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The annual closing ceremony in connection with the Boys' High School took place on the 12th inst. in the hall of the school. There v/as a lnrge attendance of ladies and gentleman on the occasion, and among those present were Dr Brown (chairman of the Board of Governors), the Hey. Dr Watt (who presided and presented the prizes) Dr Shand. Dr Fulton, Dr W. M. Macdonald, Rev. J. Gibb, Rev. W. Saunders, Captain H. T.- Fulton, Messrs A. R. Barclay, M.H.R., D. E. Theomin, G. Fenwick, J. R. Sinclair, J. Hyman, J. Green, A. C. Bogg, C. Macandrovv (secretary of the Board of Governors), C. W. Kerr, J. Moloney, G. L. Denniston, A. Wilson (rector of the school), J. F. Woodho'uso, D. R. White W. S. Fitzgerald, E. Melland, and C. Ii! Chapman.

Apologies for unavoidable absence were received from his Worship the Mayor (Mr R, Chisholm), Dean Fitchett, Rev.'C. S. Bowden, Rev. W. Hewitson, Rev Dr Wacklell, Dr Colquhoun, Dr Milne, Messrs George G. Russell. P. Goyen, C. R. Richardson C. R. Bosoenee, I). Borrie, • James: Mills, H. Hnrraway (chairman of the Education Board). J. H. Chapman, T. Mackenzie, M.H.R., K. Ramsay, and A. G. Christopher.

Dr Brown, chairman of the Otago Boys' and Girls' High School Board of Governors, said there was no occasion for him to detain tlie gathering at that stage, but he had great pleasure in introducing the speaker of the day and the gentleman who would present the misses—the Rev. Dr "Watt — (Applause).

The Rev. Dr Watt, on taking the chair, was very warmly greeted. He addressed the boys at length in encouraging terms, and w;is frequently applauded. The annual report of the Rector (Mr A. Wilson, M.A.) contained the following clauses: —

