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|?!^>: !^O*v : MtEB : 'By ; AUCTIOH.'' -' $Wk '.-IV^T*'' 'k. ■•' —— ■ fes : v APRIL, - $&'■• kk'-kk '-£ '■■ At. -2.30. o'clock. '<" lit'sEbbma;;':BattraT 'street. ~ :V.; ' ;C.v:: : .KBBEHOLD PROPERTY \P')^ : Kk : '^M' : ' : ' '•' In ' STREET. TRUSTEES fe yAjjESEATE/AND AGENCY MPAM S r ;-..-.-.-Jiava receivedinstructions from the Etecu;ilr of late John-Jenkins to offer for ■v '/. i' saiflbr *publio'Ruction,■ at' the above time ~, f ■ , Sf ■■''-. Y^All'fta^Parcel'of Land, ivi'v ;• 'V Wd fpwtenths. (13.4) poles, mora or ■i> '■ : :':'■'?•'■. Part of Section 46, Block >".''; ~->'~':->■■ v? [I '; Clt y of Dunedin, together-with ,;:,.: ,:.: the Four-robmed Dwelling-house and .■;;■ conveniences thereon, ii • ~,>.. :_ThSs site is: an excellently' situated one, ,;, -. mthtgood outlook and sunny aspect, and has. :; "' : w e ftrance from Rattray street. ?<. '; }Enll particulars from ' •JJSSS Mi PRASER, Solicitor;. , ■■■ :, Or;:< ; THE j AUCTIONEERS. 23ap 'y ' ;; >: v BATDEDAY,9th'MAY, ' ' ,! ' #'.-.'.;■."'■;'.!; \\ ■ At 12 o'clock. SEIDTIONS (Warrington) and -v 'V ': -fARMS (at Blueskin-and in Waitati v^. : ••, ■• . > . ■; ; : rpHE PERPETUAL TRUSTEES, ■ ESTATE.' &■■ AGENCY COMPANY ;.:- ;OP,NEW ZEALAND (LBHTED) are in- -' struct*! by the Exeoutors'of the late K. 8., ;; 'u -Ferguson.' to offer for sale'by auction, in' i,;;;itheir Rooms, Rattray i street, on Saturday, iiv' :; n jMay, at 12 o'clock, the following Free- -;■'•;; jold ■ Properties:, .;-." ' Sections 5, 6, and 7, Township of War- :■; ' 'rington, each haying, an area of J ' /quarter of an acre.- These sections ;; > '■, adjoin the Warrington Railway Station, and-to those in search of sites ;;'••■;'■;" ■~--, for summer residences special at'j'j I tehtion ib directed to those lots. :,. ':■• ■ Section 20 and 2of 19, Block 11, North '"-.' ! ';■'' Harbour and Blueskin, containing ; 83 acres, well known as the Blair ;,'.;■:. , Athol Property. For a dairy farm it, cannot be. surpassed, being nearly !, ~ , •'.'' all in grass, and close to the Blue- "'.'•'■ ' . skin' Creamery. ; ! 'fart of Section 30, Block HI, North Har- •:: ; bour and' Blueskin, containing 629 aores of land, partly fenced. 100 V icres of which has been cleared and sown down.; This Property lies in ■'■..-'.-".'' the Waitati Valley, and at present .value should provo a profitable in- ■'■ ' ■ / vestment. .:..,-,-.. For terms and further .particulars apply to &ap: .".'., THE AUCTIONEERS. '' .' ■■:-:V MONDAY,viIth v MAY,' , . I --~.;- At 12,30 o'clock. • • .■■ vAt-RoOmey Manse street. Tolnvestors' add those desiring Freehold • , i k •-.•.i j.'.' ■■. s .'t^-."- > • By Order of tlie Trustees of the Estate of ,: the'lafe Mrs J.'T; Wright. ■, : ' . 11CHOICE BUILDING SITES, BISHOPSCOUBT, ROSLYN. "'' [Varying in size.from 18 poles to nearly! quarter-acre. The... Choicest Situation' in this Borough, ~ Fronting Main road.and Albert street. :; , Close to {Electric ' Tram and Golf LiDks. JpARRV REYNOLDS," & CO. '■'■': •Bv/'are instructed to.sell by auction, ■ v i l ' 11 Charming Sites,': being subdivision of ' Bjshopspourt'Property, Roelyn, I of, j.';.