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Tlio breaking-up of the George street School for the Christmas holidays took place yesterday,' the ceremony bo far as it concerned the infant division and the lower standards being accomplished in the morning, and as it affected the higher standards taking place in the evening.

Miss Freida, Maitla-nd; and Misses H. Irvine and I'Yeida Maitland gave a pianoforte duet in a way which merited, general approbation. Parents and children were addressed by Mr Arnold. M.H.R., Mr M. Cohen, and Mr Chisholm (the mayor), the customary Rood advice being given to the pupils, and the- school being complimented upon the attention that was paid to physical training of the pupils; while, as proved by results, their mental culture'was in no wise neglected or regarded as subordinate. The entertainment lasted from half-past 7 until after 10 o'clock, and during the whole of that time, as the Mayor said, in explaining why his remarks should be very brief, the people on the platform^ had been stowing, and " those in the audience had been roasting," and all had been breathing air heavily charged with carbonic acid gas and organic impurities. The proceedings closed with the customary thanks and cheers.

There was a numerous attendance of adults gai interested in the school, and considerable in- yfe ter'est was taken in the proceedings, which be were of a somewhat protracted character, al- lla though in the morning work was earned .on in , simultaneously in .several portions of the ■ school. Mr K. 0. Moore, the chairman ot cl( the School Committee, presided, and the. other members of committee present were Messrs F. Peake, M. Fraer, C. Carter, and W. H. Adams. Dean Filchelt, the Rev. Mr Guy, ' the Mayor of Dunedin (Mr K. Chisholm), and ~], Mr J. A. Millar, M.H.K., also attended. th Tlie children in the infant rooms sang very m . prettily, and several of them gave,recitations Ci which elicited much approbation. Their ac- fl. tion songs, of which there was a good variety, Ci were very well managed, and the ladies who R, had trained them for this exhibition—Misses A, Tiirnbnll. Hoperaft, Keam, and li'Ca.lum— had every reason to be satisfied with the sue- n t cess of their work. sh The prizes to the pupils of the First, becond, d, Third, and Fourth Standards were distributed w in the gymnasium, and short addresses were J ( delivered by visitors/and the vocal abilities w of the pupils were displayed, to the satisfac- n , tion of all. , bl The Very Ttev. Bean FitcheU. at the re- j,i quest of the Chairman, made a few remarks in the course of which he said he took a great ] v interest in the George street school, and men- j\] tioned that some years ago he had been a t i teacher in it, having along with other minis- c ] lers endeavoured to give Bible lessons in it a , lo the pupils out of school hours. Ihat, t, however, had not been a success, and he wq= f< convinced that under existing conditions it could not be other than a failure. The Rev. Mr Guy said he was greatly pleaded with the songs and recitations lie had listened to. expressed his appreciation of the work done by the school staff, arid urged every scholar to endeavour to bring honour upon the school. After the prizes had been distributed to the pupils of the Fourth Standard, an adjournment was-'made to the school ground for the purpose of unfurling the Union Jack which had been presented to the school by the Utago Daily Times and Witness Company, and the Chairman having read a letter from Mr (r. Fenwirk apologising for his absence, called upon Mr Millar to unfurl the flag. Mr J. A. Millar. M.H.R., expressed regret that the donor of the flag was not present to unfurl it, and said he thought the Daily limes had shown a spirit worthy of emulation. Ho hoped al! present would remember the flag under which they were born, and would never do anything to dishonour it. Wherever the British flag floated there was freedom, and it behoved, them to prize that freedom. It was to him and to all true Britishers a source ot pride to think of what had been done by those who served under this flag. Al the last breaking-up'of the school one of the teachers of the George street School had gone to him and pleaded' with him to use his influence to "et him away, so that he might do his part in defending this flag. That teacher (Lieutenant Tiibman) was now doing Ins duty on the battlefield for Queen and country.—(Cheers. On the flag being unfurled, it was saluted and cheers were given for her Majesty, lhe Chairman called for cheers for Mr Fenwick and the Otago Daily Times and Witness Company and Mr Fraer called for cheers for Lieutenant Tnbman, and those having been given the ceremony closed by all present joining in singing the National Anthem. ' The staff nf the school is as follows:—Head master, Mr D. A. M'Nienll; mistress. Miss J Turnbull; assistants—Messrs A. i>- Lean, ,T H. A. M'Phee, A. Parlane. Misses V. Campbell, E. G. Sherriff. and E. Gardiner; pupil teachers- Messrs Harrison and i'orrester, Misses F. Hoccraft, F. Stratton, M. Konm, and L. M'Callum. The prize-list is as follows: — Standard Vll.—Dux of school (gold medal), Margaret Ford; mix of boys (silver medal), Norman Anderson; third prize, AKreida Maitland; certificates (in order of merit), Harriet Irvine Edith Dreavor; drawing—Norman Anderson, Maggie Ford (equal) 1, Hurry Brandell 2; writing—Harriet Irvine, Alfreida Maitland (equal) 1, Edith Dreaver 2. Standard VI.-Boys-Jaraes Henderson 1, Alister Turnbull 2, John Harper 3; merit certificates— "Douglas Rpbortson, Hugh Dreaver, Alc-x. Hyde, William"'.Taylor, Harry Hogg, Jas. Prictor Girls—Bessie Cameron 1, Susie Galland 2, Bertha Kinnear 3; merit certificates— Alma "Wheeler, Nellie Morrison, Ella Fraer. Writing: Boys—Gordon Kay 1, John Harper- -- eirls—\bna. "Wheeler 1, Bcitha Kinnear 2. Drawing: Boys-Alexander Hyde; girls—Margaret MTjca.ii. Mapping: Boys—Alexander Hyde; girls—Nellie Morrison 1, Alma Wheeler 2. .Domestic economy—Christina Thomson, Bertha Kinnoar (equal). General proficiencyFrank Uttley, James Jenkins, Christina Thomson, Lily Halo; physical drill (silver medals)— Thomas" Irvine' 1, Alexander Hyde 2; shooting (silver medals)— Archibald Hyde 1, Thomas Conly 2, Alexander Hyde and William Brooke (equal) 3. Standard V.—Boys—Eric Commin 1, Ernest Erridge 2, Ernest* Duncan and L. M'Millan (equal) 3. Merit certificates—Arthur Broad, Thomas Conly, Fred Clayton, Harold Simmonds, John Burns. Percy Brittenclen, Fred Mackay, Willie Orydcn, Willie Duncan," Basil Goudie; mapping," Henry Maxwell; writing, Fred Clavton ; drawing, Archie Hyde. . Standard V.—Girls—EUr-n Roberts 1, Evelyn WhitehpacT 2, Margaret Edmond and A. Serym»eonr 3; writing-Ethel Clarke 1. Ada Powell "> Lilian Bowling 3; drawing—Winifred Tattersficld 1, Ethel Clarke 2. Beatrice Moore 3; mapping-Ellen Shaw 1. Lilian Bowling 2, Jane Walker \incl Eth»l Clarke 3; domestic economy -Evelyn Whilchcnd 1, Ellen Roberts 2,lvy Dawson S; general improvement—Jane Ford, Hn7.0l Umbers, Evelyn Treurn. Standard IV.—Boys—John Kay 1, Thomas Kennv 2, Thomas Turnbull 3; girls—May Farra 1, "Neiietta. Ridley 2, Helen M'Lean 3. Merit certificates: Boys—Leonard Hogg. James Wilson, Peter Carmichael, Hector Robertson, Kennoth M'Farlane, Edward Hely, Donald Sword; diligence Jack Cnntroll; girls—Ke-ta Bagley, Lorna "Wilson. Lily Watson, Bessie Button, Dolly .Ridley. Isla Reid, Elsie Haynca and Elsie Miller (canal). Drawing: Boys—Hector Robert•oii F.riwi-ni H,-ly, Jolm Kay; girls—Mny Fana, Nenetta Rirlloy." Bessie Jx'ntton. Exercises: Boys—Thomas Turnbull, John Kay, Kenneth ■M'Farlanc- "irls-Mny Farra, Helen M'Lean, Elsie Milipr.° Mappinp: Boys—Edward Holy, Thomas Turnbull, Hector Robertson; girls— May Farra. Lorna Wilson, Isla Reid. Writing: Bovs-Ncd Hely, Thomas Turnbull. James Wilson; srirls—May Farra, Nenetla Ridley, Elsk ' Stan'tiarcl ITl.—Prizes :_Boys—George Hely

