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:.-■' .-.The annual meeting, of ■ ; tHoXMJCXff*iriea.;: S ; /was ■■;':.' ; lli W;£. Haimaji:being'Voteiifr.tif.''*»'!•:: '";■■'.■■ vThe-'following:areiihe. pmcipa} : c^scs/bf: ,:^:-the .'annual 'repbri-.'siibmitted-: , —: .." γ-s .'■■■:■■..* 4; '-V:Tbo';y.M.Clit:::::Harric!-s; .iiaro/liarl-' :!iri> ■ ' -thcir-second year a first':cjass■sea'sbri.'jln'all , j2l: '■!."■ runs were held,.h'aviDg-an average,.itenoanoa- •■ of 15.7, the highest being 23. i Two feces. were ' ■ held during the year.,. The.first; an ojen hanfc. ' - cap; one mil-a ; and4hree;.quartcrs,-'n]S'won by.: <• Jm Frew (handicap.7o;eo), W. : S,.]f id (20sec): "■'. being: second. ■■ Both H.' Davis (sc;atio and W,;, ; .".""S;;'Keia covered the ..'distance;.in :-»jm iosec.-., ■■'■•i.Tbc,championship event was held. -■'liPaik'on fa'eptember' 19, distance .tjree.'miles;.: -■■ race was not very closely ebn»3t«3- ixlie;, ■'= "honours of the doy fell to:W. S. : -, euce'essful in carrying off the gpldipraal (tiino, : : " ;; sl3min ss2c). Asea!led handicap wped m con-■ "v'-'-.'iiection with the championship ] ice..- resulted ■■■■as';-foirows:-M.' Da-wson.'-scr, 1; G.:Hercus,- ■ J 'i : 3Os«;; 2; W. A. ; Hamblett. COsec, 3 ''Oiie'.bfitho. ! t : ; -members..of;tlioiclub;(J. Frew) istinguished 'A ,; .hiiii3slf■ bygiiniiig.first place in tie Port. Clial- ' -. ,W : to -Dunedinvßbr,d ■ Race. ichlb lias 'nvtbecniuntortuuate-'iri-vlosing' sever 1 prominent' S'?m'ember"sduring;:the:-year. 'Mr. Vi G,iHMiniih■ ? :: -iound : it; : , resiga.'hi position, of ■', .■■■.".captain owing-'to -iU-Tiealth. debarr ig'himffrb'm.;-V-Staking;part-=m ::■■■: 'ecason; ;;Mrill.-Ddyios was elcctii ; ca'ptain,'.pn :' s; ably filled-'the position. ;fpr yJIv i>.J;?ffilroy .'.;*;?( deputy, captainj/alsb , resigned dwing.-the year'j 'f>^having ■■bseu , ;Jo Inv icnrgill',* Mr-. k : '- : 3: Shaw'uty' captain rest of,' ;. " ; the:season;:'Since{th6 close of tlej.seaspn 1 .the : ;;:>'io!lowing -nieinbers have left Du ddin:—H;-:5... .!'■ Eenning: to-'Auckland, G. . Herciu to -^eatport;' Prior'. ami H. Davie.s;> ; ;The:' '':'■: 'coinniitteo.decided;.during the ytir,.tp:become : . ':: ■'■Efuliatccl. to; tho:,New::Zealsnd Am tcur.Athletic'; ...; ..-Associalioii;..tlius ; .ehabliug.,memijr3;lb\:co'nl-, V" ■ :-pete;in th\ auspices ;of ■:v: .that asWaUoii, an-cqualUooting-witll.: ■■■'...iother'.-cluba;-' TJie''.:jneinbership isuvell; in-. L 'ad-:-' ~. vahce of th'epreyiousVcar^FittesiiWre. o .;.:..'-during'ithe'jeari-wliile'-jiiie,of'iirjs-' ;' DJembers resigned; 1 -i-The financial satementfor. , -'"■■the-. jeffr , ;!!is, : -yery , '.satisfactory,., -t'he :seaspii-: ! 'i ; iopened witli. a'.credit'-.balanco of'js 'ipd,-.and .;■; Vclosed.i.with" lbs. tHe;right::>ide.';'"Tlie---r'.lßeasonhvas''tlose with'a. very?sue-. iee'sstnl social; at;whicll.; : tlie -.prizes ,\von-. : du'r ; iiig : "yxthe -year'^fe.presented:: jOvertijO:.members : \'»Hd.'{riends : "^cre3)re'aea',t,..iind ,: '"time was : sperit';iiy djl; , ' -pelegatEsfjom.-kindred' ' : ; ■■cHibs' Your, conmitt'ee e'Jsp ■ ; , .'senf.