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LATE ADVERTISEfIEHTB. ■District Lands and Sjrrey Offitty, . . . Inrareargill, 25th. Maich&lM*;./ OTICE IS HEREBY: GIVENI tfi»t : tho': 'XV undermentioned LANDS will bo OPEN! I'OR SELECTION aiihU Office, FKIPA.Y,. 35th day of April, 1904, under.ihs provisiofio-of " The Land, for Settlements Consolidtttion-iiict, 1900," and Amendments. EDENDALE SETTLEMENT. 19,495 acres open for Selection on Leaso>ii> Perpetuity,' Classified andGroupedia I - Ordinary, farms. Lease in Perpetuity: Kent, 5 per cent. Kent per Acre Half-yearly Sec. Bite. Area, per annum. Kent. LINDHURST HUNDRED. ' 'Subdivision I. A. K. P. £S. 1). fS. T>\ IB IX SSI 0 0 0 16 14 8 0 Subdivision, IL 2e IX 359 0 0 0 2"0 12 19 0 3e IX 351 0 0 0 2 9 21 2 8 HE IX 429 0 0 0 2 0 29 911 16e X 383 0 0 0 2 3 21 10 11 Subdivision 111. (E IX ISO II 0 0 4 3 IS IS 9 ' 6E IX 150 0 0 0 4 3 15 18- 9 Subdivision IV. 6b IX 218 0 0 0 13 23 3 3 12e IX 258 0 0 0 4 3 27 8 3 13e IX 258 0 0 0 8 0 51 12 0 17e X 250 0 0 0 4 0 25 0 0* ISK X 219 0 0 0 5 6 30 2 3 ' Subdivision V, 7s 'IX 230 O 0 0 2 7.5 10 1G 0 BE IX 232 235 0 2 3 13 110 9E IX 211 0 0 U 2 0 15 1 3 I Subdivision VI. 14k IX IGB 0 0 05 C {"\ \"t J9e X 125 O(I 08 0 25 I)' 0 20k IX 100 0 0 011 0 S3 15 0 21E X 101) 0 0 013 0 3210 0 22e X 100 0 0 013 U 33 15 0 : Interest and sinking fund on building Talued at £20, repayable in live ycais by halfyearly instalment's of £2 03 2ii. Total half yearly, £25 Ss 2;1. Subdivision VII. 10e IX 233 O 0 0 3 C 22 7 O 15E IX 350 0 0 0 2 G 21 17 G 23k ; X 350' 0 0 0 5 0 43.15 0 24e X 257 0 0 0 5 C 39 9 3 Subdivision VIII. 25r. X 339 3 0 0 4 0 33 19 G QGk X W 220 0 5 G .12 2 G 27r, X 2GG 0 0 0 4 C 29 18 G 28E X 258 1 0 010 G G7 15 10 358 ■ X 250 138 0 8 0 51 0 0 Subdi ,-Ste"-vX; .1.58: I v i on IX. 0 4 9 IS I.G 0 132. 2-0 : 010 0 {'fj fj:...■<'lnterest, and 1 , sinking fund 'on-''buildings ; -.valued at £60,- repayable in fiveyears by'liiilf- ■ yearly, instalments 0f..4!6 183. 7d. To"tal : hal.l- ---;■ yearly,;;£ls:is iU. ' ' ,";V.-.■.,... Subdivision. X. ; Ws7i' ; ' ; -xV 23i-\.2 : 32: O'H 0. :{s}' j^ 1 - I ]' ■. : ::.;:..ilriiefesi.':.aud; siohirig fuiid p;i biiilcfings t valued at : ;f2so, '.repa.ya.blb in' 21 years by half-'- . yrarlyihßfa!mcnt.iof £9 13s; ■' Total lialfvyesrlyi na;;:. ■■', :.' , ' ■ ■. : ■Kh*;/-i-/:im\L o .•" 014 o {]! \ f... ;-.:'■'• ;'*■■ Interest', and sinking, .fund qir buildings ilTolued. \tei4oo;. repayable ill 21 yeare :! by -. half-yearlyviristalmejita of £15 i&. Total' half-. :":ycarjy,v£B7-'Bs'-9cl. ' ; ; ; 9^ : ;;'- r. ;■ o o;. p, is a | j?.. . : ..:■'.■'.*.■ Interest.. 1 and siiilcinjj fund. o\i .biiiiiKrigs j.valued: ; at.f2so,. repayalilii in 21 years by .half, i;yearly;.;'aratalinehts ■or'tiii' .Jo's.. Total ilialf- ..'."' HUNDRED. ■ '/v I '.;-'- 1 ■■v l '-'" •"■.'"' Subdivision' Xl l .'-. ■ ;:29e : : X.."'115 : 10 10 G, 30 5 4 011 5 21 0 0 : .;Soe. ■ GO 0.. 0 014 0 21 0 0 VSlz'-' ". 125 i' 0 (Si2 G 33 210 .'■i32B ■'. "110 1-0 0 13' 0 35 I.G 8 J33k:.'■■"; lOi), O'U O'lij. 0. 32 10 0 .;«:'■ ■'.';■ Subdivision .XII'. ~-38E/i'XV:ipo 1 D?. 0.13 0 32 10 0 ■; 89E..- ■".■'' li 8: .2 ft 0.13. 0 -33 10. 3 ' "■4oec'"'. :10Q'-0; 0 0.13 0 3210 0 :;ion; ; p. b. p. 13 o 32 io. 0 ? v42k ~:. : 3*-."Vii6 = " i' 0 6.11 g »sb ■ ■"^^■' : . ■■ '.. : .Subdiyisio& XIII, i: 0. 05 0 WI : ?"44E,V".':' : o : ft. ' "0' -3' 9- ""37itt.p*' ;> ! '32S ■,1 : 32j, :;p 3:0.... '3015.10 ; ; . *■ Interest 'and: sinking, ftintl' oii : buildings . Talued at;.