CAVERSHAM SCHOOL. The break-up of the Caversham School took place at 9.30 yesterday morning- Amongst the visitors were Mr J. Tennant (chairman of committee), Messrs Stevenson and Caldow (members of committee), Captain Easther. R.N.. Mr T. K. Sidey (Mayor of Caversham), Mr A. Morrison, M.W.R., the Rev. Messrs Dultcn and Chandler, and Mr

A. M. Lorfsby. The Chairman expressed his gratification at the good attendance and the orderly nianshalling of so many bright and happy children, and intimated that the proceedings would'begin with the hoisting of the Union Jack, kindly presented by Captain Easther, whom the committee thanked very heartily, not only on account of his gift, but also because he had come to superintend the hoist-

ing of the flag. . The Union Jack was then slowly hoisted by Captain Easther. assisted by Jeannie Moston (last year's dux) and Augustus V/isnesky (dux this year), the children singing " God save the Queen and cheering vociferously as the flag unfolded to the breeze. Three cheers were- then given for the Queen. Thc-Mayor of the Borough then addressed those present, and in the course of his remarks said that the committee were much indebted to Captain Easther for his generous gift. It was particularly appropriate that the Union Jack should be given by a gentleman who had served under the flag in the British navy.—(Applause, and cheers for Captain Easther.) It was a condition of the gift that I as the Union Jack was a national flag it should

bo hoisted only on national occasions, such as the Queer* Birthday, the Prince of AVales's Birthday, and nn days of Imperial commemorations, and the committee would be glad to comply with the donor's condition. He (Mr Sitloy) asked thn boys and girls to respect the flag as the symbol of the British Empire— as representing a glorious history and the highest kind of freedom, justice, and equality. It was nearly 100 years ago since the Union Jack was first hoisted, and he referred to the vast extensions of the Empire since that time in the way of territory and population. How ever greatly peace might be desired in the

TOrld, the time for universal peace was not ■et. and it was important to remember that t hail really been by war that it had been

extended, and it might also bo that by war it would be retained. Next year they were going to form n> cadet volunteer corps, and ho hoped that many boys would qualify to join that corps as a stepping stone to enlistment in the Caversham Rifles, and in thai way.

is well as by good behaviour, honouring and serving the flag that it was a pride to live .aider.

