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ARRIVAL OF THE DUKE AND DUCHESS OF YORK. THE MARVELLOUS CITY EN FETE. an enthusiastic reception, magnificent spectacle, A CROWD OF HALF-A-MILLION. Press Association—By TeUgraph—Copy right.

VISIT TO THE OPHIR, 'MELBOURNE, May 6. ' (Received May 6, at 11.36!) Lord Hopetoim visited the Ophiv and welcomed the Duke and Duchess and royal party to Australia. All are in good health.

'MELBOURNE ON SUNDAY. Melbourne on Sunday is usually the quietest city in Australia, but yesterday Sabbatarianism received a rude shock. Thousands and thousands invaded the city fvom all quarters, and paraded the principal thoroughfares, inspecting the preparations for the reception of the royal visitors. In every direction the .sound of the decorator's hammer could he 'hoard, and thousand; of workmen were working at high pressure putting on the finishing touches. THE APPEARANCE OF THE CITY.'

This morning the city presents a magnificent spectacle. Looking from the Treasury and Parliament House, at the top of Collins and liotirkc streets respectively, the vista is imposingly beautiful.

A bewildering mats of colours, broken at intervals by stately arches, greets the eye, and the movement of innumerable varicoloured pennants in the gentle morning breeze gives a, kaleidoscopic character to the meture.

THE NAVAL DISPLAY. On Hobsou Bay, too, there is evidence that the day is one of unusual interest. The royal yaelit, with her warlike escorts and numerous war vessels of Great liritaiu and other Powers, form a striking spectacle. The huge form of the Russian battleship (iroinobni, bristling with guns,, is really a formidable object.

A fine specimen of naval architecture is the vessel sent by America to honour the young nation. She dwarfs the British vessels, which lie lower in the water.

. Tho Dutch vessel is the smallest of the foreign representatives. Signals pass between the different ships, and even , preparation is being made to make an effective landing of the royal prince. At an early hour the populace began to stream into the city, and admirable as the Victorian suburban rail and tram system is it will be taxed to its utmost to-day. ELABORATE PREPARATIONS. In the matter of number* it is safe to predict that Melbourne, will outstrip the .Sydney record at the inaugural ceremonies. Every precaution is being taken against accident, and, despite the wide streets, the authorities havo deemed it wise to place barriers to keep the public from encroaching ou the route the procession takes. None but mounted troops will lake , part ili the royal pageant, which will he 2000 yards in length. The route is seven miles in lenglli. me present programme places a division of Xcw Zealand troops immediately in advance of the royal escort, the baiance forming a part of the rearguard. At 10.30 this morning the Ciovernoi-flenei-al, the Lientenant-Oovcrnor, and the Federal and Stale Premiers visited the Ophir, and were presented to the Duke.. THE OPENING OF THE' CARNIVAL, (Received May 6, at 7.33 p.m.) The prophets having succeeded during the past few days in making Melbourne people miserable with tlieir doleful predictions of bad weather for the. landing of royalty, they turned out to be a set of false prophets. When Ike morning broke fine and clear, the heart of the people gave a sigh of relief, and they set nbont to joyfully make the most of the great occasion.

The splendid carnival u> anxiously looked forward to. so ardently prepared for, commenced under the most auspicious circumstances. A present- day proverb enjoins that to get a fair trial of speed use (he pace-maker, and Melbourne has availed herself of the pace made by Sydney at the beginning of the year, and ilie result his been a fair trial of speed between the two great Australian capitals to make the initiation of federation a never-to-be-for-gotten event in history. "(Jet a good make-up and the part plays itself" is an axiom which is also not forgotten. Melbourne succeeded in securing royalty for ilx leading part, and the city converted into a scenic triumph, the. mise-en-scMie wax complete. The plaudits of the multitude testify to the millinnt success achieved.

