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♦ .:J?^ : .:' : ..-V.- V .;.; Timb Bail at PoBT-CHAUiKBa." .: ,1 Tke New Zealand me»n time at nole, aitttlqlid for tl}e ineridiira of longitude, in - lime'll hours jib minutes east of Greenwioh, will }ie signalled once a week by a time ball v dropping at the instaat-ofrmean noon.;!* ,:' A blue ijag will be. hoisted at tb.e;mast-. head, Port Obalmera Bijnal statioh, -oil. the'. fareneou of the day when the time signal ia giTen. : . ";!::"■■■ '*'~. '■ ■'■■:■ ■''■"■■■■: ' FBABBB OF THIS MOOK' : .- ; V :, ir#S i . ~^jyimMy " '"..;■■ - •■*',.■..■■: ; -; Pull Ifpon .., :;.;" : ;^i : ; :3 •< '2.18 p.m. : Lastijiisrter ..< >~Vh--'-i*?, ■'9-'. ;-0.51.p.inl New IJoon ..4 '-<">..:'>.;;- 1% '■ 5.9.: p.m. rirst Quarter ... >\ ; -;;,-' ; '~, 26..': '0.7-Win.i Perigeb ......, f.VvVV- :2 -OiO^ni;: Apoge« ... -...;-,. 14-'; .•'S^Op.mi Porigeo .. ~; ..:■.:-.-■ v;; , !;..:: , 2a: :0.0. 'eVm^ Sun nsee 6.26,-,6ets ". ■■ .' . the Leather, -.:".'' ' ; ..-;! . Maroh 23.—8 a.m.::,: I Wiui!S;E J rTOsstlier tbic£. Noon: i'Winil, : ;B.E. f/weathiei ■thieki--5 p.m.^-WindjS;^. , ;. westher-dtdl.;';.. i■ *' '■ ;..■"'-:■'■ v .B"irri.' Nd0n. :, .0-.-nVm. Barometer ;; ... .30.22 30.22- 3(?.03 lTierrnometer ■". , ;':-.::, : -;..- : '5O.-" , -60. ■'.. -58.- ■■"i Patiiin - Wpph'oMdV'it; 9.45 o'ejoek-jast ■'niglit : to! S.E. \find and rai.n.."'.-.^.-..;''■■'"/■:-' ■' '•'. '■"'■.':'.' ':. INTERCOLONIAL; &XD dOEOJJIAL : ...WEATHER BBPORT. : : (PEE 'TI!;iTBp :: ,PEESs"' , AB9OGUtioS;):. .- '.WELLINGTOI^- -Jlarbli:-28:. : The. .folloTOg-.-'-'ato ;tlie 'B' a.m.. '.■■iypathe'r.: reports from ■'Australiari.. station^:— : '""■ Albany, Slarpli E..;' bar:, ;30;2 : ;' fine?. ;%-.; ,:■ .; . .' .■■ „ .:■ Hobart, March. 26AyM;,S:E:;- -kr;, 30.1; fine.- '..■ :'■; ' ■' ;■. '■'~'. ' Sydney, Marclv < -,5..;. bar., 50.i;.. misty; rain. ißainfrji, l -I.Biuv ■'-.• .'■'■■ The following.;aro weather, reporfs from. New Zealand Rt.Etioris , :,at*s.-'-p. , iiii;-r-:\ "■'■ ' Jlaiiukau Heads'.— Vt.inH. :N3y.,,-breeze;. bar. 30.03,■ cld|i(ly;-' ; ; sea- niodeni'te. , Oa^tlepqint.—Wiiid. N.N.IC!;. frosli , ; 29.92, ther. 67; fine;, sea ■■heavy; -, ■ " ■ ' Wellinfiton:—Wiiitl ./K.KAV;,,. fresh; ■'■ liar; 29.90, ther.. 66;: glooniy.; .. ''. ,'.' Eaikoura^Calni;;'.l-bav.;'29;M,-.'iher; : -.62';' overcast; sea smooth;;,. .;. .'"-. " ~-."■' ■"■ Oamaru.—Calm;-'■bari'.'.29.Bß, -tlieh '59:'; overcaet; sea, moderate.: ■'' ,- ".'" .'' BlurT.-Wind;E:i?,fresh.; bar; '29.90, tlver, 56; fine. '•■ ■ v ".. ':''y : : ; '-':. ■ ■'■ ■:". .-■' '■'' : Westport.— WiiidoN^,. frail;. bar ; ; 29,72, tber. 65; rain; , e'ea'.roiiijli: ; ' '.'■' ' - . .' " jlareh 29— '-:•:■■■ ■■■?.■; " : ■ ■ *. ■.α-iri-.: ■ -p.'m; At Taiaroa-Heads)'■„; ... %*&- o:si At Port-ChslmoM ■.*!■,.'. 1:25;' %3i At Dunodin; .s■::■■;:.■;■.> w, ; ..... 2.10. . 2.19. j - ' ' ■ ' ' ' ■ • . . „■..