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'"'''' . "•'"" in -.' i ■ -if i . Late Advertisements. ' FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION. ONLY. '■".... '.'.•"_••:. PROSPECTUS ' '. .;.-','.■■ Of the "' ' ''..J-;' QROMWELL AND BANNOCKBURN' COLLIERIES COMPANY (LIMITED). CAPITAL ..- ~- ~ ... .. .„ m ... £15)000) In 15,000 Shares of £1 Each. ■8300^ Shares are now offered to the public, payable as follows:—ls Gd per Share on application, Is 6d per Share on allotment, and the ba-laiice in calls of not more than 2s per snare at intervals of not less than ono month. .' - G7OO fully-paid-up Shares will be issued to the vendors as part payment, and £4300 in cash. T„™ t ygm? vX Olmt*^?i acqu£?,,':ho c<s } mines of Messrs Jam<>s Pollock, John Cooper, James L. Gibson, Thomas Wilson, William Wilson, Parcell and Gibson, John Pn-de, which nave an area, of somo 169 acres. ■ ' The vendors of the Company requested Mr James Loudon, of Walton, to visit and inspect J.t anX h7 s Z% ort ' which fully answers everything concerning the above, can be seen at tho Secretary's Office. jo b """"'•-' r-~i™; i tw * i •__, •!-.■ ff ■ &■ A- HARLOW, Secretary. Colonial Mutual Buildings, Princes street, Dunedin. ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS. .ROSS GOLD MINING AND ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION COMPANY (Limited). (Registered under " The Companies Act, 1882," and its Amendments.) >■ CAPITAL .. ~, £80000 i In 33,000 Contributing Preference Shares of £1 Each, and 45,000 ordinary fully-paid Shares of £1 each. tiecToU^lt.v^* 118 °rfina^ Shares wilJ be allotted in complete uayinent of all the properbeeloLeVTr^mply°r y eXPe"SeS,° f fl°tati°n' cost of registration, wh& %m rP J,|? c Pr^ erence sha/ eV^ DIVIDEND of SIX PER = AiJfigS ~tXm^ r^ 0ri th, c tn? e bem S paid up and to PRIORITY FOR CAPITAL. After ffltof«K^iy been paid °n the ordinary Shares> both ol— °J Shares wiU .'■'■'.•.. ISSUE OF 85,000 PREFERENTIAL SHARES, ' I'ay^wtS + £ollOWS:^'2s^ per uS^ looniippncation' 2s M Share on allotment, 2s 6d per Share two months after allotment, and the balance as required in instalments not exceeding 2s 6d per Share at intervals of not less than t\yo months VOTED By'k^nVSSt f^-lE*O^ 00 Sllares (^5,000), together with A SUBSIDY TOTED BY PARLIAMENT of £15,000, will be available for expenditure on the property. ■w^S^if^^"?^ 18™11 WILL BE OPENED IN LONDON., DIRECTORS: Hon. J.A Bonar M.L.C, Hokitika; Hon. J. D. Ormond, M.L.C, Napier; ?' J?!?' Eb%.M-H.R., Wellington;''W. A. Fltzherbert, Esq., Lower Hutt; A. E. -Kernot, Esq., Wellington. ' , Bankers : THE BANE OF NEW ZEALAND. Brokers: Messrs HARCOURT & CO., Wellington Messrs HARMAN REEVES & CO., Dunedin. Messrs SIEVWRIGHT BEOS & CO., Dunediu. Messrs QUICK & SMITH, Dunedin. Etc.. This Company has been formed to work the well-known rich basin of gold-bearing land known as Ross 1 lat, and more particularly to acquire the property now held by the Ross United Gold Aiming Company, Limited (in liquidation). , The Property consists of special claim No. T741, comorising 43 acres, with over 12 miles of water races with rights to over 70 Government heads of water; tho rights to 120 heads ol water from Mikonui River (recently acquired from the Government for the purpose of creating electrical power), and various pumping and winding appliances, tramways, complete set of bucicet-elevators blacksmiths' and engineers' tools, and electric light installation. Also 52ft acres of freehold land, manager's residence, and offices. , . ?. n "f.