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PROPERTIES,FOR SALE AND TO UET. QL k3k:K:O:;M.. & stew aa t/ BANK OF NEW ZEALAND BUILDINGS, LAND AND .ESTATE AGENTS, ACCOUNTANT?., AUDITORS, •'.■•; ■'■••:■ t-FOR SALE: CITY (North-End),J-Good investment:-PROPERTY of 2 Houses, bringing in £112; easy • terms. • - , ' ■ BELLEKNOV7ES.-5 BOOMS, in Preston crescent; J-acro garden, WAIKOUAITI.—7 ROOMS; sunny property; 3 acres,,stable, good garden, . . CITY.—Two adjoining 9-roomed HOUSES, norlli end'; every con.tnieiice; moderate price. S. DUNEDIN.-5 ROOMS; close to tram. EOSLYN.—Good'7-r'oom'cd HOUSE; h.p. boiler, bath; lovely view; J-acre Section; garden well laid out; MORNING TON— Substantially-built RESIDENCE, 8 rooms, with every convenience; J-acrc, well laid out; beautiful prospect; price reasonable; farms easy, LITTLEBOURNE.-Good 7-rodmed HOUSE, with {-acre garden, ST.' CLMR.-SECTTONS oh hill. CITY.—Up-to-date broomed'HOUSE; gas, h.p. boiler, bath; sunny situation; easy terms of payment. ROSLYN,—7-roon)ed HOUSE; every convenience; beautiful view; close to electric tram. NORTH have, several Splendid PASTORAL AREAS, Freehold or Leasehold, in districts easily accessible; also. Splendid DAIRYING LANDS, in virgin and in inipTqired states. Prices reasonable. ADVANCES,—We' an arrange for Advances to those building. • ? TO LET:ANDERSON'S BAY—Commodious 10-roomed HOUSE; large garden, vinery, stable, buggy house, large paddock. ' For' a' term. CITY .(North End, close to tram).-Cbmfoi(able O-roomsd HOUSE; h.p., bath; sunny situation. ~.-•■ MAORI HILL.-Fu'mished COTTAGE of 5 rooms. SUITES of OFFICES. WANTED TO BUY: FARM, about 8 acres, with small House, within four mites of town. 'MONEY TO LEND- INSURANCES (FIRE and ACCIDENT! EFFECTED, J OH N B E I D & SONS, ; ESTATE AGENTS, VALUATORS, ARBITRATORS, SHAREBROIERS, SURVEYORS, Leases, Mortgages, and Transfers Prepared. HAVE AS UNDER:- 8-170. TAIERI.-Two miles from Mosgiel, 3-193.',BURNSIDE.-+A few choice 'Building little FARM of 105 acres; richest SITES, near Catlle Yards; sunny position. ~»'i%fL% n JSf c , ... . 3-190. acre, choice,LAND, 3-153 CAVERSHAU-Splendid }-acre SECfronting Lower road; would subdivide well. ™W »> Clark street, near railway station, Splendid opportunity..., ...... w ''» f°. n * Ho «= of 7 large rooms, and 3-188. BEAUTIFUL FARM of 87 Acres; first- E • J?„ one 0r two more llol,aca ; !>"• class level agricultural-land, li mile from 0 170 ?}%!■„ „.„. „ ~ , Milton; splendid .new 'Dwelling .and all 3 "1'2. "o-ACRE FARM, 11 miles from Dunnecessary farm buildings; a' very' choice «"" n "» oaeand a-half miles from railway Property, equal to best Taicri land. s '"™ n .. ,n SK P» d^? ■■- Hotwe of i rooms; 3-189. MUSSELBURGH,-Comer SECTION, nWc j W*> «'«•; «W; well watered; 70 Queen's drive, with new superior -House , ls] i t WTmrr'rrAT t Wot ..,„,,„ of 6 laxge rooms; bathroom (hot and cold), ""v,.. HOME, 50 scullery, washhouse with' fixed copper and °"" J,"^"i'ii d ' """ ™-"? bush '- 1 9 tubs. For absolute sale, owner having -left SJ f ™ld fc Tf f'l L" t<n '\ V^ Dunedin. Cards 'from us. ' '. XT' u°Z It' *# ]l i 3-189. MUSSELBURGH. - Two Splendid llfiJZ riv * '"° garfM ' Ecal Vaont SECTlONS.jnPrinceo street, well DUNEDIN.