Mr Morrison tendered the thanks of the

community generally to Captain Easther for helping by his gift of tho flag to keep vigorous the patriotic spirit. Some siiid this was

all a, matter of sentiment. So it might be, but sentiment played an important part in tho

history of the world, and this love of country was a sentiment of which no one need feel ashamed.

The Rev. B. Dittton told the children tke

story of the Christmas picnic in Mafeking last year, when.children came out from the

shelter trenches and ran about the streets wild with joy and waving the Union Jack, and he explained how the boys of Mafeking helped during the siege by acting as orderlies. Nothing, he was suro, was needed to make New Zealand boys and girls respect the flag. They would not be British if they didn't,

The children then sang the "Red, white, and blue," after which, on the call of Captain Loasby, cheers were given for the staff and the committee, and a special cheer for Mr Milne.

The company afterwards adjourned to the hoolroom, where the infants sang and the

certificates were presented by the Mowing: — Infant classes nnd Standard I, Mr Tennant; Standards II and ITT. Mr Loasby: Standards IV and V. the Rev. Mr Chandler; Standards VI. and VII, the Rev. Mr Dutton. The following is the prize list: —

Standard Vll.—First class certificates: Augustus Wisneslcy (dux medal), Albert E. Palmer (prize), Charles Clark, Lewis Loasby, Edward Allen, Harry Russell. Second Helen Rennie, Herbert O'Callaghan, Rachel i)ey, Victoria Spraggon, George M'Gonigal. Arthur Miller, Ida Campbell.

Standard Vl.— First class: Herbert Hill (dux), John M'Kechnie, Percy Rendell, Beatrico Swan (prize), Elizabeth M'Kay, Jeannio Griffiths,

eovgo M'Kniglit, Arthur Graham, Harold 0'

in, Hubert Duguid.

Second class

Helm, Dorothy Cowie, Maud Popharn, Irvine Loasby, Alexander Campbell, May Stevenson, John Bevars, Bessie Riddell, Maggie Hoy, Reginald White.

Standard V.—First class

D. Russell (rlii

Will, H. Gear (prize), C. Loasby, H. Cooke,

D. Cooke, C. Aitken, D. M'Lean, J. Hansen, F. Glasse. Ethel Swan, G. Sprott. R. Ferguson, Chrissie White, W. Stewart, Second class: J. Riddle, V. Jolmstone, J. Anderson, T. M'Cracken, Eliza Jocelyn, W. Slater, E. Langmuir, S. Smith, Mary Bremner, F. Cough. C. Higginson, A. Adam, Alice Stanley, S. M'Farlane, E. Booker. Standard IV.—First class: Ivy Miller (dux), Richard Lan»(;vad, Dogmar Langevad, William Denford, John Lethbridge, Maud Collins, Gladys Eaton, Andrew Mundie. John Jones, Elizabeth Popham, William Strong, William M'Kay, Joe Cuttle, Nellie Griffiths, Hilda Harwood, Patricia Reid, Herbert Norton. Second class: James Scoular. William Halford, .Tearmie Hoy, Rebecca Chambers, David Smith, Hugh Fox, Edilha D'Oyley, Mabel Miller, Annie Jensen, William Schmetz, Janet Ellis, Isabella Cox, Elizabeth Licldle, Ernest Jensen. Standard lll.—First class: Jeannie Sprott,

George Maekie, Bruce Fraser; girls—Agnes F.dmond. Gladys Bnrrowes, Danlvne Tattersfieia. Merit certificates: Boys-Earl Stewart, George Howden, Robert Knox, Arthur Mills, George M'Lean; girls—Jcannie Andrew, Jemima Dryden. Euohcmia Gordon. Fay Harrison. Marcaret Jiundersoil. Writing: Boys, George Hely; girls, Alice Patterson. Drawing: Boys, G?ovge Webster; girls. Daisy Andersen. Mapping: Boys, George Hely; girls, Agnes JitlmSt"ndnrd II -Boys-Archibald Angus 1., Jn-s. Hislop 2, John Campbell 3; girls—Yetti Whitehearl 1 Jessie Jones 2. Jessie Green 3. Mfint certificates: Boys-John M'Donald, Philip M'Dougall, 'Ernest Latimer, Stanley Peak*, Arthur Fraer, Charles Penman; girls—Hilda. Hueston, Violet Hunter. Myra Wood, Ethel Hutchinson, Constance Fowler, Eva Johnston: Writin": Boys—Arthur Fraer, Archibald An^us, Ernest "Latimer; girls—Hilda Hueston, Yetti Whitehend. Drawing: Boys—John Campbell, Ernest Latimer. Archibald Angus; Myra Wood, Yetti AVhilehead. Exercise book- Boys-Arthur Frnor, Archibald Angus, Kniest Latimer; girls-Hilda Hueston, Myra Wood Recitation: Boys—James Hislop, Roy Penko; girls—Doris Hale. Hilda Hueston. Diligence--Roy Pcake. Doris Hale. Standard I.—Boys—Percy Latimer 1, Morell M'Mullen % Thomas. Dryden 3; girls—Ethel Fleet. 1, Lily Steven 2, Jennie Brookes 3. Merit certificates (in order of merit): Boyo— Gordon Price and John M'Alister (equnl), Erastus Leeder and Victor Miller (cqjinl), Tom Tyrell, Kenneth M'Lennan; girls—Vera M'Peake, Thorn. Bannister, Connie Couchman. Greta Broa.d and Elsie Treurn fequal). Writing: Boys—Percy I,ntimer 1. Erastus Leeder 2; girls—.Tonnic Brookes 1. Mary Shaw 2. Drawing- Boys—Percy Latimer 1. Tom Tyrell 2; rirVe-Connie Couchmnn' 1, Vera M'Peake 2. Special for dilieence, Albert Moore. Industrial Work.—Standard I: Sewing—Vera. MTeak 1, Man,' Brent 2. Standard IT: Sowini»—Myra Wood ], Jessie Jones 2. Standnvd III: Sowing—Gladys Burrowes 1, Alice Patterson 2. Standard IV: Sewing—Nellie M'Lcnn 1, Lornti. Wilson and Lily Hutchinson (equal) % Standard V: Sewing—Nellie Robert and Evelyn Whitehend (equal) 1, Lily Bowling 2. Damine—Quenrie O'Brien 1, Alice Wood 2. Standard VI: Sewing—Nellie Morrison 1, Bertha Kinnear 2. Damme. Winnie ftirvaii. Gyrnnaßtics.—Silver medal (given by Dunedin Gyinnaatic Club), Alexander Johnston; silver medal (siren by ex-puoil), Ada Powell. Prizes presented by Mr C. Haynes: Harriet Irvine, Margaret Ford. Ella Fraer Ethel Cnrr, Evelyn Whitahead, Ncnotta Ridley Margaret Adamson, Nellie M'Lenn, Jessie Brown, Sheila M'Lean, Edith Hogg, Flort M'Connochie.

