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: PORT CHALMERS. Time Bail at Pobt Chaiiieiis.' The New. Zealand mean time ats liooii, calculated for tho meridian of longitude, in ■ time 11 hours 30 minutes east of Greenivioh, vfill be signalled once a week by a time ball : . dropping at the instant of mean noon. A blue flag hoisted at the mast-head;-Port Chalmers signal station, on the - - forenoon of the day when the time signal is given - Phases of thb Moojt. kOVEUBEB. Full Moon ... - 5 4.58 5.®. Last Quarter v. K Km Moon 19 U0 p.m. :■ 27 -p.m. Pongee, . - " If, a '™' Apogee ... ... ••• — ••• 26 2.30 a.m. Surf rises 4.21, ■ sets 7.27. THE WEATHER, ~ . ... -November//25.-8 Mj.: - weather liir. Noon: Wind 5.W.; weather fine 5D m . Wind S.W.; weather fine. /■ " 8 a.m. Noon. 5 p.m. Barometer , .. 30.18 30.22 30.28 . . .Thermometer '; 5464 58 ' FORECAST—Mr Paulin telephoned at 930 last'evening"N.E. wind, and fine for about 24 hours." INTERCOLONIAL AND COLONIAL WEATHER .REPORTS. (Pib United Peess Association.) AVELLINGTON, November 25, TJie . following are the 9 a.m. weather ' reports frOm'Australian stations:— - Albany, November 24.—Wind S.W.; bar. 29-9; cloudy. Hobart, No\ember 24.—Calm; ba:r. JO.l; •Sydney, November .25.—Wind'.S.E.; bar. 301, fine The following are the weathor reports ; from New Zealand stations at 5 p.m. ManuUu Heads-Wind S.W., breeze; bar.'30.12, ther. 65; fine; sea moderate.. -New Plymouth.-—Calm; bat, 30.05, tlicr. , ' 65; ; fine;; smooth. . ... ' - r Castlepoint.—Wind S.E., light; tar.30.11, ther: 56; gloomy; sea moderate, Wellington-Wind N.E.,- light; bar. . 30.10, therl 58; fine. AVestport.—Wind westerly, .light; bar, 30-08, thei.'tt; fine; fiea verj' smooth. ; Knikour.-i. —Wind. S.E., fresh; bar. 29.99, ther. 66; fine; sea slight swell., < Oamaru.—Calm; bar. 30.10, ther. 63; , 'cloudy;.sea smooth. . Bluff-Wind SE, light; bar. 30.16, ther. 55; fine.—P., A. Edwin. HIGH WA.TER. . November 26— a - m - P'" 1 ' ' At -Taioroa Heads ... ... ... 6.56 7.18 At Port Chalmors ... ... ... 7.36 7.58 At'Dnnedin ' ••• 8.21 8,43 arrival; • V Moeraki, s.s., 2714 tons, Cliatfiold, from Melbourne, via Hobart and- the Bluff. »1. Mills, ageiit. Passengers: MisSes Allsop, Joseph,' West, Hayes, .M'Callum, Mesdames Mott; Noholius, Stewart, .M'Leod, Morgan, ; Waloott., Knox, Reid, Ledingham, Messrs ' Slott, Corielly, Nobelius, Stewart, Ritchie, ■ Lamb, Morgan, Reid, Hunter, Cromie, Engr laildi BSyno. Polglase, Gray, M'Yede, Campbell (2), 'Wilson, Ledinghain, Harper; and 38 in the- steerage. ' DEPARTURE, .' j invercargill, s.s., 123 tons, Marks, for Invercargill.- . K.'llamsay, agent. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. iPrbm Liverpool.—Montgomeryshire) ship, left July 14 (arrived Wellington November 25). Sierra Cadena, ship, left August 29 (via, Wellington). Limena, barque, ileft ■ .September 30. From Glasgow.—Bessfield, bttrque, left August 17. . Inverurie, barque, left Sepr tembor 20. Gladys, barque, left October 6. Nelson,; ship, left Octobei' 31. From London.—Akaroa, barque, left August 18. Oamaru, ship, left September 30.' ' ~ ■ From' New' York.—Doris, barque, left September 1. Nairnshire, ship, left November 24. From Sydney (via Auckland). —Zealandio, ;■■■ November 29. From Sydney (via Wellington).—Monowai, • : November. 28. , v From Melbourne.—Victoria, December 2. ' From Auckland.—Te Anau, November 26. ' From New Plymouth.—Corihna, November ' 28" ' PROJECTED DKPAKTURES. For Sydney (via Auckland).—:Mokoia, December 8. "Zealandia, December 1. For Sydney (via Wellington).—Jloetaki, November 26. . , • For Melbourne.—Monowai, November-29. For Auckland.—Te Anau, November 27. For New Plymouth,—COrinna, November 30.' /";■ -. ; . : MOVEMENTS: OF DIKECT STEAMERS. i.TO AI'.IIIVE. At Auckland. —Maori, loft London October 3;; duo November 22. Evcrton Grange, left New York September 20. Eaikoura, left London October 9; due December 12,' Whakatane, left London November . 3. At Napier.—lndralema, left London Noi 'vember"l7i ■ . : At Wellington;—Knikonra, left London . Oelober 13. Toltomaru, left London Octo. ber 27. Panaroa, . left November 10; :7- due, 26. Eurnara, left London September 26; left Capetown October 18. • At Lyttelton.—Rimutaka, left London October 13. Corintliic, left London, November -20. •. • At Port Chalmers.—Pakeha.s left November 4, due December 28. TO DErAKT. From - Wellington.—Ruapeliu, November I ' 25. Atlienic, December 10. . nmiKWMin ueuKD. i Waiwera. from Wellington, October 10. •< /Gothic, .from Wellington, October 15. Papanui, <from Wellington, October 31. lonic, . , from/ Wellington, November 14. Aotea, from Wellington, November 21; Niwaru, from Wellington, November 22,


