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Sydney, February.) 9. Wheat: Chick, 3s IOd; milling (new). 4s |W. Flour: Roller brands—new £10 ss. Oats : Prim-, 2a to 2s Id., 'Maize, 3s 3s fld'..■ Barley: Cap., 3s 3d. Bran and pollard, 9Jd each ;- New Zealand, 9d- Peas : Prussian blue, 5.V- 6d.' Potatoes are plentiful with good demaild; New Zealand kidneys, £4105,; Circular Heajls, £5 15.t.. Onions, £7 5s to £7 lOs. gutter;. Dairy-made, IOd; : factory, lljd. Cheese ; New' Zealand, (ijd to 7d. Bacon, 5d to fid. > ~ . - Melbourne, February 19. Whs,vt, 4s lid to ss. Flour : Roller-made, £12 '> 10s. pats:' Algerian, 3s 2d to Hi 4A ; stout white, 3s ld to 3s 3d; New.Zealand, in bond for export,. 3s to 3s 3d. Maize, 3s 7_d. Barley : English, 3s 3d to 4s 3d.. Bran, Is to ls Id.' ! Adelaide! February 19. Fariuers are holding their whe*t stock for 4s 4d. Flour, £9 15s. Oats, 2s 4d to 2s fid. Barley : Cape,!2s 3d to 3s; malting, 3s fid to 4s fid, Bran aad pollard, lljd each.


AVednesday, February 19. Fat Cattle—Of the.'l3o. head .'yarded to-day, only a few pens could bo classed as heavy bullocks, though almost tha entire supply were medium to prime beef, suited to the season of the year. ■ The attendance of butchers was small, and bidding was anything-hut spirited,-prices, as compared with last week, showing a decline of fully 10s a head: Best bullocks sold at £1 10s to £8 ]2s 6d ; medium do, £5 15s to £6 15s ; light do', £4 10s to £S.'ss ; cows aijcl. heifers, £3 10s to £5 10s.— I'onai.d Reid and Co. yarded 2S. and sold: For Hr AVm. Thomson (Myrtle Bank), 5 bullocks at £7 17s (id to £7; Johu Shaw's Trustees (FinuoBand), 6 do at £ti IDs to £5 17s fid, 1 heifer ar£4 7s Bd ; a client, 5 heifers at £515s ; Messrs R. Gibson, W. Ciirrie,.J. Tijwnley, and .athers, 11 head at quotations —WAight, Stephenson, and Co. sold Bl head aB follows :—For Mr William Kirkland (Elmgrove), 10 bead at up to £7 17s b'd for bullocks and -to £5 12s fid for cows ; Messrs Mes Bros. (Kuri), James Langmuir (Pnrakanui), James Thomson -(Green Island), and Hector M'Caughon (Green Island), 11 bead at quotations. Stronach Bros, and Morris sold for the Fiyc Rivers estate (Southland), a draft of prime heifer,, 2at£7 2s fld, 2nt £C 17s 6d, 3 at £5 :'M fid, 4 at £5 ss; and 2 at £4 17s fid—The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) sold: For Mr AVilliam Harvey (Benhar), 5 bullocks at £S, 2 cows at £6 25,6 d; Air John Tbomfeon (Green Island), 3 steers at £3 lis, 1 heifer at £2 18s Bd; Mr James Cullen (Green Island), Mr John -Ross (Kaikorai), and others, 4 head at quotations. — Dalgety and Company (Limited) yarded 28 shfcad and sold for Mr W. Kirk (East Taieri, per Otago Farmers' Co-opera-tion Association), 5 bullocks at £9 to £6, 5 cows and heifers'at £65s to £4 IBs; Mr J.Dove(Henley), 4 bullocks at £7 to £6 2s 6d;Mr AY. Liudeay (Greytown), 1 bullock at £6 5s ; Mr AY. Ton'uley, 8 steers to £6 -Mr A. M'Gill and others,.!- head at quotations.— The Fakmers' Agency Company (Limited) yarded 29 head and sold: For Messrs James >mith and Sods, 5 bullocks ■at £7 5s to £8 2s 6d; 9.heifer«-at £5 2s 6d to £6 ss; Mr AY. FauldsXGreeu Island), 3 heifers at £5 15( to £t>,; Mr J.E. Rllis(Suhnydale), 5 cows at £415s to £5 7s (Sd; Mr W. Garthmyl (Plateau), 6 bullocks at £6 7s 6d to tp £7 ss, 1 yearling £3 ss.—Tiie Mutual Agency Company op New Zealand (Limited) yarded and sold 21 head for various vendors at Quotations. .-*