Gerty Hill, Florence Walsh, Charles Smith, Gordon M'Beath, Olive Cowie, Jessie Russell, Myra Barber, Jeannie Rennie, Dorothy Langmuir, Percy Miller, James Smith. Second class: Robert Riddle, Rose Smith, Harry Cole, Eric Garshaw, Henry Denford, Marion Clulee, Mary Hunter, Vera Cleland, Walter Findlater, Muriel Hodges, Andrew Lkldcll. Lewis Martin, Arthur Norman, Susan North, Mabel Matthews, Willie Roberts, Eva Tily, Willie Stanley, Clara Gray, Charles Fleury, Willie M'Farlane, Elsie Webster, Stuart Lawson, Grace Hyman, James List. Standard ll.—First class: John Huggins, William Cole, James Judcl, Alice Mew, Percy Loasby, John Griffiths, Thomas Hudson, Rose Woodward, Sophia Adam, Margaret Dunlop, Olive Jones, George Jordan, Florence Mew, William Ferguson, Robert Metcalfe, Annie Glasse, Lily JurM, John Magnus, Lance Austin, Colquhoun Boyes, William Robertson, Euphemia Rennie, Laura Allen, Kate Jordan, Margaret Mxwro, Jessie Wilson. Second class: Thomas Stevenson, Vera Tclfer, Fanny Bladewood, Ivy Garland, Philip Munro, Claude Miller, John Nicol, Harry Paull, William Campbell, George Chambers, Annie Ralph, Thomas Fraser, George Dyer, Andrew Goocllet, Einar Langevad, Edward Harwood. Fanny Grey, Margaret Denford, William Jensen. Standard I.—Boys: Victory Wisnesky, Fred Page (equal) 1, James Race 2. Girls: Doris Dempster 1, Dorothy Arrow 2. Infant Room.-Clnes IV.: Boys-Gavin Telfsr 1, Walter Huggins and Harry Searle (equal) 2; girls—Lily Clark and Agnes Hoy (equal) 1, Dora Strong 2. Class III.: Boys—Graham Slater and Douglas Easton (equal) 1, Eric Fulton 2: girls—Daisy Outram 1, Lorna Dempster, Madeline Yates, aiid Maree Smith (equal) 2. Number on register: Boys, 299; girls, 254; total, 553. Average attendance for current quarter, 512. -Number of attendance certificates Under "The Education Act, 1877": First-class, 10Q; second-class. 90; total, 196. Extra attendance certificates in standard classes, 43. Staff: Mv W. Milne, head master; Miss X

In the evening nn entertainment was given _ by the scholars, and tlio prizes were distributed to the pupils of the upper standards. There was again a very large attendance, the gymnasium hull being densely crowded, and as the ventilation is defective the effect was more than unpleasant. The programme was of groat length, containing nine recitations, a number of songs, and other items. A very rood evmnastic display was given by "the girls of the hio-hcr standards, under Miss Shernff and Miss Keam. Miss Maggie Ford played a violin solo very creditably, accompanied by

L. Donald, matron; Mr C. Young, first assistant; Mr J. It. Rutherford, second assistant : Miss S. Yorston, third assistant: Mr W. F Vbel, fourth assistant: Miss A. H. Barnett fifth assistant; Master W. V. Munro am Misses M. Newlands and E. L. M'Ncil, pupi teachers.

