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DUNEDIN BOWLING, LAWN TENNIS, AND FIVES CLUIi. 1 The annual meeting of the Dunedin Bowling, Lawn Tennis, and Fives Club was lield ill the pavilion last evening. There were close on SO members present, and Mr Jas. Hislop (president of the club) was in the chair. The following was the annual report presented:— In accordance with established custom, yonr committee has pleasure in meeting the members ill annual meeting assembled, and in presenting their report tor the past season. The membership of the club now stands at 80 full members and 40 honorary members (included in the latter number is 15 ladies), which is an increase of one full and 14 honorary members for the .year. During the year the deaths of two old and valued members of the club were recorded—Messrs Charles Ilaynes and Thomas Cullender. The former was vice-president in 1891 and president in 1892; the latter, who was the "father" of the green,.was lion, treasurer and president in 1872, hon. secretary in 1874 and i&7o, and president in ISBO, and was also elected a life honorary member in ISS3. Both gentlemen wore respected and esteemed, and, to those who knew them well, were worthy of, and secured, a warm place not only in their regard, but in their affection. We record our hearty sympathy with the relatives, of our deceased confreres. The financial position is full}' set out in tlie report to be presented by the lion, treasurer. The credit balance is above that of last year, notwithstanding the extra expense at the beginning of the season through the change of greenlteeper, alterations, to the pavilion, and vote to the Tea Committee. The condition o! the .green during the early part of the season was not such as might reasonably have been expected. The illness of the former greeukeeper was responsible tor this, and, as there was no hope of his being able to resume his duties, arrangements had to be made to carry on the preparation of the green for the season by day laboui, prior to making a permanent appointment. Your committee fee's assured'that the appointment of Mr Mitchell has met with your approbation, and that there will be no cause for complaint during the conung season. The green was opened for play on November 9, with the usual match President v. Vice-president, and closed with a return match on June 3, The inter-club matches arranged by the New Zealand Bowling Association were played, with the following results: — Dunedin v. Green Island, lost ; Dunediu v. Kaitnna, won; Dunedin v. St. Clair, lost; Dunedin v. Eoslyn, won; Dunedin v. Taieri, won; Dunedin v. Port Chalmers, won; Dunedin v. Caledonian, won. The New Zealand Bowling Association's tournament was held in Dunedin this year. Six rinks were entered from out club, but. none gained honours. Tournaments were held during tlio Easter holidays at Invercargill nnd Oamaru. Our club was not represented at the former, but at Oainaru our representatives gained first in Kinks and Doubles, the winners being Messrs Bartli, G. E. Brown, A. Fraser, M. Sinclair (s); and Messrs Barth and M. Sinclair (Doubles). Gillies and another gained third in the Doubles, and Gillies's rink first in the Consolation. A tournament was held on our own green on a limited scale, when visiting members from neighbouring clubs took part in tho games. Tho usual prizes wero offered for competition among the members, and the games resulted as follows:—Champion prize, Mr James Hunter; president's prize, Mr ir. Pcakc; vice-president's prize, Mr A. Gillies; colts' prize, Mr G. L. Stewart; Four-bowl Matoh—Messrs M"Lareu and Trounoe 1, and Messrs D. Russell and J. Mollison 2. The 'tennis court has been in great request by our lady ;uembers and a few male enthusiasts. One match was played against the Albany Street Club, which resulted in a victory for our team. The thanks of the club are due to Messrs Hislop, M'Plicrsoii, and Wyatt for prizes donated; to Mr John Barnes for his gift of eight scoring boards; and to tlio Hatch Committee and officers for services rendered. . The balance sheet showed that tlio receipts for the year wero £?,M 4s W, including £22 4s 4d credit balance brought forward from last year. The expenditure was £217 10s lOd. which left a credit balance in hand of £32 13s 6d. The Chairman, in moving tho adoption o( tli'o report and balanoe sheet, said it gave him pleasure that such a. balance sheet should be presented. It was.distinctly credit-