-SHOP filled in, and m clioice position. , ■ OTWTPFd n n ,l ma rnnwtnvo ' 3-IG3 UPPER * ggR lie LfSrtKSf Iso"' Brunswick terrace, 1 rood 13 poles. Title, o p Posi f e Muaellm . som > i3uu ' . Land Transfer. A charming site. ■ S-178. TAIEEI—LEASE at cm Arm?Q i,.„i 3 " I4 L N S EA f Y f L f * VS\ and P stoul Zdl'fyL t "/« LAND and very ..SupAior Bay-window mn . Goodwill for sale. ■ n?j .nA™""" '' i s rse . •, asuße,T 3 " 159 ' HNE HILL-lCheap PROPERTY five ;- fi ted tubs,, copper, -and s.nk; now mi | M irm 10wn . 50 J M £%** Zsalaiidia range; fowlhouse ami ran; good Wiole lot for i! 200 hedges; owner loft Property for absolute 3-HS.HOKONUIDISTRICT.-200.acw PARM US %s™ • ISLA.ND.-Splend|d Lew wil] to „ M , hm „'„,, on e J wtMm ' S?iV!?' ca t lmmS ' ?n r W Uthroom i 3-124. MUSSELBURGH-Grand SECTION scullery washhouse .W.IV fixed copper and for m in atr t ,LUIW tubs.; 3ft 6m Sliaclilock-range; fireplaces o.oon c<p «„i..j;,i titoptttxt/-, « in al. rooms; builWn washes; SSOOgal -^;.^lK^Z^fcSfd) 8 water. Well vrotth lookuii: after. , nfnllon. i:„.« _.~. i ~ '' Bnck BUILDING, compnsing shop Mil 2 fma ]argo roomSi A choice. Property rooms do-.vnsioirfl-flnd -5 rooms upstairs. ' * A very eld-established drapery business TO LET: connected with (he premises. Stock may NORTH END.—Suporier Plastered DWEL he taken at- valuation if. desired. • LING, 9 romas, bath (hot, cold and" 3-184. ST. JOHN'S WOOD. r Two ALLOT- shower), gas, linen presses, aiid all conveniMENTS in Clerk street; price, £80 for the ences; copper, tubs; possession Ist May tfo-. rent, fSO to a good tenant. ' '■ ~ JOHN REIT) & SONS,' CORNER BOND AND LIVERPOOL STREETS. N, '& "~~5 PA T E RS 0 N LAND BROKERS, SURVEYORS, ESTATE and FINANCIAL AGENTS, ; ~ 73-PRINCES STREET-73. Branch Office: MORNINGTON. FOR SALE: CITY (on Rise).—G-roomed RESIDENCE; bath, scullery, h. and c. water,.gas laid en; . washhouse, copper and tubs built in. CARGILL STREET.-HOUSE,-8. rooms, etc., with i-acre freehold land; room for two more houses, with nice situations; £1088. CASTLE BTREET.-Suporior 7-roomcd RESIDENCE, with all modern conveniences; 2 bay windows, etc.; good freehold section; nicely laid out, and in first-class ordr-r. EOSLYN, Frederick street.—Good HOUSE of 7 rooms; bathroom, scullery, h. and c. water, and all other modem conveniences; J-acre section, nicely laid out-in garden, etc. For immediate sale.- ■■■■..-' ROSLYN, Bishopscourt.—New HOUSE of 6 raoms; bathroom, scullery, h. and c. wafer to bath and sinks, copper and tubs built in, 2 bay windows and verandah; |-acre section; - with sunny aspect and a good view, CITY, near London street.—Nico DWELLING of 5 rooms; bath, scullery, etc; good freehold section. • . . CITY, North End.—First-class Building SJTE, CGft frontage; price, t2SS. MU6SELBURGH, (Jueen's Drive.-Vcry attraotive G-roomed RESIDENCE, with all modern conveniences; nice freehold section; must he sold immediately. Low price. KAIKORAI, Sunnyside.