ANDERSON! S BAY SCHOOL. The break-up took place yesterday morning at 11 o'clock. For various reasons, the School Committee decided not to give prizes this

year, but in nil probability a picnic will be arranged for after the school takes up. After the children were assembled, the Rev. A. Cameron, chairman of the committee, gave them a, practical and humorous address on character, nature study,- and patriotism ; and! in concluding it, thanked the teachers on be-lia-Jf of the committee and also as a parent for the interest they - had taken in the children during ,the year. Mr.Jeffery, in returning thanks for the staff, stated that for many years past special boote on citizenship and patriotism had been used as supplementary readers; and that as new classes came, up it was a school custom to make the pupils acquainted, with the . evolution of the Union Jack and its significance and proportions. During thn morning there was flying the fine Union Jack which was presented to the school a week ago by Mr L. Morris, of the firm of Baker and Morris, in response to the appeal of the Otago Daily Times asking for flags for all our schools. The Echoal now has a red ensign, the New Zealand flag, and the Union .lack. About a month ago the school chil-

dren, in conjunction with the young men of

the'district, sent Christmas presents to"the | • MACANDKEW ROAD. ■ three Anderson's Bay soldiers in South Africa. | This school broke up yesterday alternoon, Each package was specially packed, and when there was a large number of parents, precontained tobacco, matches, cigarettes, '..-ent^: Mr ,T. Chctwiii (chairman of the corncigarette papers, pipes, pocket knives, ■ TO itte«) presided, and other members.present books biscuits, chocolates, lollies, jelly were Mr E. Hogg and Mr Hurd. lho Rev. powders, essences to make drinks, T. G. Brooke was also present. Ihe proand other articles which it was thought , poedings ■ opened in the infant .department, would prove acceptable. A month or .two and,'under the direction of the matron (Miss a<*o a number of ex-pupils who have, formed a Forsyth), the children sang a number of action Minstrel Club gave an entertainment in aid songs in a-very creditable manner. The of the school library, with. the.result that this Chairman then presented the attendance cersehool department has been strengthened by a tifioales and prizes, and an adjournment was number of good boys' and girls' books, and.. made to one of the larger rooms, where the now contains many also dealing with current i bl'dcr children had been assembled events and the Empire. The Rev. T. G. Brooke, asked by the The morning's proceedings'were varied by Chairman to speak, paid a high tribute to tho a number of action songs rendered by the efficiency of the staff and tho general conduct 'iuuior ola»Bes. of the school. He hoped that all the children. Appended is the honours list:— as \vtell as the teachers, would have a good Standard VII —Jeannie M'Clelland (dux.oi time during tire holidays, and would come school) 1 Lionel De Lautour 2, Gabriel Lnlto back/well and strong to resume tho work of o ' a netv year. : The children, under Mr Smeaton, sang several of their school songs, and then the prizes were distributed by Mr Chetwin.' The following is the prize list: — Standard Vl.—Dux of school (prize and silver modal), Marie Farrant 1, Fanny Smith 2, Jas. Cherrie 3, Isabella Peterson 4, Ralph Leyland 5, Herbert Dowla-nd G. Standard V.—Elizabeth Macltay 1, Grace Urquhart 2, Alfred Chetwin 3, Violet Dawsett 4,, Rachel Passmore and Gordon Titchener (equal) 5.' Standard IV.—Alvirie Cowie 1, Elizabeth South- 2, Elizabeth Duguid 3, Elsie Lewis 4, Millicent Todcl and Alice Hurd (equal) 5. ; Standard lll.—Frederick Hale 1, Joseph Milbnrn 2, William Walton 3, Margaret Thompson 4, Lawrence Irvine 5, Walter Richardson G. Standard IL^-William Guthrie 1, William Cherrie 2, William Urquhart 3, Florian Ward 4, Annie Bawson 5, Ellen Fleet 6. Standard I.r-Isabella Smith and Hazel Marsh (equal) 1, Dorothy Ross and Herbert Scott (equal) 2, Rose Passmore, Eva Ranger, and Arthur Perry' (equal) 3. In addition 42 first class and 4G second class attendance certificates were presented. Before the proceedings closed, Mr Smeaton, the first assistant, was presented with a handsome inkstand as a mark of affection by his pupils. The staff of. the school for the year was as follows:—Mr W. Bennett, head master; Miss A. Forsyth, matron. Mr C. G. Smeaton, first assistant; Mr J., Melville, second assistant; Miss Flora Faulks, third assistant: Miss M. Walker, fourth assistant, Miss H. Don, fifth issistant.

Standard VI.-Boys-.Toseph Brennan 1, Robert Gall and Hunter Duckworth (equal) 2, Leonard Morris 3; girls—Margaret Cowio 1, Bessie Lynn 2, Mary M'Curdy 3. . Standard V.-Boys—Gordon Jeffery 1, Wilfred Dawson and George Gourley (equal) 2, Bobert Cadzow and Matthew Elliot (equal), 3; girls—Lucy M'Clelland 1, Mary White 2, Jean-"'standarTlV—Boys-Wilfrid Sim 1, William MAdam 2, Charles Begg and WaTrington Oakden (equal) 3; girls—Mabel MAdam 1, Daisy Duckworth 2, Cissie Weir 3. : Standard lll.—Boys—William Downing 1, Norman Boss 2, Cedrio MAdam 3; girls— Mona- Culling 1, Mary Gourley 2, Violet Myers 3.

Standard ll.—Boys—Andrew Begg 1, G-arsie De Laukrar 2, William Youngson 3; girlsJessie Gourlcy 1, Beatrice Chalice 2, Evelyn esSdVrcl I.—Boys—Aramn Beag 1, Edward Brookes 2, Leonard Barrett 3; girls—Margaret Cadzow 1, Jeannie Brookes 2, Flossie M'Adain 3.

Preparatory Standard.—Boys—Hugh Haggitt 1, Bertie Cowic 2, Robert M'Clelland 3; girlsLucy Yalpy 1, Agnes Sornerviile 2, Veda Henderson 3.

