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RACING IX EXGLAXD. A London cable stales lliat tlio nice for the Birmingham Summer Cup resulted as follows: \\ yvern 1, Longthorpe 2, Sut'vivor 11. NEW ZEALAND CUP, (Per Ukiteb Press Association.) CHRISTciniRCII, June 2D. The following handicaps have been declared: NEW ZEALAND CUP, Of ISOO'ovs, Two mile. l ?.


Tho second day's racing of the Winter meeting of the Tahuna l'arlc Trotting Club was held at Tahuna Park on Saturday. Tho attendance, though fairly numerous, was by no means so large as that of Thursday, whcii thefirst day's racing was hold, for tho very sufficient reason that a large portion of tho country visitors had returned to their homes. Tho going was very heavy, tho track being considerably worse- than it was for the first day. The cinders placed upon it had the effect of absorbing and holding the rain that fell on Friday, and as a result it was in a state of slush immediately after the firft race, had been run. It was just a- little bit of bad luck that tho rain fell on Friday, otherwise the track would have been in very fair order for racing. The events were got off with the same punctuality that marked the first day's proceedings. It is true one or two littlo matters arose that caused the officials to lose a little time, but by c-ncr-gctic push they did not allow these to prevent the events being run up to lime. Mr W. J. Gore again had to fill the important position of judge, Mr H. Gourley, jnn., was starter, Mr E. Hogg timekoopor, and the president and vice-president (Mr S. S. Myers mid the Hon, H. Gourley) were on tho ground. Mr G. Dowse, as before, acted as handicapper. There was a decided falling off iii tho investments 011 the totalisator compared with last year, the shrinkago being iIG29 IDs for the two days. The total money invested last year during the two days was £5090, and this year it amounted to only £t-3GG 10s. On tlio first day of this meeting tho investments summed up to fD327 10s, and on Saturday £2039 was put through tho machine, making, as beforo stated, n total of £13GG 10s, against £5990 for last year. In tho final heat of the Prince of Wales's Handicap The Heir was favourite, and Lexey was next in demand; whilst Eoldrewood. Phnebo. and Airedale wore about evenly supported; Officer being tho outsider of the party. When moving off their marks those who began badly were Airedale, The Heir, and Officer. Lexey obtained the lead going down the bad: for the first time, and hold it throughout, although at one timo Airedale was on terms. Bnldrewood " mixed " several limes, and lost his chance, and The Heir also made his task harder bv putting in a couple of breaks. The last half-mile, however, The Hoir trotted splendidly, but although ho cut down the intervening space handsomely, he could only get within a. short length of Lexey at tho finish, After tho MusselburgJi Pony Handicap was won by Punch a protest was lodged against the winner by tho owner of Neglected, who finished sccond, on tho grouu.l that a disqualified person had assisted in the training of the winner. After consideration by tho stewards tho protest was dismissed, but the owner of Neglected lodged an appeal against this decision, and the totalisator money was impounded, Tlio weather proved very fine during the afternoon, though cold. The following are some details of the races: — RANFURLY PONY HANDICAP, Of 23sovs; second horse "sovs from the stake. One mile and a-half. 01—Mr R. B. Latimer's b 111 ■ Spoonbill, Gyre, Msec (Owner) 1 2U—Mr H. F,. Barnes's b g Little Harold, 35scc (Owner) o

71 -Mr A, Pringlc's cli g Mora, 9soc

(Owner) !! Also started: 15 Evelyn lGscc (M. Allan) 4 Hulda 27sec (J. M'Kewen), 22 Crest 30jen (Porthoiwc). 8 Del Avis 35sec (G, Grant), fi Dot lCsoc (J. M'Kewen, jmi). ' Dot led [or about six furlongs, anil then Spoonbill took command. Little Harold, who was trotting unkindly, also passed Dot. Entering the last lap Spoonbill was leading Little Harold by about 10 lengths, and finally won by five lengths from him. Jlorce, who showed good pace, was about seven lengths awsv third; nnd Hulda a poor fourth. Time, Jniiii 40scc, Dividends: Spoonbill, £15 18s; Little Harold, it 19s.

ADVANCE HANDICAP, Of 30sovs; second horse Osovs from the stake. Two miles. 38S—Mr R. Rutherford's U g Rexie, Gyrs, by St. Louis-Lady, 19sec (J, Hardv .. 1 3!}— Mr E. Erskin's blk g Coney, 9sec

(W. Miller) 2 34 —Mr 11. J. Hawkins's b g Sierra, scratch

(Owner) 3 Also started: 3.1 Little Albert flsec (A. Binnie), 7J The Gem Usee (11. Logan), 30A Valerie ]:!seo (Portiiouse), !» Miracle Jack 2Gsec (Anderson), 10 Maid of Honour 2Ssec (M. Allan), 15} Dewey fflsec (Wright). 1H Architect, 28sec (J. M'KeWcn).

