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Officials of meeting :4Ditectot and rferee. MrW. B. Bell j judgs6-«Df Stanley B-ichelor ujfd 2fe«s~rs A..A. Fitip.nrid H. B. L'otijiis; Shorts Committee—MeSsfe F. T, Anderson, 7. BMt, W.:B. Bell, H. Ctbw, A. Dey, S. D. Minn, and D. Wall; limritDebers-MESSrs F. J. Townasilcl, T, Long, and t, Hlek; stutter, Mr A. CoWie; umpireE—M»ssrS R, Croiv, li. G. Sifle, and J, G, Seelye, jtin.j lap scorer, Mr V. Boot; clerks of course, Messrs A. Dey nhS S. D. Mifln; press steward, Mr F. T. Anderspa.; telegraph Messrs J. Wileon and J. T. Hniriann; handioanjiers, Messrs W. Bigg (cycling) and A. Pindley (running);,. Hon. surgeon, Dr Fulton; consul li.N.Z.W,, Mi JO. 'Will; hoiti secretary and treasilrefi Mr A. J. Sullivan.-. / The League of New Zealand Wheelmen held a championship meeting on fhe Caledoniaii Gfoiihd oil Saturday afternoon ■under the auspices of - l he Dunedin Cycling Club. The weather was fine, though it got very cold about 5 o'clock, causing many people td leave for their homes. The atteadanee numbered about 3000. Hie. tack

was in capital order, reflecting great credit on the" caretaker, nntl the ground, as & whole, *ne in splendid (rim. the Eaikorai Bartd played a first-clißß pfogramffle of miuio during the nftefnoon. 'rlie fwiiire of (ho meeting ma tile motorWcydle racing, nnd the central figure of this' iiitefMting pftr , !: oi the programme was iitidbttbtediy the veteritu Martin, who was little short qf tijj-top condition. It. was the first time ;DuAedih.ueß had eoen ft t aco of the kind, tiijd it iyill bo Jong before they forget tpe speitacle of Mattin, in his ooStumc of red, white, and blue, and holding on to hie 6i' horse-power mnchihe like a Vyce, whirling roitiid the ring at the rate of 40 lhile.S an , hour. His appoiirancc on the motor was anything ntifc nl tractive- Sitting hi back, ho grdape tho hnndle-bars, which are ajteiifc Wt in lenrjlh, aiid, apparthtly with an .utter disregard for cbliset(ueUceß, he sets hia teeth to it and gets the test speed out of his noisy, ugly machine. ■ in negotiating the cdiriei'3. he l'odo at im angle that riiany wti afraid wotdd bring liini downy but bnrie on tho level he Etrnlghtened the machine'lib And daShcd I>a9t the grand stand at, a higher speed than any. it bur ttftittß posset) eliciting hearty bheei's cVery tithe he came along. He cOWred one lap in 22soe. Tho otiief motdr-bicyclcs. in the .race Wre abflut 2 howb-ptftr, and did epleiidid' tt'orkj Portci', Ditniefqtie, Clarke, Dbriniston, aiid Reid licing the cotiteetiinte. Porter did a lap ill 2\<n>t, and IJUinetque and Hnrk* covered the simo (lisranco in 26 l-sieci MaHiH was tb giVo all eSlllliitipn dii his motor, but the machine failing him Porte and Clarke filled the gap, covering a mile froth. a flying start, ih linin 42sec. Olarke ttbn by a feiVi yards after A rhoSt finish, 'fhe ordinary bicycle events wofe' eofnewhat slow , after the rnototj, but at anyfate they were free frdtti the risk tliat attache td the high'sf»e«l gbiftg. The Hal> mile Championship went to Huston, of Ashbiirton, -Who beat Jlariin by very little! A) Ralstbti; the Duriedin repfestntiitiVe, • being cldße tip thifd; Hi the Mile Championship the tables were fcilMicd, Mattiri tlofcatiiig Htistoh by a foot, vllilc thl'Be others were vrithift a yard of two Of the tfinner. The Thfee-rnileCliarHnlbhshlji Witiie*a6d lifttlic.r very close finish, Holland proving liitMvirinef by ho rnpVe than a Wheel tetm The Amefichti; lioweVcf, bad hi* feVeilge pn n-bjlarid'ill .the Five-triile Chainpionahipi wliich ho ptilidd Off by d length frohi the Aelillllrton tcpreSentative, With Hustdri. a wpital thifdi A. R: Bhikeri R. J. Odqke,. arid K. fJohtiell, dtliw Canterbury" fopreeehtatiVesj ftnt«t«l lot event?', but iSafke-r and .Contieli, hiivihi met with inisliStls at the Afehbvirtbn mefiting last week, did .riot cbnie. dOVftii afld Cooke was Absent. . Tlie wieeting -was free li-cihi sotidtis aecitlbht. Holltllid and Hustoh cbllkletl ih Hw Ifef aiid' ftere within an ace of falling; and in the tlifc6 ; mile 6V6nt A. Ealstbn fell aftet. the flnisbj eitstnihing iohie _ iiasty bniisejs on. tits arrn aiid leu. The lifilielnal. arablihts wdh by ddinpetitbfs Martin, £29; O. Pbftef. filßs H. Holland, £H 10s', A-HiteWfi. £10; I); f. jrGaWh,' £6; Y,t H. Clnfke, Ss| fi. W. Taylov, £3; aiid A. Ralstoiii £2. The capital' .ittaiigenignts tor the cdlidttet of {lib iiteetinfj were well cirfiisd out, excepting that the evehta' were hftt rll'n up to time, with the foauH that it., #«s nbfiiit 6 o'clock iiisteftd. of .5 o'clock vfhert the last face- \vas stftfted.' Mr A. J. SttllivaH rnftde ah energetic and 4fflclciit Eoci'etary. alltl tho rest Of till) officials performed tlloSi , rcspedtive diitiei in a tiiorottghly sntHfiintory manner. Tile follo*i!if? are the results of the various events:— ' " ' - -