Class A.—Boys—Reginald Duckworth and Humphrey JeffeTy (equal) 1, Dundas Samuel 2, girls—Ruby Hellyer 1, Florence Miller 2. Gymnastics.—Boys—Lionel De Lautour 1, John Reekie 2; girls—Jeannie M'CLelland 1, Bertha Luke 2.

Favourite boy and favonrite girl, awarded by

vote of senior pupils.—Lionel De Lautour and Bessie Lynn. Jeannie M'Clellancl, tha dux of the school, was favourite last year, so was not

put to the vote. French prizes (Mrs Roberts's class).—Jennnie M'Clellancl (given for good conduct, diligence, Mid progress) 1, Wilfrid Sim 2, Lionel De Lautour 3.

v Special prizes for the boy and girl with best pass at the board's annual examination were presented to Lionel Do Lautour and Jeannie M'Clelland. In awarding these prizes the work done since the examination was .also taken into consideration. Bible class prizes, presented by the Rev. A. Cameron, for essays done in connection with his weekly Bible class, were awarded to Jeannie M'Clelland, Gabriel Luke, Margaret Cowie, Robert Gall, Lucy M'Clelland, Bertha Luke, and Mary Samuel.

The attendance certificates will be available in a day or two, when a supply comes from Wellington.


The Green Island School children were dislissed for the summer vacation yesterday

morning, when there were a large number ot parents present. The pupils were assembled in the school ground at 10.30, when a red en-

sign was unfurled and hoisted over the school. The Mayor (Mr Joseph Ensor) made a short speech, and as the flag went up nine large Chinese bombs were exploded. The ceremony concluded with the National Anthem.

An adjournment was then made to the Gymnasium, and among those present were Mr H. Harraway, Dr Watt, Mr G. Harraway, and Mr A. Kane (representing the committee), and Mr J. Campbell. The Head Master submitted a lengthy re-

port, in which he stated that there was a decrease, of 36 in. the attendance as compared with last year. The inspectors reported this year that the school was " good," while last year it was only "satisfactory," and that the manners, order, attention, etc., were such as to meet with their approval. Illustrative of the need for a further change in methods 01 examination, he would like to point out that the school was under the examination strain for no less than 13 days.. From the time the head master's examination began till the inspectors had finished theirs 13 days elapsed, during which the children were in a feverish state of excitement about their prospects oi


The break-up took place in the gymnasium yesterday-morning, Mr J. H. Hancock presiding. . The Chairman thanked the parents for attending in such large numbers, and also complimented.the children on the tasteful decoralions of the hall. A series of gymnastic exercises were then gone through by the girle, as well as the boys, and the parents present were delighted, with the proficiency of the pupils and the decorous manner in which everything was done under the superintendence of Mr Pope. The singing of the children was also very creditable. The Rev. A. Hodge proposed a vote of thanks to the donors of prizes, and Mr"-6. Blyth proposed a- vote of thanks to the master (Mr Pope) and the mistress (Miss Marehbanks). The donors of prizes were :—Messrs Hancock (dux medal), J. Rilehie (medals), J. A. X. Riedle (the Dresden medals), Captain Jackson (watch for most popular boy), Colonel Webb, Rev. A. Hodge, and Messrs Blyth, Macintosh, J. M'Kay, ■ Thornton, Dall, Fisher, and Pope, Mesdames ; R. Campbell (work basket), Cole (gold brooch), ! Houston, Rea, H. White, Fotheringham, l Hewitt, Jones. A. L. Isaacs, A. White, W. B. Taylor, M'Glashau, Guyton, Laidlaw, Thornton, Forbes, Ibbotson, AY. Tame, R. Young, Blyth, Alexander, Jackson, Roberts, and NValker, and Miss Marchbanks.

passing or failing. This needed" only to be mentioned to show its utter absurdity. There had been no changes in the staff this year, with the exception of the withdrawal of Miss Hopcraft, in consequence of the falling attendance. After her , withdrawal it would have been very difficult to arrange, the work had it not been for the voluntary service of Miss May M'Neil, who had with the most praiseworthy regularity come to their assistance from Fairfield every morning in all weathers. He also regretted that the school would lose this year the services of Miss Graham, who had completed her course as a pupil teacher, and consequently had to leave. Personally, lie wished to tender the staff his sincere thanks for loyal support through all the trying experiences of the year. As to the committee, few people in the district knew how much they were personally indebted to the nine gentlemen who looked after the interests of the school. The cost of supplying necessaries was £60, and their allowance was only £52. They faced this deficit, made provision for it and a much larger amount. This year tho donors of the school medals were Dr Will, Messrs London, A. Bayley, Hill, Russell, and Benfell, all of whom except two were members of the committee. Tho children wanted a new flag this year and

subscribed their vjennies for it, but could only-

The extra judges of the school work were: Sewing—Mesdames R. Campbell, R. Young, and F. W. Ibbotson; writing, Mr T. j. Walker; drawing, Miss Hancoclc The prize list follows: —

. Standard I.—E. Ramsay 1, E. Little 2, "W. Talbot 3. Writing— G. Groves 1, E. Ramsay 2; drawing—G. Groves 1, P. Ashby and E. Eamsay (equal). 2; sewing—E. Little 1.

