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' Public Uotices. ''."■-./''/.'' Pqblic Notices. -; : :-:'i'Wm^oS;i ' " ~~"~~~ ' ; ■■' :" ' v the • V'V ;!--v'>#feß| ■-.:■;'•:.""■; '■■'■■ '. ';' :>'"-'■/■';■ .^JEW-.. ZEALAND'/HAKDWA^ifI ,'; ~- -.. . ;-':-.; ; ■■•• ■'/■.'■•' ■■/-..■■ -Company'■^imited)^;.;^!!^ J OH N E1)M0 ND, IRONMONGERS & IRON; MBECHANTS^^|| HAEDWARE MERCHANT, ../ . ' v. : :^ ,;__■ ■VV '■ PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN, . -'■' . LAWN MOWEES. \ JlV':vC"Ks: tav <3T-rt?P"T TTvnn?-pr>AT>r.TT-r The " Moa" .Lawn. Mower is a very chea?V' -p^ J.AY blKbiil, INVERCAEGILL. and effective machine." Several hundred.. ma-iVfiffi ' . ■ ■ ■'•■ chines have been sold, and they, give great :^f ": satisfaction. We also stock 'the . : SHEAEING EEQUISITES. , ''^SS^"-^. M^M Sheep Shears-Burgon and Ball's and Trades Sf'« SILENS •MESSOB.^i Un:on> .'.■■■■ The "MOA" BABBIT TEAP is^unap- ;WS urnrHr.™ nil i! l m i -Di i proached by any Trap ever imported into this - v'i:; Marking Oil-Red, Blue, and Black, market. No other Trap sells so well. " One'- ; « _ ... T t,, ■, ■, „„, used, always used." : : - '..-■■ . Raddle, Lamp Black, and alt Shearing- Ee- GALVANISED EABBIT AND SHEEP ": >' quirements. ■ - . . ■ NETTING, ' : '" ': i BUBGON & BALL'S SHEEP SHEARS,'^-:^ TEADES UNION SHEAES, : t^«i GAEDEN TOOLS. SHEEP-MAEKING OIL, LINSSED OH* -- . , , t TT7EKEY STONE, RADDLE.^d all ': ' A good assortment. SHEARING REQUISITES ;'^/ Rakes, Spades, Hoes, Hedge Shears, Border P™ F™ iS bo'th Bhofc.^^g Shears, Sets of Ladies' Gardening Tool, I DICK'S BALATA (Guttapercha) BELTINGV' " LAWN MOWERS. LAWN MOWEES ' laniiea' a shipment of this famous ; " Belting. : : ;■ .;, ; LAWN MOWEES. Dredge-owners and Gold-miners are^otifiea :; :'V; that we keep Large Stosks of CEUCIBLE '*': i Wo have landed, ex Doris, our season's eup- STEEL WIRE ROPE, SHEET STEEL FOR i: "V Ply of the above, in. the following well-known |™j ■£g x £™*tf*™g™gm . ■ SrES?^ HALL'S BLASTING' POWDEE,:.f I % " THE DON," " ENTEEPEISE," " NEW NOBLE'S DYNAMITE, Etc., Etc., Etc. ■ ■; .. Jy:< }£ EASY," "HENLEY." , TQ CO NTEACTOES~AND BUILDEES: ■■>' ?S LAWN MOWERS from 25a. CTZkT < *Te. offering T, ILE REGISTER.^;:;; We have a'few discoloured by smoke still on KITCHEN RANGES PORTLAND CE*; : ~■'''■ hand at Reduced Pricey , StfeS af^y' lT iS^- i" , BLACKSMITHS. ENGINEERS, ' COACB ' ;#: . CRICKET SEASON, IS9B-1899. BUILDERS, WHEELWRIGHTS, TIN- ■'■■- „.,,.,, , ~„ „ v T ' SMITHS, AND PLUMBERS :■ ;v^ Cricketers and others should Call and Inspect wm finfl that every y can , po33 . b ij ; - our New Season's supply of = _ ' require is well represented in Mr^tock°" CRICKET MATERIAL . '. Cumberland street ~ Dee street, Prom the well-known makers—"Wis-aen," DUNEDIN. ~ ;INVERCARGILi; Vj ;y'-i "Duke,l^ and "Aquilla, Clapshaw, and TVT OTI C E