ONE-ItILE CASH First prise, £i; second prize, £1; third prize, £1. Four lilps. First B»iit: V. ttileliio (C.C.C,), 73.rd5, : 1; A. V, Fleming (O.O.O.Shds, 2; J. H. Roxburgh (0.& C.). 75yfls, 3; J. Ckig (D.C.C.). iSlyds, 4. Also staffed: W. Martin (N&li.tV.) ecr, M; Idour (ft.C.C.j Isolds; Martin retired lit the eecdiid lap; The limit atfch'wfw Sailght at the end of thfc ttitd tap, when all tfero in «, buhch. 'Won by a, good length. Tiine t 2min 23 4-sscc. ' . .

'- Second Heat: C. F. Lethaby (O.C.C.j, 120 yds, 1! 0; W> Taylor (G.C.C.). HOyds, 2f E. Arhst (A.0.C!.), BSyas'i 3j E. J. Ritchie (C.C.C.), 76yde, 4, •Also Btarted: N. Bnlston (0.C.C.) 80yds, J). T> M'davin (Oi&C.) isi)yss, "ff. J. M'Mahon jO.CC.) 105 yds. All birnched together on beJinninp the last tap. Stid Itnlstori went to the Jrqnt, but failed to keep his position. 'Won by half a length, the. same distance separating the idcond alid third rrien. ■ .'■'■■ . Final. . R. Arnsi, (A.C.C.), 65yds .. u „ 1 , E. J. Kitcliie (C.C.C.U5yds .. ~ 2 V. Ritchie (G.C.0.), 7Eyds .. ..3 AU tiuelified started.' Arnst took the lend i*ft i> fop frdhi hoiile, and won with ft couple 6f yards to'spare, the second and third men being very close in an exciting finish. Time, 2mlh 23 4-Ssec, HANDICAP. First prize, Iβ; second prize, £1; third prize, £1, Eight ■• laps. ' . . •. FifsV.Heit: if. Idoiir (O.C.C), 270yils, 1; W. 3. M'itahon (0.0.C.). 290 yds, 2; V. Ritchie (C.C.C.)i 160ydSj ond J. R. Roxbnrgh (O:C.C), 135yde, 1 1(6 for thiffl place. Also etartctl! W Martin: Mr,. N. Ralnion iJOj'ds. Martin TBtircd attct gothg a lan. The limit men had.-, things their own way, and finished, a quarter of a lap nhend, a couple of lengths separating the first and second mom A great race ensued for third piece, eliding in a dead heat, the last man it wheel behind; Time, 4min 41 3-sSec. .

