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' Wl. T BAUI AT POBT CHALUEBB. aJfc?W mean time at noon, " SSnw ™ 6 ™ er . ldian o£ ******* » S3? be fei V" nutes WBt o! win Da signalled once a week bv a time > head tm T ll be at thß ' forenoon If + h A MS T al sWion - ™ «>° * » g"von d^ When tho time si ß nal Phases op the Moojf. ■ fcfcv ~- r i ZV m - n„..i. * " — 4 " u "-to a.m. ; Sfc.,:- -s ft"*V* -,-•■ •.. 19 4.20 p.m. Sua rises, 7,6, 6e tß 5.3, • THE WEATHER. *' fino Pn i 28 -- 8 *•«• :• Wind N:W.; weather , P», Wind S.E.; weather dull. t,„ . 8 a.m. Noon." sn.m. Barometer 30 . 26 30,25 , lliramometer ... 50 56 58 \ INTERCOLONIAL AND COLONIAL t WEATHER REPORTS. (Per United PnE3s Asbooiatios.) J _ M , WELLINGTON, April 28. ' ~ Ino following are the 9 a.m. weather reports from Australian stations: Albany,. April 27.-Wind W.; bar. 29.9; -j threatening rain. ' s Hobart, April 27.—Wind W.; bar. 29.03'; nne: ~ Sydney, April 28.-Wind W ; bar. 3050; fine. The following are the weather reports , irom New Zealand stations at 5 p.m. :— f JVlanukdu Heads.—Wind E., fresh; bar. 3046, ther. 64; gloomy; sea smooth, j, Ne\y Plymouth.-Calm; bar. 30.42, ther. : 63; overcast; sea, smooth.' i O-istlopoint.—Wind N.N.W., light; bar. 30 37, ther.'s9; fine; sea moderate swell.' , Wcllmgton.-Wind If., fresh; bar. 30.40, ther. 67; fine. , Wcstport.—Wind N.E.. light; bar. 30.33, j ther. 59; fine; sea considerable. Koikoura.-Wind N.E., light; oar. 30.23, > ther 58. fine; sea smooth. Oamaru.—Wiud N.E., light; bar. 30.10, ther, 59; overpast; sea smooth . Blnff.-Wind W., light; bar. 30.10, ther. 54; fine. Strong to moderate easterly winds northward of Napier and Now Plymouth, and from between North-east and north and west elsewhere, with falling barometer everywhere.—R. A.' Edwin. HIGH WATER. " April 29— cm. p.m. At the Heads ... ... „. 3.41 4.3 At Port Chalmers ... •.„ 4'.21 4.43 At Dunedirt ... ... ._ 5.6 5.28 , DEPARTURE. Wttikare,' 6.5., 1901 tons, Warren, for Sydney, via Eaat Coast ports. J. Mills, ascot. Passengers; For Lyttelton—Miss Beck, ( Beck, Taylor, Messrs Beck, Longhiirst,' Taylor. For Wellington— | ' Misses Lindsay (2), Watty, Butcher, Dalziel (2), Mesdamcs Eamsay and child, Christie,, Mr F Nicolson, Master Christie. For Napier—Mia, 'Thornton, Mesdamea Thornton, 1 X Oldham, Master Thornton. For Auckland—' 'j Misses Robertson, May, Sibbald (3). Mes- / dames Ross, Beck, Adamson and family', Sibbald, Flaiscber, Messrs Kirby, Foreman, f T v ßos?, Beck. Sharp, Shiel, Max Flaischer. I For Bydney—Mr Searle, Mrs Grey; and 18 , in the steerage, g EXPECTED ARRIVALS. j From Liverpool.—Medea, baro.ue, left \ January 20. Europa, ship, loft April 4. From Glasgow.—Kildalton, barque,- left January 31. Colbert, barqae, left April 1. "■- Juline Palm, barque, left February 16. \ From Sydney (via Auckland).—Weetralia, t May 3 * i. Trom Sydney.fvia Wellington).—Monowai, i'fi May 2 [i From Melbourne.—Moeraki, April 29, jjp rnojEOTEn dtsp autobus. '8 For Sydney (via Auckland).—Westralia, || May 5. *g„ FOl Sydney (via Wellington).—Sloeraki, |K< Apr|l 30 gft For Melbourne.—Monowai, May 3. II MOVEMENTS OF DIRECT STEAMERS. |>W l _ ; TO ABBIVE. ff. At Wellington.