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OF . ' • ' ' j ....'■ H.M.S.. ROYAL ARTHUR who hay-ib . .' €^ 41 J^S^ : : m^WWmU ■ ■ SHOULD REMEMBER THAT • — edwinmooee,Blacksmith, W on g w., ■'■■■■■ ■ . ■ 't)/i^ iml ■writes:—"l think it all you say about it. A ' "H.M.S. Eoyal Arthur,; Sydney, N.S.W. FLAGSHIP OF THE AUSTRALIAN SQUADSON. # ■ , • ' "'/ft- /jf^^^^S^f^i^^ wonderful cocoa," ' ' ■ taken for granted that men who have been in <■ J\ lfi\\\. Sf§l_<S3\4li "l^^^%?^^B jgiv^S^S^^^^' ' ' fMI rsl&JsJ%9i *vlls>-% " •^■avin S use^ Tables' Vi-Cocoa two years, '■ •• - , ■PUBLIC TESTIMONY. -.- . .■ . . MEDICAL TESTS MO NY, recognised that there is merit in Dr. Tibbies' Yi■Cocoa, hence the many favourable expressions of • . The LANCET, says:— "Vi-Cocoa must be assi^ded opinion that are being received daily from all . . a place in the front rank of really valuable foods, since _i»_._. ~«„.„, i/,,,,, nnmiM n-rn lf} ls tlie embodiment of all the numerous principles Victoria. Our .New South Wales. Army Hospital Corps, at Springfontein, South Africa, write through Qr.-Master Sergeant JOHN HOWARTH: . Mr WILLIAM WALKER, 418 .Spencer street, ■. ■ ' _, „ _ an^ E%i%R&81&7 IS {ff& *W B*JP Pi tf* ITS ST ** ' ' ' '"" _" . ■'■" several, of the testimonials from users of Vi-Cocoa, I - . IH fe ÜBSLII LliJb'l IB ¥£li ¥ fWIUS^ M n . t$ if U^ B£ I-8.8-(ft V - ,■ The MEDICAL PRESS says:-" We have recerwd determined^to give; it a trial and have used it ever since. . ■ ■ «™ .„ .„ ~...^'.. '■ ■■ a sample of Dr. Tibbies' Vi-Cocoa, a preSionco^ I could not now do without it. Being a working man, ... jj 19 . ffl'S H|M?S PifflW #1 f^^liilfl^i HI I? IT iii HM^fl 35 • ' sisting of a skUfully-prepared ■ combination of Obooa,'' and having to get up sometimes very early, with a lon X . . _ | «'ISLWfiV« MMfc M- I^HLLUsI Ur Mi BN nMNBJ>- . . . Malt, Hops, and Kola. It has been said that-sc-cS day g work before me, which sometimes would be very / ■. . . ' doctored' Cocoa is not a thing ta be recommended, or - a^i'it^ia-j;^ • — — —: : — — ■ sas a-SiS'^C?'EHi^H ' ": - NEW SOUTH WALES. ARMY MEDICAL CORPS ON THE MARCH IN SOUTH AFBICA. ■ S^S^iSgiS.'SS^. Before I took to Vi-Cocoa I used to go home as tired . . • ' ... . . • . ... vWiich stimulates as well ks sustains. For these reasons and fatigued as could be I have aso recommended it , A ■M'BTT'L ATSTOB TIRr-AIIST JbJT WORK: - we regard Vi-Cocoa as a product which distinctly to my fnends, and they, like myself, find it a most in- . . -<H-.±VL-C_. LJ _l_ V--& _-. -CW^ J.XNJ >-.-.-- vv W-cvjh-,. . . supplies a want in these days of high-pressure existence.vigoratmg beverage. As a health-givmg refreshing .-.-.. . . A stimulating food, such as Vi-Cocoa, especially when' and nourishing beverage it stands unrivalled. I wish . , ■ .■• ■ taken by overworked or feeble persons, is one which you every success. . . 'WO%&& ■■'■■'■'■ ■ ' . ... • ■ -<^"^ ' ensures • its.' own digestion. In this, respect, if offers Messrs J. A. RODGERS and Co., Grocers and Pro- **%p|.|!'' . . . , • '.