-. '■.. which front Jim Main-road, with ;~; , frontages 0f..66ft, .and 7 front Albert .''','".' street, with frontages of from 38ft | v'f ■;;■'.'■ '.'to'6sft ( . ,"_ •,'tLithograph.plans are now ready showing ] -'k the subdivislonioffthe above. ■•;..;'• . jThese" Sections 'are in the choicest situa- ,'»';..', tion in-the whole, of this favourite suburb,. , end catch:every glimpse of sunshine. : It'is 1 hardly neoessaiy to point out to investorsi the'.rapid ■increase in- values taking r(-'---'.place.-in:'Boslyn;''bu't there is; perhaps, no other _suburb which has' so steadily increased and'is.; to-day increasing in price as the ';'■■ ■;-.. locality';ih;whichrthese. Sections aro situated. . ' A Tie Trustees are obliged to realise in '■;>•: terms-of their itrust, so that these Sections ..,: .are for-BONA'FIDE SALE. -V .Terms: .10 per. cent..,cash; balance by V(■ .quarterly payments extending over a period of 4i years,-with interest at 5 per cent.; :.•:.'. Pr cash at t the ,option,'oi the purchaser. TpURSbAY, 30tb: " N " ...'*•' At. 2 o'clock. :.-. Sale by ;Auotion of Household Furniture, ■'„•■!'" ; 'Walnut Piano, 2 Horse-power Steam . -.'■■.' ,-. Engine, Dam|g'ed;Roofing,lron, etc; £";■[ '■•'•■ E;S ; , SA MS, O N & C. O. -.• .&;'. will 'sell by auction, at their Rooms, ■.:'!■,. Dowiing .street, •'-■•;.• ':'"; ,' Fuzn'ifiire, eld,' inohiding: Walnut irbn- "■ frame piano '(Morris;' London), walnut suite ■'■ (in silk tapestry and pluslf), mirror-back sido- "■•.;/': Ibbard, walnut overmantel (bevel plates), imj- ';?■ '■ Jation Diarbkgong clocks, bronze ornaments, . . vasesj oil paintings, water colour (by Rad•'v ■ diffe);,- rattan chairs, fancy folding chair, :;-;'■.'• lJookcase. and chiffonier; Brussels aUd .' : i';,'tapestry carpet squares, hearth and wool "'•;.;' xuga.and mate, brass-rail fenders and brasses, '; cruet, hanging'lamp, curtains, china tea set b (40 pieces),, doubk and single brass-mounted ' ': iron .bedsteads', wire,.flock, and kapok mat-, ••;.• : ,. tresses., colonial.•blankets, bolsters, pillows. . , a,: fuU-Sootcb!"toilet j'and' dubhesse chests of ':'.;.drawers; redfpine wardrobe'(bevel mifrow), ,' 'duohesse;-table and washstand (to match), :.-'''. fancy bedroom ware, .looking glasses, com- . . imode .ehair/Iki'tcheri■ dresser, sofa, 'leather r ~. couch, -wire"shakedown, portable boiler, cookingi utensils;* sewing machine, bicycle (Imperial, 1902 model), crockery and •V. glasswate'r damaged roofing iron, 2 horsov.',".. power steam.engine;(good order), cedar full- ; 'Scotchchest, cedar chiffonier, hall stand, etc. ;;> SATURDAY, the,l6th, day of.MAY, 1903, 4-; V ;..'■». ''."•'. At 12 o'olpck noon. the Registrar at Dunedin of • k^ljk :"flio.".:Siipreinß Court 61 New Zealand, * ; ;V. i Southland District, under the !:--'..'* ; '. .-, provisions of-"The Property Law Con- ;; > ' ,'. ■;.'6olidatiqn r ' s 'Act,• 1883," and in exercise ;:'.