OF ' REMOVAL; :- ? THE WELL.KNOWN" CRICKETER " GENERAL "pSS & PUBLISHERS'-iS BAT, 17s 6d each. , Proprietors of ...L -JS EELIANCE PEACTICE BATS, 15s each. STONES' DIRECTORIES, ABC GUIDE,:;: i:0: A good serviceable Club Bat. ' ■ ' t> i &°',\■, i, ■ - M5 Beg, to notify the ;:■ ry^.rr>X:^: Leg Guards, W.K. Gloves, Stumps, Balls, t BEMO YAL ■'•'■ A\ '■';. '5-S Surrey Shields, Nets, and all Requisites for . Of .their ; :Ji;': the Game. ■ . -FACTORY AND' OFFICES ■.■'::''::.:";^i^ A SPECIAL DISCOUNT Allowed to Clubs : . To :^:. ■:.:'>" on all Purchases. : CRAWFORD AND JETTZ STKEETBri-Vi^ I ' . Where they have erected New Premises, specl«)'W ally constructed and arranged for the carrying ; v'ff on and , development of their GENEEAfi ' ■■?,-'' ptt^p-rc; , PRINTING and; PUBLISHING .BUSB>;US FILTERS. t NESSES. :. .'< : - -: .■■ v: :::^ . A Good Selction from' ss. . . Telephone 365. * .:..: ',:■■ ■ :';': ; aSf :"; :':,';s ~M ■ o t i ;,c - e. ■■■.■„.■-. ■■>; SfM I HAVE, from NOVEMBER 26th INST., SOLD my old-established GEOCEEYBUSIi :" SS NESS, corner of King and Union streets, to Messrs RALPH PORTER and FEANK;.: '-''■] "■: WARD ANfeELL, who will in future carry on the .Business under thoV title .and style of ■.-.' ' ; :;, "Messrs Porter and Ansell," Grocers, Wine, Spirit, and Provision Merchants. I there- ,'.;;:;:■■■-- fora take this opportunity of Thanking my numerous Customers for their liberal patronage ■ J'.^ accorded me during the past 37 years, and respectfully ask that the same confidence and sup- , , '; j port be extended to my successors. WILLIAM WRIGHT, King street: ,: -:;'!HS In reference to the above notice, we beg to state that we have a thorough knowledge of if;,J tho grocery business, having been connected with the trade for a number of yearß—Mi':;'^S Porter being in the employ of Mr Wm. Wright for the last 18 years, while Mr Ansell :ha*' ■'■!■:;£'■s been wi,th Messrs Wilson Bros, for nine years. ■ - : :; ' ;:,,. : -' •■.;'" ■.';■;!:'fj We shall endeavour, by strict attention to our business .and civility to our customete- :•,;!;';': to merit tho confidence and support so liberally bestowed on our predecessor. * ; ! : : i:::. Families waited on daily for orders, and only the best of goods will be stocked, . - :. / :: OUE PRICES WILL DEFY COMPETITION. . _. ■: . ..'■ :: •'v-i-v^: RALPH PORTER, ,i .. ; ■ : . : FEANE. WARD ANSELL, * -,-. V! .GEOCEES, i; ! :;; 1; :;•;-,.■ KING \N D ■•' UNI ON S T~E EET S. :;, : ;;::;;;,'ft I' M P 0^ E T A N T~ '. ] N ;O T I■ C -,■;- El;; : '0i Owing to the SALE,of my GROCERY BUSINESS the OFFICE- and WAEEHOUSE ;0:« in connection with the "WHOLESALE MANUFACTURING BUSINESS have been: EE- : >-•« MOVED to the SHOP ADJOINING my PRESENT GROCERY STORE in KING STREET, rV::; :'» where accounts can be paid, and Wholesale Orders will be received for my manufactures, \ : i-;i consisting of Bread, Biscuits (Cockatoo Brand), Wedding Cakes, Patent Flour, Candied"Peels, :-: : VjC3 Dairy and Table Salt, Icing Sugar, Wheatmeal, Ground Rice, Coffees, Peppers, and Spices. :'; -" The COFFEE DEPARTMENT during the last,two years has made rapid progress,■ and - :':. my " SOCIETY" and "FAMILY" BRANDS OF COFFEE command a large sale. To>(■} \ ..