-.' Invercargill,''sis.,' .1231.t-pns ? , Jilarfcs, from. Invercargill.'':K.:ißamsay:,,iigcni). .--" ■ "■'.*. /i'V '■Jla'rcli'- , .28.-'-;" .- Clan M'Lsod,,. barque,.'.M6 tons,.-Camp-bell, for Hokiniiga.-. ..:No'w-..ZeaJand: Expri63. Company, ageiils/.;. ~,W. ..■■.; ' "'..'". • . . • ' : From Liverpool;'—Anglfi-Sprman, --.barque; left December,; 29.. ,;; ,. Dumfriesshire,, barque, left December.4;!. Obah'Bay, .-left February: 2. v:;^-*:'^.-. ,^"'.'' ■-."■ '\- : '--" ■ From Glosgbn;;—Taranalii, , ...sliip;', left D6t cember 29. i.Titania; barque, left Janiiarv ■ IC. ■:■:*"..:.:■£!■■;;. ~_.';-.;;( ';.". ; From Philadelphia.—Trafalgar, 'shinj left '. February l> Fratelli'BovcrinOj-'barquei,. -left' March 15..r-; ; ?V: : - :'. '■■ , : - : "v '. :: -.-> '■ -~'■". From Sydney : (via.-■Auckland)' , .—Westralia; -■■ April^,;:;",!;/^' , ;^: , ;-^ ,^, " , - '■ ' " From , Sydney-(via ,, . ■ -April 2. . -. :'... . :■;'/;,'. From flarpk 29.' From. Auckland;-f:Talune;' March 31. ; From Oamani.—Pukaki,''.Jlarch;':29/ - I'ROJECTEn-DKPXRTTOES:■'-.,. ; : For Liverpool '.(via -'Soutii'' Africaj.^D.or-. eet, April ■;.:,,';..■■/.'■.'■■ ,'','■'' .... -.:'„.'.-,- For Sydney (viS-'-AvielclandlH^aikar*,; 1 March 29. W«stralia', : Aprii;s:. : . ;,;.. ■ /' For Sydney (via Wellingtpiil^Monowai, March 30. 'l-. ! ~ '?:':;., ; -s': '\. ■' ■: For Sydnoy, barque,'-Hyoiii; MarcK '31. For Melbourne,^Victoria,-;-April.4:;-.- "'■'.," For New Plymouth.—Corihna;..April 4;■'." : For Westport.—Pukaki,iMarcb.-.3l.y■■,'"■■-■'.■. ' ~ MOVEMENTS OF DIEEOT:.STEAMERS/' - '-...TopAßsiw: , :.'■;■.■'..■■:;.;'"■''.'-v' , . At Auckland.-^Wakaniii,:..)■,left;'-,>\tohV-don Mareli -2; /...due ■■■about;-April.-rup." Matatua, left -London March 4;-.. duo, about April 20. Aotea , , , left : London-.February.. , s.; due March 28.. Marere," left'Lorido'n Jebrih , - ary 27. Star of -.Australia,--'loft- .Loiidqii' Jlareh .15;?:.due'.';ab'out .'.ilay 2t."Angl&' Korman. left Now--York..'.Mareli ■ 13';,-'duo-about 3lay 31. :. ; Hawke's:'Bay,!fieft..'Loridon' March 25. - : h\ y ;K :S^ : : j : ' : : -w'"' At Napier.—lndra, fjeff'-i'ondoa , ;February At Woilington^Riniutaka/..'left\iPlyy: i mouth February.r.27.; , sdue/on,■ Aprii'-..11.-Athcnjc, left Plymoutli'.-February^.'.W.; ,, duo; about Mareli , March 16; ■ duo-. about.'.April: 1 24-i- '■:>' -- J Vi-- ,i At Port--' Ohalmers^Suffolk, : *;;left: York February; Karamea, left Londoii':Marelv4.;. : dnft'auoiii;: April 29. ': ; '"' : '. ; H v^ ,,,, ' . ioIMIJABT.": : "..; ■■;.- 'i-' '.''' ■■-'.. From 'Jlarcli. .-.'31.," Euapebu, 'April.l 4.*:''■'.;." ...■■.-. .-.'. ',- .... .."■;.- .'.' From the Bluff, ; T : A3 : rchire : ;,Aprii,4;, Wal-. , /■'■ vera, Mardi 31;'i>^<i.;f,';"-'V/.-.-;■■■!.•■■ ■ ■ ■ llOllE^v^np■.li^>p'^in.. ,, :',.,■ Eaikoura, loft.-.AVcllington-March"2l. !.