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(From Otrn Offx ComiEsroNDEST) . ' WELLINGTON, July 1. The following lucid and interesting statement of the increase in the colonial debt from March 31', 1901, to March 51, 1902, lias Iwrn compiled by Mr W. Frascr, M.H.R. for Vrakatipii:— ' The gross public debt at March 31, 1901, was £49,531,245 (exclusive of £700,000 Treasury bills).' The increase for Iho past year lias been £3,460,350, so that at the end of 'iojt financial year the total indebtedness of the Colony had reached the sum of £53,051,595, not including the aforesaid Treasury bills. The details of the increase are <ia follovrs:

From the £1,099,862 instalments of loans received lias to be deducted £920,000 used for rcdcc-ming short-tinted debentures, thus leaving £3.179,862 available, Of the £1,500,000 debentures, Londrm. issue for-public works account, only £1.312,667 had lwco received, leaving a bal'ince of £197;333. From this has to ho deducted, say, £80,000, cost of raisin? £1,000,000 in December, 1901, hence £117,333 has to be added to the balance, at ercdit of public works account on March 31, 1902—■ viz.. £45"!-,059, —tlju? makinjr amount available at that date £571,592 to meet liabilities. ' Tim cost of raising the loans other thin the £100,000 above referred to, and the £500,000 during t'lo past year, has been already dobited to the respective accounts. Of the loans raised for land for settlements account during the past year, £302,692 remained to credit on March 31, 1902. ' ■ " The returns do not givo the advances to settlers' account, but merely the advances to settlers loan account, so it is impossible to state how much of the loan raised during the past year is stil! available. Of the local bodies loan account dunnj the same period, £2769 remained to, credit at March 31, 1902. ■ . . . ' > ■ ■■milium

6 ' OTAGO DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY % Kfe, " ; late Advertisements. ■ '. Skretaokers. [ *° V DUr , i5 ? The following is the wuiual report':- • During the rcceflt flood in tho Bailor River ' ___ , 1XTT , o/muAWTiiin T . . ■■ i ■ , ■ ■ ' , 'tho dredgtmaslet of tho 'Manuka ' * "Tho directors, in submitting the annual tho Kldorndo .pontoons were stranded high and ZEALA.ND BORivO W Cx« WANTED, 3 or 4 Tons of 141b Mining HtrtH MlTCHSLLj [David Lesuk. '°5L c ®P]°ying tlireo men jeport juul balance sheet.of Maione's Bcaeh <lry. '. ,. ' - • ' * " HAlIiS; second-hand.—Address Boi 24. "it T T n HTi r. T, At- T, P ct, ti? I certificate?, and - Dredging Company (Limited), hmv to <ui? that The Rubv Creek Company lias taken the first **" -rxT>TMTT v I rn 7, "Z mw, n JVI iu v r* j- o* i r« J J » | three men for workmg with- no contracts or negotiations as to the purchase step towards liquidation by ec lling the dredge. (FROM OtJR OffX CoRKBSPOSDENT;) , iTVBINE . Kincolo Tea Company's TEAS; ■ LTA Member Dunedin Stock Exchange. on. propm certificates, came before tho court of a dredim have been wiWH into Tim) I'.i- A« iwevioiwlv stated.-the dr«W waa incapable 1 • J-/ 6d, la 8d, 2s, 2a Id.—Obtain- ACCOUNTANTS, INSURANCE and PRO- »t-Lawrence on Monday lost, when all tho policy liu been.a right one is ampiv borne out of'irealing Die wash, which is somewhat rough. .. ."WELLINGTON, July 1. V "-= onl y at 32 PnnceB street. 