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ESTABLISHED 39 ¥EiiS a STOEDIN, TIIIEU, ADD WELLINGTON i«3ivWJt?h««J* PATRIOTIC SONGS. WE® IWO f^^Sl BRno^ BRAYS MDnn _ *—» A,SPECIALTY. *T6&*^SRB^ DPAII MOTHER ENGI AND GrawnZ arttr™ miiHrix. • "&A POLAND WILL SKE IT THROUGH Fuller We kee P «J7 SKI™ ™Ef ~r Lr ,\Xtw**D _ consequently our work is the best. * wJ U * GATLANTS OF ENGLAND..... Oaity a^, Contract, Tow or Suburbs f4^ j%k{\ r\, tfi&M SOT DIBRS OF■ THK QUEEN ...... „...„,., Leslie.Stuart -< ~. ' . :,, P f-^ *% "^-vj.,/^^l ''ON'5 OF THE- SEA ;... .M'Glemwn Single Tuning .7s 6r\ ■ L'T^^^ i^t I **Hn?,^ SO^ OF TIIiVCOLONIES.. ~. ........... Wkiteley Twice a Year 12s 6d "*-"*"^'a^ SOISS OF THE EMPIHE, '. PHillpot Three Times' a Year .16s. ft^J^ h^^ !>J IHI OLD FLAG... .. ...... ........ Co^v Four Times a Year....,..,. .21s J* »^C^.^\^V^ Jlir SKA IS KNGL A .N.tJ'S GLORY... ''. Glover ■~.~ a^ws^. \"*>UihM lIIJ GRAND OLD FLAG Leech j. «^ "J'/ <- ' lITI QUEES'S F1FTEEN............... Wheeler kf' """" K^WfM/«\ nii ABSENT-MINDED BEGGAE... Sullivan v'f """w1 p-^/* y" "^ (A. large quantity of the latter to arrive in. a.few weeks. Orders now ■'". i'.W* ; '■■ .- > being booked.) -'...'". ; . ' J^^SS^^^^S^ ' ' ©li&Cw-.A.KrgS fol Church' or Home, by Story and Clark and Kimball, from ,' TS>"iT Tl^£3"<sn&*s3| to suit the Artisan, Mechanic, Tradesman, Professional Men, cv Tjji-*" I m££h »§»■ tuna tisJin mam nCM KN «*? £C J'^&ui#» * b "*■ -fte "^ 3" irq™ "*= *"^ Millineis Diessmakers, and Domestics, from £30 to £175. 3^"^' ■■■■ : QTD sport tobacco a tie v t ■«■«■» w' ■'■'■' ' Estimates. given, ~: ■■■ OLD SI ORI TOBACCO is tie be-t Pi it hAiUhAW W V3\f&AX. | .. .. n | .>'-,. | H , ~■ , .'.'■„,.-.,- : ,-. ~ / . V"... ' OLD'SPORT TOBACCO is. the best. Try it. "• ■: ■■' :' H H^ll LiW^lli^ Modem Ideas. " ■".',■ OLD-SPORT TOBACCO .is the best. Try it. To Tl,ose ' Buiiaing.-You should see W^W Wtm <mß^E® BW \- ' , ' ' '/ ; OLD SPORT TOBACCO is the best. Try it. i■ „ PTs\Tii--« « n A xtivrnv *&» ' " " ~~l' OLD SPORT TOBACCO is the best. Try it.. °" ™"° "L o GRA i af S md MA™LL - . .- ;■ ... - - - OLD SPORT TOBACCO is the beet. Try it. MA.NTELX>IECES. before :, ■ Purchasing — : —: —— : ,-;■ ■ ■■- r. _ ...v^.,. ■■■■■-.' ,■-■ . OLD, SPORT TOBACCO is the best. Try it. elsewhere. The Home .Price of the t .-, | Artistic JJeSIgBS & (jQLGU£W.@S. OLD SPORT TOBACCO is the best;. Try it. G-hites has gone up very much ' recently. H -. B: H H . B n ' I ...•;■. ' ' ' : , . ■■;■ fSS^-SSli^n - 9 l'h°h eSt" T™ it' -fortunately we.plaood large ovdera before-.the | &&£&ss,'■ 1 I/g^fllfl^ '"- ■,•''.