2034 52 1217 51 2100 50 1102 71 2239 43 912 51 2977 58 1200 72 2107 43 RIB 39 1031 50 1101 71 193G 41 032 80.001 77,982 90,917 57,898 ■ Tho following lahle shows the weekly rrtunis reported from the West Coast dredges during the present year, together with tho figures lor the corresponding weekly periods of 1903 and 1902:1904. 1903. 1902. No. Oz dt gr No. Oz dt gr No. Oz dt gr 15 373 2 O 21 505 O O 12 357 5 8 14 33? 1 0 19 003 11 0 19 570 2 0 17 567 8 O 19 573 7 9 15 446 10 0 21 792 16 0 23 C91 13 23 17 471 10 0 23 001 9 2 23 680 5 0 21 541 9 0 24 730 3 G 25 739 0 14 24 715 10 0 22 015 12 0 26 804 G 0 21 615 15 0 2G 709 8 0 26 713 11 8 22 555 11 12 21 510 10 0 21 583 9 0 21 591 15 0 23 70G 14 12 22 008 17 20 20 513 14 12 24 655 18 O 23 574 0 21 21 563 14 15 11 373 11 0 21 Gift G 0 18 691 15 G 20 768 13 12 19 611 14 0 14 736 17 0 26 752 11 0 23 782 10 0 22 810 2 12 18 505 10 0 21 595 2 1G 17 502 10 0 15 521 8 0 23 GOO 16 10 22 654 0 0 18 437 17 0 23 641 12 4 21 553 1G G 24 570 2 0 22 562 3 12 23 603 4 4 21 G57 0 0 15 419 15 6 16 342 9 0 24 661 11 O 21 496 15 6 17 385 13 0 15 382 8 0 20 553 12 16 17 450 10 12 20 511 5 0 25 593 7 9 19 451 1G 18 03 570 8 O 19 479 3 O 21 561 0 12 53 G51 2 0 22 592 15 0 20 622 19 0 22 517 1 12 18 490 17 0 14 431 16 0 21- 167 14 0 18 551 11 0 18 472 17 0 21 555 16 0 20 531 17 12 23 G10 15 11 17 467 14 O 10 252 18 a 22 577 3 0 14 525 1:', 0 23 GEO 18 13 19 534 15 0 17 535 11 0 19 503 I 0 21 765 18 0 15 304 19 0 18 135 0 0 10 499 19 1 21 600 0 0 18 595 1 0 23 82S 0 0 2:1 599 1 0 20 555 1 O 23 678 9 22 16 425 1 0 27 801 16 0 21 4G2 2 0 22 4 65 10 0 19 570 12 9 22 069 19 O 17 3S9 5 0 22 503 12 0 22 53G 11 0 22 007. 8 0 2J G57 10 0 20 641 li) 0 10 501 G 0 15 f.G2 10 0 25 6G1 10 9 17 4C9 4 0 24 585 13 0 25 G2R 11 G 20 527 10 0 24 017 11 O 25 015 15 21 20 517 11 0 23 772 17 0 19 513 1 (i 17 461 13 0 24 824 13 O 20 515 13 0 20 638 8 0 22 C05 1 0 19 451 0 0 17 331 15 0 21 C81 11 0 22 057 19 0 15 385 16 0 21 701 1 0 21 707 11. 0 24,516 10 23 27,137 G 1 £5,810 10 1

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13136, 21 November 1904, Page 1 (Supplement)

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MINING SUMMARY. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13136, 21 November 1904, Page 1 (Supplement)

MINING SUMMARY. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13136, 21 November 1904, Page 1 (Supplement)