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THE DOCS AND HGF.OXS. The Dunedin Fanciers' Club's annual show Was open again yesterday, and in the afternoon and evening there was a fairly large attendance. It wan rather unfortunate that the weather proved ut inclement, as this nccesrarily prevented many from beinj present. Tho show, liowe.ver. will 1m- open today from 10 o'clock in the morning to 10 o'clock in the evening, so that- those kept at borne last evening will still have an opportunity of seeing the exhibits. .School children will lie admitted b-lweeu the hourof 10 and 1 o'clock at a reduced price, and at H o'clock the Industrial .School Hand will be in attendance, am! trill play a number of 3el"ction..-. In the evening the guessing competition as to the weight of pai. of fowls will be concluded, and at 9 o'clock a parrot, which i.- said Lo be remarkably clever, will sing a couple of .-ongs. l'bis parrot, il may 1m mentioned, has been in the show dutin;; the time il has been open, and has contributed in no .-mall degree to the amusement of tin- vi-iloi.-. It was omitle:! to mention iu yesterday's report that .Mi-s To,-ill-ins lias .m exhibition a handsomely illuminated painling of a pigeon. The work is a good one, and reflects credit on the artist. Mr Tho". I'. Lciiiy. (loveninient expert. during the e*,eniii'r cave an exhibition of how fowls are tied before being exnorted, and ebo bow they were packed l'o the cii-es'. He afterwards showed ho« the ease- appeared when taken om of the freeze, on reaching Ihe South African markc. He informed tho crowd who gathered' about the ' *ragc to watch his operation that not so long ago he received a communication from •Melbourne that no loss lliati 6000 head or poultry were put tiirougn the Covernmeiit Poultry Depot in one week, and that 3000 were put through ou one .Saturday alone. This was. lie said, an illustration of howeasy it was to gel through work of this kind where plenty of men were available. I'IKKOXs. Only I wo pouiers have been entered this year, ami neither is stn'kingly good. In Jacobins, .Mi- A. 11. (Juthrie takes first, second, and third with a trio of good birds, the one placed fir.-t being an unusually fine representative of his elasn. J'lie remaining exhibits are too short iu the leathei. I'antails, although numerous, are not good : and the same remark au|ilten tc Antwerp*. In working homers, M"ssrs Maeqinu'ie and Sniith (Veined la'.-.- first and second with tv.-o really good bird;, but they are run fairly close by Mr I). I'aterson.' The collection of magpies is about Ihe best ever •seen iu New Zealand. .Mr K. ,1. Killu wins the special for the best in Ihe show, with a wonderfully goad specimen, excelling in length and fineness of head anil neck. Messrs Maci|imrie and ,Smith's exhibit, placed second, is another beiuty. In the "unv other eOjOiir ' class, Messrs Macouarie and Sniith sweep the deck with four really fmn reds and vellows. Turbots form a' firstclass section, and Mr Fallu's winning cock must surely have occupied tho premier position nuile a number of limes. .Mr tluthrie, however, heats him fo, the special prize with one of the best liens Mr .Maude has even seen. Mr Fallu has things his own way with I'.uglish owls, and Sir Guthrie comes to the front again with Africans. Sir Maitkind'.s nuns are unopposed, but are w> good Hint they would take a lo! of beating, even had there been some additional entries. Mrs.