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, . TtTESDAY, OCTOBER 29. THJ3 SOPPJ,KUI__ITABr ESTIMATBS. t '•",: After the telegraph office closed the Supplementary Estimates were still under Caneidera-tiO-1. ■.'■ ■'.-'. '.-■":.• . ','■-, -

, Defence i department.—-Mr Buddo moved to strike out the .vote £160 for fonr military cadets from the junior civilgerrise list. He thought they should get what.instructors they^ required from the old country.—The Hon. Mr' S-fflpoN thought they should train their" own pffiot-rs for military purposes.—Mr IJuddo asked ■whether^cadets would be sent to England te' iimsh tteir t-ainirg—Tbe Hon. Mr Seddon' hwug' replied in lie affirmative, Mr Buddo withdrew Hs amendment. '.. t

A M__SrBEE,K_-__ri_D. - .Public Works Fund.— Mr R. M-Kenzib (Buller) took Jstrocg exception, to the way iv which tbe Government had distributed the various votes, aad as a protest proceeded to call' for il division on eaoh item, witb fc-ie result that;' he was. warnedby Mr Joyce, theActing-Chnir-mauof Committees, for obstructing the busi-' ness:—Mr Joyce was putting the various items to the" Committee, When Mr M'Kknz.b remarked that he could not get justice from the Chair.—Mr Jo-ircß called upon bim to withdraw that .remark, but he mado 'no reply. Mr Joyce again a»ked him to withdraw, and on his refusing to do so eaid.- "Mr Roderick M'Keozie,-! name >ou,as being guilty of djtmt-deriy conduct 'in refusing to withdraw the offensive expression that you have applied to the Chair."—Mr M-Kkxzie : " But you can't do it. '—(Cries of" Ord*_r.")—The Hon. Mr Sbddon then moted-ihat the matter be reportsd to the Speaker. • Mr' Guinness, file Acting-Speaker, was called in, and Mi- JoYce reported to him that the member for Butier'h»d be»_h more tban twicewarned for wiUully obstructiDg the busine*. of Committee. Af one stage of the discussion-he had,said that he could not get justice, and he refused to withdraw that reflection on tho£hair. After the hon. member bad been named the matter was. ordered--to be reported to the Speaker.—Mr ..GinjiSESs acid it was for the: House vow to make a motion on the subject.-—' The Hon. Mr SKbD&N aek'sd the Acting-Speaker to request Mr M'Kenzie to withdraw his remark before he moved a motion. He thought that tho hon. gentleman would now seie, too wrong, hfe hid jjone to the Chairman: aud members of the House—The Actino-Spi-Ahkr, -■_ addressing Mr M'Keazie, ssid he would g iV e him an opportunity of; relraction or explanation before he icalled on tee Premier to move for his suspension.—' Mr M-Kj-nzie said.that be did not intend his remark »s a reflection va the Chair, but he con-: eidered it to be hi« duty to call attention to J oerUiu items in the Estimates which the Chairman was rushing through. He was very sorry J indeed that he cad felt it his duty to call for divisions on these ilemr, but he had a duty to perform to his, cpus&tuf-nrs and the couotry. ,If. be bad cast « refl-idtiou oh the Chair he would' be moot happy to withdraw it. He also ex-J prtrw-sd his regret atr having mnde us« of the remark.—The Actino-Speakeu direrted Mr M's«n2ie to withdraw from, the Ch»u-b*ar, while the House disbnsssd his conduct. —Mr, M-Kenzie having retired, the Hon^ Mr Seddon' aaid-it'was now for the Houfetoact; hut iv the dying hours of the session he did not want the unpleasant duly of asking that the member for Buller lie su..p-.'uded. He did hot wißh to putsue the matter, further, therefore he innvedthat the. member for Buller's rap-sOaKon aud apology, be accepted.-—Mr Hall-Jones thought that .Mr 'M'Kenzie should also be called oh Jto apologise to the Chair-, mail of Committees. — Tbe Pbkmier eaid; that the member for Butler had already' expressed regret for his conduct.—Mr G. W., Russell tuggtsted that the decision of the Houso should- be communicated to him in half an hon*..—The PhEMiKB said that the Honoe could Dot'dcprive a inemb.r of bis right*. The matter mus. be dealt wiljh afc once.—Mr Hobekt Thompson thought tbat edo_et.ii.iig ehonld be done to put. a atop to proceedings suoh as' bad occurred that night.—Mr Buchanan expressed a Bimilar opinion.—Tbe Premier's motion was then pat and agreed to unanimously.—_B r M'Kenzie having .been readmitted to the Chr-mbe*-, the Aceino-SpeAkkb informed him of the decision of the House. He said it was his duty to warn the hon. member that this' was not the first ocoasion on which his conduct: had been brought under tbe notice of tho

