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PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND TO LET. J, T. P K A 1 N (Late G arrow ami Stc-watt), STOCK KXCIiANfJ'I-: WATEfi STREET. FOR HALE: GITV.—RESIDENCE of 3 voting; etfery coiiveniance: two minutes from Gt?6i:«e street cars • large garden, with ehoje? trees, bpth fruit and or-unmeiital; very ea<»: tpvms? ' SOUTII DtTN r KD.i.X,.—Ncy; tfOl-jSE, 0 rooms; easj' distance from" RiulVay Workshops; li.p. bath, lix.ed tubs; a bargain. afc i'SOO. SO'X-ili Dl/NEDiX.—.\ew HOUSE, 5 rooms; up-io-dafe conveniences; ;ne:ar Ocean Beach tram; >vell worth £I(K). BKOIMHO-X Snjbhi ( GOTTAfiKj section jjcar'v cheap, KAIKOI(AI.'-.\ r i?v/ HOUSE. G rooms; every modern convenience..; throe-sixteeulhs acre; asphalt paths; garden htirt out. A new propprly, ami done to. tram terminus. HOWE S'l;,HKET.—Four-roomed COTTAGE, in lirs!vMa?s order; electric train passes the door. Gan be had worth the money, fihl l'li SI Rl'.hT N'Q IM iI. —UQL'.SK; jj'flcre, splendid garden; a beautiful spot. ANIC STREET (X,K, Vdl(y).--Xc:w HOt-SE, G room*; scnlicin, GG x GO; within three minutes Ironi ti\*uis. WAXTUD TO PURCHASE: 110l T SE ■(?» roonis-), near University: PLO'U'SK (C or 7 rooms), with stable preferred. HOUSE (7 ot 8 Hose to street. Sever&l cither inqutrii.s'v <Ao other JVourriies Kor tfat.e and To Let, J 0 IT N A R I I) & SON S, ESTATE AG'K-NTS, VALUATORS, ARBITRATORS, S TIAB«BI{OICERS, SI'IK'FA'ORS, Morlgajes, ami Transfers Prepared. HAVE FOR SALE AS UNIIER:-- flo-i- A IjAftE. CHANG)-.-ifi-ACRE KARXt, 3-253. NORTH-EAST VAT-L KY. -li ACRES , of .LAND, with DWELLING !f. r (i niq.'tt; [ v,\u'iilion.v; wjfii lh:ed copper iiini tiiliS, I stall byre, good orchard; lint jjitj.'jcriv; £35. ,1-331. jJUXEtJI.N;. — Splfirciia .HOUSE i.i Castle street, cPn'lai.ui:!;r 7 rpoi.ns; bmli north of IJiinedin,. iiifi-.tly in English with -1-roome.d House, dairy, logl shod, bvri<. bitrn. end stithlo: in f, paddocks. The!; Crops, Slock, Implements, .i-'urnilure, CU',, will 1)0 sold a Ijar-i-'.iiis*-; price, ii.'i.i), mid terms if desired. iMirlhC'V /a!"-, lo bona lido iippi senilis. .villi ; 3-210. UdWfPlttWJS.rßMMter. Tobnc fixed copper and (Jibs, panlrVj cle. ; Ijiiil!- ' isi, Statiouw, And lljiirdrc.-sini; Bl.'Slin wardrobe and fixed bookc:'.-" and ' NESS,with'. no opposition, in a thriving chiffonier. I't is pfar.lic.illy a lic-w Honst, i lotvn. First-class si,ooii wd shop fitlings; well built tiii concrclo foundalion;, and is : ac ; cl,ylcne i:its and v.-.tlcr laid. on. Gcodhar.dv to the UnivcrsitV. £330. i wn:, fan: ;o aoUU) 10 be taken o-2,i11.. AtiBOiSFOKD. Gcnlicaicn's i at valnalim,. .A .rare cliancc for a good Charming ]IPBIBENGK, dose tp Ikv, . Ahhotoford Ifailivay Station, v/i.tli ncaPiy ■ f ' k tv.'.P acres Land, The, Iloiiso is of con- : i,,1 t 1 r^.,!"*■' l * J with cretc, bric'l:, roofed y.