-represeiitatives-to similar'.'gjtherings'- by :. '. .th'o .-DunediUi Sf. Andrew,-Vand fiyit . Service ■'; ip :,the !|dies/svlib.soflfal'gatherjng. ,' H-t^ucc'cssVi-.YouV.)^ .'■prJSs'e.'l.lianks'-.tb (loihiake-the ; . ..'.■ Tveekly.,Tiins;'.a"SHCcessTr-hamely 1 Sessrs.'.'A. J...-■\-tot: 'Brown. . ; prlies!ie,"R., ChishllmV:' W; li. ■'■ .'HbppW'.Hi'MiUcf/D. -Love.-E. 4slin ; . Ji-Ay..- - MiiXill;Ai.Her-'' ;'.. -'liispi! , ,;. --arid Mrs iStepliens,-: all.-of■ jvrh'om ■'iviTe . 'Jiiiid enoiigii Wj' to. Jim from.' :--theirJliohics: 'Accommodation wiif ileo-fpro- 1 . '. vitled''at the '/olloiring'-ploces^Aiidersbii's I , ' ' .3Say Church- Ha!i;,'\Vakafi' Kifles , lall,:'liidußv ' -Irial:'._Schbdli liavensbourne Boatslicd;'.George. Sfrebr .School; :X6rth-EisV:.VaUey;..Sc.hoql,. Al-liaiiy.'-Street- School. Special'Oianis'Jar'e dite', '. ■ 4b thoJßevi S.v 'Waddell-iand Mr..l)! i Leslie : ;fbr ; ', prizes lireEehfed fp thWcluliV' These : Bero -much'r ■appteciated:: The' -officers- p'f the .cUbVKiye' ■ carried-.out .their respbetive sutie , 3,,in;.a : rnaiih6r. irliich. .has.amply justified .their appointments. .Me3sr.3;R:;.J'.'''.a.acksp'n;-Rud'W. G,.-Hun'nah''liaVe.-b'oe'n. .lanaV'eßQiigli to -act as iantiicjlipeis, -and Mr.AV'.Av'l|.amblett:as auditor.-!'' . " ' ' The Chairman, in moving thp adoption of the/ieporjrahd .balance, sheet, said'h.c> ■thought they were '.in a position' of ijjiicii 'they hid . every reason to .be proud'. He- thought- they jaight fairly congratulate themselves-topbh tlie'achievements .ofja'st' jear; H«.was' pleased lo'Jotice'.-'llin.t the. club; ha 3 pined' the K;2,A-.A-.A... aud the Otago Cehtrei but it wks. Dp-, uss "tiiking mi" rnce.9 , . under•■ ili'e ■K'.Z.A;A,A. .unless they jv.e'nt' in for ■ trainiiigj tpcaibe'.tliey h : ad to ■were' thoroughly trained; Their- club '-.had' been ■fprmed really '-to fO3ter- a. social' spirit, ; an'di- ,io give ,i\n. opportunity; for: indulging in" a- healthy ■r.ecreatioh oh Saturday aitcraopns , ; .-Most" pi ,fh;b members wjre sWdents, was "felt it was- lie'cessafy to iia've ah athletic- clufc to provide a meriiis of .exercise, and a!sc 'tfiaf'ifiey -coiiid licld th«r o;wn-in. iopjen-air E'p'orts. Kbt a ; groat nisnj of. the. members.y/ere i&cing-Snen s but -rchp, liad- entered! : iiitb- competitjpri itaci ttphdd tli' the; club.. Those whp . had entered > : i6t -the , rpad rape hiii .showed, up very well.. lie, they would not have the-University- men-T,vith ; them this , year, its' they , -would'- be: 'forming, a. ■'club iinibßg themselves;, ■Hβ was sprry to :say ; thki Mr iDayis, who jyas away-.'in -the iiorth; had. beeir.:laiii asidi? by. illnessV-ahd''.yas,uiider. the csre of. tlve docttir'. Hi bad- iohyarded 'liis v.tislies for the. entire Snccessiof tho.chik A lot. of gocdinen hiJdleff, and : 'i{.would.'b , .efbr.thos'& .renvai.fiing. .to make, -the club-, ii, success,' fU : though-meiribers hadleftnew/bneg; vterecomirig; in. Fe concluded by, .'expressmg. > the club's : indebtedness to .friends .fm'.theh'Mtittdly- enter- ■ tainnichf.—The .report,a'iid-balaD(»'eet-:were' .a'dpptea, ", /.' ■"' .'