• Second Heat: G. W. Taylor (G.C.C:), 2Gtiyds, 1;, C. F. Lethaby .(0.C.C.), 220 yds, 2;- D it'Gavitt (0.C.C.), eaOyck, 3; E. J. Ritchie (C;C.C), 135 yds, 4. Also started: R, Arnst (A.,0.C.) 90yds, A. P. Fleming (D.C.C.) 140yda. Tlils was a repetition ol the racing in the previous the limit men winning easily a full lav) ahead, The first three well were all close together. For fourth place Rilihie just beat Arhst by a wheel, after an exciting finish. Time, 4min 49 4-Ssec. ■ . Filial. '• D. M'Gfttin (O.C;C.), 2goy(ii! .. ~ 1 G..W, Tavlof (Ci.C.Ci 260 yds.. .. 2 W. J. M'Moh (O.C.ft), MOyds .. 3 . All qualified started. The limit ineii made tlje alld *eri> never Caught. Wbii by a couple of lengtliSj tile second man a wheel shcad of the third. Tinit, 4ihin 41sec, 230 YARIJS FLAT. HANDICAP . (AiiiakUt). .'•' Pfiies, trophies valued at £2 and £l. G..ylcholson (D,A,A.C), s'yds .. 1 y ; J; W. Price (D-A.A.C), Byas .. • ~ 2 Also started: J. Stalker cer, V. S. Jacobs scr, W. J. O'Kano 2yds, J. t. Homniin Thia wae a Capita! race, Nicholson winning by a yard, and the .second. and third men very ctdse together. The olliefg were all -well up. O'Katis finished, third. Time, 24sec. 880 VIKDS FIjAT HANBICAP (Amateur). ( J'irst tlrize,. trophy value £2; eecoiid, trophy' valtie £1, ■ . V.S.Jacobs, ser 1 ; H. S. Eoifl, syds .. .. ; 2 : &. W. Lawrence, 50yds 3 ■ Also starfedYT. Gordon 10yds, W. J. O'&afie 50yds,. J, 'Stalker 25yds. G. Nicholson 30yds, 6. T. Hamann 30yds. a yard; 3yda botweca Keid and LaivreMco. Time, Sinin ,6 B.6eec. . '

HAU-MILE CHAMPIONSHIP OJ* NEfa ZEALAND. First prize, £5; second, £2; ' third, Si. ' .A. Hiistoii (AshWton) : i ' . AY. Jlaftin (America) ... 2 . A. Kalston (Dunedin) 3 _Also started: J. Conhell (Aehburton) and fl. Holland (Aahburton). llnrtin took the lead, •cloSelytelltrota by Huston ana Ealatoil, and in:tiot : order they entered tile second lap. Houid the back HUnton went up, mid in the : straight passed Jtaftlu, and «on by a wheel, aUiuHne same distance separating "feeconfl ftnd Ihlrdj with Holland a floor foiirtli. Tllue. lihih .W-2:58f0, . ■

