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Properties For Sale, snd To let. NATHL. PATERSON, EDWARD S. PATERSON, Licensed Surveyor.] ■ [Meiiibor Dunedin Stock Exchflngo. Jf # E. S. PATER S0 N, No. 73 PRINCES STREET, ABO\;E DOWLING<STREET. Telephone: No. 33. Bankers: Notional Bank. SURVEYORS, SHAREBROKEEf), HOUSE, LA.KD, AND ESTATE AGENTS. for sale. FARM, 249 acres; Akatore District; 'dwelling, outhouses; all conveniences; £750. SOUTH DUNEDIN.-3 New 5-roomed HOUSES; bathroom, wash tuba, etc.; £350 each; Richardson street. ROSLYN.-A very Desirable RESIDENCE, quite close to Cable Tram; garden; every convenience; the whole property in perfect orfcr, HlLLSlDE.—Beautiful DWELLING; situation and view unsurpassed; within 10 minutes walk of Po3t Office; a cheap home. CITY.—A Pine PROPERTY, consisting of 7 Houses, within 10 minutes' of C.P.0., yielding gross return of 9 net cent; a safe and pood investment. KAIKORAT.—SmaII SHOP and DWELLING, close to Roslyn Tram Sheds; quartet acre; £200; easy terms, CHOIOK ALLOTMENTS—Cavcrsham, Musselburgh, Allanda'e, Balmacewcn, hoitk-Eart Valley. Broad Bav, etc. ' , WOODHAUGH.—A Nice Little HOME, on the hill; chcap; gocd view, TO LET. FURNISHED COTTAGE, near to city, at reasonable rent. MONEY TO LEND AT LOWEST RATES ON APPROVED SECURITIES. PATERSON'S PROPERTY AND DREDGING AGENCY.

JOHN RETT) & SONS, ' ESTATE AGENTS, VALUATORS, ARBITRATORS, SHAREBROKERS, SURVEYORS, Leases. Mortgages, and Transfers Prepared. HAVE FOR SALE AS UNDER:— 1-.'P CAVERSHAM. — Three well - kept HOUSES, Forlmry road, for SALE, in ono or more lots; good property. M 7 MORNINGTON.—Very Superior RESIyiEXCE; convenient to main tramway; plastered throughout; containing 8 large rooms, besides dressing room, bathroom (hot and cold), pantry. etc.: outbuildings comprise workshop, coal house, wnshhouse (with fixed copper and tubs), stable, coachhouse, itc.; will sell with S-acre or over 1 acre as mav be deßired; cords to view. 3-66. DUNEDfN.—Two Valnsble BUILDING SITES. Lower Ratlray street; or would give long Lonse on Corporation terms. 3-05. BOCK.YS7DIS.—Good and Conycnient HOUSE of 7 rooms: 3nrtf« concrete tnn>.»; s'rhles, coach-liouse, and oyer J acre laud; £f*.. 3-GI. CAVETISHA 11.—Two Hood HOUSES of 5 roonn, bath, srullery, cic.; on tram line; price .W1 fii* two. 3-63. KURT. BUSH-in ACRES (all in grass), wHh P- F onm?<i HOT7STS, etc.: .ft 50. 3-02. 9T. CT.ATR.—Gentleman's RESIDENCE, on hill; charming propertv; lovely outlook: water surmlr reservoir nnd tanks. 2-3GS, 3-21. RAVENfin'OimF,—Serial Good 1 and Chean PROPERTIES, well worth looking js.fteT. 8.59. ROTTTESAV.