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DUNEDIN CITY GUARDS. The Dtracdin City Guards fired the fourth and final competition of their Citizens' Match on Saturday. Ranges: 200, 500, and GOO yard" scores;— 200 COO GOO vi urn. yds. yda. yds. Hp. TI.PU. Vol. Mills* ~33 25 27, 55 5 . Sgt. Jenkins 2G 23 22 12 — 85 4 Vol. Christie ~21 23 18 25-85 3 Sgt. Schultnburg 32 23 21 7 — S3 0 Vol. Hazlcy ..28 27 18 10-83 1 Lieut. Jack ..31 28 23 82 Vol. Sonntag* .. 34 20 18 81 Yol, Gillanders ~ 29 20 24 79 Vol. Sell .. ~21 21 IS 21 - 76 Vol. Schoen* ..20 29 6 21 — 70 * Hango prizes. Tho final results of the four competitions of tho Cilizens' Matoh for points that decido the allocation of prizes at tho end of the shooting season arc as follows:—Vol. Pcatlie, 11 points; Voi. Christensen, 8; Vol. Haglcy' 8Strgt. Schnlcnbcrg, G; Vol. Sonntng, 5; Vol. Mills, 5; Sergt, Jenkins, 5; Lieut. Jack, 4Vo!. Schoen, 3; Vol. Christie, 3; Vol. Jones. 2. Tho third ..competition. 0! the second class match was also fired at the above first two Tanges. The following aro tho principal scores:— 200 500 „, „, yfa. Hp. Ti. Vol. Schoen •„.,,. So 29 7 — 5G Vol. Hazley 28 27 — >-C 5 Vol. Christie ~ ~ 21 "1 7 =1 Vol. Sell* 2l 5 _ \\ Vol. Corcoran* .... 15 15 6-35 * Kang2 prizes. DUXEDIN ENGINEERS. On Saturday afternoon the Diraodin Engineers iirod the fourth m:A final competition for tho Ladies' Challenge Belt am] accompanying trophy, also for Major Beal's prizo and trophies presented by Mr Patrick and the corps. A very strong wind prevented anything like good shooting. Conditions: Seven sliot3 and ono sighter at 300, 500. and GOO yards. The following are the highest scores: — 300 EOO GOO yds. yds. yds. Tl rapper Maedonald ..27 27 23 — 77 Sapper Burrow .... 25 28 22 — 75 Supper Dean ~ ~22 24 27 — 73 Lieut. Midgley .. .. 07 19 n; _ 71 Sergl. Mills .. .., ~ 2G 24 19 — & Sergt. Laccy .. „ ..20 24 2J — 63 Corporal Koach .. ~ 22 23 23 — 08 Corporal Jlarott .. ..22 29 17 — G8 Corporal Ellis .... 20 20 20 — CO Sapper Keilur ~ .. 22 2G 17 — C 5 .Sapper Latla .... 15 2G 2.'! — 01 Corporal Voitch .... 20 22 13 — 01 The following ave the liiylscst aggregates in three out of th« four eoinpetifions. from which it will be seen that Corporal Mnrctt again holds tho Kelt for the ensuing year, only 2 points separating him from tho second niaii. Sapper Burrow, whilst Corporal Bragg and Corporal Ellis take the third and fourth prizes respectively : — Ist 2ml 3rd 4th coinp. comp. comp. comp. Tl. Corp. Jlarett ~ S5 81 73 239 S:ip;ier Burrow .. 8G 7G — 75 — 237 Lieut, Lacty* ~82 71 80 2-1 C Corp. Bragg ~82 71 80 233 Lieut. Midgley , .. 71 77 79 230 Corp. Ellis .... 73 — 8G GG —225 * Officers not competing for prizes. On thfl same afternoon the second elass shol3 a!so fired thf' third 'and final competition for Major Barclay's Jnnior Challenge Cup and for piiras presented by the corps. Conditions: Ten shots at 530 and COO yards. Highest scores:— 500 GOO y<l?. yds. Up. Tl. Sapper Johnslon .... 32 33 7 — 72 Sapper Andrews ~ ~ 31 33 3 — 70 Bugler M'Keiizie .. .. 29 31 8 — G3 Sapper Sisirett .... 37 27 2 — GG Sspper Parker .... 