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Late Advertisements. GEORGE SIEVWBIGHT.] ~ ' [NEVILLE SIEVWRIGHT. gIEVWRIGHT BROS. & CO. SHAREBROKERS. Mr GEORGE SIEVWRIGHT. Member Dunedin Stock Exchange. Bankers: THE NATIONAL BANK OF NEW ZEALAND (LIMITED). Properties For Sale and To LetJOHN EEID & SONS, ALBERT EVANS PQTATTS AGENTS XjL BROKERS, SURVEYORS, 1Q gtre DnnediD . Leases, Mortgages, and Transfers Prepared. Has = .SV^oI^S^TION 2 , Block !, Opoho; 415.^/ VALLEY.-Very "I^P^ rf HOLSE of 5 rooms; m Blacks road, constructi situated in rishlg snbwb; .« P t ' WPTTOW 45 large section; bargain. 348. GLENOMARU-Paxt SLCTIOtj 46 £350.-NORTH-EAST O VALLEY, 8-roomed Block IX, GlenornaruDistrict ™ »°f« HOUSE; bath; with quarter aero freeg* t^r tina gpSr road;- tram passins 3-43 NORTH OTAGO.-FARMS of 29 to 219 beautiful fruit trees; garden and lawn m acres, in good condition and treasonable 8 rooms 3-42 200-ACRE FARM in Waikaka; cheap; («ew). all outhouses, with over J-acre; £400. 470-acre FARM, Waipahi; a gift; . situated Broad Bay, wiuhin stone s throw £1000. 200-acre FARM, Waipihi; very of jetty; a really cheap property, and very „],„„„ , . I suitable for summer boarders. 2i9. DUNEDIN.-Russell street: 2 good £850^QUARTER ACRE Freehold with good HOUSES of 6 and 3 rooms respectively; HOUSE; 8 rooms, bath, etc.; this is really great bargain. £450. ■ • a ohea P property, and well worth looking 178 £650.—2 i ACRES Land, with good iJvtel- after. ling of 6 very large rooms, -pantry, bath, ■ FOR SALE .or LET, splendid FARM of 110 scullery, etc.; Shacklock range; situate; acres; within a few miles of Divneclm; Roslvn; new tram will shortly be running g°°d four-roomed House and scullery, to-Within 5 minutes' walk of property; stables, fowlhouse, byre; everything corngreat bargain; owner left Dunedin. Plete; p^ 1??' r f™"^i 52 ? eaf y- , ,^ 3-40. MORNING-TON.—Good 4-roomed COT- £105.—Splendid SECTION; best part of MusTAGE, with J-acre orchard; for sale, a! selburgh. . „_ ' , - bargain—£32s. j £285.—Upwards of 2 ACRES, vacant; m very 244. ROSLYN.—Very nice HOUSE of 8 rooms, ! sunny position. AT _,_, ... plastered; bath/gas, copper, tubs; and 1 £)600.-Lovely RESIDENCE, 8 rooms; with rood 7 poles land; beautiful spot, and tram every convenience; 10 acres ground; only will pass the property very soon; bargain, few minutes from tram; this is really a £900 bargain. 3-37. DUNEDIN.-Splendid New 8-roomed i £750.-Splendid New RESIDENCE of 7 large HOUSE, in best locality; plastered : rooms: bathroom, hot and cold water; throughout; charming view; bright, sunny • J-acre of ground. This is a really nrstposHion class property. 3-36. MORNINGTON.—Eight-roomed HOUSE £375.—Five-roomed HOUSE and large SECin best part of Mornington, with 3 Toods : TION; \ situated at. Musselburgh; this is and 20 poles land; corner section; would ' really a bargain, subdivide well. ' ', £325.-Good HOUSE of 6 rooms, on J-acre 3-7. BELLEKNOWES.—SpIendid sunny half- j land; within two mmute3 of tram; baracre SECTION in this rising township; .gain. .. „_„ owner left Dunedin; £170. FOR SALE.-Beautiful seaside K-hbl--3-34. NORTH OTAGO.—Splendid FARM of DENCE at Port Molyneux; choice situa--894 acres; 1J miles from railway station; in tion; 8 rooms; coachhouse and stable; u a numerous paddock*, all well watered; lime- acres of land, partly native bush.—Apply stone formation; Jsrell appointed housed to Trustees Estate of Robert Paterson or 10 rooms, 8-stall stone stable, barn, shear- Albert Evans, Land and Estate Agent, Kating shed, etc.; particulars on application. tray street, Dunedm. / j „„ 32. INVERCARGILL.-4 ACRES Nursery £600-12 Acres first-c ass LAND »^ h ™ grounds, with large vineries, tomato houses, Otego Peninsula; two frontages well shel etc; grapes and tomatoes alone bra- in tered; only 2o minutes drive from Post over £200 a year; price, £650; cost about ; plastered 353. BROCKVILLE.-FOUR ACRES LAND, i* throughout; over quarter-acre good garicn TTA'W*rPTTn'RwnAT,"R TTiiTrnrni Firflt- and flower garden: bargain. 