■■■■: ■-'■"' - ■ BLd KrTOiicCO illhe S. rise took place, so that Weare in a portion to I. ffl-8B::-■;|r |P|l |-S i' .' ' ;■' OLD SPORT TOBACCO is the best. Try it. compete favourably, with the best firms m this Jk^Js@g \£M>a@ ■ K^jgM jffi3%fr™™ M V^/ j■.,.-. .■■ . ...... OLD SPORT TOBACCO is. the best. Try it. town. ' ' '..-• • *S^ ' ■ ■ ..-■ f - : \' \, ■' gg^^-^itsss-^st'Sit t w.!», in a. b^ t h. -■ -,;■--•..= .. . ~==. .■-■■•■■-.-■.. ■gSllßl?sßliggg{:£ o.^: 1^ . . PLATE AM)' SHEET GLASS. ■■• ' OLD SPORT TOBACCO is. the best. Try ;t. ot i ler firms in tlle c j ty in rent o ] oßC| ~o t to " ■ - i OI.D SPORT TOBACCO is jhe best. Try it. speak o£{he high, salaries we save, whioh other ' : liiiisEl-iS?!!t frrr,;:;:=:^~:™t or^amemtal glass. , OLD SPORT TOBACCO is the-best. Try it. ge ll so cheaply. . ' —: —-■ ■ . OLD IpORT TOBACCO is tho be^ Tr? it' ■ Business still goes on increasing by leaps _„ _™ _~^ „„. „ - «g™,«»^«n m nj* i^«.n,_,«---BSl^?Biißgßi:^S:,Sy^: ■KlfiBC!Il:.-:.&LAS5,.-- BEVELLED PLATES. ,-■ OLD SPORT TOBACCO is tho best.. Try it. • ■-. • . ■ -' ■■■■-.. ~...,., OLD SPORT TOBACCO.i 6 the best. Try it. * ' ~,...■ ~.- , '-~" ,-* ~ ~~ : ~~~- ~T7"'■'■'■'■■■'■ ■":■','■"' OLD'SPORT TOBACCO is the best. Try it. Price combined with quality does it. vVe ■ —^ «W*W" "STSWB"?^W J9~ 4g£SL'V®JPßr'&ißW*'K3r ' OLD SPORT TOBACCO .is the best. Try ,it. ] te6 p tho best tools in tho world. ' .' ' 5119.1.XH. <S^S SS&J^i. JL^JLT JSii'a'' OLD SPORT TOBACCO is the -Kest. Try it. Disgton > B g aws , Mathieson's Planes, Stan- ' '"' . . DUNEDIN. ■gS OTOOT Tolt§» X'& S S? It! ley's Iron Plane, Wnrd and Payne's Chisel,, V . OLD SPORT TOBACCO is the best. Try it. Starrett'a Tools, Shfirpo'a Axes, Carron Com- ,■;■.•■ ■■■;'■ • .--.■■■..■. s .... .. OLD SPORT TOBACCO is the best. Try it. ] pa ny's Grntcs, Ansonia-Clocks, Marriage Pre- ,-. ' ■ ''. . ! . - - <• ■ "■■■' : ■ r OLD SPORT TOBACCO is the best. Try it. gents in Great Variety; Marble Clocks. We .'■ . . ■ TH w'■ ' \ ;• OLD SPORT TOBACCO is the beat. Try it. guaTantee to do you these'at very low prices. ; ,':, ..:-,. ,■..:.., , '■■-, '■■•.'-. ■ '. .--■■■ ...LAIDLAW & GRAY, ■'■ - ■'*«■ ■ . ■ -■;■;.-; .;;;: JT B -Jk.m SS.SK-!B"ir9|. . THE PEOPLE'S IHONMONGERS. ~. ' ... ... . - , ■', " "I «PRiNCK S 'STR B ET;.D OTEb iN: ;. ■....", ' ...^ & SHIPMENT of W ■ - r> TAILOR, SHIRT and COLLAR ._iJ ; : : J — ' ■ ■ ■ ...... , ■■~'' ~■ ' , ■•■■.- • ■ ' ■ , ;." :;m^b.. •. _ ... .■ ■■ : - :..■ . ; ■ BEAUTIFUL: STEKLING}- r ' ;. ' '. A Large Assortment of .' '' . 