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HEATH.—On Uio 21sf May, at Cradoct: House, Majoribanks street, Wellington, Hie wife ot A M. Be.ith-a daughter. BURXES.-On the 20th Mny, at Hawkestonc street, AVellfngton, the .wife of J. H. N. A. Burnes, of a daughter. CUXNINOHAM.-On iho 12th of Hay, at AYarepa Staiioii, the wife of James Cmimiigham—a. daughter. CUTHBKKTSON.~On the 21st May, at Clyde, tho nifc of Mr 0. L. Ctlthbsrtson—a. son. DEY.-On the ,17th May, at 81 George street, the wife oi O'anien I)ev—a son. FRYE.-On the lath May, at Marion street, Caversham, the wife of Charles Fryc—a son. GliAY.—Oil ihe 2nd June,' at ISO Queen street rath, the- wife of Mr John Gray—a daughter; both we!). HIXii.LKY.-Oii tlio 14th May, at Broad Bav, the wile o[ K. Binklcy—a son. HOAVELL.-On tlio 20th May, at Montecillo, the wife of Albert Abdiel Howell, Athol—a SCOTU'.-On tlic.iath May, at Allanton, the wife of D. Scott, of a'daughter. Beth doing well. ■ SUTTOX.—On- the 2Glh May, at Athol place, th2 wife of ..J. A. Sutton, of Waiiaagi Station—a soil. AVEIR.pOn the 14th of May, at Hiliend, the . wife of AV. J. AYeir, of a daughter. WJIK.IHT.-On-the Ist .Tune, at Broad Bay, the wife.of AY. D. Wu.'ght, of ,i daughter.

APPLKGAKTH-BEATON.-On the 27th April, WW, at St. Matthew's Church, Dimedin, by the Rev. AY. Cnrzon-Siggers, George Edward, eldest son of Mr George Applegarth, Caversham, to Annie, eldest' daughter of Mr Duncan Beaton. Blue Spur. BENBAMj-B'ARTLETT.-'Oii the 24th April, at St. Joseph's Jf.C. Cathedral, Diniediii, by the Rev. 'Father Murphy, Thomas Chamberlain, eldest son of William and Beatrice Kendall, of Flcuiiugloii, Victoria, to Alice Maud, youngest daughter of Mary and the late Jnbez Barlleli, of Campbelitown, Tasmania. Victorian and Taanianian papers please cony. COSSLN'S- IPLAR.EX.~On the 2511 i April, 1934, at St. Mary's Church, I'bliannesburg,. by Hie JJev. AY. Jeancr, George 11. Cossins, Civil Service, Pretoria, Transvaal Colony, to Elhci Annie, youngest daughter n{ the lute Robert M'Larcn, of Muncdiii, foinieriy of Glasgow.. " ■ . DENXIS-De.UURIE.-Oii the lltli May, at the Presbyterian Church, AYaikaia, by the Rev. A. I). Kirkland, Edwaui, second son of Mr G. Dennis, Wailiaia. to Beatrice A. AY., Meat _ daughter of Mr P. A. lie Laurie, AVaikaia. IXGLIS-UWRENCE-On Ihe 30th March, 1304, at St. Mark's Church, Wellington, by the Rev. 11. Coffey, M.A., Thomas, eldest son of James Inglis, Esq., Korth-Easfc Aralley, Dunedin- (late of lliglielifi"), to Alice ' Elizabeth, eldest, daughter of the late James Lawrence, \Esq., Ellicc street, Wellington. JAMES-PRICE.-On the 17th May, 1301. al (lie residence of the bride's parents, Eye street, Invercargill, by the .Rev. George Lindsay, Alfred James, of Duriedin, to Louise, daughter of-AVilliam Henrv Price. JOLLY-DUXXE.-Ou the iitli April, 190(, at St.A'irgilins Church, Balclutha,, by the Rev. P. O'ilonne!!, Ernest, second son of D. A. Joliy,, merchant,' Cromwell, to Gsbriellc Her.lam, voungest daughter of John Dunne, Esq.. Bjclutha. •' ' . JOXKS-BEATH.-Qn 21st April, at the resideic'e of Albert Beat!:, '■'Cradocl; 'House," Mujoribanks street. AYellington, by the Rev. I)r Gibb George Jones, of "Arawa Earn-.'," Pflhauticinii,.to Grace, youngest daughter of AVilliui'n Beatli." Duncan street. Diinediii. PL'IEST—WOOD.—On 28lli M»y. at tlio residence' of the bride's parents, by the Rev, AV. Hewitson. Maurice, youngest son of the lot- T. P.. Priest, Dunedin, to Christina, only daughter ot Win. AVootli, Dunedin. SAMvSO.Y-HOOPEH.-On the Mill May, at St. John's Church, Cliristclinrch, by (he Rev. 17. R. Wcodthorpo, Waiter Samson, second sou of William Samson, of Dunedin, to Margaret (Peggy), second daughter of Stephen Hooper, of Napier. SIXCLAIH-BELL.-On the Ist June, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. AV. Howes, 8.A., John Sutherland, third son o( Hie late Sutherland Sinclair, farmer, AVnihola, to Ann AVillman', youngest daughter of Robert Bell, Sprihgvale, AVaihola. SMITH-SMITH.-On the 27th April, at tho residence of the bride's mother, by the Rev. AV. Saunders, George Frederick, son of the late AYillira Philip Smith, of Nottingham, England, to Margaret Cannichacl, daughter of the late Jolin Smith, formerly of WaiUoiiaiti. SMJTH-PCTERSEX-On tho 24t1i May, ISO), at the residence'of Mr .7. P. Petersen, Teviot street, Invercargill, by tho Rev. A. Pybus, James Ernest Smith, of Skipper's Point, Lake County, to Christina Petersen, of liivercargill. THOMPSOX-M'MILLAN.-Oii (he Gth April, at the rusidencs of the bride's parents, AVaiki'nma AVeaty James, second son of Captain AVilliam Thompson, of Port Mclyucux, to Sarah, fourth daughter •of tha late Win, M'Millan, of County Antrim, Ireland. Home papers please copy. the 25th May, 1901, at tho Presbyterian Church, Hastings, by Die.Rev. AV. J. Comrie, Frederick George, eldest son of the .'ate Frederick Wayne, to Bell, second daughter of AValter Miller, Hastings. AVILS'ON-AVEDDELL.-On tho 17th May, 1204, at tho Presbyterian Church, Kaitangata, by the Rev. Robert Scott Allan, William,. eldest son of Mv. Andrew Wilson, of Shag Point, to Esther Maxwell, onlv daughter of Mr and Mrs>,AYeddell, Roxburgh.