-illi slslc, iqiii is in ' ■ yjmM'vv^ A „„ . splendid order bntii iii and out; coniaiiis' IV, , c ' 1?r . ml ; n " i*ACTJE in 13 rooms;, pantries, etc., v;aslihoiiEc t t . I;^'c wl '' l « no{ ' Verandali KOLSJ'j with fisctf-i'u copper inid tubs; Mit! i ® rboins., .bu-tii, a.nti couvcuicnocs; workshop, The Outbiiildines tomnriso' Jnosehox. bugpv plied, wortslton (Xo. 2) AK)I.I^N(i lO^.—Tiobt! HOUSE, 10 fowlhonse. and mn. TllO W'Oltnds arc : """J'' /«" 1,11 convenience.; beaiilifully laiil out in ilowcr, unit, find' st,il,! ?' lioflroiisc, foiv h.iiiae; orchard; ivegetubii? gardens, and well I«pt tnww; ! „ a« r «,W- M«y terms, while a fine asphalt carriage drive leads j -■ 1 "' . .' J 'V 1 fenced, from the front gate to the house. To f,c i i"" 1 m e ' x H" 1 ®"! 1 '! .WA' 10 , facsold a bargain. FilU particulars on ! tory, nrid ira acrcs in oats; 20 application. I pc^s lalioiv.; balance Jvntjhsh gra«s; good 3-231, 7> AOftES, in totr-vpomed Houec; 4-stall stable, bam, three paddocks, with comfortable HOUSE I c.liaffhpiisc; orchard and garden; £4 an of 7 rooms; vinery, touiato-hquse, larce t acre, and ttie imprpvcments «te worth the pvcliard, pl.lble, byre, etc. , money. 3-252. .GEXEIiAL STORE in .» iliriving 10 LIU, country Uiw.u; freGhold; i.arge store, I)UXEDIX.-^SITOJL > a!:.d FIVE ROOMS in etc. I'nlJ purticiilnrs on K.n:i; street, r.ow l>v Mr Coding, appii'c"t'oii. fis'mioti'jrr; rout., 14.-: per v:eek. FIXE lirLL.—dO-ACRE SECTION, HOUSE Of .froom With hut; ami stable; mitst be and prMillcrVj in Dairy slreo;, rout, 9s. sold. Great,—.C3so, 13U ROOMS, Duncan street; Splendid Homo: j'l?. 50' ACRES LAXO, in iou-r pftd- DU^El).lK v ~Large HOUSE (furnished), docks:; fj-roqmed House, fl-co-x lyyie, stab'e, ndrlli rr,d. ])j?sf.y.e„ {o'.vlhouses; .garden. Par- DGXEDtX. — Several Gpod and Central ticiuars on iipjiJisiiiinn. O-PflOTfe 3-223. OTACO FA.RII nt'XEtiiX.-Superior HOUSE of 8 rooms, bf 7Duorc;3; fiyflUelfisshHid; all on vise, in George street, near Albany well; S paddoqJcs; superior street; no upstairs;• pretty Hpot. BWJ3M4XO; 8 room:?, vitii all modern ST. eLAI'II-Xiiie-rpomcd HOUSE, conveniences; 11-bnil byre; Btable, etc. OlOK;U,-.STORE and DWELLING formerly \] ell ivortli itioking attcr. occunicd by jepson. iioKEi- to lend w axv suii at lowest cukrent bates. JOHN REID & SONS, .CORNER BOND AND LIVERPOOL STREETS. wILL IA M POWELL & CO., LAND AND ESTATE AGJ3NTS, G8 PRINCES STREET. MOXEY TO LEND ON MORTGAGE, 5 PER CENT. FOR .SALE,: itOSGTEL.—Capital SIX ROOMS;, sCtiliery, waslill.ous.e (new), tu'ds, foulyard, byre, buggyshed, pigstye; with over li acres of land: only £110. ICAIKO-lIAI ft!! minutes by twin).—SEVEN JIOOMS; baili, china closet; with nearly half- . iicre frontage;! to two sticc-ts; room for.three more houses. 0W (Central; c'igfit C.P.0.), Modem 10-rooiiiwi liESJIffiNOE; concrete foundiitioi'.sj 12ft coiling*; ventilators; tiled sra(c-s. Terms. AKDEifSO'N'S BAY.—Capital 'J-rooined. RESIDEXCE> will: over an .ncie of garden; £1300; easy terms. Two miles from Port Chalmers: JCeotly <8 ACRBS ( with. Hpuso (nearly new); large cow byre; well, traced.; v.oll wato'ed; vf»}' enny terms; iCSSQ. Bl'lt.VSiUl'l—ls Acres Good LAND; lo be. sold cheap; easy terniSi CASllJ'lj .STJIKET.