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PUBI.IO NOTICES; /'•" . !The dress of Lady or Gentleman maybe of cheap material yefc gervke« able; a piece of furniture cheaply «ofc up, yet serves its purpose; but I ■ quality in a watch is imperative. I As the word implies, a watch is a correct timekeeper, and thorough con> i scientious care is necessary to the minutest detail. ' There is quality in every part of these, made specially to our specifica* 'i tion,-WAL.THAM LEVERS. They are fully Jewelled, Compensation I Balance, Beaquefc Hair Sprbg, Keyless Action.' Handsomely-engraved i' Hunting Cases. ( • ■■ (;• In Gold Cases, Ladies' Size, Prices run—£Blos, £10103, £1310s. I' In Gold Cases, Gentlemen's Size, Prices run—£ll lbs, £1210s, £1310>< I £1510s, £22105. , ,'. In Silver Cases, Gentlemen's Sizo, Prices run-£3 10b, £3 10Sj £8 lOfl, i' In Silver Caaes, Ladies' Size, Prices rnn—£s. I Saeh bears our name and carries car Guarantee, { \ your inspeeticn of them will please us, \ ' l[ CORNER PRINCES and BOWLING STREETS. ' |' ; '■;■■'. D.S.A. .;■' "OUR AUTUMN" SHOW .'; —OF— GOODS SUITABLE FOR THE GOIE3G SEASON m~ IS NOW ON-^3 MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OP NOVELTIES IN OUR SPACIOUS NEW SHOW ROOMS. V Ladies will find that we have been successful in our efforts to place before them & Superior Class of Goods in Quality, Style, anct Taste, while keeping tho'PBICES WITHIN THE REACH OE ALL. _ . ■ Our MBlfoiery has a repuiatieu , Aid never were the Ladies of Dunedin more Fascinated than by, Our Opening' Show last week, Frieze Felts aro tho leading iine this season, in Cream, Scaida, Vicus Rose, Grey, and Brown. Jackets ami Mantles Wo havo in great variety, hut Grey is the Popular Colour for tho Winter. Our London Buyer writes:—!' Long Grey Jaoketa have excluded all other styles." 10a Od to 60s each. Dress I>epar£nieut. ■ Hero a change in fashion is distinctly noticeable, Plain Cloths • ■.- ■ ( are still showing, but tho trend of fashion is towards Tweeds again. We are showing Flaked Zibelinea, Donegal Splashed Tweeds, 1 Knicker Homespuns, and Mixed Cheviots; In the latter, Greys and • Black and- White Speckles aro very popular. Send for samples if you cannot visit us. Prices, from Is to h Gd yard. NEW LACE CAPE-SHAPE COLLARS, NEW FURS, SKIRTS,, RAIN-CLOAKS, 'V ■ AND EVERYTHING FOR AUTUMN AND WINTER WEAR. DRAPERY SUPPLY ASSOCIATION, 81 and 83 GEORGE STREET, Branch at South Dunedin. JUST TAKE NOTE. ; You are, or intend building. Before deciding, see our value in GRATES AND MANTELPIECES, We buy in large quantities from the best Manuf actuterß in Britain, and are in a position to sell at bed-rock prices. -... We are still selling Gwtzner Sewing Machines atone drawer, £5; three drawers, £6, Sole Agents for the famous RALEIGH BICYCLES. «S5 GBAY, .i. . ' THE PEOPLE'S IRONMONGERS. 1 — : ■ : — ■■ : '— 1 '