BAGRIE,—On the 2nd June,.at Ciinton, John, third son of Robert Bagrie, Belleknowes, Dunedin; aged 32 years. BlillNkX—Qu.tlic ISth May, at her parents' residence, Owaka, Catlin's River, Mary Ilewan, eldest daughter, of Charles and Eveline Bcrney; in lier tenth year. Deeply regretted. BE'illUiNE.—On the 19th hist., at "Hawkhill," Wellington terrace, Wellington, Frances, rebct of the late John Hugh Belhuno. . -..i'DT.—On the 21st May, at her residence, Bay View road, South.Dunedin, Eliza, the beloved wife of Henry Otto Brandt; aged 55 years.' BEOiVN.-On the 21st May, 1904, at her residence, Rewatea, Cranniore, lioslyn (Belt road), Margaret Miller, relict of the late Thomas Brown, of Silverton, Anderson's Bay; aged B0 years. CAMERON.-At his residence, No. 1 Park street, Dunedin, Duncan Cameron; in his eightieth year. .''.'■ CROOKSTON.~On the Kill May, at St. David street, Dunedin, William 1.-aw Crookston, dredgemaster (late of Cromwell and West Coast); aged 71 years. DEVANY.-On the 19th May; at his residence, Macaiidlew roadi. South. Dunedin, John Davany (late o! Flag .'Swamp, Waikouaiti), the beloved husband of Mary Dovany; aged 53 years. Deeply regretted. K.I.P. DUTHIE.-On Saturday,, the 14th May, at Ccrdrona (accidentally drowned), Frank Duthie, fourth son of James and Jean Duthic; aged 23 Years. ' FREDRIC-Oii the lctlt May, at Cavcrsmun Rise, Arthur Ernest Holden, only son of John A. P. and Marion Fredrio; aged nine years. :