—Good Family RESIDENCE, containing 8 rooms, bath, scullery; , good section, with a nice situation; .-TOSO, - ,• ANDERSON'S BAY (in view.of city)-HOUSE, 8 rooms, etc.; slate:roof; with about 20 aicres For private sale, First-class Pastrycook, Luncheon, and Confectionery' BUSINESS, with a first-class connection, situated in Princes street. A rare opportunity. MORNINGTON.~We have.a number of very nice PROPERTIES for Sale in this locality, , full particulars of which mav be had at cur Mornington Branch; Telephone 171?. • " . • ■WARBINGTON.-SEOTIQNS (beautiful sites) between Station and Beach, from 120 each. , Ocodspecs,,.. ( ' TO LET: High-street— 9 roomß, 275.: High street—B rooms; Mornington—4, 5, G, and 8 rooms; Rosiyn —5, 6, and 9 rooms; Musselburgh—6 rooms. • S' ( ' 0■ T T & 0 .(),, (Established 1888), 40 DOWLING STREET. DUNEDIN, HOUSE, LAND, ESTATE, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, SHAREBROKERS. .•"...•-.- AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. PATRONS WILL FIND SCOTT k CO. UP TO DATE IN ALL MATTERS CONN.EOTED WITH SALE, PURCHASE, AND LETTING OF PROPERTIES, IN BUSINESS MATTERS CONSIDER TROUBLE A PLEASURE. We have a Large Number of PROPERTIES FOR SALE, a few of which we montion:- ,'' ■' ' CITY. , ' . £1050.-DUNDAS STREET (near George street): A Good Well-built HOUSE of 10 rooms. A splendid view A cheap property, £560.—1n CITY: A SECTION, on which owner is prepared to build, for price named, a good, uo-10-date«G-roomed ■ HOUSE. £650.—1n CITY: A. First-class-New, Up-to-date G-roomed HOUSE; pantry, bathroom, washhouse, tubs; high-pressure boiler; good Section; asphalted all "round. Cheap propertv. FOR SALE, HOUSES and SECTIONS in all Dunedin Suburbs at reasonable price.?. £1800.-In a Good Position in CITY: A PROPERTY of 10 Houses and Vacant Section.' This is one of the best investments offering Pavs 12 Der cent, net, Houses always let, ,„.'... NORTH-EAST VALLEY. ' £300.—A Real Nice broomed HOUSE; washhouse, boiler, etc.; fowlhousc; nice garden, fruit and flowers.;.-'? Sections;.„asphalted paths. The property is situated in Arthur street, close Gardens-and trams, Easy terms if required. CAVERSHAM RISE. £750.—Within quarter of an hour of CargiU's Monument: One 5-roomed and one 4-roomed HOUSE; a Brst-dass property;.or owner will sell separately. Tin's Property is a real bargain. ' FARMS. Several small Farms'on the Peninsula at reasonable prices. Also 275-acrc Farm, Saddle Hill; good frontage to' Main road;-would make a very nice poultry farm, or for growing fruit. Price, cheap. • A. W; A;S :H E B. &. C 0., . 'HIGH STREET, ROSLYN, AUCTIONEERS, LAND, ESTATE, AND INSURANCE AGENTS, VALUATORS, Etc We have a Number <if Suitable PROPERTIES which can' be Purchased by Payment of . ,• Small Deposits. ■ Call at Our Offices for Particulars, - ROSLYN.-Fredcrick street: Seven-roomed HOUSE; washhouse, scullery, hot and cold water, electric.bells; quarter-acre Section; beautifully laid out; best situation; near j tram; £825, terms. ■ ] ROSLYN.