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Hou?e, and if it woro repeated tie wonla be dealt with severely. He (the AcSSng-Bpeaker) poinJu-d oat that the House had taken a lenient view of the c*se, acd ex,.r_._serl hi__ personal hopo that fuck conduoi, wcu'd never be repeated in that Hause.—Jfr Si'XEMZii. vras proceeding to point out shat he had i~r_-.,n thities to fulSi, when he wis called to -ud ,r ior opening np the subject -.gain, and hiving resumed his scat, the incident .-nrfed


Cu-jftid -,'-'h'n of the l_!---im:-U-s was.then resumed X) nag the discus -inn ou the police vot-s the D.-C-.-.tce Min's-'+ir pio_ni«ed thnt during the reccß-i the Guvernnji'ii*: would carefully consider the caae of Heik.'e, who .»_,..wrongfully imprisoned at liiy^rcargil! .for perjury.—, The remainin;} items, on the Estimates were passed unaltered, and the House rose at 3 a.m.


The House mefc *.t 11 o'clock, and was engaged until 1 p-m. in on a case of mistaken ideutity reported elsewhere.

The Hout-e resumed an 2.30 p.m, t-ocai. hodibs" sinking roses.

The Hon. Mr LARNACH brought lap the report cf the Public Accounts Co_nmrt*iee on the question of the 5145.000 sinking': funds of local bodies, and moved—" Thatit lie, on tile table wtvh all the papers in conneotiont-here-with."—Agreed to. ~


A message was received from the-Legislative Couucil containing -unendcoents in ttie Land Act, Amendment Bill.

■The Hon. Mr JS-KENZIK moved--" That the amendment* be ..greed to." Ec said bs * did no after making the strongest possible protest. If the Council continued to make important aJterations,-in bills piswdi in the House by a large majority, bc_h tha House and .pquat-y would have to take soma ste£*3 in the mattar. Ho accepted some minor amendments made by the Council, aod ■■ as he did not-want to lose the bill ke should accept the amendment in clause 7 and bring it np again next session, aad as that would be bafore the K*neral election the people of the oolony would have of considering it. Mr G. HUTCHISON thought it wellto let the country know what the iimeodmemt made by ths Council was. He said the ch-use (-track oat by the Conncil was challenged in this House by several member!-, aa it was an invasion of the rights of property, aud would not tend-to the sottiement of the country. J Tha Han. J. M-K*_3NS_l__i deawd tbat. tta claiiße vims any invasion of the rights;of proper*y. It only proposed to reserve minerals, gravel, J_o. on Crßwa lands, and be considered that was a most desirable provision to make.

, The njotion was agreod to, and the amendments msde bytae Counoil accepted. '■•'.. ff


Replying to Mr Duthie whether it is tme, as stated in the ___g___o-_t Star, test it israndersiowl Mr Ward has arranged for a me passage for Mr E. M. Smith to England., . . The Hon. Mr WARD said the Government had not promised Mr Smith « parage Jto Bngland at tbe expense of tha Government or of the colony, but ia his private capacity he (Mc Ward) tad promised to do his best to get the member tor Now Plymouth a free passage to Engl id.

Ufcpiyiug to Mr Hall.' The Hon. J. M'KENZIE said the Government were acquiring land from tbe Natives :n Hawke's Bay ler settlement purposes as fast as possible.

Replying to Mr Buddo,

Tbe Hon. Mr SEDDON slid he had every reason to b*_lieva , the Martini rifles, ordered would be in the colony by the end of the year, and immediately on their arrival they would ba distributed to the volunteer corps throughout the colony.

Boplying to Mr L*wry,

The Hou. Mr SEDDON, said the Gowmment would have enongh work, next ■'session without introducing an amendment oil "The Gaming Aci 1894," and he recommended the hon. member to do so himself tf he thought it desirable.

Replying to Mr Collins,

The Hon. Mr SEDDON said Ore Colbnial Secretary wonld consider the question of' the number of licenses issued, to racing clnbs compared with those issued to trotting and other cluba, and no doubt his colleague would act fairly in the matter. -,

Replyiog to Mr G. J. Smith, ' - Tbe Hon. Mr SEDDON said no report had been_ received from any person in tbe Clutha district as to tbe increase of drunkenness in that district. He had received a- private letter stating that sly , grog-selling . was prevalent there, sod the police wonld be instructed to carry out the provisions of the Licensing Art thoroughly. .

Replying to Mr G. Hutchison, The Hen. Mr WARD send the adjustment-of statioa accounts under the Bank ot New Zealand ahd Banking Act had not been mads sa far.

