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Properties For Sale and To Let. Gr A B, R O W &, ,- S T E WA II T BANK OF NEW ZEALAND BUILDINGS, ' LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, FOR SAM!: ' ' , n SOUTH DUNEDlN.—Very'Comlortable 5-rconied HOUSE, close to tram- bath washZ. house, gas. '' jIL'.SSELBUHGH.—Good 0-roomcd HOUSE, near Qucc-ii's drive; price moderate. 1 MORS IKG TO N.—C ood t-roon,ed HOUSE; large rooms; garden; to M 1 tram. < ■ ' in - ROSLYN.—CIose to main tram line, Very Comfortable G-roomed HOUSE, with acre garden. ' BELLEKNOWES.—SpIendid ■ Sunny SECTIONS, on easy terms. PROPERTIES WANTED: ! Sunny SECTIONS, Roslyn, Anderson's Bay, and City. CITY. Siibtantial 8-roomed HOUSE (nearly new), with good garden; within 10 minutes of » Octagon. te CITY.—We have Cash Purchasers of Good HOUSES, 5; 0, 7 rooms; on hill ROSLYN.—Good 5-roomcd HOUSES. . WANTED TO RENT: FURNISHED HOUSE, 5 or 6 rooms, on one of t|ie hill tr»m routes, Good HOUSE, 8 or 9 rooms; preferably oii the hill. Good 4 and G-room'ed HOUSES. TO LET: )y LEITH STREET.—Excellent HOUSE of 8 rooms; h.p. boiler, bath, °as and fine laree garden. ST. CLAIR.—9 and H-roomed HOUSES; both provided with every convenience Also 10 ROOMS, furnished. ' ;y KAIKORAI.-4 ROOMS; Kew, 7 ROOMS.' We can provide very good tenants for Houses, 5 to 7 rooms, in City, Melrose, or Nevada. >v " e require 7 or 8-roomed House. MONEY TO LEND ON APPROVED SECURITIES >y SUB-AGENTS OF OCEAN ACCID ENT INSURANCE - CORPORATION. PARK, REYNOLDS, & CO, MANSE STREET, DUNEDIN.' 11, AUCTIONEERS, LAND SALESMEN, COMMISSION AGENtS, VALUATORS AND ARBITRATORS, ' , te Properties Sold by Auction or Private Treaty. The Sale, and Purchase of Hotel Property I), Negotiated for Clients. Loans Negotiated. Valuations.'of-Hotel Furniture and Stock ,]. made. Valuations Made for Probate, Loan, arid other purposes. Partnerships Adjusted, i), Properties Advertised in this Column Free of Charge. n WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING HOTELS FOR SALE: ip ONE OF THE BEST HOTELS in Otago, out of Dunedin." For "Sale'ov Lease. Terms id arranged if required. :h GOLDFIELDS HOTEL, doing a, first-class trade; .£1250. .' . l ; ntc,^n l3ooo P er annum. Stock and furniture at valuation. :d MNINIr DISTRICT-FREEHOLD BAKERY,. BU'I'CHERY, and STORE, in splendid r " o ;,TTm C Trr'>'> aTm S ing i3oo ° P« »ninn. Ingoing, • ,)ut &2000 (half cash), t SOUTHLAND HOTEL, 100 Acres Freehold. Ingoing, say, £1750, lor freehold, stock e furniture, ctc. ' GOLDFIELDS HOTEL and 60 ACRES and STONE BUILDINGS; 14 rooms, stables--|v gold-minmg district; £000; Stock and Furniture at valuation. OTaGO CENTRAL.—Splendid HOUSE, averaging about SBO per week; railway communicats tion, saleyards; in good district. Full particulars on application. 3 - . . DAIRY"FIRI£, ' - 70 Acres, Waitati; good land; 7-roomed House, partially {urnisiied; £100 per annum. No charge is made if no sale is effected. . ° ]ST # & E. S. P -A,T ER S O R,' C , TT „„ r 73—PRINCES STREEG?—73, . ; SURVEYORS, LAND. & HOUSE AGENTS. VALUATORS, & FINANCIAL AGENTS FOR SALE: ■ ONION STREET.—For Immediate Sale, Nics HOUSE of G'„ rooiiis; bathroom, scullery large pantry; washliouse, mtn copper ar.d tubs b'uili in; hot and cold water; sas laid t- on; largo section: a bargain: £G!>s. '• k grant STREET.—Nice HOUSE of 9 rooms, in good order; J-acre Section; sunnv aspectk view unsurpassed..' .- , .