The total number of pupils enrolled during the present year is 215. . Of these, 91 joined the school for the first time. The numbers for the three terms have been respectively 193, 191, and 189. As was (lie case last year, a considerable number of boys left the school during the currency of the year for various mercantile and civil service employments. Twenty-six scholars of the Education Board, nine junior and 17 senior, have been in attendance during the year. The Board of Governors has given 22 scholarships entitling the holders to frco education at the school. Reports of the progress of scholars were sent each term to the Education Board and the Board of Governors. Mr Baker reports an enrolment of 19 boarders during the year. Except for slight ailments such as colds, from which no household can hope to be entirely free, the health of the house has been excellent. Mr Baker reports the conduct of all the boys to have; been thoroughly satisfactory. I would impress upon parents that it is much wiser to nlace their sons with Mr Boker, where they will" bfi subject to proper control and discipline, and where due supervision of evening work is ensured, than to place them in privates.lodgings, where they are not likely to be under efficient control The following is the rfiIZE LIST. Lee Smith prize.—H. M'Lean and H. S. -Hay. Mouat memorial prize.—M. R. G. Matheson. Mechanical Drawing.—E. F. Roberts n 5 r"i"f-- W- Hel' berl and W. A. Scaife (Mr T. H. Rnwson's prize). Spelling.-]?. Finch and P. E. Woodhouse (decided by viva voce competition) Reacling.—W. T. Foster. Gymnastics.—Senior, IV. G. Ponsonby (Messrs Sargood, Son, and Eweu's prize); junior, W. D. Bathgate (Messrs Sargood, Son, and Ewen's prize). Fives.—Senior, P. Kahlenberg; junior, E. H. Shooting.—Rifle practice (challenge cup), Sergeant W. Carswell (Mr G. M. Thomson's prize); Dresden medals, Sergeant Carswell and Colour-sergeant Button (Dresden Piano Company); Captain Hislop's trophy, Colour-ser-geant Hutton; prize for second-class shots Private Spedding. Drill.—Best section (No. 4, Sergeant Adams's section)— Corporal D.- Dunbar. Privates R. Begg, J. X, Closs, W. Dunbar, F. Kahlenberg, W. Johnson. J. G. Neil, S. Paterson. E. F. Roberts, A. Robertson, F. Scott. D. Spedding; best sergeant. Colour-sergeant G. H. Hutton. Chamber of Commerce prizes.—English and arithmetic: Senior (gold medal), James W. Shaw; junior (gold medal), Leslie P. Cleghorn. For« Pkizbs. English—Form VI, B. E. Murphy (Mr K. Ramsny's prize); Upper V, D. L. G. Hodges (Mr A. S. Paterson's prise): Lower V, K. Mackenzie (Mr A. S. Paterson's prize), XJpoer IV, F. E. Finch; Lower IV. M. Watt; Remove, J. Blackie; Form 111, R. Scott and W. Latin.—Form VI, T. D. Adams (Campbell and Hawthorne trust's prize). R. A. Fnrquhnvson, otox. ace. to dux (Mill gold medal) ■ Upper V, H. Bayley (Dr Brown's prize); Lower V. E. Farm (Dr Watt's prize), and J. R. Pat»Tson; Upper IV, D. Rutherford; Lower IV. W. T. Foster; Remove, E. G. Melland; Form 111, J. Whyte. French.—Form VI, T. D. Adams (Mr J. R. Sinclair's prize); Upper V. A. Watt; Lower V, E. Farra; IV, F. Brent; Remove, W. T. Foster; Form 111, A. Inverarity. Mathematics.—Form VI, D. Dunbar (Mr R. T. Wheeler, jun.'s, prize); Upper V, W. Dunbar (Dux Asoriations's prize); Lower V, E. Farra and N. Vanes (Dux Asor.iation's prizes); Upper IV. D. Jolly; Lower IV, W. T. Foster and J. W. Mackisach; Remove, J. Whyte; Form 111. J. Dobbie. Science.—Form VI, R. A. Farquharson (Otago Institute's prize); Urcper V. W. Carswell (Otago Institute's prise); Lower V, H. De Lnutour and S. H. Bnwson; Upper IV, G. Paulin; Lower IV, G. N. Morris. Mental Arithmetic—Upper IV Form. E. Begg; Lower IV. W. T. Foster; Remove, J. G. Blackie; Form 11, J. Dobhio (Mr D. E. Theomin's, chairman Chamber of Commerce, vmzas). Drawiii2.-Ur.ner IV Form, F. C. Leary; Lower IV, J. Herbert; Remove, F. Brent; Form lII.M. Allen. Shorthand.—Uupcr IV Form, A. Cowie (division i). D. Spedding (division ii): Lower IV, J. S. Adam (division i), D. E. Fenwick (division ii); Remove, F. Frent. Dux of the school (Governors' gold medal), James W. Shaw. Former Duxes. Noel Lee Buchanan 1883 Henry Bell, M.A 1864-68 Charles Peter Begg 1569 Alexander Thomas Stuart .. .. 1870 Andrew J. Park, B.A. .. .. .. 1870 Ernest Herbert Wilmot 1 Andrew John Park, B.A MS7I Saul Solomon, B.A J Andrew John Park, B.A 1872 Charles Low, M.B. CM 1373 Frank Stilling 1874 William Deans Milne, M.A., LL.-D 1575 Herbert Halliwell IS7G Alexander Bruce Todd, B.A. .. 1877 Peter A. Lindsay, 8.A., M.M., CM IS7S-79 Arthur Brownell Drabble .. .. 1830 William Alexander Fleming, M.8., CM 1831 Charles Thomas Little, M.A. .. .1882 John SomerviUe, M.8., CM John Rogorson Montgomery, M.A ISB3 Adam Begg, M.A 1884 Joseph Moss, M.A 1885 John Bcil Thomson, M.8., CM... John Askew Scott, M.A 18S6 Thomas D. Pearce, M.A 1887 Franz V. Siedeberg. M.A 18SS William Marshall Macdonald, M.8., CM 1889 John Gibson 1890 Alex. D. Wilkinson, B.A 1891 Thomas Dunn 1892 William Ncwlaiids John O'Shea. 1893 Leslie Williams 1594 Eldred J. D. Hercus 1895. John Lang 1896 Alexander Kinder 1597 Arthur R. Andrew 1898 Arthur C. W. Standage ISD9 Addresses were crivon by Mr D. E. Thoomin (chairman of the Chamber of Commerce) and Urn rector, the latter returning thanks for the vote to the staff in recognition of the good work done.