DUiibDiN Motor h\ce handicap. l?ivo itiilcs. First prize, £15; sscomi, £i. First Heat: George Poiier, "Klint:i Mitchell," 26sec, i; B. Reid (Ccokc, Howliroii, arid Co.), " Clement-Garrard," UQwc, 2. Also nlartnl: W. Martin, " French motor," scratch, nntl f. K. Dennison, "Torpedo" (H. Hpuse niid Co.), Sdseci. Jtelin retired allot covering.four miles, his machine 'taring gone wrong. The bthte mado a good nid? of it, Porler. ultimately winwlug by M yarSs; ihree-qUs'itets of a lab sepiirating- Hold from Cennison. Time, 9min ' U Second Heat: t. D«merqiie (Hest riid Town), •'■ Mitchell." 70sec, 1;- E. H. dnrke, " jlitchell special,'.' 85sec, 2. Also started: E. Murie, " Rarrib'.er," HOsec. llnrie retired at the end ' of tivo miles. V.'itli ponietliing .like two miles still to go, Dumer'qiie ran into the lead and . ltep.t it to the finish, winning by 20 yards. I Time, 9min BOscc. ] Final. George Porter, " Khaki Mitchell." 85sec 1 E. H-. Clarke, "Mitchell special," 85ecc .. 'is Also started: L, Dumcrqiie,. 70aec, and E. Reid, Wteec. At the end of three miles owl a-linlf Duliierqiio's machine required some attention, throwing him olit of the race, and two !aps later Reid retired. A fine race ensued between Porter and Clarke, resulting in Porter winning by 20 yards. Time, 9mih 50sefe. OITE-Mltß CASH CHAMPIONSHIP OF NEW ZEALAND. First prize, £7; second, £3; third, £1. W. Jtiirtin, America ! A.Htistoii, Ashbitftoii.; .... .. 2

A. Ralston, Dunedin ... 3 Als6 started: B. Araat- (Asbburton). J. Connell: .(Aehburtoh), G, A. Lcthaby (I}uncdin), H. Holland (Aslibnrtoii). and E. J. Eitchie fChristclnivch). The lot kept to* gethet until thelast lap, Holland and Martin, who'iveie leading , , tnndo t!io puce, ijnd Huston aricV ilitlston followed theirt closely. A tussle in tbo 6trnigiit saw tlic vfiteraii Martin win, t, groat race by no wore tha-n a foot; half » wheel separating Husto:i from lUlston. Time, 2inin J3seo. THREE-MILE CASH CHAMPIONSHIP OP NEW ZEALAND. First prize, £8; second, £i; third, iS, •H. Hoilanclj ABubtirton ~:■„■ ~ 1 ','■ . W; Martin, America ~ .; ~ .. 2; "

J. Connell, Ashbnrtort .. .. f > ~ 3 Also started: A. P. Fleming (Duhedin), A. Huston (Ashburlon). A- Ralsioit (Diluedili), NV ltalston fbmieiiiii).]i;. J. Ritchie (Chrietclnirch), JR. Roxburgh (Dunlin). N. Ralston and Holland led into the Inst lny. the others close up. Turning , into the straight. Martin, Huston, and Fleming made' a desh forward, and a rattling finish saw Holland win by half 8 wheel; a foot separating Martin and Connell, and Fleming and Huston both within a. yard of Council. Tinip, 7min, A'hec. Lap prizes of 5s were, given, N. Kilsiou winning three, Roxbufgh two, Connell tteo, Fleming two, and pblland one.

FIVE-MILE. CASH CHAMPIONSItII , OP JiW ZEALAND.. First prize, 210; second, &;,thml,S2. ;

- W. ilartih, America .. .• .. ;t 1 H. Holland, Ashburtoa .. i. .. 2 A. Huston, Ashburton ■■■>• .. 3 Alsd started, R. Ariist (Asbburtoh), J. Con* flell (Asllbnrtoii), A. P. Pieiilihg (Punedin), A. Ealstoh (Duiiedin), N. Rslston (Dunedin), B J. Ritchie (Christchurcii),. tf. Ritchie (Christ6lmrch)j J. R. Roxburgh (Dunedin), There were only fivo remaining when the ■ last lap was entered upon—Arnst, Fleming, Holland, Huston, and Martin; When the bell rane they were all olose togethen Martin and Holland made the pace a clinking one, arid Fleming dropped out of it. In the straight- Martin forged ahead, and wbli.a desperate race by a length from.Hollahd, who was only a yard nhend of HuSton Time, 13mih llscc. Holland won seven lap prizes, Arnst six, Fleming two, E. J. KiWiie two, and N. Ralstoh one.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12618, 23 March 1903, Page 7

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LEAGUE OF NEW ZEALAND WHEELMEN. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12618, 23 March 1903, Page 7

LEAGUE OF NEW ZEALAND WHEELMEN. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12618, 23 March 1903, Page 7