Bepljiog to Mr G. Hutchison, . A The Hon. Mr WARD said no amonnt of securities belonging to tbe Port-Office, Government Inenranee, aod Public Trust Offices had been converted or inscribed since tbey were sent to London, as referred to-in the Treawu-er'fl London speech. Repljing to Mr G. Hutchison, Tho Hon, Mr WARD said arrangements could no; In*, made at present for a pareei pest & and. from the United States. Replying to Mr M'Guire, The Hon. Mr SEDDON said the. Govemment conld nofc allow a-Byone to inrpert riffes free of cost, and as the Government woold shortly have a good supply of Martmi-Henty rifles thero would bo no difficulty in-obtaining them.

Replyiog to ___x Allen, ":.'': -;'■'■ ; The Hon. Mr SEDDON said the p^eparatioh of an i-it-cuc-ion. and drill manual for, naval aad artillery volunteers, was. under Vconoderation. ..*■:*.'' ■'.: 7--'.\ • Raplyicg to Mr Ha&Jbnefl"(£orMr Madiuj, The Hon.' Mr SEDDON said Ke'suonM rtafe at the beginning of next session whether or totthe Government would introdrieoa Referendum, Bill. .-*■■' r..i-.-f..if.y:f.rfryfy:fy.. Replying to -Mr Hall-Jones (ter MrMariin), The JHoa.Mr SEDDON said inqniry wcadd be made as to wttether breaches of the law were taking: place in Weliingtonby wholesale spirit merchants seHmg single botthjs-of liquor. Tha Governmeot were not aware of it. V -f ._ Replying to Mr B. M. Smith,: The Hon. Mr.WABD said the wjiole matter as to the advj^_e__ees<rf estsibKshiDg' national fire insurance woold be gone into doring thg recess. - "■ JJ'f ■'■-X

SBCOHD BBADINOSThe Hon. Mr WARD moveathaJsecOnd reading of the Public Trust Office Oonsblidatioh Act Amendment Bifl —Apreed to.''-.' f

The Hon. Mr REBVBS Ji-iOyed tire second reading of tbe Deceased Petsona-. Estate Dtrtiej Act Amendment Bill providing for a refund oS half the duty to a wife or husband. Clause 4, he said, 'provided for the payment of dtrtiy; oo property subjeot to life estate, which _____y Ws acquired as if auch estate were' absolute. Whoever might Object to this duty being 'pay, able by Widows,; no on** could object to a widower who inherited money from hisXwife paying doty on it. v * - -".J".-.-': J Sir R. Stout' Captain Russell, Dr Newman, and Others opjiosadthe bill strongly." .'" The motion for the second reading waa carried by 3fto 12.

TheHoD. Mr SEDDON moved the second reading'of the Kaihu Valleyßailway Bxtension Bill, the necessity, for which was explained iii the Public Works Statement .-"-Agreed to- ' The Hon. Mr SEDDON moved the second reading of the Abattoirs snd SUugkterhons;! Act Amendment BHI; to provtu-e for the iAspection of carcases of sheep sent out of boil-ing-down establishments.—-Agreed to. The Hon. Mr SJEDDON moved the second reading of the Truck Act Ameadi__e__t Bill. He said a necessity existed for an amendment in this direction, ei-pecia.lly as regards Govern, ment contracts.—Agreed to. The Houss roso at 5.30 p.m. '->■■'■'


The House resumed at 7.30 o'clook. i '.J. SHQEPS AND SHOP ASSISTANTS "jßlXti;' Hon. Mr HBBVES bioughtuptheMpoi* of the conference on the Shops and Shop Assistants Bill, which was to the effect -that.a pamprotmse had been arrived at. Ho explained that the compromise effected in regard to the Bmall S%ops was to the effect tb«t owners Of . small shops which were exempt from closing uuder last go-Wen's actcouldin the month of January in each year ohoose their own .day for closing throughout tho year. In retarrf for this concession the House had given way oh: some minor details. He might say, that he did not expect to get such a concession from the Council,, and if it had not been aocepted it meant dropping the bill. «•-,''. •■ Sir E. STOOT compUined that the Council, had agssin excised the provision bringing hotel bats within the meaning of the act. ' The report of the conference was adopted. '_,■'•■"- SIB.WAIfI-BR BU-XHB ! _ The SPEAKER said he had received « lettsr ' from Sir Walter Buller asking him- to lay on .tbe tablo of the Houee a memorandum in reply to that of the on the'subjeet •of his law costs. The Speaker said he could not comply with the reouest. Memorandums must be laid on the table by a Minister or member.

The Hon. Mr SBDDON laid tbeSpeakerhad done the propsr Hiing. He did not think the

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 10505, 31 October 1895, Page 2

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HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 10505, 31 October 1895, Page 2

HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 10505, 31 October 1895, Page 2