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Patrons—His Excellency the Governor (Eirl of Glasgow), his Honor Mr Justie* William-, his AVorship the Mayor, tud others. Judges—Rowing,. Mr E. G. Allen, Mr Bosßence, Mr L. O. Bsal; sailing, Gantaiu Cameron, Mr R. Hay, Mr Jamea Alleu, M.H.R., Inspector Stephens; swimmiug, Mr J. Crosbie Smith, Mr T. Ross; model yachts, Mr G-eorge Lamb. Starters—Sailing, Mr P. Sutherland ; rowing. Mr M'Kinnon ; swimming, Mr AY. B. Eyre; model yachts, Mr Strong. Umpire, Mr J. AVhite. Timekeepers —Mr F- Townsend, Mr H. M'Donald. Hon. treasurer-Mr S. S. Bannister. Secretary, Mr E. B. Hayward. Assistant secretaries—Rowing, Mr J. James ; sailing, Mr W. Sligo.

The Dunedin annual regatta was held in the harbour yesterday uuder circumstances that were remarkably favourable so far as the weather was concerned. The day was flue and : bright, and though the water was a little rough for the rowing competitions, there was a flue steady fre.h breeze that was all that could be desired fur the sailing races, which made so large a feature in the programme. There was a fair number of spectators during the afternoon on the Victoria wharf, which commanded a view of the regatta; but no doubt other attractions drew many awny who, under ordinary circumstances, would have found much satisfaction iv seeing and in patronising the regatta. A puat bad to do duty as a "fl*ghhip"; bat the absence of a real flagship was lesi material, as the events were chiefly started down the harbour, and finished abreast of the wharf, from wbich structure they could be seen to advantage. Music, of a highly pleasing character, was supplied by the Citizens' Baud, under the v<jry able conductorship of Signor Squarise. The various events came off satisfactorily, and all but two minor ones were con'ested. As on the last occasion there was an effective pontooning display by the Dunedin Engineers, with a submarine explosion, carried out successfully by the most approved methods. The programme was a long one, but, as there was commendable promptness in the matter of starting, no time was wasted, and there was always somethiog going on for the entertainment of the spectators. Several slight mishapa occurred in connection with th« rowing events, but noce tbat produced consciences affecting anything beyond the result of the ra^e.s them (elves. The principal event of the day, the Pirat-class Yacht Race, was won by Messrs Bauniater, Moodie, and Bloxam's Thehna, on the time allowance granted in accordance with the rating of the yachts, and the second prize was won in a similar manner, as Mei-svs Baker, AVatt, and Co 's Lender actually covered the course in 28sec less time than the winning boat. The D.A.B.C. had quite a run of misfortune. The vnrioui/evetits resulted as follow :— Open Boat Sailing Race (for boats 16ft and under). -Prizes, £3 and £110.. Eight knots. Aagilant(J. C Short) 1 A'ision (Smith Bros.) 2 Patience(C. Lyug).. 0 For this there were five entries, and all started, the other basts being Dart (Webber and Co.) and Homed (T. Harrby). Vigilant finished in 2hr 16min Usee, Vision in 2hr 17min 33sec, and Patience in 2hr 20min 36sec. There was no time allowance. Maiden Four-oar Iniugged Gig Race—First prize £5, second £2. One mile and a-half. Queen's Drive —J Maxwell (stroke), D. M'Donald, W. Smith, J. Stewart, J. Ward (cox) 1 D.A.B.C—AV. Rogerson, E. Power, AY. Mac kenzie, G. Brooks, T. Grierson (cox) 2 North End—P. 0. Driscoll, F. Young, A. Millar, D. Crow, P. Scobie (cox) 8 O.R.C-U. J. Priest, L. L. Kirkcaldy, J. Shand, C. E. Statham 0 The Drive had the inshore position, and, tikiug the lead at a third of the distance with a stroke of 38, they won by about three lengths, the North End crew being rather less than that distance behind the second boat. Open Boat Sailing Race (20ft and under).