Miracle Jack led un to a mile, with Roxie as Ill's nearest Attendant. After going a mile anil a-quartor Rexie assumed command, and Miraclo Jack put in a bad break. From that Rpxio s chance of suncoss wns never seriously menaced, although Coney put in some good work in the last lap. Rexio won by seven lengths from Coney, and Sierra finished 12

lengths behind tlio second horse; Miruele Jack fourth. Time, Gmiu 12sec. Dividends; Bexie, i"l 1 (is; Coney, XI 12s.

PRINCE OF WALES'S HANDICAP, Of 20I1SOVS. Winner of first atid seoond to receive SOsovs oath, winner of final to j'ccc-ivo TOsovs; second horso 20tav3; and iliird horse lOsovs from the stake. One mile. Final Heat. fisl-Mr T. 11. Wilson's b m Lexey, by Lex-ington-Sarah. 3vrs, 21sec(W. Miller) l' 79 -Mr J. A. Buckland's' 1> g The Heir, scr ... , r _ (Piper) 2 'loj—.,ir ,T. Evans's h g Airedale, lfisec (Latimer) 3 Also started. 47' Boldrowood 3sec (Prmgle), Plktljc llhcc (Porthouso), 231 Officer Msec (J. al'keweu).

Boldrowood ami Plicebe raced in harness 111 moving off their marks The Heir and I lueer dwelt a tvitte.- Lexey moved off well, hut broke at the first turn. She was pulled together, and raced down, the back four lengths in front of Airedale, After going a. lap Lexey led. Airedale by about four lengths, and Tho Jteir had lost some of his handicap by a, break, Going down the back stretch for tho last timo Aircda.e was almost on 1 forms with Lexey, and the Heir was rapidly cutting down the others, Lexey turned into Hie straight slightly in ad\ance of Airedale, and The Heir lay third about 10 lengths away. An exciting finish (town Hie straight resulted, and although Tho Heir stuck to his task gamely he failed to get "I"' y suffering defeat by a short length. Airedale, who broke near the post, finished about pi;: lengths behind The Heir. Time, 2min Cisco. Dividend: Lexey, ft lGs. MUSSELBURGH TONY HANDICAP, Of 25sovs; second pony to receive ssovs from the stakes. One mile. 45;.—Mr C. K, Lainq's 1) g Punch, by Kin* . Hnro.d. aged, lOsoe (C. E. Lain?) 1 iJA-.Mr K. lownsend's p m Neglected, aged, lOsec (A. Pringlo) . .. ~ 2 61 -Mr 11. E. Barnes's h g Little Harold, aged, -tsoc (H. E. Barnes) 3 Also starifd: 41 Crest scratch, 30 Del Avis •Jsrr, find 17.J Dot- lOscc. Neglected led for five furlongs, and going down tho back for tho last time Punch caught her, Littlo Harold lying third about 10 lonrths away Punch turned into the straight about three lengths ahead of Neglected, and goin» on won conuortably by about six lengths; Little Harold about n dozen lengths ctT third. Time Sinin 3sec. Dividend: On Punch, £2 lis. | A protest against Punch, on the ground that he had been trained by a disqualified person, I was unanimously dismissed. The owner of Affected lodged a notice of anneal, and tho totalizator money was impounds!. OTACIO HANDICAP, Of 50sovs; second horse to receive lOsovs front the stake. 1 182—Mr R. Rutherford's b m Cling, by Van- „„ , r aged, scr (0. Grant) .. 1 .G-Jlr W', Christie's ch g Comrade, aged, Usee (W. Christie) 2 17—Mr R. Jamicson's b h Young Eurlin»ion, aged, 7scc (H, Ctaig) ~ ~ 3 Also started: 83 Moreo 10sec"(A. Pringlo)' 73 Flower_Gii• Wsec (J, Challis), IJJ Goodwind 14scn (E. M'hewen). After the field had gone a laD Young Burlinpfmr y i •"'/» d ° Mn ICT(!t,IS; Coffirade fOUT lan tlis behind Moreo. This position renmmed unchanged until the third lap, at the commencement of which Cling assumed command, and, maintaining it, won comfortably by a dozen lengths; Comrade second, a littlo over a length in front of Young Burlington. Time, smm .Isec. Dividend on Cling, £1 18s. .. „ WIXTER OATS HANDICAP, 01 4090V3; second horse to receive Bsovs from 10 st:l ' 110 ' Two miles. 59 -Mr E. Thomas's b h Boldrowood, by ... Genera l Tracey, 4yrs. scr (A. Pringlo) 1 S3..—Mr J. A. Buckland's b g Verax, 3vrs, lOsec (C. Piper) ' o 251—Mr H. .T. Hawkins's b g Sierra, 'aged, JSsec (11, J. Hawkins) 3 Also started: Bih Plan 20, ec (J. M'Kewen) -» Phoebe 20seo (R. Porthousc), 19J Cottage misonf" u 8 Johnny 11128 sco &