™ 0" • t l ° , t. he P'-'°P° rty to bs acquired from the Ross United Gold Mining Compauv, Limited (in liquidation), the Government have marked off and reserved a block of 100 acres which will be handed over to and become an asset of this Company, and regarding wliich the Government engineor in his report to the Minister of Mines states that the area has been so dehned as to enable vhe drainage of the deep ground to be most economically effected, and lurther, that in it is included the choice lead in the flat. Included in the total area to be acquired are the "Cassius," "Morning Star," and " Excelsior claims, whicli were, until stopped by the influx of water, worked for a short time many years ago, with the following results: I) Cassius" .. 472202 for 35 weeks i3soz per week. Morning Star- .. twioz for 34 weeks... .... . i 2 ooz per week. Excelsior .. .. 27230 2 for"' 22 weeks 1240z per week. 11,5.1'10z, value £45,030. • Ross Flat is situated 20 miles from Hokitika, with a good dray road leading to it md lies in a basin surrounded by hills, all containing rich deposits of goll, nov; being worked by hydraulic sluicing. One of these cJaitus-il.e Moat d'Or-haa airadj^uroducc E old to the ofws of '!rn° Z'> Va-«° 123^ 5' f d V 3 Payi"g "8"1" 'l»'ide.Kls. The flat cons ts o a seAes of layers of gravel, with ueposits of nch washdirt between. Eight such layers have already been cut and partially wor K ed. The richest gold was got on thS lowermost/but tho main bot torn has not been reached. +h_, lU S n Pr°P 1 -ed t0 W°rl? the Pr°P. orty h? Kloa«s of the transmission of electrical power from ™d «£T RuT'i f Pe"T e hJ VIT's proved that P"«'Pi«S by steam newer was too™ c S^g^^™* 0* "«"*>««» "0t *m™nt t0 success, 1 unfess ™hol_7i cf W+i, 0f S IC b^ ci;V Thi cU. «'c proposed operations of the Company will confer u>-on the whole of the Ross Flat by draining the field and rendering available for mmm" purpose' a •bvretLa^ a f aurlfT JS SV°- Uni1-' lh, e 0«««^tof» W U E d I ha7^SMalttes ™lt V?£ ftoroiigh examination hy their.own experts of the practicability ~-d p-obable refe her'sum ofl^L"!' hy vot? °f has granted a subsidy of £Wfig, subject to a lurther sum of £30,000 being raised elsewhere and available for th<- purport of the Comn'nv -i 3' m' Y f °bS *?* Pr° r? t!lrm tha ot the said / 3 5,0»." The piesent ,"sue °irfnm+oP^ aiegDgs]™y I? *c purpose of providing the necessa y funds. 1 1 X'Ahfthe £15,000 to be provided by die Government, will place at the disposal of the Co-nmiU ' ™ t Herbert Co?? 1 0 W r «" "^ ex'\a"stiv ely reported upon at various times by S. CE.!tnd° rE y o°. Fenn^Tin nt'^ & NaPiCT ™' ± anat C" E '' A P«^ A^. £frt. Tho full reports are embodied in the complete prospectus. . • < " An approximate estimate of the financial results to be obtained on the oomu'etion of thr. pro W sed works may be arrived at by taking the actual experien^^d tho'Sunfod Cornwhen ft ty Sh°Tt i,m,C m/hic^ th° Claim wa3 workec' m tUoir deenestlele! In 35 da " a J, 3&<X??gX laltg 0I ( km B order, though with incomplete appliances, from"3!M>ets of timber' ance intended to be used, would, according t^Ahe Cor oalv'l per set, thereby showing a net profit for Sch set of htie Sb -S s ! '^tTm °i i mS^ manager estimates that under the new. conditions 100 sets per'day coulcl"be ea«ilv « M™w«h L ,W 6 tll6. rct«r^ "hpnld therefore exceed .€ISOO a week, or, allowing 12 wel for off clays and contingencies, say, over _SGO,OOO per annum. Assnmin" howeve- tli. gg/^Xll „f hat mTehf £T?g " cstl> ate not having taken into sufficient accoun"unforcse«? 1 that might arise to prevent continuous work, it may be pruclei-t to discount t -iM tiitgX X' annual profit by, aay, one-third. This, if borne out, would still lenv» an t hmclr h^jXJl. Zfs^jtizsL S'S'o^^:^^ 5 from neishboiirhig c!ai™ ™^ leCri^ at oki- °f «« Bank of Now Zeaiimd in New PRINTED FOR' PUBLIC I^JuiAT__ON<H^^ OVERSUBSCRIBED. «^-^i PROSPECTUS Of the CALEDONIA GOLD DREDGING COMPANY (Ltd). GREY RIVER, WESTLAND. (To bs incorporated under "The Companies Act, ISS2.") ; CAPITAL : .. .. .. .. £ io,odo,' IN 10,000 SHARES OF ; £1 EACH, Oi which 8200 Shares are offered to the Public for Subscription. ~. Secretory: . '" . Mr A. T. FINCH, Vogel street, Dunedin. sist^o^o^^el^o^!