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PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND TO LET. 'q. AER O w & "s TE~WA iT T, BANK OF NEW ZEALAND BUILDINGS, . -LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, FOR SALE': " SEASIDE. BOARDING-HOUSE.-Good House; first-class,' long-established connection; health failure reason for selling. ■ LITTLEBOURNE.—Good 7-rooraed HOUSE, with {-acre garden. MUSSELBURGH.-Substantial RESIDENCE, 7 rooms; flrst-clnss garden. • FORT LlNE.—First-class 7-roomed HOUSE; large garden, stable. ST. CLAIR.-SECTIONS on hill. CITY.—Up-to-date 8-roomed HOUSE; gas, h.p. boiler, bath; sunny situation; easy terms ot payment. OPOHO.—Comfortable 6-roomed HOUSE; *-acre; sunny. ROSLYN.—7-roomed HOUSE; evory convenience; beautiful view; close to electric tram. NORTH ISLAND.-We have several Splendid PASTORAL AREAS, Freehold or Leasehold, '' in districts easily accessible; also, Splendid DAIRYING lANDS, in virgin and in improved states. Prices reasonable. ADVANCES.—We can arrange for Advances to those building. ,'TO LET; ROSLYN.—G-roomed HOUSE; conveniences; best part of this suburb. NORTH DUNEDIN.—9-roomed HOUSE; h.p. boiler; situation close to trams. MAORI HILL.-Fnrnished COTTAGE of 5 rooms. SUITES of OFFICES. WANTED TO BUY: FARM, about 8 acres, with small House, within four miles of town. . Seven or Eight-roomed Suburban HOUSE, with 1 to 3 acres and stable. 6 ROOMS, on h'.l.. MONEY TO LEND. INSURANCES (FIRE and ACCIDENT) EFFECTED. JOHN fi II D & SONS, ' ' ESTATE AGENTS, VALUATORS, ARBITRATORS, SIIAREBROKERS. SURVEYORS, Leases, Mortgages, and Transfers Prepared. HAVE FOR SALE AS UNDER:- ! 3-153. CAVERSIIAM.—SpIendid i-aere SEC--2-183. BEAUTIFUL FARM of 87 Acies; first- ! cla !* "tfeet, near railway station class level agricultural land, 15 mile from : wltl " f°» e " OUEe ( of 7 >«S e "> o ™' £" d Milton; splendid new Dwelling and all ; ground Jot one or tvtt) more houses, bar- ' PrS?' eoual to'Sfaicri tad. Cl '° lC? ! wTqNDON • • STREET'.' DUNEDIN.— 3-189. MUSSELBURGH.—Corner SECTION, ! Chnnning J-atcrc SECTION in P" k Queen's drive, with new superior House ! h . o^ m street with Bungalow Residence of G kmo rooms; bathroom (hot and cold), i ot 8 \ oa ™ • 'j Ol oml , coM scullery! washhouse will, fixed copper and J° ry mh ™ tubs. For absolute sale, owner having left- g _ l7 ,_ 175 . ACR j; FARM, 11 miles from Duno vrrqWT PURrTr" ' Two Snlonrlirl ' ei7 '" " ml 0 "° nI1<! mi,cs lrmi r!,ihTa >" MB9. MUSSELBURGH. — Two Sp end, wi . . , H fl . 4 lonms . Vacant SECTIONS in Prmcea street, well sta blo.-bvre, etc.; £410; well watered; 70 filled in. and m choice position. wt, 3 - lU ' DUNEDIN (North End,.-Superior New 3 -l« LKTH VALLEY.-Splendid HOME. 50 HOUSE, cm one flat, hay windo* TOii- acres fi w j Uw bltsh| „ dah Venetian blmds 7 rooms, bath room, ( •„ (our waslihouse wi h tod copper and tubs; dockg; fi . room;tl IrouS e, S-sfalt byre, aWile. 3-161' UPPER° U! ICEW.—ALLOTMENT 3C, ' Ct °' 1 Bood g!mlcn- Bcal Brunswick terrace, 1 rood 13 poles. Title, 3 _ lrg ° DUNETIJN.-SHOP, 1149 NnRTH S FA'<ST i OFFICES, and 2 Brick COTTAGES, re--3-142. NORTH-EAST \ALLEY. Almoin t - lurning BSs a week; must be sold; £500; • acre LAND and very superior Bay-window o pnn s ik..Museum. . HOUSE of 4 rooms, and large scullery 3 . 178 TAIF.RI.-LF.ASE of M ACRES best fitted with tubs, copper, and suik; new and pastoral land; 20 years to Zealandia range ; owlhouse and run; good hedges; owner left Properly for absolute 3 . 