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fi I T Y. H A I. li.pEI.OBSS THE ATB S. Every Lessees ; The Land of tie Moa Dramatic WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, and MONDAY. Company. ■ PATRONS: COLLET DOBSON & BARRIE MARSCHEL'S U9n^ tl]lGo^ rnor and Glasgow, wn- i rsblp,B t*>e Mayors of Danedin end ROYAL IRISH DRAMATIC COMPANY. Wellington the Hon. R. J. Seddon (Premier), and Members of the Cabinet, and all kad-TO-MORROW (WEDNESDAY). TO-MORROW ARRAH-NA-POGUE. TO-NIGHT (TUE^Iy), AUG UST 20, RATTTRtia-v- o - ,Fo]% \SHORT SEASON ONLY. SATURDAY,, Special Extraordinary Production of tho THE BLACK FLAG brreat Romantic Spectacular New ■ ■> . . Zealand Drama. Box Plan at the Dresden. „_.„, ; n o .THE L^P 0F F" 5 MOA" t\ o, i. »„ , ~ . Realising some of the most Beautiful, Weird.and Day Sales at Allen's and Beissel's. Magniflcent Scenery in this Wonderland Tarifi : 2s, ls, and 6d. 20au Greatest Success in Drama of Modem Times. i n i -,' ..„ ~. __. me Scenes will comprise: _ "~ a TTm^T^-PI^CITY AND SUBURBS, Brapsrjr. , AUCKLAND-Waitemata Harbour and adjacent — __„ Islands, . OmNEMUTU and LAKE ROTORHA, THE WHAREPUNI of REWI, THE BUSH of TiKITIRI, „„„ __ THE PINK TERRACES, . THE SULPHUR ISLAND and THE BLACK CRA.TER —*■«**. THE PATH OF FIRE and THE DEVIL'S FIRST GRAND SHOW TTTE t at4^l2 LE' "■"»»... ihe LAKE OF ROTOMAHANA, - of _ ' Andthe ERUPTION OF TARAWERA. NEW SEASON'S GOODS The Magnificent Scenery by ARTHUR CLINT Reappearance of the Popular Comedian, On MR GEORGE LEITCH, TUESDAY, 20th AUGUST. AND FOLLOWING BanT^^S'^^SSl_i 9^ DAYS.'. w . -.War Dances, Hakas, Tangis. .Notwithstanding the enormous outlay, the — Management ha?e determined to charge Popular n ou- i> i. a. a , Prices, samely—3s, 2s, and One SbiUmg. Our Shipments to hand are most satisfactory, D*y sales Jacobs's and Allen's, and will be found superior to any we have yet had Curtain rises 7.45. Carriages 10.45. .. . , . .. . ■ . Box Plan at the Dresden. _3an the pleasure of presenting to our customers. TJ. _— Z —~ ■ rr". QALVA TI O N ARUt V In the following Departments weshall show a *-3 —- " coUection of Special Purchases, which will cer- TheFanio"s GUARDS' BAND on THURSDAY "NIGHT tainly uphold our "reputation for HIGH-CLASS Admission,'6d. ARTICLES and gain the admiration of all : — 20*u W. G. MACKEY, Captain. French and English Mil- Coloured Dress Mate- ■ ~~ ; —' ~i~. — linery. rials. Business Announcements Flo wera, Birds, Fea- Black Dress Materials. ' T~ ' — .. „ . €> _, . • ~ WM. ELDER. • there. ■-••.■• Evening and Bridal ■—- — —— ' ■- Underclothing & Baby Materials. 1 S P*Ty y°a should not know tbafc Linen. Silfa, Velvet., Plushes. £"^ "** *" ' *ataafly BemOTed Pelisses, Frocks, and Mantles and Jackets. TRADER'S Cachete. Is 6d per box. Thrtyo^ Robes. Capes, Visites. Cloaks. -fl-U_ Cough or Cold can be cured by Elder's Laces, Ribbons, and Blouses and Shirts. X|RONCHO. 