-Star ■ iOf Ireland, leffWellirigtdivFebniary'K/iRanT gatira, froni-Port '.Chalniors,-:.February.'ll Whakatane, , from- :, 'WWlingtqn;:-iVbruary,;';l2;. i Pake-ha, from.fWellinp;tpn;^. : Fibrunry; ".it, ■ Paparoa,. lrorn." JVclling'toh,' , ■■'February ■■ : 18.■' Ir.dralema, -from ■'. Kai- -, para, from ' ■;.WclHnctbn;.i. : Fpl,riiary;--.25,. ltakaia, from'Auekluiid , ,-.l i 'ebru:ivy-27-.-.. Tbkd- * maru, from''Woilihgtoii;::Mareli .2:-V.Gothie;.. from Wellinstton-,v i 'Mareii-.'..4i , -''-'. , lfairrisliir(>;,from Bluff, lfarcli'.6. ; ,Star;of..Ner,'"Zealand, : from WoUington'.v.Mafclix^; 5 : 'Star--?6f:.. , Yie> toria, from Napicrj;-;:Mare]it'-,,ip/--'v')D.e,inl{i6j-from Wellington;--Mnreli'lS.-'.Turakinai.frorii' Wellington,-Marcli:l7;:-;;<;-:- : :?;/ ;""'.}'"" SHIPPdG'TELfcRAMS./:. o ,'. , ADOKLANp,;:;:'March ; 6 f.m., Zealari(lia,'!for.;Sydiiey:fi^-Tlioro. : .was.' a heavy galo bu.- , -.-.the;:coast^ . stormy weather .^continues.-jWTfeVW^stral.ii'; . expected fiom.Sydri6y--.last;night;'e'.t: signalled. ■ ' .-.;■:: :£« i":■:■::,'■'■ ": ! ".--;.'■■■.■■■'■' 6.?,0.a.m., lojijc, .froiniL'ytteltoii.v^-Sailed';. , - Mararoa, for ■'' > Lytteltoii...-Pa , s : senger3,: Misses. Wilkins, Mill'cri' .Uirrpttyv-Bcavciv,: prown, Ostoy'ke, ; Dralco,■--.^rhhmas,-;;lJiigan'i/ .turnor, Meadames ■ Given,-..- Hunt;.-..-Edwards fend 2 children, Alfeld, , :-Harrison,-.-:Cazzer,. Brown, Clap.perton,- : de-Kiissurre,': , Th'ohias, Drake, Corbett, Moßsra'Kcrr..-Craigo;-.- i .Kbd" : wood, Whinam, William's;?Hpas",' , . Sohot't'. Tippb'ng, Derry, Harne,;Cdlo,iJlills,:;Horn,:. M'Callum, IJal!,.,Giv6n,;:.Hanis;!-. : 'Ed\yardsi 1 Paterson, Cazzer;-";- t Ebbson, Wilkin',- .Choinbers^iiSeligi-iHin;, , Blues, Brown, Newman; Clapperton^.RcsS,. , Church, Littlejchn^iNeave.c-Lang,"'■ S«fottj.. Paul. Monro, ArW.vJohiistonb. ■■' '"■':'■'■ '■'■ \ TTMARU, March'/>'27.-Avnv«i::' 6.30.' p.m., Rotokino, from'.:-Port , Chalmers;-. ;• BLUFF, }laveh^2B:-Arr]v€dV-li::a;p..-.. ■ 3loera!ri, from Port 6: p.m., for Port Chalmera; ; Ilawea,' for 'Oamani; , Moerakii' : :\6.3o ■'■■■p.m.ji 'for.'■Hobait ' , ,Vi:-.i ■-.- : --'- :;i'--': v - ■■■ -:■■.■/■?...■,■ ■■' • BRISBANE, Mai-c]i^2S.i-Arrived;: ; ,^lip;were, from Vancouvor.- : ■■',-■';•■■.' '■■'■' ■;■■-■ . ■ SUVA. March 28.-AmvcdV Mqiira, from; Auckland.- .-..■■.■■■ r".-;/ ,, '. , ':'.':..''" ". " '■.;■ ■'A -'■' : SYDNEY, March 28:^Tliabatquc'(Jairne-, nore, which eailed for:.Callfip; on.- the ■ lltli; with A cargo of■ roturneil= ■to : -.port. disabled. She met a-jsisriestof galos:on..tlio. : ISfcl), when 50 mites-''off,-tlio;.New . : Zoaland:.coast. A fierce squall',."stripped '.feff'all/.Jh'cr: , , canvas, and many ; of.her.sails were parried} away.- The sea , swept'. , ;thOwjde'eks'viandVde- , etroyed one and ■■damaged janother'/-.0f. , , the. ' compasses.. The' 6hip' : was': ; .throwh;'o!):vhcr> beam ends by tho .and:. lier position at times was most'-Berionsi'-SThe'... next day tho weather moderated; , .' andi: tlie;. cargo was rctrimmed. . ivitlh great difficulty, The liull cargo is. riot ■ damaged. , :-. ■' ,< \.;:y '' : ''-' : '-';..'iC."'