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the' whole system is toned

A now impulse is given to the circulation by that esteemed tonic-invigorant, ' Wolfe's Schnapps, which is also an agreea-blo beverage.

Galtee More—Buyers 5s 9d. Galvanic-Buyers £1 2s, sellers £1 3s Gd. Gentle Annie—Sellers 9s p. Gold King—Buyer** 3s 6d, sellers 5s p. Gold Queen—Buyers £1 173 6d, sellers £1 18s Gd,. ~

Golden Bed—Sellers £1 3s. Goia& River—Buyers Is 3d,, sellers Is 6d p. Golden Terrace—Buyers 7s. Great Central—Sellers 10s p. Great Western—Sellers 18s. Greenstone Junction—Buyers 4s p. Grey River Consolidated—Buyers 2s 6d, sellers 4s p.

Halfway House—Buyers £1 12s 6d, sellers £1 ISs.

Hartley and Riley—Buyers £10 11s Gd, seller's £10.145. • . Hokitika. River—Buyers 2s Gd, sellers 4s p. Island Creek—Buyers 3s dii. Junction Electric-r-Buyers £2, sellers £2 3s. Kelly and 'Casey—Buyers ss, sellers 7s p. Leviathans-Buyers £1 15s, sellers £2. Loiig Valley^Buyers 2s Gd p. Magnetic—Buyers £3 0s 6d, sellers £3 2s Gd. Main Lead "Hercules—Buyers 3d dis, sellers Majestic—Sellers £1 4s Gd. Manuherikia^Sellers £5 123 Gd. Me1" ah<rAnme^Buyers; £2 ss, sellers £2 7s Gd Miller's' fittt Electric—Btiyers £1, sellers £L 7s'Gd, •'.: •'■■■;" •' ""••■.-■' ■ • •' ■ ' Moa Flat—Buyers £1, sailers £1 Is. Mokoia—Buyers'£l,'sellers* £1 0s 6d. Morning Star—Buyer's- 5s 6d, sellers 10s. Naumai—Sellers £1 2s 6d. Nelson Creek—Sellers 195.6 dp. Orwell Creek—Sellers Gs p. ' ■ Otama—©fillers"ls dis." Pactolus .No. 2-«Sflll«r8 Is 6d p. Pactolus No. 3—Sellc*» 3d p. Prince Imperial—Buyers 4s dis. Richaids's. Beach—Sellers £1 6s. Rise "and Shine—Sellers Is p. RiveV Molyrieux—Buyers .7s, sellers 9s 9rl p. Royal Macirl—Sellers 2s p.' Sailor's' Bend—B'ttyws £2.85, sellers £2 10s. Saltwater Creek —Buyers' Is dia, sellers par. Second Magnetic—Buyers £1, 10s, sellers £1 17s 6cX. ■•'*'• . - .. . . TraiaJaar—Buyers Is Gd, sellers 3s p. Upper r Miignfttio—Sellers £1 7s 6d. - Vincent—Buyer's £3 8s; "sellers £3 83. Vincent Extended—Bayers £2 2s 6d, sellers £2 6s. .■'■■.'■■■■ Waikaka Forks—Sellers par. Waimtliim—Buyers £1- 6s' 6d, sellers £1 7s 6d. Waimumu Ceoiral—Buyers 3s, sellers 6s 9d p Waimumu Extended—Buyers 16s, sellers 183 6d.'' '■■•.-•

Waimumu Queen— Buyers £1, sellers £1 Is 6d Waipuna—Buyers 3s- 6d p.


Sales took- place yesterday at the following prices:—Central Electric, £3' I63;.Electric, £2 12s 6d; Hartley and Riley, £10 10s and £10 ss; Magnetic,'£3; Second Magnetic, £1143 6d; Vincent, £3. ■ ' ' '

The following are yesterday's latest quotations:— Alexandra Lead—Sellers 7s 6d' p. Alpine Consols—Buyers £1 16s, sellers £1 18s Gd. '

Alpine No. 2—Buyers £1 15s Gd, sellers £1 18s. ' ■■••■■-.-

Arrow Junction—Buyers" Is, sellers 2s 6d p. Beaumont Lead —Sellers 9d diS/ Bendigo—Buyers 9s, sellers lls p. Cairnmuir—Buyers 9s, sellers lls p. Central' Electric—Buyers £3 12s 6d, sellers £3 18s. " ■ ' ■ '■ . l • ' '