-rs Macquarir and Smith show a grand collection of short-faced tumblers, taking Ihe special for Ihe lust pigeon in Iho fbow. The bald-bead classes brought nothing forward of exceptional merit,, but one or two good feather-loL'ged tumblers are exhibited by Mr A. l'Vaser. DOCS. Bt. Bernarda this year are few in number and niodioero in quality. Five (iordon setters competed for firs.!, place, but, like the St. liernards, none are of exceptional merit. Air F. W. Hooper's entry won on the colour ol tail. The best stamp of setter was Mr Hunt's dog, who was awarded third, but he carries a large white frill, is too dark in lau, and is pencilled like a black-and-tan tcirier—a decided defect iu this variety. Shamrock, the only representative of the Irish setter, in a fail specimen. Itetrievcrs, a« usual, are very good. Mr .1. .1. Ward took first with Itewi I'riiioo, last year's winner. He IS a dog of excellent head properties and type, lint a little out of condition. •Mr (:'. H. Harnett's entry, although in better condition, loses in tho placing of the shoulder? and head properties. Air V. Trew-ein'-s uo* lias e. wonderfully «ood liead, liuL in weak- in the pasterns, "and too long in the body. The winner in the bitches section is (I line specimen. Mr Ward's brown retriever dog Waikaka is as good a specimen of his colour as could he lound. Cocker spaniels form a good flection, (lie pick being Air W. ' C. lyevcrsedge's bitch, which lakes first and special, and was the winner in the puppy class lasi yeai. She is very good in 'he muzzle, head, ear, hodv. and feather, and easily takes the special'for the best cooker tpaniel in the show. Air C. D. Hudson's field .«panipl. and Messrs Kennelly and Irish wider ?panicl an* liolh vary riff specimens of (heir class. Collies aro mum numerous Ibis year than last year, but 9i-ii K'iti'eely $u good iu quality. Mrs Hlylli's puppy, which lakes two specials, promises lo (ieveloj) into a high-ehisy dog. Pox terriers form an ail-rouml better class than last year. M-- Keor#- Roberts's Whitelce Ually ewly defeated his rivals. He is a dog with good jaw power, flat, skulled. Jean in'the cheeks, fairly good ear*, ami lias a \vull-«hapeil ncelc, shoulders, and body. He is seareeK' round enough in ihe bone, and might have better le?l, bur Jitili, taken on ihe whole, lfl a very good Mamp of a fox terrier. Kkyes are numerically weak, and Mr \Y. MilV* weh-kmnvn pair take th-;» chief prizes. Irish twin's are repie<i»iijeil hv a nied'iim class lot. except Mr Fnllcrtoii's doi*. Hull do»s and pugs are neither numerous nor of a hitfh chi^. Tho following i.«» the prize list:-— PIC i-:o\\s. •.Hug*: Mr .1. Minitle iMolhonnel. < The following cnmplisos the list ut awards Ul the pigeon class : — Show homers. •-Cherjuerfil coid; or heir Oil" enUv-A. 11. Guthrie 1. Working Homers.—Any colour cock or lien: , Eight entric.-—M;:e(piarif and Smith 1 and '2 1). Pater?on S. C. Unrst h c. Am other colour cock or hen, under 12 mouths* Two en-trica-S. C. Huim 1. I). VaU-r-.oii •_>. Mugpics.—ls!;ic!v eo n k or lien: Seven entiies —K. J. Kallu 1, Macouarie and Smith '2, <f. Maitlund Macquarie' and Smith v h c. Master J. \\ illiams he. Any other colour, coc-k or hen: Four entries—Maequarie and Smith :i, and v hr, Any cole.m, cork or hen, Under 12 months: One eiiiiv -(J. 'lomkins 1. 'lurbits.—Black rock: Four entries—K. J. Vallu 1, A. 11. (Jmhrie 'J. \Y, S. .1, Tuttcislidd :i and lie. Black hen: Three entrie*-A. <luthrie I, \\\ S. .1. Tatterslield 2, A. 11. (illthrie a. Any other colour, cock: Two »m;tric.~A. H. Guthrie 1. \Y. H. Turvey 'J. Anv other colour, co;-k ov hen. ninlev Y2 month*: 'J wo entri<\v-A. M. Guthrie 1. \V. 11. Turvey 2. Owl«.--Knglish blue or silver hen: One entry—l*.. .1. Falbi 1. English, any other colour, cock: One entry— !•'. .1. Fallu (silver chequered) 1. Finish, any colour, under 1-2 months, cock or hen: One entry -F. J. Fallu 1. African, any colour, cock: Three entries— A. H. Guthrie i ar.d 2, .1. C. Fothergill Any colour, hen: One entry-A. (I. Guthrie 1. Any colour, cock or hen, under 12 months: One entry—A. 11. Guthrie I. Orientals.—Any variety, coek or hen: One entry— K. ,i. Fallu 1. Xuns.—Any colour. co:k or hen: One entry— J. Maithmd 1. Under 12 months: One entry— «J. Maitland 1. Tumblers.—Short-faced cork or hen: Five entries -Mncquarie and Sniith 1 and 2, E. J. Fallu 3. Macouarie *.