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■ The jMnthly-me«iag\.^ , tHe;3?aicri v C6unty' Council was W4 at lilosgiel , yesterday .after- '. peon, and waa-attendedJ bf'the Chairman(Mr- ■ R. Gibson,'.": .Crs'?Millerj. Haitisbiij .Dow,. M'Donald, and. Christie. ■/ . ' ' ■ . ; ' .The Finance' Comraittce' ieported. , haying; .i found the;monthly ex'penditUTO t6":be , ..£fi!G'l3s. . <d, £320 63 lOd count, ■■ and/ £166 ■63 , :.6d ; :to\Irtbiias' 1 .. .■«*; ." fourths."-.::;-,'Ihey-:recommended, 'payment, of: the amounts.; They iiwommended'iurtlie.r that-; . the servicesof Mr , CbußtonVlw'ielainod ,,, at/im: annual ..salary .0! £150'and'railway; passV/and.; that an assistant &i£UO -a/year'-be , ..engaged.' This arrangeinsiit, : wUileslightly:,l)ett<r:.fqr.?_the■ council would'be-' , equally} satiaiac-' ~ tory.v A'monthly financial'.statement, attached showed' the outstanding; general rates, fa. bo■ilflSa 133 lid, and the'.bank;.oTOrdralt ; a4oia:3s , .. .-—Adopted.?;".- ■".'.. ■*.. '.:'-.'/' .- , •.'■ ... . ■ .- ■ :■; The (Mr; i ß..^;.;Cpuslori).iep6rted i . r A- as follows^or'thefiuontlipl.Jlaich:—;' ..; ''■ ■ The contracts .completed-:'during, the.month. . 'are. : ■ Centre. ..Koad , Lditcbj .-South'. :■■ Taieii,i : and .road . formation;; Little. .8055... : . The. ■contracts:,:':, iii. 'progress .are// iot-[ ■ ■ jnalioa»: : Centre''-ibad, .■Middlemarch;. .spalls , -, ■':Bald.; , ;. ?r HiU;-^-- , aa)i ; ■ gravel-; ■Strath-Taieri. ... Tenders •Wβ called /this, meeting'for gravelling; .'■■Blair. , ' , .Taieri, and"grayel'ing.'.to.'repair/flood , ' ■ damage on. Green , lslanU/to Taieri Mouth and. '.': Outrara to Berwick/- rbad3.^The).grade£V:ha3'- •■■■ been employed on loads' through'■smallgrazing. :' runsin , Stratk-Taiori'and Deep Stream-ridings;-'' - ". the ~ roads graded, ■being : ; Stoker -to;". Bald ,: ■ Hill, ildtaon'sYto ■■■'Whitton's , ,. fWh'itto.n's.'to" ' Nentnorn' Qreek.v.Pafesou's , ibad,,Freeman'si t , road, Ckmeron'a road, and Little; Eos? tc' Wool-; ' shed. , -, Incident*!,'-works; , of ;maintenance ; and' ..'....■■■repair, ,, ,covered by , certificates, of 'payment ■are.: ■•■''■ masonry culverts'.■bir--Lfliferv.road,\Sutt6ri'Mb,; ■?-'-. : -Middlemarch, andl-Sctoblhouse'-Toaidi-Shannori;/ : ,,,: 'concCTte culvert Main South road, nea.r.'Abbol's'■'■*'&ford,.:repair Silverstream ..,footbridge, .'.'■■'fepiur. ;i : ■washouts and spalls./pHjosdftlirdugh' Stoker , bi'Eun/.and gravel , -on , 'Factory ..aijcl.' Wiugatui*'/..:toads,"North Taierh-^Recoived. , ' At "/'v-'iof 'members, held;o'n; tko-lStli'iisti.'.tli'e.^ques.-; , .:-■; tion of repairto flood': road,. V:.'-Ototia ; Kiding,'./v. ; !is formally; discussed/. vMV ' ; : ;'wasdecided that.tuV twosculyerts'w.stod out: ■S should, bo leplaosd' byj , 3oin!coricrete.;pipe33rom, :■'' ■ ■ the Beach mad,' a;.bbx opening; •■7ft; by:. ■;■■.'::!