- , . . ' 1 ' d ROSLYN, HIGH STREET.—Gentleman's RESIDENCE, containing S rooms, scullery, etc.6 T ,,s„, cau situation: J-acre Section, nicely laid out; electric car passes tile eate- ifinO ' ROSLYN, ROSS STREET.-Substantial Plastorc<l HOUSE of 8 rooms in "ood orderslate roof; sunny aspect; fine view; J-acre corner Section, fronting tramline Cards n to view onlv from us. ° g STAFFORD STREET.—An Up-to-date BOARDIJfG HOUSE-, containing 17 rooms, with 0 conve " ienccs; g rolllul rent, £10 per aiiiium; 5S years to run; very easy terms " e °SLYN, CITY ROAD.-Nice HOUSE of G rooms; bathroom,"scullery, washliouse with coppw and tubs mult in. boy window and verandah; a bargain-; £525. LIIILEBOURNE.—Nico HOUSE o! 5 rooms; bait-liiocm, scullery, bay window and veranfeectlon! Rood view, and very suimyv.ti, cjiean 'little home. £400 ROSLYN, MICHIE STREET.—Good G-roomed HOUSE; bath, scullery, hot and'cold water two bay windows and verandah; nice situation; £700. ■ \' ' ■ ' ANDERSON'S BAY.-Nicc l-acre SECTION; good view; £75. TO LET: ST. CLAIR-Nine-roomed Furnished BOARDING-HOUSE. : 1 ST. CLAIR—HOUSE of 6 rooms; all convcniehccS. ■ 1 ST. KILDA.—HOUSE o 5 rooms; all conveniences.- . UPPER WALKER STREET.-Supcrior 9-roomod Fu'rnisiied HOUhE, with all modem con- [> vemences. ... 5 (mm Princes street).-To LET, oh Building liease, 89g» x 50ft. ' - W ANTED to PURCHASE, in vicinity of Arthur street, a nice.C to 9-roomed HOUSE. . gI!VWB [GUT BE b: S. & C 1 ■ AUCTIOXEBES, HOTEL BROKERS, GENERAL'AGEKTS, , 14 High street, Dunedin, ' . ST ORES. ; HOTELS FOR-SALE. I KAITANGATA. - Splendid GENERAL t^\ERCARGILL.- 7 FREEHOLD of ExcelSTOIIE, doiii" turnover of JEGOO per '* n t HOTEL in .the City; splendid lni?imontli; sure fortune to a man with means. ness done; price for.everything as a °oin» con- . ecru, f-iOOO. ' a 8 TWfEAR OAMARU.—First-class COUNTRY • ' STORE; grocery, drapery, boots, iron- CENTRAL.—FREEHOLD ol Good . mongery,.o:h, fniicy goods, stationery, etc., etc. HOTEL, containing over 20 rooms bar , Also, including Large Bakery Business'; easy c ; tc ' Mnisiness-'averaacs £25 to i3O weekly; ' U rice ingoing, about. £GOO in cash only required; ' ol ' "vwhold find Fuvnituro, £1500' st-ock it early application. valuation; portion.can rcniain on mortgage.' FARMS FOR SALE. "jW"£AR' DtWEDlkl-LEASB of HOTEL; ' sp.ondici sumnipr irade; ineoinr fKO* PALMERSTON.— FARM of 257 acres, sub- ' ow ' rp nt; excellelitly fiirnislied throu"liout. ' divided into si* linddocits: House of 8 TtTITO - rooms, byre, stable, etc. This is one of the finest (City).—Good HOTELfarms in the district. Price, f8 per acre, and , . ' 5 -' s' Mr9 ' 'ease; rent, £7 10s; averatre easy terms. i7O v o r week; goodwill of lease and furniture, £1750; stock' at valuation OEAUMONT.—2JO ACRES, with 7-roomed tK,,,™ ' . • L 9 House, cowsheds, stahle3. etc.; also men's Tj n .Splendid HOTEL hut and butcher's slion. The Farm is incxcnl- " (v rcciiohlV, consisting of Hotel Rnildient_ condition; well fenced and walev»d. The I" 8 *' BiUiuvd Room, Stables, Coacliliou»es land is principally river flat-; one of the finest 4-roomed Cottage, mid all convenience?'-'' in the district. Price, £3 per acre; cash, £300; l«n»,beer trade; takings run from balance, -11 pc-r cent, interest. f? 0 ..'"-®? 0 P fel ' steady; the land is gubdivided niio three"sections; nric- 1 *2800•'the pLINTON.