-;> °btBEEAD°DELr7ERED AS USUAL TO ALL PARTS of the CITY and SUBURBS; WM. WEIGHT, , ■ :> ■ i::;« BREAD AND BISCUIT BAKEE, COFFEE AND SPICE MEECHANT, : ; 'X':^4i ■ KING STREET. • , ■"/,»,:■:,:■,-;:'i>:i; TELEPHONE 203. TELEPHONE 203. ; > , : ;«g .0 R;- .■_ T,i: H E B O T ■^'/■'^"Vv^^ A MAGNIFICENT STOCK > : ; "':'-':■■■:'■"■ .•Of ' ■ ■ ■ ■;v;-:i->'-'i" BLOUSE SAILOE, and GUARD SUITS, MADE FROM COLONIAD-XWEEDS.' ;,:;,. Z ■ . ' 9s 6d to 14s. . ."■.■■ - :-;■.;; ' . INSPECTION INVITED. , ' "O,;'1 n.z.. ... :''■'■ ■ x.:i:' r:mm CLOTHING FACTORT, OCTAGON. ""''«::-

15. SPECIAL DISCOUNT. 15 Vi I , " Per Cent -— ' Per-:Cen^-:-- (i PLANTS! PLANTS! PLANTS! ; 4H5 vq'b*;^ »- ' ' WATCHMAKERS AHD JBWBLLBR3, ■■■'" V; . ■'•' '21 GEORGE STKEET. .: i': ALL WELL GROWN AND THOROUGHLY v 7 :-;■: HARDENED OFF. We offera SPECIAL DISCOUNT of 15 p* ' XV cent. (3s in £) on ALL CASH PURCHASES } V' made in our George street premises. , ■.■■■ :, MAKE YOUB GARDEN GAT ' . ~ ; ' ■■ : ;/ "• AT SMALL COST ' . , THE ™Pf OUR STOCK,■ .. I ; ;: , Which is entirely New and Up-to-dat| :' BY PLANTING ANY OF THE FOLLOW- Fashion, consisting of WatcheyJeweller^ .>.;: , . ' ■ Clocks, and Electro-plate,'will be . :''■:' SUBJECT TO THE ABOVE DISCOUNT, ; ,; ' ASTERS Come early and Secure the Cream , -:'/:ii LOBELIA of the Bargains. .-V ;..:/.* PHLOX ■■ ' •/ ■' '■ '■■'.■■■.■. XXij ZINNIA' ' f DAWSON ANDCO., ■■•..,..'■'■., -..'■ X AGROSTIS (Ornamental Grass) Watchmakers, Jewellers, and Opticians, ': ,-'-; STOCKS ' 2i Ge°rg° street, v : :f' MARIGOLDS Manufacture Jewellery of every description ; BHODANTHE (Everlasting Daisy). »uch as Gold Chains, Pendants, Brooches, ;f';-: HELICHRYSUM (Everlasting) Li"ks' St*ds> Pins Wedding Rings, Keepers, ,■ :■ fl „„,.„.. ,„ ~ Q1 ,•_».,. nnd Gem Rings, Silver Jubilee Brooches and, ,- ;| BKtos S f Medals- We wiU mell UP yOUr own S°lf -^ silver, or out-of-date jewellery, and convert it i: PIAKb j rfo an ar (;; c i 9 an 3 t 0 any design what-'' ;: petunia . . ; ever . ,r ■■ -¥i CHRYSANTHEMUM V ;',' -. • ■■..... %A COSMOS CALL AND SEE WHAT WE CAN DO. ~; ' :| { CALLIOPSIS "Tji 0 R S A'> L E:;; S "^ (Easy terms). ' '' ''^ X^ All at IS Per Dozen. SEVERAL FIRST-CLASS CITY and SUB^ .^ URBAN RESIDENCES. ;,,"; ''rX:^ H. "GYE &-CO, '■'■■'■.-■■:';::';i ™^DAHLIAS_ I2g rer Dozen . _ ~.-. ; .,., ;M | FO B ■'.■■ S & EH: ;V-^j HELIOTROPE, 5s per dozen; 6d eacli.\ HOTELS in OAMARU, DUNEDIN, and ; i5 , ■■ . CENTRAL OTAGO. . i^'-v^i DOUBLE PETUNIA, 5s per dozen; 6d each. ■ , ~..,;:-,; Etc., Etc., Etc. ■ H. GTE & CO., -■■•■'\'-v.