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I Special Advertisements. . Attverasemeut^ EAKLWAUE, NOVKLTIK-:, KLKCT.UOPLATKD ami SILVEIt WARK S . Large anil varied assortment. SeuSiiow Uooar. jS ( L\Hl',-i, FIONDEES, MANTKW'IECIS, GRATE-!, TILT'S, TCEKBS, / , O >-> / ' £Ep?v X / DERBY , ii",X BEDSTEADS, Ac, &c. X X DEKBY **» S£& /& / X BUILDERS IRONMONGERY. / /^ SrimY Ecrl3y Ne^t Notion, /^ / ■«• ||| SMOKE g S g . -/ VJ v-^ UlijiiJa x Derby \ JTULL STOCKS IN ALLDrnMHESTS. % \^X Knight-B^arfs S| ■ DERBY TOBACCO, Derby '1 / V^/ 1*0*: Hf The Finest FUvcured, Pur.t, and Most Whole Derby X- Not Sfcel-THBVory Best. J^y -me Smoking Tobacco m the World. ?^ /XT- / <^ Nj^V^ To mest secoad-grade competition, we stock a VVMY'X /^ ■<&> /^ Lower mmy-^OT " I>Yit«iu>-" derbt ■ Derby /^ V /^ Full Stocks of BLACKSMITHS', WHEELWRIGHTS', DERBY f3r SOLD EVERYWHERE. £"{$ /^ "*5» y' FOUNDRY, Ac. requirements, '^u^' Derby / \y y^ GOLD DREDGK BUILDERS and OWNERS will find our stocks of • '-l- x *" /^ ROPES OILS, STEEL, TOOLS, OAKUM, SrrKE3. BOLTS and NUTS, 1 J /^^ PITCH, TAR, GOLD-SAVING METAL, *c complete and reasonably priced. V— / Full stocks of BENHAR DRAIN, SANITARY, and FIELD PIPES on hand a / Bond street Yard . /TN \RTFR &CO wilfbTlanding a large ship- CHARTER & CO. for Black -Lace Cloth.—A C^^^____l___iy^_^^ ~~ — '_ . j -m/g-AN-O'-WAR CAPS.-Carter and Co. have KEEP BUSY', having a huge staff of assis- J^/| m hundreds dl , ring the last tants, and their Stock is marked mont] onl a {ew clozen left, in lots of cases considerably below Smart c , otu CapSj suit boys or any house in Dxincdin. gir j Sj usua Uy.2a and 3s each—now _ - Gd ! ' CAB^r^iA^ IKSS^-l r^^ri^^^^^. | •• C£___i_£ s" NumrnvE salt 2 weeks they will almost give away \J Bargain' with Coloured Border, all „„. Hoods as they want the room. Ilinen, worth Gd each—now lM;. | Contains the food strength of Bran __-. ! — Silkatoens, usually 7Jd—now 2=d. i T OOK AT THIS LOT.-Ladies' Coloured C_ily__l_Carter^._ ! (usually thrown away), jLi Summer Jackets, open fronts, -ra,g-yg OKE ZEPHYRS, yard wide, navy or Forming the substance of Bone, Brain, and Nerve. faced silk, formerly 10s Cd to 15s- J^J[ maroon a v && o l o th, like print, come and take .your pick for Is usually 63d yard-now 22d. At ■ eael,__A i C^s_F I naMV^l i np_ : Cartel Final Lie. . ! iT_DO E _NO L OAK £I CARTER & CO. are slaughtering their Goods BARTER & CO. for Special Bargains in . this week —Maids' lons Black %J Stripe Union Tick, usually 9d yard Requires no crushing or preparation for USD, Cloth Jackets, warm and strong, —now GJd; Stripe Flannelettes, . usually 17a Gd to 20s—come and ajfl^ __^ tojwj^ur_p_ick_for_ss each. ADIES, NOTB~THIS!—Yard-wide Pink Try it in your saltcellars. -r nnr \ t ttttci T (IT T -wlios' Felt Bond A-^ Dutch Flannelettes, worth OJd— . ' L 0 HaLtftd^Tribbon, usu- sale price, 5s lid do. or CJd yard ally 4s Gd to 5s Gd—now clearing at at larior s salt. Is Gd. At Carter's Final Sale. d^ARTER & CO. for Painted Back Floor- •—" ~ '■ " ~ %*J cloth, 2yds wide; clearing at Is 6d /BARTER & CO. for Coloured Plush, 2a yard—worth 2s; Yard-wide Grey Kj quality for Is; Navy or Brown CalicOid. MiUhicry! Sill VetS, c°elm ancV TVTOTe"^HIS - During 'the next 2 week. _li K htco7our 9 ,2 S lldclua.lityforls,1ua.lityforls, l\ T^J^Tu . MILLINERY -Trimmed Hats or Bonnets; Kid Gloves to every Customer SPECIAL PURCHASE rno^u^^nolfiiaUus^prte 0 ge3j?, °L"Z ! Goods^ ■ / GI R. LS ' UNDERCLOTHING S^ajyj^*^; oltf caP R3""y hOU3e '" ./_.•'.*. • NOW OPEN. S" "TANDARD " INSURANCE COMPANY, i . ' ...... ' . __ ~ _ __ . • A^GLO -^ DeLC. Heaa Offic0' ' Mr E. BOOT, ." ' SPECIAL " . \ ■ HIGH STREET, DUNE DIN. SURGEON AND MECHANICAL DENTIST, ' <■ p GRAND BARGAINS TO-DAY. No. G3 Princes street, Dunedin * f1 YP T li1 S ', .