_Tat Sheep.—242spenned, all.crossbreds except about' 60. A few lines were good to prime wethers, but a very large proportion of the supply consisted of old ewes. Last week's prices wore not maintained, and the drop this week will bring prices to about the level of those ruling about a fortnight sgo. Best crossbred wethers soid at lis to 12s 9d; medium crossbred do, 8s to 10s Gd ; best crossbred ewes, 9s to 10s fld ; medium do, 7s 6d to 8s 6d; small do, Gs to 7s 3d.— Donald Beid-am) Co.''yarded 434 and sold: For Mr William Allan (AVaicte), 5S crossbred wethers at lis 3d- to 9s 3d, 14 crossbred ewes at'lo.i Od ;Mr John Kaebum (Gore), St crossbred wethers and ewes at 9a 4d to Bs, 21 crossbred ewes at 7s 9d ; Messrs R. Craigie and Sons (Rivcrbauk), 8 crossbred ewes at 7s 9d- Messrs Mitchell Broi. (Outram), 60 crossbred wethers and ewes at 9s 9d to 9s 3d ; Mr AVilliam Straiu (Milburn), 30 crossbred «wes at 9s; Messrs P.-and A. Rohertsoii (Huntly), 23 crossbred e>yes at 7s ; Mr William Thomson (Myrtle Bank), 42 crossbred ewes at 8s (sd; Mr AY. Jennings, (Purakanui), 14 crossbred ewes at 10s 3d; Mesars Wil6on and Scott (Waihola), 32 crossbred wethers at lis, 22 crossbred ewes at 6s 6d ; MrAV.Blackie(CHasgowFariu), 28 crossbred wethers and ewes at 10a 3d to 9a.— Wright, Stephenson, and Co. sold 615 as follows: For Mr AVilliam M'Ara (Gore), 70 very prime crossbred wethers at Us 3d to 12s 9d; Messrs Dickson Bros. (Belmont), 130 crossbred ewes at from 10s to lis; Mr John Douglas (AVaihao Downs), 60 prime crossbred ewes at from 10a to 10s 94 ; Mr AVilliam Dallas (Balclutha), 66 prime crossbred ewes •at from fls to 10s; Mr Jehn Lindsay (Flag Swamp), 66 prime halfbred wethers and maiden ewes at from 9a 3d to 103 3d ; Mr Donald Miller (Harpsdsle), 70 crossbred ewes and wethers at 7s Bdto 10s; a southern client,32 crossbred wethers at 9s 6d, and 109 merino wethers at 5s to os 9d ; Mr John 'Bathgate (Jane&eldX 14 crossbred ewes at 8s Hd; Mr AValter Blackie (Glasgow' Fariii), 42 small balfbre'ds at 7s 6d to Ba.—Stronach Bkos. and Morris sold a small line of crossbred ewes for a client at quotations.—The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile. Agency Company (Limited) sold: For Mr J. Harvey (Inchclutha), 56 cros<bred ewes to 10s 9d; Mr William Grey (Milburn), 14 crossbred ewes at Ms; Mr William Souter (Flag; Swamp), 45 crossbred wethers to lis, 21 crossbred ewes at 10s; Messrs A. ahd J. Brown (Abbotsford),, 31 merino wethers 'mt 6s 6d-; Mr James, Liddell'(Taieri Beach); 83 crossbred wethere. and maiden ewes (mixed)-to lis 6d, 18 crossbred'ewes at 103 ; Mr David Strain (Milburn),' 20 crossbred 'ewes, at. 9s 6d, and turned out '65 crossbred ewes unsold. — The FaumEks" Agency Company (Limited) penned 452,-and sold: For Mr C. Johns (the Hermitage), 118 crossbred ewes at 9b to 11 s; Mr D: A. Drinnan (Milburn), 48 do at 7s to 7s fld ; Mr A. C. Thompson (Otakia), 30 do at 9s ; Mr.R.Kobinaon, sen- (Berwick), 40 crossbred wethers and ewes at 9j 6d; Messrs Walsh Bros. (Otakia), 41 srosstfred wethers at U3 3d; Mr D. M'Millan fWhare Flat), 145 crossbred ewes at 7s 6d; Mr D. Tracey (AV'illowvale), 60 crossbred wethers at lis.—The Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand (Limited) yarded and sold : For Mr 3os. Smith, sen. (Stirling), 50 at lis 6d to fls fid; Mr John Reid (Elderslie), 120 at 10s 9d to 9s 3d ; Mr Hugh Fraser (Flathill), 36 at 10s to 8s 6d ; Messrs Anderson Bros. (Waiwera), 61 at 10s (id to 9a; Mr W.■ Cockburri (Milton),"• 64 at 10s; Mr J. E. Palmer (Mount Stuart estate), 73 (medium quality) to 5s 3d ; Mr T. Falconer (Milton), 10 at H» M; and passed in 152 on account of other •-lir-nts ■■' ;■

