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PORT CHALMERS NAVALS. The Port Chalmers Navals fired the firs competition of a match for prizes on Saturday Conditions: Thrco competitions, two to count 10 shots at 300 and GOO yards. The weather wa extremely cold for shooting, although sorm very good scores were registered—notably b Gunner Smyth, who put on 48 at 300 yards The following were the highest scorers: — 300 600

HIGHLAND RIFLES, On Saturday afternoon the Highland Rifles fired tho annual match against a team com posed of ex-members. Tho conditions'were: Twelve men a-side; two lowest scores to counl out; seven shots and two optional sighters al 300 and 500 yards, The weather wa3 not alto gethcr favourable for shooting, especially al the long range, a strong wind blowing down the range making it very trying for the eyesight of those taking part in the shooting. At tin 300 yards the honours lay with the present members by the narrow margin of 8 points, and on going back to tho 500 yards they furthci increased the lead thus obtained by anothci 34 paints, thus winning Uio match by 42 points. At the 300 yards the highest individual scorei was Captain Stoneham, 34 points—a really »ood scoro;—while at the 600 yards ex-Private Hanna, firing with a Lee-Enfield, registered tho "possible," which, with 31 points at the 390 yards, totalled 66 for both ranges—a really fine score. At tho conclusion of the match Captain Stoneham, on behalf of the winners, returned thanks for the pleasant afternoon's shooting, and oalled for cheers for the exmembers, which was heartily responded to. Ex-Lieutcuant Nelson replied on behalf of the ex-members, and tho teams dispersed to meet again later in tho evening at a omolie social tendered by the ex-members to tho company. Following aro tho scores:—

T 11. • i% In the evening the ex-members and the present members held their annual reunion. There was a. very forge attendance, testifying to the' popularity of the gathering with both parties concerned. On the present occasio.i the exmmbers,acted as host?, and as they entered into Hie matter of entertaining theii guests with the utmost heartiness the proceedings throughout were bright and enjoyable. ExIjieutcnant Nelson occupied the chair, and after reading an apology for tho unavoidable absence of Ex-Captain Gillies, proposed tho toas of "The Highland Bides." He saw that tlio large attendance that night of ex-members ;w ?n(F P ,, S f. indication of ,„•„ interea( . ta]jen in the company by the ex-members. Captain btoneham briefly responded, expressing the hope that the gathering would be regularly held in the future, and that the interest taken m them would increase each succeeding year lA'-Lieutenant Nelson also proposed the "Winning Team, and Lieutenant Lcmpater tcSpo ,?,• Captain Stonehara proposed The Ex-Members,- and in doing so acknowledged the feeling of pride the company had m its ex-members. He thanked them for the interest they had taken, and were takin» in the company, and also for the-entertainment they had provided that night. Ex-Lieutenant jtolson and Ex-Private Wilson (Mayor of taversham) acknowledged the toast. The other toasts proposed and honoured during the evening were "Army, Navy, and Volunteers," pro . posed by Lieutenant Rankin, of the Palmerston Rifles, and responded to by Cr M'Donald, an ex-private; "The Ladies,'-' proposed by Exmember Gordon, and responded fo by Lieutenant Cameron; and " The Press." A lengthy programme of music was gone through during the evening, and the quality of the contributions was certainly much better than is usually heard at similar gatherings. Songs were given by Lieutenants Dempster and Cameron, Sergeant Harper, Privates M'Kinlev, Lewis, Robertson, Rowlands, and Ex-members Gibson, Peterson, M'Dougall, Turner, and Clarke. Ex-member WaJdy gave a number of selections on the graphophonc, Private ifastcrton one on the mouth organ, and Private Jf'Donald, besides playing an item on the pipes, danced a reel. The proceedings closed a little after 11 o'clock with tho singing of "Auld lang ,syne." DUNEDLY RIFLES. Tho Dunedin Bines fired the first of a series of three matches for Ex-Captain Burt's, Captain M'Millan's, and other prizes on Saturday. The conditions were 10 shots and optional sighter at 300 and GOO yards. ■ There was a tricky wind blowing, which spoilt good shooting. The following are the scores:—

•Range prizes, CITY GUARDS. On Saturday tho City Guards fired the third competition of tho match for prizes pjesented by Messrs C. Tilburn, J. Murdoch and Co., and the company, The scoring was not so high as usual; probably the strong N.E. wind accounted for this. The conditions were 10 shots at 300 and 600 yards, and the highest scores

DUNEDIN ENGINEERS. On Saturday' tho Dunedin Engineers fired the third and final competition of the Officers' Match iot trophies presented by Captain Barclay, Surgeon-captain Blomii'cld, Chaplaincaptain Mayne, Captain Nicolson, Lieutenants Ross, Midgley, and Lacey. The conditions were seven allots and sighter at 500, 600, and 700 yards. The wind which prevailed rendered good shooting difficult, and the long range proved strange to the majority of those competing. The highest scores were as under:—

