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The Ventura, with the inward mails via Sa-n Frar.cLsco, readied! Auckland at 10 o'olock lust evening. She was delayed byrough weather. Tenders for the City Council's proposed pipe line and Lee Stream tunnel were opened by the council last night and referred to the Tramways Committee for report. For the pipe lino tho conditions, briefly, were (1) two .miles in 10 months, (2) six miles in 10 months, and (3) six miles in 18 months. The tenders and the amounts respectively were: —A. an'-I T. Burt, for No. 1, £3940 63 9d, for No. 2, £11,702 16s lOd, for No. 3, £11,57'/ 14s 4d; Ccesens and Black, £4386 6s lid, £13,191 14s 2d, £12,933 13s sd; Duncdin Engineering Company, £5700 10s 3d, £16,567 5s 6d, £16,567 5s 6d; John MacGrcgor and Co., £5773 63 7d, £17,263 13s Hid, £17,222 15a 4|d; Hadley and Co. (America), £12,139 17s 9d, £36,153 15s, mul £36,158 15s. For the tunnel tho tendon were for completion in 18, 20, 24, and 30 months, and the following were received:—J. E. White (20 months), £23,972, (30 months) £19,488 9s; Mr Ferry- (18 months) £24,534, (24 months) £21,554, (30 months) £18,830; F. H. Perry and Co. (18 months), £30,224 6s, (24 months) £29,224, (30 months) £26,819 12s; Mathieson Bros. (24 ■months), £34,955 15s. Di Ogston, district health officer, leaves to-morrow on a visit of inspection to Middlemnreh, where the public school has been closed on account of cpidemic. Mr J. Gunn, health inspector under Dr Ogston, visited Mosgiel yesterday, and as a result of his inspection of tho local school three children were sent home, not being in a fit condition to attend school. The City Council decided last evening, on the suggestion of tho Mayor, to alter the date fixed for the ceremony of turning tho first sod of (he electric tram lines from Wednesday, February 25, to Thursday, February 26, owing to Wednesday being an unsuitable day. 6ur Clyde correspondent telegraphs:— The members of the Otago Land Board are visiting the Mouiere runs in company "with several residents of Clyde. Persons here Bre anxious thai the runs should be advertised for lease in depasturing areas of from 7000 to 10,000 acres. Members of tie board appear to think that residents should guarantee settlement. Some interesting remarks regarding the necessity for caution in city financial matters were made by the Mayor (Mr J. A. Park) at the City Council meeting last evening. He raid lie would like to call the council's attention to the excessive overdraft that was creeping lip so steadily. Certainly the money had been spent on necessary works, but the unauthorised expenditure of Inst year had been exceeded by close on £10,000, and lie wanted the various committees to be careful. The works which had caused the unauthorised expenditure we're worth mentioning, and he instanced the Morgue, which was unauthorised, but would' bo revenue-producing. St. Bavid street bridge, the land purchased in Moray place, the Town. Belt roads, NorthEast Valley bridge, and the council's new property (the corporation, quarry at Woodhaugh), which had meant a very large amount, but which would be revenue-pro-ducing in a very short time. The hearing of the motion for prohibition restraining Mr C. C. Graham, S.M., from hearing the Chalmers local option petition on tho grounds of no jurisdiction- will probably come before his Honor Mr Justice Williams on Friday week, that being, as far aa can be seen, the only day on which it can be heard prior to his Honor leaving to attend the sittings of the Court of Appeal. The adjourned hearing of tho petition praying for an. inquiry into alleged informalities in the conduct of the Waikouaiti licensing poll came beforo Major Keddell, S.M., at Palmesrston yesterday. -Mr T. A. B. Bailey, of Palmerston, appeared for tho petitioners, and intimated that it was not proposed to offer any evidence. The petition was accordingly dismissed.' Tho House Committee- of tho Hospital Trustees recommended tho trustees at yesterday's meeting to procure a steam disinfecting apparatus from Messrs Manlone, Alliolt, and Co., England, at a cost of about £200. The trustees agreed to the recommendation. TIIO chairman stated tha committee had come to tho conclusion the apparatus mentioned was the most suitablo, though a little more ccstly than estimates of. others submitted. The Supremo Court will be occupied today with the divorce case Mackie v. Mackie, and which possibly may extend into tomorrow. On Monday the criminal sessions will be opened, and 1 011 the following Monday his Honor proceeds to Invercargill to take the quarterly sessions of the Supreme Court in that- town, commencing on March 3. The sittings of the Court of Appeal open in. Wellington on. March 16. A large number of the business premises in the city were closcd yesterday, the occasion being the annual picnics of the grocers, drapers, and jewellers, hold at Mount Stuart, Lvansdale, and Brighton respectively. The day was beautifully fine, and the scone at the Taiiway station in the morning was most animated, tho number of persons taking advantage of the trips into the country being very large. The grocers' picnic was particularly well patronised, and the Railway Department found it necessary to run two trains in order to accommodate all the oxoursionists, who numbered somewhere about 3000. Tho drapers and thoir friends also mustered in strong force; while the jewellers, who were conveyed to their pleasure-ground by drags, had an attendance worthy of the occasion. Arrived at their various destinations, the picnickers set about enjoying themselves as much as possible, and, judging by appearances, they .succeeded very well, the time passing away all too quickly. The arrangements made by tho Railway Department for the safe transport of the grocers and drapers were very, satisfactory; while the jewellers' trip to Brighton was, on such a glorious day, a treat to be remembered for a long timet'-