159 p IJrR Hn , L ._ chonp PROPERTY, five sale, ilflO, of which only .£,O cash is ]T ,., 0a frfflu (cwn . - Q „ c ' reSi hut> an(l s ; 9b!c rcTAvr. e i ri v Whole lot for M Dm™? ISLAND.—Splendid New 3.145, HOKONUI T>ISTRICT.-200-acre FARM HOUSE, containing 6 rooms, bathroom. in with 4-roomed House. ' ( Bc ! llll!r ?'„T h, L o , Use , 11 C °? per , aml 8-sfall stabiel • bam etc.: good farm, and tubs; 3ft Gin Shac tlock range; fireplaces wi „ fo!fl > nl on c^ ■ 111 all rooms; bmlt-in wardrobes; 2aoogal 3.124, MUSSEIiBUHGII.-Orand SECTION water, well worth looking aftfr. f • n Pn • p r i«#.n« effa«t KINO.STREET, DUNEDIN -Splendid CT,ATR."„di<i DWELLING. f> Brick BUILDING, compnsing shop and 2 roo , nSi bcsidf3 MtMm ( !loi cold), room, downstairs and 5 rooms upstairs. BCU , leiyi !M , ntvyi , imn „ rCMi nTlc j n]] con . A very o.ti-estabhshed drapery business . vemences; booltcases; tlirea bay windows; connected with the premises Stock may fll]£ , ]a r00n) , A c!lo;ce p rO J, CI | y . be taken at valuation if desired. T 3-184. ST. JOHN'S WOOD.-Two ALLOT- TO LETMENTS in .Clerk street; price, £30 for the NORTH END.—Superior Plastered DWELtwo. LING. 9. rooms, -bath (liot. _rold, and 3-17 G. TAIF.RI.—Two miles from Mosgiel, shower), gas, linen pressos, and all convenigrand little FARM of 105 acres; richest ences; copper, tuba; possession Ist May; Taieri Plain land, rent, £60 to a good tenant., JOHN BEID &. SONS, CORNER BOND AND LIVERPOOL STREETS. SCOT T O 0., (Established IR.IH), 40 BOWLING STREET. DUNEDIN, HOUSE, LAND, ESTATE, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, SHAREBROKERS, AND FINANCIAL Afl-ENTS. . PATRONS WILL FIND SCOTT & CO. TIP TO DATE IN AtiL MATTERS CONNECTED WITH SALE,. PURCHASE, AND LETTING' OF PROPERTIES. IN BUSINESS MATTERS CONSIDER TROUBLE A PLEASURE.. We have n Large Number of PROPERTIES FOR SALE, a few of which we mention:— cm*. £Gso.—ln CITY: A First-class New, Up-to-date G-roonitd 'HOUSE; pantry, bathroom, waslihouse, tubs; high-pressure boiler; good Section; asphalted all round. Cheap property. '. ' ■ £1200.—1n Central Part of City''. Twoß-rooined HOUSES, new and up to date; and Two 4roomed COTTAR-ES. A real good investment. Paying over 10 oer cent. net. £300.—A Good BUILDING, SECTION, in good position in, City:. GGft frontage. Or will Sell Scction with good New Un-to-date 7-roomnd House .for £850 FOR SALE, HOUSES and SECTIONS in alt Dunedin Suburbs at reasonable prices. £1800.—In a Good Position in CITY: A PROPERTY, of 10 Houses and Vacant Section. This is oue of the best investments nfferinsr. Pavs.i2 ncr cent. net. Houses always let. NORTH-EAST VALLEY.. £300.—A Real Nice 4-roomed HOUSE; washhouse, boiler, etc,; fowlhouse; nico garden, fruit and flowers; 2 Sections; asphalted paths. The property is situated in Arthur street, close Gardens and trams. Easy terms if required. KAIKORAT VALLEY. £125.—Close to (ram, SECTION, with HOUSE and WORKSHOP thereon. Cheap property. « FARMS. Several small Farms on the Peninsula at reasonable priccs. Also 2"J-acre Farm, Saddle Hill; good frontage to Main road; would make a Vei'y nice poultry farm, or for growing fruit. Price, cheap. ' TO LET. ' . In CITY.—A FURNISHED 9-roomed HOUSE, with all conveniences. This is one ot the best houses in Dunedin, and can be hsd by a suitable tenant at a. : very cheap rent. B~uYt on. T" pTTtITY~ok ALBION CHAMBERS, ri DOWLING STREET, .t.E. HAVE TO SELL: ' " TOWN ELM ROW.