2s per bottle. That the old Nets ' Prints, Zephyrs, and .££ White Horse" is now a firstHdass,.np-to-LadieS' and Children's Ginghams. ——■ . Glove& __ C^SJS^^^- 1 HERBEET, HAYNES, & CO. T^^T^^^^l ~ you this, so ~~~ ' T|o^^ OU Trforgeiit :^ WM- ELDER, Chemist, *T WE KEEP OPEN ALL DAY ON -ES M„ V lte *? ora? gmlding, George street Open Wednesday; closed Saturday. 1 pjS. to 7p m WEDNESDAYS. e , rT — — • . SMITH AND.SMITH. -pAPBRHANGINGS.-JnstOpened aLargo VrtaU.x. ™;°?*\? f A New Designs from the best . -c-ngiish manufacturers.—Smith and Smith. 30 000 3 *?■*__?*• Magnificent ■'■'■'■' SWy 'Dep.-Sns for Dining and Drawing -■■■•'■ ' - ■ Rooms a t . Low p rices ._ Sm i th - and g itl^ " ■ ■■ Uctagon. . ' GoveniDient ITotificatioil.. "P^ERHANGINGS.-High-elass Goods for - : : ' £-. Room Decorations, with Dadoes and .-_e. e-^a tS>7#& Jnezestomatph. Inspection Invited. T- -' "' J^^S^®!' " a.' ' 00^ PIECESjo Choose From. Sani c*!ffi§H!lJ«_lilp=l^ taryor Cashable Paperhangings « Great Variety.-Smith and Smith, OctTgo^ ■T S_iS ,X A9°»AIL Y. TIM E 8 PICTURE Frame" Mouldings"'in" differ^ JL has been appointed I' qualities-in Rose, TfZ GaLßl^k THE GAZETTE White, and Gold, &c., & c . Ck" For thk Provincial District of Otago for TrftAPER-FTAwrTivrpc; m ■ m.- ,_ ; — ', the Year 1895 r ffirT^- ? a"1 Tmts (washable), for the Publication of all NOTIFICATIONS ith Dadoes and Frieze« to match.-Smith and . which by any Act of theGenexal-Aasemhlyj.or by : : ■ : . any Ordinance of the Province of Otago, require 13APERHANGTNGS.— Purchasers should Tn to be inserted m the Provincial Gazette. A spect our Stock. We ofEer Great Vw-iwHr ; —— —-. and Best Value. .-.. an- ro** V. b O' X RDE f an-d^liniu^LPair-t<notP°ison«ws)for ca^^^lS^M^ 7^l RoofB ,', m Grey,_ Brown..and Broken Green; 7s Gd per gallon.—Smith and Smith.: CIATLINS RIVER RAILWAY. A RTISTS' Colours and Boxes, Stretcher* 7 £t-, (SS r XS_ es> and Materials Wholesale and TENDERS will be received at this Offlce until Retail.-SMITH & SMITH. Noon on FRIDAY, the 23rd'inst., for SUPPLY • : ~ and DELIVERY of IRONAVORK for BRIDGES ■ . - ■ - ■ t. boss. at Owaka. Specificatioas and conditions may be CH TDHir TAirTM-n ro • 7~777~7 — T~ seen at this Office. The lowest or any tender not S StS^T iPI B^!?? s a* Tneces.arilyacc.pted. ? .^ S-SK^T " * PubUc Works Office, ■ ™^^^- M^X^ca^Tn^^^^' Dunedin, 16th August 1895. > s^t^S|^Sd^. Ja , ' _,„ ~ WENOUSKIBear. Boas.'were 9s'lid-now 3 S toacne3 and Buses. *l<l; were 22s 6d—niw 15s. Real Far .— : - ■ Collarettes and Pelerines, 2s lld. JJ* J^v^iSl T , A? ISS' WB™ Serge Knickers or Bloomers Wi@WmM B- M x&° r^^I 48 "<iuired)-4he latest Dnn- . edin Noveltj'—7s 6d each. 