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PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND JO LET. JOHN REID & SONS, 3?SJ'ATE AGENTS, VALUATORS, ARBIWJAT-OUS, S HAIiEHKQKERS, SURVEYORS, Lciisoa, Mortises, and Transfers Prepared. HAVE FQR SALE AS UNT3ERi- , A RARE CHAN-C.E.r-liK-ACRE FARM, 3-233. NOIVfH-EAST VALLEY.-li ACRES north of Duiiediri, mostly ; in English grass, of LAND, with DWELLING of 6 rooms; with 4-rpomed- House; dairy, tool shocl, vrasliiioiisc with fixed copper ami tubs, 2- byre, borii, and stp.b.'l<-; in C paddocks, stall byre, good orchard; fine property; The Farm, including Crops, Stock, Impleot LAND, with DWELLING of 6 rpoins; vrasliiioiißc with fixed copper and tubs, 2slall byre, good orchard'; fine property; 3-254. DUN.EDIN. - Splendid HOUSE in ments, Furniture, etc., will tic sold a bargain ; price, £750,. .anil terms if desired. Further particulars to boh.ifidD applicants. Castle street, containing 7. rooms; hath I to h ona fidD applicant.,, (hot and cold), scullery: washhouse" with j 3-210. GOL-DFTELDS.-Bctollor,. Tobacco.,Lcd copper ami [uW, pantry, etc; \nX- ! W , Stationer, and. floudrcssing BUSIin. wardrobe and fixed bookcase ami j with no opposition, in a thriving chiffonier It is praclicallv a new Hchkc, ' town. First-Clasa saloon :and fihop fittings; well on concrete .(oun.dittio.iis, anil is handy to the University. £930. il-25.0. ABIiOTSFORO, - A CeuUemnn'i aciilylciie gns anil ivater laid on. Coodwill, ifiO: slock {£10 to .£500) to be taken at vahiaiio.ii. A rare chance for a. good man. wi.ih limited capital. Ch« dec to the-' ISLAnKoRNEE SEC crclc, brick, rooleil witli slate, iiml la in , JIOSLYN—A ch.irmin" '-ACTCF. in splendid order both in and oiit; cohlams ."' g.. ucc gteH ' wilh y^,,-y, HOUSE Lljoomsi hath, ]!antr.ios etc, wi .,sl,.m,. S c, : f■ G ; J,■ ( , & commiclio!tl . with fixodMn cupper and (.tills; 'lid lame- '.„ ' vovtol.pp. ilie. Uu ..Hi.klings comprise . HOUSE, 10 cosobox. bife-y nlied, wbrksl.op (No. D). " dm 3 JviUl ai , conven ic,,ce6; owlhbiise and Miti. Iho Rttmnds arp i -~, tbo jj, otls ißw )|,- oual! ; orchard; }- >cauU ufl.y laid out ,i> flower, fruit, and . ? ,, BJ , ;„„,,, ■egctablo gardens, ami well kept lawns; . ,:;,i; A >ip yA'IVM. 2;!0 acres; well fenced, vliile a fine asphalt dfive ltads, ; ■ sis , pStl(loclt9 . lliu)r 7 y to school, fncrmii the fibjil antclo thi. lioiiin. To he' t o r y, and past office; 100 acres in oais; 20 ;ol.d ii bargain, l'lill particulars on 1 , n ,. rdH jallnW; lral.ance Kn<!lish grass; f ;oo:l ' P ? Vf°m?6rnf>n il .- : ,, ' foiir-rOoraecl iTmise; 4-.