Chatto Creek—Buyers £1 6s. Cromwell—Buyers £fIOS, Sellers £4 15s. Daydawn—Sellers Gd p. '' '' Dunback—Sellers Is dis. Dunstan Lead—Sellers £1 10s. Dunstan Pioneer—Sellers Is p. Electric—Buyers £2 12s Gd, sellers £2 17s. Electric Extended—Buyers 14s, sellers 17s p. Eureka (Mataura) —Sellers 6s p. Ettrick—Sellers 2s 6d p. Evans Flat—Sellers £1 4s. Extended ' Fourteen-mile Beach—Buyers 2s Gd, sellers 4s p. ' ' .. Galtee More—Buyers 5s 6d. Galvanic—Buyers £I'3s, sellers £1 Ss Gd. Gentle Annie—Buyers 7s Gd, 'sellers 10s p. Gold King—Buyers 3s 6d, sellers'Gs p. Gold Queen— Buyers £1 14s 6d, sellers £1 16s.

Golden Bed—Buyers £1 2s 6d, sellers £1 6s. '■":."" : - -

Golden Point—Buyers £1 2s 6d, sellers £1 ss. Great .Central—-Buyers Bs.Gd, sellers 10s p. Halfway House—Buyers £1 14s, sellers £1 ISs 6d. .

Hartley and Riley—Buyers £10 ss, sellers £10 7s 6d. ;' ' '•' .' " ' Junction Electric—Buyers £2, sellers £2 3s. Kelly and Casey—tßuyers 6s, sellers 8s p. Klondyke—Buyers'vlOs. La Franohi—Sellers, par. Last Chance—Sellers par. Leviathan—Buyers £1 15s, sellers £1 19s. Lioness—Sellers par. Lower Enfieldf-Sellers Gd p. Magnetic—Buyers £3; sellers £3 2s 6&. Malorie's Beach-i^ellers Is.p. Maori King—Sellers "Is p. Matau—Buyers £5 "ss, sellers £6. Meg and' Annie-^Buyefs £2 ss, sellers £2 10s. - Miller's Flat Electric—Buyers £1 ss, sellers £1 7s.

Mokoia—Buyers £1. /Nelson Creek—Sellers 19s 6d p. New Alexandra— Sellers £1 Ss; No Town Creek—Sellers 3s p. Old Dunstan—Sellers 3s p. Pactolus No. 2—Buyers par, sellers Is p. . Perseverance—Buyers £5 2s 6d, sellers £5 10a. River Molyneux—Sellers lls p. Ross Flat—Sellers Gd p. Roxburgh LeaiJ^-Sellers Gd p. Royal Maori—Sellers Is 6d p. Scotia—Sellers par. Second Magnetic—Buyers £1 12s 6d, sellers £1 15sCd. -■'•■ ' ' ' ■ ■ Shotoyer—Sellers par. Smith's Creek and . Bannockburn—Sellers pax. ' ' ' ' '■''..

Three-mile- Greenstone—Sellers 2s Gd p. ■ Triumph—Sellers'6d p. " Tyson's Boach—Buyers Is 6d, sellers Is dis. Upper ' Magnetic—Buyers £1 7s, sellers '£1 10s. •■;■•••"- • ■ ■■ . '

Victor;- —Buyers Is 3d, sellers 2s 6d p. Vincent—Buyers £3' Gs, sellers £3 10s. Yellowstone—Sellers Is p.

THE EQUITABLE STOpK ESCHANGE repoi-t as follows: — ' '

Sales::—Gnnton's Beach, par; Meg and Annie, £2 7s; Moa Plat; 20s; Vincent, 60s and 61a: -■•■•. • '" •■ ■ ■' : '■'• '

Buyers.—Alpine N0..2, £1 12s; G-olden Palls, 'Is 6d p; Grey River Consolidated, 2s 3d"'p:j Gitntori's Beach, .par; Klondyke, 9s; Meg and Annie, £2 6s; Vincent, £2 17s 6d.