32 29 5 — GG Following are tho highest aggregates for the Junior Challenge Cup, the scores being taken from scratch, and the winner of the cup being Sapper Andrews: — Ist 2nd 3rd comp. corny, comp. Tl. Sapper Andrews .... 07 — G7 — 134 Sapper Helm — GO G! — 133 Sapper Jlarett ~ ~ — G8 Gl —132 Sapper Bragg — G8 61 — 129 Tiic aggregates for the oilier prizes (including handicaps) nrc as under, the prize-winners being Sappers Johnston, Helm, and Jlarett:— Ist 2nd 3rd comp. comp. comp. Tl. Sapper Johnston .... — G7 72 — 139 Sapper Helm — 74 W — 138 Sapper Marett .... — 73 66 — 138 Bngier M'Kcnzio ... .. — 70 03 — 138 Sapper Bragg.. ..'..- 72 . 63 - 135 CAVERSHAM RIFLE VOLUNTEERS. The Caversham. Riflea fired their usual matches for prizes on their range, Caversham, on Saturday, when the Class A fired the first of four competitions for Hallenatcin Bros.' trophy and other prizes. Tho conditions were seven shots, with optional eighter, at 300, 500, and 000 yards, and notwithstanding a, strong gusty wind Colour-sergeant Scarle put on the possible at 500 yards. The following were the highest scores:— 300 500 600 yds. yds. yds. Hep. Tl. Col.-sergt Soarle .. 31 35 25 84 l'riv. N. M'Farlane 29 21 23 6 — 79 Lieut. Breimrer ~ 21 20 21 8 — 70 Sergt. Doran „ 2C- 24 21 3-74 Priv. Porleoi)9 ..23 26 23 74 Priv. Wisnesky ~19 20 21 10 — 70 Sergt. l'oitcous .. 25 26 17 — — 63 At the same time the Cln3s B fired the first of four competitions for the trophy presented * Mr T. 11. Sidey, M.H.8., and other prizes, the following being the.highest scores:— 200 500 c . „, i <la - }ds. Hp. Tl. Sergt. Glen oq J o C _ _ 50 Priv. Watson 17 19 n _ 47 t^-t ; 16 19 W-α Inv. J. iiiarlanc. .. 21 10 13 — 44 Priv. Fogarty 20 n _ _ 42 }/»'• Canh" :G 12 14--J2 Iriv. Neivlands .. .. 22 13 6 — 41 A TIUAJfGUIin MATCH. A triangular match was fired on Saturday afternoon on the Green Island Bi/les' range between teams representing. Green Island Kifles, 1 uncdiu Highland Rifles, and Bust Taieri Kiflos. lie cojiditidis were 10 men uside, seven shots and one siglitcr at 200 yards, and seven sliois and two sighters at 500 "yards. As fi 1 by t,ho foHo « , iKg scores, the Green island liiflea were returned winners by the hcrrow margin of 1 point over the Highlanders, who 111 turn bout the East Taieri Rifles by 70 points. Tins is tie second occasion on which t ij l..reon Island shooting men lnvo beaten the .Highlanders by a mirrow margin. Owing to the very high wind blowing some of tho scores were not quite up to the mark at MM yards. At the conclusion of the match Lieutenant Jl'Lean, 011 behalf of the Green hlp.iid team, thanked the Highlanders and Knst Xaieri Eiiles for their presence, it beiii" the first lime the three teams had met on tin green Island range. H c hoped the match 11 u °f » u " ual , o,lD - C^Pta l " Dempster, 011 behalf of tho Highland Rifles, thanked the Oreon Island Hides for tho way they had been oiiterlsmed, miying that the Scotchman couid always take a, beating, and he thought that these matches should bo held oftener"between companies v.s it helped to bring the men mom together. Lieutenant Cameron, replying on briialf of (lie East Taieri Rifles, also tlmnkcd the Creen Island Rifles for the way his team had been treated. Cheers were then interchanged, and the (earns dispersed. The following were tho scores,- — Green Island Rifles. 