2jy PERTY AGENTS. ' lnlorraatiocs woro as it \va* found by the present low-prises ruling for dredges The directors of theMontezuma Company The followine hie'd a'ld interesting statement of the increase in the colonial debt (I: SCHOOL BOOKS and EXERCISES of all t S oV "ty , lt i a °?' ( f led lll(lt f Ul . e K™ ! H W'-a, 1 '-> C^ Ual ( ° f , «?"" Hard, 31, SO 1 March 31, IS* has been compile! by Mr W. Fraser, M.H.R. v • 3S£|2ftKirfc* s»JMVM3K* •***%..:. *•' . . Mom , G ,„ t Cml oU ,„ M . mvmamzvitotoUm**). SA'CSfttifeSW! •SPwrVtSfe* jftrfttUdfeUSC lvi. Grocers'—Ewkorai, South Dunedin, W.F. Sligo J A Sugo ™. iw--; ™ Ut'- l) ". t ' t . ho la . tlcr Sconlar and das. Craig; both being eligible, of the c.aim and provide » pumping engine end of l M t jhnmeial year the total iudebtedncH of the colony had reached the sum ; Iforth-East Valley, Momington, Milton, B&l- o« , n a th 7 cBer then,se!v « ** iwtata. The P lan »- 4 , „ ■ „ of £53,051,585, not iKdin* the aforesaid Treasury Mils, Tt,o details of the increase elutha, Kaitangata. S " 1 8 V B R 0 ; S., Matino Depirtment, and not tho_Depart- auditor (Mr Jas. Brown), alio retires, • and fe gold export from the Port of Grejmoulh are as folln^'- , . „ , , r- a Stock and Sharebrokers, " • a®t of toes, anj cowequently the "Ministfr eligible for a further torn, to? S he oFm ««>»<•• was tf,022o* «wl 0 S r, valued at •"» •» lollop.ftff OKO,. the Great Congh Cure, loosen* tho Minins Ernerts could not interfere. , ,,, I himself." - i6B,083 8s 2d. : o- § • i , SMC e vmrnZiiumm. j&Ai&zxiriigrs* jsasttf-israfssc h u -k &•« m oe &;-gr M ° 8 - - 1 g5tr4g;amrg ;i » •" . il- II-M U U Ml. that will loosen the Phlegm and atop a Harmax J. Rekves \ Members Dunedin fen out and across, to the east Bide of tho received in interest the debit b«We The .Garibaldi dred^'last week obtained gg ts.S t* gS T ,,. CougL . Gilbert. C. Mathesok j" Stock Exchange, "ver, ho dredged tliis for somo time, but tne carried forward is reduced to <'6SS13oOd When 15< J wt - The wash has completely changed Quaiter<u> "Si § •' « 3 ' ' ?, ™ » olwT Tl/TOKO, Great Cough Cnre, obtainable TJARMAN REE.VES & CO P ro^P ecta very-poor indeed, he. dredged tho • books were closed tlie arrears of calls si i',? e »port, bcm» of a loose character, Wer ending g g; Og g of debt. M grocers' and chemista'—Invercargill, Jtl gioCK EXCHANGE BUILD ng h fc across the river back to the west side to amounted to f3tS6 5s; while 500 shares on '#" m S,in freely. The cfredge is working about jjJ o-, £■» w 'Gore, Lumsden, Edendale, Oamaru, Hampden, ° DUNEDIN f V i aboVB the where he !has come on whicll m )iad becll pil ' id haV e forfeits 15t 5 ' The g oId is of.a warse character . M a n a . . Timaru Geialdine „_„„r to deq> ground, and the prospects are lookms The companv hi« c«h on 1A1 i i and eawlv saved. a good run this week Public Works Account. £ ' S £..£.£ £ S ! STOCK MONEY BROKERS. adealbetter. He-is convinced that the eastern of flSG "c 7d'in'the'banl; 8-%l n 1 "i a fair indication of tho worth'of the wash June, 1001 .. .. .. 500,000 500,000 1,000,513 200,000 300,000 800,000 HOKO, Great Cough Cure.—If you are' Telegrams: Reeves, Brokers, Dunedin': fide'of tho river does not carry any depth of interest £3 7s sd whilVtw -.milrv should-be obtained. December, 1901 .. ...1,000,000 377,200 736,533 203,000- 117,200 l,177,S»t> . Bnfiering from a Hard, Dry, Incessant References National Bank of New Zealand wasl:, i. no gold. In consequent represent a li'ibili'ir n r eao q. a"i S clKlnor3 ' ' — March, 1902 72,800 52G.133 — 72,800 72,800 ' Cough, try it. (Limited). Hju of ithifting the dfedge,so,much and in'findin? The Chairman Nn l i- ■' ' ' —— — — ' guiH • n mn ' ffJSa&tSySliW?