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i Public Ifotiees • Public Notices. | AS SUPPLIED TO HER'MAJESTY, j TlfftlllllJli S■ Ei I^l^E^ PlCllHfilSS pIUI I -I 1i V'K' ■ Electrical En^ineer^ ■ ' Besides being the most Dainty, Dry, and Economical \ £•" I^, ' * Table Salt, Cerobos contains the strengthening and • j il "~" / «i«'- driHiSTCKIIRCH, DUS^EDSW. . ! constitution building properties which are wanting in i ,\ ~~r* if *"? —=================- White Bread, owing to the removal of the Bran. 3 x. j^=^-- -r fr . a ' ' :] Arr^T-i —fr\ Contractors for Electric Lighting, Electric Traction I . It is, therefore, invaluable in the dally food of j /{/ \/ \ \ • Electric Power Transmission Plants, growing children, delicate mothsrs, and all brain \ jl If ySRIfiIB Li & I \^ . s workers. ■ ' j |X j joi if j Pole Agents for Crompton and Co., London (Dynatnos, Arc I , ! fv/\ *V&iV '\ J/ Lamps, Motors); Henley's Telegraph Company (Cables I mdlaale Averts.—KELVL & Co., Ltd., Dunedin. ! XT'^^fVV and Wires); "Ediswan" Lamps. T.T~^~ ~ ry^^—^-^ AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS. ' lEI<E!€l fcIIGCICi m b>©iiS SIIO '^/ CRAWFORD STREET, DUNEDIN. ... A Great-Blood-Purifier and Tonic. _ _w, ' ' I r^P r^*£* r^^-* rW^ CxiP , Almost Unbearable Heat of Summer Soon Puts j uThs tP xv aa> One in the Grave. j " ■ HT . c^ ~ _ ~. ' , _.. „fa f " The Story of a Remarkable Cycle Ride |g A Valuable FeVer AntJdOte. ♦ ' Contains an interesting account of Arthur IST 4^>^ti Richardson's Cycle Rio'e around tneAust- Kf rO^ ■__. -, - _, ■ ! raiian Continent. Cyclists will find Ifie /^* jp fe /sat cjriv a^nEi, n«ri S m ■ ?*£ Booklet extremely interesting. The if' m % aCA story of Riciuirdson's adventures and. ■ «; #tk W nsi^ E MSssi'l ai^y \w>\3^Js^b/ saAa' ■' >«o '-'--' uardstitps affording the most interesting H ><^l^lit^%\ ' ' • Anyone can obtain a Copy Gratis |; F "*^M K^ %^% ; St>^iiV ♦■♦ « , The Banlcp Pneumatic Tyre Co. ofAust. Lid., | fetegr^E?? 5^ I- *~3~k^. *^*M FS**'/3 ** ' 108 I?LINDEKS Street, Melbourne. |.^ S^i1 lifers . fS^i *^^^^' * ii!w»« ceo ' Or I.ichfield-st.. Chrisxlnirch (X.Z.); t^o Clarencc-st., p C^\ m-. J I%J/ p®/» w// • Sydney; =o Franklin-st., Adelaide; ISO Qnecn-st., . »i. *^%^'^- _./. f 1 POSTED GRATIS. | p^> rQ£> £}£> . THe Best Food for Infants and Invalids in all..Climates. - ' ALWAYS REmY. NO OOOKS^G REQUIRED.. ■■'["] "Wliilo in West Austra]ia one of us had what is Itnovm as ' Barcoo 'Sick- H■ M -^S^ 'H ; II w m %^^ BSBTT? ness,'due to bad food and v/ftev, together with the almost unbearable summer , fAnILI heat of that colony. This disease soon puts a man in his grave unless lie treats PURTB MIIA', 'ma • jga m m. ES&pSS® gSSSSS ips^v ■ • it promptly. . I came out of it in fina shape because I relied entirely on Ayer's floissmED Is fg Jt| |- II M 1 % PREDIGESTED Sarsaparilla for a cure. ' ■ i ' \HITH WHEAT |lfi. || | S Slisa' 1 II " Both of us have used this great remedy for boils and sores on our arms and .Al!l) . . |{lU|, II iffi B :| P""* J S| ffl QfHrOTTlr'r'T\ hands, as a blood-purifier and general tonic, and as a perfect; antidote to fever BARLEY '| M | Jpsi| p [||. |ij || .ffl blMlLlilil/.- j •while in camp or at home.. We both believe there is no remedy equal to this . •■ KALT. ■MW M a m life^ Hi EJEtiSai t&KZIr grand old medicine we know so well." ■■ • Dowling Bros., of 103 Hindley St., Adelaide, So. Australia, send us this letter ™ " --POWDER FORM. ■|\ | | |# : and the abovo photographs with permission to use. After such an experience . - - |£i-SI? IP^ ri1?:!^ |^ |j P-(^ they can certainly call Ayer's Sarsaparilla . - ll^ E. B£ IT <*2> fel^p^ ffi U j|%> "The Worid's Greatest Family Medicine." •.■.IN.DpFINITELY- 11; | | '§*%& |\ q ■ Be sure you get the right-kind of Sarsaparilla—"Ayer's." Don't let any- LfiSGEST S^l^EJ JSST iv&ZTS IST©E£X(». body induce you to try some other kind. You will regret it if you do. . If you are not in good, vigorous health, if your nerves are not so strong' as • . . ' . Of all Chemists Slid Stores. . • you wish, if you are feeling run down and depressed, buy Ayer's Sarsaparilla ' ■ ■' ' ■_ ■ ■ ■ ' f today and begin the certain cure. . ■ Builds up. the moio~Systemi """ " |J P|||ff | $ ILf 1 "AVER'S PILLS act on the Siver; they cure biliousness. H ER^:^^^!