j PUBLIC NOTICES. __ — i SPECIAL PURCHASES: WHITE COLONIAL BLANKETSEor Single Beds ,«. 13/6 16/6 per pair For Double Beds ... 17/0 21/6 25/6 per pair COLONIAL FLANNELS la White, Pink, ShetlandFrom lid to 2/ per yard WADDED and KAPOK Q.UII.TSFor Single Beds „ 12/6 to lu/6 For Double Beds . ... 17/6 to 24/6 EIDERDOWN QUILTS- ' , For Single Beds ... 18/6 to-32/0 For Double Beds .„ 30/ to 105/ BLOUSE FLANNELETTES-M;'loJd,-l/-ia ( PRESSING GOWN FMNNELETTES10Jd, I/-, 1/6 SAVE YOUR'MONEY ... ' BY POSTING YOUR ORDER TO-DAY I CORSETS.-Strong Corsot3, Is lid, 2s 6d, 3s 6d, 3s lid; ."Fitu," Gs Gd, 3s 6d; Thomson's " True Fit," 3s lid; " Clock Spring." 4s lid; W. 8., 53 6d, 93 6d; " Erect Form," 4s Gd, Gs Gd, % Gd; P. & S., 5s lid. Scores of different makes. Write us for Corsets. We can suit you. THREE-QUARTER CEAVENETTE COATS, in Dark Greys, 19s lid aud S2a Gd. THREE-QUARTER JACKETS, in Grey arid Black, nicely trimmed, latest cuffs, 19s lid. FUR NECKLETS, 3s lid, 4s lid, 5s Gd, C 3 Cd, 9s Gd. MARMOT MUFFS, 9s Gd. . T „ . PRETTY INSERTIONS, LACES, and EMBROIDERIES at Low Prices. 4-DOSIE KID GLOVES, all Shades, 2s Gd, 3s Gd, 4b Gd. HEAVY-LINED KID GLOVES, 3s lid. STRONG CASHMERE STOCKINGS (Women's), la, Is 3d, Is Gd, Is 9d. HEAVY FLANNELETTES, sJn\ 6Jd, 7Jd—worth 2d per yard more. PRETTY BLOUSE FLANNELETTES, 5Jd, GJd, 7jd, OAd. CHOICE BLOUSE FLANNELS, Is 9d, Is lid, 2s 3d. CHOICE FANCY VELVETEENS for BLOUSES, 2s lid. POST YOUR ORDER TO-DAY for the abovo Lines, or any other Lines you may require. Wo have SCORES of OTHER LINES, but wo havo not room enough to enumerate further. LADIES' and CHILDKRN'S WAREHOUSE, 39 GEORGE STREET, DUNEDIN. GILLMAFS : spECIiIsAIK SPECIAL • -'' SHEET & BOOK MUSIC. ■' - ■ VALUES „ "T" n • Songs, Novelties, Comics, HOSIEIiY, UNDERWEAR, ..' . ' , ,' . Gd. 9d, and 1/ each. CORSETS, SHIRTS. '_ ' — PIANOFORTE MUSIC.DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO WEARER. , , r T . , ..„,„,-, rj-,* 17v • n v i- tv 1 A Very Large Assortment at 3d, 6d, 9d Ladies' 3-ply Fingering Combinations, Pink anc j j/ j^i,, wd Natural; a lovely garmont, endless wear, the very best; own make. shorts S E S Accordeons & Auto Harps ' Lmg sleeves lis Gd 12s 12s 6d Special Reductions to Clear. ' FOR HARD WEAR. ■ Tj sual price 40/ _ DOW SO/ Men's Union Shirt*; strong, reliable cloth, „ „ 27/6 „ 22/6 and 21/ nice patterns, well cut, wide bodies, roomy 05/ JB/8 sleeves, double seams, best buttons, with " " ZJ. "1B bands, 4s Gd; with collars, 4s 9d » » *"' » *?' h » l'/ G n 13/ AIEADEK. H „ 8/ M 5/6 Men's Heavy Ribbed Soy, Is 2d. P. & S. COKSETS, Large Reductions on all other Instrument Straight fronts, bias-gored, 6s lid, 9s lid, — ■ i3s lid. violins Mandolins These are the Corsets that year by year Banjoes Guitars The ladies say grow doubly dear j Clarionets Not dear in price, we are proud to. tell, BraSS Instruments. Rut dear beoaasa they lit so well. ; Special Reductions for Cash on. GILLMAN & M B pianos and organs (Late M'Williams), • "°™ »■«?. ■"» "SE? 2SISJF 70 PRINCES STREET, 23 GEORGE STREET, DUNEDIN. ' DUNEDIN. ANTED, THEATRICAL MANAGERS „*„ „w„ us „, .„„„ o m««. _.. d o" 1 " 9 *°, kno " ' h »y!j, e T otaeo PcDuerraint Cure' la 6d and »s Gd- Daily Times undertakes the POSTING of iverySo lap WOODCUTS (any•»«.), STREAMERS, POS- : ■ TERS, and every description of Printing in DTAGO WITNESS.—New Stories. A largo ' tho most prominent positions in tho City on Amount of Reading Matter, Price Gd. the shortest notice.