--Prizes, £1 and £2. Eight knots. Psyche (P. Sutherland) 1 Ci.rbiae(W. Winton) 2 D»Bh(J-Low) 0 Jaue (Innes Bros.) also started. Dash was a few minutes late coming to the starting line. Psyche finished in 2hr 4rain 38sec, beaming Carbine by Imin 22sec and tho third boat by lOinin 26sec The Jane did not finish. Junior Four-oar. Clinker Outrigger Race. Ifirst priz* £11. second £1. Queen's Drive-A. Shanks (stroke), A. Bell, L. Lyle, J. Emery, J. Rttmm*. 'cox) 1 Port Chalmers — AA r. K^enan, J. Dow, AY. Krridae, J. Erridge, A. Amler son (cox) ... 2 Tiie North Eud aud D.A.B.C. crews also itarted, but the latter broke a rowlock after going 150 yards, aud consequently gave up, while the North Euders got into trouble, stroke's oar getting sprung after going half a mile, aud breaking altogether when the crew were lying second within 100 yards of home. Queen's Drive, who were leading when the boat, came into view, won very easily, aud Port Chalmers, pissiai; the disabled North Eud crow, got into second place. Just as the I North End crew stopped the bow man (Dick) fainted and fell overboard, and Given jumped in after him, the pair beiug picked up by a pleasure boat. Boys' Amateur Swimming Race. 100 yards. E. T. Moller, syds 1 R. Foreman, syds 2 J. Moore, scratch ... 3 Won easily. Champion Open Boat Sailing Race.—Prises, ■ £4 and £2. Eight knots. Nelson(Port Chalmers Navals) 1 Volunteer (Webber and Co.) 2 Thistle (J. Potter) ... 0 Skater (Power and Co ) also started, but the Waitsugi (Dale and Neill) did not put in an appearance. The winning boat completed the distance in lhr 43miu 48sec, sailing -*ell throughout, beating tbe A rolunteer by 12min 31»eo and the Thistle by 13min 19_ee, the race for second place beiug very close. Fourth Class Yacht Rack (for boats not exceeding 75 rating).—Prizes, £3 and £1. Eight knots. - ' . . Lepanto (F. Justa) ... 1 Tipin (H. N-es) 2 Little AVonder (B Bacon) 0 These were all the entries. Lepanto was across the starting line aud lead throughout, winning in 2hr 25miu Usee. The Tipia was 7min s<ec later. Third Class Yacht Race (for boats under IJ rutin*) —Prizes £5 and £2 10s. Rating 94. Eight knots. Waterwitch (F. Oakden) .. 1 Dream 1-2 (Hazlett and Fenwiek) ... 2 Alert 1-1'( B. Davis, san.) 8 For this there were six entries, and all started, the other boats being Gem 1 4 (N. Oliphivot), Hum 1-2 (J. Chalice), and Mirage 1-3 (W. H. Wood). A capital start was effected, the boats all being close on the line when the gun was fired. The Gem was the first to cross the line, but the Waterwitch soon assumed the lead, being tho first to round'the mark boat off Challis's, and finished the first round a considerable distance ahead of the Dream. She increased her lead during the second round, and rau in a winner in 2hr 6min 16see. The Dream finished 4min 22s«»e liter, but had to give au allowance of 2min 18sec, so that the Waterwitch was first by 7min 295-c. The Alert was third, being 14min 13sec behind the Waterwitch inclusive of time allowance. ' Maiden Light-weight Four-oar Inrigged Gig Race.—First prize, £4; second, £2. One .mile and a-half.

North End—B. J. Finnegan, W. Treseder, J. Smith, A. Sharp, Lambeth (cox) 1 Port Chalmers R. Jackson, AY. Hodge, J. Erridge, L. Bill, A. Anderson (cox) ... ... 2

The 0:R C. and D.A.B.C. orows did not get tb the post in time. The " Dabs ."' were delayed through bre'.king an oar and having to come back. Won very easily.