—Star of Australia, left $■ London February ' 17. Papanui, left p Plymouth March 28 j Capo, April 20; due i - May 16 Kumara, left London April 4. . At Auckland.—Balmoral, left New York ft Januiry 13. Wakanui, left liondon March 27 (Hobn?t, April 21); due May 3. Raj. pallo, left New York March 19. i At Lyttelton.—Maori, left London about % April 14 . £ At Port Chalmers.—Waimate, left London E April 2; due May 22. Rangatira, loft Lonfc don March 5; due April 28. Louise Roth, ??> left New York March" 26. • S tcAdbpabt. 9e From May 9. jp' 1 Karamea,-April 30. Athenie, May 14. »/ Maman, left Wellington March 9. Rimnk"" taka. from Wellington, March 20. Paparoa, \ from Ljitelton', March 28. Aote'a, from j if Wellington, April 3, Marere, from WellingW ton, April 15. Tongariro, from Wellington, I April 25 '


Wt'--. .'AUCKLAND, April 28.—Sailed: Westra%£2i-■/ lia, for the pouth. Passengeri for Dunedin': Wh' : - Miss Ballingbam, Messrs Norham, Innes. W-l, April 28.-Arrived: Ara.irom Kaipaia.——Sailed: Tarawera, p'v" ' for Lyttelton'and Duncdin. Passengers: p ! ',.:- For Lyttelton—Misses Cox; Cooper, Crcsbie, fe!;\Cuddeu, Cope, Spiers, Galloway, Forrester, Wi-%. Mdsdames Shadraek, Harrop, Clator, Messrs p;; ? Croucher~ Day, Baker, Shipley, Thompson, &&' ■ • Hallet, Armstrong, Staples, Galloway, L:\u- |]:' r : rensbn,, Duncan. For Dunedin—Misses I;'", Mooncy, M'Millan, Roberts, Gondon, Back, ?/.' ■ Mesdamcs Pqllock, Caffin, Back, Dr,Brown, »f;: Messrs Joachim, Cnfßn; and 11 in the steer|V •: age for both ports. |.V TIMARU, April 28.—Arrived: 8 a.m., p-'i,". Bovcric, from Oamaru. %.., : . / BLUFF, April 28—Arrived: 7.30 a.m., &•'•••'"'■'■''Siberakir.M., from Melbourne, via. .Hobart, $?-' :: - with, an English mail. Passengers: Misses £:'.:'..■.Bufgcss,..Gloster, Fish (2), White, Baylcy, >V '-' Niehollß, Speedy, Moist, Mosdames O'Noill, |f : Diydehj Cullen and child, Messrs O'Noill (2), ii.iv; ..Vance, Brown, .Wienir, Marcus, Robins, ?('.'■■:■ Brema, Dryden, Marshall, Hinto'n, Story, :£;>• Cullen; and 32 in the steerage. Arrived: §■' - 1 p.m., Invercargill, from Dunedin. fv-'.; Sailed: 5.30 a.m., Talune, for Melbourne; It - +.45 p.m., Moeraki ond Ovalau, for Dun- '.);.':■■ : edin. % -'■ :■'. SUVA, April 28.—Arrived: Rotokino, '{•"■: irom New Zealand; Aorangi, from Syd- ,,. . noy, with the outward Vancouver mail. », '•;••■ , A SALVAGE AWARD. , (Peb United Press Association.) AUCKLAND, April 28. . ■; The Admiralty Court awarded Captain '.': Bonfield £100, and costs, for salvage earned , ; by tho tug Pilot in towing the barque Emerald off Kaipara bar in September last. •» !A MEMENTO OF iA'WRECK. ;'..-•• (Pbe United Press Association.) S '' ■ BLENHEIM. April 28, A memento of tho ill-fated Ohau in the v shape of ii stool with the name of tho ':, steamer engraved was picked up on %. the Wairaubcacha, few days ago. £■■ ■ ■ ~ -o j THE SOUTH AFRICAN SERVICE. (Pee Uniteb : Press Association.) ' ' WELLINGTON, April 28. ■'•'>' 'The subsidised steamer Norfolk, which sails to-morrow for South Africa, is virtu- . ally a full ship. Included in her cargo are 19>000 carcases mutton, 1500 lambs', 1500 quarters beef, 100 live sheep, a considerablei quantity of butter, cheese, and poultry. The shipment of oats is very large.