Standard ll.—a Mulholland 1, L. Pope 2, B. Hicks 3. Writing—F. Logan 1, E. Miles

raise half enough. The committee met the balance, saying, " Let the children have their flag." As a parting word, Mr Piper gave the pupils the war cry of the third contingent as a motto to take with them through their lives: "Kia kaha. Hi! Kia. Toa. Hi! Punitea te Mann ote Kuini. Hi! rii! Ha!"

2; drawing—B. Hicks 1, K. Hodge 2; sewing— C. Mulholland 1; gymnastics—Ley Pope and Robert Ritchie (equal).

Standard lII.—H. Tame 1, E. Cole 2, A. Hodge 3. Writing—A. Hodge 1, E. M'Kay 2; drawing—G. Fisher 1, E. Cole and E. Webb

(equal) 2; sewing—H. Tame 1; gymnastics boys, B, Tims 1; girls, E. Cole 1.

Standard IV.—E. King 1, A. White 2, F. Houston 3. Writing—E. King 1, A. Isaacs 2; drawing—E. King 1, R, Orchiston 2; sewing— E. King 1; gymnastics—boys, E, Orcliiston. 1; girls, P. L. Fotheringham 1. Standard V.—L. Rca 1, E. Tame 2, 7. Hanccck 3. Writing—L. Rea 1, G. Bagrie 2; drawing—L. Eea, 1, J. Hancock and J. Forbes (equal) 2; sewing—l. Groves 1; gymnastics—boys, W. Taylor and A. Blyth (equal) 1; girls, M. Sandilands 1.

Standard VI.—M. JVFKay 1, A. Chisholm

S. Thornton 3. Writing—G. B. Blyth 1, H. M'Kay and I. Ramsay (equal) 2; drawing— G. Blyth 1, D. Fotheringharn 2; sewing—l. Ramsay 1; gymnastics—boys, D. Fotheringham 1; girls, M. M'Kay 1. Standard VII.—L. Palmer tJux, V. Jolly 2. Gymnastics, Vida Jolly. Special.—Composition—L. Rea and G. B. Blyth (equal); singing—senior boys, S. Thornton 1, A. Isaacs^; senior girls, P. L. Fotneringliam 1; junior girls, Dorothy Jolly 1, Vera Andrews 2; progress—P. Guyton, R. Ritchie; populniity—most popular boy, D. Pothenngham; most popular girl, I. Ramsay; Latin—A. Isaacs 1, S. Thornton 2. Good Conduct—Boys, John Forbes; girls, V. Jolly and L. Palmer (equal); best-behaved little girl, D. Jolly. ' French (Mrs Roberts's classes).—l—Loftus Kea 1, Mary M'Kay 2; lI—F. N. Houston 1, A. Hodge 2; special—A. Isaacs, J. Hancock; most popular pupil in French class—L. Rea.

Dr Watt, in presenting the school medals, briefly addressed the children. He said that lie was deeply interested in the welfare of the school, and, with Mr Campbell, had watched its progress for 37 years,. when the mothers of many of the present pupils were at school themselves. He was pleased to hear from the head master that the attendance was very regular. Nothing pleased him better than to find a child giving his whole sonl to the work for which he was sent to school; and, on the other hand, it was a grief to find a child not doing its duly in this way. He hoped the children would have '■ a good holiday and enjoy themselves to the full. There was an Italian proverb that said: " Sweet is idleness." He supposed it was sweet for the time being, and the open air and sunshine might appeal to children move than the sometimes musty atmosphere of the schoolroom. But after 20 years they would be very pleased to go back in memory and recall that they had paid every possible attention to their lessons in school.—(Applause.) Dr Watt then presented the school medals to the boys and girls who had won them. Mr H. Harraway said that he always endeavoured to be present at the breaking-up ceremony at the Green Island School. As far as his own children were concerned, he had passed 18 through the portals of the school.—(Applause.) He mentioned it because it gave him the opportunity to thank the staff of the school, nast and present, for the cave and patience they had hestowed on the education of his children. 'Mr Harraway went on to emuhasise the importance of parent? seeing that every available child of the school age attended, saying that the decrease of .2000 in the school attendance for the province lust yenr cost the Education department £7000, while all their expenses went on as before. He wished all the children a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.— (Applause.) ,~, ~ , Mr Harraway then presented the attendance certificates. Mr A. Kane spoke a- few words of encouragement to the children, and then presented the special prizes. Mr George Hnrraway. on behalf of the committee, presented Miss M'Neil with a token of their esteem and appreciation of her services during the past year, and Dr Watt, on behalf of the school, presented Mies Graham with a gold brooch, eonveyine to her the Rood wishes of the school and staff on thecompletion of her course as a pupil teacher. Mr Piper also presented Miss Graham with a set of Oliver Wendell Bolmes's works. Mias H. J. Home responded for Miss Gra--I!>Mr Campbell called for cheers for the donors of the prizes, to whiehnhe children lustily responded, and the proceedings terminated. Before beins? dismissed each child ■was presented with a bag o£ sweets. Ihe following is the pri'/.e-list: — ■ , JIKDA.TJ.ISTg. muss P.—William Graham and Mary Ed-

