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MONDAV,. iIABCH 28. ■ (Before'.Mr CO. Graham,. .S.M.) " Druukenliess.—For this offenco a- first :; offeiiaei'ancl Mrick- o'Kane were fine'd ■■63, with, the usual alternative, and another ..first offender anil Lais H r.col/jeii,. foi druaken■Sess- oii the railv.::iy. stiiiou, rtnd a third: irat /.■■offender, who did not appjar, were all.fincd 103, ■or, in -d-c-faiiit! i 8 hours' Caroline Brown, who made lic.r iliir.d agpearKance for this pffsneo ivithin sis months, was jned-20s, of, in. d'e'faulti seven days' imprison'lheni: " .' .Indecency.—Ealricl: Sheejiau, charged with committing tf gross!j indecent, act; .in Jlauso, ■street, .said hi? tpulcl reinembtr liolhing qf tho . ■■circumstances, and was convicted aiid Jined JOs, or, iii (lefaiill, ;i month's imprisonment. :' Vagrancy.-James ifilaatpr \ns clicige.d ; with'b'Hns an iSjciUid difprderly person, having, insufficient lawful means of support, and ■Baitl he supposed he. had better pteid. .■'■Guilty/'r-iSub'jrispecfor Greeh stated that l''as.clls6d liad been previously convicleil on a aiiiiilar charge.—Accused' was convicted ar.d ordered to come up for se.ntenco when railed :6n, pn condilipii that he the ■ town jni' ■ Walker, similarly charged. ■plcadecl " Jfot guilty," iinct asked to a. remandj , ■wßicli-wJB granted till THursday* : yiPleiit aiid'Offensive Eollbck (for whom Jlr Hanlpii. appeared) pleaded .■'Not;.guilty" to tbclmrgooi, cii ; Miirch- ?G, behaving iii- a violent a.ntl ofi.cnsivo maiiner on .tlie Duircdin Hallway Station,—Audra* Duncan, stationniaster. gave evidence illat on tlie date-mentip'jied-a nian hiitl to be s'toppsd ■from-getting on a train because lie was uiider }he iiifluence. ot (Irin'k. 'i'ii/is. man wished to v.-itness, but Pollock and a companion interfered, Pollock usjr.g abusive language, whereupon -witness oulerc.d hirn off iJi.e- p!»tforuii. Witness took the. man stopped into his offico to get. liim away fro:ii. Ppliock and liis friend, hut. Pp!l.ocl; ami Jiis fneii.d iiivanjecf tho bfficei He ordered them titit> but Pollock would not -go, wliereiipon he was ejected, but came back, and again used bud language.. iVccused . tlireiifeiied to c]p fqr witness when he got him . in. the dark.'^Evidence was given by Arthur Henry eiiailis, Wiiiiani Geidcs, siul Kub-in-spedor. Hanlon EiibiinUe.d that (lie ■case- should bo. dismissed as section 29; subs'eclioit.3, of'tiie Governuient Kailways Act was ' what. ilia..police chose to c;e!y on, I'.ijd. accused ■ was therefore charged ■ with something tliat , was not. an offence iigainst the. law. !Clie se> tipn feaid that accused ni.usl be guilty of <o> . duct aniioyiiig to peraows on a railway.—His Worship, said lie nnist rule against llr .Hanlo:i, ..iiniinflieteil a lino of 40s, with costs.—itr Hitii-' lbh asked that a Squviction should be &an'n iip , . iii. the forrii prcvUUd. by tju , a.ct, and that his 'Worship should slate the names di the. pUim alleged to -haVo bfen iin.iipyed under the.Sections—iiis Worship; " I iiin .convicting acciiped {or lw!iayii% in = violent and oilcnsive nianner on a railway station/" Obstructing % E. Jlacey ■pl.cadecl "Sot guilty" to ll?o cliarge of un:.lawfully, obstructing Constsbk Glandge while executing, his duty in arresting it miin on lbs puiiedm Baihyay Statioii,—l'lie cOnstab'.e hav-; ing given evideucs, accused, w'ho. stated that ..he was quartcniaster of the s.s. Papan;i.ii. etrid he iva3 simply toyiag to get Lia shiprnalc fllcaig quietly. He inaiie 110 attempt to interjere with tlie. cpnstabio,—liia Worship saict it was tvident'ly o)ie man's , word against another's,, and dismissed the case, i'heft.v-Auclraw ilenzres pleaded "Guilty' , io: tho charge of, on Jlarcli. 21, lit Diiiiedin, ■steiiiiiig £1 14s, the property of Ajffed Guylnei:.—The fac's as stated were tint accused, and compl-jiniint lodged in the s.sme house, the mq'npy;' having' bsclu taken Out of a box in cPniplai'.nalit'3.ab=piK-.e, accused sub'scqusiUiy iidmittiiig that he Wot lliv. it i!. M. Sutherland having spoken as to iici-usod's pre■viojis good character , , accused was chnvicteci . and pr.iltiwl to coiiiu up for E.witerice w.heii : called, on, on .condition of fc(uut|ing the money forthwith. " ■ '. ■By-luj* riVfnngMUent.s.