ENGINEER CADETS. . • On Saturday afternoon tho Engineer Cadets fired tho third and final competition for their Ladies', Challenge Belt and accompanying trophy, two medals printed by Mr 0 II Moller, and a trophy donated by Ex-captaili Bcekman. The conditions were: 10 shots at 400 yards, and tho highest scores arc °iven bolov. Tho two first named aro the winners oi two prizes given for the day's shootin"-— 400

Tho following tire the highest aggregates of the throe competitions (handicaps not included). Buglor M'Kenzie becomes tho holder of the Cadets' handsome challenge at present held by Cadet Walls, the other prize-winners being Cadets Walls, Coxhead, and Rutherford:—

CAYERSHAM RIFLES. The Cavcrsbam Rifles fired their usual match ! for prizes on their rango on Saturday, when : thero was a poor attendance. The prize, pre- ; sented by Messrs Aitchison and Batchelor was ' won by Corporal Portcous with a score of 92. The conditions were seven shots and a sighter (optional) at 300, 500, and GOO yards. The scores in this match count for the final for Messrs Hallenstein's trophy and for the semi-final for Chaplain-captain Dutton's trophy. Tho follow-1 ing were the highest scores:—

* Prizetafcer. f Range prizes. ' i The conditions for Hallenstcin's trophy nre ns follows:— Threo highest scores out of four competitions; the winner to hold the trophy for one year; trophy to be won twice in succession or threo times at intervals before becoming the property of any member. The winner this year proves to be Lance-corporal N. M'Farlanc, who also takes: the company's medal which accompanies the cup every year. The second highest aggregate securing Captain Loasby's gold medal was won by Corporal Porteous, who is only one point behind the winner, and the third and fourth aggregate prizes were won by j Lieutenant Bremner and Colour-sergeant Searle | respectively, taking 10s and ss, presented by the ; company. That the shooting in this competition was keen is evident from the fact that the issue was in doubt until the last shot was fired, and also that only eight points separate the first from the fourth prizetaker:—

yd3. yds, Hp, T] Gunner Smyth .„ *• 48 * 59 ; 8' C.P.O. Montgomery ,,. 4& 40 * fii P.O. Pacer ...,,. 38 37 6 _ g| Lieut. Crawford ,. 34 38 8 — 8( Gunner Kydd .. v. •• 37 34 G — T, Gunner'Porter ., ., 39 35 2 — 7( P.O.Stewart .. „ .. .10 35 2-71 Gunner J. R, Moore ., 29 .24 20 — 71 Gunner N. M'Donald ., 32 32 8 — 7i Gunner Montgomery .. 39 20 6 — 71 •Range prizes,

Present Members. 800 500 yds. yds. Tl. Captain Stoneham ,, „ ., 34 29 — 63 Lieutenant Cameron .. .„ .. 20 30 — 59 Lieutenant Dempster .. ... 31 28 — 29 Private Lewis .. m ., ., 23 32 — 55 Private- M'Phail .. „ ., „ 27 24 — 51 Private Bider ...,„.. 29 22 — 51 Private Blackwood .. „ ., 23 27 — 30 Sergeant Dickel „ .. .. .. 29 21 — 50 Sergeant Harper v ., ., .,25 24 — do Private Burt «.***, 22 23 — 45 532 Ex-Members. liX-Private Hanna .. .... 31 35 — GO Ex-Private Robertson „ «, 29 2G — 55 Ex-Sergeant Gillan .. „ „ so 21 — 51 Ex-Private Sanderson .. ,. 26 23 — 49 Ex-Sergeant Elliott 23 25 — 48 Ex-Private Pearson ., ., .. 24 23 — 47 Ex-Private S. M'Lean ,. .. 24 23 _ 47 Ex-Private J. Wilson .. .. 20 18 — 44 Ex-Private Heatley ,...,.. 24 18 — 42 Es-Scrgeaflt Eodger ,27 14 — 41