16%™™om«rHOTSE KawHh\cu!S, | £330 ; -SPLENDID COTTAGE of four = washhouse, and all conveniences; bay ™?™d av*™l cen "-1 po-Bl^ oa ttO^SE window, verandah: large section; £350. £10C»---ST. , U ? \ A^Mteh 3-28. KELVIN GROVE.-Vacant Section, £60. bath, hot and cold; S-acre land, well laid 3-25 DUNEDlN.—Splendid Business Pre- out m flower and fruit garden. A really mises, best part Princes street, showing 6 f'n-vn i? i. v M,\, iTk-n/Xf" "^ let Ur- WeU W°rth trfmfafd '£ 3-21. RAVENSBOURNE.-Very superior bay I Pawing hourly; sunny aspect; terms or window verandah HOUSE, containing 5 ; __-.caSj „ ... , T>-c<aTrn?-Kir>v> ~t ,™ m rooms and large-pantry; fitted with ward- j £520.-A Beautiful RESIDENCE of seven robe, Venetian blinds, etc.; also 2-roomed rooms,' bath, etc ; situated at &>«">"" verandah COTTAGE, washhouse, copper, | Bim; full quarter-acre ..Section freehold; coalhouse, etc.; asphalt paths; lovely out- '. really a good property^ • look; on Main road; cost about £700-, price, , £m^- MRa7 e™^™ e+i TZn^? *]}?. Beaf h-~ £i 2s The Choicest RESIDENCE in this suburb. 3-10. CARISBROOK. - Substantially - built j Seven lovely rooms large, and highly HOUSE (brick), 7 rooms. Corporation ! finished; neany half an acre freehold, in leasehold. Very cheap. . I splendid cultivation;. three minutes from 368. RAVENSBOURNE.—On Main road, station. „.-,,,, -, „• -, close to railway station, a charming bay- Magnificent' 1000-Acre FARM; good Residence wmdow verandah VILLA, containing six : arid necessary buildings; first-class land; rooms, bath, and all conveniences; over J- ' going a sacrifice. acre land, nicely laid, out in fruit and flower : £1000.—Beautiful REoIDENCE, eight rooms garden • I '■ m& bath, with full quarter freehold; 3-20. DUNEDIN and EAST TAIERI DIS- ' situated in Elm row. This is without TRICT.—Block IV; 574 a3r 31p of good doubt :i very choice property, grazing land, fronting Dunedin-North Taieri £750.—Russell street.—Seven large ROOMS, road, and near Ashburn Hall. For Sale, a • with bath; convenient outhouse; big freebars'ain; 25s per acre; will be sold in one hold, or more lots. ' • £1100.—Delightful Suburban RESIDENCE; 353. LITTLEBOURNE.— Superior Brick and ; 8 lovely rooms, with bath; beautiful deCement HOUSE, of 6 rooms bath (hot and sign; three-quarters acre; exceptionally cold water), and all conveniences; £850. pretty garden; handy to tram, 'bus, or TO- LET, rail; 12 minutes' from Post Office. HOUSE of 6 rooms, in Argyle street, Morn- I I would like to point out that this list emin"ton • bathroom, gds, Venetians, etc; J- braces only a very few of the properties lam ac?e section; .10s. offering for sale; in many instances my clients Modern HOUSE of 7 rooms; within 10 forbid my putting their particulars m this minutes of Post Office; as from August 16; column, and lam at all times willing to afiord commanding view; rent, £65 per annum. the fullest information to purchasers > or their MONEY to LEND on First-class Security agents. If you are buying,,selling, o:- letting at Lowest Current Rates. ; you would perhaps find my list of muoh « to jyou; at any rate, it costs nothing >to call. JOHN REID & SONS, MONEY TO LEND on GOOD CITY PROCorner Bond and Liverpool streets. PERTY at 4j per Cent. gTITv WRI:GHT "BR OS. & CO, HOTEL BROKERS AN D LAND SALESMEN, 14 HIGH STREET, DUNEDIN. j HOTELS FOR SALE: SOUTHLAND TOWNSHIP.—Finest HOTEL in the district; substantial brick and stone building; takings, £45 to £50' weekly; fortune to a good man; freehold property; terms can be arranged. ■ ' • /MHRISTCHURCH.—One of the leading HOTELS;- doing perhaps the biggest and most \J profitable business in the city; excellent lease; early application. SOUTHL 4.ND—Lease, Goodwill, Furniture, etc., of capital HOTEL; lease six years to ' run; ground rent only 30s per week; lea-so contains purchasing clause of freehold; business, £45 per week; easy ingoing. . GEORGE HOTEL, PORT CHALMERS.