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Late Advertiseisents. THE LIVE STOCK' GENERAL INSURr ANCE COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND. Head Office : THE TRIANGLE, DUNEDIN. KIRKCALDY & CO., Managers. I have to acknowledge recefpt' of ,£l7, beins amnunt for which I insured mv mare, which died rtcently. This is the second amount I have received from your .Company, and! shall have ploasure in recommending any of my friends in insuring with you. .Samuel Till, Farm Bakery. High street, Dunedin, July 30, 1395. I beg to thank the Live Stock General Insurance Company of New Zealand, for the prompt scttlemeut of my claim on the death of one of mv bullocks at Waitati .Mills, the claim being paid immediately the claim was sent to the office -,:-....'• John Murdoch. Dunedin, August 14,1895. Wa have much pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of £12 sterling, being amount of insurance on ahorse which; we had the misfortune to kwe by death the other day. Your Company'wa-s very prompt in the settlement. 21au ■ M'Leod Bros, (LimiteC); " |N THE MATTER OF THE CROMWELL GOLD COMPANY (LIMITED). NOTICK, IS HEREBY GIVEN that the CRKOI'! ORS of the above-named Company aye required, on.or before the 2Stb. day of-SECTEM-BKR 1595, to send in tlieir Names and Addresses and Particulars of their DEBTS or CLAIMS, and the Names and of their Solicitors fif any),, to. JAMES DUIUE PATULU). of 30 and 31 St Swithen's laiift, London, EC, the Liquidator of the said Company; and, if so requii-.-d by notice ih writing from the said Liquidator, are by their solicitors to come in and prove their said Debts ov Claims at such time and pl/ice as shall be specified in such notice, or, in default thereof, they will be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before such Debts are pi oven. 'Dated this; 20th day Of August 1895. : -.HAGGITT,BROS. & BRENT, ; ~ ~ High street, Dunedin, Solicitors'in New Zealand to the above--2lju' ; -.'.'■'■ t: - ■■'- named Liquidator. .".'JJ EAUT IE JJL BRITAIN." j X v-part in. -.'■ -:'";".'.:; -:.-" When the great Duchess of Marlborough was a widow, she used to give a family dinner every year in the fine house.between I'all Malland St. James's Park, now occupied by the Prince of Wales. .Seated at the-head of the table on oiw of theso occasions, she exclaimed, alluding to the number of the younger generations assembled, " What _ glorious .sight it is to see such a number of branches flourishing from the same root!" "Alas!" sighed Jack Spencer to a cousin next him, "the branches would flourish far better if the root were under the giound." But when the root 'wa3,underground . Marlborough: House did not remain yery long in the possession of her family, for it was • bought in 1817 by the Crown. An excellent .view Of .the house, takeu from St. James's Park, is contained in Part 111 of our " Beautiful Britain" Portfolio, which will be on sale TO-MORROWr \ ..PRICTOR & ORMSBY, .Stafford street. . '--"'. -..- 2lau SHEEP DlP.—Wanted AGENT (sole) for SALE of very succesffol Sheep Dip; effectiv« and cheap; Very liberal terms to firm with suitable, connection who would btock and oush sunir upon the basis: of a pnrchasiiipr agenc}-.— Write to " Chemicus," Messrs Deacon, 15-1 Leadenhall stieet, London. , ... 20au OVERCOATS (Men's), with ''Highland" : Capes; special.patterns Colonial Tweeds; reeuler stock ; reduced to 35s 6d.—Clothing F.-.c-tbry, Octagon. '-.-'", 21au ~WJ&T ANTED, "Four Hotsr-power Portable VV KNGINE, second-hand;—Jos. Sparrow, etigiiieer.... ~. ■■'•.-..••;',., ■ •' .-,- . ... ;19au rp6, TAILORS.-iFanted/ PARTNER, .^itli JL small capital, in Southland Business ; young man preferred.—Apply Thomson, Fox. ■ 17au fi REAT'S'uccesi of our CoJoscal Sals. ' Oar "Oh" Magnificent Stock at Greatly Reduced. Piices.—A. and T.-Ihslis, -~.. ..; .'. /.'JJOauBHORT OVERCOATS (Men's).—Fa»bion- ; able Blues, Blacks Fawns, made frp-rn tailoring materials; reduced to 32s 6d.—Clothing Fsctory, Octagon.^-. ' ■ 21au ' * hjr> B AUTIF.UL BRITAIN/—Order balance :.B3 of sets at once, to prevent disappointment;. PrictOi-.and Orn.sby. ' t _. 7~. : Sau GREAT Success of our Colossal Sale. Our '.' Magnificent Stock at Greatly Reduced Prices.—A. and,T. Inglis. . 