-'■" ' /"' r'\, " ' . , certain advantages, over other food products, and fromvision Merchants, 7 Ferguson street, and 147 Douglas ,!?' ' J"^' '^N. /^^s^* " ■ *n's P°'nt °^ view > therefore, it can be highly recom- " Parade, Williamstown, write: —"We have heard many ■ \iv '. '^'Ife *\ .^fll^^^ —-^^ \^ S r' r>r , . mended." ' .-■•'. favourable comments from our customers as to the bene- '' ! \wk\!l ' ~**°*^""" '~~-~ ■■ ' Jr^ if^^ " V" ■ '".' • ■ ficial results in their digestion, &c, since taking Vi- ; wk ■ ''■ 'J^wji,.. ~* i""~"-^ .. .—— »«»*""■ ' ; Cocoa. We now order, with a confidence that it will ■ iS§&Js^—v^ _—- *" • ' ' .T. he aIEPICAL MAGAZINE says:—"Medioai ■ sell on its merits, and we are only too pleased to push '"^^^k Y\ a J S^ ' N *s&=z*-~ ;^^^^" practitioners will find a valuable weapon in Dr. Tibbies' . a good article that commends itself to the public taste." "^"^w^x ( jr y^ ' ; * : . ■ ' . . Vi-Cocoa in combating the various conditions of ncrMrs L. H. JENNINGS, St. Kilda, Melbourne, K__W^ \j, /■ / ' _-^^^- . ■ vous exhaustion and enfeebled digestion. The ingredi-writes:-"I wish to tell you that Dr. Tibbies'Vi-Cocoa P~~«' \ ■ >}) /5kT *^§^2^- ' % ' <^^^^^W7^X 'A ents of which it is composed are carefully selected and is the best cocoa I have ever tasted,'and will most ■ i V S^W) <V^==- «*ZZtZX? -~-===^=^ A^^Am^^Sk Vl MM\ i^v of undoubted purxty and strength, certainly always use the same." . ..!'. X=^->/ // m ' " r ~<^.>" * rWk Cf &O M»#. H4^iU*J^ \W' /M A " '■ , • ' ' . Mrs M. BATEMAN, Whitley street. West Bruns- t^«»^>v *^> . . ' '^^^a'""^ ,"»^3?H'+^«Sl^ J*"f*® B 'JJ^^^^^ W ' ' ' «■ ':. ■: wick, Melbourne, writes:—" lam so pleased with your /^^^MWm^^^^^^ ,„ "/ 4 /« C^r^h^ " /7\ V^^W^ The POPULAR MEDICAL JOURNAL says:—1 Vi-Cocoa that I hope the demand will not exceed the /ff^^S^w^WwflSK V w^'V » -f • • r&rh r&&® "^ '■ In l.&tp-S. X « yl IW'-pp "Dr. Tibbies' Vi-Cpcoa is an excellent combination of supply, as I should not like to be without it. I tell all /4l%#^^^#&^^\ ""^^ V '' %0?$ 'A . ctenuaw^-*- -%->^ -^= = —_^ \^^\ ''W- IQv^jl Kola and Cocoa; and it not only gives the nutritious my friends of it." /Ml^^i^il#fS«i^silr N ~&' --«^ ' n\»Dh^,'%M s>~~-^ / -S=4 /A . •»*»»££'—. U~M\ ft-s=-^^ WO ' and sustaining properties, but, having Hops incorporaMrsE. N. COX, "Hteeldell,"Bulnßuln, Victoria, #I>^%|^f#B»#^ , ||l\\\ 'M ,Ca *JpSffil x^^4 - ' jiT^^M^^/M^i^V "01 ' tf..^ "-^ as a tonic, and is soothmg, while the writes:-" We all like Dr. Tibbies' Vi-Cocoa exceed- W^^^^Mf^F^ ' V l\\vV } o^^^o^^m^lll/: "%i^C^"^%?/M/^^^^% m^ consWerabt^ ass^stl weaf dlgestLns^^ MEW SOUTH WALES. . R^ff'^S^^V ffi- pS^fi^J^h I^^ /^^%^^^'?^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ / Jilt.-' )y Vw REPORT OSM DR. TIEEL.ES' VI-COCOA. \ BUGLER Army^Medical Corps, N.S.W. , ?F, LLl^^SSfeC'i''1 ''^M I^S?'' ' fclkl^lS?^!^ "W& ' ' S^^^^'^S^^ ■ '//// '^// J///Ms' Dr- A" B- GRIFFITHS, Ph.D., F.R.S. (Edm;), • Contingent, Albany, W A.,'on board s.s. Kent, Novem- |#f^^3i^^i#^ JI , i lUfw ■ #PM 11P#/ ■ pWf^h C/^^^^^ V¥P-T X /l^^ J^^^%C- Si^'P/. szJz# f^/s member of the chemical societies of Paris ■ and St. bers, 1899, writes:^' Just a line to let you know how ' wJs^^SjSMS .