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r\ UN El) IN LOAN AND DISCOUNT AGENCY ANDY CALDEE ■p^ONALBEC^^K CATTLE, Etc. On his FaTOUritO Wiled, FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE GIVEN TO BUYERS OF FREEHOLD AND HOTEL . PROPERTY. nzvrzm m a r-'saa && fF\ CE3p= fpl23 F^ (1 HF\ f] Z^ss^ IS CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. EB?P a g$ P~ Cg? £| P=> " M N K%H ffT^i H. W. GYE & CO., g B Bt ' . s^ " tCT^ "^ —J -*""' Telephone No. 491. 20 High street, Dunedin. ■• , ■ . Maneavita Remedies; fr^l ; $/|jks r^oWLEK's WONDERFUL ECZEMA r V Knocks a big lump of 4 hours ;| AND ' . . j . ■ . ' j pile ointment—price 2s ed pek box. o^Vv<^-J *l A -GHRISTCHURCH- BUNEDIH"' ■'■ ■■■! Mr Gore, Town Clerk St. Kilda, writes to tell me that he considers my $ Z~"~' <■ . ■' Ointment the best he ever used. He says it cures everything and it surpasses W^ P"^ ? *'\ % * • ' anything of the kind ever introduced into Dunedin. fil|hi§^ 1^ )^fV^^[' TJAin T?XTT(AT?Ti ' i noxoTßiinßCEivKn; it Is MRS TOWLER'S ftSARISAVITA that cubes piles |jg jj?z& ~ *~ 4~ r ) tWJKU tS,J^\j\JSXU, ' ; ;;| Ask for Mansavita Pile O s Ointment, & take no other %pp£^*fji t v 'Ji ' - / : ;i Eczema Ointment, Is 6d, | «sfi#?a»» | Bad Legs, Old Wounds, W^M^ * a ' / ' * ' ■ ■■•• v Burns, PIL'KS can be g Jfl ►cured by Mrs Towler's \^^aU4^*\Vv / vv treatment without .an g W|C|| g operation or detention TIME- lShr<s "Omlu v «"Mir< "Omfn V from business iii bleeding S . ppf *or internal; if pro- -^ -OmllU ■. . ■.;. trading, can stop rectal g ~lnJv fsl ► catarrh and intense itch- *4i;<* xjzu** ■ ' ;, ing at nights. Belief can B g be obtained if treatment -— __ ——=---— is strictly adhered to. All H g^^^^^^^B . H Grocers and Chemists. -m/r / r\"OTB>/Of'OX ITS* A QQ'Wl'Win 6?r •iHA ': ■ . lillilll^ ■ 2s 6d per box. MOliliO W 9 ISAOfeJlii'ij <fi£ CO..J J •,; .1X doft cc deoeived !^=_' ' " =CJTRFjS p™ NEW PREMISES—CORNER OF Eeaa-thisLetter from, one of the most respected residents in ■Eoslyn:— GASHEL' ''& MANCHESTER STREETS; ; ■ ; ? . : Koslyn, May 4, 1899. ■' . :, DEAB .M R s^^ greatpiea3uretotestifyto . tho wonderful . powerg of your Mansavita .-• G^^E^TGSTWJ^^^, a .., :;::? Ointment and Healing Lotion. I have used both, and I may truthfully say that it excels , - ■ ——« ; ItVal^likc'mVic'the'vDrywOTst^r^ TH^ BS©ST I^yTR§TSOySa ■ ' ■" "- simply the Ointment that will gain for itself a name in'every household. You can refer anyone to me if you think proper. With sincere thank,, ■ Y°UrSj^f^ M^GLASHAN. C] f^ " "M 15 KOYAL ARCADE. DUNEDIN. ' *>££%£& :Wj V i;: All letters from the country respecting my Pile and Eczema Treatment will receive J?^™^ *v-j •*— " I M*-^ *~y~-<-< • »~ ? ""S 1 -'■.■■'■■'■■>. '-:'\. prompt attention. All communications strictly confidential. Letters must be accompanied '.A ~ \a x j \ -, i.;-.';? with stamped envelope for reply. '• KSfeSJ EaSD t i >^ S^t'J^ -i -' Wholesale Agents for Mansavita Eemedies—P. HAYMAN & CO., Dunedin. Sold only in labelled tina. JAMES EPPS & Co., Ltd., "■ . :-j ' " D.S.A. : ~" Homeopathic Chemists, sP/M OUR GEEAT WINTER FAIR IS ■ NOW ON L°ndon- in Dunedin-MACKE RR AS& HAZLETT AT GEORGE STREET AND SOUTH DUNEDIN BRANCH. /^Psj>\ />-~C\ /^\\ t \ ■■'"' '''; '■:¥'^4 Determined to outstrip all past undertakings, resolved to PILL OUR PRE- asT t / t* If «J £/ l 1 / 'A ' ' -1' i 3 MISES to overflowing WITH DELIGHTED CUSTOMERS, and MAKE THIS A . IS -, ?i4 JMJ f { /«, fr-l f ) /'tJ'1A ; ■' ■'-''.'