■„■„ -pttiwtttV ' (Nest A. Lorio and Co.). * U ' GIRLS' CALICO NIGHTDRESSES, pure FIRE, MAulNfc, AMU ill«aiiii. mGREST CLiss 0P WORK AT MODE- . . • . Calico, heavy make, soft finish, neatly GUARANTEE RISKS RATE FEES. . • trimmed Embroidery or Frilling : — ■ . Taken at Lowest Current Bate.. Artificial Teeth a Spooialt y. ... Manufactured THOMAS R. FISHER, Consultation Free. Bjy Cost. General Manager. ' ... . , ' tl „! r,,,, -,n> Lot I—One Bok, 5s 3d each, for 3s 6d each Telephone .-■.. , __ _ ■ —— —- - • Loj . 2 _ One Boj;j ' 4g ua each) {or 3s 3d eac H <! i^r,-nt.ion List- OPEN on SATURDAY, 19th August, and CLOSE Simultaneously in all the Colonies on MONDAY, 28th August. Lot 3 _ One BoX; iB 6d each,-for 3s Od each bUDScripucu iJisio Lot _j_ Ono BoXj is 0(1 each| {or 25 llcl each T>UNLOP PNEUMATIC TYRE COMPANY OF AUSTRALASIA LIMITED. . g Sill'lf 3'OSI El! ■*-" ■ . Lot B—9ne Box, 3s 3d each, for 2s 3d each Lot 9—One Box, 3s Od each, for 2s 2d each (To be incorporated in Victoria under the Companies Acts.) ] jO t io—One Box, 2s Bd*each, for 2s Od each . Lot 11- -One Box, 2s Gd each, for Is lid each .j-_, _. r\r\r\ . Lot 12—One Box, 2s 3d each, for Is 9d each CAPITAL ~.. " " " -- - <^_.l7U,uuu, calico knickers, trimmed. ■ Divided Into. • Lot 13—One Box, Is Gd each, for Is 2d each _~ , „ , ~ t, . cm „.„„ „! i>i n oni> f,,lHr n^fri Now offered to the Public. Lot li —One Box, Is 9d each, for Is 3d each (a) 80,000 7 per cent. Fixed Cumulative Preference Shares of £1 each, fully paid. ... -Now oue.e i s^ono Box, Is lid each, for Is id each (b) "0 000 7A per cent. Deferred Non-cumulative Preference Shares of £1 each, fully paid. -j Reserved for the Vendor in part payment Lot 10—One Box, 2s Id each, for Is 6d each (c) 70,000 Ordinary Shares of JEI each, fully paid, the dividend on which is not to exceed 9 per j- o f purchase. Lot 17—One Box, 2s 9d each, for Is 9d each cent, in any year. ) ■ . Glßhs , CALICO CHEMISES : ' ■ (TRIMMED). Issue of 80 000 7 Per Cent. Cumulative Preference Shares of £1 Each, Kea_oeajo ' _ _„ TTTT , r^,T _ „„ ■ Lot 18—One Box, 2s Od each, Is 6d each TO BE FULLY PAID UP. Lot 19 _ One , Box ; 2s 3d each! Is 9d each mTTVqp <!TT\R'FS will be PREFERENTIAL AS TO CAPITAL. They will also be entitled to a fixed Cumulative Preferential Divi- Lot 20—One1 Box, 2s 8d each, Is lid each dfnd oP 7 w cent pc f annum, payable half-yearly, and will be entitled to participate pro rata with the Deferred Stock in. all Dm-. Lot 21-Oue Box, 2s lid each, 2s 2d each rWi.rlclared In anvve""after payment of a, Dividend of 9 per cent, on the Ordinary Stock. These Shares will be specially pro- Lot 22-One Box, 3s Od each, 2s 4d each tated b; he Articles o yf the CompaTiy, which will provide, as a.fundamental article, that no Debenture or Mortgage on the Assets of Lot 23-One Box, 3s 3d each, 2s Gd each ijSS«^^^ ■■ ALar g e^ectionof ™^^-^^£s^e^ UNDERcs t=rNiCOEferential Shares, will be placed to the credit of this Fund. ~,,.,„. i ! The Dividend on these Shares will be paid Free of Exchange at the Bank of Australasia at Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane, _ Perth; and Christchnrch and Auckland, New Zealand. IJ*« I ,(J,, SUBSCRIPTION for the above 80,000 Shares of £1 each is now invited, payable as follows:- , mGR EATTEAy STREETg , : 2s Gd per Share on Application; '• Balance on Allotment. . . . . Manager NOTE -Upon payment of the 20s (twenty shillings) per Share, as above mentioned, no further liability whatever will attach to these B _ HALLENSTETN, . . S " Shire» and an Official Certificate to that effect will then be issued by the Company. Chairman o£ Directors. ' "' THE WHOLE OF THIS ISSUE OF .80,000 SHARES HAS BEEN UNDERWRITTEN. — ; DIRECTORS: ■ The following gentlemen have agreed to join the Directorate : — The Hon. NICHOLA|FITZGERALD, M.LX., M^-rn.