-SiiiV'i; Sinclair ad-. lnitted veliicies in Kilig stteei wiihaut horses oi aitimais attacji-iu thereto, but. staled ■ that the.custom was is uomilipii o;ic iniiong those ! in his line. of. 'business.—A .nominal line of Is, with coats (7s), was imppsct!.":—.'■.vi-hibakl, for permitting cattle to w.f.iidcr at large at. iiornitijton, was fined IPS, with costs f (7s). .ilafgai'ei Jones, .for allowing cattle (0 , wander, at M'orjiingto'n, \yss fined 5Sj with costs Chai-ges Against Prohibited Persons.—David. ■ Daniiji' Brown, .((or whom Mr Invii'i appeared) ■pleatl'Ed " Kpt [juilty " to tlip thaigcs that, on : iiiireh.'ls, being a- prohibited perspu, he Wior.giiilly entered licensed preinifa. tlie St. Ki:da ; Hbtsl, aiid that- .'he rehiscd to leayo when *e-. tiuest.ed to-ilp so -by tire .licensee,—Siiu-inspscior. Ureen. applied ta ilio diite of the ijif.ovnialicins al'tefed to MaicU 14.—Mr Irwin pDJect■ing, liis Worsliii) said .fell, inlurimt-ioiis'would' liiivo be?n laid, and <lisnii?sc<l lwlli charges,, Without cos's.;^—V.'iiii'.iiii ll'Dpiia'd, wLo. did libt- appear, was charged that, on .laiiuaiy 2D, beiAg 11 praiiibfted [jc-rsoii. ho iinlawtul-fy- tin tcred l'lic Caledonian Hotel —Evkleftco WHS. given by Constable Uodfrsy.—JL'Doiiuld, having, , lieen previously c.onvictc«l 01" a- cfiiiiia* oft'cjiM, was i'6i',vi.c!sd. and- iineft 80s, or, in drftutlt, t'.fo nipnths' iulprisoniuKit'. .'JiuiiitonajiOii—GiWi!« Bbiydeii, ior wheva ]U> Ems 1 ic- nnpearciF, pleaded " giiiliy "to the charge of disobiVirig jt .maintc-Dance oviler : ill lespect to two children in (1:S Cuvepsliiiiii Industrial .School, and bsiiig so lnucii in arrears. -r-Mr- Ejuiili.e cnn'tondeil that tit? arrears had been paid; up to diite; cohsideniblj: b?yiJr.<l Ih.-o. date at wliich bo.tli clsilclren had ceafecd to bo •inmates; oj the, seliool, bw child. 'btSil'g 21 years '.oid' a.iid the other }!»„—The c-as? dismissed, . Cliargcjof Theft.—William .Bnlftrwas charged 1 with, on. February 27, ay. Dunediii, sloaling a: | and.chain, from , tlie liei'spn of iVfcxander Canipbcil, an inilictable offonce.-ti-Tli? Sub-ilispcctor stated that the owner of the watch,, a cuttle dealer, residing -at Jtes'eniibourne, earns into tlie city o:n, tho night, oi the date men'tioned, and got the worse for liquor, so that when lie. civiueio liintselfhis vrstclrfiad disappeared. A fe\y days later the accused tociV the wofcli to a pawnbroker in tpwii, and tried to raise.some ni'6ne.y'upoii ft. ilia 5aw.11-: broker in the. menalimo liad; been iiotiijod, that the watch, had been stolen,, ?,nd given a descripiiPli of it, aiHl he t.n!(l accused he cpuld net accept the vatc'li, and, that lie should- iivio;m the polico, that he ltsd it, lie usk?d acctisqcl . to gb with him to ihe Jiolicc. stniion aiid explain the matter,, but accused said ho liad bbugtitth.c watch, arid declincillo go. He then .{rom the town, b : ?i«f; subsequently arrested in Soutlila!)d,.-i-Evidcnc,e for tlie prpEecution was given by Alexander Caitijibcll, llark Jacobs, and Beii'etjv.'e tlie defence evidence was given by tlie accused and by .hiswife and Annie Tteid, the t\vo last-named/ witnesses cdrrob'qratifig acctiscd's stntcraerit ' that- he v/as not but of their company tliu ivliplc of thq. evening , on -which he -yriie supposed to havp stolen lbs walch.—His. Worship held that if ; was; 11 ciise for a jury to decide.', and cpm■lin'tteS; accii;ed to the SupreniQ Court fpr trial, bail being fixed in his pirn recbgnisauce of £50 and two sureties pf £B each,, or'-.oiic of £5\) f

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12934, 29 March 1904, Page 7

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CITY POLICE COURT. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12934, 29 March 1904, Page 7

CITY POLICE COURT. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12934, 29 March 1904, Page 7