Mr J. E. Morris, city valuer, reported to the City Council laat night that the increase in. tho city-valuations for ihe past year amounted to £10,208, made- up as follows: South Ward, £2266: High Ward, £5186; Bell Ward, £1226; and Leitli Ward, £1530.

The iisual weekly meeting of the Benevo- , lont Trustees was held yesterday afternoon, when there were present Messrs P Treseder (in the. chair), B. Wilson, W. T. Talboys, •TV. Mrnett, J. Thomson, A. Tapper, aJid tho Heir. H. Gourloy. The secretary reported two deaths in the institution during tho weok— Graoe Schollar (aged 25)' and Emma Cawrfon (aged 71). The cost of tho institution for January amounted to 33339 65 for 255 inmates, equal to 63 per head per week. Accounts amounting to £159 13s lOcl were passed for payment, and 38 cases of relief wore dealt with.

Tho following notice, of motion was tabled lait evening nt the City Council meeting by Cr Maitland:—"That tho town clerk be instructed to take tho necessary step? to ascertain the wishes of the ratepayers and householders as to whether the tramcare aro to be run or Sundays or not, after tho eleefcrio system has boon completed, the following issues to be, submitted: (1) I am in favour of tho care being run on Sundays; (2) I am not in favour of the cars being run on Sundays; and (3) I am in favour of the tramoars, being run for part of the day on Sunday."

The , annual conference of the Now Zealand Branch of the British Medical Associatic_ will be held,this year at Nelson in the first week in March. At the same time a conference of health officers will also bs held at Nelson, Dr. Mason having taken advantage of tho gathering of medical men to call the officers of his department together aad confer with than on departmental mattors. Dγ Ogeton, health officer for Otago, ]ea.ve3 for Nelson on Friday of next week.

In regard to the recent agitation with reforenoo lo the Logan's Point road and bridge, tho Mayor (Mr J. A. Park) reported at the council last evening, on behalf of the committee appointed to meet the AVest Hnrbour Council and Harbour Board, that tho whole matter had been carefully gono into, and the conference had como to the conclusion that the three bodies should combine to erect a bridge. The conference recommended that a rev bridge should be erected, and each body pay a third of the cost, which -waa not to 'exceed £40 to each. Jlr Hawson, the Harbour Board engineer, would prepare plans and specifications and form au estimate. It was resolved that the Mayor's report should bo referred to ilia Works Commifctoe with power to act. The Mayor nls. stated that the Mayor of AVest Harbour had intimated that a Government vote of £200 would bo expended in repairing and widening the road.

The Hon. H. Gourky, J.P., and Mr D. Larnach, J.P., presided at the City Police C6urt yesterday, when a female fint offender, on &■ charge of drunkenness, was convicted and discharged on payment of two shillings cab hire. Lewis Williamson, who had not been before the court for six months, was convicted and discharged on a charge of drunkenness. A prohibition order was granted against a young man on his mother's application.

It would appear that the- cab drivers of this city must have some reputation in tho Empire City for a disposition to ceek a Httlo more than their pound of flesh, as a letter waa read before the City Counoil last evening, addressed to the town clerk, from a gentleman in Wellington, stating that as he purposed visiting Dunedin shortly he ■would like some information regarding tho cab fares oharged in this city. For an example of " canniness " this would be hard to beat. The epistle was received by tho council with .laughter.

Me.. J. Mill, J.P., sat at the Port Chalmers Police Court yesterday, aatf convicted and discharged a first offender charged with drunkenness.

The Union Company has notified Colonel Sommcrville that the South Island competitors attending the annual rifle shooting meeting at Trent-ham, Wellington, will bo allowed 20 per cent, reduction on return fares by their steamer*.

Mrs Bryan, a fortune-teller, was brought up at tho Tombs Police Court, New York, on January 6 oharged with practising medicine illegally. The woman told tho magistrate that Now York waa full of would-bo Borgias. .Sho declared that she was frequently visited hy women who wanted poisons which would leave no trace to kill their husbands so that they might marry again, and that men frequently made the same request .regarding their wives. Mrs Bryan admitted thai she charged such patrons a liberal feo, but gave them only harmless concoctions of sugar and water. The Prosecuting Attorney recently called attention to the alarming prevalence of murders by poi6on and the increasing difficulty of securing conviction of suoh offenders. Sirs Bryan's statements have consequently aroused some interest. Criminal statistics'just published show that 8334- murders were committed in the United States last year. In New York alone there were 2665 violent deaths from various causes, 4-70 being cases of suicide and 231 of homicide.