—Four-roomed HOUSE; washhouse, garden, orchard, asphalt paths; £270. ' EOSLYN, BISHOPSCOURT.—New G-roomed HOUSE; bithroom, scullery, hot and cold water, copper, tubs built in, 2 bay windows, asphalt paths; sheltered position; cheap, ] Telephone .1376. ■ 1 DOES IT NOT STRIKE YOU AS A WASTE OF MONEY TO PAY RENT ] ' When you may BUY A HOUSE OF YOUR OWN? . BURTON' & PAT T E R.S ON. ] ALBION CHAMBERS, 41 DOWLING STREET, . . . -WE HAVE TO SELL: ■ , ' 'OWN 1 ELM ROW.-Very Cheapl-roomed HOUSE; bathroom, washhouse; I /?c7k PROPERTY. 1 Section, eighth-acre. ... .'. 1 *°'° New 4-roomed.COTTAGE; every modern convenience. An-EXCEL-iUSSEL- LENT INVESTMENT. You get 3 per cent, for your money in nq ftr , l iURGH. the Savings Bank.; this property is let for Ms per week to a good XIOOW .tenant, and will return you 10 per cent. A Choice 5-roomcd RESiDENCE~ba'y~windowßrb"athroom, asphalt i TOOD- ' paths; nice garden. Buyers seem to overlook this favoured r^QK lAUGH. locality. Very warm and sheltered, and its handiness to town *" J -" } ■ .is apparent to all intelligent observers, A Really'Cfieap, tOSLYN. conveniences,'boy window, verandah, garden, washhouse; very £550 , [ handy to tram. '■ ■ ■ ' Beautiful Modern 8-roomed RESIDENCE; bay windows, large rooms, lITY. bathroom (h.p. boiler), slate roof, concrete piles; in an excellent £1100 locality. •CLINTON Six-roomed HOUSE; verandah, bathroom, scullery, washhouse; in ~" IOAD excellent order; magnificent view; few minutes from City; owner £460 tu leaving; rare chance. : FARM of 18 acres (approx.), close to station; splendid land; pick ' of Taieri; .well'fenced; Corporation leasehold; about 18 years 7INGATUI, to run; improvements—two houses, etc, Rare chance to £450 ( obtain property in this handy locality. £75 allowed for a : .certain crop if removed by present owner. ISLAND, NEW ZEALAND. TOITNESS . pHOTOGRAPHIC* WELLINGTON BRANCH OFFICE ' TWARTMENT. Of the 3J } ITAGO DAILY TIMES. Ti » Publishers of the OTAGO WITNESS j ■ __ n _i' beg to announce that o OTAGO WITNESS, Mr GUy MOI * RI S. and - a 13 CUSTOM HOUSE QUAY; Near G.P.0., Mr GEORGE HICKS ' -, Phere Files can be referred to, Copies obtained, »» *« ONLY RECOGNISED WITNESS ( , and where Advertisements, Subscriptions, PHOTOGRAPHERS. Mr Morris has charge ,' and Accounts will be received by' "' ™ • CowJ ' W° r,! m & Mr Hicks of the Coun- !! MR J. DLOTT. try and Outside Work. 21ap f Managing Agent for North Islapd. K(\(\ FAIRS Sam P lc ; Boots, Shoes, »wn ■i.-AKMi.'l!'?' pappb "m. T vl/V Slippers; alt sizes; half usual ' see windows-J. G.Green, 43 Geor gJ? i acknowledged t»'bo unequalled by that of T ADIES 1 Page toy Emmehne) in the Otago vbjatta ol ourrant interest'to farmers. JU Witaesß comprises:—Answers to Corrs- I 1 and Bronchia Troubles « TU6SIOLRA. \ Fashion Gossip, Country Entertafaments and t Jbtaablo everywhere. '.' 23ap j beddings, Home Interests. t

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12649, 29 April 1903, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 12649, 29 April 1903, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 12649, 29 April 1903, Page 8