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Properties Por Sale and To Let. (HARROW & STE WA S T., BANK OF NEW ZEALAND BUILDINGS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, FOR SALE: MUSSELBURGH.—Good G-roomed HOUSE; bath, h.p. boiler; almost n'uv. CITY.—In Central Position, Good 10-roompd HOUSE; very suitable (or boarding-bom MORNINGTON.—Good i-roomcd HOUSE; large rooms; garden; i-acre; handy to " tram. 1 ROSLYN.—Very Good 7-roomed HOUSE; h.p. boiler, gas; splendid view; good garden; 1 near to tram, i ROSLYN.—CIose to inaiu tram line, Very Comfortable G-roomed HOUSE, with Jacro garden. , FARMS.—We have Good, Well-kept Farms in various localities. > BELLEKNOWES.—SpIendid Sunny SECTIONS, oil easy terms. c WANTED TO PURCHASE: ( Good HOUSE, of 7 rooms; north' preferred; in sunny position. First-class HOUSE, S to 10 rooms, with good garden; good locality. WANTED TO RENT: COTTAGE, with 5 to 10 acres; within 10 minutes of tram. FURNISHED HOUSE, 5 or G rooms, on one of the hill tram routes. Good HOUSE, Bor 9 rooms; preferably on the hill. Good 4 and G-roomed HOUSES. TO LET; I KEW.—Good HOUSE of 7 rooms; gas. h.p. boiler; garden. , ST. CLAIR.—IO-roomcd Furnished HOUSE; suitable for boarding house. KAIKORAI.—4 ROOMS, bath, washhouse; good garden; close to tram terminus; vacant ' early in July. LEITH STREET.—Commodious HOUSE of 8 rooms, with every necessary convenience; good garden; sunny. MONEY TO LEND ON APPROVED SECURITIES. ■ SUB-AGENTS OF OCEAN ACCIDENT INSURANCE CORPORATION. If, & -E, S. PATER S0 N, , 73—PRINCES STREET—73, SURVEYORS, LAND k HOUSE AGENTS, VALUATORS, it FINANCIAL AGENTS. FOR SALE: QUEEN'S DRIVE (near Ocean Beach).—Superior New 8-roomed Brick HOUSE; bathroom (hot and cold water); all other modern conveniences; conservatory; three bay windows; washhouse, with copper and tubs built in; a real good property. 3 OFF HIGH STREET.—Ninc-roomcd RESIDENCE for SALE; convenient house; beautiful view; £950. Cards to view only from us, , CLYDE STREET.—Nice HOUSE of 7 Tooms; bath, scullery, verandah and bay window, c electric bells, gaß laid on, copper and tubs built in; house on nice terrace; i-acre Secf tion, £900. i ROSLYN, HIGH STREET.—Gentleman's RESIDENCE, containing 8 rooms, scullery, ctc.; , beautiful situation: i-acre Section, nicely laid out; electric car passes the gate; £850. j ROSLYN, CITY ROAD.—Nice HOUSE of G rooms; bathroom, scullery, washhouse with ) coppcr and tubs built in, bay window and verandah; £523. ; ROSLYN, LITTLEBOURNE.—GentIeman's RESIDENCE of 8 rooms; bath, scullery, hot and cold water, and all other modern conveniences; J-acro Section; leasehold, £G per annum; good view and sunny aspect; f675. STAFFORD STREET.—An Up-to-date HOUSE, containing 1G rooms, with all modern conveniences; ground rent. £10 per annum; 42 years to run. UNION STREET.—Nice HOUSE of G rooms; bathroom, scullery, washhouse, copper and tubs built in, hot and cold water, gas laid on; nearly i-acre Section; £630. TO LET: ROSLYN. Hit*li street.—HOUSE, of six rooms; all conveniences, LITTLEBOURNE,—Nice HOUSE of 8 rooms; all conveniences. ST. KILDA.—HOUSE of 5 Tooms; all conveniences. DOWLING STREET (near Princes street).-To LET, on Building Lease, 391 ft X GOit. WANTED TO PURCHASE: . We have a GENUINE BUYER for the GOODWILL of a BOARDING-HOUSE, containing over 10 rooms. Also, a First-class TENANT for one; north end preferred. ; g C O T T & CO. (Established 18SS), 40 DOWLING STREET, DUNEDIN, : HOUSE, LAND, ESTATE, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, SUAREBROKERS, J AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. , We have Business Connections with some of the Largest Commercial Honses in South Africa, and shall be pleased to give information. I We have a Large Number of PROPERTIES FOR SALE, a few of yluch mention I CITY. " £1500.—One of the Best PROPERTIES in the City for investment. Forth street: Eight [ Well-built HOUSES; always well let at good rentals; not far from railway' station I and near somo of principal factories in city; pay to tho investor 12J per cent. net. , £395—F.DEN STREET (near Union street): Nice Well-built, Up-to-date4-roomcd HOUSE; ; scullery, bathroom, outhouse", etc. - £198 to £250.