Mr Cr. Fcnwiok th«n handed over the Unio<\ Jfick presented by the Otago Daily Times and Witness Company to the school. The flapt was hoistnd by Sir Fcnwiok and the dux of the school amidst rheers, and votes of thanks to Mr .Femviok and the other directors of the company brought the proceedings to a close.


■' There was an almost overflowing attendance at the. Boys' High School on the 12th, when tho breakin£-wp ceremony in connection, with tlm Girls' School took nlaoe'in tho lecture hal]. The utmost interest was manifested throucrhoiit in the proeeedins". Among tho gentlemen present were:-^Dr Brown (chairman of the Board of Ciovernora), Mr Justice Williams (the chairman of tho evening). Dr Shand, Rev. R. R. M. Suthorland, 'Messrs J. F. Arnold, M.H.R., W. Davidson, I). R. White, E. Melknd, C. Pv. Chapman, R. M. Thomson. ,T. R. Sin-

clair, .1. Waddell Smith, F. Harraway, J. Hutchison, J. Hyman. A. AVilson (rector of the Boys' School), and R. P. Barley. Dr Brown opened the proceedings, and introduced Mr Justice Williams, who, on assuming the chair, pave one of his hanpirat speeches, after which ha distributed theorizes.

The report of the principal (Miss Marchant) contained the following clauses: —

I have the honour to report that the number of pupils enrolled during the year was 15G, 61 of these being new pupils. For the first term the number was 139, for the second 13S, and for the third 143, The numbers last .year were 121, 134, and 13d, so the school has steadily increased. .

Nineteen boarders have been entered, six being day boarders.

