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.'■' ;■'!..Daily. Time's Office,. Monday evening.. . .'•TliDv-ariimmt' (if roveuiiis ciilliictftl nt the '..niiuedin. .Cualniii TlJiusg ln-(hv nt, gnodii : .cleaved: for consiimptimi was £2335. '■■' . -.COMUEECHL- CABI,EfiRAIIS. ■ , ; ."■ LONO.QJT, Jlarch Q". ; i 'CpiiiVer: S'libt, fST }-7s Cd;. three months, £57 '•12s -W.' 'i'iiu- apqt. i 1.23; tiiroc-liiolil-he, ili27 1.7s Od. Life;!] oil, M Ite. :■ Aif the kiiuri (..ales :!C96 cases were effdttd, .>.iid : .Gso-B'p'lfl, inostly tlnee-nuaiiers sefaned, at--£125,..' ■■' ' " ■■' Frozen Meat;; -Can.hrbn.ry light- iinchntigcd; iniediuiii- -I'j'il;. hpiu'y, IUI-; buncdiii .ind Soiilli- : ■■SimcT, lincliaiigcd; Xoriii Ifjiind, ordinary. j;.d; ■liihibs—Caiitcr))Ury, EJd; li.uiioiliii and -ScuthHimd.'iiMoliangeds" Korth Island. i.Jd. Besf; : ' Ui'ic.hiiiist'l- llivcf Plate shtep, light ai;d heavy-, .'i;d;- lamb , , IJd; beef, .unciiaiigcil. ." WhiN-i.t—Tlio iroiitgomeryshiie'i cargo of Sew Zealand is sold.. THE SYDNEY STOCK MARKET. SYDNEY, Mwc-h 9S. -. At-the: Hpmcliuslv rales Efteep. \vcre iii small, sVipplyv aiicl ipficES wore Ijiglicr. 'I'btr-? wivs ■ oiily one lot nf. welhcrj, \vhich sold, at '2,1g Cd; ■Wc.9j 2UsCd.to2is Sd. Cnttle v/cre uiictiaDßtt). ,'Beif-biillocks. ill ss; til Tot. fl'-2'ss to fj-)-.j "■(iobdi-lliVfiV; lust co.iys, £i 10s. to X' 3 lus; good.. \£S. Beef, .253 fid to iGs per 100!u. rrr. r<*. — ■■ : " TkRAGVENtGENEIiAIi'S REPORT. :. . .'■' WEtttTNGTO-N, March 23. ■Tlie.-.-Departraerit:-.'.of Induslrics and ComI'nierce- lias. receivecJ the foi : !o;iviiig calm-gram ifroiii, -the- Ag.orit-gisiicr.'il, dated loiidcm, iiCtii Hie fliSrktrt is. very ci'illK on , nceoiint ot the absence pf i-demarid.' 'Stojcke ' on hand. are. ■ .very ilight; liut -ftiiy increase in supplies; ■vroul(l,.l6vvcr the , :.priiceH; 'J he average' price, .'to-day , is•—.Caiiferburii ,,, -Hi:!.; Dunedin, Sbutlilanc], ■and AV.M-.K., Company's, brands, ■■41(] ;■■>■ other Korih braiid?,. 4»d; liiver .Plato -.miiiton, ,SJd. Lii.mb: The niarkc.t ia -very'.weak-;- Tlie.qutintity croiiig. into cpnsiirn.iitiori .is disap.pbini.iiig,.. riiul lis , niivo'h less than that- for. the- -usual Easter demand, .Shipments .of;lamb now arriving iirfi very heavy, amHljcr.e ; is-'dn- iiiciiiintion bii'thi? , part of consignees ( 0 force, (lie fa!c. of. iiinib. . Tlie: ]itite ■■■td : d'ay,.o'f.i{.e\y. Zeajaijci lamb. braiid'sJt];- brands-oliier tlian-Cinterbury,4J;d; 'AuetiiilßUi Iliuib, -ild; JUvei! P-liitc, 4J. Beef; : The ■market is a.epressed. Supplies ,are niedcriitej- but .siirTicieiit to meet all requirements. jArgeiiliino chillEd 'hind'quarters are .selling nt iijiper b. The. average, price to-fljy for hind : ■quarters: 61 New Zealand beef is 3d; fores, ■2Jdi' ..Quotations, for New Zealand beef are ir.oiiimal., . .Scinie