300 COO yds. yds Hp, Ti. Bugler Walker .., ,. 39 22 21—82 Bugler Slraelian .... 38 40* 2 — SO Private Leggett .... 40 34 0 — 80 Lieutenant Jackson ..43 23 8 — 79 Corporal Stewart .. .•, 23 28 21 — 77 Corporal M'Donald ,.40 29 7—70 Sergeant Hay .. '.. .. 38 31 0 — 75 Private Morrison .... 44* 29 73 Corporal Ferguson .... 27 27 14 — G8 Colour-sergeant Mariiu 40 . 19 8 — 07 Lance-corporal Raiidle .. 39 8 14 — 61

were:— 300 GOO yds. yds Tl. .Pts. Lieutenant Jack .. _ 41 '44 85 — 5 Private Sonntng .... 41 43 SI — 4 Private C. Baird .... 41 43 84 — 3 Private Gillanders* .. 35 45 80 — 2 Private Mills* .. .. 43 37 80 — 1 Colouv-srgt. Keiuiatd .. 40 38 78 Sergeant Moss .... 41 37 78 Private Collins .... 33 3G 71 * Kange prize,

500 COO 700 yds. yds. yds. Hp. Tl Sapper Johnston.. 15 2G 21 15-77 Sapper Enright .. 2? 19 9 . 25 — 76 Sapper Macdonald 21 28 12 12 - 73 Sapper Pollock ..28 19 20 6 — 72 Lieut. Midglcy ..27 25 18 vO Sergt. Jacobs " ..20 17 IS 8-70 Sapper Foote .. .21 22 16 7 — 69 Corp. Ellis .. „ 28 18 19 3 — G8 Sapper Burrow ., 20 lfi 20 4 — 66 L.-corp. Veilch .,27 23 7 5 — 04 Sapper Latta .'. 17 16 21 10 — 61 Sapper Keilar ..20 13 19 5 — G3 The following are tho highest aggregates in the three competitions fired, the seven firstnamed being the prize-winners:— 1st. 2nd. 3rd. comp. conip. comp. Tl. Sapper Johnston .... 85 83 77 — 245 Corporal Ellis .. ' .. 84 90 68 — 242 Sergeant Jacobs .. .. 85 84 70 — 239 Sapper Foote .. .. ffi 65 69-239 Sapper Burrow .. .. E5 87 66 — 233 Sapper Pollock .. .. 85 81 72 — 238 Sapper Macdonald „ 82 81 73 — 236 Corporal Veitch .. „ 85 85 64-234 sapper Keilar .. .. 8S 82 63 — 233 Sapper Latta .... 81 65 61-230 Corporal Smith .. .. 85 85 58-228

yds. Up. Tl ' Cadet Findon ... ■.„ ... 34 u _ Bugler M'Kenzie .„ .... 33 gg Cadet Bennett 32 K _ „. Cadet Walls „ .. .., .. 31 3 _ 34 Cadet Bradbrook ... — i_ 27 7 — 31 Cadet Coutts ...... ., 21 jq _ 31 Cadet Fyfe .., .« ..... 23 6 — 29 Cadet Fuller «* .. ... „ 20 8 — •>$ Cadet Daubney •■ .. „ 20 8 — 28 Cadet Stirling ., .. ,. .„ ig 9 — 03 Corporal Bragg ... .. „ 21 5 — 2G Cad?t Coxhead .. .. .. „ 25 25 Cadet Brooks .'. .. ... ., 12 12 — 24 Lance-corporal Isaacs .. „ 13 9 — 22 Cadet M'llillan' .. .... 11 10 — 21

1st 2nd 3rd comp. comp. comp. Tl. Bugler M'Konzio ... 37 2" 38—102 Cadet Walls 28 28 31—87 Cadet Coxlicad .. „ 28 31 25— 84 Cadet Rutherford ... 38 23 1G— 83 Cadet Bennett .. ., 25 £6 32— 83 Cadot M'Quillaa .. ,. 31 30 15— 76 Cadet Bradbrook .., ,, 29 17 27— 73 Cadet Findon t .... 18 15 34—67 Cadet Fuller .. ., 24 22 20— 66 Sergeant Danbnoy „ 33 17 in—G5 Corporal Bragg .... 35 8 21—64 Cadet Daubncy ... „ 28 16 20— Ct Oadet Stirling ,.', ., 28 16 19— 63. Cadc( Coults .. ., 29 12 21-02

300 500 COO yds. yds. yds. Hop, Tl. » Corp. Porteous*.. 29 32 31 — — 92 Lcc-cor. Russell.. 29 25 2G 9—89 Col.-sor. Scarlo .. 301 29f 29f — — 88 Lance-corporal N. M'FmIrho ,. 24 25 27 8 — 84 : Lieut. Brainier .. 20 29 22 — — 77

Competitions. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. Hep. Tl. Lance-corporal N. M'Farlane .. 80 — 79 76 27 — 2G2 Corp. Portcous ..85 — 84 92 2G1 Lieut. Bremiiw .. 86.— 87 77 5 — 255; Col.-scrgt, Searle — SG 80 88 254 i

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12649, 29 April 1903, Page 6

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SHOOTING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12649, 29 April 1903, Page 6

SHOOTING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12649, 29 April 1903, Page 6