®!# ™ military CABMVAt. mm IN case of Attacks of Colic, Cramp, or Spasms, Lutf utiil F*M» *.«.?. h j Sf. f W?' ™h#d «0t proved'as ricirM 0t tie «"!rcho'dpra week, and c!osC ,on SjltlU'day. Oil that lllgilt. June, 1001 .. .. .. - 303,950 303,950 200,000 103,950 103,950 Evans's WITCH'S OIL will he found in- LsUt0 A E®". some lower down «"> «'• union will-he drawn on tho stagj, and I September, 1901 ... .. — 2M,300 220,300 — 220,300 220,300 I valuable. 23ju ahca<1 tlle pr03pMtS l0 ° k m0I<> «. n S. s ? me .»W!o .omo oUimhU several of ■ tho more important raffles. A December, 1301 .. - > 31,700' 04,700 - • W.709 34,700 nUESTS Method Face, Scalp Massage, o„coura g .n E . . k^rtKa U ?J h? Case ?, thc fa of Signor Borsoni'a gmd spec- »02 - 338,200 - 338,200 338,290, 1* Shampoo. Pedicure, Manicure; Super- BANE OF NEW ZEALAND'BUILDINGS. DUNEDIN STOCK EXCHANGE. l,L tried Mr rlll.T'!" I™ 80 ,'l!" 1 tacular displsy -is_ also promised for Satur- . _ , on71cn nmnnn ",^„ n ra7n5n . fluous Hairs Removed.-Miss Milsom, 174 . "— 1 llho share market opened dull yesterday tiS aay aftorncon. _ The aUenduco continual - . ' - frmces street. 24ju MT\Tl\Tn morning, and it apneared that tho business the vicinity of Jfalone's Beach, and as to what ~ fiono it'Advances to Settlers Loan -. QHOULD you be afflicted with Chilblains, MINING. l'>o very limited, but at the afternoon caR they had done Co fn«iiig, ho said it would Account. ' ' ~ O 'send for WITCH'S OIL. It is a perfectly — * "f 7 ' ement -, a 7 ei y 1^aitbe to tllc m^ 1,g 4 ° ?- ecltl ? l,e Imurc of the will to . June, 1901 ...... - 30,000 30,000 - ' reliable cure 23iu « i i . . „ , number of transactions being recorded. .There company, and he mentioned that two proxies u an September, moi .. - go,ooo - - - J - in© areagemaster of tho Shoddan'a Freehold "was, however, 110 material alteration in the had'been, received, and both favoured liquida- 1 • December, 1901 .. .. 500,000 ' 90030 SG9,6£G 300,000 • — 500,000 WANTED KNOWN—That MOUNTAIN dl «3go reports that tho return last week was Rations. The river showed a Substantial tion. The claim had been proteclcd, and thev nm -nrmnvvvrici -nr. a ' March, 1902 - 140 000 3CG.6C7 220,000 - - KING ASTHMA POWDER will in- 40oz. ' a drop, being 3ft lin above the normal mark, were in tho .position of having some money MK iiUJJlOW O KMJJJJNOrb. ' !_ ! - : ! TjlBET S.„, Fret Ed!,, 0.1, | ' S SXg " 8 '"" 0 " " *° """ " "" W w-n- ; % 1?B T0 ° l3 ' Pattem ' Hast. -The ft but the best rcsoonse was 7s_ 9d. The prefer- Mr J. N, Lawson seconded the adoption of apprcdiai-ive andknea last evening. The j une . 1901 _ 50 ,GOO 60,WO : - 50,600 50,600 ? ' William Couston, ironmonger. , op3nins 0>lt M g working in old ground but if°fi Sbtrwin" nffnr the report and balance saeet in order that it sper-kcr was listened to throughout with in- . September, 1901 .. - 35,600 35,COO - • 35,000 35,GOO STANLEY Planes, Matheson Planes, Diss-, ho expects a better return this week. ' nrico'elicited no resnonse Two lots of Eondi- ""I 1 t rTI i •( ,,m i terest, ■ and ho was frequently applauded upon ;■ Dcccmbcr, 1301 .. ,. —. 55,000 55,000 — . 55,000 55,000 • ton's Saws, Marp'e's Chisels, American i . tekgram was received by . the secretary of coes ohane-ed hands at 5s 9d at which C»uro « i t '?, an 5 thing was known as hi3 bringing out-various points in tho subject March, 1902 — 72,000 - 72,000 — 72,030 72,000 Braces, Hand Drills, Breast Drills Cleveland, <h 0 Sailor's Bend G,D. Company from Mr but hold Wwo d ? ° « V e r Tcntl °" WmUd take "P matter of the reading. The selections were . — V • M!5L aircciora, ywtcrday XcomJ^'SW®" that thev had notbe-n . de « ni »V 8 '" °? 