folders of Ncyi .Zealand 'butter-'are forcing sales.; which is-very seriously : nffcctin.ij tlip miirkej. Buyers, expecting price 3 : to ;gd-.lower,- ure hp'.d'ing- back. sire very ■'.heavy supplies of butter on hand, and the ■market: generally te very depressed. -I'ho '.'ayeraite; price for choicest .Jfay Zealand butter ■ per cwi; Ar.siralmii, ajs; Aj-geii-,'liiib;' 92s'; .Danish., 106s. Clieese; i'ho msrket '.is firm, and mirUct prtapecte fayo.irable. There v'i'S.geiieral'confidence in'tlie maintenaticc Q.f pre.'sent pritcs. The average price uor finest. fl'cW Zealand/cheese is 50s per cwt:; Canadian, 51s. -Tlie .ofleri rigs pi lieinp aje very Bmall;''.remaiheo. for.sonie time; T!ic prieepf New -Zealand .heiiiij is.: ■ Gob.d to fair Wel'-ingfen -grade," oiv .spot to-day, .f3l 10s; April iu.ns .•■shipments,' 10=; The. of rnanila iie'mp.'.'.iair .'current grade, .oh- spot-to-day, -is .£'r: ton; April to June, aliipmeritsi pi ■The" demand- for cocksfoot , seed, is improving,.: .bilt:pnce3-.nre,iincliaiiged. I nni of -orjinibn ;'f batyjhe : . deiiiand.! furllier .increase oh ■arrival of Eupplie.?. , Tlie price.: for ;..brinlit,;: .clean Kew " Zeaj'and cocksfoot sc.e.d. 'ivtigliihg.-.nlb; per' : hiisli('l on spot, tp-tlay is 523 per.CwtV: :■ Fruit:piiip.r,. The murky is yen- unsupplies are e.omins JorWai-d, and' little'biiciness is doing end prices lire ivep.k-Quotations-'nominal-'; rsspberry f.ul|), £28 per /.;.;;:'■■ : " '.. ■-. ■: — :^JlSvraB;.;K%-ZlIHifiND TIMES. ; ,':..- Mr-lfartuiVlCeiiiieSy,. Iriariagiiig director of:. fhe.-New' Zcal.irfd' Tiniest iii : ']e\K akiiig iit .the.' valedictnry;f unci ioir;teiidered iiiiii; 6n' : S.iitiirday, in W laalc d.-. tli at'.; ill b 7ci j ice tors' ■poiikliccom--mend a 'divycncJ"of ? on-ordinary sha-re3;-.-.m -.uddition'"-to'-.S 'per'ecrit;, on preferential■slinrci'', , ' '■'-.S^"..'■...''.■''■ ",'': '."'

4.iIABGAirATIQN..OF TOEACCQ GOJt " ' ' ' ' ' : PA-NIE&. ' " (P.Z3, 'UhITED PSE99 ASSQCIATIOS.) WEBLIis T GT.ON, March 28, It is stated here that, tlio American Tobacco Company .has amalgamated witli tltt> Dixon (Sydnfey) and .Camrioii (ilelbpuirne) pro:pri6t.arie's. The V/elliristoii agents for certain : brp.'nda .of -tqlßitcci* lnahufiicturcd. by" the , firniß named: haw , been .notified that'their; .rights as ■agents will of tiro present month. The-iiitoiitioii of the Aihericim Tobacco Cpmpany pi .New .Zealand to tstablflli its headgnnrters: in Wellington,and erect a. factory i 3 to be carried .into, effect- at an:ear!y..daie. BROEERTY SALES. Messrs: Patlt, i?e.ynpld3, and Cb/s. .room.?, were crowded yesterday, when ?, subdivision of sectipiia46, -17; 48,"49,auc1p-r.t of; OT, block XXI, Diinedin, with frontages to Ciinibefhincl street and Hanover street,. vm& .submitted at aiictjon. Biddiiig !o:.thevarioue. lots w.aa keen,, and the following sales resulted;"-Allotment ], with four cojtiiges tlieroon, £im, to ; Mr Sinclair.; ailolnteut 1 (vacant), SMs,. to Mr Vγ. Prict.or; allotment 3 (vacaiil),. £I'GO, to Mrs iAburn;aljbtiiibiit 4 (viconl), £!75,t0 Mr B. Hsllc?stein;' allPtnrent 5, with cottage, X'-iOO, In Sir J. Kiiprfes; a-Hotment G, witii -edttnge, £'IW. f.o M.r J. 