There were six senior scholars, eight senior Board of Governors' scholars, six junior scholars, and nine junior Board of Governors' scholars in attendance this year. ( There were no failures among our pupils that entered for the various examinations. Alice Budil gained a university scholarship, P. Jones and P. Woodhouso 'were placed 24th and 35th in ■" credit, list," and J. Humphrey qualified for matriculation on the scholarship papers. Five girls entered for the matriculation examination, and all passed. Three girls gained Board of Governors' senior scholarships. One girl passed the senior and two the junior civil service examination. In conclusion; I beg to state that the general conduct of the girls has been very good, and that their spirit of work continues to be eager andzealous. The staff have uo-operated with mo in a loyal and helpful way to carry on the school to the best of their ability. The • prize-list is as follows: — Form lll.—English, M. Scrimgeour; arithmetic; M. Sorirugeour; writing, E. Reid; drawing. M. Scrimgeour; French, H. Thomson. Form IV .(B).—English, A. Thomson; arithmetic, G. Statham; drawing, A. Thomson; cience, A. Thomson; sewing, E." Shaw; French, A. Thomson. Ecmove.—English, L. Bagley and J. Allan; French (upper), 11. Black; French (lower), I. Hurley; Latin (upper), V. Jacobs; arithmetic, F. Melland; euclitl, L. Bagloy; algebra, D. Manson; science, E. Glendinning X, E. Henderson 2; drawing, G. Miller; Latin (lower), I. Wilson; history and geography, L. Bagley. Dux of Lower School.—Ethel Logan Glendinning. Form IV (A).—English, E. Smith; FrenchDivision I, J. Raine; Division 11, M. Downes; Latin, H. Kerse: German, A. White and D. Eraser; arithmetic, L. Begg; euclid, L. Wilson; algebra,. JI. Cox; history, B. Fergus and F. Melland; .drawing, B. Hancock; sewing, V. Jacobs; geography, E. Smith. Form V.—English, H. Kerse; French, F. Melland and A. White; Latin, M. Downes; German, M. Patcrson; arithmetic, K. Black; euclid, S. Baker; algebra, M. Downes; science —Division I,M. Downes; Division 11, L. Wilson; drawing, M. Bull; history, K. Black. Form VI (B).—English, F. White; French, H. Dalryrnple and B. Rowlandson; Latin, H. Dalrymple; mathematics, R. Eowlaudson; science, H. Dalrymplc; drawing (easel), F. Melland. Form VI (A).—English, F. Woodhouse; Latin—P. Jones 3, M. Webb 2; French—M. Webb 1, P. Jones 2; mathematics—P. Jones 1, F. Woodhouse 2 (Messrs Brown, Ewing, and Co.'s medal); science, C. Walker. Dux of School.—Phoebe J. Jones. Gymnastics.—Third-Form, S. Smith; Fourth Form (B), M. Ford; Heinove, E. Henderson and A. Henderson; Fourth Form (A), B. Munro; Fifth Form, L. D'Oyly. CERTIFICATES. Form lll.—English, S. Smith; arithmetic, S. Smith and E. Reid; French, S. Smith. Form IV (B).—English, H. Thomson; arithmetic, K. Goy'en; writing, M. Ford and R. Burnett; drawing, E. Shaw; science, E. Walton ; French (upper), Jf. Ford; French (lower), W. Webb. Eemove.—English, G. Statham; French, D. Frazer; French, E. Glendinning; Latin (upper), L. Wilson; Latin (lower), E. Glendinning; arithmetic, B. Bagley; euclid, J. Allan and J. Begg; algebra, E. M'Hutchison; drawing, M. Adam; science, J. Allan and A. Henderson ; history and geography, J. Begg. Form IV (A)".—English, F. Melland; French, I Division ], L. Wilson; Division 2, M. Farquharson: Latin, F. Lewis; arithmetic, D. Hanson; I euclid, M. Cox; algebra, M. Jacobs; history, tT. Scrimgeour; geography, N. Webb; drawing, J. Scrimgeour and B. Munro; German, L. DOyly; science, B. Hancock. Form V.—English, M. Paterson and F. Lewis; French, H. Kerse; Latin, M. Paterson; arithmetic, H. Kerse; euclid, M. Bull; algebra, K. Black; science, K. Black; drawing, .D. Frazer; history, L. Wilson, D. Bull, and M. Bull; German, M. Newman. Form VI (B).—English, H. Dalrymple; French; F. White; Latin, E. Rowlandson; mathematics, M. Commin; science, R. Eowlandson; drawing (easel class), H. Dalrymple. Form VI (A).—English, A- Cox; Latin, F. Woodhouse; French, A. Cox; mathematics, A. Cox; science, F. Woodhouse. 1 ATHLETICS. Tennis, doubles—E. Barron and E. Eaine. Tennis, singles—E. Barron. Fives, doubles (senior) —M. Paterson and S. Baker. Fives, doubles (junior)—E. Raine and E. Barron. Race (open to girls of 11 and 15)— K. Black. Race (open to girls of 12 and 13)— P. Shand. Race (open to girls over IG)—G. Hocken. Xeedle-threading Race—B. Campbell and L. Maunder. Dumb-bell Race—E. Raine. Egg and Spoon Race—E. Raine. Walking Race—E. Walton. Bicycle Tortoise Race—M. Paterson. Bicycle Steering—S. Baker 1, G. Hocken 2. Consolation Race—M. Scrimgeour. ■ ~ Former Duxes. Flora Muir .. .. .. .. 1871 Isabella Shand .. 1872 Georgiria Tewsley .. 1873 Wilhehnina J. Mackay 1874 Isabella. J. Hislop and Annie M. Burn (equal) 1575 Isabella L. Gillies 1876 Mary Montgomery .. .. ..., .., .. .. 1877 Margaret Alves .. ...• .. 1878 Flora Allan .. ;.. 1879 Marion Steel 1880 Annie Forbes • .. ... .. 1881 Isabella C< J. K. Duncan ISB2 Marion Angus Ferguson : .. ISS3 Isabella M'Landress 18S4 Catherine Moss ~, .. .. ISBS Sylvia Esther Gifford .. .. ~, .. .. 188G Barbara Mary Watt 1887 Edith H. Pearce , .« ■.. 1888 Emma M. Rninforth 18S9 Margaret N. Gellatly 1890 Christina M. Cruickshank and Margaret B. Cruickshank (equal) .. .... .. 1891 Edith A. Barclay 1692 Catherine ■ Cameron .. .. ~, ..■ .. 1803 Annie Bauchop : .., .. .. 1894 Violet M. Greig 1895 Flora J. W. Hodaes 1896 Susannah C. C. M'Knight .. .. ; .. .. 1597 Ada G. Paterson IS9S Alice Budd 1899 A vote of thanks to the staff and Board of Governors, proposed by Mr D. R. /White, was passed by Reclamation. Miss^ llarchant, in acknowledging the vote, mentioned that, having been granted leave of absence for two terms, her place would be filled by Mr G. M. Thomson. Dr Brown also returned thanks.