—Very Clicap S-roomed HOUSE, bathroom, washhouse; I PROPERTY. Scction, eighth-acre. • ■ ■ ' • v, ' ' ! " New- 4-roomed COTTAGE; everj' modern convenience. An EXCELMUSSEL- LENT INVESTMENT. You get 3 per cent, for your money in £$QQ BURGH. the Savings Bank; this property is let for 14s per week to a good ~' tenant, and will return you 10 per cent. ' A Choice"s-roomed RESIDENCE; bay windows, bathroom, asphalt WOOD-.- paths; nice garden. ' Buyers seem to. overlook this favoured HAUG-H. locality. Very warm and sheltered, -and its h&ndincss to town "* is apparent to all intelligent observers. ... A Really "Cheap, UP-TO-DATE 7-roomed RESIDENCE; all modern . ROSLYN. conveniences, bay window, verandah, garden, washhouse; very i/UOv ' handy to tram. _j i Beautiful Modern 8-roomed RESIDENCE; bay windows, large Tooma, CITY. bathroom (h.p. bJiler), slate roof, ooncrete piles; in an excellent £1100 ' locality. ' _ ~ FCTINTON Six-roomed "HOUSE; verandah, bathroom, scullcry, washhouse; in . ROAD ex'cellent order; magnificent view; few minutes from City; owner £4t)U ' leaving; rare chance. FARM"o"t 18 acres (approx.), close to station; splendid land; pick ' of Taieri; well fenced; Corporation leasehold;• about 18 years WINGATUI. to run; improvements—two houses, etc. Rare chance to £450 obtain property in this handy locality. £75 allowed for a certain crop if removed by present owner.' iT~ K & PAT ER 8 O N, LAND BROKERS, SURVEYORS, ESTATE and FINANCIAL AGENTS. . . 73—PRINCES STREET—73. Branch Office; MORNINGTON. FOR SALE: CITY (on Rise).—G-roomed RESIDENCE; bath, scullery, h. and c. water, gas laid on; washhouse, copper and tubs built in. CAEGILL STREET.—HOUSE, 8 rooms, etc., with }-acre freehold-land; room for two more houses.With'nice situations; £1000. CASTLE STREET.—Superior 7-roomed RESIDENCE, with'all modern conveniences; 2 bay windows, etc.; good freehold scction; nicely laid out, and in first-clasn ord p r. ROSLYN. Frederick street—Goad HOUSE of 7 rooms; bathroom, scullcry, h. and c. water, and all other modern conveniences; {-acre section, nicely laid out :n garden, etc. For immediate sale. , ROSLYN, Biahopscourt.—New HOUSE of 6 rooms; bathroom, scullery, h. and c. water to . .bath and sinks, copper and tubs built in, 2 bay windows and verandah; i-acre section; , with sunny aspect and a good view.- • , . CITY,- near London street.—Nice DWELLING of 5 rooms; bath, scullcry, etc; good freehold section. , •> ....... CITY. North-End.—First-class Building SITE, GGft frontage; price, £593. MUSSELBURGH, Queen's Drive.—Very attractive G-roomed RESIDENCE, with all modern conveniences; nice freehold section; must be sold immediately. Low price. KAIKORAI, Sunnvside.—Good Family RESIDENOE, containing'B rooms, bath, scullery; good section, with & nice situation; £550. ANDERSON'S BAY (in view of city).—HOUSE, 8 rooms, etc.; slate roof; with about 20 acres first-class laud. For private sale, . ' /■[? . ' First-class Pastrycook, Luncheon, and Confectionery BUSINESS, with a first-class connection, situated' in Princes street. A rare opportunity. MORNINGTON.—Wc have a number of very nico PROPERTIES for Sale in this locality, full particulars of which mav be had at cur Mornington Branch. Telephone 1712. WARRINGTON.—SECTION'S (beautiful sites) between Station aud Beach, from £20 each. Good specs. TO LET: _ . High street—9 rooms, 275; High street—B icoms; Mornington—4, 5, G, and 8 rooms; lloslyn —5, 6, and 9 rooms; Musselburgh—G rooms.