'Bus leaves Portobello for Dunedin IJAILYat _^ T°2?"?"AKIN^, Barsrains in Towels, Gloves, Sa.m.^eturningSp.m. Fare, Is each way, and _Sirts ot> & f^e^^oZ^^' a"d from Waverley, 6d; Children underMO years of — : importer. age,' Half-price. J- G. gbben. DAVDD SEATON, Proprietor, O KA PAIRS Sample Boots and Shoea. Mason'B City Stables. .Entrance : Lower Moray Splendid Goods. Half usual prices! place and Cumberland street. See wmoows— 37 George street.. *" •-_&) » T ,AP lES'French Kid Instep-strap Shoes. 6s-«d-" v. c^^^^Mto -X- feh%a 7s6d: ™^^^/S "'^^^^^^^ .fIEOTLEMEN'S Tan Leather Shoea from 6s ROYAL MAIL COACH'TO HIGHGLTFF &„ 11f: Canvas, 5s 6d; English sewn samplfi AND^SANDYMOUNT. "°V^,- ri Balmorals from 9s Ud to Ife 6d. *"" '~ Leaves Sandymount aT1.30 a.m. every Tuesday. S^S^d^e^Sho^ 5 .f fif ff^?S Thursday, and Saturday; returning froS Dunedfn i£ _^, 5s 6d • TSArTa** ' "^ at A p.m. — —^ — : '. __^ FARES: From Sandymount, Is 6d single; 2s 6d Ctt^l.V .?^S BelfiJ am TPl6s; t? U l Wees. return. _ From Highcliff, l s each way. Ygvw W_^*Jr** mD JAMES CHALLIS, Proprietor. , — ~ : —^ JeflVs Criterion Stable 3, JONATHAN khodes and CO. Miy . . M°rayplsCß- WB Live to. Die. aud Dye to UvIZ g&.Sss.-Ai®k ■■ oJ* JONATHAN RHODES & CO., Practical !ss&^&m#!&^ : g.te,a™ Dyers and Cleaners, U6 Georg& street and Y. -^S^^^^r^^s^^i B Kelvin Grove. B'T3«SP^ 53i3SS3r (!=> \\f E Import our Dye Wares and Chemicals OVAL MAIL LINE OF COACHES ?7 specially to suit the Colonial trade, hence customers can rely on a thorough job. PALMERSTONTOi™URN,vuWAIHEMO W^'guarantee Fast Cofcura-no rubbing AND GREEN VALLEY. V V as our Goods are Dyed by competent "m. , T ■ , 777 —, ~ workmen, not simply stained by amateurs. iue »C3T(> Line of Coaches, connecting with ' . Ova ig and Co., leave Palmerston for Naseby, via <M EN i'LEMEN'S Suits Dyed, Cleaned, and Waihemo and Kyeburn every Tuesday and Satur- >X Pressed, 7s 6d ; Cleaned and Pressed only, day at 11 a.m. after arrival of first train from ss; Ladies' Dresses Dyed, 5s to 7s b'd. llja Dunedin and Oamaru; arrive Naseby 8 p.m. " — Leave Naseby Monday and Wednesday at S a.m., w. and r. scott. arriving at Palmerston at 5 p.m. TTTrr X- n QrinTT tit i m-, Leave Palmerston for Nenthorn,'via Dunback AY 7- t J thi Mer^ allt Tailors, and , Macraes, every Monday, Wednesday and J',.° Ueneral Outfttters l Princes street. Friday at 11.15 a.m.; Returning from Nenthorn r>»°edll1' '- Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday iat 12 noon, TAH ORS ~ ~~ ' reaching Palmerston-at 5 p.m. \J . JAMES JEFFS, Proprietor. _^,tjwat> mnwrirv-oct ' « Office : Empire Stables, Palmerston. CLOTHIERS, JlM'rJlLjSll I^HEAP HATTERS, '. ' ~* **^^^^^^^^- T\. ' |^<HEAP HOSIERS, ~~~ ' " ROYAL MAIL LINE OF COACHES ~ " (C0BB_&C0.). W. u SOOTT, Merchant Tailor. General n The above Line of Coaches