^ IM ! P^^#>;H¥ Wl Ivi 111^ \lwlf W'JWI n' fl /7M#" /$ lA : ' /^W - m /^^^^ &/'/// Petersburg, Lecturer on Chemistry, Central School of" we appreciate Dr. Tibbies' "Vi-Cocoa. We generally %^@%^Sl WflW ' I^^^.^ {?\- 'Is^ftl F? \ Wo!k WZm KAmll- $1 Jsl tM 1"f l// *\ 3=^ 'IJ^" ■#" .^^%^3! #J)ss .£^^/7//^ ' Chemistry and Pharmacy, Analytical Chemist and have it for.breakfast of a mornmg, and we find it much . mirM#9J^^ XP4 AM '(/ ' iA^ BS'*^ >^;>^ /?/ ' Assayer, author of "A Manual, of Bacteriology,"better than tea or coffee. It seems to settle the stomach TO 'WMsßW§&k wl^%^i i *"'T "'/ ik/v€ MWt^l) NMI i/A/¥^ V^Wl IvA /C^L^Wif WV\T\i/\B ' '$*$?■ M\ " T M lllll^X M^'^JTS /&>// % W//W/?/"// ///V/7 " Researches on Micro-Organisms," " The Physiology against sea-sickness, and gives you new life and vigour ■ ■. ' ' of the Invertebreta," " A Manual of Assaying," &c. :^- ; to undergo the- fatigues ot a troopship. The men all C^WWwWEm Wi Iff j" Ws*>®*s> WmF^k hr£®M\W*@&W&® "ff&S t^sLA4,l\\ W M W^Jh WsWtAdß «#] Jw,> I! /# V/ \/^ \ W ■/£ tK///#/ " I hereby certify that-1 have analysed Dr. Tibbies' telorcoffe^" " V 'ffi 1 lss^^^}/ P" f 1 )^^%m^mi%^i '' €Jw\W S^^i ' I^'/// Vi-Cocoa, and find that it is an invaluable food bever,: t/informyou that lam greatly pleased with your Vi- ilSilifSli i tt'll 1^ IBfeW i^^^-Sr^-^^^^^^^-il ~^^^S^}^\^-\o^^ ■ ' \ **»^"S* oSirstomu'laSSrbS'tito'o^eS^ Sy after din^w.Zdl am recommending Vi-Cocoa to ffIPJ -iw^^^^^^^^P " MMiw MW^^^^' *^X feSoT \\lfj A£3 \^\\M\^wSi^ (^^^^/Al^^^^JoA&^^B? fe^efiUrra'Se^OMffi^'me^ai'^-Vr.' many people who require just such a refreshing stimu- M^^ /^saSS^"" 7 A^P U^Dk^M • vIBS-\ O -^' r^^SfflW ' Cocoa is pleasing and appetising, and the flayour. is. lant m this tropical and enervating climate. , iWi'^MwW^''*'^- £$3? 33 W \ V""^^ >>^^^&C^ ' -__*S=^ delicate and delicious. Vi-Cocoa is, easily digested and. instruct my grocer to henceforth supply me'with Dr. y . %1- '"'«''''''»■ F |p^^^^^^^^^l^^|-_ ~.,„■■ J REPORT OKI DR. TIBBLES' VI-COCOA. -&' Tibbies'. I will, with pleasure, recommend your Cocoa • •X."^\v' ~s > i . L"Siy^^^^^S-S^S^^,"l l » > j^=^.-= CT »::'r= rr: ; -rr-w-- = rL *~*«i-urs*r*—• r:_™__acj;.. . . B ip^in j..j" " ■"•■ ■'■■■■ . «• ..... . ; " ■■■'■' to all my friends, and trust that it will soon take the '' '\r L^f "~~'B=:;:==SS' «\pE?^==£Si- ~ fiPSal^* ' j?re Analysis of five samples of Dr. Tibbies Vi-Cocoa lead in the market." • - >^ • "' |~S ■ =SS=f^t ?sz===^E~E^===s^-= =m^^~ -*t>&su—. g^Cfj ' .• . and 'its Constituents, by MATTHEW A. ADAMS, ' . ■■■■■.' i/%Z2^JiSS£2%IZ^ . 1 F:R.C.S., F.1.C., F.C.S., .Trinity House, Maidstone,«jj«tctt fIiiGTPAUS ■ K^S'i^^?^^ 3 *1^^1 : —:=::— ■ • Public Analyst in the County of Kent, and Past Presi-: ■ 5,- • • ■ . ■ XSffi£s> • ""^flaaas ■ . . ■ dent of Society of Public Analysis. . , . . ' Mr JULIAN JAMES, 10 Farley street, Perth, . . ■ - ■..■■•■ . ■ "I have carefully examined samples of Vi-Cocoa, Mff^^po^ed^l^^^^.