£ft; : frbm. .county v"" : A.meotiiig of delega'tes'bf.trje Taiori./an'd-Bruce:. ■ o'./County* Councils'wa3'fold-at Taieri■lfbuth./on/ ■ to ; confer as.:to':thp; working of,the?.' i!''.punt and the laising-of wire.iope/'to .svheiglit i:'?--vof 14ft;?as requested : by ! tlie)Mimster v of , Miiritio, !':'.;;»ndiit; was in ; lheVoj)iriiqri:--.ot' ■■; '■'.■■'.■the':' cbnferenoe'tli'er'o is .ho obsiructioiu'tb- .the : 'V'i.traffio^n , the river/by .thewires.of. the p.uut,-,as ~ ■■'■■j;.thefe;''are twf,;' chains on:each'::side above 14ft' ■■;-: 'iii-height ■svith-'deep'water,:^ar.d/.tlia't.the : briclga ."■■ ■ ,'ih riyer.liigher./u'p/.is-a-grrater obstruction to ■f ; "the" traffic, it: being , /prily^iiii , height. lOft, nhel" t;,/ jintil. : the ; br'idge is.heightened there , is .no news- : .'teity'- to .'loiSD-the mreV.rop'e.' , . It- was a!so : ''■' That ,, ,tlio'.t6w."rope be: ■■replaced, at ;. ■ '.'each?! end' as'vfar- : as\ possible. 5V i itli...a ljin, wire. ■;-■ : : .roVe::ofvflexible steel:"—Deeisiori- confirmei]:: A ' ~^i9it:.of'inßp!ction,, wa, 9 , : paid'to.tho-lee.Stream .;. on.Jhc; 21et'-,b}' , 'tlie.\cliairiEau; 'the. .councillors. '. .■fdriilaungattiii; nhd Deep- Stream Eidiiigs;, .and/ !?:\''th6;engineer'loit .purpose, of. inakijig; a;re- ." icommenclationregarding'the coiiv .?'. -'iiect ...Waipori-Eldbrado, and'.' Oiitram-Clnrks !: ? ■;.': vlt ; was':decidbd'ito recdrnmehd.that. the ■::' \vqrk;.be:^anied ; *put Ijy tovAiiticii Maungatua. ■ Eidiiig :£lO, Deei»Straim:.'Kidiii»'. '■ '■': i£ls, : and Mr llagqrian .£'.-rfKecom- : ■';' ,niehdatioFi'' confirmed; , ''.eiigirreer" to. call for i... iteri'ders;—.Cr Blaekie.aiid.tlie : eiigiiiecrJia'd re , - , '/.'. commended ,, '.'regarding' Diike's T'qiid- ditoli •■VThit'.ithpicouiicil- admit n : p liability,- ■ ■-..' ! lias 'liecn/custbraary' , to -sconr'/this, ditcli. , ' ,,, . v an formeryears,;the council re' half l - V ■cost- if-'.the::owner. .doov:tli6. , Barne.'; ;i = ; Ai), '. i : .. :Leo'Siiiitli'e ) siibdivieioii: A, .reply: 'haa. beciv' :'.'.■'■ iserit;,,that,'the , council cannot' a'dmit.lariy ¥&.', regii.Td to the .subdivision :. , .',: : adjoining ; .thb/Burnside Railway Station;..arid ■■■ ■/canupt.nekuowledge fifty ,, are liable .for , i\ny. ; ".. : jepmpensation .foy tho extra widlh referred to. ■"..: ; J think.the council/might be , fcnpjvii , that ■.'.' ;in iciises/'''wliMtland' k .sitbdivided for sale '■ : ''«ndei similar, conditions , ,. app;icati(ins: , fpr:.sigjia. ..'' :'(ure..'>vill not/be.cbiisideretl.until the street lino: .'. ..: ,is ;f6rined/,by "proprietor to , the full, width re- : : ... quired -by the. was: resolved that the .■ /. ■cpuncil-Uring/iincler the nolice.of the. District .: ■ Sand Kfgistrar:..the. fact thatcertaiii.laii.d ail-; ;-\ joining the.Bu , rn3ide.,Rail\yay, Station.had;faen / ..: : Boldby public.auctiqu,.and : tha"t, irt the -.opinion ■.