Aftrt a lap had ben covered Sierra- led Colwf J? D m, wUh J01n,,, - v 111 f °nrtli. 1\ hen the field hud pone a niilo Boklrewood had moved to second place, behind Sierra, Vera*lying tlnrd, A mile from home Boldrewood was m command with Verax next and Sierra thrnl. From that out Boldrewood maintained Ills advantage to the end, and finally won by MX .lengths from Verax; Sierra three lengths behind the second horse. Time. smin 34sec. .Dividends—Boldrewood, £3 8s; Vera*, lCs. DASH HANDICAP, Of 50sovs; second horse to rcceive Csova from stake. One mile. C. Chittock's b g Yankee Doodle, by King Harold, aged 18=cc 231—Mr T. H. Wilson's b m Laijf"™ 1 , lasec [inc. Bscc penalty] ' i'j ir t> t . , t, Jt 'Quillan) 2 10-l Ml li. Logan sb g Baxter, Jyrs, 2Jscc (Logan) 3 Also started: 3G The Heir acr (C. Piper), 1(1 loung Burlington usee (H. Craig), 43 Bob E. T Bsec (Mounteney). 1J Evelyn 13sec (M. Allan),' 49J Theresa AV IGsec (O'Connor). G Fairchild II Msec (Forlaouse), 2 Larrikin 18sec fW. Oranl). 81 Lady Hope 18sec (A. Prinele) 17 Waimoki 22see. (J. H. Kiston), 101 Ladysn.itli 22sec (E. Jl'KcweiiV 21 Lord Banhirly 24ser, (Robertson). G Devil's Kin? 21see (Anderson) nr- MSCC (UawSol! >. 3 * Dcwe? 1 SCsec (Wr:glil). J j Baxter was in command at- the end of the first lap, but 011 commencing the second Lexey was on terms. At the far bend Yankee Doodle Lexey, and Baxter were in close order. Racing for the straight Yankee Doodle went on from Lexey, and finally -won by two lengths from the mate, who was a length in front of Baxter. Bob F„ T. was fourth and The Heir fifth' Time, 2nnn Cisco. Dividends-Yankee Doodle £G 8s; Lexey, £3 16s. '

Xonette .. .. fl !) Bowman ,, r, 10 Cruciform .. !) 4 Kxwoor ,, (| ] () Torlulla .. !) ;i IC:;!nr,vui u <| St. Michael .. 8 1:1 (Hbju .. c » Ueuowu .. ti 11 (iladisia () J) t'ampero .. .. 8 ;| Sensation .. G y Dunchs .. 7 II! Tcrcclcl .. .. G !) BcddinKton .. 7 1'2 Grand Rapids.. C •) Caimir Chid .. 7 11 Triumph .. .. G ij Halberdier .. 7 11 Kiiviv ,, i; k Idftvl ,, .. 7 10 Shins' .. c, h Ostink .. .. 7 HI Xrjdmvind (1 g Achilles 7 10 Convoy $ Siege tlun ,,7 0 Kelpy ,, g 8 Canteen .. .. 7 !l Magnificent .. (i 7 MeKvood .. .. 7 7 Hulm .. .. 07 I'orirun 7 7 Legion ot Honour (1 7 Glcnaladale .. 7j -1 Sparkbrook G 7 Motor .. .. 7 0 Laurealo ,, i> 7 Golden Vein ..7 0 Clanburu Ii 7 Northumberland 7 0 Comfort c 7 Ghoorka .. .. G 111 Ontario ... (', 7 Vladimir .. C 3:] Sarchedou (i 7 Impcrator .. G IS Bombardo .. G 7 ("irey Scaton .. G 1,1 Waipnwa .. 0 7 Wolbeck .. .. G in Kingman .. G 7 Kelbonrne .. G IS Secret Society fi 7 Lavalelle G 12 Pinianm .. G 7 Calibre ., Gil l/i, Valicro G 0 Lady Lillian .. G 11 Klepdancer .. (i 7 Fakir .. 0 10 Lolnh .. .. Ii 7 Jfcnnro .. .. fi 1(1 Ora .. .. fi 7 Terrapin .. G 10 llomany Quc-on G 7

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12392, 30 June 1902, Page 3

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SPORTING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12392, 30 June 1902, Page 3

SPORTING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12392, 30 June 1902, Page 3