Pat Lambs.—The : market was well supplied with 718, ranging in quality from prime to inferior. There was some demand for export, but very few pens were suitable, and the supply was more thau sufficient for trade requirements. Prices were ls below the level of those realised last week.1: Best sold at 9s to 10s 6d; medium. 7» 6d tb gs 9_; small, 5s 3d to 6s 9d.^-Donald Reid and Co, yarded 305, j and sold: For Mr G. Conion (Milburn), 37 at 9s 3d ; Messrs R. Craigie and Sons (Riverside), 55 at 7s: Messrs P. and A. Robertson (Huntly), 36 at 8s 3d; Mr John Raebnrn (Gore), 16 at 7s 9d; Mr AVilliam Thompson (Myrtle Bank), 6at 6s 9d; Messrs Wilson and Scott (Waihola), 19 at 7s; Mr D. M'Millan (Whare Plat), 21 at 7s; Mr AY. Blackie (Glasgow farm), 16 at Ss 3d ; Messrs S. and W. M'Leod ((Jranton), 39, at 7s 6d; Mr W. H. Lobb (Otakia), 14 at 8s 31; Mr W. Jennings (Purakanui), 47 at 7s 3d.— Wright. Stephenson, and Co. sold 5 very prims for Mr Donald Gunn (Sandymount) at 10s Sd, and 60 for Mr D. Miller (Harpsdale) at from 6s 9d to Ss.—Stronach Bros, and Morris sold for a cb?at 21 at Bs.—The New Zealand Loan and MERCANTILE AGENCY COMPANY (LIMITED) sold : lor a southern client, 75 to 10s 6d;'Mr AVilliam Gray (Milburn), 80 to Sa 9d: Mr J. Harvey (Inchclutha), 15 to 9s 6d; Mr James Liddell (Taieri Beach), 39 to 8s: Mr David Strain (Milburn), 14 to Ss 3d—The Farmers' Agency Company (Lim-rao) pentfed 197, and sold: Kor Mr R. Robinson, sen. (Berwick), 11 at 8s fld; Mr li). A. Drinnan (Milburn), 27: Mr A. C. Thompson (Otakia), 85 at-8s; Mr W. Gardiner (Patui), 19 at 6s 3d; MrG. Barclay (The Flat), 55 at 7s 6d to Ss.—The Mutual Agency Company op New Zealand (Limited) yarded and ,sold i For Mr It. B. Paul (Milton), 37 at 10s ld; Mr Hugh Fraser (Flathill), 50 at 9s to 6s 9d; Mr F. Dollan (Milton), 30 at 10s to 9a 9d ; Mr T. Falconer (Milton), 14 at 7s 3d to 5s 6d;'Mr John Bruce (The Firs), 18 at 6s 9d.

Pigs.—The market was supplied with 95 of all sorts. Porkers and baconers had a fair nale, but other sorts were almost unsaleable.—Prices show no change on those obtained last week—Donald Rbid and Co. yarded 23, and sold on account of Maplyri (Kaikorai), oat 27s ,to 18s; Mr John Miere (Mosgiel), 6at 6s; for others, 11 at 36a to 34s.—Wkioht, Stephenson, and Co. sold 31 at quotations.—Dalgktv and Co. (Limited) told : For Mr R. Charters(Ury Park), 11 at quotations.— Thk Mutual Agency Company op New Zealand ILimitbd) yarded and sold : For Mr Thomas Heron (Pukerau), 14 at 16s 6d to lis;. Mr Joseph Early, 4 at 14.

Store Sheep.—The Farmers' Agency Company (Limited) sold by auction and privately since lust report as follows:—27o two-tooth crossbreds at 9s 6d, 200 store lambs 6s 3d, 1000 merino ewes 6s, 29S two-tooth crossbreds (prime lot) ftj, 608 four-tooth threo-quarterbred (Tolou'e's) 9s Bd, 299 two-tooth crossbreds Bs' to 8s 2d, 76. do do 8s sd, 16 ewes 7s 6d. 500 crossbred lambs ss, 60 do do 6s 5<3.