■.':..;,ofl.tho'.council,' the', law Tegulfting tlie eiib-. ,, .V'. , ;. division , of .this. , 'land .lifid iipt been'cotaplied '/: ■■■ivifh., ; . Waipbri'.-P^lls'Company: '.No ac.t-ioiy had '■■■ ■ ~b p?n, . taken, : py.:thiscbmpany; attlio. tijne'.of'iny i'L.:: , -lastivisit regarding tbo'cpuncil's notiSc'atipn .!'.v 'to'-;have a;..tcmpotary Ira of felegrapli brought ■.;: -upl'to Standard .of Government where roads ','...; be drawn- to. the lact / ■ Viliat. nothing had/been in (lie. matter, and . i; ;', that/urileEs,the , council's.request was complied ■ :.:,: .with mj'a : ..;fp , r.t'niglit , . tlie wirps , would be .r.e , -: ' ; .,: (flic en-" '■ V'.v.giiSearJ'.-had re.commiiiciatipns to , ' : :. inaket/That , money .available, from 'block YP- ■ : : ; Sfrath-Ta' cxpeiidedi in .reducing -gradient-. ':■■ : Jbn'roadihroiighibioEfcnsar'PeMie'slioiisß; iind ;."■■ : that/appUcation,.'beraMle to the Xaiid Boaril *'..' ;:to have, funds accrued' froii; 3ft M'E'ic's i;nii . /traiisfcriedito'sama'.rpad , .'—Kecomniendalipif to . ; V''■■■hei.giveri'/efipct t0.; , . That .approach- to !3heep' ...'//'.'/wash..Cwek. bridge' , b_e:wid?!icd/aiid guard, rails ; -.'.'..'erected- to/gnfde.stocfccrossmg. bridge.—Agreed , :''• ■''.to. , V:That:theTclegrap]i.D?partme!ilb9 ii'pt.ified , ~'. ..of. daßger'.':to.:'iraffib. through, poles, recently. '.-«:■ erected..'on .Greeri"::lEiand to. Brighton roa'd.!—. /I .■.'■ The attention of the be directed; r/ : : ; : .:to ..the ganger.arising! froni the'.poles. The. ;' :\"'Fchedulo''of'c'xpeiiditnre''..foL year on.fling. 3}st. '.:'■.;,■■fllaTch', : lSo3,;:has.;.be?n prepared and eircjilate'd.. :. .Vamongst iriiembers' during, the. -iuontlii Thcr.e ■ .'.lare two iiatt«r3.wiich: it-iainiy -diitv tn )ytin% ■',':. : -; jiinder your ; noticeV.That .itSs impossible, jj'itii ■■■:■; v>: limit .of £2000 tb : . allocate, for, more, tliaii tern-. t2 ,*'■%: months.the-'consideration:'.of. what every year greater luoinerit,. the; ve-...'i-viiewal of/a'mirabNvof.'.tbe cpiinfy's;. priricipil vfi:, , . bridges, 'and /the- efficient repair of. several, pf ki;V-vthe main ■thoroujhfares'; that with ly...Jd, r.ato,. : .; :V,;.arid'with ■■schedule .expenditure of £2000 aivd , f"".:'riding esp'eiiditufe/.of.iilSOO; ;it:is- .not-jjossilile ■'/■.;■ to';reduce':t!ib\6yerdraft : .—TliMe.'.clauses' were and the. schedule, of allocation for-'ilm--Vj.x/yearadoptedi.'with the, aftcratioi:. of lCilyds of :,::■;.'■■.: mjtal:for/Allantoii./nuliSOyds 'iront: the eiid /,'-•"-of metal to/coiinty.hufc. /' .: i --'vrhe. Sartitnry;- Irispecjor rcporWd: tfiat , - the. .: -Stream jcontinited.iri vffry : fair, .cqu->'uJdition,:.ihpugh-;]ie' to-cbinplaiii; o| 'a .:'' : '/-'.great;dcal::o[ pollution. froin/Eoslyn! A com- ■ ./ ;Jplaint;by .the/OtagoAcclimatisatioii'SbiiiVly re-; :'{..''; //Rarding the; s'tatc.of.: the' stream should have /■■■■.'/S.been;:referred .to. Sorpugh .'Council, ; ;.':.