PUBLIC PJOTICES. miOS, PATER'S ON '& 'C 0, •*•• Manse street, Dunedin (Established Dunedin 1879), Receive Consignments of FRUIT, EGGS, BUTTER, CHEESE, BACON, and othor FARM PRODUCE. Agents lor Hick's Patent * l&mtauk" foi scnly, woolly, and other blight. Ross's Antidote. £25 i CASH BOWSES. fTO further popularise the famous KOZIE *" TEA Messrs TV. Scoular and Co., tho proprietors, propose curtailing their advertising expenses by £25 each hull year, and distributing tho amount in cash bonuses amongst tho consumers of KOZIE TEA in the following manner:— £10 to tho consumer who returns coupons representing the largest quantriy of KOZIE TEA. £5 to the one returning the second greatest quantity. £3 to the third highest, £2 to the fourth, £1 to tho fifth, 10s each to the sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth, and 63 each to tho next eight highest. Any coupon not sent in for tho first distribution, which will close on the 31st May, 1903, may be saved and sent in for the.nest or any subsequent distribution. KOZIE TEA is packed in four grades, and sold at Is Gfl, Is 9d, 2s, and 23 Bd, so that these fine teas and tho chance of a handsome bonus are within tho reach of all. A coupon will be placed in each paclict and tin of KOZIE TEA. AH coupons are plainly marked bo that thero will bo no.confusion in arriving at the number of pounds ol Tea, represented. Coupons to take part in tho first distribution must be sent in to W. Scoular and Co., with sender's name and number of coupons marked plainly on package, by the 31st May, 1903. A list of successful competitors will be published in the daily papers as soon as the count up is concluded. 23d NEW HERBAL HDIES. r!E following is a MIXTURE that is' now much used and prized. As a Tonic, Liver and Blood Mixture it is said to be almost identical with a much-advertised Mcdicino sold nt 53 Hi a bottle. It has a largo sale ill Melbourne and Sydney, also in Duncdin and New Zealand. The Prescription is: — Native Australian Hops .. Cd worth Red Clover-tops 6d „ Dandelion Root .. .. ~ 6d „ Sarsaparilla .. .. .. .. Cd „ Gentian .. .. 3d „ Liquorico Root .. ... ~ 3d „ Simmer in four quarts of waler one hour, strain, and bottle. Take a wincglassful three or four times a day. This makes equal" lo four-bottles nt 5s 6d each. Sent by post for 3s. . An Old Remedy for 'ASTHMA is our Celebrated READY RELIEF ASTHMA POWDER. The many tons that we make of this valuable Medicine proves its virtue. Is; and Three in Ono Tin, 2s Cd. This wo send post free to any part. For Scvero Cases of ASTHMA we give, with or without the Powder, the NEW ASTHMA REMEDY, taken by mouth. It has been tried and found good. 2s Gd per bottle. PILLS. . ■Wo make a LITTLE DANDELION PILL at Gd a box, that is having a large sale. Customers affirm that there is no better PiU made. Good as a Family Medicine. HEADACHE PILLS.-No dangcrensdrags, made from tar, in them. Ladies subject to Headaches should try them, as they are almost sure to benefit. Is a box. For outward use, our HEADACHE LINIMENT is excellent; also for Neuralgia, etc. '■ NEIL'S NEW ZEALAND ALMANAC. Tin's is a Work of Art that is not surpassed in any part of the World. It has much valuable information on Medicine and Health. Sixtyfour pages. Sent free, or given at our Shops. NEIL'S" ■ BOTANIC RISPFNSJRIES 74 GEORGE STREET, DUNEDIN; DEE STREET, INVERCARGILL; STAFFORD STREET, TIMARU; And NORTH ISLAND: Emerson street, NAPIER, and AVcllesley street, AUCKLAND. CSpKSL&stbel Are the acknowledged leading remedy for all Female Complaints. Recommended by the Medical Faculty. Tiio genuine hear the signature of Vim. Martin (registered without which none- are genuine). No lady should he without them. Order of all chemists. Agents: SHARLAND & CO. (LDJ, Auckland and Wellington, and N.Z. DRUG COJ*. "ANY), Christchurch. ■jWTORTH ISLAND, NEW ZEALAND. WELLINGTON BRANCH OFFICE Oftha OTAGO DAILY TIMES And OTiGO WITNESS, 13 OUSTOM HOUSE QUAY, Near G.P.0., Where Files can bo referred to, Copies obtained, and where Advertisements, Subscriptions, and Accounts will be received by MR J. ILOTT. Managing Agent for North Island. OTAGO WITNESS.-Largc3t Country Circulation of any weekly in tho colony. Found in every farmhouse in Otago and Southland, aud circulating largely in Canterbury and northern rural districts; it offers unrivalled facilities for Advertising anything of interest to' country readers. Present circalation (steadily increasing), 11,000. ST. GEORGE'S JAM.-Best in the market. All grocers.