Country .sales.—Stronach Bros, and Morris held their usual monthly sale at AVaikouaiti on Tuesday last, when there was a fair entry of sheep and cattle.. Good lambs and wethers found buyers at satisfactory prices, but aged ewes were difficult to place. The most of the cattle forward were not desirable sorts, and competition for.these was not good. We sold for Messrs George Max-' well, James Cumpbell, Thomas Allcdck," 0. Hood,. I. Galbraith, A. Bowline, J. MAuley, J. A'alehtine, J. Belli. It. A. S. Canttill, Mrs -Fceney, and others all classes of cattle a. current prices, and, for Messrs J. MAuley, George Fry," J. Matthews, and others, lambs, 2 and 4-tooth wethers, and fat ewes at satisfactory prices.—Tub New Zealand Loak-"and' Mercantile Agenqy Company (Limited) report having held their periodical Sale by auction at Clinton on Thursday, 13th inst., but buyers were not very keen operators. the business done in consequence was not very extensive, only a few bead of cattle beiiiK placed. The following day (Friday) we held our fortnightly auction sale at the Crown Yards, Balclutha, when tbere was a fair attendance of buyers and a moderate entry (principally sheep) presented. The demand was not txceedinirly. brisk; still, a good many lots changed luiids. AYe Bold 358 crossbred hoggets at ?s -Hd, 7S do at fto 3d, and a few crossbred ewes :\i S)j ; also 10 head mixed cattle, at £2 17s tn £3 lis.— The Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand (Limited) report having held their usual fortnightly sale at Balclutha on Friday, when thoy penned over 2000 i-heep of all qualities. The'flush of grass being past, bidding was much slower than usual, and buyers' ideas of values not quite meeting those of, vendors very few lots changed hands. They sold at up to 5s 8d for lambs aud 8s Id for sheep. On Tuesday the usual monthly sale at AVaikouaiti was held, when entries were more numerous than usual, but, here also vendors' ideas of values were considerably above those of purchasers, consequently very little business was done. Wethers sold at 7« 6d to 9s Hd ; lambs, stores, 4s fld; rams, 19s; cows, £4 fis. Yarded 65 head cattle, 194 lambs, 355 sheep. 39 rams, and 2 korees.'

Property Sales.—The Mutual Agency Company op New Zealand (Limited) report having Eaid SOU acres of land on account of the trustees in

Moir's estate to Mr AVm. Willocks at a satisfactory price. AVool.—The fourth sale of thin season's series will be held at the Choral Hill, Moray Place, on Thursday, the 27th inst. Wool intended to be offered at.this sale should be'iu/the store not later than Monday, the 21th, to admit of being catalogued and valued in time for. tbe sale. Rabbitskins.—Since last reporting the market has undergone a decline of fully Id per lb. The offerings are not large, and--buyers aro not now so auxious to do business, even at reduce^ rates, as ■they were a few weeks ago. sheepskins.— At the sale -at the Chamber of Commerce on Tuesjay small catalogues were offered, which consisted principally of pelts and lnnili »ktus from local and country butchers. There was the usual attendance of .fellmongers and others present; and brivk sales resulted. Green p^lts sold at lv 3d to Is lid ; lambs at ts 5d to 2< Id; dry erossbmds. 2s tn 5s 7d; merino.'! ls 3d to 3s lid ; pelts, 4d to ls Cd.

.Hides.—Values rule much the same as when ive last reported, and there is a""ready, sale, for all arriving lit for prime heavy, 24d" to 3d per lb ; medium t-> gbnd, 2d to 2Jd; liglit. l.d to ljd ; inferior, ld to l.d. . ■_

Tallow.'—All ciiming forward meets a ready sale, bot prices are without improvement. -Quotations are: Prime rendered, 17s to ISs per cwt; medium,- 14s to ICs ; inferior, lis Od to 13s; rough, fut^ 9s to lis.