*ncl Smith vhr. Short, cock or hen, under 12 month*: Four entries— Macquarie and Smith I, 2. X and v he. Short-iaced b:ildi:cad coik or hen: One entry— A. 11. Guthrie J. Long-faced Mack lvildlu'ad coek or hen: One entry—Marqnarie and Smith ]. Long-faeed baldhead, blue or silver, cock or hen: f lwo entries-.lame? Ilav 1 and 2. Long-faced haldhead, any colour, coek or hen, undei 12 months: Om» entry—Gardiner and Mann 1. Long-freed black cock or hen: One entry—Aiick Eraser I. Long-faced, red or yellow, civk or hen: Two ■Mitries-Alick Eraser 1 and 2. Long-faced, wvy other coloiir. co'.-k or hen: One entry—Alick Eraser J. Longlaced rock or hen, ui:dei 12 month*: One entvv — Aiick Eraser !. Feather-logged cock or hen: Three entries—J. Simpson 1 and A. Eraser 2. Any other colour, cock or hen: Two cu-ir?es-Alii»k Eraser 1, «L Simpson 2. Any

colour cock or lien, under 12 months: Two entries—Aiick Eraser 1, J. Simpson 2. Any Other Variety.—Pigeon, clean-legged, cock or hen: Four entries-Macquarie and Sniith 1 and 2, James llav and he. Selling Class.—Cock: Two entries—Aiick Eraser 1, James Ilay 2. Hen: Two entries— Aiick Eraser 1. -lame* Hay 2. I'uir. price not | exceeding £1 Four entries—A. H. Guthrie 1, i Harper and Murdoch 2, Aiick I'ra?rr t'air. J price not exceeding 10s: Two entries—Alirk | Eraser 1, Leonard Love 2. Flying Kaco. Flown from St. Andrew's. Distance, 101 miles: Three entries~lL Pullen, Kcori, velocity 123n;*ds 2't per m'nute. 1; A. Ci. Mncdonahl, Pilot, velocity 12">lyds per minute, 2; Dongal Paterso'.t, Ki?met, velocity 1105 yds 2ft per minute, DOGS. Ju'.!gc* Mr J. Maude (Melbourne). St. Bernard's.—Open chißs: 'hvo entries, one exhibit—J. Levin's Lord Cranly 1. Hitch' One entrv—Morlaud llros.' I'annv I. Newfoundlands.--Dog or bitidi. any other cflcnr: One entrv—J. A. C. M'hityre's Tov,-:ir I. Sutler-'.—Gordon Fi\v entries—F. W. lloojier's Stoker 1, George Strong's General Under 2. Miss Xinkie's Bruce h c. Irish setter dog: One ontiy—K. Shainiock L l»etrieve!s.--Curly-coated dog, black: Five eniries—J. ,1. Ward's Rev;i Prince I, («. H. HameU's IJtsvi Uruee 2, V. Trewi'm's Kanjit'-iubji :{. J. J. Ward's M::«lor Glitters he. Curly-coated bitch, black: Three entries— (L 11. Barnett's Pewi Xegress 1. CJms. Pitchics Fk 2. E. H. Barnett's Pewi Doubt Curlycoated bitch. Mack, under 12 months: Two en-tries--Charles Kitehie's Flo I, J. Burke's IJrown dog. Four onirics—J. .f. Ward's Waikaka 1. Thomas Timlin's Takoua 2. C. J. Moitoh'a Totara Brown bitch: One entry— Jwnifs C'aley's Flora Dora 1. Spaniek—Cocker clog, under :)Dlb: Two entries—Charles M. Xapier's Leo 1, no second award. Cooker bitch, under Mih: Three etinies—George Murton's Papanui Betty 1, Albert Joimsou's Fan 2, no third prize. Cocker dog, under 12 month*, under 3Mb: One entry - IlKdsou and Abhor's Brown Hoy 1. Cockrr i hitch, under 12 months, under .'I0lb: One er.tiv | — Xo siward. Black cocker dog, under :»0lb: Two entries—E. E. Black's Jet 1. Black cocker bitch, under :»(Jlh: Four entries—W. C. Lcvev* sedge's i'apauui Leila 1, Hudson and Ashcr's Coralvn i*. T. W. Pichmond's l'lpsciu Tigress Hlack cocker do;:, under 12 month?, under o*»lh: Two entries- -Edward Francis Black's .Tel 1, Hudson and Acer's Black Buy 2. Black ; cocker bitch, under 12. months, under 301b: i One entry—George Murton's Spreydon Diamond 1. Field do;;, black: One ontiy—Chan. I D. Hudson's Moonstone 1. Field bitch: One ! cnliy—C. I). Hudson's Victoria J. Field do#, olhtr than black: One entry—E. W. Hunt's Bvyndwyr Tinker 1. Irish water bitch: Three entries—Kennelly and M'Grath 1 and 3. M. Montu»uo 2. Irish water puppy,, under 12 months: Two entries—Kennelly and M'Grath 1 and 2. Xoviee class, dog or bitch: One entiy—Xo award. Collies.—Limit clavs?—Pough-coated dogs or bitches: One entry—Charles I). Ross's i)undonald 3. Open Class: Hough-coated dog: Throe entries—W. P. Heid's Merryehauter 1, Steers iind Mftcdonald'3 Gordon 2. Poughcoated bitch: Two entries—l). 