■■'' '■ ' ■ (L'ije .folipwitig qffics-iearors yrjse. -elected-:-—: President, Mr A. J. -p^Brown , ;: yiee-presi'dents,' Dr. IVaiSaell,, Mejssrs".D,, leslie: ,arid: R'. Ch'is.hplni;;. captain-, , . Mr 'jSeorgo' Mbrtph-; deputy-: ■captarpi;. Mr John Siiaw,;-..£.ecreiaT.y -'aml'-'ireaV Eiifer, Mr \V.-. A. Hamblett; committe'G-ijless'r'a. E S'. Jlirams,' Ki' G. Hannah, J. M'Farianej delegates to Qtagp :Centro ; NyZ.A.i:.A'., ile'ssrs-E..Si'Mirarns' (nee- : president) arid'.'George llbrtpn. .. : '■'Eleven , new -monitors'. were elecktL. . It was. agreed "to .add--fb-rule 10. that- .hoh.' jnemb'cr.s be adniitfe'd' Jb-'lho club' annual le;p-of : -2s-Bd. .;... ■■ V ■ '-'. "' ■'"', ■ . i-verj cordiai. vote pfthanks andfanexpres'.Eioii of. iiigli apprecjiitibn.was-parsed -to.Mr E.., S; Slira'nis fpr , .-.the' , services'reudered'-by-'ifiirn.' as .secietary during the last two years. .'■• KQRTH. DUXEDIX GTiiSASTIC: !GLTJB. . The p'nnual meeting of-' the-' A'ortb-llulicdin ■Gymnastic Club.'was held.last-evening 'iff the '(George:- Street SlchopV tjymiwsjum' HalU Mr . ■P'. -A-,- Mf-JTicbirvoccupied the.-chair,-. : In. .nipvilig. thei.adoption of thp- annual-rcpprt ■(alr.e'say published)'- the- Chairman,!- : strongly ■ ■iir|cdv-nieih , b>r.s , .fo , ;. , Btfck fpgeiher,'as in com-, . 'bir'iiiion lay the' secret of iiiccess. His, referred to:- the- .imi)6rtanee ; '!pliysica : l -culture:- was- be-, girihinj -to .assume/.in jialiPnal life. - ,Tho:".: ■iitherto. supine. ,;iiatiohs; ■' sucli. .'as: Ffance;-. ■.Eussia, Sjycdcß).;were noircdiiys giVi'rig iitten■l.ioh,,.i6'ii. lii-,onr : own,colony , the Government.' cuHure. •yras;- pf. jhe: greatest"imporfence, and 'were, eni 'c.oUraging.;:the-:cadet niovenient , , In';time to cprfie.five putpf every.six : men'-in, this. counfryV would: be thb'roughl} , ,.trained-'.in militray'dis- . . cipline/; '.It. was-absolutely, hecessary/inErn'bers. '■eliould'-.try. , to induce, flie" jrouig: jellbws- who .mpstiy ..occupieil.' their tirne. Mfiiig : rPurid' the-.' cPrners'to.-ioin -thcclub.. : Thcre .was no reason , ■ ■why;the;-membersiip- ; shpu!d'ioti:reiidi, aj- High. Physical ,, ..'ciiHiife ..deyeldpsd. tlis; mind : . ■fts.'ire!). as {lie.'body, iiiasmrfch as. tlspmirid ■ : exereisci : cpntfol-''.whtn- the .fip;ires were. correctlsvpeHbrmed; : *-:Jfr.;J... ■'Epbei'.fedii'oEe.ePnaed the-motipn, snd. . ..i-.the-report"niid. balance .sri.e'p't' we're -ndopted. ~'. :; . ; .' ; The:..fpllbwing. .ofGccibearers'.wer.e- e]ccle ; d. for.. ,-.tihc'.' ensuihg-'.^-year;':—Presiden'fi-.'-'Mr. Di. A..-- ■ ■ ill'Nicoll • T: :P.;- Farra>-'...'.'.C-:.Wilson, -jiin.,- T.'.'A-. .JKitlMd)'. - ;-A. If 'Lean,.. J./M'Phie , ; MrR. . ; Bsber; . .- .-"deputy-captain; , -;Mr Jchn, , .EpbVrtsbh ,, ; ,,, s , 3cretiii , y: o /arid .treasureTi\: jfr./J. Dre.a'yer'j/G'eneral .Com;:■■'mittee—Messrs*E;vL.;l'pnes;"'QlCliadwick; and-'J'-.C. Arnold;f,delegate : ;t6;'Otagb Gymnastic' As- : :■-.:','«oci«tion,';Mr.VJ:-nreaver-.; ,: ':auditbi9, Messrs- J-'. ' ::;.:.L*mo i u'. ; end''£3!iicfc.