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Medica', SEASONABLE REMEDIES. WE CAN SUPPLY two good remedies for Chilblains. For those who have them all over the hands and feet, c»using swelling, redness, and much irritation, we recommend the use of 'TAMDSj. a remedy that Tarely fails to act promptly. Is bottles. For those who suffer from Cliilblr.ins that have a tendency to break, antl which are intensely irritable when the feet or hunds get warm, wo can with confidence' tepommend MARSHALL'S ORIGINAL CHILBLAIN OINTMENT; Successfully nsed since 1866. In boxes. Try Ilr CROSSLAND'S " COLT) IN THE HEAD " CACHETS. They break a cold up very quickly. 2s boxes. If yon Luve Goitre or Thick Neck, do not neglect it, bat before it eetn rliro'iic toke a course of Dr "WANLESS' GOITRFi CURE. This remedy has cured pome long-standing msm. No external application required. Pleasant to take. Suits male or female. 3.i 6d. Eoi Wbooning Cough tWe is nolhmg to equal CAS TANA VESCA. This preparation cuts the attack Bliort, and hastens tlio cure. 2s bottles. CORNS! CORNS! CORNS! Use MARSHALL'S KTJIU KLAVA. The only safe and sure remedy. For Toothache, ODONTALGICON acts like a charm; Is. For Neuralgia, FOSPHERINE cannot be equalled. This preparation is also a splendid nerve tonie; Is bottles. The only remedy that kills the haireater and restores Grey Hair to its natural colour is MARTIN'S HAIR PROMOTER; 2s 6d bottles. MARSHALL'S PHOTOGRAPHIC DEPARTMENT. WE CAN SUPPLY AMATEURS with a first-class CAMERA and all the necessary CHEMICALS and APPLIANCES. The compete outfit from 20s and upwards. . MARSHALL'S PHARMACY. 8G Princes street, Dunedin. Keating 's powder." \ EATING'S POWDER." " KEATING'S POWDER." ' " KEATING'S PTAVDER." " KEATING'S POWDER." . I BUGS, \ FLEAS, KILLS { MOTHS, I BEETLES, [ MOSQUITOES , BUGS. , \ FLEAS, KILLS} MOTHS, j BEETLES, I MOSQUITOES HARMLESS TO ANIMALS. HARMLESS TO ANIMALS. HARMLESS TO ANIMALS. HARMLESS TO ANIMALS. HARMLESS TO ANIMALS. The genuine Powder bears the auto graph of THOMAS KEATING. Sole in Tins only. KEATING'S WORM TABLETS." EATING'S WORM TABLETS." "KEATING'S WORM TABLETS." "KEATING'S WORM TABLETS." "KEATING'S WORM TABLETS." A PURELY VEGETABLE SWEETMEAT both in appearance and taste, furnishing s most agreeable method of administering tin only certain remedy for INTESTINAL o: THREAT) WORMS. It is a perfectly safe am mild preparation, and is especially adaptcc for Children. Sold in tins by all Uruggists. Proprietor, THOMAS KEATING, London. QMRKE'3 WORLD-FAMED jgLOOD MIXTURE. TUP GREAT .PURIFIER AND RESTORER. For CLE4NSINC and CLEARING the BLOOI from ALL IMPURITIES it cannot he too highly re commended, For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin and Blood Diseases Eczema, and Sores of nil kinds, it is never-failing am permanent cure. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Ulceratcd Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads or Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood pud Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Cures the Blood from *11 Impure Matter, whatever cause aritlni. Clarke's Blood .Mixture is the only real specific (oi (iout and'Rhcuraotie Pauia, for it removes the CAUSI from the blood and liones. As this' Mixture is pleasant to tlw taeto, and war ranted free from anything Injurious to the most deli c»te constitution of'either sex, the proprietors solloi suiTerors to give it a trisl to test its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. Clarke's Blood Mixture is sold in bottles, 2» ft each; and in cases contniriinjr six times the quantify •Us-sufficient to effect a permanent cure in th crcat majority of lonic-standini cases-BY AL' CHEMISTS AND PATENT MEDICINE VENDOR throughout the world. Pronrietors-THE LINCOLI AND MIDLAJW COUNTIES DRUG COMPANY LINCOLN. ENGLAND. Trade Mark—"BLool MIXTURE." CAUTION! Purchasers of Clarke's Blood Mixture qJioUH se that they pet the genuine article. Worthless iiirtta iiniis ate sometimes palmed off by' unprinciplo vendors. The words " Lincoln and Midland Countic Dny Company, Mncnli, Enjlaud," are ewraved oi the Government stamp, and " Clarke's Worjd-famei Blood Mixture" Mown in the bottle, WITHOU! WHICH NONE ABE GENUINE. HEALTH ASSURED. THE Suffering and Ailing can rely on ob taiuing relief by Consulting (peisonall; or by post, free) Professor NOTMANN, M.E, E.XI.G., New Zealand Health Institute, Marke square, opposite Colombo street Bridge, Chrisl chiurch, Professor Notm»nn is a Medical Electricisr and has had 20 years' European espericnce. H lias been largely consulted since be commescei practice in New Hc«l»r.d seven years since, urn will forward electrical appliances and niethoi oi treatment on easy terms of payment. 21aj i WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. E E C H A M'S P jgEECBVM'S fILLS Cure Biliou' ind Nervous Disorders. BEECHAiTS PILLS Cure Stoinacbio Troubles, such as In digestion, Want of Dysnepsif Fulnefo tJUr Meals, Vomiting Sicklies at tbe Stomach, etc. BEECHAITS PILL 6 Cure Restlces'iess and Insomnia, an. give sound end refreshing sleep. EECHAJJ'S PTLT/S Cure Constipation and Sick Hcndacht BEECHAM'S PILLS Arouse Skjp.?i»h aud Torpid Liver and Dispel Bik*. EEOHAM'S PILLS Are suitable for both young and old. BEECHAU'S PILLS Will make you look well, feel well, am keep well. EECHAU'S FP Are eold everywhere in boxes. Is Hi and !s 9d, containing 5G and 163 Pill respectively. COCKLE'S PILLS. FOB BILJ COSKLE'S PILLS. FOR LIVE,I CO OKIE'S PILLS. FOR ACIDIT 1 COCKLE'S PILLS.. FOR heabtbur: PILLS. %J ' FOR INDIGESTIOI "PILLS. ?_/' FOR SICK HEADACHI COCKLE'S PILLS. . IN USE EVERYWHERI nnnauu OVMI Bmrn at 1 e 2s 94, 4b Cd, 11b, and '>2; Of all Meiteim Vendors throughout the world — Marriage brokers are a regular institutioi in Italy. In Goiioa there are regular mat riago brokers, who liave pocket-books_ fille< with the names of the marriageable girls o tho different classes, with notes nf thei figures, personal attractions, fortune, am other circumstances. These '•••okers go abou endeavouring' to arrange c«nnections, in th same off-hand mercantile manner which the; would bring to bear ujon a puroly busincs transaction, and when they succeed they ge a. commission of 2 or 3 per uent. upon the poi tibn, with stick extras or bonuses as may b voliwtarHv bpjtwed by tie pirty.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 11947, 22 January 1901, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 11947, 22 January 1901, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 11947, 22 January 1901, Page 8