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THE RECEPTION , OX WEDXKSDAY. The m. Tongariro, with the returning troopers on board, wa? reported at tin; ISluff yesterday morning, and mretlngs were held yesterday for the purpose, of deciding what km to ho done.' It was at first supposed that it would lie. possible to have the reception to-day iT'uwday), and it was coniidenlly lircdided that the troopship would bo at" the heads at 5 o'clock in the evening She arrived off t!ie heads during last evening, but it is questionable whether she will be able to cross Hib bar on the morning tide. This will depend upon the weathrr and Ihe amount of light, at the time for crossing. If unable to cro.-u in the mornim;, she must be detained until the afternoon. It was decided ycslrrdny tlint it would he imp.,sililo for the reception lo lake plaro today, and lli.'ii Ihe projimmme would carried out as originally intended to-morrow (\V.:dncf(!ay).

the kkcki'Tiox committm.

Till; WKI.COMI', HOCMATj. A general meeting of (lie Deception (.'on.mittee was held in the Town Hall yesterday afternoon to consider Ihe ipicilion of whether the evening's welcome entertainment to tin; returning troopers should lake the form of a smoke, concert or a social. Tlif-re. win :i very iitiinerous attendance of ladiei, ihrfcfourths of present brim; members of the fair μ-v: am.niKsl whom •..ere Aii-silaincs (!. 1,. DeniiiskMi. i'.ill. .M'lJoiialil, and Taylor: and among the ueiitlemen wor» Messrs I'. It. Chiipmiiii. (1. I'Vnwick. H. Koeves, S. (I. Smith, .1. V. Arnold, M.r!.!!., 1 , . Miller, (i. M. Miirliiixm, C. Speight. X. 11. lle-11, I). K. Theoinin, .1. M. C'lnrl; lion I;. I'inkcrton, and the licvs. W. Sa.tii.lers and .I. ( His Worship the Mayor (Mr I!. Cliinholm) presided, and briefly stated the object of the mooting. Mr P. Miller said that riinie time ago it I/ad been resolved that t.'ie Miggested function should bo a smoke concert: he nowdesired to know if any re>olnlion upon the subject would bo in. order, seeius that no mitijo had been given lo rescind the previous motion. \ The Chairman ruled, (hat, the meeting having been called to determine this ipiestion, a motion affecting it would be. in order. Mr P. Miller then asked if the Ladies' Committee was prcenl, and that the names "f the, members of that committee should be read. The. Chairman reidiiil that if the members of the Lilies' Committee were not present they had themselves to blume, as notice of tho meeting had been given to them: and the .Secretary said it was impossible to givo'thn names of the members of tin Ladies' Committee. The committen had been added to. and hi! had not a list of names. Mr (J. Femvitk expressed the hope that tliern would bo no friction regarding Ihe matter they had met to decide. When he proposed his resolution at tho former meeling ho had spoken nomewhat strongly, because he felt it would bo improper t'o ignore the ladies. Tho siigpestion that there was any intention of providing an entertainment for tho ladie.? instead of' for the. returning troopm was wholly without foundation. He did not tee how anyone could underbke to fay positively what wa.3 the 'desire of tho troopers in this matter. His own impression was strongly that if they could take ,i poll of the troopers: on the, Tonqariro upon tho question as to which they would prefer—a welcome social with the ladies present, or a Miioko concert with the ladies absent—the troopers would almost unanimously, probably t|iii|c uminimondy. decide in favour of tho social.—l" Hear, Jicar," and "Xo.") Well, that was his opinion, and Ilio f!" who '-aid "Xo" would have the opportunity of giving the rra-oiis for his conclusion. It occurred lo him. however, that a compromise was possible thai would perfectly suit oil narliiv. A smoke concert wo* generally held I ill a pretty liite hour— 11 p.m. or later—and a very proper method of celebrating this function would be la have, a social tii a ceitniii hour, iinil that the smoke concert flmuld then begin. The ladies would then bo siMe to atto:id (lie social shall bo held on Wednesday evening, to attend a smoke concert. Su 'much bad been (limn by tho ladies in raising funds and in respect of matters