■.':■:■ not. ; ■■j." I 'vi.J!Jlessrs i '. , Kony6n- i ;nnd Hpsking/'wrofo/giving ■.■■/■/■. ■■the opinioh.'thatiininisters' manses-were 'liable. /■ ■■■■ ; :tp"be rated:—Oninionitp-be:acted upo , )'" ;--v'.' /.;;j. P. .JLv/EraWf/wrote' on. belrtlf- of ,t.Kc-,enti(i(!aMii^-,tVB,:Ta-fe'ri\Mo«t.h ■..'/(■■ puiit, , 'referred:to' ; in'tlie engineer's, repbrt;—lt : y'j~ was resolved that'/a} reply, beisent jo Mr JVaser :../.■.■■;:thatth« : cbuicil; ; had conferred'iwith- the.Bruce ff :?:jCounty : Council,'; hadcoine.t& the ..decision':lii{expressed: iii.'the. engin''s: ieport. ITiitilier, :./;;':;'that thq.'cbuh'cil- had.delegated/ its functions to :■;■;.:. ; .;the.;Bruce' /County: , . Cdijhcilj -wlib were' priii-r '; ; ..■■'-.cipallj':interested-in tho : :jhattei|-tliairit'wti's, in . S'^/./iiact; , a'.-'.inatter-; of/.indiSereiicb 1 to. the Taieri. ; /.//.Coimty /Council , .whether, the punt continued existencei-ornot.^.'...' .' ■■■://',.' : Th'e Se'cfetSry.'pf'a'gp; A'cclimatisat'ioii :,:.'/SSociety;.wrote.'■dbneeining/the. 'filthy slate; of. ;'--.;V Frnser, Creek,. ;.Kaikorai: Tnllc^—Writer rn-/ : i'vv!'.ferred' : tp ! .Bbreiigly Cbiracily' that , :..(:■" : borou'j>li''being,tlie.offehders: , in .tlij matter. :.;.-•: • :;S. ll'Leod.. a'nd;.;lfi7 pUier/'/.rat.ep.ayers wrote '■.': ■.-- itsking .'.that.the.''Toad: ,, 'between'the. ■creainbrj' , . ; : /;.■■; ind \Vest Ta'icrijCliurchjbVme.talled.-Deferred ■ :'.;'.:■'te nest' , ' , meeting.:,!? ■'■.'' .. ■ '. //!:\ ; ., The wrpfe : J--;V':.''itattag-:tKa'ythe'.-Jb'oMd' , .li'adj.agrc«t , to. put in ; ;^ ; ;' >;new ; box:oiiiß-drai!i.4ft ;by:'4ft; The cost■ ?-"i' i :.' , :'oi the'box/raid.inithe.'grpund'would'.b«.£o3; ..■/■"■■"the erigineer/stated , .lie. : had; , cbmc. fp no /j/'v.'.ment with'iihfe.'.b'bard/asto.tlie. size .pf the box. : ...;;V'.The' writers'.were, referrefl 46; "preyioua cor,l7:':; /lespondertce/'' '• •■.'*.' " ' ' "■'■' ' : ;?■;': V- ■Thei;Mi(nager;:pf.|liß, JPZv;Trust ; and'.lioan 'I 'slating thai-Jib; could:jot say '.;/: ; ',-anything: : .with; regard:' laiidi fdi; a « , ; : -y'- , .10ad to Lee Stream .HpteV until; he mote to.' :;:./:f':lis maiiager ';- : 3n 'that jocalily. He liad no ■■■-■■" the ioad/if;it'did.not iii,nire tli.e/ ijv / •Ibii; asked; if ; 'jie.c6hi >' :■. ; firnied -the.offer liis/local;'.linii'niigeV.. ,;.; ,,, . , ; P. E/.'M'lean,.wrote iisking the couricil to. J , ';...,;-, : grade ..the .B Drain '.'road .from the liriflge, at ;/ff.;i:Lco Creek'lip'ttt the.foid'iiiidirig'.tp his hpiise. ;. , lV : '-He ,, offered' , .-;,t'o-'.sjipply'ti! i aitis' for grader and ';';■ ■■plongh'.^Coiisideratioii'deferred;. Cr.Miller to. ..-'.,; : :<;report.i ''■>. ;',' ■.■.:.', / ■' .. ~ :, - .*-:..:." E.' , and -J." .'iSqugljli'wTOfe- tlmt , , tlie.price' paid *; : .■ Cthem fori.:breiiking; metal; , an ijtosgiel quatry , - : : ; '/j'was in the.'