200 500 P,i,,t V 1. 3 ' lk J ' ds ' n l mate raster , 30 32 (y> Private W. J, Crimp .. .. 30 32 _ C2 Co., ;l joral Crutu) 30 30 _ 62 I'nvate AV. H. Crimp .. .. 31 30 — Gl , H:.iveai.t Miller 04 M _ 53 Li.Mitoiwnt M'Lcan 03 2 4 - 52 1 nviitc Ram?ay 24 05 ._ 40 i"° , w 20-48 Private M'hinley .. ~ jg 04 _ 43 Private Walt ," 21 21 — 42 Tola! 7 34 " Dunedin Highland! Rifles. Private Rider 30 3-2-62 Want Aiild 03 3li _ G1 Ciiptiim Dempster 32 03 _ 60 Private A. Cooper 31 25-50 Private Lewis 09 04 _ 53 Private Johnson ]| 07 35 — 52 Corporal (krbutt ~ ,' ' ai . <rc — 49 Sergeant Dickel " M J, _ 4S Sc-igeant Harper ~ <t ~ 04 _ 43 Corporal Armit ~ ~ ,| )) 27 17 — 41 Total "533 East Taieri Biflcs. Bugler Algio 05 2 8 - 53 Lieutenant Cameron .. .. so 27 — 53 Private Leask 05 03 51 Private Aikcn " § ] j>B 21 — 43 Lieutenant M'Laurin ~ 13 ng _ 43 Private White ~ 04 53 — 47 Private Wyiie ', „ 27 00 _ 47 Sergeant TimibuU 25 v, _ m Private Sinclair 22 9 — 31 T °W «7 NOETH DUNEDIN RIFLES The North Dunedin Rifles fired the second competition for tho L.1i.8. Cup and other prizes at tho Polichct Bay Rjinge on Satumuy hist. 1 here was t very tricky wind blowing across the renge. The conditions were seven shots and two sighters at 300 and 500 yards; our competitions, three to count. The following were the highest scores:300 500 ti ■ l r> ,r . y de - Hp. Tl. Private R. Mtur .... 30 27 8-65 Sergeant J, Kilpatrick .. 30 29 4-03 Corporal K. Hod K son ..29 23 G- &5 Sergeant V. Harbour ..30 31 01 Private H. Potter .. .. 20 35 5 — GO Private G. Harbour ..21 30 G — 57 Private A. Dippio .. .. 2G 30 50 Private It. Pattan .. .. 1G 31 S — 55 Private W. F. Black .. 22 28 B - 55 Col.-tgt. T. M. Shepherd 19 28 6 — 55 Private J, .Sch'ofield t . 19 23 10 ~ 54

DUKEDIX RIFLES. The foijrtn and final competition for thi coifipany'sßolt was fired by the Dunedin Rifle* on Sslunip.y afternoon. The raugra were 303 and 500 yards, the conditions being 10 ahola and optiomall rigJitOT mt esch range. The scores were as follow: — 300 500 Private Liggett .. ~ „ „. 43* 44 —87 Sergeant Hay ..„.<„ 35 4g«_ & Private Morrison .. ~. ~40 44 —81 Cnplnin Jackson ....„,, 39 44 _33 Colour-sergeant Martin .. „ 39 43 _gj Corporal M'Donald .. „ ~ 30 42 —78 Corporal Stewart .. ~ ..31 36 —70 Corporal Ferguson 30 36 —CS * Range prizes. The following eJioivs the highest aggregate scores of the four competitions, with the lowest score counted out:— Ist 2nd 3rd. 4th. Tl. tPnvato Leggctt .. — S3 79 87 — 255 1 Sergeant Hay „ 83 - SO 8J - 253 tCol.-sgt. Martin ..: - 92 79 82-253 •(Captain Jackson .. — 81 86 83 — 253 Private Morrison .. 85 83 — 84 — 252 Corp. M'Dorald i. If! 80 79 2JS Corp. Ferguson .. 79 go _ 66 — 227 Corp. Stewart .. .. 74 7G — 70 — 220 t Prize-winiiers. B BATTERY. B Battery fired a handicap match at Pe'iciet Bay range ok Saturday. Conditions: Seven Jhola a-nd a. sighter at eack range; 300 ami 000 yards; scoto, without handicaps, to count for the company's belt. Appended Mβ a few of the highest scores:— 300 500 „ , „ yd'- yds. Hp. Tl. Corporal Bryant .... 