The annual breaking-up ceremony in connection with St. Dominick's College took place on the 14th inst. Shortly before mid- , day the junior and senior pupils assembled in the refectory. The only visitors present (it the succeeding function were Bishop ver- ! don, the Roy. Father Murphy (Adm.), the Rev. Father Ryan, and the press representatives. In the presence of these and of the Rev. Mother Prioress and the teaching staff a record of each puml's conduct during the year in the matter of deportment, politeness, application, etc., was read. The teacher "who acted as censor over this department of the young ladies training was severe, but just, and while some were awarded high praise in several matters, in other matters they were equally condemned. The ordeal alone was sufficiently trying to deeply impress upon the mind of the student the necessity of cultivating- lady-like attributes. However, when the judgments were over, a more pleasant ceremony was'enacted —namely, Ihe distribution of prizes by the Bishop. The announcement that Miss Geraldino O'Connell had been awarded by the votes of her fellow students the wreath for amiability was the signal for an outburst of applause, which was renewed when she proceeded to the front, crowned with a beautiful garland of white flowers by the Bishop. The following is the prize-list: — SENIOR SCHOOL. Christian doctrine.—Senior grade: Silver medal, T.'Kilmartin; hon. mention, G. Meenan, Jf. Kelly, A. Plunkett, H. M'Kay, G-. O'Connell, M.'Byrne, E. Ward, and N. Jovee. Junior grade: Silver medal (gift of Mrs Liston), P. O'Connell; hon. mention, L. Freed, A. Carmody, M. Carey. K.'Byrne, M. Sham, N. Murray, and M. O'Rourke. Painting.—Silver medal (gift of Mr Young), N. Joyce; lion, mention, Misses M'Donnld, Dunne, Ward, M'Douga.ll, and Clark. Drawing.—Silver medal, J. Kelmau. Art needlework. —Silver medal (gift of Mr O'Connell), M. M'Gregor; lion, me-.tion, I. Edmonds, E. Ward, J. KeJmaji, A. 71'DougalI, F. Clark, and A. Carmody. French.—Silver medal, G. Meenan; hon. mention (French conversation), F. M'Cluskey, E. Ward, H. M'Kay, and M. Callan (junior school). Music—Senior grade: Silver medal (gift of Mrs Sham), E. Ward; hon. mention, M. Paton. Intermediate grade: Silver medal (gift of Mr O'Connell), M. Carey; hon. mention, N. Joyce, J. Griffen, and G. O'Connell. Lower grade: Silver medal, 11. Jaokman; lion, mention, M. Slmin, K. Wood, and F. Clarke. Attendance.—Silver medal (gift of Mr O'Connell), J. Millar; hon. mention, H. M'Kay, G. O'Connell, A. Plunkett, M. M'Gregor. T.'Kilmartin, G. Meenan, M. Sham, and Minnie Collins. CLASS MEDALLISTS. Intermediate grade.—Class B, A. Carmody; Class A, M. Sham. Senior gTade.—Class B, silver medal (gift ol Mr Shaw), A. Plunkett. Good con duct.—Silver medal 'gift of Mr Young), J. Kelman; hon. mention, M. M'Gregor, A. Plunkett, T. Kilmartin, M. Jackman, F. Donnelly, N. Jo;'ce, M. Cutten, and F. O'Connell.

Wreath, awarded by the votes of the pupils for amiability to G. O'Connell.

