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. • ' Special Advertisements. " .; WISE MEN SSIOKE IT. THERE IS WISDOM IN A WHIFF OF IT. '.;.„■. •: IT IS A SIGN OF WISDOM TO ! SMOKE .. ... i DERBY TOBACCO. ~ SOLD EVERYWHERE, AND EVERYWHERE APPRECIATED. ' ■ ; ' - -a- "'■■''■'"'" . MAY OTAGO FLOURISH IN THE FUTURE AS IN THE PAST FIFTY YEARS 1 ; ' "Q- -- . :.... ~. — ; - ■ ■.■■■ ' '■■■■•■ C B E.I SCO E'S : . & Intend to help by keeping the BEST only in "I? ,V . ' -^ PRICES RIGHT! ■"-•■ HARDWARE," TEA,~&c, &c, O ! As during' the past Thirty-five Years. H , ' . ••:'• ' .:•■■•■ : . ■■ - .■- BENHAR SANITARY AND • ■■„•■.■; ..■„]. •'.."■■'.-..- ..■' - g riBLD pipes. BAR IRON BAR STEEL T ' KHIiET. IRON PHKET STISEL X ' ' • PLAJCK IRON PLATE -STEEL- T> -GAS AN.P WATER PIPE 3, .; CKMI3NT (Best Brands) ±Xl ! SITTINGS OF ALL SORTS. - OILS (Best Brandt), T> &c, &c. JL> . •'■'•. - ' " ' " ' •K.'^il? SILVERWARE IN SPLENDID VARIETY. IRON. ii ■ • ( ■ ■ PRICES RIGHT ! . U FENDERS, LAMPS.' BTCDSTEADS, CUTLERY. BRUSHWARB, TT BUILDERS", HOUSEHOLD. STORTSKBBPKRV. FARM, ■ m . STATION, &c, &c. RKQUIREMENTS IN'SPLENDID VARIETY. ' • -• STANDARDS (net weight only charged), FENCING WIRE (Plain and . JJ, ■ Galvapised), BARBED WIRE, WIRE NETTING. - A' ;> ' TEA ! TEA !—BRISCOE'S TKA.-Quality is surely telling. Try. them-: .J^- - ■■■-■■ --• ■• Golden Crest," "Silver Crest," "Avondale," and "birisanda. ■JtEGINA* TEA,... .....i. il ....J^^~^^ ■ : Quantity is not the basisof economy, but : quality is the True Test of Value. • /■ - ...;. .ONfi TRIAL OF REGINA TEA -will "■ ' \ ; .prove i?sSuperiority overall other brands. ' Obtainable' from , : . .<.'...,..'.'. ' ALL. GKQCERS, /:/ '" .-,-.-, ..... i n -p^ e tg and Tin _ ;■.■.• :' * . ;.... ~., : . '.-" ■' ' . -/ : '' : {■; ... JtEGOTA .TEA. .■■:.j i'osxewiCK-NQiUCiais. ■'. . ■•. ■ : ■'■ ; , , ■ ■ ,»»■'■■■■—•• ■ ■ ■•■.■■■■•'■ ' ■ ' • . Mails clese at the Chief Post ©ffice, Puncdin tV'T.. rv m T ■xtt'i subject t'a any ttecessary ilteratious), asunder .:—■ -Uaiiy iimeS RnCL Witness •.©verland, North, <i»ily, JO.Sp a.m. Books and ■-. nevrspspers, 10 a.'ro. Late letters, mai} vSn, il "^ ' a.;nj...\. .:.:,:_..,. .. -.. ■■: ;.:■ -.-.■ ■: •..-.■.,. .■•....■ .. ■ . • . ■ • This Day (Monday), April 18. , . ..; j- i .__ TT T _ Far Southland, Australian Colonies, India, 'JUBILEE NuMBER China, Japan, .'filediterranuau polts. Straits. - • _ Settlements", Oontineni vi ;Kuroi>e, Umteil King-" ~~ TTTTTT V dom, *0., per'AVaikara, at 230 p.iv, . . \\ ' ' IJor Natal and Capetown, per Waikare (to oqn, m , ~. ... , NactiiDg,; Uavipg lilelbuurue an the . J-ljeWnoleot^ho orders for the Second 2?S'Vd m ;: (for -AiutrUi. colonies only). .' ! Kaitio; n oE,the Daily Times RD d Wit-; [ rfgistereel letters, booka,,and newspapers, at }. 30 ness Jubilee Nnmbei; haying now been 'Letters fsr.theUnHca'Kingtlqin to be specially, executed, Agents and Subscribers are addressed. - ■ notified that the Publishers have a few -ParKel- post in»ils for thfi Australian Coloc:es will close at i p.m. owihsHith. . copies rema,ining on hand,.to secure \ . A sußplem'eotarj' raaii-will. close at.3,36 smb. ™j,:m. » _i_ i- t- -n i i (to connect wth the Waik*ve at-Bluff). which early application will be necss- j ■ Due in" Londoionthe 29th May. ■■ \ eary.V .