<itnJl stahle, barn, ABBO'I-ppED-AtouTi ACHES i(! t ,, ntr i lo ,, Re . ; orc l 1[(nl m \ garden; £1 mi hrce. paddoplss, With coiufortub!e HOUSE iaß mu] tll3 . i mph)v(!mclltll ara , V orth the vegetable garilena, ami well l:ciii lawns; . ,:;,i; A >ip yA'IVM. 2;W acres; well fenced, while a fiiie asphalt ffirni'ge dfivs ltads, ; ■ sis , pStl(loclt9 . lliu)r 7 y to school, facfroni the fibjil antclo thi. lioiiin. To he' t ory, and past bfiice; 100 acres in oais; 20 . sol.d fc bargain, l'lill particulars on', n , rcs . fnllotf; lral.aiice Knglish gnias; i;oo:l - «," P ? vSm&rfifrn *l t'< : ,,' foiir-rooraed Hmise; stahle, barn, ACWA i(, t ,, n rti lo ,, Re ; orchanl and garden; £1 mi three, paddoplss, With coiufortub!e HOUSb a t]] i m ,, rov( , mcJl ta ara worth the of 7 rooms;, toinslo-bouse, large; ~,,„,,'„„ o'rchavtl. stable, nyro. cu\ \ • ijq lpy El tot,- S Soldr DUmiN.-SIIQPi.nd FIVE BOOMS in ■boardiV-hfiiise. etc. Fllli pftrtiiiirfnts oil King street, now occupied by Mr Coding, amJiciUon. .(ishinoiisrer; reiit, IJ.i per week. 3-150. .PIXE ' n : JLL.-50-Aej!E SECTION, , MORXiNfiTOX.-Good HOUSE of 4 room witb 2-roomed ]illt and stable; Must bo and in l)a!ry strcci; rent, 9s. sold, (ireat cl.wice-i.150. DUNEDXN.--Foiir EOQM.S, Dunciui street; 3-Ifll. LEITH VAW-By.-A Splendid Home; I.l ? . m ACI!ES Tirst,c] LAXfi, in four pad- DUXKniX.-Urge "HOUSE (fumished), docks; 'C-roomed, 8-cqv byre, stah'.e, iiqrlii end. pigslyt', fowliro'tis*!; Kfloil garden. Fa,r- DUXEDIN'. ■*■ Several ' Good and Central ticulars o:i applicatioii. OFFICES. 3-220. OI'AGO J?liXi;K, q J 'ULA.-,arahd PA-H3I DUXfiWlX—Superior UOX'SE of 8 rooms, of 70acr«i; first-class land; .allplouglmb'e; oil rise, in 'ficqrje. street, near Albany well wnterrd; 8 pafldockS; superior street; no upatnits; pretty spot. DWELLTXG, 8 f.pqnin, witn all modern ST. CI-A-I'll.-Xiiie.uionjecl IIOUKE. conveniences; l-l-bil hyre; stable, etc. O'i'OKIA,.-S'tORE and formerly Well worth looking after. occupied by J:epson. '* MOSEY Td LEXD IN AXY Still AT LOWEST CUKIIEXT BATES. JOHN KEID k SONS, CORKER BOND AND LIVERPOOL STREETS, ILL IA M POW EL L k C 0., LAND AND ESTATE AC EM'S, 58 PftIXCES STREET, 1IO:-'EY TO LEXD ON JIfJBTOAGE, 5 PER CENT. MOSGIEL.-Capital SIS ROOMS; scullery, waslihonse (new), lulls, foivlyjrd, byre, buggyshed, pigstyev with over i\ Seres of lan,!; only X!IO. KAtIXOitA.I U:< nti)|i:tcr, l>y trnin).—BKVKX Ii.OOMS; liafli, china, closet; with nearly halfacrp fionhges to l\vo streets; roam for three more bouses. C-'JTY (Central: m'glit- iniiuitos Cl'.U.), Jlndtrn. ',(l-rooraed RESIDENCE; concrete foundations; i'ift cfilingH; vf.i]',i!alo!'s; tiled itratra. Terms, AXDEJiSO.VS BAY.-Csyital ti-:ooiiicd RESIDENCE, with over on acre of garden; £1300; casv 1 ?. Two miles from tort Chalmers: Xcarly 4?, ACRE?, with Ilotise. (nearly new); large cow byre; Weil k-ncsd; well miifwl; very .;.:•:.