^ ''■ -'tvi : RED LETTER EVENT, we inaugurate TO-DAY our WINTER PAIR, a Sale ... f*i iS &X >§| t\ A \" iV /I/ / -«,""A .;'-.'-I:'r^ abounding with immense MONEY SAVING.OFEERS, We,-proclaim this to be \^f^ V^ J \t "* s I \ \ - v':" ' unequivocally the GREATEST ECONOMY EVENT OP THE DAY. It is oxir • '-^ =>^ UJ V_jl : ;.:-;:;; aim to totally ECLIPSE ALL FORMER FAIRS. The entire organisation is at the IWUAJ IHAPI B "EV& AS 9 - i 1 ::>;;| back of it. Prices are Extraordinary Low; the Goods are Thoroughly Reliable. . IWWr A&»WAiasS«BSi SM .. ;. .■;.i;.:. ■-vg • SOME PHENOMENAL BARGAINS.' ' '• " . ■ ' ■» -'.'".':-■'•■•'■'J1 TWO HUNDRED BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED TWILL SHEETS, the kind we ~ " .oi|. caused' the furore with at former Fairs, each 2yds by 2Jyds long, hemmed ready for 'use, _^-i^"T^T~S~'^-» >"> '■■'■.' ■■■ ■' '■'■"■■-Vi at Is Hid, 2s 3d, 2s Gd, 2s Od, and 2s lid each; cost price of material, hemming free. . /^£^iSM^^prX :^ r~^Sy J *i-" sS-~O.^v y :' ':-:i Grand quality 33in STRIPED FLANNELETTES, fine make, worth SJd-for 7Jd yard. gS^ Sat*S4a £6 L-.*i- J" "^^ j=-^-«ffis-' :, S 6 Pieces LOO"M DAMASK TABLING, Irish make, fine quality, usually Is 9d—for Is 3d /Wf jl*~a"'^-~-~.i.r'r '>iv 33-inc? CHEAVy FLEECY TWILL FLANNELETTE in Pink, Cream, and White, 4Jd— gj "^^SSfesS?^ VnT^ Our TWILL COLONIAL BLANKETS, 2}yds long lls 9d, 21yds long 15s Gd, 2Jyds long %M ..'.'. ,^% ~ ' 12 DozonVabout) SAMPLE TOWELS, in plain White, Grey, and Striped, at strictly Home US A 'Tl'O T¥T W|"^"H 0^ (P Tl^ W (Pl^ M ' 11 Pieces'29-inch STRIPED FLANNELETTES, at l|d fair quality, at 2^d good thick |S M ! %j Splend'id^Heavy Pure MEXICAN TWILL SHEETINGS, 2yds wide, BJd, lOja, and Is yard. L 3 .—.ojoioo— . • 11 .^J BLACK ALL-WOOL FRENCH COATING SEHGES, worth Is 9d—for Is yard. |X BJ s: ■ '*: Very Specif Valu^Ei^tKeces^^ALLJOOL 2s^™T; SEEfiES, 45in width, in | Readerj do yQu know real coma 5s ? econora;cal house . |. :, y ,| 12 Pieces^BLACK AND NAVY FIGURED WORSTED SERGES, "Ripley dye and finish, fs] wives, and wide-awake people generally, the best cocoa andl that of Van || ~.;,:■;: ,:;: worth 2s 9d—for Is 6d yard, double width; unequalled for wear. Jff Houlen are synonymous terms. Ihe cocoa manufactured by that-well- fm v-^,.■---CREAM, with COLOURED STRIPE, NUN'S VEILINGS, 4s lid full dress-formerly Is tftJ 1 nown firm is a preparation from the very best cocoa-beans, and contains M;.■/ . ,/. 9d yard. mjf nil the valuable nutritive and stimulating properties natural to cocoa. fea , . ';/.,;, Over 150 odd DRESS PIECES, various kinds, on centre tables, at from 3s 6d to 21s the Sga -j-jjg COCO a-bean contains an alkaloid called " Theobromine," which is 0j fi^.VtS dress; very much under values. |%/ the orinciple of the " fef : 'A ALL LAST SEASON'S BLACK JACKETS, with wide sleeves, good qualities, for 2s 6a, 3s i-g l"c *" 1 . . . . fifljj ■■..:■■".;:;■, ■■:,: :S lid, and 5s lid each. . . hi " cup that cheers, but does notinebriate?' |il |:j '- Over 100 COLOURED CLOTH CAPES, all this, season's goods, reduced to 6s Ud, 9s lid, E| " . EM :; : :',..;? 