11. Thomson's Southern Queen 1, Mrs J. W. Watcon's Nell 2. Bough-coaled dog, under 12 months: Three entries—Mrs D. Blyth's Priuce 1 and second special. Mis l * L. Faithful's Mac 1, John Youngs Coltness's Wallace ». Hough-coated bitch, under 12 months: Three entries—D. P. France's Cora Lynn 1 and Ouoenie 2. Novice class.— Potigh-coated dogs or bitches: Four entries— C. D. Hoas l, 1). Francis 2, Steer? and Mac* donald 3. Owned in Otago or Southland: Two entries—A. V. Bracegirdle 1, C. 1). Poss 2. Pough-coateu puppy, under 12 months, owned in Otago or Southland: Four entries—Miss L. Faithful 1, 1). H. Thomson 2. A. W. Thomsou ?>. Opc-n class.—Smooth-coated deg: One entry— Geo. A. Perkins 1. Smooth-coated bitch. One entry—A. Wright, juu., 1. Siuooth-coatcd dog, under 12 months: Ono entry—Miss Mary S. Peid 1. Bitch, under 12 months: One entry— A. Wright, jun., L Smith field dog: One entry— W. Sparrow 1. Jjearded bitch: Two entries— A. Wright, juu., 1 and 2. Farmers' nnd shepherds' class: Four entries—A. Wright, jun., 1 and 3, George A. Perkins 2. Fox Terriers.—Limit class foi dogs or bitches: Seven entries—George Roberts 1, Master J. Pogen 2, Tom Hides and E. Webster m. Dog: Six entries—George Roberts 1, Master J. 2, Miss Logan :1, E. Webntcr vhe. Bitch: Four entries—Tom Hides 1, George Roberts 'J. Dog, undei 12 mouths: Four entries—George Roberts 1, E. Webster 2. Bitch, under 12 months: One entry—Tom Hides 1. Novice class, dogs or bitchis: Five entriesGeorge Roberts 1 and ft, E. Webster and Tom Hides 2. Skve Terrieis.—Dog: Two, ent-ies-Willi nil Mills 1, Miss iluituu 2. Bitch:U)ue ontvy — "\yilliam Mills 1. Airedale terrier dog: One entTy—E. F. Xicolsnn 1. \ • Irish Terriers.—Dog: Five entries—A. P. Fullorton i, J. W. Beattie 2, J. Morrison 3. -Dog, under 12 months: Four eutrie-:—,j. l-\ Roberts 1, William Brown 2. BiUh, under 12 months: Two entries—J. J». Wylie 1, M-ss Tottie Faris 2. Dog, under 12 mou'.h?-.: One entry—W. J. M'Crone, jun., I. l3u!ldogs.--Do^: Three entries—W. H. C. Dixon 1 uiut S. Napier Bel! 2. Hitch. One entry—P. Stanton 1. Pugs.—Pug dog: Four entries—J. F. Mackaness 1, Captain Fleming 2. Mrs Kelly Mrs Edwin Booth v he. Pug hitch: Throe entries —F. J. Mankaness 1, Mrs Kelly 2 and ' Pug puppy, under 12 months: Four entries—E. J. 1, Mrs Kelly 2, -Miss Lily Parker 3, Mrs J. S. Storey he. Selling Class: One entry—Miss Logan 1. Sporting team class: Three entries—(J. U. Burnett 1 for all exhibits. Brace spaniels, any variety: Four entries— C. D. Hudson 1 for two exhibits, and W. C. Leversedge 2 for two exhibits. SPECIAL PRIZES. The following completes the snecial prizes: — Challenge trophy, value. £> ss, Dunedin Fanciers' Club. Open to members of club, for best bird in the show, gimie and selling classes not lo count -E. Kogeu. Challenge trophy, value fS 5«. presented bv the Dunedin Fanciers' Club, for best pigeon in the show—Macquarie «ud Sml'h. Ten shillings, presented by the Hillside Workshop employees, for best turb't in show— A. If. Guthrie. Ten shillings, presented hv Mr A. H. Guthrie, for the best magpie in the show—E. J. Fnliu. Suit lergth, presented by Messrs Eaton, Crow, and Co.. for best tumbler in show— Macquario and Smith. Challenge trophy, value £5 ss, presented bv the Otago Agrie'dtura! Company, for bi'st fox teirier—George Roberls. Box tea, vaine x'l I.?, presented bv Messrs W. Sccir.r and Co., for best Goidon sotte:--I'. W, Hooper. Trophy, value .fl Is. presented by the New Zealand Hardware Company, tor best retriever do? or bitch—J. .1. Ward. Ten "hillings, presented by the Hillside Workshops employees, for he«t retriever bitch under 12 months-Charles Rilehie. Trophy, vnlue .01 Is. presented bv Mr J. Ednmnd. for best cocker spaniel in show-W. C, Leversedtic. Trophy, valued JL'l 1% presented bv Mr J. llislop, for best collie in show-Mrs 1). Blyth. Box leu, value L'l U, presented by Messrs J. Patttav and Son. for best collie in show, under 12 inonth?