THE LANDING-PLACE. St. Kilda, with its pretty beach and esplanade, was the spot,- chosen for the landing. The pier was richly carpeted along its length. The view from the pier disclosed a line naval spectacle. The sun shone brightly. The sea. was smooth. The sparkling sunlight ami the heavy hazealong the sky-line caused the line of 11 warships to sUitid out with great distinctness. On the pier liea\l stood a flora! canopy supported by cigfit chastely designed pillars relieved with .silver and gold ornamentation, decorated with bannerettes and tlie Duke's colour.'', red and blue. An inscription surmounted the pillars bearing the words ''Welcome to' Australia's Shores." The g<patest precautions were taken by the authorities. Shortly before the landing was eil'ectcd-the officials passed underneath the pier and examined the structure. On the St. Kilda pier head the attendance was absolutely restricted to the Federal State Ministers, one representative of each leading journal, and n reprbstnttive of the New Zealand Press Association was also present. ■ THE LANDING. Just- on 2 o'clock the warships commenced tiring the royal salutes, the Russian vessel being the only one using smokeless powder. Amid the heavy bouming of guns and rolling smoke clouds the tender Hygeia with the Royal Standard at the masthead slipped away from the Ophir with the illustrious visitors.' She. rapidly approached the pier between u flotilla of gigs from the warships. As the royal pahite on the warships commenced, Lord Hopetoun, accompanied hy Admiral Beaumont and staff, came down (he pier. As the Hygeia steamed alongside the small party on the wharf cheered the royal couple. A few moments later a gaily-decorated gangway was run aboard and the Duke descended, followed by the Duchess, Lord Hopetoun receiving them and introducing them to the Ministers. The Duke was dressed in a full Admiral's uniform. The Duchess was quietly attired in a plain, tight-fitting bjaok coat and skirt, with black toque trimmed with jet cgtettes,. The. (juiet charm of her manner

impressed all. Her photographs do wA do justice to her features, which aiv animated and .pleasant. The Duke's bonhommie will make him popular in the colonic. The party walked ashore to a spot where the royal equipage was waiting. The troiips lined the bridge, the Maori contingent being drawn up opposite the royal carriage. As they landed ;i battery of Victorian Artillerv fired the roval salute.

The Mayor of St. Kildi welcomed the I)uke diul Duehcs?, who entered th» carriage, preceded by brilliantly-adorned postillions and outriders, followed by two Life Guardsmen.

APPROACHING J) E LBOI'RNE. The journey citywards commenced in the following order: —

Assistant Quarlormaster-scneral. Victorian Mounted Hilles. New South Wafci Mounted Kiflea. Queensland Mounted Infantry. South Australian Mounted Killcs. Western Australian Mounted Infantry. Tnsmauian Mounted Infantry. Xcw Zwland Mounted Infantry. A.D.C'. to t!ie Governor-General. ' Orderly Outrider. Three Staff Carriages. Orderly Sergeant of Escort. Aikuics Party of their Royal Highnesses' Escort. Military Secretory and Chief of Staff to th; Outrider. Their Royal Highnesses' Carriage. Equerry. Second in Command of Escort. Officer Commanding Escort. Novnl and Military Commandant?. Bear Tarty of their Tioyal fiiphncsEM , Kscort. A.D.C. to Commandants. Headquarters Staff. Officers of all Staiw. Battery of New South Wales Field Artillery. Battery of Victorian Field Artillery. Mew South Wales Lancers. Australian Horee. New South Wit!e.s Mounted J'iflep. Queensland Mounted Infantry. South Australian Hides, Western Australian Mounted Infantry. 'lVimania:i Mounted Infantry. Xpw Zealand Mounted Infantry. Victorian Mounted Hides. '

Passing Vitzroy street, the cavalcade swept under a striking arch according a welcome to the royal guests from thu municipalities of St. Kilda and Prahran. The graceful structure is classic style, was 130 ft wide and 40ft high, in imitation stonework, finely decorated by evergreens. This gave the visitors a foretiLSts of greater things to come. On the first purl of (he route I lie Duke's colonr.s prevailed'. At (iiivcrnment House gates lh(> open triangular space was Jjjic-lv ilecdlatcd with the Duke's colours. Moving mi between rows of draped Venetian masts and lines of colonial infantry, the party reached

THE CITY GATEWAY on Princes Bridge. Approaching the nieliway through a beautiful peristyle, the procession was received at the city end of tliu Civic Arch by the mayors ami aldermen in tlioir rnbes ot office. Tliey presented an address of welcome.