-FARiT, 250 all fenced; r° ck f:' ul f afnit »w to be taken at vafuatio-i 0-roomed House; subdivided into six pad- Jix . cel)llo " al . opportunity. docks. Price, £800; easy terms. ' ' FTP you-waiit to B uy an Hotel, Call and InARMS in the following Districts-— Pnrn- spect oiVr Register." kamii, Otago Peninsula, Clinton, TYynd- Tl , . , „ „ ham, Balclutha, Glciikenich, Riversdalc, and 0 " Wal Se " an Holel i Register with ill various parts of Southland. For sale on . easy terms. HOTELS FflT? qu V W E f 1 ' llara , ll^ c to . the Business with the HOILl;b FOR SALE. J T least delay and on the best termsVosMEAR 60RE.- G o°d LEASE of First-class • , - H° TEL a Specialty. STRVWRTGHT BROS. : CO. OEYER ADVERTISING FREE. «T 0 J1) & ,So N s - ESTATE AGENTS ' ' ' '' ' ' VALUATORS, ARBITRATORS, RHAREBROKERS SURVEYOR S ! tt ,n. „ - . Leas "' Mortgages, and Transfers .-Prepared ■ ' HAVI', FOR SALE AS UNDER:— 3-IIJ DUNEDIN v n -m--3-1-15. liOKONUI DISTRICT.—Good FARM Verandah HOUSE '^75 a - v 1 Wlnclo, ; ot 200 acres, four and n-balf miles from Clyde streets* mu«t bo Gore, in several paddocks, with 4-roomed . feso. ' : sold, great bargain; house. 8-stall stable, barn, etc. A great oia nnvpnTW ' u;" ~ , bargain, £800: and terms it desired. '-R-nrrQPq t c fl reck; 2 good 3-1-17. DUNEDIN.—fIood HOUSE of 4 rooms - Seat , 3 nma "apeotively; and scullery, washliouse, copper, Shacklocl: „, ~T TVJ inT ? -' ~ range: aootl drainage; north end: f3CO. nnlisw ,ir "Splendid Freehold PRO-3-1-iS. MOERAKI. - Two-roomed COTTAGE ™RTS, centre of town, with Dwellings, and three-quarters of jin acre, adjoining ' le^ll "niner lis a week; a bargain; i2OOO the properties of J. R. Sinclair, Esq., and 3 -121- MUSSELBURGH.-Choice SECTION Mrs Mnrcott,; barcaiii. in Princcs street; -£80 141. PORT CHALMERS.—Superior FARM BELLEKNOWES' ESTATE -Some Snlmflfd of JIOJ acres; handy to_ Port Chalmers: in SECTIONS in this favLte "d e Ihvco imdoopks; well icnced and in good pick of the piqee. • grass. Buildings comprise 7-roomed 3.134 . ■nnwp-nTTT ttat cow byre, tarn, stable, and implement shed. H SL ' HO , USE of 13 or Full twrtienlars at onr nffi-e. . ' stlo , t .-" w 5 » charming resi--3-142. SUNNYDALE EXTENSION.-Tlire> pw " cnlaM 011 application. Nice SECTIONS. Willi two and ~ VACANT ALLOTpood 4-rnomed HOUSE, with souMpry: jn luhiN IS, 1G and 18. Tjongwood avenue. Brst-clnss repair; copper, tubs, etc.;"land 3 - 93 - TOWN OF ARDEN.—SEOTIONCI w(»Il hedged; fowlhonse and run. Price, VI. --Cl9O. 8-40. MORNINGTON.—Good 4-roomed COT-.I-111, ROSLYN.—Lovp-v Qunter-acre SEC- 'AGE, with J-acre orchard; for sale « '^10K", with cood HOUSE of S rooms, in Jweinnbest unrt of Brnco street; a bargain. J!SSO. PEHSEVERANCE COLLIERY at.vt 3-140. STANLEY ESTATE-ALLOTMENTS ANOKA SOUTH,- for SALE, on'acconni ■t, _G, 24, and 23 of this Estate. Or 20'-. ill-hfrnltli of -owner. A splendid n-n----being subdivision of Section SO. Block V, P er 'y. worked by main diVdrive and liinU D. and E. T. District; tile, Land Transfer; '"5 by steam. Full particulars from b-ironiii. jn« nn acre. us. 3-32. GARDENERS and OTHERS.-FOITR . Tn TPT ACRES. Market- and Nursery Garden (a 11... _ ' • '' ' tile drained), with 2 large vineries, iu full . from 40 to 1230 acres. Full bearing, 3 large tomato houses, encumber particulars and conditiojis of leaso from bouse and frames. 3-staU stMjle. loosp-ljix, ■ f>f-,c''rV\-cort slied. cow byre, windnii l !. a>'il nil tools, "•—Superior HOUSE, of 8 looms in . plant, and liiaterint on ground,, together nrnlr° SS r,s?