EAtPAKA, November 25.—Sailed: La Bella,-bavqneritinc, for Sydney; Edward/ brig, and Isabella Anderson, for Diincditi. ONFIIILVIA November 25.—Sailed: ■RbtoitijVals.,' for New Plymouth and Wellington.' Passengers: .Missel" Wilson (2), Ward. Eonlton, Parkei, Watson, Gordon, Leitcli,. Mestnyer, Wilson, M. Wilsoa, A. L. i'rest, Parker. Beilringer, Conv;av, Jon&i and two children, Messrs T. Burrell, R. G. C-oatos, C. K. Fox, W. '.LSHainjct, Blitz,;. Nicholls s T. B. Salmon, - Patterson, Wilson, Meetaycr, Leitcli, Yong Shan, MTcllrny, Captain Hull, Rev. Messrs Richards and T. Woollaxall; and 15 in the rteera&e.' EAST CAPE, November 25.—The Zealandia vpa ; ssed south at 8.35 a.m. A large barque, showing " JVRB,"' passed _ north at' 9,50 ; a.m.'' The IVlune passed north at 3.45 p.m. ~ 1; :WKLLINGTON, November 25.—Arrived : 4 a.iri.y Montgomeryshire, (torn Liverpool; 6.1S a.m., Riversdale, from Newcastle; 2.40 p.iti., Monowai, from Sydney. . •fLYTTELTON,' Noye/nbor 25,-Arrived: 6.40 a;m.; ■ Waikaro, from Port Chalmers. 4,20 p.m., To Anau, for Dun-. ; ediu;' Passenger: Mr Bcdley.—Sailcjl: 7 p.m. 1 , Waikarc, for Wellington. TlMAßtJ,'Noveinber'2s. —Sailed: 5 a.m., Waimate, for tho Bluff. ■, INVERCARUILL, . November 25.— Sailed : 6 a.m., Rose .Casey* for Dunedin, via Southport. , BLUFF, November 25.—Sailed: Noon, Pvimu, for Greymouth. NEWCASTLE, November 25.—Sailed: Balmain,: for Wanganiii; Ururoa, for Gisbbriiqj SDnorita t for Kitiparal'. ~ .. SYDNEY, November' 25.—.Arrived: Pendlo Hill, from Merpury.Bay; Warrimoo, from .Wellington; H,s!§.. Sparrow,' from ■ I'iji.—Sailed: 3.20'\p.m,, .jlararoa, for Auckland.. MELBOURNE, November 25. —Sailed: Jessie-Craig, for Kaipnra. NEW • YORK, November" 24.—Sailed: Nairnshire,- for New Zealand ports,


Tho following are the Rimutaka's passengers for Itoedin:—Misses Castle, Orr, Crooko-(5),' Sinclair, Mesdamee' Colquhoun, Crooko, M'Call, Hudson,' Scott, Orr, Jarrand, Messrs Clark, Crooke, Hall, M'Call, Ramsay,. Anderson, Ross, Rev. Messrs Orr , tmd Farrand.

THE TAOHT KIA-ORA., WELLINGTON, November 2.5. Tho Marina Department refuses to allow the yacht Kia-Ora to ■ leave the colony except' sho is in charge of a seaman with a foroign-going certificate. Mr Buekridge has only' a ooastal certificate. The yaelit is to.come.on to Wellington from Gisborno, to onablo Mr Buekridge to consult the ' authorities here. ■

SPRUNG A-LF/AK. WELLINGTON, November 25. Tlio master of the "Steamer Monowai, ~ which arrived to-day from . Sydney, reports phat on Sunday morning, wlieri 210 miles 'east-of Sydney,' he spoke the ship Thbrnlieliank. of 61asgov7,:lM days out from Philadelphia for. Wellington. The; vessel sig- . 'iiaued;_that she had sprung a-leak and was ; mating for Tho captain .asked 1 to '•.v-'vboTOjHXged to" the Wellington agents, The

Thornlicbank has 60,000 cases of kerosene and 10,000 cases.of benzine aboard/ Slid is a steel .ship f of 2105 tons... Her .arrival at Sydney has not boen reported.; ? • .•

' iii>' • • li - - THE .SCOW raUTcklj.