Sixty well-groomed horses which had feasted for weeks on tho sweetest of clover and the daintiest of oats provided tho menu fop a rematkable banquet ee-rved to 600 guests of the Berlin Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals at Berlin on January 8. A meau consisting of bouillon prepared from equine bones, pickled horse tongues, filled of mare in Madeira sauce, and roast leg of'filly, tickled tho palates of the diners, who ato double portions with unmistakable relish. Altogether 6001b of meat was served. Polities, commerce, art, musio, ' and literature wero represented amdng the company at the banquet, including 38 members of the Reichstag and Board of Aldermen. Privy Councillor Von Seefeld, the toastmastor, said that the dinner was bound to givo a tremendous impetus to the society's object of inducing horseowners to make the dec-lining days of their animate so comfortable and healthful that they might safely aspire to end their existence upon-their masters' dinner tables. Ten able-bodied men exhibited themselves during the evening as evidence of the resulls of' a steady, diet of horseflesh. One of the speakers said that 30,000 horses were butchered and eaten in Berlir during 1902, and iie,cxprossed the hope that the number would soon be increased tenfold.

An organ recital will be given by Mr Arthur Lilly it' St. Mary's Church, Morningtdn, on Friday evening with the object of; raising funde for the extinction of the debt on the organ,. wliioli it is desired to clear off as speedily aa possible An attraotiTO programme of solos for the organ has been arranged by Mr Lilly, who will have the assistance of Mrs Wakenold Holmes and Mr Pi B. Haggitt as vocalists. ■

Tha Alhambra Theatre is to be reopened sn Saturday evening by the Oswald Dramatic Company, who will produce the comedydrama "A London Mystery."

The Perpedial -Trustees, Estate, and Agency Company will' sell a dairy farm at Blueekin at their looms on Thursday, 2Gth inst. Tho IWaikouuti County Council invite tenders for various contracts. • Mr J. C. Arbuckle will sell at his rooms, Lawrence, on Friday, Gth March, the dredging machinery, pump, timber, etc., of tho Scottish Chief Gold Dredging Company. Messrs Wright, Stephenson, and Co. will sell on Saturday at their usual horse salo light harness horses. The salo takes place at 9.30 a.m. In the Tabernacle at 8 o'clo:k this evening Sir M. W. Green lectures on " Spiritualism," promising some startling disclosures. We are lequeeted to state that the meeting to-night in connection with the Early Settlers bazaar is for ladies only. The valuation lists for the Borough of Maori Hill are now open for inspection. It will be noticed, in our advertising columns that the Now Zealand Clothing Factory, Octagon, will be closed all day Friday, 20th inst., to mark 'do*n Alexandra, branch stock for colossal clearing salo, commencing Saturday, 21st inst. The two Grand Pianos used at.the Melba concert in this city are by C. Bechstein, of Berlin, who is recognised by musical artists in every part of the world as the finest manufaoturer in- eaetence, -Theee inetiumenta'aio

the acme of perfection, and have established a reputation that is the envy of all competitors. Messrs C. Begg and Co. (Ltd.) are the fortunate possessors of (he sole agency for the- South Island of New Zealand, nnd are justly promt that so great n star at Mdme. Mclba should use ihese instruments throughout her Xcw Zealand tour.-Advt.

There is 1 tide in the affairs of trade which, taken at its flood, leads on to money-saving. The time is now—the tide is tho values. Visit Uollisoris for bargains.—Advt. Delightful shampooin?;, liairciressinu, waving, sin-reiiig, etc., at Hendy's, 101 Princc3 street; finest saloons in tho colony for kites and gentlemen.—Advr. Carter's Great Summer, Sale, now on. Genuine bargains in nll ( departments. Several important special job lots. Call early at Curler's Great Sale.-Advt,

Intending purchasers of jewellery or watches naturally-wish to ranks a selection from thn newest and daintiest goods obtainable. G. and T. Young, 88 Princes street, have tho,l!irgcst and best selected stock in Dunedin, and give (ho best vnhie.—Advt. •

Ping-pon-; i? all very well, but what about tho linoleum on the floor? The best thing is (0 nso Senior's Linoleum Eeviver and thus keep both.table and floor covering in good order. All grocers': Is per bottle.—Advt. AVno is Pster Dick?— The .most reliable TVatchmaker and Jeweller, opposite Coffee Palace, Moray place, Dunedin. Charges strictly moderate.—Advt.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12591, 19 February 1903, Page 4

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Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 12591, 19 February 1903, Page 4

Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 12591, 19 February 1903, Page 4