.liaiids of;the . ■ ; v/..:, ■/:■■ D.' Jl'.Quilkan/wrole , : re /froiiglron the : Dum ■.:.:': 'edin-vVhare/'Elat'rpad; :asked the , council !. ■'^μ to.'fake:::is'!oyef, .Ep.i.that'.the/p'ersbiis , damaging' ":;'.... : it 'might :bi,. proseciited.' ■ '.'Xrpugh.. to- ha taken; ,' ; -i:-' : over:-byi theVcbiiPcii;;asrreqiießte(l. .:;■,:.;.:;,:■:.:■ B£id-and : . , .Gfay-Avrbte-. , . asking , for/: a , , copy bf. -':"■:■ 1 tlie.-heavy :• traffic ..bylaws;: aiW-'liow to. advise irffiicnstomers^liiinlingiori.the:/cpiiirty ,roads with ,■' : :;vv'tractioii ",/erigines;-7;By. : laws forwarded, and !■/^^^\po3it^"be': , ' , e■xplained'■•.lJJ^l l^lspector;■ , B l α:.n. ■■■'..'■'■:■.■■..■D/.Ay.';.Gefldcs«wiote;..drawing , ;,attention- t° .■,'.; ■>!;, catUe: , ' arid ■■■ Horses',? .trsspassmg-.voii. Plevna, -■■.:■:';!. Abbotshill;" , ; iuiil. , .£Ab i botsft)id',-- , vtpwhsh , ips.— : f'-' attended to. : ./ ■;■ '■■f. A■■ W/'ii'..:Steele:wrole};mtimating';that. : liewould -;:./:•'. have fo give;upihis- duties:iis'ppiindkeeper in .'»■..:••';.■ Strath-Tiiieri^Resigriatipn , accepted; engineer. X-'J;'"' to appointiiasuccessor; , ;. .'. :•■.'. %'lv ;af'./tue Committee ;oT tlie ' Pre'sentatioh , . E.u.r.d '■' :' , ':,wrote;asking : tlio:cbun'eil'fo. , ,fake.'up;..the jnatfef '■>■": ,-V-of .the/fundji-ahdiiave'hv/fund 1 '!-. : '" : . ".Eeeeiycd. l' : \,;"rt i y; ';S:'.'. "■': ■' ; '.. '!'Ji-?-'- The;:Chief/Ehgiheer of/Railways wrote that '■■:£."■ the:.Government ,, ilia'd-vdecided "to appoint a. * ■';;':.- coiriniission'.to..inquire,'whefe-iieccs'sary., iiit.o '"'.j' : h the., allbcatioii'/rhadejiri/cohn'ec'tion with the ■ : ..*' ' ccst'.of ,repairinK'Suttori , ;'.Creek,bridge.". If the S:-'. , ,; council , 'objected : to ■the'..'allo'caUon ,,, and ;cor> ; : ';,: ■ sidered .that-:a'.-portion/tor. ,the.j-wliole.' of.'.it, .:"■ ■.;'.■:".■'should be borne by sosie.bther Jocri 1. a.utLori 1 y, i ; ihey were , asked,to notify:him , not later;-.tKail. ■'■ /.'the 31st:—Received;/: _ , ■'' ' The following tenders' were'-.'sccepted: For 200 yds gravel, Blair-Taieri D. O'Rourke, at 2s 6d per yard;-:for ; .looyds gravel, Berwick Township—John Cameron.vat 2s lid per yaid. . ■ ■ .' ..; "/i-K-i It was left to tlie engineer to find an assistant in his work. ■ ■-, -~-•

■ In the absence of; Cr , Blackie, the. mate of .niaKiiig by-laws to. rtguWo- rnptor bicycle . traffic t?as .alliweit to stand over for ; a monih. . 'It was resplyed that tho allocation, fax the ■riding, funds. lie JEI6OO, Isot. year's allocation oi ,iI2OP, i't being, mentioned, not having proved ■ '.Sufficient. i^i __ : .

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12934, 29 March 1904, Page 7

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TAIERI COUNTY COUNCIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12934, 29 March 1904, Page 7

TAIERI COUNTY COUNCIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12934, 29 March 1904, Page 7