■ .;.■■•■;■ : 'ruESDAV, Apiin, 19.; ;,. : . ... ■ ' (For Northern "pits ot New Zealand,per Tara- , , / .-:■■;■' vrera, at 2 p.m. ' The, interesting features oE the Snpr : l^r NortheZ/ports* o'i %W Zealand and Aus- ' plementary publication—«• Old Iden-■ traliau colonies (exorspt Tasmania), per Wa^a, tiana," the Chronological Record, and ' tipq, at 2 p.m. ' ■. / ' - • , « : ■:■- - ' FaiDAY,' .*■ pniii 22.-i ': ■■■. ■ toe Early Political Skits^^ (illustrated)— - VW^llS™ "^ °hnßtclxuvoill vel' llftna- have created a large demand for this :' : -- —■ : issue also. Copies can be obtained Mails for Fiji, per I'low, will leave Auckland ' -• Vv. 't> i.i- v : ■"■■ r ■ en the acfth April, lit 4 p.m. i"; :v: : from . the Pubhshers, or from any ••'Mails for Ton«», Samoa, and Fiji, per Qvahui, Newsagenfc'in town or country, will close at Aucklaua ou Wednesday, 4th ilay, • : ■■ J ~ at 4 p.m. , . . \ | ;. ■..•■'■.. ■ Po»t Office ■*tii opened, at Stoneburn on the ,! Ist intst.; Aa-Oflice will a)so he op«ned at- Maun- T ■ <— —■ — iaweyn,Ck»o.\v».i»s'"iIliej!''orks.").pn-the6tliiiist, jTi OLD iyiEDALS-^PAKIS 1878, 1889. •■'■ (Signed-)■ ICoji. Cook, (J1.i.,1 lostinastev VX " QLief I'oat QfHce, April 18, ISSS. . ' "". .__ :' ! ASSTRACT OF SALES BY AUCTION. 'JOSEPH GILLOTPS PENS. . ,-•'.-...■■■(■.■• .■:*,--THIS HAY. -.-. t _. . ■.•.'. PAttK, : Kj^noldsv and Co., on the Premises, _ ■ Victoria ■stteet-li'urniture, 4c. Of Highest Quality, and having Greatest Durajl)onai.d ■ XtEio - anu Co., at ■ Stores—Grain and f\ . --.-produce.. bility, are therefore the Cheapest. ii Dalgkty a«d Co., at Swires—Grain and produce. ■' —— —■ £ Tub Beupetual TRL'SiSKS, Estate; anp Ageis'cy ....... .. Cosipany, at liooais—Property in Kaikorai. j -.-..... ; Siial Adiertisements. ' l pKIZE' TALE COMPETITION. • OTAGO DAILY TIMES AND •- ". .:' ' ' ''■" . ' ■■■ ' WITNESS ■: '■ ;!. _.. | CHRISTMAS ANNUAL, 1898. ' _ . j The Proprietors of the Otago Daily Times and . . j Witness beg to announce that one of the features ATTTTiMTvi -nvoinnwo ■" iof their Christmas Annual for IS9S will be A UIUiYUN SERIES OF TEN SrECIA I -LV -WRITTEN SHORT TALES. Theso ta]ea will be profusely -— ' illustrated, and as the O.D.T. and Wi Annua THE COMPANY vill be printe!i on specially imported paper similar to that used for thai!: last Christmas; Annual, it is Are now showing the very Latest Novelties in confidently anticipated that in the Illustration of TVTANTT W<s A NTi T a r-TrPT« tbe Taks a appreciated feature of the issue MANGLES AND JACKETS. will be the result. ....... . Choicest styles in THE PRIZE TALE COMPETITION SPECIAL DEESSBS AND COSTUME wil l extend from April 1 to June 30. and PRIZES TWEEDS. TO THE VALUE OF £27 will be offered as Most Fashionable Models in below :- MILLINERY. ■ F' rst ?"?<» •.,• v ~ ~.'£soo ■ Second Prizs ... ... ...1 410 0 All the Latest Styles in Third Prize... .„ ... 4 0 0 DRESS AND TRIMMING SILKS. Fourth Prize - .., ... ... 310 0 Specially selected to match. Fifth Prize 3 0 0 Sixth Prize... „, ,„ ... 210 0 DRESS MATERIALS, : . Seventh Prize J „ _ 200 HOUSE FURNISHINGS, CARPETS Eighth Prize ... ... ... 110 0 Ninth Prize ... „. ... 