- LEASE of this well-known House, 6 years to run, at £3 5s per week; first-class trade; terms can be arranged. d^i OLDFIELDS TOWN —Freehold of HOTEL and furniture; present business averages ijT £45 weekly; price, as a going concern, £2000; can be thoroughly recommended. encnrti,i\ —GOODWILL, Stock, and Furniture at valuation; five,years' lease; rent, £4 per ob/*!l\-?« week; business large and very profitable; goldfields district, opposite railway station. ' ' BUNEDIN CITY LEASE HOTEL; five years at £5 per week; situated in Princes street; hotel contains'so rooms, splendidly furnished; good business; easy ingoing. IN addition to the above, we have a large number of Hotel Properties, both Freehold and Leasehold, on our registers For' Sale, which we shall be glad to produce to bona-fide purchasers. . ■ ' WE are also prepared to arrange the finances of any hotel purchased or leased through us. n-a f\'t\ TO £5000 TO LEND ON HOTEL PROPERTIES. £100 TO OKAAA Jb-lAPU ■ awtßtwu Any Hotels placed in our hands for sale will be advertised (should the owner desire it) Free of Charge. TYrO COMMISSION OR EXPENSES UNLESS WE ARE THE MEANS OF BRINGING 1M ABOUT A SALE. ; AT GORE.—We have for Sale Mrs E. Hutchinson's Property in Broughton. street, Gore, Section 41, Block XVI, containing 10 Acres; and Section 40, containing C Acres; the Jot for £700, or £40 and £50 respectively. Further particulars on application. SIEVWRIGHT. BROS. & CO., 14 HIGH STREET, DUNEDIN. BURTON & PATTERSON, TXT ILL IA M RJS I !>, AGENTS and ACCOUNTANTS, LAND, ESTATE, and STOCK and SHAREBROKERS. GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. - ALBION CHAMBERS, 27 Bat^ streetDOWLING STREET WEST. FOR SALE: QUARTER-ACRE, Four-roomed HOUSE, " * Opoho; splendid situation, good aspect; . near Gardens; orchard; all out-buildings. FOR SULE: - Price £300. 531 ACRES, near Gore; Eight-roomed MUSSELBURGH.—Superior Newly-erected 7- HOUSE; garden, orchard, woolshed, men's hut, stable, byre, and all farming conroomed HOUSE and bathroom; a really veniences; 30 acres bush; only £4 15s per it i, acre; 150 acres is river front land of best choice property; land, bblt trontage, by quality; remainder good agricultural land; good coal on property. 132 ft depth. ■ Good Corner SECTIONS, Musselburgh, 81 by KEW.-BUILDIN,G SECTIONS'. SIX-ROOMED^OUSE; fronting Main road, T _ r _ T - m^r , , , , j N.E. Valley; 2 Sections; good, well-built RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY m best part of j House . a y g^ bargain; £300. io i k ™~,r,n - i :70 ACRES, two miles from tram; good land, city, comprising 12-roomed and 5-roorneJ a ll fenced and subdivided; well watered; tt ™,i mvoafmont 6-roorned House and all outbuildings; Houses; good investment. ]arKe and remunerative orcllarcl . 28 ACRES, 9-roomed HOUSE; about four miles from town; price low. TO T FT- 80 ACRES, Main North road; 4-roomed House; XV J-iiJl. f ew acreSl ljunh; 011 iy .-£450; good land. ttt^tt arm^-nirr. v m n ™,«,l wnTTQV• SIX-ROOMED HOUSE, Roslyn, facing Belt; HIGH STREET. - Eight-roomed HOUSE, j good large Section; only £325; .-CSO deposit; bathroom, h.p. boiler, -etc. Lnn^'.mr , GOOD FARM of 531 acres, near Gore; 8HERIOT ROW. — Eight-roomed HOUSE; roomed, well-finished House; 50 acres bush; all good state cultivation ; price rebathroom, h.p. boiler. duced. „ 228 ACRES, Glenomaru, p.l, Gd per acre. ImYOUNG STREET.—Seven-roomed HOUSE. - provements, three-roomed house, shctl 24ft x 12Jt-; good garden; 30 acres bush. BURTON & PATTERSON, TO LET: 13J ACRES, near town; suitable for market LAND, ESTATE, AND FINANCIAL | garden or fruit-growing; or will soil; a gTeat bargain. *" AGENTS. LICENSED LAND BROKERS. MONEY to LEND D^±°« Eats o£ Intereßt' WILLIAM REID, Note New Address: LAND AGENT AND ESTATE AGENT, ALBION CHAMBERS, Sub-Agent Royal Insurance Company, DOWLING STKEET WEST. 27 Rattbay stbeet, DujfEDiir,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 11808, 10 August 1900, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 11808, 10 August 1900, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 11808, 10 August 1900, Page 8