'Hhodts, allotment; 7 (vacantj., £'230, to Mjs AVilkinsn.ii'; aifotitieiit S. (vac.ini), i' 290,. id Mr B. Hallenslci.h; allotment. ■<! (va»:u}t); .':507 10K, to Mr B. Hallenstcin.. AV tl'.." , sr.iii.e finis, allotni.eiit 13, block. 11, Township of. with cottage thereon,.vis* sola. (on. account o{ file trustees in the eatato oi" Jesse Hounsomj to Mr Aiderdice for £ 130.' Acting under :miriict.ib?i . from (he Gity Council, Messrs AJci' Harris iiiiti Co. offered the 21 years' bifilding leas;s of '111? yr-rioun (iity tJorpQi'ation properties al iiieir rooms ;-p.rtcrdiiy. The. leases, were ail secured again by tho former holders- at. tht upset annual, rfn'iaia, K3 linger:'—Allotment ,!,. siiMivißio-.i r,f sections S7 to- 39, blcck if, .Dunciliii' (itofffggßTi eireeO, eoiitaininj; 31.1 poles, £J7 l6j per iiniiuni. Mr John. Abbott. Stiikliy.ision of scs.lio.n G, b!ocl't VH, South. Biineclin.: Allpinioni ;ii, elintaiji■ing HA poles, .£s'. per nninim.. lir.3 A. Airs ell; Allotment- iiJ," cdiiiaiilii;g !).:2 pores,. £i per annum, Mr Ko'bert jnnu-s. Finiiie; nllot-molit 35, containing 5. : 2 f.qlts> So per ch'tuiiji. Air Gliomas G. Brown; alloinie:i? S", subdivision of sections I'.ani 2, li'lotk IV, Upper Kaihorai district,, conkining 33.8 pplcßj £3 per antiuin, Mr Alexartclilr Flejiiiiig. ' . ' Tlie A'itional -Slorigiigo- r.nd Agency Cora-, pany of -Kpw Zealnntl' \J,imj.icfl) fejiotl having , folil at eiilifon .bii tli.c'2-jfli ilarcfi.* parcel of land situated in. the Town of G-iint6ii, : b:-iiig sections 13. rinfl 1.1, 'block- yi.ll, toyeiher with ;tlie huiklings thereon,-.cousistii'.g of fivc-r.iX!!iied dwel.iiijg. shop, synd oiit'l.iouc-es to Mr jarries Wallace Jo.hnsion at JC22C. ■ ■ ■ GIiAIN AND PROPIJCE. liEPQFJS, M.cssrs Dai'gely i-jucl CJo. (Limited) jeporUW ■\\'q held oui- vvcek'.y- sale p£ gidn nird produce at our dore'a on Mondfty,. ly.heii iv'o subiiiitit.d. a laige oafafogua to the U3u;il number li.f buyers. CompeHtloii ithroiighovit v:os lais.k, aiid, mill .ono or (wo exceptions, \vc; cJe.i.r.a! the whoie of our Catalogue, a.t valualiqps. : l'rlcca- i)ilc;T ?.s lindci-: — Oalsi—W'hiip tSjcir.!! r:rp. plenty <jf tiie nc-.v: season's- oda noiv oftc-itiig, ljtcr-cllijiifs rii«w n.> inclir.r..!io:i (o buy .freely, .iiijlin mosi cases the prices nskeJ qrc a. shs<le abpvfe .buyers 1 ' li.mii;. Prime "A" ffa'h is icqiiii-ed icr, 'hut , farmers prefer io store pr.t3 qi this qtialiiy riitht-r llirtri accept ruhiig ratos. O!;o',.iti.gn3.: Prime, milliiig, Is (JAd td Is 7<|- gpjii to best fcetS, Is -f.'