—1n City: 5 First-class BUILDING SECTIONS; good frontage. Can arj range with purchaser to build good up-to-date houses at fair price; low rate of interest. KENSINGTON. £325.—Xcw 4-roomed HOUSE; scullery, ctc.; cheap properly. ; ' XORTH-EAST VALM3Y. ' £175.—Four-roomed HOUSE and scullery; bay window: boiler and tubs built in; water laid ' on from two tanks; }-ncre; threo sections: orchard and kitchen garden; fowlhousc and run; live hedge all round; .easy terms of payment. * FOR SALE, Several COUXTHY STOKES; prices, from £300 lo £800. NOTE.—We have Purchasers for Houses from 4to 6 rooms in city, and from sto 8 rooms 5 in Roslyii. Wo advertise Properties in this column Free of Charge, and only charge Commission on actual business done. ! SCOTT & CO., 40 DOWLING STREET. "gIEVW R[G H T BROS. & C 0., AUCTIONEERS, HOTEL BROKERS, AND GENERAL AGENTS, 11 High street, Dunedin. BOARDING-HOUSES. in tho Goldficlds, and is furnished throughout TTIGH STREET .-LEASE; rent, 35s per 6»od style, and affords a really splendid ) XX week; high-class Boarding Establish- c ' ianc c lo a nushing and energetic man. The ment; well furnished throughout: tariff, 25s owner must have a first-cbss tenant, and only to 30s per week; price for everything, £300. " ! °se who can produce undoubted references rvFF RATTRAY STREET. -LEASE ,of *' e co " slt, " cd - W Good BOARDING HOUSE; at present- j\ EAI * DUNEDIN.-LEASE of HOTEL; full of hoarders: price for furniture, , * splendid summer trade: ingoing £450; etc., £225; really good chance. rp,l *» excellently furnished throughout. GRANT STREET-LEASE BOARDING T EASE of Good HOTEL, Dunedin; 18 years HOUSE; rent, 27s per week; average, •"-* to run: splendid trade: particulars on ) about 12 hoarders; tariff, 20s; price everything, application; business averages £80 per week. £300. STORES. Also, . KAITANGATA. Splendid - GENERAL IJOTELS in Dunedin, Invercargill. OlauSTORE, doing turnover of £600 por -"j-®- lon. Queenslown, Lawrence, Waipori, month; sure fortune to a man with means. Alexandra South, Cromwell, Chrislchurch, etc.' NEAR OAMARU.-First-duss COUNTRY C J\" STORE; grocery, drapery, boots, iron- fjHRISTCHURCH (City).—Good HOTEL; v mongery, oils, fancy goods, stationery, ctc., etc. 55 years' lease; rent, £7 10s; average ' Also, including Large Bakery Business; cosy business, £T0 per week; goodwill of lease and ingoing, about £600 in cash only required; furniture, £1750; stock at valuation. early application. TVUNEDIN SUBURBS.-Splondid HOTEL J FARMS FOR SALE. ;, Ip , Co"S ' TjURMS in the following Districts:— Purn- 4-roomed Cottage, and all conveniences;' X 1 kanui, Otago Peninsula, Clinton, Wynd- doing a very large boer trade; takings run from ham, Balclutha, Glcnkenich, HivcrsdaK and to £40 per week fiteady; the land is subin various parts of Southland. For cale on divided into threo sections; price, £2300* tho s easy term?. stock and furniture to bo taken at valuation. Exceptional opportunity. HOTELS FOR SALE. T r. VAII n . > w * B * yon want to Buv an Hotel. Call and Tn. I EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY, -We 1 spcct our Register. 2i will grant a LEASE of FIVE YEARS, t P ~ »at £5 10s per week rent, of one of tho Lcadin" : 1 ,?? HoW ' 151 " with COMMERCIAL HOTELS in the GOLD- _ , FIELDS; doing a business of from £60 to £80 Guarantee to do the Business with the per week, steady. The billiard room is worth lcasl delay and on the best terms pos- ■ 30s per week rent, which would make tho actual S1 "' 0, E of H OTEL valuations *wSTTCVWRTGHT BROS. & on. ' NO SALE NO CHARGES WHATS OF.VER. ADVERTISING FREE JOHN REID & SONS ESTATE AGENTS, ' VALUATORS, ARBITRATORS, SUAREBROKERS, SURVEYORS Lenses. Mortgages, and Transfers Prepared. 3 S™ DISTRICT coi' "F \RM DUI ? W^ nwr,#r % Window ) 3-14». HOKOA Ul DISTRICT.—Good FARM Wnndah HOUSE, coiner Dundas and of 200.acres, four and a-half miles from Clyde streets; must be sold; great bargain • 5 Gore, m aevcTal paddocks, with 4-roomed £qsq ' b fa > house. S-stall stable barn etc. _ A great 219. DUNEDIN.-Rnssoll street; 2 good bargain, £300; and terms if desired. HOUSES of G and 3 rooms resneclivelv--1 3-14". DUNEDIN.