? LONDON, April'27.-The s.s>. Ruapelm v- ' left Plymouth on the 25fli for Wellington sv. • '■ and Lyttelton. *■ i The barque Silvcratream sails for London }:'.■ from Battray street wharf early this after-!-'a- noon. ' •■'■-" The s.s'. Waihare sailed for Sydnoy, via. '/•.." Auckland and East Coast ports, yesterday 't afternoon. '•■ . TV, The s.s. Ovalau, from the West Coast, via '• ' the Bluff, is due this morning. £•; Tho s.s. Mooraki, from MeJbmirne, 13 :; . duo at Port this morning, and comes up ■i'' to Dunedin on tho afternoon tide. t>{ During the winter months tha s.s. Upolu $ will only tall at Akaroa. on alternate trips. & Her next call going north will therefore W-- be on 'the 19lh .pros. ?vv;:' The barque Silverstream will probably be W' *■''• towed down tho harbour this afternoon. • ffiv-y The barque Kildalton, now 77 days on iffe.'-' y r passage from Glasgow to this port, via fe ; •Wcllinston, is oil.her maiden voyage.. She '&; was launched in Eebruary last at the yards '& 'V nf fhn' Ailsa Shipbuilding Company at &>■ rL n Z ■ aid is a steel vessel of 1784 tons W- '■ cjlsed x 100 Al. 'A .Lloyd's. She t"V length. 39ft 2in breath of . of She gj&^Uait^orecastle: m. . - .«,

Wo look for the arrival of tho Shaw, Sarill, and Albion Company's eteamslup Rangatira, from London, at Port Chalmers to-day.. . A German naval annual given details and plans of all tho world's warships, with a large amount of information about tho organisation of tho Gorman navy, tables.of tho personnel of the various Powers—which ought' certainly to bo included in such a hookas Annual," hut which are not,—details of the various naval budgets, stations of the various fleets in commission, and so forth, The following are its figures for tho battle fleets of the great Powers in 1907 as they will stand when all fillips now building are completed, though it is to be noted that no allowance is mado for tho new Russian programme of six battle- ! ships:—England, 54 blu'p? of. 749,000 tons; France, 31 ships of 344,000 tons; Russia, 26 pliipa of 302,000 tons (with new programme, 32 ships of 393,000 ton*); United States, 21 ships of 260,000 tons; Germany, 19 ships of 213,000 tons. Tho personnel of the great fleets is given as follows:— England, 122,000; United State, 37,800; Germany, 33,500; Russia, 62,000; Franoe, 53,000; Japan, 30,000. There is a little romance connected with Captain Stevenson, who brought the Union Steam Ship Company's new steamer Kakapo out froni Cardiff to Sydney. Tho captain has for years past been commanding ship; in the Old Country. Ho resigned his last command, the Atheniana, to bring the Kakapo out to Australia for the Union Steam Ship Company. Ho was anxious to get out to these parts to redeem a promise made' to a prominent New Zealand lady, which will entail bis entering the ranks of the benedicts at no distant date. Thojast news from England in reference to the Australian Squadron is to the effect that the flagship Royal Arthur is to be fitted with casemates to the arpper deck guns. All tho old 6in guns are to ho removed from her and other .misers, and the new Bin Mark VII substituted. The weight of tho how casemates will bo approximately 110 torn. The Mark VII gun? are rather heavier than tho current pattern, running into something like 33 tons each, gun and mounting, but as they take a " bare' charge" instead of thc # old brass cartridge cn-e, a great saving in weight will bo effected here.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12649, 29 April 1903, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12649, 29 April 1903, Page 4

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12649, 29 April 1903, Page 4