.'j (o 1-3 5j3; inferior af.'J liiQiliuin, Is io. Is 3(1 (Sacks rxfrii). Wheat.—-In. prime milling lylieat ilirro \its' ■bem « '?!»Knj.ciint of biifin.css. Aeni ciiui'ij the past., ilic bulk of wjiicli irfe keen imr« c-liaieil in (lie noctli. &di-\jiii niilii::g is, ];cv:-e-ver, not in demand. 0-wi-ng io the dr.hii-jKI s'.?.\e oi the Sotuhcrri crop foiv.l wheat -is o.Teiitig freely at reics. (Jiroiatidns: Prime milling, 3 3 Id fo-S» id). ujikliuirl.'Ss 1M to as; \vh.a!c fowl v,-!mai., 2s 0 to is (id; broken aiid damaged, ?s to. 2a 3d. (aacks ei-rira). l'otatobs.—Largo coasigninEiiis licvve come fonSlui, cind at present t ! :e njsiifc't is glutted ] with all sorts. Prime -.aluiiq l-icrt-H-jlli any inquin , . •■Qtiofctions: Prime j)erv.'cnt.s, i-2.5i3 to- .£> 10.-; ineSiiun. £1 15s- to £'2; pods, £i lp £1 10s tbsgS inK CiiafF, —The market, is ir.i.rly vreil Eupplied. Prime oa.ts.ii shc-af conliiine.-; to be iii g&cj cli-inani]. Miclium qnili'fy hrs a 'nin:lcra(i! sale, but inferior and light rimct v.'ll-h iitflo or ua inquiry, Qnpiiitioiis..- PriW.e eaten sic-al, £2 15s to a; nioclium, £2 ~.s id li ids- .infwipf, £l 10s to £2. 2s EH {bags citra). " ■ 'Messrs Donald ReM aiicl Co, (Limited) report r—We held, our v.-eetl.y r.jiotiou ep.lo of. grain luid. prouuce. at our "slors on M'ciiclay, when ws SiiMiiiiicd » mciliii.iu cnfi?.!ogue -to a gqtd iittonSidiso- of. biiyers. Eiildiiig jvas spm* what, a'.bsf, but. under fair .rcitii/ciituin, (lie bulk of the Eata.lojiies- w,-s. cleared at- satisfiictofy values, Prices l-ulei ns tinder: — , Oali.—Buri.njj the past v.-eek the .dc.rqtnil for jw.ime. millin-g' qiinlity Jiiia l)ccn niw.-ra- , . and ans' lines CTinins io jiamt re.-.'ilv qiiitt-r-tl :i', Iste. values. ' Mcdimil qiiiiUfy. bas not Ij..e sait)« attention; while iufcriorpats iire to quit evc;n at Tivlucc.d viihies. ft'e f|iiotj: Prime nifOiii!!. 1? GU !o Is Hi; good to best fee.a-j Is 5d (o. Is G:i ■' medium, ls'M 1o 1-9 oil; inferior, Od to Is 2(1 per bushel (socks extra). Wheat.—Almost nil Kraples of southern wheat, cpniiiijr. io hand- arc sntonie:! oml qiiite 'uiiflt for milimg, jjo that buyers hive been driiwing their supplies" c'. liiiliing wheat fipm iiprthci-n distri.-.fii. FoiVl y/' ia j:ow jiirt:e plentiful, and has suflorEc! c:- sjij:lit dc-cHnc. in ' price. A'.'e .quote.; Pti'm.o iiiirl-jii", 3s 5d to , ,1a 4d; mediimi. 2a lpj to 3s; ivhole -fowl wlieaj, ■2s -lil to 2s' CsJ; medium, 2s to 2s 3d per brtshe-1 (siicks extra). Potatoes.—Supplies have l>soll coming forward freely., b'lt there is (air demnml, and prices rule, on f. par willi Ist?. q-Hof-ntiqJi's. We: i]iipte: Best fle-rwcnls. £;! sis t6 h IDs; mediiiiii, £2 to j>2. Ss; .while poi'fttpc.s, i'l Cs to : £2 5s- per ton in). r Chaff.