The annual distribution of prizes and a tendance certificates to tho pupils of the Sawyers' Bay School took place on Wednes-day-morning at 10.30 o'clock. Heavy ram interfered with the attendance. Mr Duke, chairman of the school committee first addressed the children, and conveyed to them the thanks of the committee for the excellent school concert they had so successfully carried out. The items rendered were credit to all concerned, and furnished ample evidence of how their abilities could be brought out by careful training. He pointed out to the children that this would be their last gathering during the present century. The century was dying; they must let all their evil habits die with it. As the new century would soon begin, let them see to it that they began afresh the battle against evil, and it it pleased God that they should all reunite early in the new century, might they unite with energies quickened and invigorated, as the effect of pleasant and well-spent holidays. He also addressed the teachers, congratulated them on the success of the inspector's examination, and assured them that they enjoyed the fullest confidence of the committee and of the parents. At the request of the scholars, Mr Duke then sang a. song, his singing being much appreciated. Mr Chisholm (secretary of the school committee) also spoke. He was greatly pleased at the disnlav of ambulance work given by the senior children, and thought the children were much indebted to Mr Fhmank for training them in such useful and practical work. He looked forward to the day when ambulance work should be a part of the ordinary school course. He endorsed the remarks made by •Mr Duke, and joined with him in wishing teachers and scholars a happy New Year. Mr Flamank, head master, on behalf ot himself and Miss Hayes, thanked ■ the previous speakers for their kind remarks. The relations between the staff and the committee were most harmonious. He reported very favourably on the behaviour of the scholars. Speakino- of the success of the scholars, lie said that the public, were always inclined to judge the success of a school by the work of the senior classes, and then give the teachers of those classes all the credit. The results achieved by" any one class were to a, certain extent an index to the quality of the teaching received, but the public were, as a rule, slow to realise "that the true foundation of success was laid in the infant room. He was thankful that he had in Miss Hayes an assistant who was a thorough teacher, and one who did her work in a most conscientious and painstaking manner. He also desired to thank Mes dames Haynes. Cleghorn, Thomson, and Lei.jon for -providing special prizes. Prizes" were awarded to the boys for arithmetic and to the girls for sewing. The sew ing was judged by Mesdames Rae. W. Thorn son, and Leijon. Thirteen first-class attend ane'e certificates were awarded and seven second-class. Five boys from one family gained first-class attendance certificates, and it was decided to send a first-class certificate to the mother in recognition of her efforts to keep her children regularly at school. The prize list is as follows: — Standard VI.-Bo.vs—John Millar 1; girlsMary Chisholm 1, Maggie Andrews 2, : Helei\ Park (presented by Mrs "W. Thomson) 3, Maud Perry (apecial. presented by Mrs Leijon) 4. Standard V.—Boys-Jns. Marshall; girlsKato. Ma thews (presented by Mrs Haynes) 1, "standard IV.—Boys—Edward Lalev 1; girls Mary Robertson (presented by Mrs Heynes) 1, Mniy Bengley 2. Standard , lll.—Boys—"Robert Harkneas 1, Charles Moms 2; girls—Peggy Platts 1, Nellie Robertson 2. ' . Standard ll.—Boys—Angus Marshall 1. Harold Beagfcy 2; girls—Lily Austin (presented by Mrs Cleghornl 1. Standard 1.-Boys-Charles Pearc.e 1, Thos. Morrow 2; girls—Macey Beagley (presented by Mrs Clepiorn)!, Sylvia- Ward 2.

T.-Hunter Will and Nellie Taylor. Standard 11.-Robert Hill and Elsie WatSttmdarcl lll.—Frank Burgess and Beatrice Turner. Standard IV.—G. Crimp and A. Alexander. . Standard V.-A. M'Lean and M. Watt. Standard Vl.—Frank Crimp and Isabella Duxes of School.—Prank Crimp and Isabella Easton.



Dux girl (Mrs Loudon'3 prize).—l. Easton. Dux boy (Mrs Loudon's prize).—F. Crimp. Composition (Mr Kane's prizes).—F. Crimp and Isabella Kaston. Good attendance certificates were gained by 50 pupils, of which 10 were fust and 34 second cla;o.

Redcliffe Crown Brand Galvanised Corru»ated Iron; cheapest and best.—Hogg and Co. (Limited), agents, Lower Rattray. street.

The annual break-up of the Fairfax School took place on Wednesday evening. The classroom was crowded, and among -the. visitors were the Revs. P. B. Frasery Miller, Small, and Beilhouse. The; infant room was devoted to an exhibition.o£ fancy work, sewing, and drawing; while in tha master's room about 40 of the children vvero arranged in a gallery, very tastefully decorated with flags and evergreens. , , ■ Mr Tweedie (the chairman of .the school' committee) presided, and in introducing the performers assured the audience that *,he programme of singing put before them was simply a resume of the year s work, and in1 no sense the result of a prepared effort. The children went through a long programme of songs, solos, action songs, artd duets, and acquitted themselves splendidly in all. The singing of " When the. boys ;ia khaki all come home," " Soldiers ot .the Queen" "Ye shepherds tell Me, boodbye, daddy," and ■" Wait for the waggon • were specially well done. Addresses were given by the reverend gentlemen present, who expressed pleasure at the quality of the sewing and drawing on exhibition. They also complimented Mr Mahoney and his assistant, Miss Murray, and the committee on the year's results. The proceedings came, to a, conclusion about 1U o'clock -with the singing of the National Anthem. ■■ ...

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 11922, 21 December 1900, Page 8

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FAIRFAX. Otago Daily Times, Issue 11922, 21 December 1900, Page 8

FAIRFAX. Otago Daily Times, Issue 11922, 21 December 1900, Page 8