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Late Advertisements. ' COME AND WELCOME THE RETURNED TROOPERS from SOUTH AFRICA At the, GKAN.D MILITAItY SPORTS. CALEDONIAN GKOUJSDS, Cn BOXING DAY!. TREMENDOUS ENTRIES. ADMISSION: Ground, Is; Ladies and Children, Gd. Grand Stand, Gd Extra, TWELVE - MILE GOLD DREDGING COMPANY (LIMITED). Situated on the Grey River, one mile above the celebrated GREY RIVER DREDGING COMPANY'S CLAIM, whose Dredge last week secured 161oz. CAPITAL £10,000, In 10,000 Shares of £1 Each. This Company is being formed to work a claim of about 100 Acres oi the Grey River and its adjacent auriferous banks, situate at the Twelve-mile, at the junction ol No Town Creek and Grey River, adjoining the propertj of the Ruby Creek Gold Dredging Company, who are now erecting an up-to-date dredging plant. The auriferous nature of the Grey River and locality is beyond doubt. From the accomponyiug reports, which speak for themselves, :t will be'gathered that the property is an exceedingly valuable one. The vendors have r.o hesistation in suggesting it as one of the very best dredging opportunities offered from the AVest Coast. The property is within a. short distance of the No Town Railway Station and blackball Coal Bins, making transit of material easy and inexpensive. REPORTS. The ground is accessible by road and rai!, therefore the requisite material can be delivered cheaply. Timber for hull construction is cheap and plentiful. The ground is not of a heavy character. The bed-rock is highly favourable for the cleaning up by dredge buckets, and coal of first-class quality can be obtained from either Blackball or Brunner mines. JAMES BISHOP, M.I.M.E. I have good reason to think that this part of the river will pay handsomely. Gold can be obtained on any part of the claim as far down as the water will allow. W. GRIFFITHS, Prospector. Copies of the full prospectus can be had on application to the Brokers, BAKER BROS., Dunedin; BAKER BROS., Christchurch; BAKER BROS., Wellington; BAKER BROS., Auckland; or E. WICKS, Greyniouth. p

TTVULY miMES AND . "TO"ITNESS VMAS A NNUAL, ONE OF THE BEST PICTORIAL ISSUES OF THE YEAR. The above Publicatkm is Now Published. Newsagents and Runners who have not sent in their Orders aye advised to do so AT ONCE, otherwise the issue of their parcels may be delayed. PRICE ONE SHILLING. mHE NATION'S HOLIDAYS: •*• XMAS AND NEW YEAR. I HAVE PROVIDED FOR ALL CLASSES. FOOTWEAR OF EVERY DESCRIPTION At Reasonable Prices at my Store, 101 George street. H. ISLIP, Boot and Shoe Importer. 21d DAVID BAXTER & CO., Importers of CEYLON TEAS, n Larga and Small Package', Packed in Ceylon "KANDYAA 7" BRAND Is Rich, Fragiant, and Malty. Also, VERY OLD GLICNLIVET WHISKY, "THE GOVERNOJV; A clean, wholesome, and well-matured spirit of excellent l.ouquet and flavour. MONEY. HOKDEK k MOLONEY, 90 Princes street, Telephone, 1233. MONEY BROKERS, Money to lend on Furniture, Pianos, Cattle, Horses, Life Policies, Promissory Notes. Trade Bills discounted at Hank Rates. No commission. TENKI N S ' S INSTITUTE for MEDICAL ELECTRICITY, Upper Rattray street, Dunedin. The Most Completely Furnished ElectroMedical Establishment in the Colonies. Treatment by Latest Scientific Methods—viz.: Galvanism, Faradism, Franklinism, Magnet■|nm, Electric Massage, Hot Air, Vapour, Galfanic and Coloured Sunlight Baths, etc. Powerful Rontgen X Rays employed. The following Afflictions Treated by Mr Jenkins with most gratifying results:—Brain and Nerve Exhaustion, Muscular Contractions, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Partial Paralysis, St. Vitus's Dance, Synovitis, Goitre, Injured Spine, etc. Superfluous Hair removed without pain by Electrolysis. Lady Assistant for Lady Patients. 1 AAA PRIME Turkeys, Geese, Ducklings, XU'l/il Fowls, which wo can recommend. Alf. Brown, King street; telephone 9SO. 21 d WANTED— Direct from best British manufacturers, White Dress Shirts, 3s Gd, 4s Gd, 5s Gd, Gs 6d—Bentham's, George street. f*i ' RITCHIE'S, .29 George street, is the VJT. best place for Tea Sets; splendid variety. MEAT SAFES—The Cheapest and Best Line ever offered to be seen at G. Ritchie's, 29 George street. LAMPS! LAMPS! LAMPS!