=■/ ttrm.»; X3OQ. BUH.IVSIDJv—IS« (ioncl JjAXD; In fie Sou) (henu; i;ftsy lerms. CASJIEL STRI'IET.-Cood ■1-rnoiiied COTTAOIK, pciillory; .HOO, Chfiip BUILDIXti SECTIONS. (;lf Main South rnsd.-ir-wo Sections, £60; 5 Sections, £150. MORXTNtrmS\-IIATA''-.ACIiE, I'll VAJVLE.Y.-2 roods. 21 po'.es, fM. Valuable BU.l'M)lS'(i SITE iii Givni-slrim, ij-acre, ar.d fiooi! C-rOomcd HOUSE, £675. CtTY.—Nfarly Xow C-rocmed HOUSE: all uoiivel)i?nM3i pwucr leaving. ST. CLAIR.-Taitwble KUILDINO SITE, nearly 2 acres., £375.' gGOTT & C O. (Est.iWis.hwl ISSS). 40 POWMNfJ STREET, DUNEDIN. , LAND, ESTATE, ASD GENERAL COMMISiSION AGEKTS, SnAUEBROKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. PATRONS WIIJ, FIND SCOTT & CO. UP TO JJATK IN ALL JIATTKRS CONNECTED WITH' SALE, PtiRCIiASIO. AND LETTING OF pnOPEKTIES. IN BUSINESS MATTERS CONSIhKR TROUULE A PLEASURE. We have a Large Number of PROPERTIES FOR SALE, a fevr of which we nicntion:CI'TVs XCGO.-ARTHUti STHF.E.T: A pood Trionmcd HO'JSE; a!i convcnic'ncw; a cheap properly. OT.-lIiLL STREET (near Mnckggau stir-ef): 'fwo- Wii-W'tlato ,8-roonifd HOUSES; well built; splendid virw; Very cheap properly; bargnin, i-oOn.-MACLACiGAN STIJEET CUpp".}: IVo l-robnied COTTAGES. These are nice, we'dhtu'it places, almost new; ii bargain, CITV: A SECTION. pn ; which owner is prepared to build, foi price named, a good n-rooniid HOUSE. ' ' HOUSES and SECTIONS in all Diinedin Suburbs at, reasonable pricei. BUSINEfiS FOI! SALE. IX- GOOD INLAXn TO\VN.-A lIAI'ItpiJESSER'.S and TOBACCONIST'S, etc., BUSINESS; floil-.g 5. trade pi from il'i to £6(1 prr juoivtli; a jeal epod business, and niiiit be sold fit once, as owner it suffering from .ill-health, mid jurist leave for North Island. The is to bo sold s baiuain. FAr.MS, SA.niT,E IUI/li: .A Farm of 275 acres; good froiita;e (o Main road; siiitahle for poultry or ing. Pliiv cheap. We hare n )»fgf raunber (fir ss'o in difffrfii! parls of Xorlli Island; real gand and choice propcrli-os; i.riees rjgUt. We shall be «iad to give all iniorii:atioij. lo anyone intending to niOv? In Norlh Island aild wantiii'; cither Farms, Houses or Business Pro]icrtii's. TO Li'.T; ST. CLAIR.—A nico C-ropnied HOUSE; laiii, scullery, aarden; cheap rent. K. & K- S. ■ : P A 'J' BBS ON, LAND AXD. ESTATE Ad-E.N'XS. Eto., • 73 PRINCES STREET. CJTY.-Xprth End: StipM-ior Modern KKSIDKXCK, ccmtaining s too possi.b'.n convonii'iioe; i'oncrete foinldnlJtos, slato rmif;. np.urly J-aqrt «n.i-ij mm pitt, For immediate Suit', CTTY.-Oft C "" '" tr. inul c. water, i-nci ai! other i „ .. OFF UNION STREET.-- Xcw VILLA, coiUai-nirt* (1 ruoi _ Itr, ffflslihoiis?, topper m;d tnhj built ii;, i liny wJnriows .1 STREET (near St. Ailllrry.- ft.r.--oU.-i';.oj(l nOUSE, 4 roo bay window aiid ].