-rPnperior TORTOEXCE of concwtp brick. rnntami"® 3 reception rooms, 4 bedrooms, kitchen, hsfhrnom, and rooms and lofty; 3$ noroa TnrrV, charminp on Honk; <*orveni?nt; .ihcitprp;!, pqod orchard; bargain; 'fiwrng Otf>"o. 3-66 OAVTJRPTM y Terr n:V* DwWfc Bnvvindow FOrSK on tram lina. cflntniniii* rooms, bath. Kucn r>rcs«, ?wn«ry, vflsVbonse with fixed copper pi'l ttib*. Phi^lcloelc ran" 0 , 4 cjiitpn. vntrr laid on, drying e-ci>n: almost S-18. N.O"RTH fVPAfiO.—"FATWR nf 29 In 21!) acres, in good condition find roaflonatfe pnrres. 3-4-2. ""O-ACRF, FAIW in Wailislr,; chesn; £100. 470.»»i>n FAHM. VV-abi: a pi": #1000. 100-acre FABJI, V»ip»hi; very ch^im. 219. DUNF.niN —Russell street: 2 piod ffOUSFS of 6 r~d 3 rooms respectively; preat barjnin. flso, 178 ffiso — 0!- ACRES Land, with pood J'wellino of G very large rooms, pantry, ho Hi, ■w.l'ory, ctr.: Shaddock range: «it.natr Tti^lyn: new tram terminus within 5 minutes' wa'lt of iroperty; great bargain; O'vnpr Mt TJnnndin. s-io XrnTJTJTITO'PnN.-Gdnd HOTTAGE, wiih $-acre orchard; for sale, « b.yftin—f")2n. 241. WOSTjyW.-V.Ty nice HOUSF of 8 rooms pl.«»t»rc(J: bath, gas, comer, inbs: n-'d 1 rood 7 nnlcs land: beautiful «not, and -trap: passes the door: bun-Bin, £MO, 3-36, MnßTfTNGTn^.—Eieht-rnom»il HOUST in be«t pure of Korninrrfon. with 3 rofldi ard land; cornw section; wonlt subdivide well. 3-31. NORTH OTAGG.— Splendid FARM n W1 acres; 11 miles from railway sWion; ir rniTiwrmis paddock)!, nil well watered; lim« ptone formation; well appointed honsß O 10 rooms, 8-sfall atnne stable, ha'n,' imr slied. etc.: rmTticnlnTS on imrlicntios. 32. INVE'RCA'R'tTLL.—t ACT.V.H Nnrser pTmmds, with vineries, tomato bouses etc; pTanes and tomstoe a nlone Wine it over £201 a year; price, £350; coat nboii dovbV. IGO. TTAWTHGRXnAr,K. - First class 6-roomed TTOTJRK. with sculler? wasHiouße, and all conveniences: ba; viindow. vprn-"dnh: la'ne section: .WV 8-28. KF,T,VTW GROVE.-Vafarit Section, £W 3C3. Brick am Cement TTO'USE, nf fi rooms bath (Jiot *pi cold vatcl. and all conveniences; clo«« t tr->m: full fPZ* 353. PWOGKVTIiTJF.—FnTTU ACTF.S LAKH with good S-roomed honsp. stable., fowl house, etc.; nio acre ArcVmrd, w»rtli al)OM a re"*" 'Priep. P"W 3-20." DT7\F,DTN and FAST TATFTtT DTf TWTCT— , nin"it TV: .Wn .tr Rln nf ef.ooi gracing land, frontiiir Taiei road, snd near Asliburn Kali. For Rale, bargain: 9.fa pel* acre; will be fold in ou .cr more Icis. TO T.FT. ST. GLAll?.—Sunerioi HOUSE of 12 rooms nil mo'l-r* con"»" : ' ,v "'Ps: cards to view SUPF.W.TOW New HOUSF, of 9 rooms, in "it: with "11 conveniences; possession abov 90fh Felirnarv. SUPFWIOW. WOTTSE of G rooms; St. Clair bath. pas. wafer. CITY—STTTTF, of 3 ROOMS; on ground flooi cnntral; re"t,. 00s per weelc. MONEY to LEND on First-class Securit at Lowest Current Rates. JOHN RETD & SONS. Corner Bond and Liverpool streets.