^ R--I^W °- f af qUiri?° ™:kin S a fe^S a«a conI'rom the accompanying reports, which speak for themselves, it w-lh be seen th-it'lln* property is an exceedingly valuablo one, and as iho claim has bion-uro-Wt^l h- ™M w experts, with highly satisfactory results, the Zealandia S^idTo-ite Told™» ttiTo^™ W everj- confidence in recommending it to investors in dredging shares P ' The only Agreements are: — (1) Agreement dated loth November, 1899, made between Hugh Magill and Duncan -,- bel1' ot the one part, and "Zealandia Syndicate (Liinitedl" of the oS " (2) Agreement dated 21st March, 1000, made between " Zealandia Syndicate (Lim ofthe o^iert^ Pr,rt' *** A" Fineh' °" T,ehaU °f the --^dTonfc oT.t.^^te.l^The'te1 SfVlfe sit^.° risiUal *«*«** *»* REPOETS ON-THE CALEDONIA GOL.D DREDGING COMPANY (LIMITED). The Directors of the Zealandia Syndicate. Ahoura' March 10' 190°por^tu^^^ftHi^i^fof^^^lt^^S rl^'.?"? imVe t0 rC" Grey Riveis and comprises the unction oTtfe'ifeoid ght c" -° b"^^ S°etk ™S 0^!' C dome, Creek, which discharge into the Grey within the arc^ of the clabn. ' * Tha claim is one mile in length by sn -vprn-c \»,'rltl, „f tm - • , . ,fi gram of gold, equal to 15.83 .Trains to the cubic yard gJZr, \ S i cu»'o feet, yielded one addition to the bore, the bcaEC Wn «ro,-,Pcti^ I -° be 3eC-'?, UI bottle No- D- J" ing near the centre of the elafm. P"»i«ctea, showing payable results for dredgFrom an open cutting, fivo chains up from the bore i fai,- n t n , r the surface to a dopth of eft was cradled one cuhin ■ ir sam Ple o£. the gravel from Been iii bottle No. 2); and from two cubic yards eradfed fremiti^^^ "Xt^X* 0 be the olaim a yield of three grains of gold (in bottle 3 f Jw obtoeT ** 0t Q^^n&K^^ of HHE RIVER WITHIN ITS AREA The Grey V-ll™ , i DISCHARGIiNG INTO originally been covered by a great height oltv^Z^^^^Z?*^ be seen standing to a. great height on both sides of the vaile hZ ll ' ' lch Ca" •those terraces, the fine gravel and sand and ligto.t scaly 4 d has b-en £ -H^ f, if T S awf y river, a great portion of it being carried out to sea the hem w«l? . f. ur.ther,, aowu the gold, being left behind in the lower washes of present ygerZt COntp'mulZ ille coar^ _> Every tributary of the Grey, from its source to the sea iq m H !,_„,'■„ v"i" , its quote of gold into the greit sluice. It fe evident that Hl^^J^Xg^o^ deposits of gold left in the gravel forming the bottom wash it ?!,„!! " \ ?, cry nch WHOLE OF THE CLAIM IS IDEAL DREDGING GROTTNI"! Pw? n«^?fe m THE SEEN ON THE SURFACE, and only a smaU g£h of° B ™y^s oMiif^llo^? will form good shelter for the dredge in time of high floods Tlm lie -tSt Wh' ■ whlcl; likely to be more than 35ft below the water lovel and the hi\»J „f\i°. F owrsl [ de Pt" « not above water level. No very large boulders ire likely to be met with. *'^ 6" *° 8R The Mattu railway station, li miles distant from :the claim will be -nost rnn.-y... , t FAIL" TO PRGDU^ £^Gffi BETOR&FGoSd? * manasement' .^; CANNOT I have the honour to be, gentlemen, yours faithfully, JOHN DON. .-„„ High ly reports have also been received from the Zealandia Syndicate minmLnltiu'. Mr W" X' S,,S°' and fr°m Mr J°hn W" Jo»es' of Ahaura, and Mr w'm' JohnZi, /^ILMOUR BROS. Walkerstreet, can .supTT^t^^^^Tr^^—j—— Sta PMi on°h_!n yd S P^rietaries; c \ TUSSICURA; wril to te'stLoills: ii Ewciss always on Hand. rco -will do all that is claimed for it. '6jy

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 11715, 24 April 1900, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 11715, 24 April 1900, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 11715, 24 April 1900, Page 6