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. Lato Advartißments. TWT 0 W X E A■ D Y. M Off R, " E A D Y. . ' Price, 2s Cloth. Posted, 2s 2d.' ' ' TUE MINING INVESTORS' GUIDE . To the 60H Dredging Companies of Otago and Southland and the West Coast of the Middle Island of, New Zealand. Compiled by AL> RED H. BURTON.- ■ Published by the Otago Daily Times, and "Witness' Company (Limited). May be ordered of any Bookseller, or direct, by Post, from the Publishers. LICE NSI N G ' '■ CO MM ITTEE '. ELECTION. The COUNCIL OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCHES respectfully ask tlie ELECTORS to VOTE lor the following CANDIDATES: — BIIAITHWAITE, JOSEPH, BURTON. A. H., CAMERON, D. C, EVANS EYRE., MORRIS, Colonel :C. C, "Who have been Nominated IN THE INTERESTS OF THE CITIZENS, and. not of the Trade. POLLING DAY: THURSDAY, ■22na MARCH, 1908 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION ONLY, ALLTHE SHARES HAVING BEEN PRIVATELY SUBSCRIBED. ... ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS ' , . Of tho . . J^KITANNIA GOLD DREDGING.. COMPANY .'■..' (LIMITED), • . (To be Incorporated under The Companies Act, 1882.") CAPITAL ... .. ..". '':.'. '■ .. £10,500, In 10,500 Shares of £1 Each. Bankers : ■ . NATIONAL BANK OF NEW ZEALAND. Solicitors: DUNCAN & MACGREGOR. Brokers : . J. J. RAMSAY & CO., Joel's Buildings, Crawford street, Dunedin. GEORGE T. NOONE, Ophir. Interim. Secratavy: ■ ' AVILLIAM DAVIES ■• _ This" Company is formed to acquire and work mining areas, and in particular an area of 74 acres 2 roods, being Section 7G, Block VI, Benger District, held as a special claim by Mr John Eady, jun., and comprising about one mile of the Molyneux River immediately below the famous Island Block Claim. The Britannia is an, ideal dredging claim, being almost free from large boulders, and has a beautiful wide stretch of the Molyneux. With an up-to-date dredge, there is little to be feared but that the returns will average over lOOoz a week. Reports arc appended from Mr C. Nicholson and Mr Lawson, and speak for themselves. The value of the Claim may be judged by the fact that before flotation, Vendors' Shares were sold at 20s, and that over .1000 Shares were asked for Central Otago, only 1000 of which could be given. No application for more than 50 Shares will be received, nor for less than 23, with the exception'of the Vendors, who have applied, for. 300 Shares each, and reserve the right to have those fully allotted. No over-subscription will be permitted. Costs of flotation and incorporation will be borne by tile Company. \ An agreement dated the 15th day of February, 1900, has been entered, into between John Eady. jnn., of the one part, and J. J. Ramsay, on behalf of the proposed Company* of the other, and may be seen at the office of the brokers. Dividends will be paid per Share, irrespective of amonnt paid up. REPORTS. REPORT by Mr EDWARD LAWSON, a well-known and reliable authority, Dredgemaster of the Klondyke Gold Dredging Company, Matakanui. Sir, —I know your claim on the Molyneux Rivei at outlet of Island Block well, and when dredgemaster of the Golden Gate won over SOOor. of gold in a very short time from the start, and from a small bit of ground on the river bank. 1 also did a little prospecting on the claim, and rjroved that when opened out it will pay well. Other parts I would have liked to try very much, but had not time to do so. The whole of the prospecting was done in a hurry, owing to the Company holding a claim down the river, and, to prevent its being jumped, shifting the dredge. That claim also proved a good one. I consider your claim .of much greater value than many I know, and is well worth puting a good dredge with improved plant on.—Yours faithfully, E. LAWSON, Dredgemaster Kloudyke Gold Dredgi.ig Company, Matakanui. REPORT from Mr C. NICHOLSON, a resident miner since ISG3. • ■ ' ' Ettriek, September 24th, 1599. Mr Robert Eady. Dear Sir,—Referring to the conversation I had with you on the 16th inst. on the subject of the dredging claim taken up by you on the Molyueux River, immediately adjoining the famous Island Block Company's leasehold, and embracing that portion of M'Cunn's Beach which, as a " catchment basin," is well known to be highly auriferous. I may therefore place it in the category of being one of the best dredging claims on tho Molyneux. The fact that your claim is situated at the junction of the Island Block Valley with the Molyneux River and its close proximity to the Horseshoe Bend (one of