^^ ' . The Manager Dr. Tribbles' Yi-Cocoa Co., Sydney. ■■ 3rd DiVisional Camp, Sp^ngfontein, S. Africa, 3rd April, 1900. /, ituHlt ingredients' and find *hem tobeas' ting, and highly nutritious beverage, Dr. Tibbies' Vi- . Jfly D ear gj^—^g casßS o f Yi-CoCOa which yOU Sent with Our Contingent of the N.S.W. A.M.C. per S.S. Moravian "HTfiref; not Opened till We reached Our first "In my opinion, Vi-Cocoa is a happy combination, and°i have^un'd^o^ther'coeoa^o ocompare0compare with it "' camp at Sterkstrooni. The men enjoyed it very much; and as the water supply v/as not pure, and the camp was a hot-bed for eoteric (our base hospital sometimes en'!*"it\!aweii°-esta^ for purity and strength." • having as many as 140 cases), you can imagine what a god-send your most estimable beverage was to us. Many of us drank nothing else. ttl'^ikaio^Vf^ • . I was enabled, owing to your liberality, to dispensa hundreds of boxes amongst our comrades in the Imperial army, of whom there ware upwards of 2006 in the t >e 'refreshment and sustenance their body. These Mr harry mlwillllms Waratah, writes:- . at Sterkstroonr alone. The members of our corps have requested me to write and thank you for.your very liberal gift, and to state what pleasure it was to S^/ 1™ "I write to give you my opinion of Dr. Tibbies' them not Only to enjoy the beverage, but aISO tO be able to dispense it to Others. ■ .. . amongst the rest. But from ; several: causes it is not v; nnnri Tim i miner nnri nmsriprtor nf 27 years' '....- , , , ~ „.. . , , . ~. „ ~ . . .".. , ~ ■• , oquallv sirvjceable in all.' As i'iTesnects Kola, its conSan^hard tdl%™ctmg and^ worWng in the tin ' I «aye 'always a gallon Of it in hand (C0ld) for thirsty Visitors, Who enjoy it Very much. . . ■ pl U noe is characterised by a circumstance mines in Tasmania. For the last 26 years I have been • ■. • ■• Tarn mv flpav sir VOlirS faitllfullv ■. ; ■ which greatly aids its food value.'::Jt.exists in Kola m a very heavy tea drinker like most miners and during '. l am' my Uecll °U ' yo»r=> • id' ll' iuullJ> .■ , two condition?—present and potential;;-.'|;hat is to say, most of this time I have been a martyr to indigestion, , , . JOHN HOWARTH, Qr.-Master Sergeant, N.S.W. Army Medical Corps, 2nd Contingent. as a nortion tßat is free and a further-VTiortion that is suffering severely at times. A fortnight ago I went to ■ locked iro, and requires time and suitable adjuncts to the store here, and I saw Dr. Tibbies' Vi-Cocoa, so I '' ■ ■ ' " ' ■ cVvnlon its action—this development- may be accomrrot a tin, and it is marvellous the change it has vrorked ' . " ■ plisl"?d by Malt,. and process of digestion, on my system. I feel the pains have ceased, and lam ... ■ • "Herein lie the secrets of the sustainm? power.of beginning to eat and sleep well, which I have not been ■ ' . IVT/lsT^ A J\T - IZ?^^ B^feS_*FTl f B/f' IOIVT^F^ Of TTT A OOAI/CA 'CHI T/^/^CCC ' Kola, and the merit of Vi-Cocoa as-a valuable preparaable to do for months. It is a marvellous beverage, ■ 111 II I /A 1^ I~lJ\ I t~l tC Ii Vl M~l!