^ of SPECIAL GOLD MEDAL. ' JOHN GRICE, Esq., Melbourne , NATURAL MINERAL WATER, (Director of the National Bank of Australasia, Limited). VALENTINE J. SADDLER, Esq., Melbourne WAI-RONGOA, (Messrs Baxter and Saddler, Contractors). ■ ' Major F. G. HUGHES, 395 Colling street, Melbourne. The best Tablo "Water as yet discovered in Also, in.Sydney- . . New Z. C. RENi '' jigger f or Australia of The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York). It is bottled only at the Springs, and charged Tt • i<i -t n,« ArtiVlo. nf Aqsoriition of the Comnanv shall provide that the qualification of each Director shall b 9 300 of the with its own Natural Carbonic Acid I^rct^l\^P^a^a^!^^^tit^^^^e^<^^ has agreed to take up such QnalifimUn Sliares. Gas collected from the wells. BANKERS: THE BANK OF AUSTRALASIA. . ' WAI-RONGOA will notrechice the system. SOLICITORS: " • V7AI-RONGOA is mildly aperient, diuretic, Messrs MOULE, HAMILTON, & KIDDLE, Market street, Melbourne. and & mtA . lB' BROKERS: Ifi-iiis J. B. WERE & SON, 412 Collins street, Melbourne , Victoria. WAI-RONGOA in Syphons to be found in M-asrs Wil. NOALL & SON, City Bank Chambers, Collins street, Melbourne j. c Hotel in tho gouth Island M«?3rs RANDLE & WILLIS, of Martin place, Sydney < New Sorith Wales. Messrs MULLENS & COMPANY, of Eldon Chambers, 92 Pitt street, Syduey JMews HEDLEY L. TODD &J. K. SAMUEL, Grenfell street, Adelaide J South Australia. OTIiIa is what the people of the North Islana Messrs CORRIE & COMPANY, Brisbane '." Queensland. think o£ JAS. HENDERSON, Sharebroker, ChristchurchondWellmston ■) v^i^i JOHN LOGAN, Sharcbrokor, Dunedin >• Wow Zealan«- • WAI-RONGOA: G. A. BUTTLE, Slmrebroker, Auckland . . J D. T. BROWNLIE, Hobart 1 Tasmania. , December 12.—Messrs Thomson and Co.. ; A. & W. FOWLER, Launceston _____ J . Dunedin,-I wish you would keep me fairlj PROSPECTUS. well stocked. Send me 30 cases Wai-Rongoa al This Com>-anv is bein" formed to acquire as a »oia» concern and carry on'the well-lmown business in Australasia, of THE DUNLOP once, a,nd forward another 50 as enily as pos-PNBUMATIc'tO-E COMPANY (AUSTRALASIA), LIMITED, together with its Goodwill (including: Trade Marks and Trade Name), 6ible _ Patent Rights, Leases, Plant, and Furniture in Australasia; and an Agreement has been entered into securing to this Company the exclusive 0 , H , HUGHKS, rights throVl>out Australasia for all Inventions and Patent Rights relating to Pneumatic lyres that may hereafter belong to THh DUNLOP 2ia Wanganui. P°VEDMA'i'IC TYRE COMPANY (LIMITED), of England, at cost price, and special facilities are also given to this Company in regard to tli"i> mirrhn" .if mv iii^tprial fo- the manuff>ctnre of Tyres. Tho-Eiislish Dunlop Company has agreed not to compete with this Company in Australasia, thereby securing to this Comply tho cxchisivc^snlos •:■; tiie celebrated DUiNLUP CICLi. lYßtb, and also of the DUNLOP CAlThi AA^trihsanl>i--u'" was formed by the world-famed DUilvOP PNEUMATIC TYKE COMPANY, of England, in the year 1893. Tho net profits for the .Australian business ior the last year have beer, greater than for any previous year, and amounted to £14,707 19s lid, and the sales of Tyres in Australasia for the same year numbered 55,509. ' The Head Office and Ma«uia<-torv of the Australasian Company is situate in Melbourne, and the Company has Branch