Senior Four-oar Clinker Out-rigger Race.— First prize, £12; second, £3. Ono mile and ahalf. Queen's Drive—T. AVright, W. Porter, J. Yeoman, H. Pritchard, J. AVard (cox) 1 North Bnd—C Neave, F. Uiven, A. Beveridge, J. Dick, F.*Lambeth (cox) 2

There were only two starters, and tho Queen's Drive team won very easily. Just as they got to the post Wright's rowlock broke, but that did not prevent a win.

Tbe best place for dessert and jum fruit.—W. Bull's. George and Princes streets.

Second Class Yaout Racic, for yachts under 2J ratine.—First prize, £7 and trophy; second, £3. '.Mightknots. Matakana, rating 24 (A. Burt, jun.) .... 1 Ruru, 10 (H. Challis) 2 Aoue, 09(F. Oikden) ... 0 The Winifred 20 (Moodie and Brent) and Flestwiog" l-8 (Fancourt and Harty) were the other starters. Just previous to the start Matakana and Aone fouled nt the red beacon, but no damage was done. M»t>ik«nn got away flrst, followed closely by Winifred and Aoue, Ram beiug a little late. Matakana stood ovor to Grant's Braes on the port tack, the others all going on the, starboard tack. The first round was finished by Matakana in 56oiin, by Winifred in 58min, and Ruru being also olose up. Matakana in the second round gradually drew away from the others and finished in lhr 56min 45scc. Ruru followed 4miu 36-iec later, and Aone 2miu 24seo after Ruru. Ths time allowance when made shows taut Matakana won by Imin 12s«o from Ruru, aiid that Aone was Imin 47sec behind Ruru.

Ladies' Four-oar Rowing Race. — Prizes, trophies. Half-mile.

For this cveut the Riveusbourae team pulled over the course for the prize, there beiug no competition..

First Class Yachts. For yachts 21 rating snd over.—Prizes : First, £12 and.cup; second £5. Twelve knots... Thelma, rating 30 (Bannister, Moodie, and Bloxam) 1 Trilby, rating 3-0 (Cutten and Co.) 2 Leader, rating s'l (Baker, Walls, aud Co.) ... 0

There also started : AVhite AVings 5 9 (AY. Lane), Ripple 32 (B. Davis sen), and Anonyma 5 9 (S. S. Myers).