-The highest spot inhabited Dy human -To school by motor-car i« a decided novelty. It has boon experimentally m use in Paris for some months. Ever since last summer tho Ecole Lacordairc has been running an automobile omnibus daily 10 bring pupils to the school and fake them homo again. Altogcthor tho daily run has averaged about 60 miles, and the results havo been so good that tho system is to he extended to other schools.

Red Rough Hands Itching Palms and Painful Finger Eads. ONE NiGHT CURE. |J§ SOAK the hands on setiring in a strong hot, creamy lathef ofCUTICCfRASOAP. Dry, and i anoint freely with CUTICORA | OINTMENT, the great skin cure and purest of emollients. Wear, during; the night, old, loose ki& gloves, with the finger ends ' cut off and air holes cut in the palms, For red, rough, chapped \ hands, dry, fissured, itching, feverish palms, with shapeless nails' and painful finger ends, this : treatment is simply wonderful. | Millions Use ConooEA Soap, assisted by Cuttcbba Ointment, for preserving, purifying, and beautifying tho skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping of Jailing hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes, itchings, and irritations, and for all tho purposes of 1 the toilet, bath, and nursery. Millions of Women use Cuticora Soap in tho form of baths for annoying inflammations, chafings, and excoriations, or too free or offensive perspiration, in the form of washes ' for ulcerative weaknesses!, and for many Banativo, antiseptic purposes which readily suggost themselves to women. Complete Humour Cure, Consisting of CoiiCOTiA Soap, to cleanse the '. skin. Coticora Oistmest, to inßtantlyallay. itching, aud soothe and heal; Coticuraße. solvent Pills, the new chocolato coated substitute for llqnld Resolvent, to cool and cleanse the blood. A SIKGLB SET Is Often sufficient to cure the severest case. Sold thnuißllout tho Australian Depot! H. lovxa & Co.,sjdnty. Brltlia Depot! ST-23, Charterhome Sq., London. Ifanck Depot: 5 Rue de la Veixt ftjis. roiiic Dura ixs Cam. Coor., Sole r.-ofi. PUBLIC NOTICES. YOU STOUT? If you are, SEDUCE YOUK WEIGHT With '"■.■' PHYTOLINE, THE ONLY SAFE VEGETABLE REMEDY ~ ON THE MAEKET. PHYTOLINE is the Pure Juice of the Phyto- •' lacca Berry, prepared in a special manner for internal use. After exhaustive experiments it has been proved to bo one of the Best Preparations ever sold for Reducing Fat without in any way .injuring tho system. ■ If PHYTOLINE is taken after meals daily, its regular use purifies the Blood, and makes Breathing easy by reducing the fnt round the heart. Ladies will find PHYTOLINE ft great help to them if thoy got Stout too early in life. PHYTOLINE i' 3 also rapidly Curative in that form of Muscular-Rheumatism which affects the Arms and Shoulders, making it painful to rniso them up to the head. PHYTOLINE is sold in Liquid and Tablets. Price 2s 6tl| 4s 6d. and 10s Large Size— equal to Six Small. Solo Wholcsalo New Zealand Agents: MARSHALL'S CHEMICAL COMPANY (LIMITED), MORAY PLACE, DUNEDIN, Retail at MARSHALL'S PHARMACY, 8G PRINCES STREET, DTJNEDIN. OTES ON RURAL TOPICS, by Agricola, weekly in the Otago Witness, dealing with subjects of current interest to farmers.