Depots (where a —— full rnppiy of Stock is kept) at Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane, Perth, and Christchurch (New Zealand). . The business of the Dunlop Pneumatic Tyro Company (Australasia), Limited, will be taken over by this Company as a going concern frnm: thi* lat rliv nf Aiicnst 1893 and the Company will have the benefit of all profits from that date. Tho accounts of the Australasian - „ . . _, Sosslmve^ F .SALE, with retoect to the sales and profits for the last two years, and also as to the sales for the present year up to the Ut July, and it will Be A < nol:ee:l t'herffrom that tho business is worked practically on a cash basis: — „,„,„, T SEVERAL' FIRST-CLASS HOTELS i " 424 Chancery Lane, Melbourne, 201.h July, 1699. In Otago, Canterbury, and Southland. " Messrs ilo'.ilo, Hamilton, sad Kiddle, • Financial Assistance can be Arranged by any-"Gcnll--men-«,requo»'ca I havc^Sa^Smtß of the DUNLOP PNEUMATIC TYRE COMPANY (AUSTRALASIA), one purchasing tlu^ugh us^ LIMITED Wtlie TWO YEARS ended 31st JANUARY, 1899, and beg to report as follows:- TAWTTITJV „„„ 4 ■rr ~' . " The SALES for tho year ended 31st JANUARY, 1898, amounted to £76,029 7s lOd, and for the year ended 31st JANUARY, 1899, to High street. £91,871 Os lid, being an average of xS:S,'JSO 4s 4d per annum. . . „,„„„ „ , " The NET PROFIT for the same periods was £11,975 Ss 3d and £14,707 19s lid respectively, being an average of £13,341 14s Id per aiiuum, and equal to over 15 per cent, per annum on tho net sales. „,„„-,-, - n t •., „., „„„ - ~ , « " Tho total SALES for the SIX MONTHS ended 30lh JUNE, 1809, have reached £48,804 Is sd, as compared with £14,29 a 7s Id for tho y-, 0 B■ ■ S A L E. corresponding period of 1838. Jj '• The number of Tyres sold during the last financial year amounted to 55,509. . k " The business is, practically, worked on a cash basis, tho bad debts for the two years und>:r review representing less than (15s) fifteen Several First-class CITY and SUBURBAN Bhillines per cent, unon the turnover for the whole period. . ■RESTnENfyEK Diiiiprliii ■• flic -ii-. fi..,,*,^ <~-.*!]; for themselves as to the magnitude and soundness of the business of the Company. . HL.BiurjiN^i.o, ijunecun. : ' •• I am Gentlemen, yours faithfully, Easy Terms can be Arranged. "THOS. BRENTNALL, F.1.A.V." H. GYE & CO., As "!■.■).■ ■.--■ 'i-i-iu llio \ccdi-- ''ir('s 'l.t- net <nofits for the vcar ending January 31st last were £14,707 19s lid, and as the pro- High street ferential dividend on the present issue of £SO,00(; on.y amounts to £5030, THESE PROFITS WOULD ENABLE SUCH DIVIDEND TO BE PAID MORE THAN TWO AND A-HALT? TIMES OVER. In addition to this, it will be noticed from the certificate that the sales of the Duulop Tyres for the present year exceed the sales for the'corresponding months of last year. . The recent reductions on the cost of Cycles have brought them into universal use, and they are now regarded in almost every household T7l O R SALE as a practical r«cessitv and there can be no doubt that the demand for DUNLOP TYRES will continue to increase each year. It is in- J1 tended to further extend the scope of the business by introducing into these colonies the DUNLOP PNEUMATIC CARRIAGE TYRES, ptwawtaTT v issrcv, which are now so extensively used throughout Europe and America. , , . We are prepared to FINANCIALLY ASSISI The DUNLOP TYRES are the world's stau.hird and nearly al! the principal cycle manufacturers throughout the world fit their BUYERS purchasing Properties through us, machines with Dunlop Tyres, and this Comply v,,i! acquire th? <- ; .!. ls i™ rifflit ior Australasia to the valuable Trade Marks