-;;";■;:) ' ' • High.Btreeti/ -.'Sr^i, BIBD NETTING. ■ ]? Q E __s.: . A'■:^'"Mmfi ■ ■ SPLENDID HOTEL PROPERTIES-:^IM;.-o:{;':] ■■■.'- DUNEDIN AND SUBURBS.;-1; :; ;;;V.:%:«';::3S The only sure method of protecting fruit irom Good income guaranteed. / , ■."■■':■■■■.;■;v: Vy-:4 tho attacks of birds is by covering the fruit For particulars'apply ■': i; -:: '-'v -H0 trees with netting. We havo it in widths of - H. GYE & CO-V '■'■'}'X''.:':■''"'. v^ 2, 3, and i yards, and will cut to any length High streeW^V^; required. _ . . ' . .. ' '':-,■ i:'.^.',^'^7 Price, per square yard, 2d; or l|d per yard Trri O E S '& . 'C-:[/./.'Bi<;^Xi"~ for quantities of not less than 100 square yards. J. 1 ' .;■ —_ : .■■■:■: \l~ :'"'"[:,■ v '\4. . . .. . ■, : £700-a-RdOMED\:: HOUSE, : QUEEN'S X^m STREET. All Conveniences, y : L=: > X NIMMO' *•& BLAIE, ■■■ . H .,GYE:&'CO.,/': v : ::xxm .■•■'" ■ . "■ ■ ' "'. '■ ■" High street •.:,::■ ';X:i TRIANGLE, DUNEDIN, ° • X'XZVI •p or s & ii., fZi'X^i ~W Z. ACCIDENT INS UK. COY.'S 2 SPLENDID RESIDENCES in ROYAD; EMPLOYEES' LIABILITY ACTS terrace. . ; - ;. r ::||' Also, '■ . '•..■. ' :■'. ■'■■:1 1 1,'1"'.;.;.^ INSUEANCE ■DEPARTMENT;' DES irable PROPERTIES, IN;: HERIOJ^':^ —" ■ .'•'..--. ■ : ROW. '." '■■' r["X,,-;XOS. District Manager for Otago : . H.'GYE & CO.r : SKp! D. J. BEWS, • . ' ■ . '-■''■■. High street.?.j^^'J^ 1 Bond stkeet. Diinbdin. ■ ;- ". :. y;:.';; : :v" :;= A TR v — sT° KT- £8500'. ,; T ° '■■ E' B"*S3B Yes; I had a Corn on the little too that gave . Oa ' '' .f r J'V:is:3< W&™tA£ijrJslL™i£ FREEHOLD, FURNITURE, PROMISSOI^II good, tha"t under the doctors advice I was just .NOTES, and PERSONAL SECURITY,- .»t#Sff| about to havo the toe amputated; but, bear- " '.-; From-5 Per:Cent. ■''■-.■- J'.'::'-iX:::iXIM ing DOXINE praised so much, I gave it a '>":rTOi:rn' >l':' iI"(:"*;!' i trial, when to my astonishment and pleasure it __■■ -...,--.•■,,;. ;' trlilL«; VjU>» ato the corn clean out. I would not have that 120 ' - ' ;■ ;.-, ■ .High street. | corn,baok for fifty pounds. , ,: "O F 0 R E El-S. $ t CHEMIST, SOUTH DUNEDIN.. 15n, Cba^obd.Stbbbt.,. - rpHE. FARMERS' PAPER-The Agricuii (^^:^^ggg^tg*** 0* ' ■ I tural Department of tho Otago Witness V i':rXrWvV^^^'&^ ' i is acknowledged to be uuequttllsd U'-^at.-.of : :A,,:/ 'i■■;:^^>&^^;Xi&XiJA^^ ;„;;,■ qtjLCr \,;;Hr ia the- Goloniy ■ ■ :: / ; v '^ ;^^'^'o"il^i^"?^r?™r^W^><.otsi"ni,, lo^- (u ':'■■■- '■ /.. ■;■ '■■.. '^^X^-''.%^'^^.'^:y^M^M^^Ss^&M \ .

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 11277, 22 November 1898, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 8 Otago Daily Times, Issue 11277, 22 November 1898, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 8 Otago Daily Times, Issue 11277, 22 November 1898, Page 5