Mm the Largest Safe ©f amy -Chest median® §ei AustraSiai •hosa who have taken this Medians Ke'tmawd at its wonderful influence Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough. Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, Pain W Sasmsa In life Chert, ttMrtaw* M&Wti nffi iMMditft Mllef; aS. t» flun( fl!r» are eubjepfi to tiASs en to «* " tteffeota a Complete Cure. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in tho throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to becomo chrmio, nor Consumption to tovelop, ansumptoa m JUT« b«a tanm to arist tdietfl "Qmga! l have boon properly treated with this Hedioine. No home should bo without it, as, taken at the a doso is geaoraKr suaoient, and ft Completa Cura is certain, ■ 'tar- BEWARE OF COUGHS! Remember that every Disease has its commencement, and Consumption is no exception to this rule. BEWARE OF CQtKxHS! «mg '"__.__ " - ■ .. ' . ' ' '" ii ii i. ■ ■!'. AGONISING COUGH CUBED IN TEN DAYS. GRATITUDE AND APPRECIATION. CONSUMPTION. Three Cases Completely Cured by Ona Bottle A SEVEN TEARS' CASE. 'A PEW EXTRACTS IKOM EBOTB& ' ouumuum vuireiu _ • . of Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. ..' :_ ' __—. "" — ~ THE EDITOR OF THE OLDEST NEWS- HUNDREDS CURED IN THEIR OWN] _-.„ „ T nv * TPl Tri? tttq -awn „„~™,r, ™-r* -^Z?* n ~r, At, ««t«t> EXPECTORATING BLOOD AND "last year I sufimed eowrajy from am* NINE MONTHS' TORTURE... ."*PAPER IN VICTORIA EXPRESSES CIRCLE. TOO 11.1/ 10 LEAVE HIS BED, SEVEM COLD, WTH LOSS OT VOICE, OJ ™*R • cUSt. Jto fcoi* to Sft *H £5 GRATEFUL APPRECIATION. - "The Sdeattfo Australia* Office, CORED BY HALF A BOTTLE. HATOER. guineas, did notTS (rood; lwrf .fIEMEVED BY ONE DOSE OF HEARNE'S "W. G. Hoarno, Esq. Dear Sir.-Petmit "163 Queen stirat, Melbourne. A COMPLETE CURB. A SUPPLY SENT TO A RELATIVE IN m«ai«rv .m>™ " ' ■'■ BRONCHITIS CURE, AND CURED BY mo to epres, roy '* w ENGLAND, COMPLETELY CURED. &"f ft ' rpven'-arvmrvz Talue of y° ur Bronchitis Cure. I had some frequently tho most effective, and if there is- ■ „.. ~ r'-a '■ ■ ' ' iaam ' B *< iv,ubui±w.i>. . '; -month sago a, sovero attack of bronchitis, and anybody in Victoria who during the last few "Mr W. G. Hearne. Dear Sh-,-1 am writ- „ "Llcnwellyn, Katanga, Cic. J«W. u.^ *&**• ... .. _.. _ "PltMe sendmabaaf adostn of-jonrßieiv „ ■„- t • i , Der e hol ni. V-etoria. aditine, with the result that at years bus been repeatedly working for aad - in » teie n vml aDont the wonderful euro your M* Httme ' 5 i?IT a £? «M«s Core. This imxEcrao <auod me in «a "Dear .Sir,-! wish to add my testrmony &0 fwA ' &0 complaiat „,„,. iU p iaiso ' 9 of HcamXßronchitis '^~ .J" "J*?"] • " DaJI Sit '- 1 «» TO Z much .ploasod with «f „ Bl » nc . lutls ">d'.AeW from I Ua cmi , rf to tie wonderful effect of your Bronchitis Cure. left mo. We aro now never wifeont CttMit is our Mr Phi Sips. medicano has effected in my case. At first the l(rf Jour Broßcn;tia cure. last suffered for upwards, of sayen years, during o{ ft v«y bad brmclitaß.-A. AHfIN, Omm I suffored for nine months, and too cough was mw3icinß j„ tn6 lolw . the first "This gentleman some three years a»o was < xm waa not severe, but it gradually got three of my ohildreu bad very bad which period I was scarcelv ever frao frora HoBSB| honXi vfctoria" bo distressingly b*d at mshts I was obliged inaioation a it ; 9 Wcen| wMI immedi. locon unmded to try your Bronchitis Cure by worse, und I became very weak and troubled coEgfas, and one bottle cured the three of coughs, and fr&jueatly tts ftffioulty of breath- .„ y Bronohitis Curo has dona m*-mm* to get up and sit by the fire. I had medico,! j. effect-I aro, my dear air, yours Mr Barham, accountent, Collins street, and with night sweats, pain in my chest, and great ftem." Tho housemsid also had Buoh 6 severe »g was so distressing that for rnghts m sue- . . erterjsace, teH tt t l*&ttA S?