which had made so successful Ilio deiimiiftralioiii- lit the departure of the continijentis, that it certainly was not at all the proper thing now to ignore their wishes, tie moved—"That a social shall be held on Wednesday evening, ami shall continue until 10 o'clock, and that thereafter it shall icsolve itself into a Einoke concert." Mrs (f. li. Dctmislon desired' to say Hint if the troopers preferred a smoke concert t , ) a social the ladies did not at all object. They desired that whichever would best pleiisi; the returning troopers should be held; hut Ilie. l.idies could not attend it smoke concert. If a social was held the ladies .would help to thn best of their ability, and would bo .-.hie t<. attend. 'I!ut it wan' not the mso that the ladies themselves desired to be entertained; and if it was thought the troopers would most enjoy , :i smoke concert they wanted the best to be done for them. The ladies must, however, decline to have auy'tli'mtr to do with a smoke concert. Hi- lieynolds m-omlcd Mr Fonwicli's motion. Mr H. Reeves suggested Ihat Ihe smoke concert should commence at 9.30 instead of at 10 p.m., and this suggestion was accepted. The Ilev. W. Saundnra said that if beer ami whisky were to bo distributed at the smoke concert bo should object lo it, no matter at what hour it commenced, lie irnxt strongly proltvted Huujilyinir our troops with spirituous drinks, and was of opinion thnt we were not doiliß inir vetui'iuug troopere juetiee in Mi[>p(i;ing they required s-itcli things. At the snggtstion of the Chainynn, i! was agreed tint- the mutter of supplying rcfieshments vhould be considered separately from the question of the character of lliu enlertainment. Mr P. Miller supported the holding of a smoke concert, but said, to show that the committee was prepared to make an amicable arr.iiigp.incn!, liicy should intimate llicir willingncfs Din! the smoking phould not commmee until 9 o'clock, 110 lmd no objection to Mr I'VnwickVmotiou in its amended form. Mrs (I. I/. Dennistou said that the suggestion liad been made that tho ladies Humid retire at 9; but it wae thought that that was ratlin - an early hour, and that it was hardly worth while unending for fo short a lime. The motion was mil and carried uiiitnimoii'ly. Subsequently the Kev. Mr'fiatiudors moved —"That it bo an instruction to the Catering Committee to supply only noii-intoxic:it-ing liquors at the evening function." This matter win debated, nml the opinion was expressed that it was wiFer not to raise so debatable a (joint. All Hint the committee intruded wns that a ijlnss of beer should be given to those who desired it. The Kev. Mr Hiunder.-, with the consent of the wonder i/f his motion, thai Ii should be withdrawn, in the refreshment.-) wtre to be supplied in that manner and under the supervision of tl-.p cominille,.. ~ The Chairman said he hail been a-ketl lo make, this annoiiiiceniriil:—" It is Ihe wish of the Ladies' ('nminiitce thr.t the (rnopers already returned from South .Africa should lie invited to the luiiclienn to moot their cnmradeß rctiiriiing by Ih" Tongariro." The innlion wae proposed at Ihat morning Y. meeting of tho commitlco by Mrs Corliss and seconded by Mrs .loncti. There, were about «0 of the ii'.eu. and the ladies: could prepare, for them. The recommendation was unanimously approved of. The l'.oule (.'ommitlce reported that Ihe untiermenliimed pcnllcmeii had kiudlv offered to iirovide vehicles:— Kx-Ilue-ars. dr.ig for officers; .Messrs IWicrl -Milne. Xoilh-lvis! Harbour, acconimoih'.tion fur 2; Hugh l!o ; s. Andersou's Hay. for 20: W. Hull/for 1; Kdward IT. Itrid, for?; I{. Wiighom, for 4: (!. H. Hoy. for ?,: A. lirowu, Norlh-lvi-t Valley, for?: K. .left's, for 8: 1). A.I. P.-umi, for 8: A. Lorie. for 16: .1. Wilkiu and Co., for 16: John Shaw, Tnieri. for b: Dr Mmdov.ald. for 8; Bishop XeviU. for 4; hi< W'orship the Miivor, for ,'i. Al.-o. the follov.ini: ilmiali»iM:-Mi- W. A. Monro. .03 .'<: Duneilin Kv-ehaiiL'n, £Z Zs: Mcr.>-rs Litidlav,- and (liav, 10s: MrC. Katlray. P^After disciiision it was decided to give the cn:nmitlee power lo cn';aE,o any nllicv draiy that mijiht be required for the conveyance* of the troopers, in the procrssion. '