>' ,;:6f;thePower,of.Sale contained in Mort--1 •:'!■■ number'62s47. p-'TAMES SAMSON & CO.. >"". have, received instructions' to offer for ;' ';.«al9''by':plblio l auction, at their Room's, ;::': Dbwling'; street,' Diincdiri, on the above >;:'■ 'Bate:-.'-;.-;-;.:•;.■■■'.■ .-.., _■ ; ;; ;; ;•;•;;; ;: ; all thai parcel of-land-"«oii- .';..';. •' ''.tnining' by admeasurement 20 -acre* . ',! .':-'•.(more:pr>less), situate in the North ■•■'■':' ;. 'V: Harbour. : and Blueskin District:'and :-'''■ i ','. being Section number 9;Block YIU; .:' '.'";'. on.' the map of'the said district. " '-\\/-,i;,..Vj,..-.-'...,.' And.also, J - •' 'iALL THAT PARCEL OF LAND con- ■ v ~-' tairiing by'admeasurement 2 acres •■;',, /'' (more or' loss), being part of Applica- •■'-"..;■' • ' tibn 2245,''810ck X, North Harbonr ; . and Blueskin District,'now in- the .- : '' ■/■'•' ..ocoupatioh ; of .'ThOmas 'Godfrey, ..;•.:. '..•■'. farmer,' Pine Hill. '; " '■*"■' ••,'•: .1 For further particulars apply to 'V THE AUCTIONEERS; ' ".';,■:, Or;to;^■:.'.'.'•" " '" : ' '. - ,:'" : :W. : C. MacGREGOR, SoKcitor;' " ...'■. 29ap" ~ ' , 27. Rattray street,] Diineain," • -:S : ■■ iffiDAY, Ist MAY, 1903, ;.;'•''- '.; ,', ,■..,,"-.'//At r 2.3o p.m, : ? : GOLD DREDGING ;\ limited '':'■■■.( '' -\ : -\3'i' ; £v ;; "'V ' - ikEDGE-ind/OLAIM.' 'fk. f'a'c n e, 'j;', •• |ur-.-' by:order;.;6f.-the/.Liquidator and by, '-■% ' ;-c6nsept,\df-^the.,Mortgagees,, will sell by '--' /■/pubb'o auction, at; the Registered Office of "-■!■•'■'. the. Company. Sunderland .street, Clyde, en ' Frflay,UstiMayi ; lßo3^at 2.30 p.m.: .•'.'•'' ;;'i ; ' r Dredge as she ;.; ''d'-kU ■'*•!. inow? 'the- Molyneux River, Cfydo.. This ;';v v y»^'/v^l)redge/is : well/found .in every '\k'{k;ij?:k!'i -/tequisite;', a"' lot ■of spare k-k:-'k : ' : ': .; \bucket.'links',and , pins. 3 6pare -.'■ : " y '.- ('.- /j'.buckets.- 2, headlines; 2' boats,' oaw, :..' . , ;; '; \ : good order, and vj';. : .i/'k' .!•.'•'"'■ready'for himediat'e dredging'with-'i'.v-:*'•;;•'.•■.'.^■';!out outlay'; , '"^'".-;.''.' 'kk'''\ : 2.7nrhe ; .old:/puns'tan, Claim; 48 r'-.'.-v.. 'A'', chains ; of river.'?'' ■'■.' ,' ,"-:''"|v..'.''^'-Lot'3.-^l-''CfeU/'-200' ; ,fath6mß'''galvanißed ;',' .' y : '. l;/flexible ; ;crucibl«•':steel wire ,rope, i : j.;;2|in/6/l9;6trand > ..uncoiled. • ',', '''As'the river is fast approaching dredging •' »vel, and the dredging season .promising to • 'bottilopg'aDd hard one, thissale presents, i ; '• an'opyortimity ,but seldom occurring, The ¥•"■■ Dredge' is/cpmparativoly.niw, .andthe claim iscarcely-'toiiched; -'-id.should.command keen .^•/competition-V ■' • - -.■•'■'•'•. ' ■ ' ■ at sale. , '^'kfzk-k-k'.''''" '",/' , '' '. r .'Sampk : .'Bcots, Shoe's, '' : '"i-''Slipoers;:.aU~sizes; halt usual A. largo •

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12649, 29 April 1903, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 12649, 29 April 1903, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 12649, 29 April 1903, Page 8