EDAYAP.DS.-On the 261h Jlay, at'her residence, Kaikorai Valley,. .Eliza Jane, the beloved wife of Sim Edwards; aged.4B vcars, ELLIS.-On the KStlr liny, at High street, Dunedin, • .Eileen Eleanor May"; youngest daughter o[ Robert and Grace Lydia Ellis, of AVingaltii; aged 1G months. FOX.-On the 27th May. (suddenly), at his residence, Josephine street, Caversham, J limes Fox, master mariner; aged OS years. FIiASER.-On the 20th May, at Dunedin, Fanny Hnncywood, daughter of Helen ami the late Frederick John Fraser; aged 24 years. C.AIR.-On the 26th May, at her residence, 23 Athol place, Elizabeth Hhind, the beloved wife of Alexander Gair; in her sixty-third year. Deeply regretted. GALE.—On' the. nth Jlay, at Kyeburn, Michard Gale, miner, dearly'beloved husband of Jessie Gale. Deeply regretted. English and Australian papers please copv. OOLDAMMEI!,~On the 18th May, at, her residence, 161 Cumberland street, Devinia, the beloved wife of Carl Frederick Cioldainmer; cg«l 01 years. So deeply mourned. GOUIiLAj'.—On iite ]Hlh May (accidentally drowned), at liiixburgli, Elizaucth May Mitchell, stcond daughter o[ Thomas li. and Ellen Uourlav; aged 11 vears r.nd 1 month. UttAi.~On the 21st May, at the Dunedin Hospital, Thomas, the beloved husband of Janet Gray, of Omimi; aged 06 years. Pecolv regretted. HISLOP.-On the 19th Mav, 1901, at his residence, 81) Forth street, Dunedin, John ltislop, LL.L).; in his cighlv-ihird year HOGG.-Oi! AYcdncs&y, the 18th Hay, at, 13alclulba, Alexander Gordon, infant son of Henry mid Mary Hogg; aged three months. U U'JTOX.—On the 12ih May, at his residence, Gladstone street, Bellekhoives, after a pam- , ful illness, John Hutton; aged Gl years (late of Inverkeitliing, Fifeshire). JOLIA r .-0!i Hie 2nd June, at her residence, Duncan street, South Jhiiiedin. Margaret Jolly, (lie beloved mother of William and John Ju'.lv. aged 71 years. At Test. LASSEN.—On the 18th Mav, at Christclmrcli Hospital, Frits Martin Lassen, late of Arrowtown ; aged 36 years. Deeply regretted. _ M'KEOWtf.-On the 13th May, 1801, at his residence, Gabriel's Gully, Tuapcka (after a long and painful illness), Hugh, the beloved husband of Ann Jane Jl'lCcoivn; aged t2 years. K.l.T'. . il-LACHLAK.~Oii the 30th May, at his residence, Grosvenor street, Kensington, Archibald St'Lachlan, be'.oved father ot Mrs J. AY. Cunningham, Lees f.lreet, a?cd 82 years. Dccnlv regretted. .U'JIILLAX.-On the :Ust May, at tho restdenes of his parents, Glennevis, Duntroon, Willie, the bo'.ovcd son o! William and Jane M'Millan; aged 1 year and 9 months. Deeply regretted. MAIN.—On the 20th May, at East Gore (of peritonitis), Elizabeth Mary, eldest surviving daughter ot the late Captain Alexander P. Main, of Hsrtside, Tokomairiro. O'CONNOR,—On the Ist June, at her residence, Urosvcnor street, Kensington, Jane, relict of the late Timothy O'Connor, Maori Point, TJnper Shotovcr; aged 71 years. U.I.P. KF.DDEIjL.-On the 25th May, at Tyne street, Oamaru, tho dearlv loved little daughter of \Y. S. and A. C. Kcddell; aged 6!. months. PJCIIAUDSON.-On the 30th ,May, at her residence, Beaeonsneld, Kilmog, Agnes, relict of tho late Hugh Richardson; aged 71 yosrs. Deeply regretted. Oamaru papers please copy. ROCAKD—On the 26th May, at, her late residence, J2 Forth street, Jeanne Henrietta, the beloved wife of Alexandre Socaid; aged •15 years. Deeply regretted. SCHOF.tELD.-Ou the 26th May, at her residence, jVrgyle street, Maryhill, Mornington, Elizabeth Jane, the beloved wife of Timothy Marl; Sehofield; aged 31 years. ' Deeply regretted. , SPAIUW\\'.-0n the 26th May, at his residence, Hyde street, Dunedin, John, the beloved husband of Ann Sparrow, and brother ot Mr Joseph Sparrow and the late K. S. Sparrow, ironibiinders, of this city; aged 77 years. Deeply regretted. WILSON.—On the loth May, at her residence, Papakaio, Margaret, the beloved wife of John Wilson; aged 63 years. Deeply regretted. WIiIGHT.-On the "2nd June, at Broad Bay, Muriil, infant daughter ot AY. D. aiid Mary Jane AYright: aged 1 day. Deeply iegrett»-l. YATES.-On the 19th May (suddenly), Willie,, the youngest and beloved son of John and Alary Yatesj.drapers, 109 George street; aged 22 years.