leave Lawrence for W. Scott and C^f' rtrßet' »™*^° Roxburgh, Clyde, Cromwell, Queenstown, and all ". — intermediate places every Monday, Wednesday . howell and co and Friday, on arrival of first train from Dunedin, ~77777~77777~Z — returning on the alternate days. For Roxburgh -i^^C WILL Pay for jour Piano Repair, and intermediate places daily. • cSSS"I^ including Hammers Covered»nd Touch Leave Hyde for Hamiltons, Kyeburn. Naseby, Regulated.—Howell and Co., Octagon and St. Bathans on Mondays, Wednesdays, and ts™™,,. ~ ; '- :— Fridays at 12.30 p.m.; and St. Bathans for Clyde 1 - N- L- afi T)lf G Purchasers should visit HoweU and intermediate places on Tuesdays, Thursdays £s ,?. U)' s enlarsed Pianoforte Showrooms in and Saturdays at 8 a.m. \r ' ' the Octagon. Leave Clyde for St. Bathans and intermediate traextcs. wnx x>, i™_ ~. „ Z — places on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at &3,R £ Pu^9 hase a. Splendid New Iron 12noou; and St. Bathans for Kyeburn and^de me Plan0' M flowell and C<)'son Tuesdays, Thuredaj^s, and Saturdays ats aTm jU deposltarrivkit *_t D^rtin ail y,rC R °ane- tilVg *%.*»«»«■ "O"GPKINSON'S Pianos give the utmost safeHvd^ii*,tS_?f t ?t p-™- ; -c^wptMS at JJ. faction. Perfect touch and tone.-F. l&.l ™£f- iMl^vmgDnneainatraan. Howell and Co., agents, Octagon. Full particulars from Thomas Cook and Son, ■■ L-= : — Dunedin, an from , T>IANOS and ORGANS may be Purchased at „ , „ H. CRAIG ifc CO. JL HoweU and Co.'s on the Easiest Possible Head Office : Peel street, Lawrence. Terms.—Octagon. ■~ ~ " . ■ r 1 X SHIIJLINGS only is Raised by HOWELL P.rcnnol k XCF AND CO., Octagon, for Threa Tunings per -rersonai. ,» annum. Try them. __Z__*> n WANTBD, present ADDRESS jof R WILLIAMS, lately at Middleinarch.- Public Notices. Anyone knowing same will oblige by forwarding it to MP, Box 176, P. 0., Dunedin. 7 Ifeu DAILY TIKES AND WITKBSS ~"" " ' 7 = \J NEWSPAPERS COMPANY (EIMTTSD) ••"gEAUTIFUL BRITAIN.' — T ,. f ~ -77. _. _, „ ("'. NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS, lhe issue of another Part finds the popularity of our "Beautiful Britain "Portfolio unimpaired. Although things as a rule are dull in all sorts of ' nn'JDWNr) WARRANTS f_^ *i,« u.ic business, the sales of the Portfolio yesterday were m msisD WARRANTS for the half-year highly satisfactory. Everyone is surprised to find ending 31st July will be PAYABLE afcthe Comwould not fall below the standard of Part 11. . THURSDAY, 22nd inst. PRICTOrToRMSBY, ' GEORGE FENWICK, Staetord Street. lfau l Angurt.l7.Mßß. Managxag Direct^

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 10443, 20 August 1895, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 10443, 20 August 1895, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 10443, 20 August 1895, Page 1