Successes in various examinations.—Civil Service: W. Heenan. Harmony (Royal' Academy): C. Delargey, W.. Baker, E. Ward, , M. Swing, R. Potre, N. Joyce, M. Cutten, A. Kerr, E. Kircaldy, J. Griffen,. M. Jaekman, I. Leslie, E. Edmonds, G. Meenan, M. M'O-re-gor, E. Wood, A. Plunkett, M. Helps, M. Carey; V. Biakely, M. Sham, G. O'Connell, and Maud Helps. (All the pupils presented at this'examination passed). Instrumental music (Royal Academy): Higher grade (distinction), W. Baker, M. Carey (pass), J. Griffen, E. Kircaldy, and G. O'Connell; lower grade (distinction)," M. Sham and M. Jaekman, (pass) E. Wood. Vocal music (Local Centre, senior grade), Miss M. Ewing. (All the pupils presented at this examination passed.) Instrumental music (Trinity College): Senior grade (honours), M. Pa ton and E. Ward (pass), K. Hannon; intermediate grade (honours), N. Joyce; junior grade (pass), F. Clarke and M. M'Leod; primary grade (pass), M. Morrison. (All the pupils presented at this examination passed). JUNIOR SCHOOL. • Class A.—Religious knowledge, M. Callan; English, 11. Callan; writing, M. Gawne; conversational French, M. Callan and M. Crawne; drawing.(freehand), I. Young; drawing (model), M. Callan and M. Tobin; ' needlework, M. Tobin; singing and calisthenics, M. Tobin; deportment and good manners, M. Callan; good conduct, ..Ml .-Callan. and M. Tobin; order and neatness, M. Tobin; regular attendance. F. Byrne. Class B.—Religious .knowledge, G. Sham; English, N. O'Donnell; arithmetic, K. Collins; drawing (model), A. Richardson; drawing (free- < hand), G. Sham; conversational French, M. Morrison and K. Collins; needlework, W. Walsh; singing and calisthenics, M. Morrison; pianoforte, M. Morrison; order and neatness, M. Walsh; deriortment and good manners, A. Richardson; good conduct, N. O'Donnell; attention to studies, E. Trower; general improvement, M. M'Donald. ' KINDERGARTEN. Rachel Johnson, good conduct; Margaret Maher. writing and painting; Dolores MacDonald, obedience; Dolores Mac Donald, excellence in kindergarten work (special); Bella Laffey, weaving in cane; Vera Myer, catechism and reading; Annie Kelly, good conduct; Kitty Byrne, arithmetic; Vicfr Finlay, bead embroidery and ring knitting; Ellen O'Connell. bead embroidery; Zita Campbell, bos modelling; Eric Campbell, embroidery in silk and colouring in chalk; Cyril Campbell, super mounting; Jack Collins, weaving in cane; Gladys Barley, pricking and weaving in cloth; Ivy M'Donnell, weaving in cone; Eriwst Sal. roon, paper rolling; Patrick O'Connor, weaving in chip; Constance Petre, sewing and kindergarten work; Ethel Murray, weaving in paper; JJa Henderson, embroidery in silk; Patricia loomey, reading and drawing; Phyllis Crombie, leading; Molly Cog Man, weaving in; Olive Jolly, politeness and clay modellingMary Ward, writing; Mabel Yarley, paper cutting; Eileen Collins, counting; Kathleen Campbell., stick laying; Marjory Murray, bead laying; Rose Murphy, bead threading; Evelyn Barry, paper folding; Kathleen Cogflan, composition; Nellie Coghlan, weaving; Myrtle Cieighton, writing; Bessie Laffey, tablet laying; Gabnelle Spain, paoer cutting; Hyacinth Toomey outlining; Willie Gawne, drawing; Arthur Meenan, tables; Oihrner Heuhr, cube building; Joseph Petre, knowledge of geometrical forms; Nicholas O'Neil, weaving in cane; Rowland O'Neil. paper laying; Conway Ledez, weaving; Patrick Keliher, object les-

The Bishop, at the conclusion of the presentation of prizes, addressed the children In the evening an enjoyable and higWp creditable entertainment was given by the pupils.

A feature of the breaking-up for the holidays of the public schools in and around the' city has been the hoisting and saluting of tho Union Jack. The flags were presented to the city schools (with the exception of Arthur street, which had one) by the directors of the Otago Daily Times and Witness Company, and, following the example, generous donors presented the suburban schools with flags. ■ \

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 11922, 21 December 1900, Page 6

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SCHOOL VACATIONS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 11922, 21 December 1900, Page 6

SCHOOL VACATIONS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 11922, 21 December 1900, Page 6