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Business Kotices- publications, jgjpjf SAFEST AND BEST. . * — _ ft „ QTAGO DAILY TIMES t ~_.l u. _si_u_,i, , 3 EhM £\ $$ EM! /\ "8"1 Tr __i [»1 " . N^^ SMOKELESS ¥* 4' '"X woAiiDMMiiT CHBISTMAS JUHIIUL, 1900.. lj'\ __ i A IS THE only Incandescent Lamp burn- ° h^T~~~™*K^~*^ 1*^?~™~~~°^~i& in S kerosene oil, without mantle. -_^ -_^ _ •„ * I_^ IS smoiceless and odourless, because it PEIZE TALE I i «I _*r is impossible to turn the wick too >aW > "V> hor to° low- COMPETITION. f^__ 1' r j THE light is turned out like gas ;it &IZ r does not require blowing down the Jr* 5 *"•> * ' •i^ I**^1**^ chimney to extinguish. . A^LZLL" * \ ™E wick'requires no attention, is J* ott^yeS 1" On™ M™ w' f -7 self-adjusting, self-cleaning, and 43 were entGrec i. Of these, 25 belonged to p "\ v, * + 4 does not burn out. ' Section I (Country Life), 4to Section II WW *%SH & THE flame is always even, the wick "(Mming life), 12 to Section ni CTown life), \ VEr f iw? ' $?■ / J-ii-u "'Hue is """"J" w ' and 2 were informal, the scene Laving been \ "** S- / <>" being guarded. laid outside New Zealand. The results are \, <- r y THE MANHATTAN produces fifty per as follows:— . v - V- J cent, more light than any other SECTION I. ■ V- »rA ( centre draft lamp and uses less oil. 1~" William Rufus," by " Impromptu." f !&^? 1 ,2—"The Divided Way," by "N.E.A." p^ I . _ ~ " Flitting Shadows "is a well-written tale. >j£fe.,3»V. k°*e Agents tor _)unedin: "Ruth," "How We Got Up the Concert," *"*•* ■'^i^ " and "Phantom Blood" are commended. gHh'T''^ J~ *'* JjJa&AJJili If •uu yjy&_l^ •■ section 11. 1 —" In a Molyneux Sluicing Claim," by • " Mona." 2—"M'Clusky's Plum Duff," by "Pa,paroa." ~ —; In this section "Waiting for the End" is ||i^ of high merit, but it cannot be called a tale, ..^1 neither has it any shadow of national colour. B siTi^ITTV & ¥ ITUTirin[f!fiT"!!¥lJ f\ AH"O 1 "The Midas of the Molyneux "', is com-. , ' ' !^f* 1—" What's in a Name?" by "Phroso." y1 J " The Teaching of Dolly " is an excellent L^gev g^iv a ragjg jg /ecsv xSBx _3p3 /*^JV F^fe PP^ iF^ "' - piece of work, and well merited a prize had iiffi W-W m Bs? %Fes Si Pii§ Pw "^33 -f^ ' *wo een g*ven in this seotion. "A Fortu%PS%i&J %P i %J'li'&s«-_S^_i*' ,<^J Christmas Dream," "My Lady* Margaret/; - ' and "His Life's Ideal' are commended. —__a__g_>*o*<_3SZS!w—-— v^ v ' : ~~ '-.-'■ f^^S^^^ s**5** WT dT\i^i II 7 ' <^C* c n Sections I and 111 is good:; ; ll il %^# %£ W ' ' \,-F IM ' the work in Section II is, on-ithe whole, disy^j, •™*on & ' £ s Haasr fiJ US «a.» appointing. "M'Clusky's Plum Duff," the .—; — • i* second prize tale, attains its place not by , '*, literary merit, but by its fidelity to detail We Undertake f© leaf Hew' Price Jv . 'mtoXrw^GC^ 101™^™™11* J^BIVWBSPBS A careful perusal of the Competition MSS. : t|Hl«!»B©w Mfciimsanti ;.• suggests one or two reflections. It is a little swpriEing that more than one-half of the canX« r; ®;*i"4 i^^K , \v« didates chose to woo the Muse, in her rustic 'Wj'-bS'^-'/i"®-■s%**& •^->?.W.