80TH...;......... ' ~ - ... ;. coatings, vicunas, serge, and . . . ■ . ."■ CJJEI^.SI'Sr CEa^I^STLESSS., ;: ..- ■■■■ ■■■■tweeds.--.';' ■.■-..'■ ■ . ' -- .. t . '. ;. ." ;.. •..,,".■--:■ . .'. . ■:, ai^s on Hand/ ike Central Pharmacy. l>:' . ' :.[ ... ==...■;,..■ 'Pit and Workmanship Guaranteed. ■ .. ! ' , - ' * ■' ■ atrial solicited. ~~ %IN^DING PLJECHASE^S should INSPECT this, V . ... •.■■■ ;....' .■■ . .- :- THE GEISHA PERFUME. ■ . . '...,. ... ... ~ ~ . - . JUST LANDED BJIIEDENBACH'S LATEST FASHION-. THE /.ONLY .'. ■ THOROXJGHMED ".\ WHEEL'/. ... - ."■ . ;.'"■■■ ■ ABLE PERFUME. ' : ■ . ' . ~ , .; /: ,::-, . . , ; : ■■ ■■ Ex s.s. Rakaia and Aotea, .■ ■ ~ jn . . . ••: . .-.'.-. ■,•...■.*. ■ ~.'■'-.- '■--'.:■ ' — ■'"■■'■ IN THE MARKET. : .>U Newest Patterns in . ¥A TEIS ": . -' :' ' . ■■■■■■■ • " ■ ' -'• ',/: "■ , CAMBRIC, OXFORD, CEYLON, AND ; • ' - ■.-. ■ - ... ; •; COLOURED FLANNEL SHIRTINGS. Has iust landed a Large Consignment o! the . ~. . _ '_ '■'• ' AIs °- ' : geisha perfume. .. ■ j/fARROW B A SSETT ■ ■ '■■■& '■ CO ■■■ ': ■ (See Window Display). Ul.\-?-L\,L\l\J H , .UillJUUl 1,, tt/ . \J\J,* ■ _ WHITE LONG CLOTHS AND LINENS, . .-■ . ... ■■• -■■ ■• - '. Extra Quality. ' ■ '. . . ~~ ■ ''-..- ■ ' '; <! HK iSTOHURCH." ASTIBU ETON, ami DUNEDIN. ■ ' ■ ' "■ This Exquisite Perfuuio is the latest and mo3t rrhrrr:r::~—. L_r~: , ' ■ ■ ■ »■ - ORDER YOUR SHIRKS DIRECT fro m ( he °" the *""* "^ WmWW^^^f^mW^^WWW^W^- ' ''•■'■'-' land, America, anci the Continent. ,* sL ' ' ■■ 1^ ■ ■■--* J -a ;. ■• . ■ rt4 - '^m <cl ■•'.'■. ■- ■' \ ■ ' '■ ' ■ ' ' I P" ■~': •:-..,;;' ■■;■'■ ' ■■' '■ /' - ; '~.. :,,' ar : ,'"'i'-, !F©r Hot Weitlier • ■■:'•' ' ; . j F Is'adapted for 'use Iml all climaies. "I - One of the-finest Drinks is ■■ tt, To BE OBTAINED OF AW, DEAWRSi ' " • ' ■ NEIL'S HERBAL BEER EXTRACT. A CHOICE SELECTION W y. ... :, '-.--. « ".' ' taktV n bu r a"o docvwifhtl^eush cS mew SPSIS3G kUU SUB9MEH; __^ : ■■-'"•-■-""--,--—^ L-—^^^—^—^-^-----^-- ■-■■■ — ' - this beer. ' * ■ t&u^±. ■ ■ \ ' ~ i _ L JU ..,, ~.'t . ,»...! , >> : 'Tho Summer Drin its us from Fruit ' IP OH 171% *War ;k» " few "' I^l iIK »*« ESi p«Bwwti P^^ SSt' 09 l' ' ' HALF A FAKXHI^NCI. Latest Amorioan Shapes are;i ' l *^««* -819 \s& &0 .*«*, . . ■ ' Six 2s Scl Bottles. He recommends it all Tound. J^^Ollm^mmaSmSsgS^r ■ • >« t +_-, T^gMßwi«Ei!Wm»Ha«niF It supersedes Pills and other aperients. It GOTHAM ■ "■'/;>■ ''■ "''■' £& AXiWUg . M>(WPwIK» " ;^^ ;..' ".;!.., takes the yellowness out of tho skin, Improves . , ■ Jsr ~ If«i,i- 3 ,,i 0 finms iinM^k tho Complexion, Stimulates the Appetjte, and " ■ VIENNA . --" JW a § "ftH li^tt^US COCOft aO6S m^ Curoa Indigoation, Bomoveg Bile, etc. Is 6d ■ • , ■■ ' ''' . ■ "1. >,i^amo!ic Cpeoas •; itii§ ÜBeqjjailed S^m. v io7. Bottle; 2s Gd Eoz. ; . 