10 0 FURNITURE, GLASS AND CHINAWARE, ' Tenth Prize 010 0 CROCKERY, IRONMONGERY tl(* *^c Proprietors reserve to themselves the " ' "'" - ■'■•'- ' right to use any other tale in the competition BEDSTEADS AND BEDDING, . at the same rate of remuneration as the 10th PIANOS AND ORGANS. prize> ,': ..-: -•.■•• CONDITIONS OF THE PRIZE TALE : "~" '■'-.-■ : COMPETITION. The Ifinest Stock in the Colony to select from. • No lale to exceed 3000 words in length. While Colonial subjects will have the prefer- ~ ence, the plot ueed not necessarily have a D-w- —^ Colonial foundation. , J_ e v3 # , : Mach tale to be accompanied by a speciallywritten description of the chief characters or the Hish and Rattray streets. chief incident, which will be placed by the pvtb- ! lishers in the hands of a competent artist to be P. Laino, Manager. j sketched for reproductioji as a half-tone enB. HALLENSTEIN, Chairman of Directors. graying.. .-As at) alternative to this a sketch o£ j the character or incident would be acceptable. The judging will be placed in the hands of a ■ thoroughly competent and independent authority, ' and the announcement of the awards will, if ——_—__^________ possible, be made a month after the close of the STAIStDAKD INSURANOIS COMPANY. I competition. ■ S All MS. to have a norn deplume attached, and to be accompanied by a sealed envelope addressed to • Hiid Offior -the Editor of the Qtago Witness, containing the HTfJH STIJTrPT ■nTTTJwr.Tn.T writer's name and address, the name of tine tale, HIGH SHOUT. DUNKDIN. - fl the mm p{u?))e tQ Mg Thsg ~~" envelope will remain iinopened until the receipt FIRE MAKINIT, ANDJiniTTiTv pf the awards from the judge. ■ -,' MA^*NV. ! AND B-IDJBUay AU tales t(J be originiali and the bona fide work GUAKANTICE RISKS pf the writer. Tftken at Lowest Current lUto, MS- to ba in the Editor>a hands not later than THURSDAY, 30th JUNF,, 1898. THOMAS R. FISHER, General Manager. T^TOTICB! . NOTICE ! NOTICE ! . —.I -p '■„,„,»■ p, BKrl) r, Chronological index, in the Daily x« s ssc s s A ff i tpSas Wltnoss Supplomentary JubiwSllx! O^S^fe^a^S^ ! A Nev^^re2°SS wl SS£ We prefer doing business direct with the from 1840 to 1898. OWner» of Grain. i ~Z-Z-,T^^-ir^.i nr^ril -r "r-vrnj^-v ■ l tT l Best CALCUTTA. SACKS (40 x 2GJin) and ;- f^HRONOLOGICAL INDEX in the Daily 6-ply SEWING TV^INE (Marshall's and other iXJ Times and Witness Supplementary Jubibrands) always on hand. I lee Publication Apply at the Office of ! Invaluable Compilation of every (Late Anderson and Co) ! event of interest connected with Otago IQja Crown Mills. Manor placa, Dunedin. from 181 0 to 1898(CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX in the Daily CHR.ONOLOGI9AL INDEX in tlle Dail7 V^ Times and Witness Supplementary Jubi- Times and Witness Supplementary Jubii lee Publication j lee Publication AN Invaluable Compilation of every j AN' Invaluable Compilation of every event of- interest connected, with Otago |S\ event of interest connected with Otago ' lo<n f" IHqH ' from 1840 to 1898.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 11090, 18 April 1898, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 11090, 18 April 1898, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 11090, 18 April 1898, Page 2