Ycsturday leovnini,'. when .the nvva unexl)n:'tedly reacheil fliiiii'ilin llnl the Tniignriro had been niptiialled e.t llm Whiff, bin Wuivhii) the Maror at once called to:rttlier the chairmen of the ccmmiillece. The meelhii; whs held in the Mayor's room at the Town Hall at 10 o'clock, and after the pn.-ition of affairs had bcjii very fully discussed it was decided that in view of what had been already done in cnm;>lcti»|{ the arranqcnienti for Wednesday the reception should be, held on Wednesday;

The ( arrangement to hold the reception on Wednesday simply meana that the paying ami inspecting will be done before instead of after the citizens' reception. This need for attending to departmental duties is not, however, we are informed, tlie reason of (lie delay. Colonel Webb, as representing the Dcfenri! department, offered to fall in with the citizens' plans either way. Tlii , programme drawn up yesterday afternoon was as follow?:— The. Tongariro will [•nine into the lower harbour between 4 and 5 o'clock mi Tuesday and anchor off Harrington I'nint. Later "in the day flic will bo boanlf-d by Colonel Webb's rej>re«enttilive (De (!c litiutonr) for the purpose of carrying out certain important military duties mipli ai tin! medical examination of Ilio men and their payment. It in iutendoil to arrange, if po.-sible, for Hip parents of the trooper* to tret an opportunity in tlm afternoon of visiting the. steamer, proceeding to Port Chalmers pn.liahly at half-past 2. Kerly (HI Wedncrday morning the Tongariro will enme alongside 'thn wharf at I'ort Clmhncrs and land the trooper* for the reception there. The function may ho expected to end about half-past 11, when the meli will he brought to IJnnediii in 'Ilie Kopulai and Ihe Plucky, the excursion s'.oumers escorting Ihe troopers up tin- liarlxmr. Thn men will inarch from tlip' wharf along Kinj; street to Frederick street, tlic-iice hy way of lioorge street to. the Town Hall, where a short religions service, i< to he hold, and by way of Princes street and Manor streets to l'ie Agricultural Hall, wheiv the luncheon will be served at half-past 12. In (he evening the men will be entertained at the Agricultural Ilnll, and in ;i||-pr.ilialiility tin , northern contingent* will proceed north by Thursday's express for Christclnireli. TIIK itKLICIOL'S SKUVICK. The following is the order of the above, wl'icli will be held under tin- auspices of Hi. , Council of Churches, the Rev. W. .Satinder- presiding :-<)ld Hundredth, choir and people: prayer. Kcv. .1. (iihli; rondinir of Scripture, Itev. K. M. Titrnbull; three niiinilcs' address Kev. W. Maunders; National Aiitlmni, choir ami people: lienedielinn. liev. T. fi. Hiooke. The singing will he lead hy tin , (.'amVon Hand, and Ilii , whole service will occupy ahoui 15 minutes. TJIK MI,LOTINIi SCHEME The proposal lo liillet the troopers'among citizens has fallen through. The committee state that owing to circumstances which have ari=c n they have definitely decided to alianilon the H-liMiii-. Informality to this cnYcl Ims been pent to .ill persons ;vho offered to accommodate the troopers.



Karly (his morning the mayor, Colonel Webb, and others will go down to Port Chalmers with a view to meeting the vessel, and also to meet the Premier, who is on his way to this port by the ToUnekni. It is not likely, from tho time the (iovernment steamer left Wellington, and the weather sh>! has experienced being a very strong head v.ind, that she will make Port Chalmers much befoi-i! 10 o'clock. His W'on'iip the. Mayor last evening ex-pre--eci the opinion that tho reception must take place on. Wednesday, under the ,-ir, emiiflanrea there being no allernative possible. It is not intended, however, that the relurniiig troopers shall be kept at the heads or anywhere else away from their friends. The Mayor thought tlint the Premier would not hesitate to arrange that the relatives of the iroopcrs shall be enabled to meet them :tl the earliest possible moment,- It in probable that willi all reasonable expedition the Tongsriro will be berthed alongside Ihe pier at Port Chalmers, and that arrangements .'hall be made as booh as thp health olliciT has reported Ilia! it may he done, ,ud Ufce-sary departmental business has bee:i Imisactod. to permit the velalivi , ;' of the returned men to hoard the troopship. Thcra will be in such an arrangement no di-i advantage, and practically no delay so far as the meeting of relatives and friends is coner-rned. In (lie payment of the troops a mm of £1000 will have to be distributed, and there in;' oilier departmental mailers requiring attention which will occupy some time. If the reception could lake place to-day—that is, on the day of the arrival.—(lien (hese mailers would have to bo attended to on 111. , following day. but would have to lw dealt with before the men could depart to their homes. As it is. it is expected Ihat this work will bo done today, and tlie public and olfieial reception will take place tomorrow. The'steamers will leave the Rattray street wharf a= announced to-morrow (Wednesday) iiioiniiig, and Ihe whole programme will b" carried out, including the luncheon and the social in the evening.

In the course of conversation with a representative of this journal, the mayor remarked that he had no doubt relatives were ininaticiit to terminate, at the earliest possible moment, the long and anxious absence: lint Ihe arrangements which-alone are practicable under the circumstances will not interfere in any way with this being done, but will rather facilitate tho accomplishment of their very natural desire to see and meet Ilie returned troorers at the earliest possible moment. The only difference from what was expected will bo'that they will have this lneefing and i(s gropd'ups before, instead of after, the public reception.