and Trade frQm cent _ iNalTiio°Veiaor aml Cpromote:-. ii.ohind Gar!a,ui. J-;,r.., Miuiagii^ .Oueciov of Tho Dnnlop Tyre Company (Limited), Toronto, Canada, has H- GYEJ^ Pi1 fixed tho. total r>>ircliase price at JEiSu.OOO, and has inoludcd the Trafi« Marks and Trade Names, as well as the benefit of the valuable contract . Jilfcll street. obtained from the English JJunlop Pneumatic Tyro Company (Limited), as part of the goodwill of the business sold to this Company, and has apportioned the ™h!o°thereot at £125,000. Out of the total purchase price, only £13,000 is payablo in cash, the balance thereof being representtd by the said Deferred Preference Shares and the Ordinary Shares. The Company will commence business free from debt, and with a working "camtu! of X"J5,000 (less only the usual brokers' commission of sixpence per shave) standing to its credit, which will be ample for all S^ v no a li _~ purposes, and will enable it to carry on its business on best cash terms. -"- The business will be carried on'without interruption, upon the lines which have proved so .successful in the past, AND AS THE HEAD X DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, Hnlenn street OFFICE OF THE COMPANY WILL NOW BE IN AUSTRALIA instead of in England as herctoiore, it is anticipated that the business ■ >it -i iiii i i +1 OO 111)13 -UUUGQin. will be carr:od on to better advantage than ever. . • The Contract for Sale and Purchase is dated lOlh Ai: 3 u«t, 1593, and is made between the said Richard Garland of the one part, and Fre- Dpnonir-' Balance Term, deride Arthur Moule, Esq., of Market street, Melbourne, Solicitor, as Trustee for the Company of the other part, and tho contracts between *100 Deposit, Balance Teims. Tho Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Company (Australasia), Limited, and the Dunlop Pneumatic ryro Company (Limited) respectively, and the _ .__ . said Richard Garland, are dated the 15tli day or May, 1899. . ■ ' ' ~V ', . The Vendor and Promoter will bear all cost in relation to the formation of the Company up to Allotment, including the payment oi a. -Wig" street, commission sivera»in" not more than 10 pel cent, for underwriting tho present issue, payable partly in cash and partly in the Ordinary Shares. The only preliminary expense which will bo p.-yuble b« the Company will be the usual brokerage of sixpence per share on the Preference Shares subscribed for by the public. " " ~.,„• JPQPJAA T ° LEND The snid Contncts and Mr Brentnall's Certificate above referred to, and the proposed Memorandum and Articles of Association of the i&(JO\Jxy Company, may be inspected at tho Office of the Solicitors to the Company. .■,,., On Applications for Shares must be made in the iorni Rccompairying, and sent io one of the Company d Brokers, witn a cheque for the amount payable on Aunliciition. FREEHOLD, FURNITURE, PROMISSORY Wherono Allotn-ent is made the deposit will be refunded in full, and where the Allotment is leas than tho amount applied [or, the bilauce NOTES, and PERSONAL SECURITY, of the deposit will be applied towards the instalment payablo on Allotment. Allotment will be made in order of priority of application. From fi p<jr - t Prospectuses and Forms of Application can be obtained from the Brokers of the Company; or, at the Offices of the Bankers, or collators of the Company. " GYE& f' 0 -' DsiMi this 19th day of August, 18ST-, Jil«!l s«oet.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 11505, 18 August 1899, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 11505, 18 August 1899, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 11505, 18 August 1899, Page 4