^j,'' : "", s ' c ' c ' wilh new G-roomed House, with hot ard . —SHOP and DWELLING. St. Andrew cold water, etc. Crest bargain, X&O. stree.; recently occupied by Croxford Cvapes and tomatoes brine* in a year. . P'uinbers; v large workshop and 111-health only rca?mi for selling. vni^fTS-nt.-3-117. ICEW.—Comfortable DWELLING of 7 0 •"•»!ANNORTH-EAST VALLEY.rooms oil splendid Section, enmmandin* Dairy I'AtuV of C 3 4cres; all in grass: a perfect all-round view, which cannot be, AY ni'iJcnv o ,!s l ?r^- li>, ' s , e >?L„t cut: £150. S Suburban ■'-•"• HIf,LENi).--Really Gocd FARIf of M(l , , V' eontaining G large rooms acres, wiih comfortable buildings; price, Pjastr-ird); besides scullery and bathroom, 70s per acre, nlso m Acres wiDinnl build- } ?"!' CO" 1 , water: asphalt iootiu?s; in eond heart; price, 4-'s ver acre pains, hrsi-class stabling and coaclihousp; •1.119. BRlGHTON.—Splendid FAR?.! of'lGo « r of , fr , u . ifc| vegetable, and acres, iu good heart: sunerior buildings; nower ganteii, una within a few minutes' suit retired parlv or nractical farmer, 3.130. AVAIKAICA.-200-ACRE FARM, in 3 -— paddocks; 3-roomed Cottage; plantations, MOXEY tr LEND on FREEHOLD etc.; £400; a bargain. SECURITY at S per cent. •TOHN MID & gOIS'S, . " i CORNF.R BOND AND LIVERPOOL STREETS. j I), M. F E A & c oT ' RATTRAY STREET. DUNEDIN, ' ! AUCTIONEERS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, VALUATORS Etc mn n.J' !,avc tlle folloTCin S PROPERTIES FCR SALE;-- ' ' I f™™;near Milton'; first-lass grain-growii'ig land; terms. ' PLAIN.—3OO ACRES; the best iand on the Taieri; terms. (Xeilr ® ri ßl'ton).-Nicß FARM of 52 acres; 0-roomed House and outbuildin„s, a iare opportunity {o sccure a ntca property. f -oSO—SOUTH DUNEDIN,—6-roomfd HOUSE; h. and c. water laid on bathroom, washterms foHil'larce 2i x 12; J-acre scctiou; a splendid property; £150 cash; c MILTON PLAIN.—A Really First-class FARM; nearly all limed: 3-roomed HOUSE- c nwi'vA .n-' S tmSAJ p oc i""y outbuildings; .a reaUy first-class investment. ' 'I • OWAKA.-.!io-acre BARM for Lease in Perpetuity; nearly all bush; totara, black pine ri<AT™T >m £*T, ?° al; el , OS n-,!° T ,w ! " )o1 aml chuicll ; valuable sawmilling timber. ' r lAlElU.—Highly-improved 1> ARM, 104 acres; finest iand on Taieri Plain; subdivided 0 vn iSi 1111 necessary outbuildings. i, Ic \ ? : "' d GENERAL DRAPERY and MILLINERY BUST- „ BPonr w-rnv 0 ' &ect 7'J^ , 'cn g , Mam - st ? eet; 5 - rooniod dwcllin E witl ' two sliods BKOUGHrON -Six-roomed HObSE, bay window, verandah, .Venetian blinds; all up- t; to-dato modern conveniences; J-acre section; a really good investment- Wt-i c PALMERSTON SOUTIL-Stone BUILDING, formerly used aTa bail EDWARD STREET, ST CLAIR.—QUARTER-ACRE; »g Trooms; W and ° C °o ' ' m ° conveniences;, a rare chimee to secure a tirst-class 15 Pi'onlii" li° P K ( RC ' 3 ™ fi -" OI . n «]. HO USE; 10 minutes from Post Office. n liopeiues Bought or Sold on behalf ol Clients. Loans negotiated Aunlinn ttnloc „,m ducted m town and country. All business entrusted to us will have careful attention We " Advertise m this Space Free oi Charge io our Clients. luieimon. we .. Telephone No. K2. ■ c I ' '

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12403, 12 July 1902, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 12403, 12 July 1902, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 12403, 12 July 1902, Page 12