—tjocd -l-roomcd COTTAGE, Ssiilkry; i ; 2£l((. Cheap JiUIL.DING SIiCrIONS, olf lljiin Softlli. road.—Two Sccfioua, X 00; 5 Sections, £150. MO.J^.INC^:ON f £32. VALLEV*—2 rood 321 poles. £35. Valuable JSUILDINtI SITE in Camshani, jj-toc, and Good G-roomed HOUSE, £675. ClTY. —Nearly Ne'.v C-;Comcd IfOUSK: nil conveniences; owner Icavln rr . ST. CLAIR.-Valuable liUILDIXG SITE, nearly 2 acrcs, £373, 73 PRINCES STREET. TELEPHONE 33. AVE HAVE PROPERTIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION POR SALE IX / CITY AND SUBBJIBS, WE WILL BE PLEASED TO REGISTER YOUR REQ.UIREJIEKTS, A.\D FIND YOU THE Q PROPERTY YOU DESIRE. /■$S > ( v WE EXECUTE y/ « Vy/ SURVEYS AVITH WE PAN ASSIST / PROMPTNESS. OUR PURCHASERS BY / V*y/ CHARGES STRICTLY MODERATE. ARIjANGING yT WK CAN OFFER EASY TERMS, FIRST-CLASS SECURttIES WITHOUT // DELAY TO CLIENTS VVHO HAVE CAPITAL / ' |i 0 IXVEST 05? Freehold securities. v»'E make numerous sales in real estate, / AND WILL 15E / PLEASED TO E'NTE'H YOCKS (FOR SALE) FREE OF CHARGE. jS Offices: 73PRINCES. STREET, S C 0 T T &. c 0. (Estalilisficd 1SS8), 40 DOWriING STREFT DUNEniW HOUSE, LAND, ESTATE, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, SIIAREBROKEIiS „ . AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. find scott •& cp. u:p To date in all mattbks con*. li;s^ r {.P WTH SALU, PURCHASK, AND WJTBJfi} OF PROPERTIES IN BDSI NESS MATTERS CONSIDER TROUBLE A PLEASURE'. We have a Large Number of PROPERTIES FOR SALE, a. few of wliicii we mention--CITY. ffiCO.r-ARTHUR STREET: A good 7-roomcd HOUSE; r.lf conveniences; a cheap properly STIJEiJT (near ilaclagg-™ street): Tivo Up-to-date 8-roomed HOUSES; Weil built; splendid view,; very cheap prpp.orly;. bargain. .£iOO.f-MACLAf;(IAN STREET (Uj>per):. Two 1-roomed COTTAGES, Tiijse nice, wellbudt p.laee.s, aliiWDst new; a bargain. £560.:—1 ii CITY: A SECTION on which oiyner is prepared lo build. Jo, price named, a mod itp-to-dafc C-iPomcd HOUSE-. ' ' FOR SALE, HOUSES and SECTIONS in all Dmiedin Snburbs at reasonable prices, BUSINESS SALE. ' IN GOOD INLAND TOWN.-A fust-class HAIRDRESSER'S and TOBACCONIST'S, etc., BUSINESS; doir.£ » trade, of from £50 to £to piir nio.iitli; a. real good business, and be sold at pnee, as owner is sufferiug. from i.ll-iiea.itii, e,nd. iuiist leave for North Island. The business: is to bo sold a bargain. FARMS'. SADDLE HILL: A Farm of 27-5 acres; good frontage to Main road:; suitable for poultry or frinl-growing, PriM cheap. .'OlH'il t-SLAJtD.-j-Farms: We have a large number for sale in different parts of North Island; real gpod and cl.ioico properties; prices vfclil. Wis shall he glsd to give nil information tp anyone intending to move to North island and wanting cither Farma, Houses or Business Properties. TO' LET: ' ST, CLAIR,—A nico Groomed HOUSE.; bath, scullery, garden; cheap rent. X. JtfV. ALBION CHAMBERS, / \* « BOWLING SI.P.SET 0 / \* oX (duti!