Sellers.—Ahaura River, 9d p; Alpine Consols, £2'; Alpine No. 2, .-£2; ' CentralCharlton, Is p; Dart River; 2s Get dis; Dimedin, lls; Electric, £2 15s; Golden Falls, 7s p; Golden Gate, £9; Golden Mile, is dis; Golden Ripple, Gd p; Golden Run, £2 16s; Grey River Con? solidated, 4sp-; Gunton's Beach, 3d p; Hartley and Riley, £10 12s; Inch-holme, 6d p; Magnetic, £3 2s Gd; Meg and Annie, £2 10s; Moa Plat, 22s;"Mokoia, '£1 2s Gd; Olfig,£l 3s; Orwell Creek, 7s p; Premier Waikaka, Is 6d p; Reeves Proprietary, £1 Os Gel; Richard's Beach, £1 8s; River Molynexix, 12s 6d p; Second Magnetic, £2: Teremajcan,-6d p; Teviot, 2s; Vincent, £3 5s . Woodstock, Ss p. ;



The statutory general meeting of the above company was held in the registered office of the company 'last evening, a large number of shareholders being present. The following gentlemen were elected to the board of directors'.—Messrs" Wm. 'M. Shore (chairman), H. Hitchonr, J. Tyson, J. Cummings, and J. Laffey. The company' have under offer a.complete sluicing, and elevating plant, and have decided to purchase it, subject to the approval of their expert, and have'arranged to have their claim thoroughly and practically tested in two or three months irom registration. The matter of electrical power was' discussed at considerable length, and '■ it was pointed out that a letter on this subject had appeared in yesterday's Times, stating that the City Council contemplated using the Lee Stream and Taieri River for the purpose of generating electricity. The' writer' pointed out the' much greater fall and number of heads to be obtained on the Waipori l^alls, allowing Lee Stream and Taieri Rivers togethei 'to have 400 heads, Waipori Falls-has .120 Keads. The Canadian Flat Company have in their rights to the Taieri Falls a command of 135 Government heads of"-water, with the tremendous vertical pressure of 6QP feet. The question of distance was considered to present no difficulties, arid the directors have determined "to erect a dynamo" sufficient to supply electricity" to light Dunedin and drive our cars. It is confidently expected to have the property in going order- by the end of October,and should expectations be realised'the Canadian Flat Company may be looked 'upon as the pioneer electric power for Dunedin.

NOTES FROM ALEXANDRA. (From Our Own Correspondent.)

ALEXANDRA, July 27. The Perseverance dredge has been stopped for repairs "during' a port-ion of this week. More timber for the Fraser Flat Company's pontoons came tohand last Might. The bottoms of the Kawarau Bridge pontoons are being' caulked. ' '

The tailings elevatoi on the Alexandra Lead Company's dredge will be 130 ft long. No machinery is forward yet'for the Halfway House Company's dredge. Three loads or so of pipes for Earnscleugh No. 3 Company's pipe line arrived during the week. .'■.-. • ■

As some 3mall parts for the Olrig Company's dredge are wanting, a start will not be made till some time next week.

A start will be made soon erecting the machinery on ' Vincent Extended Company's dredge. The Molyneux is pretty steady at between 2ft and 2ift above' normal. There is still a good body of water in the Manuherikia- River.

The company is now paying a" weekly rental for the. use of the stream, which it was hoped would have been included in those proclaimed sludge channels. The balance sheet was submitted, and showed £69S 10s still remains at the debit of the profit and loss. The question of the disposal of the 500 unallotted shares was considered. The largest shareholders, were willing to take up their portion, and it was deemed advisable to ran the dredge another month.' as it is now on good v;ash. and if there is do likelihood of getting out of debt shortly then the 'remaining 500 shares would be allotted. Exnerts are of opinion thnt the elpim is better than anything either at YVuikaka or Charltoa Crock,- so that if the company shoulu have a fui of luck, with no breakages, very soon they would be out of debt.

The pontoons of the Milestone- Gold Dredging Company were successfully launched last Sftturda-v. '

Bain fell here yesterday, but the weather is delightfully fine to-day. •

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 11797, 28 July 1900, Page 9

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the' whole system is toned Otago Daily Times, Issue 11797, 28 July 1900, Page 9

the' whole system is toned Otago Daily Times, Issue 11797, 28 July 1900, Page 9