12s lid up. !"• The °reat point of difference between the stimulating properties of pa '^: ■ ,-. All MILLINERY at Half-price to clear. Millinery ■ Trimmed free during the Fair. Boxes |J n ] couo l an d that of theobromine is, that the use of the former causes a fel '^ ■, "' • LADils'^TgStS^SS^D^PEi^te^ Bd. I -^S^^ GIRLS'" Good B SLACK:CASHMERE HOSE, all sizes, for Is pair ..■; 13, unattended by such unpleasant after effects Ofcourse, only a first-class M ' ~v. ■...-; ■; .J AND LINES IN EVERY APARTMENT TOO NUMEROUS TO SPECIFY. M -o *«*£»£S^lSZt^^t^ ££ M;. "^ ' . REMEMBER: THE FAIR BEGINS TO-DAt.. . , K|| extremely soluble, and easy of assimilation and digestion by the weakest feS ■->•; i,: ;-.i| DRAPEK-Y SUPPLY "ASSOCIATION,- 11 tomich It cosh but a tnflc, being k^th-m one faithing pei cup; and Xi ,| V/ uxvjixxj xi m ukj J -t, Rp p RTREFT [iSg it is the simplest dunk to nnkeieid^, of the whole catalogue of possible L: fi . ; v-sj BRANCH AT SOUTH DUNEDIN. ; ffl be^clas<-i> It smellb so <;ood, and t istcs so delicious thit when >ou tiv |!*| 1.:; vvs; . ' .■ ■ : i " ' _— Ijsjf it you will ceitainlj. e\cUnn. "Ah' indecu, it is a tnuraph of science!" la. ■ J ~': .^S; ASK YOUR STOREKEEPER for AMERICAN ; : S ||3xl';Sl^ is. llmimrnnmn nirin'mrann B I have you tried 1 l-iv-il-;:.',^:^ W\J\L "WAU'IUjIiAN •■"- -UAliiJ Wllfi. T& van houten's Eadng chocolatep| ij;|-:::i Kte as Strong a § the strongest. I Weight'for weight it runs about 20 per centi ~^U^' --t^&^u^ —._^____, .: : : g:>| ■ FURTHER than any other Barb Wire p^ p^ /«s?\ /^\ H/T f F* $^ if^SM' ■MlCK}^hj^ Stocked in. Wo. 12 gauge, 4 point thickset. i Wssß ifu \£&S U Xh. Fes <b*f iSSi '^^WWiWs/'W Write to us for Circular giving particulars §b«Jp|'l fe^f^ i^- rVEL, H~3 ]"^ :W;l| \> \ v of construction. k» S3 fe5J Sbf-i' " »""• C'k \ h! _« b t .. i?. WAUKEGAN CHiEF - ST^3 fc B ' A ' \a» S3 , - f^T?SX l:^-fi ' < u Mßß^ B3a KTioiiso]r,BEii)&Eß,&co. ifl W yxi«, f^o lfi ;^;!i Qs^' o- YOU WA&3T ■ ■_ M Üba k4&^ '|;v|: Jm^Pf ¥ ft^ QTWPTTPTTY ■ Cleans, Scrubs, Scours, and Polishes- evei^tWfig^ '^jfjm Q1 oIJH.ri4JLU±JLX : . Jn thfi househoW from cellar to Attic. /''[ }:': M flw ; and, abotk am, . 'Fo^Metals, erass^as°e 9 GBass,..©ro©feej;y,::V ;^|' ■n|| J • SATISFACTION, ''' Rliarbße. asKg PaSnt.. i : ':! ' BEWARE /. OF .-. IMITATIONS. ■ , i?W f^f |/| I WW 1413 O. -lidfe^ I Iml^2^».|; ,; • v:-||.. THE DUNLOP PNEUMATIC TIfRECI" LTD., i^^ir™i"^ lp!! la: 128 Lichllcld st. a Chnstchurch; and at Melbonrue, Sy d, ley , Adelai<le, audTevth jQUJH^COMPAHf, Sole AgCfftS for A M Stfa»aS». . r ;|.. UELLIN'S POOD when prepared is similar to Breast Mills. i | UELLIN'S POOD is Entirely Free &om Starch and Gane 3ugar ? aad is adapted.fop ue ia.:alll?S^ climates. • i J

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 11506, 19 August 1899, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 11506, 19 August 1899, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 11506, 19 August 1899, Page 7