21'au "p-TTEW SONG,—"Love's Luck." May nov/ X-^! be obtained; from Charles Begg and Co., Dresden Company,'orßraithwaitt/'s. -y 19au WANTED KNOWN-Best and Cheapest GROCERIES, at Robt. Mercer's, Careill road Store, - .South Dunedin. '..._, • 17au 1> EAUTIFUL JJ 'Sosnijs' make Beautiful > Pictures -''BEAUTIFUL BRITAIN," is a complete p^emplificatip-pn. of this. Coupons for , Oi'aßo; Daily Times and, Otago. Witnegs.—Hri<-t(ir and Ornii-by.- : • lOau /^VEIJCOArS .', .(Meu's) 'V'^iiih ' HighUhd ™l_F 'Capes'; special", pitterris Cololi ial Twesda ; j-egiilar-.'stock:'■ reduced to 353 ,ed;~ .Clothing I'Vcto ■y, < idta'son.-." ;.: :.:'••.''-■ ■'• 21'«u (SKEAT Success'of,our Coloasaj Sale Out JA Magnificent Stock at 'Greatly 'Reduced Prices —A. and T. Inglis. 20au -A V CONCERT will be given by Miss Bollon ■__a_ in Webb's Hail. Middlemarch,' on Friday, September 13._ ! ■■/..- ;.. -.' - -...,-■■ 16au ''•.'7%. OVB!S I/UCK'-'i'New Song).—Ths Lat^t AA London Sucbess. Order from Cbatles Bet'ft' and Co;; Dresden Compinv, or -Braith-.' waite's. -■.'■': ' ■--,■■■■■: '-. ■ " - 18 au ."■ pEAUTIFULBRITAI[N 7'-(>db^^ O of sets atones,to prevent disappointment. Prictor and Ormsby. Bau ~«f ANTED KNOWN—Mrs Tcnkir., dress¥f maker, has removed toco: ncr Filleul and St _Andr3W)_treets.-.";..; ■ .J '■■ Kau "¥)|7ATERPRO.OFS (MchY) for Riding, y? Driving; special makes: reduced prices.— Leading House, Clothing Fscr.ory, Octagon. 21au fi RE&T "Success of our Colossal Sale. Our AJJT Magnificent Stock at Greatly Reduced Prices.—A. andT. Inglis. '■- 20au' TITrANTED Known—Tinsmiths', Plumbers', ■V V and GasfitTers' Tools and Machines for Sale.—William Couston. importer, Eattray street. BEAUTIFUL BRITAIN."—Order balance of sots at once, to prevent disappointment. Prictor and Oriiisby.' Sau ]% / |"ISS FORD, Dressmaker, 'Lower York JLv.a. place..—Cutting and Fitting; chaiens moderate. ..,...' ~."'. Ifijy \~%Jf HY -buy Rubbish of UMBRELLAfV i'rom ; Drapers, when you can get Our Own Make- 25'ner cent, cheaper? Compare our Prices and Quality with the so-called cheap drapery sales.—lethaby, Princes street. .:_'.- "j^TOTHING succeeds like success. We ReJjN coveri:d last year 5000 Umbrellas ;we want to Cover 10,000 this year. All clnsses of material, from 2s 6d. Sc'ksoi-s; Knivt-s, a' d Razors Ground end Set^— LETHASYj Princes street. 31jyj, WANTED KNOWN—Tbe NEWTENUS' , TOBACCO, at J. Mendelsohn's; s-7 lmy '^XT'ATBRPROOFS (Men's). — Job Lots v-.?.- reduced to .-dear, sewn and taped, 27s 6d. — Clothing Factory, Octagon. 21au e REAT.Success of our Colossal Sale. Our Magnificent Sock at Greatly Reduced Prices—A. aiid T. Inglis 20au T-ENAVITH'S DYE XVORKS; King street (opposite Bacon's stables), can be relied on to give thorough satisfaction. 6)y BBAUTIFUL BRITAIN," 6d each part"; 8d posted.—Prictor and Ormsby, Stafford street.. :. ' ■ ' ; : Sau A. HOOPER is Selling Every Class of A? pf Household Furnitureon Saturday, at 2.30, at Room?, Octagon. .-■-,. "VTICKEL-P.LATED Rochester Lamps (large _Jq size). 10s 6d each.- F. A. Hooper, Octagon, next Mr Myers WALNUT Overmantels, bevelled plates, 39s 6d.—F., A.' Hooper and Co., Octagon, next.Mr Myers. "OCR best value in Furniture and Furnishlnss As visit F. A. Hooper and Co., Octagon, next Mr_M yers. ' -. ■ . -'■ BOVTBLE Woven Wire Mattresses (full size), ,18s 6d each.—F. A. Hooper aud Co., Octagon, i:,ext Mv Myers. FURNITURE, Carpets, Floorcloths, &c, Sold Every Saturday Afternoon, at 2.30, at our Roonr-s. Oct aeon , _Cq BEAUTIFUL. .BRITAIH."—Superb Col- . lection of Phojogrsphs. Cheappst and Most Artistic Portfolio ever issued in the Colony. Prine, SIXP-NCE. — Prietor and Ormsby, Stafford street. lOau ("^ REAT Success of our Colossal Sale. Our 77 Magnificent Stock at Greatly Redunod Prices.—A. and T. Inglis. £oau WATERPROOFS (Men's) for Riding, Driving; special makes; reduced prices. Leading House, Clothing Factory, Octagoo. 2lau ~S NISRET, Psperhatiger aud Painter, has a? a RKMOVED to .St. Andrew street (late Walker Bros ). V.ew Stock of OILS, Paints (all colours). Varnish, Paint Brushes, Glass ; and all kinds of GlaziDg done cheaply.—J. Nfohet, >-my " T^TORRIS'S lndigtwMon Syrup" recom__Nj mends itself in Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Costiveness, Price, 3s. Sold at Neil's Dispensary. WOUND nothing like "Non-is's Indigestion j AS Syrup" after 30 years' indigestion, liver complaint.—Mrs James, Thames street, Oamaru.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 10444, 21 August 1895, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 10444, 21 August 1895, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 10444, 21 August 1895, Page 3