'ENGLISH "• " ' ■ " Mf "'- *s -■- - - - -. ■»-..■ ■.-.■■ A new American Remedy we are now selling ■ ' ■ ■ Jtif WUOleSOilie» JVPtiflSfefeiS 4 DjgeSUDIC. is called after its first exponent, ■ '. COMMON SENSE ' Jsr ■----. , ■ Dr PRICE'S GOLDEN;. MEDICAL. . . ~™__ T. i#^ ' ©ji¥ EW A ITfii^l- j ' 50 Doses in trie bottle/it is riofn dear medicine. IiBIPPEND.ORF-DITTJIAN COMPAKTY'S ' :^^^b. S^§ S g :WmW M^-^^m'i:^^ W^»^S■M^tPN^^^ Thoae who afe troubled with Corns ought to BOOTS or SHOES. : ' „■ ._ ~ ' , Jmtmr try onr AMERICAN CORN CURE. It has W®¥ ' ' ' ' jHHi^ cured Corns of 20 years' standing.; Is a Bottle. ' . \i&sslife. ~" ." ~/•'• ' ' JSsI&Bf-' ' ■ To young ladies and others who want a ' mTr^r ,„„ „,„„ m . Sold Jll fljie feJIPWWg Sl?e§-f« —fIT ;• " " . ffffi^^ X :;; theyar™best- ■:.. ■ :^^ : j^j - £i£ :v : :\ ■-.■ NOTE THE ADDRESSES;.'. Our range of Prices will suit all classes of Sq^ff jmSmT ■ - ' ' HEinBOTAHIQDISPEpEY, :' ■ . ■* :. ' ::-^W^-- %'-'XJ§F'^ " J W'--;: 74 GEORGE STREET, DUNEDIN; . ' Ladies' Shoes from 0s 6d to 18s 6a .; '^^Sfe, Gi^^ -' JBSf "<'■■'■ ' ■'■'■. -••"■"■' ! DEE STREET, INVERCARGILL. Ladiea'. Boots from 9s 6d to 25s • ■ ■" Trfaf i^^P^'; *' ! .;' STAFFORD STREET, TIMARU. ''. , , ,-, ~„" .- '- - JmlSSr ' ' '-;''".'■•"' '.. EMERSON STREET, NAPIER. , ■' «^ and Boys at all prices - : ; ' J^T ' ' " "' ■."'■■ "' WELLESLEy STREET, AUCKLAND. ' Gents.' Amerioan Boots from 12s 6d. ■' '.. . * ; - ;": ' : : . GOODS SENT BY POST ANYWHERE. . I . , "~™ : , ' . . . -— -^~ -^ -— : : "^1" "W^^"W jnr; Tf""S3^ .■•'■'■■' ■' ''. . . i^raSF ■• •■■'■ - ; ■■*':''-.'." ; "-■-■/ ■ QTOCK AND GRAZING NOTES (by jJro- ■KsH.a JSa.a**&J&*E,M a JC" 9 .■ ' '. . . . ■ ""' ' ' ' ■. ' .' '^.' ... live columu Wof eUiclf new Bs,; whlTh has "met" with 101 GEORGE STREET . r^OUGH! Cough: Coughl^Dqn't cough,.take "OENJAMIN Gum, CinJlamo^ Cure,; Koolimany tokens of approvalfrpw. breeders, buyers, ■ ■ • V> TIISSICURA, ii remedy for all throat and .O bah, ajid. Wshos (Loasljyfa) .pan he. oh, :■' »nd the general public. ~ v . ~ ', . .- ■ (Opppaita Whi^ogjflb.e a^f^ Tombs), • lung .troubles. .. . 6jy ♦ tsiaed from A. Miller wi £?,„ Gejajje gtieffc ,■

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 11659, 16 February 1900, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 11659, 16 February 1900, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 11659, 16 February 1900, Page 7