^^>^^^S^Ji«eG>i«' */ s/ 1 haunts.. This is' owing partly, no doubt, > to the longing for green fields inherent in the artistic soiil, and partly, one suspects, to the : — : : 1 want of distraction and amusement in the Lnß>nß=iWH n riE^cpopa P"l«Sl&lSfi© I ffSß9 (^¥b^M^ s*'' country—a want apt to encourage in bucolic HBaES &. USM I Lfallfeia « ' ISiisPkHSlaiSa ',>' y°uth the fatal delusion that a pen, an ink- ' '- | ■ 'inn-mri - ■ V * pot, .and two hours off duty among the cows -»ke»**«®E333=— —- .«.,.* v are the sole essentials for story writini?. These Mr. GEORGE KNIGHT NOBLE begs to notify that hypotheses perhaps explain why the best and he has now assumed control of the TAILORING DEPART s ><$ worst work came under the first section. HENT at LOBIB* STORES. Intending Customeis • o^s£Tl7o™^™^™™ (especially Ladies) are requested to make an appoint- tention paid to New Zealand scenery by the ment before calling. Mr. Noble can bs seen between 9 V^ writers. Those full-fed critics who are so to 12, and Ito 6-"also on Saturday. Evenings,.but NOT t> < ' apt to murmur "Toujours perdrix" might, ■ „' v , „ ' . % perhaps, count this a merit, even when the on Wednesday Afternoon. < "everlasting partridge" is Aorangi or Mitre Several vacancies for First-class Coat or Vest Hand 51 ,** : Peakj and the same critics would probably None other need apply. Extra wajres to experienced workei •» accept with equanimity another notable ab- ' .. A . , v « v^v«- 1^ *" ' soccg—the almost total lack of the Maori ele- ■ ■■'•- -"- writers which once gravitated towards Te Rauparaha- and Hone Heke is now absorbed in the African struggle, since one-fourth of the tales hinges upon the Boer war. We do no* , ■ . note these omissions as necessarily blame- , :. , ■ ■ _ - — ]' worthy; indeed, they may negatively infer ' ~—■ " ~ ~ ' the attainment of a higher level in letters thau ■ 1S usually reached in a bare half century—a a jgßgg_B-*' r ~ /i level on which art can revel leisurely amid •- <§* salient humanities and dispense with that ag-. #J» «is. __-*^ m & gressive appeal to the concrete which charactK f^B» ff -J^^ terises the dawn of a literature. While we M _• -*es3&lr^ leave to the reader all specific comment on (s&£*% Pf*«^^ ' J!<sgs£o^^ ' tlle P"ze tales, we certainly think they deiSl^^ J$ ' monstrate the existence of a sound, sweet *S&*-J^o' i_3s' l(_^ ■ ' literary spirit in the colony—a spirit perTWi* meated, moreover, by a study of the best m . Anglo-Saxon literature overseas. While ... ■ ™ complimenting the winners, we exhort their _._„ _. _____ __ j**S competitors to be plucky losers; many of: ■ " GOBS 70. 3^^Cj3V*^_ ■ ' them ow t0 ell a Pleasant tale j>lea~ ■ j<''**s^sf ""^^^^^ \f!Z*" ft^s'S. santly; and if they take heart of grace they jC'jjls1* Jjfy\\*^si " may succee(J another day, Af* •^^^^^^^^^K'^l W Public Companies M i^\^^^^Mi^^^^^.^WK <S. m. /TtHE TRUSTEES, EXECUTOES, AND mWi)^^^^^^^^^^ff^^^\^ AGENCY COMPANY O.F NEW ZEAr FrPil^^^S^^m^^^^^^¥4A SpeSu?E£SSS> bY Act of Parliament A lklM£s^%wT^fAtl °1?S e^M^\ m to Act as EXECUTOR, TRUSTEE, REftriHwW li^i 3 I fil X _^^ \Wk CEIVER, LIQUIDATOR, GUARDIAN, COMWJ.Axk ihd I B fe/4 B 1 & WV^WsP ' MITTEE UNDER THE LUNATICS ACT, Wai^wM^A&^mT&^^m/wm ATTORNEY UNDER POWER, ( in tiie ts«iAiv V^^^m^^^^^"^^^^^!