37 ,19 10-86 iiouiba-Klier-driver Gow 30 41 7— 81 Corp.-(lriver M'lntosh .. 30 34 10 —74 Trumpeter Ytough ~ ,13' 20 11 —70 " (i miner llobertson .... 31 07 g g^ Gunner KcynoMs .. ~ 21 33' 10 —6t 'Range prizes. PORT CHAU'EES XAVALS. The Port Chalmers JXavals fired the second competition for prizes presented bv Messrs h G. Alen, ir.H.K., R. Bauchop, J.'Pickard, ami J. iu. Kobertson 011 Saturday. Conditions: Ten shots at 300 and 700 yards. • The weather conditions were not very favourab'o or good- shooting. Hie following are the highest scores:— 300 700 t>, „ , y f]si ' 3"<k. Hp. Tl. Bugler Montgomery ~33 33 20 -90 <i miner Angus .. .. 41 31 8- SO Sergeant Stewart .. ~ 42« 37 79 Gun. 11. S. Montgomery 3J 34,* 73 HCiiptain DOCV.I3 ... .. 42 ;.;i 73 Bombardier Porter ..40 "9 4 n Corporal Ciark .. .. 3G 31 f, —73 fiun. A. Love ..\ .. .. o 3 31 20 _73 unn. liattlicwson .... 41 22 8— 71 Gun. J. Montgomery ..40 20 4— TO * flange prizes, i A T ot competing. WAKARI H-IFLES. The Wakati Ilifles fired the second competition lor prizes for A and B Clusaes on Saturday last. Conditions: A Clase, seven shots at 200, 500, and 600 yards; B Class, seven shots at 200 and 500 yards. Tho following aro the principal scores:— A Cass. * 200 500 COO „ . „ „ , s'd 3 - yds. yds. Hep. Tl. Priv. S. Roberts ..29 27 29' 3— 83 Priv. B. Wyse ..29 22 23 14 —83 PnV. Foreman ~ 21 2t 2t 20 —SO Priv. J. Marshall 31 27* 25 83 Priv. W. Clyde .. 32' 21 27 SO Col.-sergt. Wilson 25 22 21 9— 77 B Class. ! 200 600 „ . „„ . , y a '- )<•'• Hp. Tl. Priv. R. Wright .... 27 19 10-58 Priv. ,T. Mowat .. ~ 31* 20 5— 56 Priv. J. Ovens .. .. 24 20' 12 —56 Corporal Still ~.. 22 ID 10 —51 Priv. Laurenjon .... 21 10 15 —48 Priv. Banbury .... 27 19 48 Priv. Stevenson .... 23 15 2— 45 Priv. Randle 14 Iβ 35 —45 Priv. Connelly 14 13 18 —45 • Range prizes. The highest aggregates are:— A Class. Ist 2nd. conip. comp. Tl. Priv. Marshall ~ ■ 87 83 — 170 Priv. Roberts si 88—169 Priv. Clyno 80 £0-160 Priv. "Wyae .. 70 88—158 Piiv. Foreman 69 83-155 B Class, Priv. n. Wright .. „ .. .. 4S SG-104 Priv. Mowat .. „..,.... 47 60-103 Priv. Ovens „ 44 5G—103 Priv. Banbury _ 54 46—100 Priv, Stevenson , „ 50 45— 95 Priv. Webster ... 43 43—01 Friv. Randle .... 44 45-83 Priv. Lamenson .. 41 48— 89 Corporal Still „ 37 Sl— 83 Priv. Connelly „ .. „ „ 40 46-86 DUNEDIN HIFLE CLUB. The Dunedin Rifle Club fired tho first competition for Mr E. 11. Greenslade's prizo on Saturday. A , tricky wind prevented high scoring. The following were the highest scores:— 200 600 600 yds. yds. yds. Hep. Tl. Mr Proudfoot .. 31 28 25 U Mr Tonkin .... 31 30 23 —81 Mr Clark ~ .. 30 33 22 &1 Mr Logan .. .. 59 59 20 4- 62 Mr Lyders .... 20 29 17 75

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12934, 29 March 1904, Page 6

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SHOOTING COMPETITIONS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12934, 29 March 1904, Page 6

SHOOTING COMPETITIONS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12934, 29 March 1904, Page 6