-ortioo; Fteelro'd Section . Cl'fY.-'-Xear Ihmovcr strcot: DWELIJNCI, Gtoinm; hi:t\\. sculler,; copper and tubs built in.;, cii/h'.-acr* Section; i«fi. Cl'Ml3El;L\Xi) SntEM'i'.-Coliiforlabli' UOJIE, 7 rooms.; bath and all conveniences; good Freehold Section; Sola. ' ROtiljYX.—llUli ;lr.'ct i.du.'o (r.imi: Cood HOUSE, S roams; b.athronm. scullery, 3 bay windov.-j aid verandah; 2-acre Si-ctiuiti one of tho fincit SltSs in Ro.-iyn. This I'ro- ' lolute Sal' 1 , sis- tho cwiior lia.s left Dmicdin. TIOSIiYA".—City roa.d: Clroicc 7101'SK of 7 rco;iifj ))r.lli:coii', £.?u.lfery, h. and c. water, and all Mkonie-.iccH; '-pete Section, with a fiii<- situation: X 750. ROSLYNsliest )",strl: Onl.v rc)(|iriiiji)» Vacant JiUILDIXG SITE; beautiful view. nOSLYN.-Xfwijigi'oa Main road: SpipidM Corner BHIiL-JiIKG SITE. TO LF.T: C:iy (fin riscHSuperior 7 Room«. CHy—larfre i>r,uhlf Shop. Rcslyn (.Bir,bopscoml)-SevDn Rooms (nioderisj, 17a lid. CimiboEland sl.ri.oi —i'iva Ji-oms, ijirijcly, etc.; l'2s. Hoslyn —Fern- Rqpms. F K A C 0., AUCTIONEERS, LAND, ESTATE, AXD COMMISSION AGEJs'TS, VALUATORS, Etc. 23 EATTKAY ST-RE-iO'i:, BUXEDIK. E3tab!.islied. 1-87 S. FOR SALE: FANCY GOODS BUSINESS; low rnit; verv central ppsition: Siorl: at valuation. -LOWEK. itUSS/JLI/ STiiLET: Superior IU-rdomed Two-storey RESIDENCE; >imtiful Section, 38 .\' 07; terms. JIORXINaTON.-Jaines pliee: hwfo J3JMGK BUILDING, tif.d it' 3 A Boot Factory; also G-rnpmed RESIDEXCE; Section, 11J.3 poios. The !6t, £723. CAMPBELL HESIDENCEi 2 bay windows; section, II poles; cliea-p property; on> i*(lj(J. CAVERSHAJI.-JEiirion'street: Pive.-roomid Verandah COTl'lfiE; hay window, hitllroom. Venetian blinds, «us and water J»iil on; capital S"-ct ":, W> x IGB. ANDERSON'S BAY.-SIiVEX ACRES LAX:D and Good Orchard, Dwelling and Outbuilding?-, a very cheap properly; oir'y X7OO. CENTRAL.-.qiJARTER-ACRE LEASEUOLD; 46 years to run; ground rent £20; wilh Five RES.IDE'XeES; weekly rentals GSs; ft great iUVEN,SIiOL'.r'»N.J ; :.--QUARTEi!-ACRI-:, well iilanled. with, fruit trees; 3-roomcd Brick COTTAGE; tlii! lot only ilGi); easy teniis. . . . S.OU'iJILAND,—FAIiJI, 217 ncres, suodmd'ed. Kiud-fqomed RESIDENCE; outbuildings. "03 ACRi'iS, i':djoini.!!g; d-ropmqd COTTAGE; t\vp miles from Railway Station and School-;, land lirst-cla;»; very cheap, £.! 15s 'per. acie.. Beautiful Buihliii!! Sl-fKS, ftuntip* Ross and Kilgoiif streets, Rosly.n. SOUTH DUNEDiX.-Hioiio BUILDINC;, J5 rooms; very suitable for a laundry; together with stable itnd loose-boxes; two sections.; £1550. LOANS NEGOTIATED at Lowest- Rate of Interest. KO CHARGE for Advertising in this Space. Telephone. 