MONEY. JlOJf.n TO LEND. The DUNfcDIN SAVINGS BANK is prepared to LEND MONEY oil FREEHOLD SECURITY at Lowest Current Rates. " ■ FRED. SMITH. 15n Manager. mnUST MONEY TO LEND ON FREE1, HOLD SECURITY, In Large or Smnl! Sums, for Long or Short Periods, at LOWEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST. CALLAN & GALLAWAY, Solicitors, ■ ■ ' Comer Water and Vogel streets (Opposite U.S.S. Company's Office), Dunedin. MONEY to LEND in any Sums on FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD SECURITIES, at Lowest Rates of Interest. MILNE, FIKDLA.Y, & NEILL, Solicitors. Joel's Buildings. 10 Water street. 31 Trust money to lend On Freehold Security or Municipal Debentures nt Current Rates. The TRUSTEES: EXECUTORS. & AGENCY COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND (LTD.). Sso TV. LAURENCE SIMPSON. Manegev. MONEY TO ,LE ND, In any sums, on Freehold Securities. MONDY-, SIM, & STEPHENS, 2f Solicitors, 123 Princes street. THE PEPvPETUAL TRUSTEES, ESTATE, AND AGENCY COMPANY OF NEW .! ZEALAND (LIMITED) has MONET to I LEND on Freehold Security 1 At Current Rates. ■WALTER HISLOP, Manager. MONEY to LEND on Freehold Security • at lowest current rates of interest— Adams Bros., .solicitors, Exchange Court. LADIES' PAGE (by Emmeline) in the Otago Witness comprises:—Answers to Correspondents. . Table Talk, a Weekly Article od a Subject'of Interest to Women, Ladies Gossip, Fashion Gossip, Country Entertainments and Weildirgs, Home lutcrestß.

JOHN J-TERCUS k CO, ■ LAND, ESTATE, INSURANCE, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, . • , 6 and C Exchange Court, . 90 Princes street. TO LET: Five-Toomei HOUSE, St. Cloir. Also: 7rnotned HOUSE, St. Clair;. H-roomed HOUSE, Roslyn; G-roomed HOUSE, . George street. ' . FOR SALE. Eight-roomed HOUSE and SECTION, Queen street. .. .. Eight-roomed HOUSE, fronting the Town Belt; also, 5-roomed HOUSE and comer Section, facing the Main road, Roslyn, Choice 7-roomed HOUSE and J-acre, Queen slrepf, £800. Desirable J-ACRE SECTION and S-roomcd HOUSE; centrally situated. Choice 3-acre SECTION (and HOUSE), suitable for building upon. MONEY TO LEND on FREEHOLD SECURITY. LictJiifd Lind Brokers under Land Transfer Act rE. First Utility of frequent and regular advertising consists in this: There is at all times a large class oi persons, both in country ajid town, who have no fixed places for ! ihe purchase of certain necessary articles,.and I are ready to bo swayed and drawn towards any } particular place which is earnostly brought under their notice. Indifferent to all. they yield rithont hesitation to 'ho Grat who Rata. FOR InflUSnza, and Cold in the Head take Woo4's"GiMt Peppermint Cnre; Is Gd and 2s 6d. -lap OTAGO DAILY TIMES-Rates for Small Cash Advertising: —Wanteds, Ta Lets, 4;c., 18 mbrd! tor 6(1; a'.rictly Cwh in Adtmci.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12639, 17 April 1903, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 12639, 17 April 1903, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 12639, 17 April 1903, Page 8