^^/^ J\ mil ■ 'same way as an individual, but, unlike an m--6 «&_■* * _^^^__^_S^^®J^ffiW«> Ml dividual, the Company never dies nor leaves V*prfcf r^S^Wjf^ljjL'TT i^^§?M'j*_ii^^®' <_kJP^ c country nor becomes incapacitated, and its m, U A^.}^S^^K<l c'i^Ml^«£^^l^^¥f^><! JiMl financial position is easily ascertained. This K?l®X^^^«^^^# iS ■ •Company is specially qualified, therefore, to YB_L i\*\^t I^!®^^^^^^^^ <^ t&iS? Capital, £50,000, in 10,000 Shares of £0 each, V ?^s§^*^^jmgy ■ E. B. Carg'ill, Esq. P. C. Neill, Esq. sa^#-^^^i^' Richie, Esq. John. Roberts, _.sq. (_ a fejf s^s^g®' ; James Mills, Esq. J. R. Sinclair, Esq. Office: Exchange Buildings, Liverpoolsstreett t ITsl_"_3 A'k¥f_.¥ F\ tvf f^V^T.'P i' '• • Dunedin. Agent in London: H. J. Gibbs, lAl__ __sj_l y^__!W"_!N ■feda W £ ViLJu vv a » Esq., 34 Leadenaall street, E.C. W. LAURENCE SIMPSON, Manager. o » T_TTT"ft/I'"D'I?T3lC! • n>SiIVrO"N"TiS The Company collect rents, dividends, inSOLE AGENTS ... H U _Vil>iilKb , .. OSIYiUINUO teresfc)oro t_er_ioo_io, invest money, negotiate _- r-^i ■->!-*> -k-^5 r-H -w » tt loans, purchase and sell real and personal Builders of ... THE _A.NJQLQI:.SPECIAL. H°^ s m^s& estates' and generally ______ __ . . Forms, charges, and all other information m /<p*. ta ESS /SSfe, R! E3 can c obtained on application at the Office ovsk I W C_ra P X H „_** P °^ Company or any of its Agencies. fgitl |^_^ _g SgSSi I %^ g] *&& |g T^joRTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE —-——=== In insurance company. —■ " Established 1809. T_T _"1T /^nnTTTiy^ "W AiPTAIIY Subscribed Capital .. .. £2,750,000 IN.Zio CJJ-iUTJrIIJM \X I Hil.^liii^l» Paid-up Capital 687,600 nrniAPAM x Net Funds Fire Department UUIAIjUIN. ■ (including Paid-up Capital) £3,452,959 ..____~~_r Net Funds' Life and Annuity , ' "" /-.jtt- Q/11 Department , 10,507,010 GENTS' WHITE DRESS SHIRTS Odd Lines 3/11 . GENTS1 WHITE DRESS SHIRTS Left d/1.l TOTAL FUNDS DECEMBER GENTS' WHITE DRESS SHIRTS , From Sale. 3/11 gi 1898 £13,959,969 GENTS' WHITE DRESS SHIRTS — ' 3/11 ■ : GENTS' WHITE DRESS SHIRTS All Sizes. .3/11 Net Fire Premiums for 1898 .. £1,424,258 GENTS' WHITE DRESS SHIRTS . ... —— Vf 1 The Company Insures every Description of GENTS' WHITE DRESS SHIRTS Fasionable. 3JI Risk against LOSS or DAMAGE by ■ GENTS' WHITE DRESS SHIRTS —— °A| / LOWEST RATES. Losses promptly paid GENTS' WHITE DRESS SHIRTS Perfect^ 311 in Dunedin. GENTS' WHITE DRESS SHIRTS .bitting. d/ 11 MURRAY, ROBERTS. & CO., GENTS' WHITE DRESS SHIRTS — ;VU q^j f A ts for otago . 7iy GENTS' WHITE DRESS SHIRTS Inspection . 3/11 __£ £ ii GENTS' WHITE DRESS SHIRTS Invited. 3/11 mHE PERPETUAL TRUSTEES, ESTATE, GENTS' WHITE DRESS SHIRTS . 3/11 T AND AGENCY COMPANY OF NEW GENTS' UNDERSHIRTS & PANTS Odd Lines 3/11 ZEALAND (LIMITED). GENTS' UNDERSHIRTS & PANTS Lei* 3/11 - ■ GENTS' UNDERSHIRTS & PANTS From Sale. 3/11 CAPITAL .. £125,000. GENTS' UNDERSHIRTS & PANTS — ■; 3/11 : GENTS' UNDERSHIRTS & PANTS " Colonial Makes. 3 11 Directors:' GENTS' UNDERSHIRTS & PANOS — 3/11 > ■ Thomas Moodie, Esq. GENTS' UNDERSHIRTS & PANTS Old Prices 6/6. 