^) ' n •J. / -T S \. Establishw! FINANCIAL \ 0 \ 1851. / . — ■ - ESTATE! AGENTS. ACEfim NX LICENSED SURVEYORS AND IjAND .EROKERS WE HAVE FOR SALE: J Good |-.rnomed HOUSE; ball), copper, sctili.ei.V:, e1c,.,; in good older; [ XL ' r 7 handy -positiiKi; snnnv; Prccb.o'd, Sec iioii. Cash required, £40; £30j . bahince by n.ipnllijy iiißtiitjneiils of i'l. )§y j ' Sp.lcnd';i New "-loomed HOI'SK ; corner .Section; even' mveniencc; £7jo ,10ft y l5 qf t . , • „ .. .. . ' MM. r X TON, ---X ov; ))..roonied RESIDENCE;, lovely view; every convenirJ s_ ciice. EilLlNT.ON.—Modtui 7-r.oiinc.d RESiDENCE: all coiivcnieiicea, LONDON STIfICIiT.-Modern Mifomai IiESIftEXCE. farnislied; lovely view: very liaiidy to centre, good garden. CITY.— ■ Central OFFICE; clicai) rent. _ Qpotl 5-rooiuetl HOUSE, on hill; suiiny; bay window, verandah, bath- £300 , ;—. room, etc.; eiu : !itii-:ici'C .. '{, ELM ROW.—Good ii-roonlid R'IvSIDENCi".; bathiooni, semleiy, wash- ... house, etc..; suimy; very centriil, Tetnis: i'.iO casii; balance ill 10s JJ , - _pe.r month ~ r.. New u-rcio.ined ItIvSIDENCE; l>:.y window.?. itti.'ractivo appearance, batii £300 T t~ _roo»Jh. P .JflHert,_BC«B«ry; gwd_Seciioii; near train' .. 'FDIN C-ropml'd. RESIDENCE; "threo square window's; bathroom £500 ( li-p. boiler), nil conveniences; near Irani .. i-'M'rv Spleii'did i-acre BUILDING SITE iii Gib.borno street.; owner leaving; £30 ■ • cheap .. .. li Excellent; DAIRY FARM of 20!) acres; new 8-ronmed House, cow byre, : N. stable, all necossaiy pu.t.liiiildiiii's, dairy, etc.;, factory en,ground; well IS! watered; al.l ploughable: pfr ai-re .. .. K- ' Moiferii froomed RESIDENCE; liiitliriioin, coiicreic foiindatioiis, Imi't D .in wardrobe, tiled grates, Venetian blinds, vush.hoiisc, tubs, etc.; every £630 [v_ cnnvLNiiciici'-; splendid order, ui'J h.'llf un ; :u're nt lanc! •; NEAR OfiG'S CO.l'.XEl!.—Splendid llivesitiieiit, showing over 13 per TH ce.nt.: SIX HOUSES, Iroin 3to 5 rooms;; sciil.leri'i'sf washliouses, etc.; £1100 ElilX. in very order; well let to good'tenants';' a: great, bargain; owner . leaving, For iiiiliiedii'.t.e sale ... ... ... .. -~... Sp!cmiid!y-!iu.ijt 5-rop.iiicd .iIOUSE.; 'vcfaiHliih', washlibiise;. tubs, copper. LEY; water liiid on ■ I'oy'e/y view;'tine gitrden; very' suiiliyi .j'-acre section; £323 • <m.\v term.-. ... i. .. ... Siibstnniut! Brick 7-ro()itied ccjHri(!ry ; nice gur- . ilen; bathroom, scullciv, Wiis!:liouse, etc.; (il.u'.cr.Hi; bay window; £7i> verandah; .Hplc.ndid.order. IRING-.:',; NiNl-V'ACliES'.Guod Main ..'-road aiKl railway; splollN.- did-fruit :ntd vegetable garden; all. cuilivated; well -watered; C- £100 ro<nned House; st-able, cowshed, etc. :

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12933, 28 March 1904, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 12933, 28 March 1904, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 12933, 28 March 1904, Page 8