^ I « OLJ fi J\ FKO VCSJ _sUwwO^^. tion- «as thousrh its vxrtues. were^locked up saf« und I mean to continue it." - - . ■ IW* IL _T_i^ JL^^^S. J-^ii. V^- -■T & &-«<*■ * 9 Jl_^ Jl AX. JL fl\\/ V __V_X —^ Jl-<A_^A_-/t iisjainst proflieate use. to be dispensed With1 a frugal ■ • ■ .... . :'; • ' ■ • . hand as the bodily needs require. \ ,_ : \-*-. wew Zealand. . .".APPRECIATED ;v ■ BY' MILLIONS!!- - "^^^^^^.^^Ldiias* • Mr ALEX. McMINN, Journalist, Masterton, Wai- : . . . . . ' ' • ■ • . ■ rarapa writes: —"I was induced to begin using Dr. . „___« • ' '^t ' -s»-— f^LZf^^toi:ti^t^t^% nr^ST W^ t W% ' ■ ■ (? At IPh . H Merit, and merit alone, I. what b claimed for better than tea, the use of which I have now abandoned. ffl 7p^, jf*fa m A /tf~^k /f~\\ /Tw> ■ Wr^ V 4^\ tty*1® 'Tl^ $**%$ /f^k' /f^K*M" "m™ ;%^ /f^ 1 W /(ST^ "^^l P /(f^ Dr. Tibbies'¥i-Cocoa, and the proprietors are preI have advised two or three others to give it ai triaJ- h ■ ffl pi §-— -M @™^ II ft Mfl M 1 — %/ £l —^ N %{ ffl £ — 11 Pi P? ll H — S~"^ M Sfl 4—-® pared to send to any reader (a postcard will do) a fnsUnce 1!™ ata7 a3o ya.^n. r. e'and Oin aconse^ _l_ . -_. _L _HL X^ V~J^ JMu-^ ? Hfe'/ \_^^ <&^ , X-T J_. .^ _L JSL M. 'AJ? Jk and post paid. . There is no magic in all this, "•it1 quence of a pressure of work at the office, I did not ■ ■ • *$L~J' ' ij is a plain, honest, straightforward offer. It ijget to dinner till nearly 3 p.m.—nearly eight hours. , , ■. . jt nn ~ + ft intrnrlm-P tTiP nipi-itu nf Vi Cnona ,-^« But I felt the sustaining effect of Vi-Cocoa, which I . XS XJINT33OXJ.BTEDLY done to introduce the merits of Yi-Cocoa mt» had at breakfast, and I was appreciably less exhausted . -1-" w — • ; every home. ■ -,> v than usual under similar circumstances." .. ■ ' \. ■ ' ■ ■ ■ 4- v . ___^- • - • t . . . ■, ■ m _ _.:.„. .__ -- "' .^K^' T ■ ' ' ■ ' i#% ' "'^^^^j;'''! I 1;!)!' i||!'! \)\f. ] Wairarapa, writes:—"l must say I find Dr. j&^y^v&t^^ $s •'Yj&^ m Tenterfield, Sept. 21st, 1899. ' S\^& ■ ':' I Tibbies' Vi-Cocoa very good and it suits me ■'■■■■■' . " I^^r^^^^^??/ 'Ppft ;^SX I ficial in a marked degree. I shall not return >ml 2, Sirs '-Havine ™f y°"r Vi-Cocoa for the last WRITE AT ONCE <A POST CARD WILL DO), BUT MENTION "OTAGO DAILY TIMES." "^^^fi-^^ft^) to tlle "se 6i tea -more- To-day, for in- :: M^^^^^^^^^^Mk I i ""^"l< Six months »'1 havo folind His tho only thhlg — -_--_-_____ ; ' -JiU | stance, I had breakfast at 7.30 a.m., and in ;mißSGi)^fflw)|^^fe^ t0 y°u>t0 use as y°n feel dispoßcd-w. pee. ' Chemists, and Stores, in-Bid Packets, and Is Id and 2s 2d Tins. j J^^^g |U|S%.f;tt | 0^ hours.; But iMt the sustaining effect of "^l^^^Slm^^K. '—Ci^1 KINS, Bootmaker, Tenterfield. — — '■ — -_ ' S^^^^^S^^S^fe'j Vi.Cocoa; whU I had at breakfast, and I was -^i^^^N§^i?w*^^^^S^^^^2» -^' <r* 0\ B "VS"* «p» tf\ m iS^ IP" _»k~fi- J^Sfe^tJ''2%)I®:i2^2pi2i^ U O? i appreciably less exhausted than usual under __..j_j .jj»u.Liit-we_jia»MMU»lii»_^ hi iiwuimm— I 111 111 111 im'W'.'i" <'"'™w ~m^~'™aa . ™ I 3 * * ID-1..-IW ■»UUlUU_UJh«M_»'r^«>—i_a»«^-t^'.«"-i-»-^ L'~ " lll——^^l—^^^»

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 11797, 28 July 1900, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 11797, 28 July 1900, Page 3