—Good HOUSE of -1 rooms preat bargain. £150 00n,s • and scullery, washhouse. copper, Shaddock 3.123. TIUNEDIN.-Splcndid Freehold PRO. range: nood drainage; north end: £160. PERTY centre of tnnm tmfi, rwii--3-148. MOERAKI. - Two-roomed COTTAGE ve t urn U !]a , 'Jggjand three-mmrteTi of nil acre, adjoining 3.124. JfU3SELBURGH.-Choic o SECTION the properties of J. R. Sinclair, Esq., and in Princes street; £SO. Mrs Murcotl: bnrsain. BELI.EKNOWES ESTATE.—Some Splendid 144. PORT CHALMER-S.-Superior. FARM SECTIONS in this favourite suburb tlie nt 30'; aces; handy to Port Cha'mors; ii pick of the olacc. three nnddocks; well fenced and in good 3-134. DUNEDlN.—Superior HOUSE of 13 or s grass. Buildings rotinrire 7-room«l Housf, H roopis, Heriot row; a charming rcsirow byrr. barn, slablo. anrl inmlcmcnt shod. dence. Full particulars on application Full iiaH'ciilnrs it on' office 3-133. MORNTNGTON. - VACANT ALLOT 3-14!) STTNWnAT.F. FVTF.NSTON. - Thre* MEN'TS, !6 and 18. Longwood avenue Nice SECTIONS 'vitb two f'onta»fs. nr,d 3.93, TOWN OF ARDEN.—SECTIONS 10 and rood ."-rnoraod HOUSE, with i-u'l-ry; in 11, Block VI. o^iiui\snoand ' fir=t-ola.«s repair; copper, tubs, etc.: land 3-40: MORNIKGTON.—Good 4-roomed COT' , < well hedged; fowlhousc and run.. Price, TAGE, with J-acrs orchard; for sale . £190. bargain- {.125. 3-141 Rnsr.YN.-Lorolv Ounter-icre SEC-; 3-135. PERSEVERANCE COLLIERY 4L'X TTON. will' sood FOTTIE of R ro«ms. in ANPRA SOUTH, for SALE, on'account W. riiH o! TW» etwt: a birenm ewt. 0 f ill-health o[ owner. A splendid n-o----3-IW. STANT.EV ESTATE -ALLOTMENTS nHy. worked by main dip drive, and limla. 6. 91. SB of t .1, Estste 21, Or onn. ing done by steam. Full particulars from being suh'l""o\o'' of S?"tion 30 11 ock V, us. D. a'"l K. T. Dist-ict; ti'e. Land Transfer; To LET. 3-32 GARTIE , JPRR oC aml OTHERS -POTTR Several FARMS, from 40 to 1250 acres. Full AORF.S. Market Nnrs»rv Garden fal' paruculars and conditions of lease from r lilo drained), with 2 I(irni> vin«ri«9. in full nrm vv o, umic-n rn ™ benrins. * lar e c trnnstn h"U=e S . ourur.bpr 0 0 7®"P er '° o r ™, of 8 rooms, m hous» and frames 3-Mn" stib'e. loo«e-bn\-. n7, i, csrt shed, cow byre, windmi'l. a-d oil tools,, IP pnTTA?T™ f ß . altcr >'' st - n Superior s plant, and materix' on ground, together jq 3 £ roora s and scullery; rent, k with new C-roomed House, with hot wop nmmv/. n . , ■1 cold water, etc. Great bargain. £850. St- " TlMiraltfor* scllirfg!' " yCar ' i pll,mbers: JhK. tr a vicw ' which canaot W ,n grasa; of 230 ; AN SS^^O g lar^ 3 3119 BRlGHTON—Snlcndid' F\RM nf 'irn paths; first-class stabling and coachhouse: 3.130. AVAIKAKA.—2OO-ACRE FARM, in 3 i paddocks; 3-roomcd Cottage; plantations, ■ MONEY (r LEND on FREEHOLD etc.; £400; a bargain. SECURITY at E per cent. JOHN UEID & SONS, CORNER BQND AND LIVERPOOL STREETS. ■MWII ■lIIIIIHIIHIH ■ IMIII ■ || mm ■■WW mi miumwUIIUIIIimiWHII'MBWBBiBBWHBBWWBB Public Notices T h e F.W Y0 R K LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. THE LARGEST INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY IN THE WORLD. r r Annuities granted on the most favourable terms possible, payable in any part of the world. Endowment, Ordinary, Life, tind Limited Payment Policies issued at lew est ratps md on the most liberal form of policy. Lives of Children Insured. All Policies arc absolutely incontestable from date of issue, if T- P- PURVES, General Manager Department of Australasia. * ■y L, GRANT. Resident Secretary for New Zealand, i, SIEVWRIGHT BROS. '& CO., j. DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENTS FOR u'JAGO AND SOUTHLAND. — — - " THE !; UNITED STARR-BOWKETT BUILDING SOCIRTY. QALE, .{3OO, JUNE 30, SOCIETY'S OFFICE.-NI3W MEMBERS, TO WHOM SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS AI!E OFFERED, WILL PARTICIPATE IN APPROPRIATIONS. e ' Further particulars obtainable from the Sccretarv. sr C. BAYLEY, ii- THE UNITED INSURANCE COMPANY (LTD.), iu Bond and Liverpool Streets.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12392, 30 June 1902, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 12392, 30 June 1902, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 12392, 30 June 1902, Page 8