>le, seeing that, they had been in very grea fficulties at the beginning of the seaso; ■ having a had green, and owing to tlv ifortunate illness of their lute green !oper. 'l'lio wages and sundries. amounte< 1 a large sum, and this arose from the fae lat they had to employ day labour durin; ie time of tho illness of their late green ;eper, and the payment of their presen reenkeeper. That-, however, was a eontin incy not likely to occur again—not in tliei me at anyrale.- In the Eelection of tliei ■esent. greenkeeper he thought they ha sen very fortunate.—(Hear,, liear.) H :emed to put life and soul into his work id had promised them a good green nex ason, and he (the chainnan) had 110 hesita on in saying that they would have a gcoi 'eon. Tliey were all pleased to see tin dies playing on tlio tennis court this year id to see them dispensing tea so pleasantl; id nicely. They were very pleased indee< i see them. He had to congratulate tin ub upon the success of the past year. The; ul done veiy well in membership and ii >od fellowship, and he hoped it might loiii intinue. If they were not the oldest clubid there was a difference 011 that point be wn themselves and Auckland—they wen ie second oldest club. It was with very sinecn :gret that lie had to refer to the death 0 10 very old and esteemed friends. on< as the father of their club, Mr Tbomai ailetider, a man who always took a livel; iterest in the club, and a man who ha/, •obably the best record of bowling in print ie was. an honorary life member of tlx üb—the "daddy" of their green,—and :rsonally, lie (Mr Hislop) felt very sincer< ■mpathy for the deceased gentleman': imily. He had reached a ripe age, yel icy were all sorry 110 had gone. Comiiif ick to a younger period they came to' thcii »r old friend Mr Cha?. Haynes, a. gooi wler, a good friend, and an enthusiast ii ■erything he took part in. At a later stag* ir Hislop said there was one tiling he hat irgotteii, and that was the fact that thej id ;not' played a game away from homt uring last season. 1 (Air Smith: " Mire lame to us.") He (Mr Hislop) hoped thai ic new president wonhl take the matter in md and see that it did not occur again. Mr D. M'Pherson seconded the motion foi ic adoption of the report and balance leet. Mr J. Barnes mentioned that the report d not show that the club had been repremted at Jnvercargill. Mr M'Laren's rink as down there. The Chairman said that was true, The nk, which had consisted of M'Laren, nater. Short, and Barnes, had come icond. . ' Mr Barnes said a pair also came second i' third in the Double?. Mr W. H. Smith asked if the debenture jeount was wiped out yet.—The Chairman iuliad in the negative. Mr Smith said there was nothing about in the balance sheet. The Chairman: That is a statement of !Count-Miot ; liabilities at all. Mr Smith: I think it should be in. It is very important matter, Mr T, Moodie said there were 172 debenires still outstanding, representing £172. 'ii this there was 12 months' interest due Ist September that had not been paid, 'lie amount was £10 6s 4d. There was Iso six months' reiit due in .My this year, nd the liabilities were £202 6s 4d altoether. The report and balance sheet were then doptcd. The following were elected office-bearers: Ir J. C. Short, president; Mr K. T, Vheeler, jun., vice-president; Mr G. L. tcwart, lion, secretary; Mr T. Moodie, on. treasurer; Mr F, Peake, liou. auditor; lessrs F. Peake and J. CJ. Short, delegates ) tho New Zealand Bowline; Association; lessrs W. M'Laren, A. Gillies, itild .T. i r liite, a Match Committee; and Messrs W. ['Laren, F. Peake, R. M. Marks, J. White, .. Gillies, and C. Foster, a committee, The oeial Committee was re-elected, and the 011. secretary was appointed an ex officio lember of the committee. During the election of office-bearers the jport of the Social Commitieo was read, hey thanked the ladies for assistance. Tea ad been supplied 011 29 occasions, and tlio vorage patronage of members, exclusive of idies and visitors, had been 26. The donaion from tho committee was £5 19s 6d, and ue proceeds from the afternoon teas £9 10s rl. The committee had a balance of £7 13s d 111 hand, and they purposed offering a rize of £14e for a rink competition, during 110 forthcoming season.—Tho report was doptod 011 the motion of Mr M. Sinclair. Mr Hislop then presented the prizes, and nested the chair in favour of Mr J. 0. liort, the newly-appointed president, but efore doing so ho thanked members for (lie cady way they had assisted him during hisaurtli year of office. Mr Short, 011 takin? the chair, thanked leinbers for electing liini, and promised to ivc idl the attention lie could lo the duties retaining lo the office of president. You'll of thanks to the retiring president Mr ,T. Hisloril. the retiring vice-president Mr D. M'Pherion). the retiring secretary Mr ,T. A. Hopcraft). and tho other oiliceearers who had given their services during lie past year were acknowledged K- Messrs IMop. M'Pheison, Moodie, and Ilopcraft. nd oti the motion of Mr P. Miller a sp n ote of thanks was passed to Mr Mitchell, lie present crecnkceper, for the zeal shown >v him in his work.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12403, 12 July 1902, Page 10

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BOWLING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12403, 12 July 1902, Page 10

BOWLING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12403, 12 July 1902, Page 10