8tt ~ 213 ' 200 ■ ~ TVOOR MATS.—Imnerishablo Sanitary Gal- Tho rlr.'ff W i a3 i ° m .? m 1 orc , U P stream. Leads was recorded at 3s Gd, -but another soli- officially'approa«hed but he understood tint 11? 3I1 , ?r PU i lm '» at21 'i S' 5 , o/rns-n ijL'vMisrf all sizea.HM- it Jin Jf offer at, that'price msnot responded to, 7«mjl0 Marfyr," and Mark Twain's inimi- - ' 3,«lG0,3 o 0. trie Bolls and Fittings.-Couston, ironmonger. ! Tho new bucTetsTor ,1 a Electrics cased a little, but Endeavours were one family, and they did not press their claims H r , « Urion • cn " TilG followinf is a summary of tile borrowings and redemptions for the year under - ! uZ .r!u 1 • be ' Cr S m wll aredga steady, as also were Fourteen-mile Beaches, m the matter Thev were not in, anv wav me- , ' ,■ borM S h >^' "V* 0 - t: '' a . 8 - n . mt 1 " 5 Tano " 3 the-different headings CHRISTOPHER Johnson's Table and ® r "\ (tlle and the dredge- A 'parcel of Gentle Annies changed i hands at fajj-o Tf Mr Joel moved in direetLi nf f® lecti0n f» and hlS audience could not but . £ £ £ i' £ ' £ Pocket Knives, Primus Stoves, Knife- tbom m! TV 116 }l U8 engaged in 10s, and further shares , wore procurable at liquidation the directors woul' 1 rinroae'li the havo a clearer insight into the author's mean- Public Works Fund Ac- ' cleaning Machines, Unique Boot Cleaners, Ben- j j y p roba yjity^j]| to lemmed t Bn<i l? h 11 '-," 18 t? 1 ®! 304 '??. appeared to satisfy TC ndors to see whether they would stand aside, hotening to Mr Burton's elocutionary ccim t 1;500 ,000 950,000 2,263,179 100,009 550,000 2,050,000 ' g* 1 Bazors; | wan probability work wiU be resumed at an all_demand._ Golden Eivors-were a; shade He felt thev would not stand in tho light of efl ° rt ' ', ' Land for Settlements Ac- - mOOLS for Engineers, Plumbers, The sectary of the Kelly aad Casey Com- whife\ho cl 4 M === count . . _ 897,150 897,150 200,000 697,150' 097,150 JL tera, Moulders Pbsterers Bakers Pajj. ' panv renorta a return of iiitS ? «i ? i • « Q« 0 ya"°ns were 43 w.ana there was one single case where the vendors POETOBTCLLO "ROAD "RO AT?"H Advances to Settlers Loar. ■ PQBTOBELLO BOAD BOARD, . 500,000 320,000 m 320,000' _ 500,000 \ three lereths r 'ah^ad' W in the\iroo'of moetiiw wro in the'market at 14s 9d, there were Mr Joel said they might move a resolution The monthly meeting of the Portobello Road count 1 .. -f 213,200 213,200 - 213,200 213,209 TTlOR Butchers' Use: Enterprise Mincers, No. with sSower S Manuherikias . hardenetl for liquic i !ltioB) pr - the v6ndors wouM Bwrii Md ™ _J n , LesVppers fl C ** dWrth to that i wWchk dredgo had. Soffit Aft fcould (ehaiiman), feoandj, 2,000,000 2,380,350 W2 920,090 W 3,460,000 tolves, Uioppers, Steel,. . been workmg; so tho original position was effected at 15s Gd. at which fi«ire there were _ he tfcou « M ,l0ttW Hinklev. Korth. Baeon. anfl-SM)™,. MrW.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12394, 2 July 1902, Page 6

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NEW ZEALAND BORROWING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12394, 2 July 1902, Page 6

NEW ZEALAND BORROWING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12394, 2 July 1902, Page 6