- ! .---.'-' '■ .'. ; THE DIEECT STEAMErtS}-- ,;;/ HDBART, Mareh 28-TheyVthenip sailed for Wellington yesterday.. morning.'.;/: ;■- '■'■-.': RIVEE LDim COMMISSiON-'^ ; ;■ AUOKL"AND,: March' 5 28;;,-, The River Limits ..Commission ia.istill taking evidence. The. main iportioh.ofjho' claim Of those wlio.-.are'asking for-a' reduc-:'. tion of the limits Sis thatithe ■■ run (-'from Auckland to Whangarei ehould be. cut out, whilo ehipowners plenty of shelter on the run. and thejrbrauld rather- . trust a man ivithlocal experience who _!••> no certificate than a. certificated man,witli : ; : .out local knowledge.-f- ",.;,■■.:,}" ■' ''.'''.-' Tho e.s. Papamii completed the discharge of her Dunedin cargo yesterday, and h»3 taken in a quantity of outward cargo. She 13 expected to leave the port to-day lor Lyltelton. Mr T. Madge, lato chief steward of tJio Mararoa, has joined the Moeraki in a similar capacity.

■ ■Mγ.Dryden, .fourth, officer , ofthe Manuka,! ■13 to: join .tlie "Wainiii .as third, officer. | ..'After .undergoing/her , jxiribdic'a'l,.overhaul : tho s.'s;:-'Bimu:\vas floated': iouti of the Port ..Chalmere'graving (lock, yesterday, anil proceeded:to; Duhedin to' tike in cargo for Oaraaiu, Timaiiij. .and Wanghnui, • : v.Tlip sis.: InverMrgil], from , Invercargill, arrive'dj , at Port ; OHalmera yesterday niorriing,: .arid.,went-: ; alqngsido .the. Bowen. pier, : . whore: slio'lloadid ■'trarighipincnts .ex .tlie s.s; Papanui','and to Duncdin. ■ : : ;' Mr';Hcal6y; ebcbnd.officer of Iks Moitra, 'had .to--go;.ashore when J.h"o -vessel was. last .at..,Westport , owing to ilt-lioaltiit aiul his place. waa:.taken .by'-Mr Ivirig. . ' ';."Tho-'barqueClan. Sl'Lood; left yesterday ■■f or HokiangsC . " ''"' To Ahnu wis. floated into the ' graving'.dock-yesterday afternoon for cleaning" and'painting, prior to taking up the trunriiiig-in. ferry .eoirvice. ''";H;M: .Euryiihis, the how flagship of the 1 ,'■■ Australian statiqii, which arrived at Hobart : ,on'-Friday last, is a now armoured oru'i'ser .of; 12,000 tons, and jyas built, by Messrs.! "Yiekarj, Sons, and Maxim at liarrow-on- . •Fiirhws. ISlie' completed lipr trial trips on'l, 1903, irlicn , s.lic ran for-eight bourn .iinder-.full-power. The designed pov-e* was ■■ : '2l,Pophorse: The. anticipated- speed was ,?.i'..k'iiofs, hilt on tho trial,, ivith ail indicated hpiMrpowpr of 21,318, the actual ■speed over the measured , milo course bc■■tv&ea' Doirtart aiui Ham's Ilearfa was .21,635- -knots. So uniform ivss flip working ■ o/.tho..rag'in?s that on tlio third and lourth ■i;iihs _ over the -23-ki/ot eourii.ei there was ' practically- nb yariinioh .in the. revolutions, ..aiid. tlic< time taken yras exactly the same-^ ilir. 3rain 183oc;, equal to a sp&wl- al 21.81-7 ■knots; .Tho ijitgin<;s a'jid 'boilers worked .Kvpst , satistaptory' during the time hf trial. Tlio principal dimensions of t!io. Kurynlus .ire: Length, MOfh breadth of beam,' ,69ft' :, 6iii:| and tlrau»!ir. 26ft 3ih. Tlie armament ■■of ; : the lic-w flagship mnsrste of t.Wo 9.2 in gtiivs, , . twelve 6i.n brrcehOoacWs, fburtenh ■ ■12-jHJjintl'er .ri.uiqk-fin.iig stuns, fliueo 3- . pounders, and eight maciiifte guns. The '.