& rSrt ™™* mvn "B- m «- *-•£ of tSi On Loral' oci tt*fi*fig S?,ft "S , ZStt&%£ fti T&T-t sJS eoutkg after teking tho fost'dose, and though "Editor. Geelong Adverhser." been contaually recommondmg , here blooa in matter. l^J^titmiaJit to anyone re- my casTtvery other taatot had'fmlcd. S^M'fS to^LXSSSiS I hsd but too bottles I feel lam a different , , .. "We are glad to adtl this our t<»Smony to I had been treated by a doctor, who pro- qniriog a incdicine of that kind. I For a year previous I had been getting much nAaL™2ZJ^nJ£?Z man, and the cough hi»s vanrsneo xou may *),„„-!, „,„ w - -™ *fl» valuo of Hrarne'e moet-vateabre Bronchitia noancrf my case to bo consumption, and «l now want you to send at once four worse, and at the time I obtained your roedi- aWTSm^.jS^V depend upon my makhig kuown the efficacy Upon toitog tirough our n b <»ks we ere varioM fees , tmentß m tried, but bottlesto England to my Mother, wio» euffar- doe I w«> confined to bed Buffering from a IS. OT ' *" **&**">&* of your wonderful romO* <<> »»y«P« I«• ?J n "* L lffA* ? . rw» mXACm <kcds and owa without benefit. It was at this stece tW I iag greatly from bronobitds. The ftdawss 'i» most violent cough, exrwctoratuig blood and _ ■OfiM. Yours faithfully, thoaalesofyour Broncfahs to.-ELMOT rf ■ heard of your Bronchitis Cure, and sent to enlhS-Youxa gratefully, ro»«sr, and apparently 'beyond hope of re"JAItES ASTBURY." (LTD.), Wholesale Druggists, byoney, farthfully, yoa for » course of the medidne.. When it >T JOHN g M oSHMER.» ' Tho first doso of; the mediome rwe fc' I oKarrsa TO -ißlas «»« . "PHILLIPS, ORMOND®, k CO." arrived I was too ill to leave my bed, but I TdtArn in Enffknd. who is 80 yean "» web»me reSef, and I steadily impw«d, taed your roeflicSae, but I can-tarry e«y fin* *— "Your Bronchitis Curo relieved mj- eon. coramenccd taking it at once, and gradually 0 m las also cared bvHeame'a BronolnHit M x coalitaied the totatment until I became, lam nsy pjesent freodna, %S . . . ,„ wonderfully quick. I only gave him four • impiovei lam glad to soy that tie tro V)ts /vj." "* •« I«a now, quite weU.—Yours sincerely, cf»jy bnef tr»L-33383r ft. We, the undersigned, hay* h^ J 100 "^ 11 ~ dosea, and have some of the medicine yet; ' "My wife is 82 years old, sad lam 79, and of medicino you Bent have effected a '.- . WALKER, Batoaan, Sydney.'' Bwßr ' ™ I,WBd, ' Obtain Hcarne's Bronchitis >»". .«™ *» but lam sending for another botOo m easel jam tod to-mform y TO your Bronchitis cure, for which accept my very best thanks.- «,w», N.S.W. -,•■;• . i^ TO should MT3ONALD, Trmkey, via Crrre Ls done us both a wonderful deal of Yout3 gratefully, ' T „ TATT> /'E"% formrd onotier bottle of jour m one - Vendors. . "« I *g* «* ' 3 *.«« aaawaes, tet vat cessfnl under oircumstancos w«en un a t i o Quirindi, N.S.W." Mc d. it ha-vine ouicHv cured us botiu-R. "J.BLAIR, -famous Bronchitis Cura without delay, as I w»i wraaß «»««■• t w. w the besi I «rw tam ™oinint»Saß prove .tsdistincfc k"l»» .jfiTjrff && "Your medicine for-asthma is worth « a 'BABSETT? bUT te~«, JhShri, " Bridge road, S.E., ; MJf fcbe a wrt ytobls tartd by-E* .to ffiP^KSrSaft I "** WS»-W. aM Vkto" Victoria." London." J. SLATER, Wmagul, Victoria. locally... ?'W : . ,;.,,, jfc Snail, Is id. S?SS W, i HEURE, Steiisf, Seeing, Yieteria. ,^:<ta * ,M 4s 64 ; ii#: | __ _ r — OT ; PEOm&l. MD SIELMD ft W I^SHi

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12638, 16 April 1903, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 12638, 16 April 1903, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 12638, 16 April 1903, Page 7