311 Walter Hislop, Esq. . GENTS' UNDERSHIRTS & PANIf _ 311 Xi& Ramsayt Esq . GENTS' UNDERSHIRTS & PANTS Rare Opportunity 3/11 w _ E _ jj evno f ds< Esq. GENTS' UNDERSHIRTS & PANTS To get , 3/11 Manager: WALTER HISLOP. GENTS' UNDERSHIRTS & PANTS Genuine Article 3/11 . . --B offices- 'i gln?S' U^DBHiHirP I PANT! Smalt Coet. " 3 Corner of.Rattray and Vogel streets, D^diA p,^TS UNDERSHIRTu &, Hflw omou^oav. A/ii Th . g Com a6ts as Exe cutor or Trustee G-EN'LS uNDERSHIRIb « _»ajm>o .. •>/"•• ~T,rlpr Wills and Settlements, as Attorney for fi-"RN"TS' FASHIONABLE TIES All Sizes and II- _._siness>. GENTS' FASHIONABLE TIES Colours. 1/- For full particulars see Company's Pamphlet. GENTS' FASHIONABLE TIES; -, -— ' ■ 1/- mHE AUSTRALIAN ALLIANCE ASSURGENTS' FASHIONABLE TIES About 1/- 'J_ ANCE COMPANY. GENTS' FASHIONABLE TIES 11 Dozen 1/- FIRE INSURANCES effected on ALL GENTS' FASHIONABLE TIES Left 1/- CLASSES of Risks at LOWEST CURRENT • GENTS' FASHIONABLE TIES From Sale. 1/- R4.TES MARINE INSURANCES. GENTS' FASHIONABLE TIES — V- ' Onr Hmit ia £10 000 . GENTS' FASHIONABLE TIES . Inspection 1/- Good A<rents required where not represented. GENTS' FASHIONABLE TIES • Invited. 1/- All Los = es p aid Promptly in Dnnedin. _ _— _ = _ BARR, LEARY, & CO., Agents, O O "D" _^- O 353". INSURANCES efiected at Low«st Curren* .. , —_ Rates. R. FARCHITECT K E S T> TJO USISHOLD ECONOMY. LOSSES from Fire and Lightning Corcrrf. JOEL'S BUILDINGS, ' Claims Settled with Promptitudo a_a Crawford Street COOKING IS MADE EASY AND CHEAP Liberality. — : ■ BY USING ONE OF ' SHACKLOCK'S ' Agents for Otago: B-_-»K_« T^^_ THE PERPETUAL TRUSTEES, ESTATE, OT TOPAPPfi " OEION AND AGENCY COMPANY OF NETT 1 i UOMuWi i?AxrrTro Zealand (limited), ~~~ • : itAlNVxl^o. Rattray street, Dunedin. It will burn Lignite, Coal, Wood, or Peat, nnHE NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE and requires no Betting. J_ COMPANY (FIRE AND MARINE), — ; : —-,"-■,■ 1 The Maker aud Patentee having hnd 25 years' OTAGO BRANCH. JUST LANDED —15,000 yarus of . SILKS ex ,, er i ence j n the manufacture of all kinds of The p rem i er an d Wealthiest Colonial Company, aud CLOTHS for making and re-covering COOKING and HEATING APPARATUS, capital ■ •• £1.000,000. Umbrellas for winter wear. Umbrellas re- wil i be pleased to furnish prices and aavioe Paid-up Capital and Reserves.. _ -120,000. covered from 2 S Cd, and made to look like fco any deeirinff it. Fir 6 J d M l arina msks of a H kinds accented new.--LEIHA_._ o. . 2]m ; Current Rate 3. "OEGULATION Military Cnmp Canes, sil- | H. 13. SHACKIiOCK, W. I. BOLAM, Manager, _L6j ver-moun,ted.—Can only be had at I GENERAL FOUNDRY, . Corner of Rattray and Crawford streets, . Lethaby's, Princes street. j Princes street, Dunediu. Duncdin. TTMBRELLAS. If you want a Stylish, Ser- • = " I —--- - ---^■ ■-^-.- ■■. .— T n,,.' 7"^ U vioeable Umbrella, call on us. We will j ILMOUR BROS., Walker street, can sup- I mUSSICURA.—A powerful Lung T=_ic; a supply yor 25 poj: oe_t> cbejsx^r than i.ho ' \7T ply all Loasby's Proprietaries; large j 'JL most effoctus/ remedy; sold all caenasv drapers.—Letbttby'R. " . : «! on band. QSm ' sncl stores; price, 2o 6d.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 11808, 10 August 1900, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 11808, 10 August 1900, Page 3