IN MEMORIAL. EEAYLEY.-In fond and loving memory of Thomas Bewlev. who died at Milton on the 17th of May, 1902. The shock was great, the pain severe, To part with one we loved so dear. Our trial's hard; we'll not complain— AVc know in heaven we'll meet ag'ain. —Inserted by his loving wife and family. BOYD'.~In losing memory of Mrs J. Boyd, who died May 29, 1911.1. A faithful, lovin* friend--A fiiend good and kind; Her memory e'er shall cherished be By a friend she left behind. —Inserted by her loving friend, M. C. BOYD.-lu fond and loving memory ot our dear mother,, Elizabeth Ann Boyd,.who departed this life o.'i the 2l)ili May, 1903. How sudden was your call, dear mother,— Not a word to us could you say. Hard'sec-ms our lot which has befell, For we wen: not there to say farewell. —Inserted by her loving children, COR'HSSOS.—In loving memory of Eiias Cortissos (Den Curtis), who deputed this life 28th. May, 1697. So loved, so mourned.—ln- <• serted by his ioving parents, sisters, and brothers. FITZSIMONS.—In loving memory of Terence Fitzsinions. who died at Wairio on May 31, 1800; aged 52 years. R.I.P. 'Tis just four years ago to-day, dear Terence, since you left me. My darling dear husband, your memory I'll keep, For you were deserving of my fond recollections. Dear to my heart is the place where you sleen.

AVc miss you from our home, dear father,— Four years ago to-day. A shadow o'er our home is cast For many and many a day. —Inserted by his loving wife and family.

GRAHAM.—In loving remembrance o£ our dear grandmother, who died at No. 11 Fernhill street.—lnserted by her grandchildren, D. W. and A. Graham. A precious one from us is gone, A voice we loved is stilled; A place is vacant in our home

Which never can be filled. KITTO.—In sad but loving remembrance of George Herbert (Georgie), eldest beloved child of John and T. Kitto, who died at his parents' residence, Roxburgh East, on the ISth 'May. 190:1; aged seven years.— Inserted bv his sorrowing parents. JOHNSEN,—In loving memory of Ludwig Carl Johnson, who died at Shag Point, on the 2Gth May, 1903: aged 51 years.. Though he's gone, he's not forgotten,— Never will his memory fade; Fondest thoughts will ever iinger Round our dear father's grave. —Inserted by hits loving wife and fr.mily. JI'KEICH.—In loviug memory of Lieutenant Robert M'Keich, Ninth Now Zealand Contingent, who was.killed at YerceJiigiug, South Africa, June i. 1902. Now the labourer's task is Nov; the battle day is past; Now upon the farther shore

Lands the voyager at last. Father, in Thy gracious keeping, Leave me now Thy servant sleeping. —Inserted by his loving wife and children. M'VINISH.—In loving memory of Flora M'Vinisb, who died at Lower Hutt, Wellington, on the 27th May, 1301, eldest daughter of the late Allan Campbell, Macraes.—lnserted by her loviDg mother, sisters, and brothers. NEILTi.—In affectionate memory of fatlior and mother, laid to rest in the Palinerston South Cemetery; the former on the 10th November, 18J9; the latter on the Mth May, 1883. "To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die." SMITH.—In sad and loving memory of Isabella Smith (Isa), who died at Alpine Cottage, Balchttha., on the 17th May, 1903. Sadly missed; deeply mourned. Far above this world of changing, Away beyond its cares and woes; Jesus took our gentle loved ono To the land* of'sweet repose. —Inserted by-her.sorrowing mother and sisters. SMITH.—In loving memory of Emily Sale Smith, who died at Toiro on the 2Gth of MojvIBOD. Precious darling, she has left us— Left us, yes, for evermore,— But wo hope to meet our loved ono On that bright and happy shore. Lonely the house and sad the hours Since our dear one has gone; P.ut, oh! a brighter homo than ours In heaven is now her own. -Inserted by her sorrowing mother, brother, and con. TRI/'SLER.—In fond and loving memory of our dear mother, Mary Ann Truslcr, who died at Gore on the 18th May, 1303. Wo miss thee from our lionie, dear mother; We mis 3 thee from thy place. A shadow o'er our life is cast; We miss the sunshine of thy face. We miss thy-kind and willing hand, Thy fond and oarnesi care. Our home is dark viitliout thee— Wo'mis3 thee everywhere. —Inserted by her loving fnrnily.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12992, 6 June 1904, Page 4 (Supplement)

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BIRTHS MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12992, 6 June 1904, Page 4 (Supplement)

BIRTHS MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12992, 6 June 1904, Page 4 (Supplement)