£so, repayable in.nyi?. yeai'9 by liilf- : yearly -instaTmorits'-of £5 15s; Gd.. Total ialf- : : yiiarly^43 ; s3;'6di; -• ■ ■' : ' '. 56 o «;■ 0.-1& o ,53is. d . i.47K : .:" : i: 9o:'u 6 J o;is"' t- ■3315 o: 'MM'*■■-■". 'M '0 0 614 6 3212 « tf!«E.J •" ?f.2'ib , ..0;13. 0. 30 14 8 .' ,' .Subdivision XV; v; : 149'3:3r ",0/i 0 HIJJI ' : ..slE':v." 'm 0 12. 0-3 6 IS 19 il 52E': .■■'" :■ .113 . M .10 . '0 ' :3. 6 ' ■ 9'. 17 11 . .V..63b ; ";T' ia22- 1:37' Q'i 0 12 5 6 1 ■?-.■■'■ iW\ ■',-.. ■ .Subdivision: SVI. ■ 57k.". ■." 219'. ..21C. .0 IS 1 : i? 1G ■9' ■ SSe;.;::V ■233-1:20: ...p 3ii 2il?7 ! : ■;59e; .'';:. :205'. 2:30 P. 3 U 23.19 5 ':■ ■■ ':.■-.■- : ■iSubtiiyi'sion XIX'. 60e'.: ; V;'\:''2!W i; 6..' '. :P' i; : C 31 13 10 ' 83k/>'" ; ':'!Sl7/2' --p. ■()■ '!) -a 29 15 4 Btß'k'"-..-Mf'.;?■.:<(■ ■■.Q..3 1 f 27 15 S '«'. vf * ' A Mi'MJEi. :UIJ'XI)RED> ' ■. : -U. : '\" ■ ■ ..'' SubiiviiionXX:, ' ■85E ;: i: ■ :i6l .2: : 2 C fl:ip: fi. 42 $ C 86E ''■■:;■. 010 G ' .42 8 p. SSz':':;:" <l;2iK); oOi 012 G G2' 10; .0' .- : :;'.!.'■ ~Subdivision 1 XXI. 88bV* .jI-O- .222'./Q. "id! . '■ 1 5' -B. : 27 15 p. Me >?:tt. . :0; .0 ~ .'0 7 G .44 5 6 91eV.>" ;..;i4G':b b: ;/ OMI I 40- i 0 .SiibJivisibn XXll jioe ;,"■; ■"blfp'.p :r. ; £• i2q:-2-'p ; I Interest and'rsuiking.ifuiid^^n';builclin{;3 valued at f60 I l fepayable 1 .-:iii-.-10.-yea I rs',by'lialf- ; yearly insta]mcnts 1 ; i: o£.;'jß'.' 1 17s-'Bd/ 11 .Tot"al"Vdff--jaiii,mi9stef,y:;\ : ,:Ki,/. "v- ■■..-■■.■■ ■■' ■' ■ .; (OTERAMIkA-HUSblifibl.,-. ■ 117E XI IGB-;I.23:::. : :O : :5 ;():■ »1- 1' v ■ 118e '■" :i 2s9*r:v. ? C'.':.- l :'oVi:i3 ! ' ' Iliili ■ 122e ■ ".■ : ;304K3-::0; : :;;;jp:i' ; '0. / -'30 gi- :c' : '■'.'■'" Subdivision:XXV: ■■ '•■ '<■ * i \ 1118 XI 364 ■•l'-'O'.--':'" 0. >-'O-- '■':■':3i'.:l7. X --S ■ U6e ..." 303 ■■.0' : • .■i't-'Q.-ii-■ ■.■ : , :.-.Subaivision^XXVl-: 1 -.'V ; '' 1 ' ; " "■"■■' ■ 112k ;a*lBJ ,0 ; 10r:. ::p:. ; :7.^ptf/: : 32' -4- 3 ■ H3e:■," ira-335-.:.: : bf7 : wo ; ; 1 9;'o Hit ' -"■' 162 .■!0 '11;. '■''■*'v : :.O'■ I:s'. ■Cv r .''.2o> : s ■» : 115K ■;.":>.■ 163 2'3o'i.'-i : ..'0. : : : 7'. 1 .0*.'."..' 1 ...-28 l ii2 ; iJ . Application forms and painplilets obtained on application to.this ofiice';;; :: '.:... ' Sale plans will shortly be issued. ■/■f{'i :^' Applicants must be prepared to.produce (Jor--the satisfaction of the Board, documentary'!evi-\ : dence of the means which .they possess : ':for ■ Blocking and working .the land., v - ~■:;,,:. ~'........ Guides will be in attendance to'accompany." intending selectors over the Settlement at 9" o'clock a.m. each day over the upper block, and at 9 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. each day over'the .Wet 1 • . .■% johnhat;: 1 !!:;:: 29m ' Commissioner of Crowri'Lands. ;..' IT A N ■ T ■ E D NOW OPEN (under New Management), the WALMSLE? PHIVATE HOSPITAL, in the beat part'of. High street (comer of High and Melville atieita).-.. Kewly Kenoyated. All rooms lie well-to the sun,'andVicw is unsurpassed. Experienced- Nurse -in attendsnee. Telephone 1883. ■-■■ ••" •';.' : ■ Wf kTAGO WITNESS.-Nsw Stories. A large ' Afflount of Reading Matter. Price"6d.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12934, 29 March 1904, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 12934, 29 March 1904, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 12934, 29 March 1904, Page 6