^ **Sold only in fe^M fthts. JAMES EPPS & Co., Ltd.," . h^T^fT^^^W It ranks "^^^^S^m fiomoßopatbic' Cnemists^ . y among ch P coiate S London. Agents in Dunedin-MACKERRAS & HAZL?TT. Jf™^ 1 !\, 'iv- s-g^zi*, sfzffi<s?- #fs& Jly among Cocoas : it is unequalled ! ija^ —! hands, given invariably satisfactory X^V^V «» b- «- J&l!!isEs? , cooking, is HAOia EASY afr» cheap results. <It is one of the most FSSS" Eaiߧlg« J^Mf by'using one of, valuable of curativo agents at Sold in the folio wing sizes:— j^^W^ SHACKLOCK'S our disposal." • Cioauette In Tin- J$W ((APTAM YIKCHOW. X-O^ Uoquette .. in 1m As^BT " O.lilON \|^^\ Drop . In Tins. #|T '-. '...'■BANGES. («H|tt!^tKf^j||^' V is 'the "" \?\ Sauare Tablets J3W It will burn Wgnite, Coal, Wood, or Peat, oonoen tpated of the Saline V'^'V BarS JSW : ; ami requires no setting. group.' Natural Aperient Waters are N&'^ik "" M^W ' ■' : TIIO Maker and Patentee havinj* hnd 25 yuiita YasUv Superior to artificial SOlutiOJlEj A> r " fX GiVC it Amlt? HIS!MTO W however skilfully prepared." . jA&W ... will ba pleased-to furnish pviooA and novice SIR HKHEY THOMPSON. • >^^ *v ""a3 j&^mW . ...•'"' to any desiring it. , '•.■'■ r vv / TO^S' h. k s'h7~cklock. -. ; \'.\^W ' nTnvTfwiT -nriTTvnpv lishcd itself as a customary Aperient X//* 7^ $W GENERAL IOUADEY, in all climates. It is remarkably and • ; ' • ' Vhf Princes street, Dtuiedin. exooptionally uniform in its composi- . . V*"\ l&r ..":.'' ~~ . tion and free from the defects of other N^y Hungarian Bitter Waters." "^ ■• '•' . ■ 0! D SPORT ' TOBACCO british medical journal. ~~^^m^mwwmm^^^i^ Is*^^^ "fjntiUMfMnm" of the I "riJp- KoTl ' fl^^Sr^ eSIF^ISI - many Ofen or Hungarian Bitter ®' I AStE W^U^pi*. |JLifT Jlk NSSTcSrfbffl| ■ ■•■ ■ * Waters now offered to the public, H • FOR, NEIiR^UGIA §11 Pl^ M rlainv.^ble- No wire or ft —- --== careful selection should be made. We |,-* >^ CURES. lilEflf fco'Sded b^phy'tl P«, R 5 »lakes BOOTS & HARNESS: havofoundtliatonlyHUNYADlJANOS W ©I- PfiP BOX' "SlTupfln M cians- Write for b(?olt' waterproof ts a duch'a oack, aim an «. ve i'S all nnrooseq owintf to itq ' ' , , ■' -S %Wfe iKjf ' Free. Wilson Ear Drum Cog;' 6^ U (!« tkt> aci ft as velvet. Adds three timed anb.YOlß an piupOdOS, OWing 10 Its VU. » ' ' »■■■•■«—" :j » I- Chalmers, Agont, > •'to Hio v/ear of leather. Pleasant remarKable uniformity and gentle Sold by all. Chemists and Storeseepers . ;iU 229 Collins St., Melb. g^ GOLD MEDAL «jo,,r. Allows ,^w, with btaok-' action, which render it preferable to -^qr cou g ksand~c"old7^; WOOD'S Gre»t . Dubbin .."BjifKk. _^-™ i »o» ! «^o D H» st . W^S^S^S^^ OTAGO WITNESS.—New Stories. A Larg» | Books, Ladies' Gossip. Home latero-t-—Otaso QT GFOUGP JAM—Best in the market..— the most prominent positions m tbe-Uty ca Amount of TJeadiue Mntt«r._ Prir.o Gd ffTjtnsaa. O All. fir"-°v,. the ahorteat notice. ■ _ .... , Whenadded to diluted Cov/'s Milk it produces a oomplete and perfect diet, adapted for the Strong- as wel* as the Sickly .Babe. MELLIN'S FOOD supplies materials by which diluted Cow's Milk is converted Into a PERFEO'I.' FOOD tor the YOUNGEST INFANT. ' 'Adapted-foruse in all Climates. ■ 'S\ m K MBKS || %pk 15 C3^ 1« E**** 3 PM 1 II C^ 1 I^. I A ' lONICIONIC NUTJUISM1 for ALL WHO AJIE WJiIAK and i¥l tLLil^ O THE PERFECT CL Itl UL. OI W.l^l -AILIKGorTKOOJJLEUtrithOODGHSopOOLDU,- ; j■ I . MELLIN'S FOOD ANJ) MELLIN'S EMULSION MAY BE OBTAINED OP ALL DEALERS. ' SABIPIL.ES AT»-IP PAWPWILKTS WAY BE ' OBTAIWBP .I'BBJg BBIXIN &, COMPAKY, WEMiIiVOTOX. '

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 11809, 11 August 1900, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 11809, 11 August 1900, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 11809, 11 August 1900, Page 11