the richest spots on the river, where an immense quantity of gold was obtained in the early sixties) is alone ample and sufficient proof of the exceptionally rich character of your claim. In lSS'i I commenced business on the section of the river in which your claim is situated, and up, to the present have with one interruption, resided ill the district. In 18711 prospected your claim with a spoon dredge, and consequently have an intimate knowledge of the value of its gold-bearing wash. On the island immediately above the upper boundary of the claim I have-seen 87oz of gold taken out of one crevice (in 1863). That your claim is valuable there can''be no doubt, and one worthy the attention of dredging investors. As I pointed out to you, an exceptional advantage in working your claim is the fact that there is no stripping necessary before the dredge buckets commence lifting the washdirt; and I am sure the first day's dredging will prove this fact, and stamp the claim as a thoroughly payable one, and that the returns will . be exceptionally good and regular.—Yours faithfully, C. NICHOLSON. ' ... ' . FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION ONLY. PROSPECTUS Of the JSLA.ND GREEK GOLD DRKDGING .COMPANY (LIMITED).- ** (To be Incorporated under, " The Companies Act, 1882.") CAPITAL „' .. £-1000, In 4000 Shares of £1 each. 1000 fully paid-up Shares are to he allotted to the Vendors in payment of the claim, and the balance (3000) are now offered to the public on tlic following terms:—ls per Share on application, Is per Share on allotment, and the balance in calls not exceeding 2s per Share at intervals of not less than one calendar mouth. Directors: The Subscribers of the Memorandum of Association shall be the first Directors, and shall allot the Shares and call the first meeting of shareholders at an early date, when permanent Directors will be appointed. Bankers: : NATIONAL BANK OF NEW ZEALAND (LIMITED). Solicitor: W. D. MILNE, LL.D., High street, Dunediu. Consulting Engineer: Mr EDWARD , ROBERTS, Equitable Buildings, Rattray street, Dunedin. Brokers : ■ J. J. RAMSAY & CO. , SLIGO BROS. Interim Secretary : J. F. BAILEY, P.O. Box 359, Dunedin. : This Company i 9 projected to acquire and work mining areas, and in particular a dredging claim, containing 99a 3r 35p, situated on the Island Creek (a tributary of the Titipua Stream), in the Pebbly Hills district, and being part of Section 132, Forest Hill Hundred. The claim is held under agreement ot lease from the University of Otago to one of the vendors for a term of 14 years, renewable for one further term of seven years at a fixed rent of £5 a year, a royalty of £3 per cent, on the total value of the gold won, and £1 per acre for ground worked. " '. ■ The advantages offered investors in this particular venture are at once manifest. The ground, as will be seen by the appended reports, has been exhaustively prospected, and consisting, as it does, of some 9!) acres of easily-treated quart'/, drift carrying gold, showing prospects averaging some S grains to the cubic" yard, it forms yo ideul ili'eiltijmg ground. There is an abundance of water all the year round', coal is to be-had on the claim, and the stripping—as will be seen by the expert's repo.t—averages not more than 18 inches in depth. Anothei important feature is the fact that the dredge will not be hampered in any way with c!o:;. . . . ■ ' tt in coimuenilj anticipated v.-orl: will be commenced inside of six months from date of flotation; and it is estimated that the dredge, now in possession o£ the vendors, can bo put in first-class working order for a sum approximating £2350. The vendors stipulate for the purchase by the Company of the dredge secured by them for this claim, now on the Molyneux River, for the sum of .-4650 in cash. Securing the dredge referred' to enables the Company to work on a very small capital, and allowing Boz per week for working expenses (a sum which will prove ample), it is at otiee apparent that with a yield of only 15oz pel week very handsome interest is assured. As will be seen by the, reports, it may be reasonably estimated that double that yield can be obtained; and, aB a matter of fact, if one-fourth of the prospect is secured it will prove to be a 30-ounce claim with the dredge now in hand. The Vendors' Agreement is dated the 12th day ot February, 1900, and is made between John Cassilis Seelye, of Dunedin, of the first part, and William Millar Bradley, of Dunedin, of the second part, and John Johnson Ramsay, of