-'i .. .., ■' i- .;■-■ . -; : i'- ; -::lt.was..decided to open :ilie T .sea.sbri on April; !;-;'-11, 'aitei.-;jpliicH .practices "io. be liolil oii ilpii-:' i- ,, ' flays aiid"Thursdays. ■>:"/£'>£'! '.■':"*" ". ■■ ■:-.:'/, Tliesubsciiption was '.fixei/a't- ss, p?r guartrr; -ehairniah and tw'.' f.'-.j (Secretary ;closed; ; the.. ! nieeting,-. "''-.' ivivSCHOOLSJ :' ■'-=.;■" A full--meeting..of thij.:-Sports;,Committee-was-■■■'lieM last evening.^llr./VV.v, J! . : Mpor6 in-..t1i0 : v- ■ chair.;; The? Secretary:-fcyorted'-ihatjeodjeiitries-' ;-'.'.bad been'received:for-thb.y : ariousfeVentsbn'.:the'' : .■■.■:-progiT.niine.,',of ii the tK-.fhich takes'plaod on.tlieJCaledoman Grounds: .'; V-/11 the first-, Saturday ..if ter.vEaster,; 9th;,'April v ' ■:j: ; .Theimeetingiwill: be:....the : ..:first : .schobls'- chain--iri : -, ■'■:■.:^^enthusiasm r is..;.being,:sh"pwn.thrbiighout : dtagoV >,-;.imd. all schopls'-rrrewell represented,', arid ■keen: ..-.''Coinpstitioii •' ■.honoured:,. position^;. 6f : ;,-":.'champions:.i's:;'lipund;.fb ;'.be/witnessed. The.; >. Caledonian. -Grounds: , 'are-crowded , daiiy'. wilh;. ;, ....youngsters'vtraining for.the evehts;;.and.getting: ,-;':Btarting.praclic'eifrbm athletes'atid:hiemb , ers,.of , : ■.'- the Otagq'. Ceiitre;'.' -.The'-Maiiagenieuf Commit--: .'■fee has matters -well in .liaadj-.-and':is dping.its-:-: ■ utmost,to niake-the initial .schools'-.cls'ampibn-. ; ehip. meetirg-ai'vnarkeci' success.' ; <- : 'MeSals,'are': ■ to be -presented'vfb, wiiuiersVof jtheifollowiiig' l(Myds;'' : 'flaV;uridbf : is,v.2o-<is..' flat under ■15;l!alf-nii!e.;Undcf , lG 1 -and bh^mile. , V under 16.''^f,ihe;iDune3ii!J/Araal?iir ; /At!!lr)tip! ;■■■':■■ Club| in'additioiii'.has gerierously'oSercd tb, : giyei ■ the .winner's membership ..of;'ils/clu.b. for.;: ■:.'-two- years,!- so .tliat. if "any ;of SllieVboys; leaye;; ; ■'school they given ; _a fair/charice , .'to start- ■ a careerin amateur athletics. vV:.. .-■' ■: ■■' ■ At;last night's'/'raeetmg'of-tlie. Spoila^Qoni;, ■Tnittee'tlie-omcialsfor/tlie/cliampionship-meetj. : ing were appointed as follow :;' , -Referee,llr-rL.-8.-;.' .. Courtis Dpi-'; i-'iuilges' ef E.. G:'-V\'t!etter, W/'Behnetti.;

Vf. B., J. Brady, W. M'Lafei'i.G. iMacdra'al'd, tang, and. Dr Stanley Jktche- : :i)ori,judge.3 of walking—Messrs G. Ga-lloway:-rod. A : . .Hidlay; judges, field cvcnts^Messra : P.-S: E; ■Ma6ae3ey,;J;; J:> Kingston, I\ Hy'Camp-': :beli ! , aiid W. P.■ Waiters'; bicycle race,fudges— J, Moore, 5, .M'-P.hee; arid ; Thos. 'Bpgg; /Smarter arid handicapjier; ?k. Mj-Pphaid; press; stewards, Messrs A. J. Sulli'viri.and A. Marryatt; toltigiaph.bqard^—Messrs' F.Uago, Js'Rogah, T. Gotdbn; andW.. Sortli::mck; clerks o£ ttecouiEe-MessrsG; IIMV ,lau, W.-Eudkin, Mopney, aid Q. Moieto* >The inembsrs ICentrb , ifill also iossist; .

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12934, 29 March 1904, Page 3

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ATHLETICS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12934, 29 March 1904, Page 3

ATHLETICS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12934, 29 March 1904, Page 3