822. J U T T O N S' MANUFACTURERS' AND GENERAL AGENCY COMPANY, Jamieson's Kuildings, Moray placo (opposite Co.tTce. Palace;. AGiUNTS tor WE OTAfiO SAWAULMAU UDAIPANY, ALSO KAURI-AXD AUSTRALIAN HARDWOODS. JiU&TN'K.SSES WJit SAIvE,; QTAOO-Ociitral Merchant's IiUfJIKKSS For S.iiic in large inland town; stock runs about iiooi), large turnover. Tliis is n real wrap. Fullest i'rfornr.iiiuu aivcil. OT.UiO.i-Suli'lirtrd General SioccUcopiii" BUijliNlvaS, cs.tablislied over 12 years; BtocU, about £150!): turnover ahoul BW% Urand chni'.e.e for pirsliilig SOUTH iSLAXD.-OASIt URAPEIiY 15L«SL\'JiSS in leveling totfjl; ntoel;, about £VM; turnover, JCSD ttf JEIOI) per week cash; large sliop; rent, 255. per week. i)l!A.t liltV BOSINKoS For Ssilo in sbipiiitijj (Amu drapery, boots, and fancy goods; ■Block well .bought and new 1 ; turnover, £2001) ptt auilum. BLACI.i.,S.\IiTH and WllivJiLWliiOH':? BUSINESS in flourishing, country township, North CWterbury. Ccod re.ifloiis frr Jelliner. GENERAL STORK in Norlli. oanterburj; slock, abont iIOCH),. foiisisting of drapery, g: fancy gcods, coal,, and. v/ood; (urnoycf, JETfIO net month. Established over eignt y. PttOl'EliraiS FOR SALE; GEORGE STRKEr NOIiTII.-H.OUSE, 12 rooms; J-aQrc'; hot i>nd cold water laid on, and all nioclcr.T conveiiieiiL'.es; ilGjCf. MOK.NINdTON.-Kiv-rpoiiiKl 11UUSK, J-flJ're.; gas, stables, buggy shed, asphalt paths, two ■JliO-fjallou tanks,; two liiiiuites' walk from, tram; Jt'iiU. SOUTH Dli.Xß'D'iK.-Fivo-roomed Ivew HOUSE; verandah, hot and cold water, washhouse, and ..alt coii'wiiicnceS; £100. Several SECTIONS For Sale; cheap. FRUIT FOB. SALE.. For Sale, fsrg«. Fruit Farui, near CJirisi.cJiiircii. A very largo variety of fruit treeSj asparagus beds,, etc., Tiueric3,, etc. Bold at once; p bargain. Telephone 1319. Tha CUNEDIN SWJNGS BANK is prep-nretl to. LEND MONEY on FlililSliOLD SECURITY at Lowest Current Rates. FUED. SaiTH. 15n Mnn«ger. mItUS. T: .11 DHfl T.O I-j EN 1) X On Freelioia Seciirit'y or jjiitiicipal ;D6■tieiitures at:Currcnt;R»tcs. The TRUSTEES, EXECUTORS, & AGENC? ■COjfVAi«Y iJo If. Myu.EJCE:SiMpisON; Manner; MONEYito:; LENJ^'oli Security. ,„., »'Jonestv'current ■, ralesiotSintercst;ADAUS BKOS.'i Solicitors/. EjQburige .Court,^ ONEY (o 7/END in any Suras on FBEE- • HOLD and LEASEHOLD SECURIiiii'S. at Lowest Rotes of Interest. MILNE, FINDLAY, & KEILL. Solicitors, loel's BuildirißS, 1.0. Water street. SI ■mill:! TRUSTEES, ESTATE, X. AND AGENCYi COMPANY OF NEW ■iCIJALAKD (LIMITED) has MONEY to LEND on Freclipia Security At' Current Utes. WALTER HISLOP. Manager. In any sums, on Freehold Securities. MONDY, SIM, Ii STEPHENS, Solicitors, 133 Princes street.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12934, 29 March 1904, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 12934, 29 March 1904, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 12934, 29 March 1904, Page 8