-post, of ■ qonstriiot'ipn of tho Eiirvslus. ffas: ' ; . .The liartnto Helen was toued from tho Imyor. harbour to spa yesterday, aftornooii .lii'the.'sis:, and sai'tot'lin bita-t for ■Kaipdra. •r.;Tlio' Waikrirc sails iif. 2 o'clock, to-day for' -Ly'tfolton.;. .>yhile tho; Slnnowai-, from.. .\ietlronffif),. is timed to. come up tb DuiiG-din at r.o'cldck. ' ' ■The-'Raitnnoa, will go to Port to-day to lay lip for tho.'present. ..SHTPPING TRADE WITH AMERICA. Tlie. hit American mail brought of VFry-dull. business'; conditions in all lines of. riierchnndhe- from America to Australia .and Now Zealr.nd, Ihe -vessels loading ■;hnyo- found i>xlremo- (lifficiiliy in sccnrini .filling cargo, strtrirfrs'liavm;*-Ven di-iainot! oh tlii! ibading; berth for Ion;; periods', and some; of: '.them, -siiilinj only partly filled. i'Cbnjljtipijs prevailing .in Now Ifoik as re- - ■ gar Us.' shipment have very ■liiifa.foiif-.. ■able,; thti winter having bc«.n the. most soVc;e Olio for tiio past 25 jfcarSj with cxjri'ino. cold ajid liw.vy i ; noy.:;.t<T.;u?, fliat have iriferfered vfir,y ransiikrably in movinj cargo iii flic' haiboiir 1.0 be ltadrd oft tlio .-yes-els, 'jlio Tyser stMmff AVirairo will bo ■ despatched for ikiboiirn-q, .Sydney, and New ' .Zealand' port? prhbah'y about the lOfh or 15.t1i; of. April. 'iFrciglif rates hy steam reI,main. unbTmngrd, and n? they nro nil low, not , sorai nrok.aWn j.ny fwiuctioiis ■will- :ta!;o place. In failing vcs-c1.5 (hove lißve. been ljo ilopartuvi-'S for any of tlio Aiistralrtsia!i ports. ' ~ Ahqt!iiSr"rapprt tl.;\fe4 Ffclitaary ;2S =fafrethat, iiic A, eivcl: A. line has tleipstohad the. ii.%: Suffolk for, Sydney;, and Neiv Zealand pftHi-, aiu!. is now loading the steamer Angh>Snxon; for Frei.iia.U'tlo, Aclolaidoi .-Mofljoiicni,. Syiliicy, Rfisiian.e, sinii ■ N!ew'.Zealand ports, to ;;ail likely by tlio l.Otli priix. Slic ivi.ll; proba'Wy" he followed .by.the' si. Essrx. Tlio tysbr line is adverp Using, the s.s. Tqinor.ra .for Jlclbo'jrr.e, ;.Sydnw, .Aucklatidi. LyifpSfnn.' j.Rnd Poit Ch.nlmei.-s, but if is not antiei.p.Jkd. "that' this Vessel rcilr'-i-si) Ififpre (lie 25.Hi ■prox: (Chp general steam rato to New Zc.iJari'd' is 45s net, and .secojul-ela-s cargo 40s ■ nc.ti

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12934, 29 March 1904, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12934, 29 March 1904, Page 4

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12934, 29 March 1904, Page 4