The Duke, replying, (hanked the citizens for the very cordial welcome accorded to himself and Duchess, , and expressed pleasure at revisiting the magnificent- oily, which he saw 20 years ago.

'Che Civic Arch occupies a position near the centre of the bridge, the approach to the city end being through a colonnade of pure white pillars, with gilded braziers on the summit of each column. The whole scheme on tlie bridge and surroundings is .something for Melbourne to lie proud of. The .hitherto unpictiircsque enviionmcnts of the bridge on the- St. Kildn side were converted into ,i beautiful garden cud promenade. 1 '. The first glimpse of (lie nrch was-strongly reminiscent of the Marble Arch at- Hyde Park corner, London. The keystone of the arch took the form of an ancient barge, the sweeps indicating the States ill the union. Tito inscriptions were: "The Wattle Greets the Rose of York" and "The City Hails her Monarch's (Son."

IX MELBOURNE. Crossing Flinders street, Swanston street was entered. Dense, cheering throngs lined the sidewalks, balconies, and tiers, on tiers of stands. Xo window where ;t view of the stirring scenu could be obtained was without nn occupant. The street." were lined with Venetian masts somewhat garishly -painted. Tlie artistic sense ivliirli catered for Sydney is deplorably absent in some of these street decorations. I'rimary colours are in evidence, while quiet, wMhctie colour-tones -are almost, if not altogether, absent. Passing the Cathrdial, thi» first of the (iiivernment arclifs is passed—

THE KlNfi'fi ARCH —gorgeously, if somewhat heavily, draped with maroon picked out- in gold, the alcoves containing gilt Mstiiettes o! the Prince Consort and the late Queen. Tiirnin,"! into Collins street, a marvellous spectacle burst into view—humanity rramming every inch jif space between the high buildings on either hand. —and a space was kept clear hy the military for the great procession. Largo nnmbcis of these sightseers had been in position from (lie early hours. As in Sydney, however, the large amount, of mating accommodation provided diminished the tension in the streets. On the crown of Collins street, where it is bisected by ■Russell street, is the Government'* XOISLK TRIBUTE TO THK DEAD SOVEREIGN. (From the four corners spring archways crossing each other diagonally, forming a huge dome-shaped figure, beautifully decorated. Rising above the centre of this dome is a cupola shelteiinj! a golden statue of Queen Victoria. The figure is Bft 6in high. The inscription is: " Victoria, Queen and Empress, She wrought her people lasting good. Hod gave her jieacs. Her land reposed, lieloved by all nations. Her Court was pure; her life serene.' . Up to the Treasury Buildings the route was brilliant with red and yellow bannerettes. Along Spring street to Parliament House the decorations were almost entirely floral in character. The steps of PARLIAMENT HOUSE were reserved for distinguished personages to view the procession, and presented an imposing appearance, with stands on the opposite side and a large stand flanking the slutue of General Gordon, the mass of people -cheering frantically. THE RETURN JOURNEY to Government House was commenced by way of Bourkc street. This was devoted to States' representatives, emblems hanging from Venetian masts, the prevailing colours being a combination of red, white, and blue; blue and gold; red, blue, and 'Vellow; and red, The first archway pawed