Dunedin. on behalf of the 'intended Company, of the third part: and, with the Agreement of Lease above-mentioned, may be seen at the Office of the Solicitor to the Company. The Vendors agree that the fully Paid-up bo allotted to them shall not be transferable until the dredge is at work on the Company's claim. Dividends will be at per Share, hicspective of the amount paid up. The costs of flotation and incorporation of the Company shall be borne by the Company. . REPORTS. : ~ ... Dunedin, 29th September, 1599. , To the■' Proprietors ot the Island Creek Claim, Pebbly Hills. Gentlemeni—Your Claim is" situated in a flat on the south side of the Pebbly Hills. The Island Creek; a tributary' to the Titipua.-Stream, runs through it. In the other end of the claim a spur juts out in which a considerable lignite formation is found. Two shafts have been sunk, proving that plenty of lignite may be obtained here, but the thickness of the scam has not been ascertained. All over the flat good prospects of gold can he got. There is an average of from 1-foot to 1 foot 6 inches of soil on top of-.tho wash. The wash is all quartz-drift-. There are several old workings on the claim, which are all shallow. The ground is very wet, and it would be impossible for the diggers to get down more than a few feet. Some of them arc working about, apparently making wages by cradling. There is no rock formation nearer than the Hokonui Mount.iins, seven miles distant, and I am of opinion that you able to reach the main bottom with a dredge, as the wash will be too deep; and I therefore only calculate the value of your claim by the prospects to be got on the the various holes and shafts which have been 31111k to test the ground, as well as the old and new workings of the diners. Of 'course every hole is full of water, but the heaps ol.wash thrown out should give a fair average "of the material, and I think I am we'll within the .mark by estimating the whole of the wash to be worth from 8 grains to 10 grains per cubic yard. •■ The gold is mostly line, but easy to save in the dish; and as the wash is very clean there should be no difficulty for a dredge to save it. You have fuel on the claim, and a fairly good road to it. 1 have no hesitation in recommending you to work your claim as soou as possible, as I feel convinced it will prove a Highly payable business. P. A. LYDERS. To the Proprietors of the Island Creek Claim, Pebbly Hills. Hedgehope. Gentlemen,— Having a thorough knowledge of the district in which your claim is situated, I may say the gold is distributed through, the whole ot the wash from the surface down: in sinking it improves in character and becomes heavier. I had when workin» no difficulty in making wages. You have abundance of water all the year' round and in'my opinion, whilst the Waimuiiiu and Charlton country is excellent dredging "round your district is superior to either. The absence of stripping in yojr claim is = a "distinct 'advantage and your yield, in my opinion should be something like 30 to 35 ounces per week. I may a°dd that I have worked m both the Charlton Creek and Waim.imu districts, as well as the country m which your claim is situated. ' . .. ' ; ..___W." PATTERSON. KAAA sf?^i? S 10 l;^ r' eakai 1'> ? AB- ) J OVELL'S FLAT COAL.Hu Order7f. O\y\fy BIT-?*ET&, 12s dozen;.finest -ma- .Ij delivery in Dunedin and suburbs or f terial; long nets, Gd yard—Bills, bud dealer, trveks for country stations, addressed to tl LAWN Teniiis Clubs supplied with good Lo. vell' s .fl f c°*] Company, Vogsl street, Dv Racquets, cheap; le-stringin" and re- ?■ ■ Z, , ye iram<=diate and careful atte pairing done—Bills, bird clealer_Dunediu. tion. lelephone No. GO2. mHE N.Z. TYPEWRITErTco" 12"Satkay" A &E" WA^ XINS are showing newe JL street, Deal in even,' Standard Machine. f-^-' le? in Children's Autumn and Wi • - ter Goods; Inspection invited STOCK SUPPLIES for all Machines; Clean — '. and Repair every make of Machine; do "OLAGS, Khaki Badges, Irish Flags, Conti Typewriting Quickly and Accurately.. 17m ••*- gent Ties, Handkerchiefs, lled-white-bli DRIVER'S Bookroom, near Octagon, pre- Bibbm-A- and E" Catkin,. souta Special Attractions to all book j "OOOTS, Splendid Value—Strong Workii buyers. Stocks enormous, miscellaneous, in- JO Balmorals- 9s Gd Beehive Bluchers .expensive,' .17m lia, other makes 4s lld.-rSimon Bros.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 11684, 17 March 1900, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 11684, 17 March 1900, Page 9