—The Finest Assortment to be seen at Geo. Ritchie's, 2D George street. nnHE Leading House for General Household JL Ironmongery is Geo. Ritchie's, 29 George street._ TUST Opened up, the Latest Spirit Stove; fj on view at Geo. Ritchie's, 29 George street. TIE place to Buy your AVringers is at GEO. RITCHIE'S, 29 George street. 21 d mHE " Zealandia" Umbrella Factory Now J- Open. Umbrellas Mude, Re-covered, Repaired ; factory prices.—l2B George street. MATRIMONIAL.— Young man wanting good wife should give the girl a " Zealanilia " Umbrella—l2B George street. GiOLD and Silver-mounted Umbrellas; suitr able for Xrnas presents; 10s to 10s— " Zealandia," 12S George street. DON'T destroy your Umbrella Frames; have them Re-covered—made like new—for 2s 0:1—" ZEALANDIA." 128 George street. 21d r"<HRISTMAS CARDS—Choice Designs in \J New Season's Cards, from the best makers.—Bressey, bookseller, 151 George street. ftl-IRISTMAS CARDS of every description, \j boxed, folding, celluloid; Cheap Packets from 6d; Boxes beautiful Folding Cards. (PHRISTMAS ANNUALS—Boys' Own, Girls' 'U Own, Chatterbox, Sunday, Children's Friend, Infants' Magazine, Prize. jpHRISTMAS ANNUALS—Pears', Holly Xj Leaves, Young Ladies' Journal, Christmas Otago Witness, Christmas Evening Star. CHRISTMAS Presents, Shell Goods, and \J Photograph Frames in great variety; Albums, Workboxes, Desks. tf-<HRISTMAS Gifts, Picture Books. Purses, \J Bibles, Pocketbooks, Pocket Knives— BRESSEY, 151 George street. 17d SEE Miss dough's display of Xmas Novelties—Dolls, Toys, Companions, and useful Presents for all." XMAS CARDS! Xmas Cards! Newest Designs; Newest Styles; large variety just opened up; inspection invited. WANTED, Seekers after Presents see Miss dough's large and varied Stock Xmas Novelties; suitable for a.ll. SILK Handkerchiefs, Purses, Perfumes. Photo Frames, Scented Soan. and all kinds of ornaments, at Miss CLOUGH'S. ]9d STAMP with your own Name for marking linen; Is Gd.—Anglo-American Novelty Company, 142 George street. 10d G. GREEN. "OEMEMBER, Best Value in Boots, Shoes, JX Slippers; see windows—J. G. Green, manufacturer, importer, 37 George street. SPECIALITIES.— Ladies' Superior Walking Shoes, 4s 6d, 5s Gd; Chrome, guaranteed, 7s 6d, 8s Gd; Children's Strong Balmorals, 7 to, 9, 3s Gd. CANVAS SHOES, black, brown, white, 2s lid upwards; Evening Shoes, heels, 2s Gd upwards; Carpet Slippers, Is Gd upwards. f~i ENTLEMEN'S Chrome Goloshed BalsJT morals, 12s 6d; Black Canvas Shoes, 5b 6d. J. G. GREEN, boot manufacturer, importer, 37 George street, • 27n

A HANDSOME PRESENT T7K>R YOURSELF OE OTHERS— mHE BLICK TYPEWRITER, £10 lOs rf-"IALL AND INVESTIGATE/ mHE TYPEWRITER COMPANY (LIMIX TED), 12 Rattray street, Typewriter Importers and Repairers; Dealers in Typewriter Supplies. 22d TJAPERHANG INGS.—Purchasers will find Jl our Stock contains Artistic Designs and Colourings at lowest prices.—Smith and Smith. WARRANTED Genuine White Lead and Pure Linseed Oils at wholesale prices for cash.—Smith and Smith, Duneclin. SHEET Glass, Mirror Glass, Bevelled Plates. Glass Shades, Hessian Canvas, and Scrim Cloth.—Smith and Smith. OAAAO Pieces Paperhangings to choose OUUIm from. High-class Decorative . Goods for dining and drawing rooms. ARTISTS' Colours.—The "Tadema" Box, filled complete—Colours. Brushes.', Palette. Oils; 18s each.—Smith and Smith. ARTISTS'. Colours.—Boxes, Easels, Stools. Umbrellas, and Materials; wholesale and retail.—Smith and Smith, Dunodin. AND NEWTON'S Tube Colours; y ¥ a splendid assortment of unfilled Artists' Boxes at low prices. OXIDE and Minium Paint prevents rust on roofs; 5 colours, gallons and halves.— Smith and Smith. PICTURE Frame Mouldings" of the finest quality; Picture Framing at lowest prices.—SMlTH AND SMITH, Dunedin. 22d QCOTT & WILSON. VENETIAN Blinds, quality unequalled, painted any shade; durable tapes ami cords in great variety. ART Holland Blinds and Spring Rollers fitted to shops and dwellings. Call and inspect our stock. REPAIRS promptly and thoroughly attended to; Venetian Blinds Renovated. —SCOTT * WILSON, St. Andrew street, Dunedin. Bap I' ARGE Supply Fresh and Smoked Fish J daily; Prime Poultry and Rabbits— Georgeaon, Rattray and George streets. 