was that erected by the 1 citizens. Two piers surmounted by burnished copper cupolns glistened like balls of fire in the sunlight, the connecting span bearing the inscription "Citizens' Welcome to the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York." The scene looking down Bourke -street was one PAGEANT OP MAGNIFICENT FESTOONS OF COLOUR moving in the breeze. The quivering pennons and sunlight (lashes on.the knees of the fine troop of New South Wales Lancers gave a wonderful movement to the picture, Under (lie. Duke's arch—one of Oriental design, elaborately gilded and surmountedwith a model cruiser under steam—the procession passed through (lie section devoted to NEW ZEALAND. Venetian masts supported Manrilaml's coat of arms, mid the Duke's colours ivere the prevailing tints. From Elizabeth street to King street stretched the Avenue National—Norway, Sweden, Switzerland. Portugal, Belgium, iiiul other nations disported their respective coat-s of arms find national colours. Entering Collins street ngain a striking feature is tlio Herman arch—(iermnn residents' testimony of appreciation (it their adopted country. Industry finds expression in a butter arcli and a particularly graceful column surmounted with a figure of Atlas supporting the world. The Chinese erected a pagndalike structure in Little ISonrkc street. Entering NvranMmi street, the prows.«km rocrnssi'd I'rince' llridgu ami entiled (lnrcrnineiil Il'iu.-e, ilws ending I lie most enthushisiic reception ever witnessed in Australia. The fine physique of the New Zealand troops allriK'ted much attention at various points of the route.

A '"iKXKRAL RKVIKW OF THE SCF.NK. ■ MELBOURNE, May 6. (Received May 6. Nt 11.52 a.m.) Over half a million persons viewed the procession. No serious accidents are yet reported. Colonel Chippendale, of West Australia, was thrown on his head and injured. The organisation of the whole affair was splendid. The traffic was controlled liy the police in an admirable manner.

THE ILLUMINATION'S. The streets were packed to-niylii to witness the illuminations. In this respect tlie Queen City of the South bus not equalled .Sydney. In (lie laUer city the .streets were festooned from side to side with electric lamps, giving the thorough/., vs un appearance, of avenues of light. This was not possible here owing to the ' scarcity of electric plants. The streets were therefore dark except where they were lighted by mural illuminations. Some of the banking institution! , —notably the IJank of Australasia, and tlie Union Hank—were splendidly lit up with clever designs , . Parliament House was brilliantly outlined, the incandescent lamps causing the material of wiiich the building is constructed to become opalescent in character. Tie building was surmounted by the illscription "(!o<'l Ule.'s our Cummomvealtli." The Exhibition Ittiilding was ."imilurly oullined. the huge donjc and extensive facade enabling imist etfeclhv illuminations, to he curried out. Tlie Po.-it Oilico was very striking. The lower .-tiucltne was outlined to (liu rod tower, picked out v.-ith white lights. The huge dome of the 1/iw Courts was a glowing mass of red and while lamp?. The Treasury was tastefully picked out. in parti-coloured lights, with the motto " Hail to our future King and Queen." The greatest, triumph, however, was Princes liridge, which was Hanked at the city end by two high towers glowing beautifully with.blended ctilouml lights on the principle of I hi , spotlrmn. with' a band mi the summit of the columns. Running along Ihe bridge lire huge brazil rs from which coloured liri-s throw a radiance over a wide area. The Argus and Age oflices had linelydesigned illuminations. Probably the illuminations will be in a move complete state in a diiv or so.

TIIK FIRST TMXNKR. The fiovernor-ticncval entertain? royalty at a select dinner party to-night.

WASHINGTON. May 6. (Received May 7, nt 0.11 A.m.) Sir Julian l'aiinccfntc expressed to Mr Hay, American MinisUr, the British and Australian (lovenimcnls , appreciation of the cruiser lirnnklrn's visit to Melbourne.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12036, 7 May 1901, Page 5

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ROYALTY IN MELBOURNE. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12036, 7 May 1901, Page 5

ROYALTY IN MELBOURNE. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12036, 7 May 1901, Page 5