This was the event of the tegatta, and much I interest was manifested iv it. Previous to j startiug, the y_chti manoeuvred in front of the wharf in order to get a good position from which to start, aud fche public enjoyed a good cxhibitiou of skill in handling the yachts. Punctually to time, Starter Sutherland got the fleet away with a "capital start. Leader was timed to cress the starting line as the gun fired, aud made a short board on the port tack. The others following immediately, all went off on the starboard hand. Thelma, Trilby, and AVhite AVings carried topsails to the mark boat on the first round, but the others carried lower sails only. Leader was the first to round the mark boat off Challis's, and was closely followed by Thelma, with Trilby a little later. The first round was completed by the Loader in 49min 49sec, and by the Thelma in s_min 9sec, with the Trilby some distance astern, and the others trailing off. The wind at this time seemed to fall lighter, aud the Le»der carried her tapsails on the second beat down, but when she rounded the mark boat for the run heme the Thelma was closer to her. The second round was completed by the Leader in lhr 48niin 22sec from the start of the raoe; by the Tbelma in lhr 47min36see; and by the Trilby in lhr 49tnin 58s«c At this time it was apparent that the Leader would not be able to concede the Thelma the time allowance granted—a matter of nearly six minutes. Daring the beat down for tbe third round the Thelma got on even closer terms with the leading yacht, and drew away from the Trilby aud other competitors. Forthe final run home all canvas that could possibly be set was carried, including topsails and spinnakers. Thelma continued to gaiu on the Leader, but did not succeed in passing heir, the Leader finishing in 2hr 43min 52sec, the Thelma being 283 ec later, but winniug on her time allowance by smin 20r,ec Some excitement, waa caused by the prospect oE the Trilby, which was some distance astern, winning second place on her time allowance, the Leader having to concede to the Trilby smin 48sec. As a matter of fact, the Trilby gained second prize on the time allowance by a matter of B£sec, completing the distance in 2br 49min 31£ sec. The Leader was consequently third though finishing first. AVhite AVings, Anouyma, and Ripple followed some distance astern in the order mentioned. Amateur Swimming Handicap Race.—Prizes, trophies. ,-R. Bolton, scr .... ... .. ... 1 H. Maitland, 2sec 2 O. A. Moller also competed, having the same start as Maitland. After a good race Bolton won by about two seconds. Junior Pair-oar Inrigged Gig Race.—Prizes, . £4 and £2. North End Boating Club—A. Burk (stroke), J. Burk (bow), .Scobie (cox) ... ... 1 Dunediu Amateur Boating Club—A. Baxter (stroke), W. Farquharson (bow), P. Grierson (cox) ... .. ' 2 The Queen's Drive's gig was third, and there also competed the Otago Rowing Club and two teams from Port Chalmers. D A.B.C. Anniversary Fours.—Prizes, trophies. Konini—J. Davy (bow), AY. Connor (2), J.Logie (3), J. Isaacs (stroke) 1 Kowhai—<J. AVood' (bow), T. Cole (2), R. Barr (3), 11. Davie (stroke) ... .-. 2 The other teams viere: Karaka—A. Hall (bow), AY.. Wiltifllmsoii (2), P. Cullin* (3), T. Scurr (stroke); Koran—M. F. Langley (bow), F. C. Dawson (2), J. Turner (8), T L dey (stroke). This was a very close auu exciting contest, all the boats finishing well together, the Korari securing third place. Model Yacht Race.—First prize, £2 2s; second prize, trophy ; third prize, trophy. Distance, two miles. ~ Sunbeam, 4ft 6in (Mr Brittenden) 1 Good Intent, 4ft llin (Mr Turner) ... 2 Seabreeze, 2ft Sin (Mr M'Millan) ... 3 There were five othor starters, and although the sea was lumpy and the wind too strong for nice sailing, the race was a gnod one, and was won by Mr Brittenden's beautiful little model in 4-5 minutes. The second yacht was a long distance behind, and all the others were out of the running. There were 13 entries, but only six started, the other starters being Mr Thomson's Nfiptnne (3ft), JVIr J. Campbell's Martha (4ft lOin), and Mr Buchanan's Blucbi.ll (sft 10in). . . , AVashtub Race.—Prizo, trophy. For this amusing event there was but one eotry, and J. Mitchell, after plnckily undergeing a succession of duckings, w»3 awarded the prize. Senior Pair-oared Inrigged Gig Rack. Prizes, £5 and £2. North-End B C—James Breou (stroke), M. His-gins (bow), Scobie (cox) ... 1 Port Chalmers R.C.-F. W. Platts, A. Bauchop, Anderson (cox) ... ... ... 2 There were for this race five entries, and all started. Ths Queen's Drive Bonting Club entered two teams, one of ivbieh was a clo3B third—viz ,D, M'Donald (iitroke), T. Wright (bow), and AVard (cox). The Otago Rowing Clnb also competed. Tha race was a good one, with a thoroughly exoitiug finish. Scullers' Time Handicap Race.—Prize, £2. Distance, one mile and a-half. Dunedin Amateur Boating Club—J. F. M'Grath; scr 1 Dune-liu Amateur Boating Club—E. B. Stohr, 4f«ec 2 The water having calmed down, this race took place about 7 30, and resulted in M'Grath paddling home an easy winner; Stohr had much the heavier boat. This completed the regatta programme.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 10599, 20 February 1896, Page 6

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THE REGATTA. Otago Daily Times, Issue 10599, 20 February 1896, Page 6

THE REGATTA. Otago Daily Times, Issue 10599, 20 February 1896, Page 6