22d /CHRISTMAS and New Year CAKES; all \j sizes, weighed, 8d par lb; best value in town ; largest Shilling Shortbread ; Ornamental Cakes from four shillings up.—Aldred, 34 George street. 22c! CHRISTMAS ANNUALS - Boys' Own, Girls' Own, Chums, Chatterbox, Sunday, Quiver, etc.—Driver's Book Room, Octagon^ jptHRISTMAS CARDS, Presents, Prizes, \J Books by best authors; beautiful Sets for presentation.—Driver's Book Room, Octagon. HOLIDAY READING in abundance and variety and exceedingly cheap at DRIVER'S New and Second-hand Book Room, Octagon. 22d FOR comfort get MURRAY & COS Dr Jim Frame, Hard Felt, and Straw Hats.—32 Princes street. BEST value in Silver-mounted Umbrellas at Murray and Co.'s, Princes street. SEE Caps, Sweaters, Tennis and Cricket Shirts at Murray and Co.'s, opposite City Hotel. /pRICKET and Tennis Trousers, special \J value, at Murray and Co.'s, Princes street. FOR, Summer Underclothing in Natural Wool r.nd Merino try Murray and Co.'s, 32 Princes street. MURRAY & CO.'S White and Coloured Shirts are up to date for quality and price.—32 Princes street. 22d A AND E. WATKINS, Princes street— ±X* Sec Our Own Make Wishing Bonnets, Buttoned Hats (easily ironed). VMAS Presents—Our Own Make Frocks, .-A. Pinafores; Children's Underclothing shapes), Washing Coats in pique. BEST House in Town for Children's Goods; Babylineu Outfits from 10s. XMAS Presents—Ladies' Lace Ties from Is; La-ec Fichus, Kid Glovc3 (only good makes kept). "OiTE are Noted for Our Veilings; inspection V v invited -A. and E. WATKINS. 22d MISS ADELA HOOPER, of Adelaide, PROFESSOR of Dancing, Deportment, Calisthenics; for some years Resident Assistant of Madame Garbois, Kildare street, Dublin. HYGIENIC Spanish Graceful Exercises, and all fashionable Dances; circulars at Dresden Depot. 15d A NGLO-PARISIAN DRESS-CUTTING— X-*- "Ideal' one-piece Chart; easy to learn; perfect results.—Miss Kate Stewart. Evening Classes. Opposite D.I.C. 4{ MISS KATE STEWART Resumed Teaching Anglo-Parisian System of Dress-cutting —simplicity, elegance, perfect fit. T ADIES who wish to make their own Ji-J Dresses with elegant finish, Learn AngloParisian System of Dress-cutting. TUI " Extract of Soap; fully as good as the best imported in every respect; all grocers. 25au ST. GEORGE JAM—Best in the market.All Grocers. DR HONMAN'S BALSAM; the great speciflc for Consumption; a Certain Cure for Consumption and all Diseases Lungs. TTNFLUENZA —Dr Mackenzie's Influenza JL Cure has cured dozens of cases during the present epidemic—J. P. Carroll, Rattray street. I^ASCARINE, or Digestive Tonic—An In\J fallible Remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Flatulency, etc.—CARROLL'S Pharmacy, Rattray street. ' 15ja ALEX. THOMPSON, Shlpclinndlcr and Sailmaker, manufacturer of Flsgs, Tents, Tarpaulins, Horse-covers, and every description of Oil Clothing. MY Patent Immovable Horse-cover is considered by experts to be the best in the market. 37ILAGS, Tents, and Marquees for Hire. -1 Orders punctually a.ttended to.—Note the address: ALEX. THOMPSON, IC3 Princes street, Dunedin. 21au BICYCLE REPAIRING Promptly, Thoroughly,- and Moderately Executed at Wilson and M'Kay's, St. Andrew street. <p ENDRON and REMINGTON BICYCLES <UT —Canada's and America's beat mounts.— Wilson and M'Kay's, St. Andrew street (near George street). 27ap XJNEQUALLED is AJAX, the King of .' Washing Powders Try it and be convince^ 180 DAWSON & CO., Watchmakers, Jewellers, Opticians, 21 George street—Best value for your money in Jewellery. OUR ELECTRO-PLATE is extensive and varied, good and cheap; very suitable for wedding and other presents. f^t OLD, Silver, and Metal Watches, Gold and ' \JC Silver Chains, Engagement Rings, Keepers, and Wedding Rings. JEWELLERY Made to Order; Old Jewel- ! tt lery made up into New Designs; Watches thoroughly Cleaned and Repaired. SEE our Magnificent Stock Brooches, Rings, etc. Bring your tarnished jewellery along, we will clean it gratis. 3Bn

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 11923, 22 December 1900, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 11923, 22 December 1900, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 11923, 22 December 1900, Page 9