Grain.—AVheat": No transactions'of any importance have passed in connection with the Dew crop, and consequently new reason's values are not yet established. Prime velvet appears to be in most" reqiu-st. The local trade is almost entirely confined .to ; sales of .fowl feed, and inferior lines of old wheat. In the absence of s:iles. quotations are nominal 'Prime milliutr, 3s lOd to 4s per bushel (sacks' in);' medium, 3s 3s' 10d-; fowl feed, 3s to 3s Sd. Oats : A few lines of new grain have come to hand and appear to be a.fine, heavy, bright.,- sample, and so far saved in excellent condition.. No quotable change has occurred in the market during the past week, but buyers, however, seem inclined to operate a little'niore freely at currnut rates. Quotations : Prime bright Sutherlands up to Is Sid per bushel ; prime milling, Is 7Jd to ls Sd ; good feed, ls 7d to'ls'7_d; medium.'.ls fid to Is 7d (sacks extra). Barley : The market is somewhat quieter, snd sales are chiefly confined to fowl feed and medium sorts. Samples of the new season's grain are now arriving freely, but as yet very little has changed hands. , Quotations are : Prime malting, 2slod to 3s 3d per bushel; medium, 2s Sd to-2s 10d;'feed: and milling, 2s 3d to 2s 7d' (sacks extra).

Potatoes—Arrivals of late have been quite sufficient to supply, local requirements, and values have been fairly, steady at last week's level. Quotations are : Best kidneys, £2 12s ijd to £217s ed per ton ; medium; -£2 Bs ,to £210s (sacks in).

Chaff —A healthy tone pervaded the market on Monday, when an-advance of 5* to 7s fid per ton was recorded. Since then arrivals have been fairly numerous, and sales h*ve not been made quite so easily. Quotations are.:—Best, oaten sheaf, £2 17s fid to £? 2s B-t ton (bags extra); medium, £2 Wu to £2 15s : inferior, £4to £2 ss.

Ryegrass.—The market in flooded with samples of fanners''dressed seed. but. as most of these aye sent only wUli a view of Jnduciug offer*—a praetic9 to which buyers, as a rule, do not care to respond.—the amount of business being done',is comparatively trifling. Quotations are :—Best undressed, 2s fid to 2s )0d ocr bushel (sacks extra); mediuiii'togood, 2s to 2s 61. .-'

Rye Corn.—Rye oorn Continues to command some iutintry, although late values are barely maintained.- Quotations are : Best, 2s 6d to 2s 9d per bushel (sacks extra); medium, 2s 3d to 2s sd. .

[The individual reports of Wool, 'Rdbln'lskin, Or Grain Brokers ' can be inserted in-the Daily Tillies wnd Otayo WUness at special P,atcs;] :,.•'. i- -'


Messrs AVilliam H. Reynolds'and'Co..' Stafford street, report forthe weekending 19th inst. as follow* : -

. AVheat.—New 'grain ,is offering freely in the north, but so far prices have not steadied, and it seems tn us very difficult to predict what rates will iule in a few weeks' time—likely less than is to-day quoted. Prime velvet is worth 3s lid, prime -Tuscan 3s lOd, red sorts 3a 8d -to >3s fld. Fowl fto-l inquired for, but none to hand. Oats.— Market is, very dull, and we, hear new grain is offering at very low prices in Canterbury, and we fear new mop here will not receive the attention exoecW a few weeks ago. Australian ports are blocked with heavy shipments, »nd will not be drawing much for some rime.- We quote old grain up to Is Sd, good quality Is 7d,. ordinary ls 5d to Is 6d. Birlcy.— So far there is none to hand. We anticipate a good demand, but cannot say much as. to prices yet. They will not be. as.low as last year, any way.' ' Potatoes are dull;'and best Derwents are only bringing up to £2 15s ; kidneys, £2 10s to £2 12s Gl. Chaff is if anything better, and we can quote same up to £3 per ton, but we do not expect it to last at.this..-. ■■- ..--...•.. ; ■

Ryegrass—Very large quantities are offering and inquiry is none too gco'd, und buyet-3 won't advance thfir'ideas at all, in feet—rather the reverse. Small shotty cecil i,«, however, leadily sold as quotation.", which we give at up to 2a 10_d for clean farmers' .lines; ordinarily clean, 2a 4-1 to 2s 8d; dirty,.ls 9d to 2s 3d (ex trucks). Wool.—Consignments are coming in very slowly, and we would remind those who have not yet forwarded to do so at once, or they will ba too lato for sale next week. Prices are unaltered both here and at Home, and we look for good competition and fair values ranging, especially as quantity to be offered is disappointing.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 10599, 20 February 1896, Page 7

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COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 10599, 20 February 1896, Page 7

COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 10599, 20 February 1896, Page 7