Some anxiety is being' displayed- for the I safety of .the scow Tautuk'u, which left Port | Chalmers on the i3th inst. for .Tautulcu. It will be remembered- there ivas fresh bou'-wester blowing when She-dfrared the heads, and it was considered .j)psAblo she would be driven to the* northward. However, so far ae can be ascertained, -nothing has sine© been heard of her. Messrs J. Mill and 0p,,, of Port Chalmers, wired to ■their Oamaru branch yesterday-for information, but nothing had been heard of lier- at that port; while Captain Marks, 'of the s.s. Invercargill, kept a good .look-ont for her on liia passage from ' Timanij but- saw nothing of her. '

The s.s. Moeraki, from Melbourne, via Hobart .and tho Bluff, arrived at the cross wharf about 8 yesterday morning. .She left Melbourne on the 18th ihst.. and-had n fineweather passage across. the , Tasniau Sea. She proceeds to Port', this morning, and leaves in' the afternoon .for Sydney,; via Lyttelton and Wellington,; . , ... The s.s. Koonya, proceeds. 4p, Part,early in the afternoon, and leaveiv-iat'er on for the West Coast, via Oamaniand way-port?. Tho s.s. Te Anau is: due from Auckland early this morning, and leaves on the'return to-morrow afternoon. . . ~i The s.s. Monowai, from/Sydney, via Wellington and Lyttelton, is duo-early on Saturday morning, leaving for Port tho.following morning, and sailing in .the. -afternoon for Melbourne, Via the Bluff.and Ho|>art. The S.s. Corinna, from New Plymouth, is due on Saturday morning, leaving on the return on Monday afternoon, r The s.s. Hawea, leaving: the Bluff to-day,' calls at Aamaru to-morrow and Timaru on Saturday- to load for Napier and Auckland. Tho barque Gladys, from the Clyde for this port, ■;via Wellington,-was spoken on October 10 in lat. 49 N.Jong. 9 W. Tho Gladys is under the.tommand of Captain Perriam, • . t . The ship Oamaru, Cantaiii; D, Fpllarton, which left London on October 1, passed The •Downs 12 days later. • i ;., ', . The barque JJmena,: from Liverpool ® Port Chalmers and Wellington, was spoken on October 4- off- the Tuscaiv . :' ■ The s.s. Tonganro iB expected to be all blear, of cargo to-day,, and : will take in ,» quantity of hemp boforo proceeding to Lyttelton.on Saturday. ; ' " ■' The ' s.s. Whangape, comet-.but: of-' 'dock this morning, and leaves Port .Chalmers in the afternoon for Netffcutfle,'.via • the,;Bhiff. The s.s. Invercargill. steamed- , down, to Port yesterday, and after faking in a cjuantity of transhipments sailed for Invercargill. The flagship Royal Arthur, with'his.Excellency Vice-admiral Fan'shaWe . oii board, arrived at Hobart on the 19th inst.j and in tho afterhoon tho Admiral.^insiiceted, tho Antarctio relief ships Mprning and Terra Nova, and expressed hio .satisfaction with them. The Jioyal Arthur. tranHiipped 89 oases of - guncoitori for ' the ships.- for'icebreakinjr purposes. Lloyd's Shipping Gazette say*':-t"Tl>e Union Steam Ship Company, New Zealand, aro tho ow'nors for wKtm Messrs David'J. Ihinlop and Co,, Inch iWprks, Port' Glasgow, have' just contracted to build a_ new steamer. '■ Tho vessel.-a'twin-screw, will'be of 2500 tons, and will bo. built, under the rules of the British Corporation Mr the Survey and Registry of Shipping,, and will bn fitted t'liroughoht in a first-class hionner for the company's passenger and cargo service. The. engines will, bo supplied by the builders." ' V ' ' . A proof of tho popularity Of water carriage iii the United Kingdom is a canalisation scheme which is being iiiitiatecl in t-lio Midland? by which it"is" intended to link Manchester and Liverpool witlj the Potteries, Wolverhampton, and Birmingham. A'surveying party is mjAihg an exhaustive examination of the levels with a.'-vieiV to. launching a Midlands banal seiifeme in tho course of a few months. .It is believed that the promoters have .the support of the Mersey-Weaver Navigation .Commissioners, and that the canal will be an extension of the Weaver navigation. .The;latter systehi run? from Western Point, at. the. junction Of the Manchester Ship.Canal arid the Mersey Estuary, to Wiiisford (Cheshire), and at present carries a. largii proportion of the salt, chemical, and earthenware traffic of the country. The project is to.extend this canal so as to admit of- steamers of 300 toils to the Potteries, Wolverhampton, and Birmingham. There .is a'small canal already existing which only carries barges of 25 to 50 tons, and china arid earthenware manufacturers hail with • the utmost satisfaction a proposal which ,wjil eilable them to secure their ehina clays' in larger bulk and oxport ware without transhipment and with a consequent all-round cheapening. :

On the Union Company's ■ steamship Wliangapo coining out of the graving dock this morning her place will be at ohee taken up by the good ship Canterbury, which goes in for cleaning' and painting,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12830, 26 November 1903, Page 6

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12830, 26 November 1903, Page 6

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12830, 26 November 1903, Page 6