A meeting of llio. ex-Hussars was held at the Excelsior Hotel last nifiht. K-c-Sergeant .lames Ilislup occupied the chair, ami there were between 20 ami 30 c.vir.oinbcis of the original troop present. Kx-Lieutenant Smith, on behalf nf tlio committee appointed, reported having engaged clings for the conveyance of members, :il.i(> banners for each (Ira;;. OflViv uf lioises to mount the officers were received from ox Lieutenant Smith nnd ex-Troopers T'aggart and Samson, tlie latter nNo olfcriiig :i waggonette. In response to tin; letter from the secretary oH'ei-ing In provide a drag ami four horciv for Colonel llobin ami' office, tlie secretary of the Reception Committee attended nnd thanked the meciiiicr fur their offer, which wns accepted on the iindcntnndiiig that the drag was placed fit the use of the eominittre. After iliserfsioil. tlio meeting came to (lie coiieliiMon that milct* the drag could lie used in terms of their offer they regretted they could not fee their way In provide it. Cap-tain-commanding C. Morris lOtago Htipsan), wlm was present liy invitation, expressed the opinion that Colonel Robin would probably be nli'.p to please biimelf whether he was mounted or occupied a sent, in a drag, and suggested that representative!! lie appointed to proceed to Port Chalmers nnd interview him on the' subject. pA-Licutenant Sievwricjlit and cx-Sergciint Hislnp were deputed to intcivieiv the colonel pn tliat point. ExUnbars will bo informed to-niorrov, , morning by advertisement where they have to meet the drags. OOLONIX KOHIN SWOKD-OF-HOXOUR FUND. Mr Tlicimiin, treasurer of the Colonel Robin nword-nf-lioncmr fund, asks us to ne kncwledgo receipt by him of the [nliowiiiß Milijcriptions:—Collected ill Town Ha" meeting, £u 10s; employees of Coven* and Mack, £2: employees o( Brown. Kwiiiß. and Co.. £1 13s; Corporation official?, £1 *>•• I«t j,l * .lolin Taylor, £1: family oi J. C I'onnmhy. 10s: family of K. Wither*. 6a: employee* nf A. and '1 , . Hurt, 19s; sundry Is subscriptions, £1 U Official subscription lists havo been distributed to (he principal slioplirepcM in I'rincc.i street and Keonjo elreel, and lo many business lirni* in other |i:'.i'ls of the city.' Further lists may lie had on application to the treasurer. DECORATING POUT CIIAI.MKUS. The work of decovaiing Hie rimle of march from I lie Ceciv«e street pier to I lie iwlimnccl ground at I'ort Ululmers was commened ycterday. The decoralior.-. l"d fair to be very effective, fIIKISTCHI'RCII-S :i'I!i:f'AI!ATKINS. CllltlSTCliritCU, May b. The Hc'ceptinii (.'nnimilten ill conncclion with the returniiii? Canterbury tvnupen mel thin evening and made arrangements fur iv formal re-eplioii at (lie r.iil«-J)' «lal:oll jlllcl a dinner and cmivorrtzionc in llin cM'nint;. Tliu rri'inirr will be invited to ipeal; at the latter, laid an invitation hu" '"'eu Umu-iI to Li"uteiitiiit-cn|iiiiel liohin. Thi> umyor will .•end a emignittilafcil.V IfJi'iiHW lo Miiji.T .lowsf.v wlion the Iriiop'! nrrivi , ill Uiini'din. The hcad< of nml of local and public Imdic, v.ill U' lue-cnl at the formal iweplinn. Srrvic.-. will lie !tcl;l by :i!l the .ImovSn nn Mnuili-.y. liicutcnant lirwiii, il iippnirs, i H i»'l <'ii the F.--. Timfurirn. Tlu> liyliilitm Tiims le.irn--that ;■. letter lie.ii I'.r.uvil U liis lazily elaliiiß that he W.I. Hoill,: on ,1 dip til CeyInn. C;i|iiain .loviv tirrived lium lie nurl'i hi![ ev.niiii; to ic|irc-eiit 1',,1.,,..l IVnlnii ,-,t il,e cTcincciiM in couiicclion willi tin , rrceptinn of the troop:-..--. C.ipliiin llayhur-t. of 'IViniika, wa< al<n :i nasienjjcr fnnn ifio north' to welcome home those v.lio hnd served with anil iimlw hiui in Snntli Africa. Tlie mimlier of vehiclw plsecd at the disposal of the Reception Committee U slil! not sufficient, and it is Imped ll'.at owc.eis will respond lo the invitation to-day to thr.t seating accoiiininditlicni may be provided for all the troop.M?. Tlio cb-.Kinittoc hope that the vavioiu baiub in and about Ouncdin wiil av-ift in talcing the march through the town lively by providing music.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12036, 7 May 1901, Page 2

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RETURNING FROM THE WAR. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12036, 7 May 1901, Page 2

RETURNING FROM THE WAR. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12036, 7 May 1901, Page 2