—Simpfidj liave b.sen cojninf fcfwaru! lriove frc'.ejy dii.rins the \vcek, but most of it is. of niciiiunr niisiiiy, 'unci for ptiinc c!;;i.IF tliere is st'Kl goojl dfinftncl, Inic-ioV Chn{T is afnirtst uiisaloablcv .CJu.otivi.icns- I'riine. w.leii «ho;if. f2153 l-o n.; ciclra, io .£", «s Cd'.j medium, f-2 ps (0 j£-2 10s- iiifeiipr.Bndai-sCDIcHTca, i'l ISs !o £2 per ton (!ra<{3 (iix!i;,i), STOCIC SALE. A-T- CLINTON. . Hie Js'ational S.'.ort»n£j) eiuT Afency Oompnny .(li.rmited) report liovinj held tltcir .annual owe. (Hid lamb fail: a.i C! : intori m I'lnirsfla.y last, ti.ic 21i.ii insi. There was a very !!tr K c varrJjii?, every available pen .citicl race lipisg (j)!:d. I'te wiis aiso a very jar»c aite.iiclaiiee pi ilic public, buyers bci:!<i prpsbn', from nprdi and sr,iith-, who compelsd sp'ii-.i.ieiiiy fer ovciy lot, re, suiting in a cicararteb lie.iii<! elfcctid at very Siitisfactptv .price'. One 65)03 cemm-iserl the fo-JTon-iKg:—Vor J!es£:-a J. sail J, tl 13,-gg (WyhdhamK 3SG ewes lit 11';, a.l wt-tiiers at Uα 7.(1, 55 cull ewc-3 at- Hs; !G! eii-U lambs, r.t Cs. 2d, 59 dp ivetl.iurs st .1.2 a. -t;l.; Mr .1 U Wallace (Clinton;}. & ewes at ITS 3d; lilr 1). ■\Yiili«mson, 110 c-.ves at l-! : i M; Mr i. B. T.iiomjon. 38 cv.-ch at ISs. H7 Isinbs at Ms, OJ c'wes at 1-is 3d: Jlt 11. K. Sfcei, 72 e.wfs at 1.7s Gd, 111 lamb? at ll'.s 1.(1: J1.. ; L G. Mc ?f r f Ciin-n"), 8.78 pw.p.s at TSs- 131 «o nt M?, KCI h;»i)3 itt'lflf, 118 do ut Si-; ;il-r T. .livjim (Wai-. ruha). 70 Inniln ,ii.t J.2«.; ?Ji- J. Minsior, (Anise Hj.ll). 526 jaiiibs id Us &l, :i!r (V at 8s 1.(1; Jlr l!. Ljliajfrnri, J:i-J v:2tliet3 ;:t iiin G-:l, 7iJ r.t 12s Ed; ilr \V. 51'Kenzic. (TKimiaia), 115 lanfos at 12s; .Jlv I). .Vi) n\.n at Its 7(1, -123 do. lit lils lid; Mr J.- ITait- (Taumata), Mi ivtfi lit I:7s .lid, 2? <h of i>~ id; ?.lr .i.-ia. Bain (VVaipahi), f.-ii slieea at-225. H Jamfcs ill 13* Id, 1)0 c-vves a!, IPs; Jlr A. zyilw (niverv-i.e-.v), 83 e.uil ewes al !:!; Id; iff C. '.)7 ewes lo Hs l;l, 113 !i>niU3 ;tl 10s 2c!:; and. in. corir junciion with- j.lie :Vc : .w Zcah.iid J.oan .ii.d iifreaifrle Agency Coiii)).S!iy, un. pecoiint of .Mr H, 'I'oVmi.e (Waipi(hi)! eiyc-i at 13s lljl, 2?2 do at 12s. ;id, G'i do at ftp. -Id. J, Ke.wburgh e!op1; and sjinrobr.ok.ef, Kp , . 6 Stock KxciiangS IJiiildrijgs, "\Vafer sircet. Codea; AVesterii Union, Bedford jl'JT;eil, -and Private. Cable (lAdrcss, Laivson, fiuiiediii. Money to lend on freehold security;—Adv.t, Our Suits licav the hail marl: of quail!],'.-; prices from £4- IPs,— lkoivii, 'V.w'ing, aiid GO.-7-A.dvt,. WOLFK'S SGItXAPPS Good, Jinre, ivh.o'leipnic, aiid appetiEing.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12934, 29 March 1904, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12934, 29 March 1904, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12934, 29 March 1904, Page 4