BEST EVAS S, HOUSE, LAND, ESTATE AGENT AND ' SHARE & MONEY BROKER, 10 Rattray street, Dnncdio. Has FOR SALE at Quotations; fGOO. —Splendid RESIDENCE of G rooms, bathI room; V-acre land; heenfiful gniden; I situ&ted Mornington; a bargain. ' £310 —Splendid ROUSE of 5 roomc, scullery, I etc.; situated Caversbam; very good pro- ' pertv. iMOO.—Biantitul RESIDENCE of 8 rooms aid bathroom; 1 acre land; beautifully laid out; house splendidly finished, both inside'and out; in the bwt nf condition; sitiiatcd choicest epot in Littlcbourne; two minutoe fro'n tram; n perfect property. . £2-10.—Nice HOUSE. .4.rooms and outhouses; situated off Hillside road; very handy to railway workshops; early application advisod, . £1050!-THREE.QUiRTERS of an AGIJF, all cultivated,'wth firat-claaa 6-roomed Residonco; every coavem'once; beat vineries in tbe'colony. A great bargain; close to ,tre—. £COO.—Good RESIDENCE of 6 Booms, with large freehold section, situated in Cumberland street., Inteuding'puro(aa«crs would t|o well to call early, as thw oliws of property is not difficult to qirit. £230— Qnoen's Drive. IfiiMolburijb.—Two j SECTIONS, the pick of this favourite mi rising luburb; big bargain. ! £250.—Foiir-rooined HOUSE, situated Film row. This ia a property well worth looking after • £400.—Good HOUSE, of four room*, situated top of Albert street: bis; fraekoM; bargain. £1100.—Magnificent . PROPERTY, situated ■ cloon to town, consisting of brick hnuse, with slate roof; b»tb, etc.; dairy byre, storehouse, beautiful viwery in hill bearing; tomato'house: large stable and loft; 21 acres land; lovelv pnrdai. nearlv ?-acro in extent; in fsct, the beauties ot this property arc too numcro-ns to mention: an idi&l home; thoroughly re«onim»nded. £700 —TCi'll'Wwcs, BeiuliM FOUSE: 5-acro land; bath (hot and cold water); a bargain. £450—HOUSE ot B. rooms; large two-storey stable; ci<;ht winurtu from post office; section, 33 x 100; worth every penny of the money. £300.—Roslyn, HOUJjE, four ioobij, scullery, ctc., with 1-ncre: bsrgain. £1300.—Snlendid HOUSF, 18 Tooms; every convenience, with one acre ot ground (more or Iffis)/, snlendid view; bj.rcain! £Gso— Surerb RF.STDENCF/ of 6 room", with larce Section; 'situated North-East Valley; this is .a roally properly, and worth every penny of the moftey. illftl-Centre nf City; GWt frontage; 3 DWELLINGS ot 5 room .'j, iii brick; constantly let to cood tenants: this is a property well worth looking after. £GOO.-'Six- Tr iOm»d Tiric}; HOUSE: bath fliot and cold water); really a bargain. £375-NOBTO-EAST VALLEY. S-roomed HOUSE; bath; with <i»vtcr acre freehold; fronting main toad; tram passing ! door; this is a nlnm. £525.—Sfllmtlid. RESIDENGF, of 8 rooms ; (new), all oti'hoKses, with over V nrr c: silnsted Btosd Bav, within stona'fl throw of itltv; a really chean pronrty, and very snitable ior summer botrders. £085.—'Upwards o! 2 ACRES, vacant; in very ' sunny position. I £1600.—T.ovelv BFST[)HNCR-. 8 rooms; >j*ith every convenience; 10 acres ground; ouly few minutes fro».traii; this is really r barirarn. ' £JOOo.—ST, CLAIR. J2-roomed HOUSF;: b'ntb. hot and cold; J- 1 ®" '""'h we " otit in flower and fruit garden. A reallj I first-class property t £150.—CJUARTFR - ACRE Freehold, Mair ) street, S*. Kilda road; trams nnd 'blisses passintt hourly; sirnny aspect; terms oi , ctuh. " £350 F.ach.—Two fi»»t-cla*» New HOUSES situated MiKseHiurgh; wa«hhouscs, scullery. etc.; Sections 33 i 132; very gooc r properties. ' JESOO.—SpIendid.RESIDENCE of six rooms; 1 pew; bath (hot and cold water); good de ' sign nnd splendidly finished; evervthinf 0 perfect; J-acre; sitimtcfl Musselburgh. fßSn.—Heantifnl' RESIDENCE ot 8 Tooms: bath; i-aore land; Montccillo; well wortl 1 looking after. , £350 — 1 -ACRE: three minutes from Pos j Oflicc; lovely view. . , £800—Beautiful RESIDENCE, situated St ninir: 7 rooms; bath (hot and cold wafer) ' land 66 x 132; nice garden. This is a first 1 class onportunity for anyone to procure : ' splendid house, with all modern conveni y encos, in this favouiito seasido resort. MONEY TO LEND on GOOD CITY PRO PERTY at 4J per Cent.