-Mrs 1). Blvth. Khaki suit length, presented by the Woollen Company, for best fox toriier dog urder 12 months—George KobprN. Half ton coal, presented by ihe Lovell's Flat Coal Commuy, for best Irish terrier in show— A. R. FuiVilon. C:;se cordials, presented by Mr A. Thomson, for best pug in show—F J. Mackaness. Biscuit jar. presented by A. Briscoe and Co., for l»est fox terrier, opnovito sex io winner of challenge trophy—T. Hides. Trophy, value XI Is. presented by Messrs Ferguson and Mitchell, for best Irish water spaniel—Kennelly and M'Grnth. Pipe, value IDs lid, presented by Mr J. Mendelsohn, for best bulldog in show—W. H. C'. Dixon. THE SOCIAL. The social in the evening, hold in the board room of the Agricultural Hall, wa* attended by about 50 gentlemen, Mr It. Ferguson, vice-president, being in the chair. Mr Ferguson, in opening the social, expressed regret :\t the absence of the president of tho eluk Mr S. & Myers, and went on to state how pleased he was at seeing so many present. It was with regret that he had to mention that their judge, Mr Maude, was unable to be present, owing to indisposition. ami be bad to apologise for the absence of the othei judge, Mr Lu>cnmbe. Ho i bought the show, up to the present point, had been quite a sneees?, and that they had seen some of the finest specimens j in fowls ami dot*s thoy bad yet had exI hibitcd in Ouuedin. As far as the judging was concerned, very little grumbling had ! been heard, which was a most satisfactory feature. Last year the judging had met with favour, and be thought the hints then given by Mr Maude were responsible for the very marked improvement in a number of classes.—(Hear, hear.) lie proposed the lon<t of " The King." which was drunk with much enthusiasm. In responding to i:he toast of "The Visitors," Mr Uiley congratulated the rlub on the manner ill which the show bad been managed. He regarded it as one of the best held iu New Zealand. Mr Hart, in resnomliug, paid a high compliment to Air C. Bills, and recommended young fanciers io stick to one breed of fowls, He regarded Mr Maude, the judge, as one out of a hundred, and was sine the elub wa* iu a fair way to success. Mr Kirby expressed himself a* very pleased with the general arrangements of th" show, and men* tinned that it- was the intention to start a show at Xasebv, where they would be pleased to see Duncdin exhibits. Mr Clark. ' in responding to the toa-st of "Kindred Societies." said that the thing thai had | struck him most forcibly in connection with the show was the way in which the rub* that no one wa* allowed inside the hall during the judging was carried out. It was the only club that carried the rule? out ligidlv. At Ihe invitation of the chairman the Government expert. Mr Lo.ihy. nvulo w few remarks, in the course of which he said the quality of

the poultry here was superior to what lio had handled in Victoria. New Zealand poultry would soon make a name for itself, it« mutton had done. He mentioned that 500 head of poultry wem put through just preceding tho Duke'? visit, and this \va* a rr-oord fur Ihmcdin. Tho trade wa« iu its infancy, and its sueec--* relied greatly on (h<» (ii>t samples .-out to market being of good quality. The other toast honoured was "The Uiinrdin Fancier/ Huh," propo?.r-d by .Mr Lawrence, and replied to by Mr Onw.shau*. tho .♦cerctary, u'ho mentioned that so far the taking had reached £44. which \va* very satisfivcimy imlml. "During Iho hour and ahalf together the greatoM harmony prevailed, and t ; ie company were most capably entertained by tho finding of Mr (,'ariugtou, .Mr Flvii. Mr Williams, Mv Kerry. and Mv Uanlon, several of whom were enecrrd. Mr Aitrulgo gave most aiming recitation, and in response to a recall was even more amusing in an imitation of a variety of bird-.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12100, 20 July 1901, Page 3

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DUNEDIN FANCIERS' CLUB SHOW. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12100, 20 July 1901, Page 3

DUNEDIN FANCIERS' CLUB SHOW. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12100, 20 July 1901, Page 3