gIEV WRIGHT. BROS. & CO. AUCTIONEERS and LAND SALESMEN, HOTELBROKERS, 14 High street, Duncdin. . ,' • DUNEMN CITY (Centre).—New O-rooniedDWELLING HOUSE; bath, hot and cold water; magnificent view; priee, JCBSO. Tonus as follow: Cash 100, balance rent (30s week, with S per cent, interest). PURAKA.NUI.— FARM of 681 Acres, together with dwelling house of 8 rooms, scullery, etc.; oowbvres and sheds. The farm is situated closo to the long beach, and within a short distance of the croamcry. Veil watered, and in excellent condition. Price, £m IJIREEHOLD PROPERTIES for SALE in all part? of the City nnd Suburbs foi cash or or terms. FARMS for SALE in Maheno, Otago Peninsula, Leith Valley, Mount Cftrgill, Wendonsida Brighton, Dnnback, Glenomaru, Gore, Halfway Bush, Upper Junction, Kuri Bush, etc., etc. HOTELS for SALE in Duncdin and Suburbs', Goldflelda, Southland, (country and town), Chtißtchurch, Canterbury (town and country), etc., eto. MOTEL LEASE, Country town, close to Duncdin; 10 years' lease; rent, SI 10s per weel: Price, £850; Stoclt at valuation; further particulars on application. HOTEL LEASE, Goldfielda-Town; rent, £2 10s; goodwill, £400; seven years lease; Stock and Furniture at valuation. SUM of MONEY to LEND on FREEHOLDS and HOTELS purchased through us /\UR EXTENSIVE REGISTERS of PROPERTIES, HOTELS, FARMS, and BUS! NESSISS are open for inspection at any time to boaa fide purchasers. SIEVWRIGHT BROS. & CO. '|JUIt TON & P ATT ERSO f LAND, ESTATE, AND FINANCIAL AGENTS, ALBION CHAMBERS, 41 DOWLING STREET. FOR SALE. CITY-Quarter-acre SECTION. 66ft frontage to ono street by 165 ft to another street ; sunn; and central; on hill; suitable for subdivision; one of the very lew city building site now available. , ' . .. , , • Beautiful PROPERTY ,of 9 rooms, bathroom (h. and o. water, etc); garden, etc..can b sold with acre or jl-acie of land as desired; this fast-olassresidence is for immediat i salo as the owner is leaving Diraedin. ,«.»•' • i_ t. oeu /« i ROSLYN.-Magnificcat BUILDING SITE, in best part of t»is nsiog suburb; 86ft fronl age; make two good allotments. • , BELLEKNOWES.—Beantifully-situated BUILDING SITES; on siieny side of the hill suitable for gentlemen's residences; approximately 136 ft by 267 ft depth. to"let. BOND STREET—First-class OFFICES and WAREHOUSE; well lit; good storage accon modaiion; side tnlrftnce; 35s per week. . ... . . ClTY.—Niue-roomei HOUSE; also eight-roomed HOUSE; both on hill, and in ccmvemcr positions; also, 7-roomed Furnished HOUSE in good position,^ WANTED to PURCHASE, Good 6to 8-Roomed HOUSES, in City or adjacent Suburb: r We have TRUST and other MONEYs"tO~LEND at LOWEST CURRENT RATES Can arrango favourable terms to parties purchasing through us. : BUIt TO N & PA TT IS Jl. SO K, LICENSED LAND BROKERS, ACCOUNTANTS, AND SHAREBROKEES. HEFARMERS' PAPER—THE OTAGO mHE OTAGO WITNESS haß.the Larg WITNESS Farm Pages are universally JL Circulation of any weekly in the colo 'f acknowledged io oe unequalled by thone of suy in every farmhouse in Otago and Sou s ether New Zealand weekly, both for variety of »nd circulating largely in Canterbury n „ their contents and tho lound views expressed '» n °> aDa clrl TJ," , by the various members of the Urge staff of northern rural districts, jt pfle s l " affricflltnral writers. The Witness is well facilities for Advertising anything of. inter !- S?,med the "Farmers' Paper," for its name :a to couutiy mdeft. Present circulation (ste u 1 Lousohtfld word 111 every stltler t aoiuestewl. ily increasing), 10,250 weehly..

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 11947, 22 January 1901, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 11947, 22 January 1901, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 11947, 22 January 1901, Page 8